Volume II
(Technical Bid)
Scope of work & Technical Specifications.
Rs 276.67 Lacs
The purpose of the Work of Work of Providing, laying, testing and
commissioning of DI / HDPE pipe line, Construction of RCC OHSR with allied
civil works with Defect Liability of One year and O&M for 5 years after Defect
Liability Period under Conversion of TSS into Piped Water Supply Scheme,
Sanjay Nagar, Tehsil Khetri, District Jhunjhunu on SPR Turnkey basis is to
convert TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar VIllage.
The contractor shall carryout all works wholly in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the contract to fulfill all the requirements of the project and the
tender documents. All the material used, and the equipment installed shall be as
per the specifications defined in the contract and the work shall be executed with
good engineering practices.
Generally the following activities shall be carried out for each component of this
contract but shall not be limited to:
(i) Submission of all documents required according to the Contract
(security money/ guarantee, etc.).
(ii) Submission of Action Plan/ Execution Schedule in accordance with the
provisions of Special Conditions for approval of the Engineer in Charge.
(iii) Getting approval of all QAPs, design and drawings, material to be used,
equipment specifications and the samples prior to dispatching /
installing /commissioning of work on site. Unless mentioned otherwise,
if for any specific provision, references have been made in more than one
specification, the provision more stringent and which complies with
latest standards shall be applicable and the discrepancy shall be
explained by the EIC whose decision shall be final.
(iv) Submission of the design/ specifications, catalogs and the technical data
sheets of all the equipment, electrical/ instrumentation/ automation
system, design of the electrical components, taking into account the
interfaces to the other project components/packages and the future
extensions of the project.
(v) Preparation and submission of structural designs and reinforcement
drawings for all civil structures of the work. All expenses for this shall
be borne by the contractor.
(vi) All road cuttings and also their repairs are included in the scope of work
of the contractor. The contractor shall provide encasing of the pipeline in
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case of road crossing (WBM/ tar/ concrete/ stone slabs etc.) along with
re-aligning, re-grading, strengthening and restoring damaged road
section and associated lengths. For road/railway crossings, the
contractor himself shall contact the concerning department
(NHAI/PWD/Raiways, etc) and obtain sanction to do the road cutting,
crossing and repair of road-cutting. The repairing is to be done as per
specifications of the concerning department, to their satisfaction. The
maintenance of the repaired sections shall also be done by the contractor
during the one year defect liability period. The department may provide
assistance, for obtaining road cutting permission, as demanded by the
contractor, whenever required. The cost of shifting of electrical poles,
transformers, etc., if any, shall also be borne by the bidder. The bidder
shall be solely responsible for any damage occurred to the telephone
lines, OFC cables, cutting of trees, cables, distribution/ rising water
mains and gas pipes, drains while laying clear water pipeline, and shall
be liable to pay the amount levied by respective department(s) for the
repair and/ or damages so occurred.
(vii) To co-ordinate with concerned officers of PHED, NHAI, PWD, Forest,
Mining, Railway, electric supply company and personnel of local water
supply system (for carrying out the installation of new equipment), with
the district administrative offices and other offices for necessary
approvals and certificates.
(viii) Manufacturing, shop testing, pre-dispatch inspection, transportation to
site, providing transit insurance, storage, handling at site, installation,
sectional testing, pre-commissioning testing, commissioning and trial
runs for all components of the system and the system as a whole,
including the hydraulic, mechanical, electrical, Electro-Mechanical and
instrumentation equipment.
(ix) Construction of all buildings and water retaining structures, chambers,
thrust blocks, anchor blocks, saddle supports and other civil and
engineering structures required for completion of the work.
(x) Ancillary Civil works, campus development and Buildings as defined
herein after
(xi) For laying pipeline, the cost of shifting of electrical poles, transformers,
etc. shall be borne by the contractor. The bidder shall be responsible for
any damage occurred to the telephone lines, OFC cables, cutting of trees,
cables, distribution/rising water mains and gas pipes, drains while
laying clear water pipeline, and shall be liable to pay the amount levied
by respective department(s) for the repair and/ or damages so occurred.
(xii) Construction, testing & commissioning of all civil works, mechanical,
electrical and instrumental work as per scope of work, approved
drawings & detailed specifications.
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(xiii) Arrangement of adequate security, watch and ward of the system during
the execution period to safeguard the equipment and completed section
of the work from any type of mishandling, theft, fire and other hazards
etc. and all safety precautions at the time of storage of material,
execution of work and defect liability period and O&M period to avoid
any mishap.
(xiv) Restoration of PHED premises /Roads etc. after completion of the work.
(xv) Electrical design and electric load calculation, data sheet, QAP and
fulfillment of IEC requirement.
(xvi) Pre-commissioning test and inspections as per requirement.
(xvii) Commissioning of the whole system and optimization as per design
parameter after commissioning of all the component.
(xviii) The submission of the as-built drawings of the works is the precondition
for the final payment of execution part. The final drawings shall be
submitted in 5 copies on linen bound in an album of an approved size.
