5-Shear Design of Beams

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Concrete Design-1

Shear Design of Beams

 Shear stress is defined as the magnitude of the
internal force acting parallel to the area divided
by the area.
 This stress is produced due to the sliding of
various layers of the material on one another.
 Shear stress along the depth of cross-section for
homogeneous, elastic and uncracked beams
may be calculated by using the following
V = applied shear force at the section,
Q = first moment of area of the part of
the section lying between the point where the
shear stress is required and the nearest
outermost fibers about the neutral axis,
I = moment of inertia of the cross
section about the corresponding axis of
b = width of the section at the location
where the shear stress is required.
 The shear stresses acting on the vertical sections
are complementary to the horizontal shear
stresses in the longitudinal direction of the beams.
 At the neutral axis, a differential element has only
the shear stresses and hence the principal axes
are oriented at 45 to the longitudinal axis of the
member, as shown in Fig. 5.1.
 Away from the neutral axis, the principal stress
angle increases until it becomes horizontal on the
tension face, and decreases until it becomes
vertical on the compression face.
 The tensile stress trajectories appear as shown in
Fig. 5.2(a).
v v

Expected Crack
v Line

a) Differential Element at Neutral b) Differential Element Away From Neutral

Axis Closer to Right Support. Axis towards Compression Side.
 Cracks also develop on the same pattern along the
tensile principal stress paths, Fig. 5.2(b).
 Near the supports, cracks appear at almost 45
originating from the neutral axis, which quickly
spread towards the two faces.
 These shear cracks are called pure shear, web or
inclined shear cracks.
 When these cracks extend towards the supports,
they weaken the anchorage of the main steel.
 Away from the supports but within length of the
beam having shear force, flexural cracks appear first
on the tension side penetrating vertically upwards.
Flexural Shear Cracks
Flexural Shear Cracks

a) Stress Trajectories in a Beam. b) Shear Cracks in a Beam.

 When the effective cross-section reduces
due to these cracks, shear becomes
dominant and the crack become inclined at
angles closer to 45.
 These cracks are termed as flexural shear
cracks. The average shear stress along the
depth of the beam is given by the formula:
v = V / bwd
 Where, V is the applied shear force, bw is
the width of the beam and d is its effective

It depends on the following factors:

1. Concrete compressive strength

2. Applied moment to shear ratio and

effective depth

3. Longitudinal reinforcement ratio

Concrete Compressive Strength
 Greater concrete strength usually corresponds
to more tensile and shear strengths.
 This remains true even after initial cracking of
the concrete at certain locations.
 The maximum value of allowed by the ACI
code is 8.3 MPa, except in prestressed
concrete beams and joists.
 This means that the expressions are valid for
fc up to 69 MPa.
Vc  f c
Applied Moment To Shear Ratio And Effective Depth
 The ratio of the applied moment (M) and shear (V)
at a particular section may simply be calculated as
 Greater is this ratio at a particular section of the
member, flexural cracks appear quite earlier
reducing the net area to resist shear.
 Consequently, the effective shear strength is
 The opening of the initial flexural cracks may be
controlled by providing greater effective depth (d)
and in-turn the shear strength may vary as directly
proportional to the effective depth.
V V a

 This means that the shear strength of
concrete may be considered as inversely
proportional to the factor (M/Vd).
 In case of field beams usually subjected to
uniformly distributed loads, the ratio M/V is to
be calculated at the cross-section of concern.
 However, for experiments, usually
concentrated loads are applied
symmetrically, as shown in Fig. In such
cases, the M/Vd ratio simplifies to the shear
span over effective depth ratio (a/d).
M = maximum moment = V a
M/V = a
M a

