PHED - Jhajjar RFP
PHED - Jhajjar RFP
PHED - Jhajjar RFP
i. The DPR should be prepared for the entire project area covering all
habitations/ towns of the said block/ village/ town where the project is
ii. To carry out necessary detailed survey & investigation, identify gaps in data
and information, interaction with District Administration, local people wherever
iii. To assess the various water supply/sewerage/ storm drainage plans, system
being taken up in the area and determine their interface and interaction with
proposed water supply system.
iv. To identify the proper location of water source i.e. outlet at canal, sump intake
well, infiltration gallery, alignment of raw and clear water rising mains and
distribution networks, sewerage network, storm system, cross-draining
features, canal, road (State Highway / National Highway) and railway
crossing etc. Pumping Stations (PS), Water Treatment Plant/ Sewerage
Treatment Plant, elevated storage reservoirs & ground storage reservoir and
power supply etc.
v. To carry out Total Station (TS) survey, Drone survey, GIS survey for raw and
clear water rising mains and distribution networks, contour survey for WTP/
STP site wherever required.
vi. To fix-up benchmark stations at all proposed sites such as Intake Well, STP,
WTP, ESR etc.
vii. To carry out trial pit up to 1.5 M depth at a distance of 0.5 Km to 1.0 Km,
depending upon change of direction, gradient, obstruction etc. for raw and
clear water rising mains in order to assess the type of soil excavation and
water table condition for laying pipeline.
viii. Preparation of hydraulic design and specification for pumping systems at
Intake, STP, WTP & Storage site etc. specification of pipes, valves and other
fittings etc. as per CPHEEO manual of water supply and sewerage.
ix. Detailed Computer Aided Design on reputed software for hydraulic design
and drawing along ‘L’ section of raw and clear water rising mains distribution
system along with inter connection arrangements for consecutive zones.
Detailed structural design and drawings of intake well, STP, WTP, ESR &
UGR, pumping arrangement, thrust blocks, chambers for water
appurtenances, power supply and other related structures etc. in all
complete. All drawings are to be made in Auto- CAD and Geo referenced.
x. Distribution network & inter connection arrangements with adjacent zones
design and layout plan prepared by use of established software shall be
submitted to employer with details of references. The entire water supply
system should be designed to ensure 8 hours of water supply per day to the
rural area or as required for urban areas. The softcopies of the design
calculations and drawings required to check the design calculations shall be
submitted to department by the agency and presented on the software to
department view.
xi. Preparation of cost estimates etc. The cost estimate should be as per the
current Haryana Schedule of Rates (SOR) for the scheduled items. Non-
scheduled as per prevalent market rates in Haryana. No lump sum provision
in the estimate is admissible unless indispensable.
xii. Documentation and Report preparation/ comprehensive report should include
all the above-mentioned information as well as presentation of inception
report. Survey & investigation report, Geo-technical study report with all
maps, field data, raw water quality testing report, the all design & drawing of
all components of Water Supply/ Sewerage/ Storm project and the cost
estimate of the project.
xiii. The scope of DPR will also include preparation of working drawing with
complete Geo referenced drawing, levels other relevant details require for
execution of work site.
xiv. Consultant will upload estimate on Haryana Engineering Works Portal from
their login.
xv. The abstract of scope of work of services for which consultancy is required to
be provided is as ‘A’
Name of Town Consultancy to be provided for Services.
Jhajjar Town Water Supply, Sewerage and Storm Water
Beri Town Water Supply, Sewerage and Storm Water
Bahadurgarh Water Supply, Sewerage and Storm Water
xvi. Automation mode for mechanical and electrical equipment will be on GSM.
5.1 Survey, Studies and Investigations
(i) Consult the concerned circle& head office or other office for available
documents such as existing water supply networks, Sewerage / Storm
networks, sanitation plans, etc. The data available with PHED will be make
available at the concerned officer to the consultant devices for participating
in the e-tender.
(ii) Review existing status of physical Infrastructure based on above documents
and other available secondary data, & identify data gap.
(iii) Review of land availability & Environmental issues for identified projects
(iv) Identify requirements of surveys, studies and investigations.