The contractor shall submit all the completion drawings and approved
design calculations on CD ROM / DVD in two copies with proper
directory structure.
a. Providing, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of below mentioned
feeder pipe lines and distribution pipe lines with specials and
interconnections with existing system, road cut and repair as per requirement.
The work includes construction of anchor/thrust block, other civil work
required for stability of pipe line including earth work. the length are
indicative and may vary as per actual survet and alignment proposed and
approved by EIC.
S. Type and class of Pipe Size Length Feeder/Distribution
1. DI Pipe, K-7 100 mm 2200 M Feeder
2. DI Pipe, K-7 150 mm 1950 M Feeder
3. HDPE Pipe, PN-6 90 mm 26171 M Distribution
4. HDPE Pipe, PN-6 110 mm 1210 M Distribution
5. HDPE Pipe, PN-6 140 mm 1069 M Distribution
b. Construction and commissioning of following RCC storage reservoirs:
• RCC OHSR for Zone 1, capacity 300 KL, 18 M staging
• RCC OHSR for Zone 3, capacity 200 KL, 18 M staging
c. Civil work for following works;
• Valve Chambers – 4 Nos
• Road cutting and restoration work
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• The change in slopes per km. length shall not be more than 10 in number.
• The slopes required shall be such that in normal conditions, the cover over
the laid pipe is not less than 0.6 meters. In general the cover should be 0.9
meters. However in general the limitation for cover shall be as given in
chapter ‘Specification of pipeline’.
The scope under the item shall consist of the following requirements;
(i) Manufacturing and Testing at works, transportation, packing, supply of
all sizes of DI-K7 / HDPE pipes, specials, jointing material etc to be
used. Stacking and/or storage of material, re- handling and to lay pipes
below ground by excavation and refilling the trench to ensure average
cover of 0.9 meters generally and construction of pedestals/portals for
pipe support to lay pipe above ground, if required and then to carry out
sectional testing, pre-commissioning checks, full completion tests and
trial runs. The water required for sectional testing after laying of pipe
shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost.
(ii) Submission of L-section and plan for approval of Engineer-in-Charge
prior to commence the work and after approval take up the work and
submit As-built drawings after laying and testing of pipeline.
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(iii) Setting out of works, Laying and jointing of pipeline including lowering,
placing at proper alignment, cutting pipes, chamfering complete in all
respects. The work of laying and jointing of pipes and pipe
appurtenances should be done at required levels. The pipeline
alignment in general shall be kept on the outer edge of the existing/
proposed road boundaries. Wherever this is not possible, on approval
of Engineer-In-Charge, the pipe can be laid near the road or within the
carriageway. The alignment approved by the Engineer-In-Charge shall
be final and binding on the contractor.
(iv) Cutting of the vegetation for the purpose of excavation. However, it will
be contractor’s responsibility to obtain all kind of clearances, if required
to cut the vegetation for laying of pipe line and other civil works, if the
forest department will raise the amount against the cutting the said
vegetation, the amount will be deposited by the department, but the
contractor shall have to hand over the wood of damaged vegetation to
forest authorities as per directions at his cost.
(v)Excavation of trenches in ordinary soil/ hard dense soil/ hard dense
soil mixed with boulders/decomposed rocks/hard rock/saturated soil
for laying pipeline below ground as per the L-section approved by the
department. An average clear cover of 0.9 m shall generally be
(vi) Preparation of trench bed, providing sand bedding where pipe is laid
below ground in stretches having boulders/rocky strata.
(vii) Refilling & compaction of trenches.
(viii) Providing support structures such as saddle supports or portal frames
for pipe laying above ground, wherever required.
(ix) Construction of thrust blocks at each deflection in horizontal and
vertical alignment of pipeline exceeding 5 degree for vertical bends and
10 degrees for horizontal bends.
(x) The pipeline above ground shall be suitably clamped, to prevent floating
of pipes in submerged conditions.
(xi) Interconnection of pipelines to existing pipelines, existing ESRs, existing
CWRs including providing all specials, civil & mechanical works.
(xii) To repair damage to pipelines, electrical poles, telephone poles, optical
fiber cables etc. and providing suitable structures for crossing the
existing other rising mains during laying clear water mains.
(xiii) Providing, testing and installing all materials such as bends, tees,
reducers with long radius, dismantling joints, insulating joints, rubber
rings, flanges, nuts & bolts, rubber sheets etc. of required specifications
for the installations.
(xiv) Providing anchor blocks wherever necessary.
(xv) Providing protection for foundations of pedestals/portals against soil
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(xxix) Marking of laid pipelines on GIS Platform. The contractor shall submit
geo-referenced AUTOCAD drawings for the complete pipeline network
laid under the contract. Location of all valves and Tees, bends, junctions
and points of change in alignment of pipeline shall be determined using
differential GPS of 0.6 m accuracy or better. Attributes of pipeline, like
diameter, material, class etc shall be linked with GIS. The contractor shall
be responsible for getting the alignment of pipeline marked on to the GIS
platform of PHED.