Vd d
Where a = the shear span
The shear span to effective depth ratio (a/d
ratio) in experimental beams have the same
effect as M/Vd ratio in beams subjected to
any other types of loads.
 Very short shear spans (a/d  1.0) show tied
arch action at failure in place of beam action
as in Fig.
 Inclined cracks joining the load and the
support are produced damaging the
horizontal shear flow from the longitudinal
steel to the compression zone.
 The arch is tied at the bottom by the flexural
reinforcement and the final failure mode is
commonly the anchorage failure at the ends.
Fictitious Arch
 Short shear spans (a/d from 1.0 to 2.5) also
develop arch action after the formation of inclined
cracks but the total load is partly carried by this arch
action and partly by the dowel action of the main
reinforcement combined with the mechanical
interlocking between the cracked inclined surfaces.
 The failure takes place by bond or dowel failure
along the flexural reinforcement or by the shear
compression failure.
 In shear compression failure, the inclined crack
rises higher into the beam than a flexural crack,
reduces the compression area, and causes
crushing of concrete over the crack.
 Slender shear span (a/d from 2.5 to 6.0) do
not develop arch action and failure occurs
purely by the flexural shear cracks.
 The resistance offered by concrete in shear
after the initial crack is only due to
mechanical interlocking of concrete
surfaces at cracks and dowel action of
horizontal steel.
 Very slender shear span beams (a/d > 6.0)
usually fail in flexure without the formation
of inclined cracks.
Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio
 Smaller steel ratio (w) causes flexural cracks to
extend higher into the beam and to open more.
 This reduces the shear capacity of the remaining
smaller section. Longitudinal steel provides dowel
action and prevents relative vertical movement of
two parts of the beam formed by the inclined
 It also helps to provide more interlocking between
the cracked surfaces in case of hairline cracks.
 The dowel action ends after splitting of concrete
horizontally at the level of the main reinforcement.
 Longitudinal steel also acts as a tie if arch action
has to develop for smaller a/d ratios.
Vc  w
For members without axial force, the shear
strength (Vc) provided by the concrete alone
is given by:
 Vud 
Vc  0.16  f c 17  w  bwd  0.29  f c bw d
 Mu 

 Vc = Concrete shear strength, N

 Vu = Factored shear at the section, N

 Mu = Factored moment at the section, N-mm
 d = Effective depth, mm
 Vud / Mu  1.0, the maximum value to be
used in the formula must be 1.0, even if it is
actually more
  = modification factor for light-weight
concrete, 1.0 for normal weight concrete
 v = 0.75
 The above equation involves calculation of Vu
and Mu at each section and hence the
manual calculations become lengthy.
 The ACI Code gives an alternate and easy
equation to estimate the shear strength of
concrete, which is as follows:

Vc  0.17  fc bwd

Average Safe Ultimate Shear Stress
for No Shear Reinforcement.

Table 5.1. Safe Ultimate Shear Stress for No

Shear Reinforcement.
fc Average Shear Stress
17.25 0.265
20 0.285
22 0.299
25 0.319
28 0.337
30 0.349
The shear reinforcement commonly consists of No.
10 to 16 mm bars anchored against the flexural
reinforcement and hanger bars. These stirrups may
be single, double or four legged having the shapes
as shown in Fig.
Av = combined area of all transverse legs of the
stirrup at a particular cross-section,
s = longitudinal spacing of the stirrups,
Vs = shear strength provided by the stirrups at a
particular cross-section.
 Knowing that both the applied shear force
and the stirrups are in the transverse
direction, it is expected that, after the
formation of cracks, one shear stirrup can
resist Avfy force.
 The average resistive force provided per
unit length of beam then becomes Avfy / s.
 If the dimension of a crack is assumed to
be equal to d in the longitudinal direction,
the shear strength provided by the stirrup
(Vs) becomes:
Av f y d
Vs  (N)
Used to Cover-up
The Deficiency