(v) Conducting topographical land survey in the specified area using Total
Station & DGPS covering details of all physical features like Rivers, Nallahs,
Lakes, Ponds, wells, pits, Forest, Trees, Roads, culverts, transmission lines,
telegraph/telephone and electric poles, underground or any other services,
cross drainage works including cross sectional details of nallah etc.,
including establishing high flood level with source of information,
identification of any monument, historical structure, wild life sanctuary in the
vicinity, storm water disposal point with levels, cross-section details of
nallah, recording spot levels, including providing in tabulation girth wise no.
of trees etc as specified, plotting and developing topographical contour
maps with 7 m spacing, showing true north including establishing survey
reference stations/TBM with respect to GTS, key plan etc. including all
equipment's, instruments, personnel's, clearing of bushes as per
requirement for inter visibility to carry out survey work etc., including
submitting hard copies of drawings/map and supply of electronic files in
appropriate scale to the satisfaction of Engineer in Charge.
(vi) Wherever required, Carrying out soil investigation / stratification / laboratory
testing work including preparation of report, providing all manpower, tools,
tackles, materials, equipment and other support, facilities (including
mobilization and demobilization as required) necessary for the work, boring
minimum 150 mm nominal diameter borehole from Existing Ground Level
(EGL) to 20 m depth or upto rocky strata including Coring in Rock of Nx size
with double tube core barrel with diamond bits for Conducting the Standard
Penetration Tests, Conducting Atterberg's limit (Liquid Limit & Plastic Limit),
Conducting Natural water content on soil & rock samples, Conducting Bulk
and dry density tests on soil & rock samples, Conducting Specific gravity
and void ratio tests on soil & rock samples, Grain size analysis on soil
samples using seive analysis & Hydrometer, Conducting triaxial
Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) test on soil samples, Conducting
Unconfined Compression Tests on soil samples as specified, Conducting
Direct Shear Test on soil samples as specified, Conducting Consolidation
tests on soil samples as specified, Conducting Attreberg's limit,Conducting
Standard Proctor Density test on soil samples, Conducting Modified Proctor
Density test on soil samples, Laboratory CBR Tests on soil samples,
Conducting Laboratory Unsocked CBR Tests on soil samples as specified,
Conducting Laboratory Socked CBR Tests on soil samples as specified,
Conducting Unconfined Compression Test on Rock samples, Conducting
Point Load test on Rock samples, as per standard procedures and relevant
IS codes Conducting in boreholes as in accordance with requirements of
specifications and as per instruction of the Engineer-in-charge. Consultant
has to conduct survey himself after getting the award. However, basic data
can be taken from the concerned offices as per availability.
applicable, with the stakeholder to discuss the Detailed Design report and
prepare minutes for recording and circulation.
(xiv) Prepare consolidated bid documents, technical specifications, approved
contract drawings, final bills of quantities and any other necessary
information required for successful tendering and implementation of
contracts. The Bid document should be in accordance with the Government
of India / State Government guidelines.
(xv) Ensure that all of bidding documents and contract documents contain the
items are included in BOQ; also monitor the implementation of deliverables
during construction and pre/post construction phases.
(xvi) Develop a strategy to overcome the difficulties of construction/traffic
management in narrow streets and also prepare detailed plans for detour of
traffic during excavation for urban services, if required. Propose and prepare
implementation mechanism for coordination among all stakeholders such as
traffic police, roads department, user committees etc., for smooth
construction execution.
(xvii) Provisions for recycle/ reuse of treated used water may also be kept in
DPR. Identifying the bulk users of recycled used water and facilitating sale
of used water to potential users (e.g. industrial clusters such as
agriculture/textile/ leather/ paper/ power plants/ railways, etc. also be kept in
(xviii) As per the field requirement, any changes that to be made in the DPR with
respect of any policy or any guidelines or anything that will be done by
consultant only. Also, if required getting the technical sanctioned done will
also be facilitate by consultant.
(xix) Consultant will also updates drawing as “As Built Drawing” after completion
of execution phase.
5.4 Bidding process and contract award:
(i) Assist Public Health Engineering Department of the State in all aspects of
procurement including issuing bid invitation, addendum/corrigendum, and
clarifications to the bidder’s queries, bid evaluation, selection of contractors,
award of contract and signing of contract.
(ii) Prepare contract documentation to include Letter of Invitation, conditions of
contract, specifications, design parameters, bills of quantities, etc. for all
Other than team member be required for the consultancy is to be worked out by
the consultant as per the need of the project.
8.1 Qualification Requirements for the Key experts