(xxxiii)The work shall include all other items & accessories not specified above
but required to complete the work on turnkey basis to achieve the
intended objectives in safe, secure, reliable manner adopting best
engineering practices.
(xxii) The contractor shall take all safety precaution during execution of all
work i.e. P/L,CWR, OHSR and civil work etc
Road,Rail,River/Nallah Crossing :-
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NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
(iv) Providing and installation of Electromagnetic flow meter at out let pipe
of 150 mm size.
(v) Interconnection of the inlet pipes to the feeder mains with pipe of equal
size using CI/DI double flanged pipes and required specials.
(vi) Interconnection of outlet pipes from the ESR to the feeders for zones
connected with ESR.
(vii) Providing & installation of at least two Resilient seated sluice valves on
each outlet, one sluice valve each on inlet & washout pipe for each
reservoirs. The sizes of the valves shall be equal to that of the main on
which they are to be installed.
(viii)Interconnection of the overflow pipe to the distribution or the outgoing
feeders as per the approval of Engineer-in-Charge using one sluice valve
of size equal to the size of overflow pipes as listed above, CI/DI double
flanged pipes and required specials.
(ix) Providing scour/washout pipes up to suitable length to drain the water
away from the structure in an environmental friendly manner, using a
sluice valve equal to the size of washout pipe as listed above, CI/DI
double flanged pipes and required specials.
(x) Providing float valve with auxiliary float with copper float ball, gun metal
ball cap, brass lever, brass split pin, gunmetal piston & piston cap, washer
of nitrile rubber with gun metal body in each CWR and ESR. The size of
float valve shall be same as of Inlet pipe. The pressure rating of valve
should be in accordance to the maximum designed pressure.
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(xi) The washout pipe will be of 150 mm dia. for all the CWRs and of 100 mm
dia. for all ESRs. up to 500 KL capacity and 150 mm dia for all above 500
KL Capacity.
(xii) Providing water level indicator as per specifications given in the chapter
of “Specifications for Civil Works” for all reservoirs.
(xiii)Excavation for all structures including working spaces, trench
excavation for pipes & other ancillary works in all sorts of soils, refilling &
disposal of surplus earth at suitable site & dressing as per direction of
(xiv) Providing plinth protection works as per specifications and approved
drawings for all reservoirs.
(xv)Providing lightning arrestor on the top of ESR.
(xvi) Providing access to the top and inside the reservoir as per the
specifications given in the chapter of “Specifications for Civil Works”.
(xvii)The RCC stair shall start at a height of 4.5 Mtr from plinth level to
safeguard against unauthorized intruders.
(xviii)Providing ventilation for the reservoir as per the specifications given in
the chapter of “Specifications for Civil Works”.
(xix) Providing manhole/headroom for access inside the reservoir.
(xx) Providing 25mm diameter GI pipe in two rows in 50x50x6mm angle iron
railing along the top of reservoir, on the sides of the staircase and balcony,
and at other suitable points for the requirement of safety of maintenance
and execution staff.
(xxi) For each ESR, Providing a bypass arrangement to connect the incoming
rising main to the outgoing distribution line so as to enable supply to the
consumers through direct pumping in case of shut down of ESR.
(xxii) The inside surface of CWR/ESR shall be finished with plaster in CM 1:4
and using water proofing compound as per manufacturer’s
recommendation. The outer wall and surface of tanks above ground shall
be painted with cement paint of approved shade.
(xxiii) Testing of tank for water tightness and structural stability by filling it with
water and in accordance to the procedure laid down in tender document
as per I.S.S.
(xxiv) Painting the metallic surface with primer and enamel paint. Putting
slogan on tank as per direction of EIC.
(xxv) Final clearance of site before handing over the work, including leveling of
earth and disposal of surplus earth as per directions of the Engineer-in-
(xxvi) The submission of as built drawings.
The Contractor is required to establish a field laboratory at site office for
ensuring the timely inspection of the material and works. The laboratory will
be equipped with testing facilities sufficient to cope with the requirements of
the tests to be conducted on site. It should have at least the following
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A. General:
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The contractor shall update the O&M Systems and Procedures developed as
per department’s requirements. The same shall be submitted to the department
for approval along with other O&M documents like O&M Manuals, Log
sheets, Formats, etc. These shall be got audited annually throughout the O&M
Within the frame work of the contractors responsibilities given above, the
contractor shall carry out the following activities, but these shall not limit
requirement of other activities, which otherwise are required as per term and
conditions of contract or to fulfill contractors responsibilities or are essential as
per good industrial practices. The contractor shall be responsible for:
a) Providing designed per day requirement of water to each ESR and from
each ESR to each zone. System shall be tested for design demand but shall
be run as per actual demand based on population as per directions of EIC.
b) Chlorination of water in CWR as per requirement for which Bleaching
powder shall be provided by the department.