 The strength reduction factor for shear (v) is

taken equal to 0.75.
 It is relatively lesser than the corresponding
factor in bending, giving more factor of safety,
due to firstly the sudden nature of failure and
secondly the larger scatter of the test results.
 If Vu is lesser than vVc, theoretically no web
reinforcement is required.
 However, if Vu  vVc/2, the ACI Code requires
the provision of a minimum area of web
reinforcement for extra safety as given below:
 bw s bw s
Av,min  0.062 f c  0.35
f yt f yt
Where Av,min = total cross-sectional area of web
steel within distance, s
and fyt = the specified yield strength of
transverse reinforcement.
 The second expression governs for fc  31.9 MPa.
This minimum reinforcement provides an average
shear stress capacity of 0.35 MPa.
 It is important to note that the maximum spacing
limit of d/2, given later, is also required to be
satisfied for this minimum web reinforcement.
 The exceptions where this minimum reinforcement
is not required are the members that have capacity
to redistribute stresses across the width of the
member or in some cases to adjacent members,
having following examples:
 Slabs and footings.
 Concrete joist construction.
 Shallow beams with a total depth not greater than 250mm
and beams integral with slabs, having depths not greater
than 600 mm and larger of 2.5 times the thickness of the
flange and one-half the width of the web.
 The non-prestressed sections located less than a
distance d from the face of the support may be
designed for the same shear, Vu, as that computed at a
distance d.
 This provision should not be used in case of inverted
beam with load applied on the slab acting as flange of
the beam.
 This is due to the presence of local compressive
bearing stresses due to the support reaction, which
reduces the chances of development of shear cracks.
 The loads applied to the beam within a distance d from
the support will be transferred directly to the support by
an inverted wedge of concrete in compression formed
within 45 cracks.
Critical section for design Face of support

S. F. Diagram
 If required shear to be resisted by the
transverse steel (Vs) exceeds

0.66 f b d (N)
c w

the cross-sectional dimensions must be


When required Vs does not exceed 0.33 f c bwd (N)
the maximum spacing is given by
smax = smaller of the following three:

i) Av f yt
ii) d / 2
iii) 600 mm
When required Vs exceeds

0.33 f c bw d (N)
the maximum spacing is given by
smax = smaller of the following three:

Av f yt
ii) d / 4
iii) 300 mm
 Vn = Vc + Vs
 For design, Vu  vVn where v = 0.75
 v Av f y d
Vu  vVc
v Av f y d
s max 
(Vu  vVc )
 The size and number of legs of stirrups
should be selected to avoid a spacing making
the pouring of concrete difficult, which should
commonly be not less than 80 to 90 mm.

Exterior Panel Interior Panel

wun/2 wun/2

S. F. Diagrams

 Plot exact or ACI Code shear force diagram for the
beam. Also draw bending moment diagram if the
exact equation for Vc is to be used.
 Find maximum design shear, Vu, and factored
moment, Mu, at d distance from inner face of the
 Calculate concrete shear strength preferably using
the exact equation. However, if the data for exact
equation is not available, the approximate equation
may be used.
 If Vu  vVc/2, then shear reinforcement is not
required according to the code. A minimum amount
of stirrups may be provided to keep the longitudinal
steel in position.
 Decide whether cross-sectional dimensions
are all right or the size has to be increased.

 Generally, if Vs > 0.33 fc bwd (N)

the size is to be increased. However, we

may go to double of this value in
exceptional cases.
 Decide a trial diameter and shape of the
stirrup and calculate Av.
 Calculate the maximum required spacing
as follows:
smax = the smallest out of the following
four values:
Av f yt
ii) d / 2
iii) 600 mm
v Av f yt d
(Vu  vVc )

If Vs > 0.33 f c bwd (N) , reduce the values
given by the conditions (ii) and (iii) to one-
half of the above values.
 Round the calculated spacing to the nearest
10mm multiples. If this value is lesser than
about 80mm, increase the number of legs of
stirrups (if possible), yield strength of stirrup
steel (if feasible) or the diameter of the
 Place first stirrup at s / 2 distance from the
inner face of the support and decide how
many of such spaces are to be continued
towards the center of the beam.
 Usually the spacing for the most critical
section is continued up to a distance in-
between n/5 to n /4.
 Calculate Vu and Mu at this new location.
 It is to be noted that the spacing may be
recalculated after placement of each stirrup
if the construction is carried out in a factory
under controlled conditions and a computer
program is used for the calculations.
 Repeat steps 3 onwards leaving the
irrelevant steps to calculate spacing up to
the point where no shear reinforcement is
required or make calculations for one more
point in-between.
 Location beyond which shear stirrups are
not required by the ACI Code can be
approximately found by equating the
expression for the external shear in terms
of distance from the support, x, to vVc/2,
using the approximate relation for the
concrete shear strength.
Example 5.1 (SI Units): A simply
supported rectangular beam of size
300525 mm, having an effective depth of
450mm, carries a total factored load of 130
kN/m. The clear span of the beam is 4.5m
(effective span = 4.8m). The flexural
reinforcement consists of 8#25 US
customary bars (As = 4080 mm2), four of
which are curtailed at 450mm short of face
of supports. Use C-20 concrete and Grade
280 steel. Using double legged stirrups,
design the web reinforcement.
130 kN/m