c) To check the residual chlorine at the tail end of each zone. It should be as
per CPHEEO manual requirement.
d) Providing the minimum specified staff as specified during operation and
maintenance period and additional staff as per requirement during
periodic maintenance and in emergencies.
e) Providing all required consumables required for functioning/operation &
maintenance of equipment.
f) Metering is of utmost importance in this contract. Flow measurements of
meters at Pumping stations and at ESR will be recorded daily, and will be
signed by representatives of Department and Contractor.
g) Preventive/breakdown maintenance of all pumps, electrical, mechanical
& instrument equipment, installed under the contract. All costs including
costs of all material, equipment, etc required for operation and/or
maintenance (preventive and/or breakdown) to be borne by the
h) Maintenance of the lighting fixtures and the lighting system of all areas
and replacement of all non-functional lighting fixtures within 24 hours.
i) Maintaining;
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The O&M period shall commence after complete execution of the project as
defined in contract document i.e. 12 months and one year defect liability after
award of work or actual date of completion of defect liability period whichever
is later. However, the part commissioning of the project on completion of
certain units, if possible, before completion of execution period, and if
Department desires to use these units, the same shall be put to O&M without
reckoning such period towards the 5 years period of O&M, however charges
for power shall be borne by the department during this period.
During Operation & Maintenance either after commencement of the O&M
period as mentioned above or during execution period i.e. part operation &
maintenance if required by department due to part handing over of the system
before completion of execution period of 24 months the following charges
towards O&M shall be paid by the Department / Contractor.
1. Power charges shall be paid by department. Any power factor surcharge
if levied by power supply agency shall be borne by the contractor.
2. Chemical i.e. Bleaching powder shall be provided by the department.
3. All other cost involved for O&M viz. cost of spares, staff,
communications, consumables, stationery, T&P, vehicles etc. shall be
borne by the contractor.
The duties of the contractor under this contract shall include the following
but shall not be limited to:
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a) Identification and obtaining all the clearances required for the operation
of the facility and for the fulfillment of its obligations under the
Conditions of Contract.
b) Arrange all the necessary manpower & services for the operation and
maintenance of the system as per scope defined above including normal
watch & wards etc.
c) Make all necessary arrangements for the tools and plants, machinery,
equipments, furniture and transportation vehicles necessary for operation
and maintenance and timely repairs.
d) Procure and store all required materials, equipment, lubricants, inventory
for repair and operation and maintenance at such locations.
e) Be responsible for the security of the facility and comply with applicable
laws and/or statutory requirements as may be applicable in the land from
time to time.
f) Co-ordinate and communicate with other agencies like PWD, Railway,
JVVNL, Water Resources Deptt., Telephone Deptt. etc.
g) Be responsible to minimize wastage of water by attending to leakages of
pipe, air valve, scour valve etc. and breaches immediately and shall
repair/restore within 12 hours from the notice of such leakage / breach.
In no case the down time of the pipe/machine should exceed 12 hours.
h) The Contractor shall carry out his activities in the facility in such a
manner that water will not be wasted, leaked or spilled onto the site or
elsewhere. The Contractor shall bear the cost of correcting any adverse
consequences resulting from such wastage, leakage or spillage, and shall
maintain history of such event in history sheet.
i) The contractor shall keep records for daily water drawl from all pumping
stations which shall include Flow rates, pressure, operation state of
pumps at each head works, chlorine doses, flow & pressure at each ESR,
operational status of all mechanical, electrical & instrumentation
equipment. The record shall be kept in formats as approved by EIC.
Contractor shall submit these records to EIC on monthly basis.
j) The contractor shall submit report above operations regularly as
described here under daily / weekly / monthly through e-mail. Monthly
report should also be submitted in hard copies.
k) The plantation done on head works should be maintained and dead
plants should be replaced.
l) To keep the entire campus area, particularly toilets neat and clean and
dis-infected by using Phenyl, acid and other chemicals at all head works.
m) Up keeping and maintaining all illumination system, internal and
external at all head works by changing the default equipment
Deployment of Minimum Staff for O&M
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1 Valve Man/Helper 2
2 Fitter 2
3 Helper for Fitter 4
• The above requirement is minimum only. The contractor will arrange extra
work force, as and when required, so as to smoothly run the repair and
maintenance including preventive maintenance, repairs etc. and general
cleanliness of the installations.
• The above staff strength is exclusive of leave/rest reserve required for
different category of staff. The contractor shall ensure, the personnel given
in the above table for all the seven days in a week.
• The contractor shall make appropriate arrangements for maintenance of
items like patrolling, vehicle operations and other activities defined to
fulfill its obligations under R&M contract.
Pipeline Works
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h) To maintain the soil cover on the pipe damaged due to rains, run-off or
due to other reasons.
i) Maintaining clean conditions at pillars and fixity blocks along pipelines.
j) Maintain all the existing rising and distribution pipelines within the
project area.
The Contractor shall carry out following maintenance work, during O & M
a) Repair of damaged portions of reservoirs.
b) To operate and check all valves, instruments and automation systems
once in 3 months and do the required maintenance work to ensure their
smooth and proper functioning.
c) Cleaning and bleaching of the reservoir once in 6 months as per
direction of Engineer in Charge. The date of cleaning and bleaching shall
be painted on the signboard installed near the reservoir.
d) Repair of the damaged portions of the plinth protection works.
e) Repainting during the 5th year of O&M period
f) To maintain the reservoir, its surrounding and the campus in a neat and
tidy manner.
g) Other activities required for maintaining the tanks and their
surroundings in neat conditions.
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Socketed fittings, except collars, shall be supplied with push-on joints unless
otherwise called for. Collars shall be supplied with mechanical joints.
2.1.3Miscellaneous Materials
Miscellaneous materials includes any item other than a pipe, fittings or
specials which is used in a pipeline, such as rubber gaskets, bolts, nuts,
washers, lubricants, etc. Gaskets shall be free from extractable substances
which impart taste or odour and toxicity to water. Gaskets shall be made of
properly vulcanized virgin rubber compound containing no scrap or reclaim.
Gaskets shall be of such physical properties as to be capable of forming
permanent watertight joints against pressures up to the maximum test
pressure. Rubber sealing ring gaskets shall be fabricated as per IS: 5382 and
sheet rubber gaskets jointing and rubber insertion gaskets jointing shall be
fabricated as per IS: 638. Nuts, bolts and washers shall be of the best quality
bright steel, machined on the shank and under the head and nut. Studs, bolts
and nuts shall be galvanised. Bolts shall be of accurate length so that only one
thread shall show through the nut in the fully tightened conditions. Nuts and
bolts shall conform to IS: 1363 and IS: 1367. Lubricants only with indicated
brand name and accepted standard shall be supplied. The lubricant and its
compound should not have any implication on water quality.
Miscellaneous materials are preferably be manufactured by the manufacturer
of the pipes. In case they are not, it shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor of the pipes to have them manufactured from a suitable
manufacturer under it’s own supervision and have it tested at his/sub-
contractors premises as per the requirements. The Contractor shall be
responsible for the compatibility and quality of the products.
Miscellaneous materials shall be supplied with reasonable excess quantities.
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Cement used for the lining shall conform to Portland cement (as per IS: 8 112
or IS: 455) mortar lining.
The cement mortar to be used for the lining shall be composed of cement,
sand and water. Additives, which shall be specified and approved, may be
used, provided that they do not prejudice the quality of the coating and that
of the transported water. The mortar shall be thoroughly mixed and shall
have a consistency which results in a dense and homogeneous lining. The
mortar shall contain by mass at least one part of cement to 3.5 parts of sand.
Applications and minimum thickness are as specified in the standard. At the
fittings ends, the lining may be reduced to values below the minimum
thickness. The length of the chamfer shall be as small as possible but, in any
case, shall be less than 50 mm.
The required thickness of the cement mortar lining and its tolerance as
stipulated in IS: 8329 and IS:9523 is in the following table:
The lining shall be such that it cannot be dislodged with pressure of hand and
shall be free from corrugations or ridges that could reduce the thickness of the
lining to less than the minimum value. External Coating
Pipes, fittings and specials shall be supplied to site after applications of
appropriate bituminous coatings to external surfaces as per Annex B of IS:
9523. Bituminous coatings are either hot applied or cold applied. Coating
shall not be applied to any pipe unless its surfaces are clean, dry and free
from rust. The coating material shall set rapidly with good adherence and
shall not scale off. The mean thickness of the coating shall be not less than 70
µm and the local and the minimum thickness shall be not less than 50 µm.
2.1.5Quality Assurance
The manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate the conformity of the products
to the requirements contained in this standard by controlling the
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manufacturing process and carrying out the various tests as specified in the
standard. The manufacturer shall control the quality of the product during
manufacturing process by a system of process control in order to comply with
the technical requirements contained in the standard wherever possible
statistical sampling techniques should be used to control the process so that
the product is produced within the specified limits.
Batch sampling and mechanical testing of samples shall be made as per
procedures laid down in IS: 1608 for pipes and IS: 1500 for fittings. The tensile
testing machine shall have suitable holders or grips to suit the test bar ends so
as to positively apply the test load axially.
All pipes and fittings shall also be hydrostatically tested at specified pressures
and the test, shall be kept under pressure for 10 seconds. They shall withstand
the pressure lest without showing any sign of leakage, swealing or other
defect of any kind. The test shall be conducted before the application of
surface coating.
All works and materials under this specification will be rigidly inspected
during all phases of manufacture and testing and such inspection shall not
relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to furnish materials and perform
work in accordance with this specification.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-Charge or his representative, in
advance the production of materials and fabrication thereof, in order that the
employer may arrange for mill and shop inspection.
The Engineer-in-Charge or his representative may reject any or all materials
or work that do not meet with any of the requirements of the specifications.