4.5 m

312 kN
0.15 m
S. F.
312 kN

B. M.
Vx  312  130x
Mx  312x  65x 2

The shear and moment at the critical section, d

distance from inner edge of the support, are as
Vu = 234 kN ; Mu = 163.8 kN-m

Vu d 234  0.45
  0.643  1.0
Mu 163.8
4080 / 2
w   0.015
300  450
 Vu d 
Vc  0.16  f c  17  w  bw d  0.29  fc bwd
 Mu 

 0.16 1 20 17  0.015  0.643
300  450

0.29 1 20  300  450

= 118.7  175.1 kN
= 118.7 kN
 vVc = 0.75108.7 = 81.53 kN ;
vVc/2 = 40.76 kN
 Vu > vVc/2
 Transverse reinforcement is required.
 Vu  vVc = 234.00 – 89.03 = 144.97 kN
 Vs = (Vu  vVc) /v = 144.97 / 0.75 = 193.3 kN
 300  450
0.33 f c bw d  0.33 20   199.2kN
V < 0.66 f  b d  Cross - sectional dimensions are OK
s c w

However, V s > 0.33 f c  bw d and the spacing limits

are to be used accordingly.
 Let diameter of bar = #10 US
Then, area of double legged stirrup,
Av = 142 mm2
 smax = the smallest out of the following four
Av f yt 142  280
i)   379mm
0.35bw 0.35 300
ii) d / 4 = 112 mm
iii) General minimum = 300 mm
v Av f yt d 0.75 142  280  450
iv)   92mm
(Vu  vVc ) 144.97 1000

Say 90 mm
 s = say 90 mm ≥ 80 mm (OK)
 First stirrup is placed at s/2 = 45mm distance
from face of support.
 n/5 = 900mm and n/4 = 1125mm.
 Eleven intervals of stirrups may be provided
at a spacing of 80mm.
 The location of the last stirrup is defined as
x = 0.150 + 0.045 + 10  0.090 = 1.095 m
 At x = 1.095 m:
Vu = 169.65 kN ; Mu = 234.06 kN-m
Vu d
 0.326  1.0  w  0.030
Mu ;
 Vu d 
Vc  0.16  f c  17  w  bw d  0.29  fc b w d
 Mu 

 0.16 1 20  17  0.030  0.326 300  450
0.29 1 20  300  450


= 119.04 ≤ 175.08
= 119.04 kN
vVc = 0.75119.04 = 89.28 kN ;
vVc/2 = 44.64 kN
 Vu > vVc/2  Transverse
reinforcement is required.
 smax = the smallest out of the following
four values:
Av f yt 142  280
i)   379mm
0.35bw 0.35 300
ii) d / 2 = 225 mm
iii) General minimum = 600 mm
v Av f yt d 0.75142  280  450
iv)   167mm
(Vu  vVc ) (169.65  89.28) 1000

= say 160 mm
 To find the location after which stirrups are not
required theoretically, let Vx = vVc/2.
Approximate relation for Vc may be used here.

 Vx = 0.17  fc b w d
0.17 20
312 – 130 x = 0.75   300  450
2 1000
0.75130 x = 312 – 38.49
 x = 2.10 m
 Continue a spacing of 150 mm for 7 intervals.
 An extra stirrup may be provided at the center.

11@90mm C/C 7@160mm C/C

880 1050 280
40 CL
4-#25 B
#10@80mm C/C
Section BB

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