The Contractor shall rectify or replace such rejected material / performed
work at his own cost, to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge or his
The Engineer-in-Charge or his representative shall have free access to those
parts of all plants or any other premises and sites that are concerned with the
furnishing of materials or the performance of work under this specification.
The Contractor shall furnish reasonable facilities to the Engineer-in-Charge or
his representative and space for inspection, testing and obtaining of any
information he desires in respect of the character of material used and the
progress and manner of the work.
The Contractor shall supply free of cost required specimen of materials for
testing by the Engineer-in-Charge or his representative at any time during the
progress of work and shall bear the cost of all such tests or re-tests to his
The Contractor shall submit with the material, result of inspection and testing
as per standards specified on the material supplied to indicate its conformity
in respect of Chemical and physical properties per heat. All the tests shall be
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NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
2.2.3 Designation
Pipes shall be designated as per IS 4984, according to the grade of material,
followed by pressure rating and nominal diameter, for example, PE 63 PN 10
DN 200 indicates a pipe pertaining to material grade 63 having a pressure
rating 1.0 MPa and outside nominal diameter 200 mm.
2.2.4 Colour
For the purpose of identification of the pipes, each pipe shall contain minimum
three equi spaced longitudinal strips of width 3mm (min) in blue colour, these
strips shall be coextruded during pipe manufacturing and shall not be more
than 0.2 mm in depth. The material of the strip shall be of the same type as of
All HDPE Pipes of the same size, same pressure rating and same grade and
also manufactured essentially under similar conditions, shall constitute a lot.
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2.2.6 Materials
The material used for the manufacturer of pipes should not constitute toxicity
hazard, should not support microbial growth, should not give rise to
unpleasant taste or odor, cloudiness or discoloration of water.
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The specified base density shall be between 941.0kg/ m³ and 946.0kg/ m³ (both
inclusive) when determined at 27°C according to procedure prescribed in
IS:7328 .The value of the density shall also not differ from the nominal value by
more than 3 kg/ m³ as per of IS: 7328. The MFR of the material shall be
between 0.41 and 1.10 (both inclusive) when tested at 190°C with nominal load
of 5 kgf as determined by method prescribed in IS 2530. The MFR of the
material shall also be within ± 20 percent of the value declared by the
The resin shall be compounded with carbon black. The carbon black content in
the material shall be within 2.5 ±0.5% and the dispersion of carbon black shall
be satisfactory when tested as per IS 2530.
The percentage of anti-oxidant used shall not be more than 0.3 percent by mass
of finished resin. The anti-oxidant used shall be physiologically harm less and
shall be selected from the list given in IS: 10141.
2.2.9Reworked Material
No addition of Reworked/ Recycled Material from the manufacturer‘s own
rework material resulting from the manufacture of pipes is permissible and the
vendor is required to use only 100% virgin resin compound.
2.2.11Wall Thickness
The minimum & maximum wall thickness of pipe for the three grades of
materials, namely PE63, PE80, and PE100 shall be as given in table 3, 4, & 5
respectively in IS:4984.
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The pipes supplied in coils shall be coiled on drums of minimum diameter of
25 times the nominal diameter of the pipe ensuring that kinking of pipe is
prevented. Pipe beyond 110mm dia shall be supplied in straight length not less
than 6m.
2.2.14Workmanship / Appearance
Pipes shall be free from all defect including indentations, delaminating,
bubbles, pinholes, cracks, pits, blisters, foreign inclusions that due to their
nature degree or extent detrimentally affect the strength and serviceability of
the pipe. The pipe shall be as uniform as commercially practicable in colour
opacity, density and other physical properties as per relevant IS Code or
equivalent International Code. The inside surface of each pipe shall be free of
scouring, cavities, bulges, dents, ridges and other defects that result in a
variation of inside diameter from that obtained on adjacent unaffected portions
of the surface. The pipe ends shall be cut clearly and square to the axis of the
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should be placed so as to give complete contact between the bottom of the trench
and the pipe.
Backfilling should be placed in layers not exceeding 15cm thickness per layer, and
should be compacted to a minimum of 95% maximum dry density. The refilling
should be done on both sides of pipe together & height difference in earth fill on
each side should not be more to cause lateral movement of pipe.
Most of the coarse grained soil comprising of gravel or sand are acceptable.
However silty sand, clayey sand, silty and clayey gravel shall not be used unless
proposed to be used in conjunction with gravel or clean sand.
It is very important that the pipe zone backfill material does not wash away or
migrate in to the native soil. Likewise, potential migration of the native soil in to the
pipe zone backfill must also be prevented.
Heavy earth moving equipment used for backfilling should not be brought until the
minimum cover over the pipe is 90 cm in the case of wide tracked bulldozers or 120
cm in the case of wheeled roaders or roller compactors.
Vibratory methods should be used for compaction. Compaction within distances of
15 cm to 45 cm from the pipe should be usually done with hand tempers. The
backfill material should be compacted not less than 95% of maximum dry density.
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2.2.25Welding Procedure
Jointing between HDPE pipes and specials shall be done as per the latest IS: 7634
part II. Method of jointing between the pipes to pipes and pipes to specials shall be
with fusion welding using automatic or semi automatic, hydraulically operated,
superior quality fusion machines which will ensure good quality fusion welding of
HDPE pipes. If approved by the concerned Engineer, jointing with PP compression
fittings may be carried out for smaller diameters of PE pipes (up to 110mm).
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Pipe shall be laid below ground level unless specified otherwise; the pipeline
shall be buried with minimum cover of 1.0 meter at top, as shown on tender
drawing. No material shall be installed unless approved by the engineer.
Pipes laid above ground on pedestals shall in general have minimum clear
height of 45 cm between the pipe invert and ground level. No HDPE pipes
shall be laid above ground level.
2.3.1Transportation /Storage of Pipes and Specials
The Contractor shall transport the pipes and other materials from
manufacturer to the site stores and from the site stores to the site of laying as
per the instructions given by the engineer-in charge. Pipes should be handled
with care to avoid damage to the surface and the socket and spigot ends,
deformation or bending. Pipes shall not be dragged along the ground or the
loading bed of a vehicle. Pipes shall be transported on flat bed
vehicles/trailers. The bed shall be smooth and free from any sharp objects.
The pipes shall rest uniformly on the vehicle bed in their entire length during
transportation. Pipes shall be loaded and unloaded manually or by suitable
mechanical means without causing any damage to the stacked pipes.
Transportation and handling of pipes shall be made as per IS 12288 for DI
pipes. All precautions set out shall be taken to prevent damage to the
protective coating and jointing surfaces or the ends of the pipes.
Whatever method and means of transportation is used, it is essential that the
pipes are carefully placed and firmly secured against uncontrolled movement
during transportation to the satisfaction of Engineer in Charge.
Damage to the lining must be repaired as per relevant IS code before pipe
laying. Laying shall be according to the instructions of the pipe manufacturer
after approval of EIC. Pipes shall not be thrown directly to the ground or
inside the trench.
When using mechanical handling equipment, it is necessary to employ
sufficient personnel to carry out the operation efficiently with safety. The
pipes shall be lifted smoothly without any jerking motion and pipe
movement shall be controlled by the use of guide ropes in order to prevent
damage caused by pipes bumping together or against surrounding objects.
Rolling or dragging pipes along the ground or over other pipes already
stacked shall be avoided.
Pipes shall be given adequate support at all times. Pipes shall be stored on a
reasonably flat surface free of stones and sharp projections so that the pipe is
supported throughout its length. During storage, pipe racks shall provide
continuous support and sharp corners of metal racks should be avoided.
Pipes shall not be stacked in a large piles of storage. Socket and Spigot ends of
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the pipes shall be stacked in layers with sockets ends placed in an alternate of
the stack to avoid lop sided stacks.
The Contractor shall provide proper and adequate storage facility to protect
all the materials and equipment against damage from any cause whatsoever
and in case of any such damage /theft, the Contractor shall be held
The Contractor shall lay the pipes along the alignments as per the approved
L-sections and layout. The layout shall include available information of
regarding existing services like water lines, sewer lines, telephone and electric
lines/cables. In the event some services fall in the alignment of lines to be
laid, the contractor shall have to shift the alignment or such services. The
contractor shall take all due care to avoid damage to any such services and in
case of any damage occurring to them in progressing the work, the contractor
shall make good the same at his own cost. No additional time and payment
shall be allowed on this account.
Rubber rings shall be handled and stored in their original packing, protected
against sunlight and contacts with petroleum products, solvents and paints.
The contractor shall provide suitable lifting equipment for loading, unloading
and laying of the pipes.
2.3.2Earth Work for Pipelines General
The Contractor shall furnish all tools, plant, instruments, qualified
supervisory personnel, labour, materials, any temporary works, consumables,
any and everything necessary, whether or not such items are specifically
stated herein for completion of the work in accordance with the Employer’s
The Contractor shall survey the site before excavation and set out all lines and
establish levels for various works such as grading, basement, foundations,
plinth filling, roads, drains, cable trenches, pipelines etc.
The excavation shall be carried out to correct lines and levels. This shall also
include, where required, proper shoring to maintain excavations and also the
furnishing, erecting and maintaining of substantial barricades around
excavated areas and warning lamps at night.
Excavated material shall be dumped in low lying land, regular heaps, bunds,
riprap with regular slopes within the lead specified and levelling the same so
as to provide natural drainage to avoid formation of any puddle of water near
pipe alignment. Rock/soil excavated shall be stacked properly as approved
by the Engineer in Charge. As a rule, all softer materials shall be laid along
the center of heaps, the harder and more weather resisting materials forming
the casing on the sides and the top. Rocks shall be stacked separately.
Topsoil shall be stock piled separately for later re-use.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar Clearing
The area to be excavated/filled shall be cleared of fences, trees, plants, logs,
stumps, bush, vegetation, rubbish, slush, etc. and other objectionable matter.
If any roots or stumps of trees are encountered during excavation, they shall
also be removed. The material so removed shall be disposed off as approved
by the Engineer in Charge. Where earth fill is intended, the area shall be
stripped of all loose/ soft patches, top soil containing objectionable matter/
materials before filling commences. Excavation
Excavation shall be taken out to such widths, lengths, depths and profiles as
are shown on the approved L-section or such other lines and grades as may
be agreed with the Engineer in Charge. Rough excavation shall be carried out
to a depth of 150mm above the final level. The balance shall be excavated
with special care.
Soft pockets shall be removed below the final level and extra excavation filled
up with lean concrete as approved by the Engineer in Charge. The final
excavation should be carried out just prior to laying the blinding course.
To facilitate permanent works, the Contractor may excavate, and also backfill
later, outside the lines shown on the drawings provided by the Contractor as
agreed with the Engineer in Charge. Should any excavation be taken below
the specified elevations, the Contractor shall fill it up with concrete of the
same class as in the foundation resting thereon, up to the required elevation
without extra cost to the Employer.
All excavations shall be to the minimum dimensions required for safety and
ease of working. Prior approval of the Engineer in Charge shall be obtained
by the Contractor in each proposed method of excavation, including
dimensions, side slopes, dewatering, disposal, etc. This approval shall not in
any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for any consequent loss or
damage. The excavation must be carried out in the most expeditious and
efficient manner. Side slopes shall be as steep as will stand safely for the
actual soil conditions encountered. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent
slips. Should slips occur, the slipped material shall be removed and the slope
need to be dressed to a modified stable slope. Excavations for Laying pipe along the road
While laying pipeline below ground level along the road side, the Contractor
shall note the following:
➢The Contractor shall not take earth materials from the burrow pits excavate
if excavation required to take additional earth materials results in side
slopes steeper than 1:1 in clay dominating soil and 1:1.5 in case of silty
sand or sandy soils.
➢If invert of pipe is kept above the existing burrow pit level or part of pipe is
above it, the minimum side slopes of 1:1 in clay dominating soil and
1:1.5 in case of silty sand or sandy soils shall be provided on the side
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towards the burrow pit area so as to provide required cover. The side
slopes shall be properly compacted upto 90% of modified Procter
➢If earth material is taken for providing required cover to pipe from the
burrow pits, the burrow pits shall be so graded upto the nearest drain
so that no impounding of water occurs in burrow pit area.
➢If the pipeline is laid just near the road section, as far as practical minimum
cover of 1.0 m shall be ensured. Whenever this requirement of cover
cannot be ensured, concrete casing of deigned thickness shall be
provided. Excavation by the Use of Explosives
Unless otherwise stated herein, Specification of “IS:4081: Safety Code for
Blasting and related Drilling Operations” shall be followed. As far as possible
all blasting shall be completed prior to commencement of construction. At all
stages of excavation, precautions shall be taken to preserve the rock below
and beyond the lines specified for the excavation, in the soundest possible
condition. The quantity and strength of explosives used, shall neither damage
nor crack the rock outside the limits of excavation. All precautions, as
directed by Engineer in Charge, shall be taken during the blasting operations
and care shall be taken that no damage is caused to adjoining buildings or
structures as a result of blasting operations. In case of damage to permanent
or temporary structures, the Contractor shall repair the same to the
satisfaction of Engineer in Charge at his own cost. As excavation approaches
its final lines and levels, the depth of the charge holes and amount of
explosives used shall be progressively and suitably reduced.
The Contractor shall obtain a valid Blasting License from the concerned
Authorities. No explosives shall be brought near the work in excess of
quantity required for a particular section of blasting to be done; and surplus
left after blasting shall be removed to a magazine. As much as possible, the
magazine shall be built at far distant location from the area to be blasted.
Engineer in Charge’s prior approval shall be taken for the proposed location
of the magazine.
In no case blasting shall be allowed within 30 metres to any structure or
locations where concrete has just been placed. In the latter case, the concrete
shall be casted at least before 7 days.
For blasting operations, the following points shall be considered.
i) Contractor shall employ a competent and experienced supervisor
and licensed blaster in-charge of each set of operations, who shall be
held personally responsible to ensure that all safety regulations are
carried out.
ii) Before any blasting is carried out, the Contractor shall obtain written
approval of Engineer in Charge for such operations. In his request of
approval, the Contractor shall include the hours of blasting, the
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not less than M10. Finishing level of rock excavation shall be done
by hand trimming.
xii) Contractor shall be responsible for any accident to workmen, public
or Employer’s property due to blasting operations. Contractor shall
also be responsible for strict observance of rules, laid by Inspector of
explosives, or any other Authority duly constituted under the State
and / or Union Government as applicable at the place of excavation. Loose Rock
All loose boulders, detached rocks partially and other loose material which
might move therewith not directly in the excavation but so close to the area to
be excavated as to be liable, in the opinion of Engineer in Charge, to fall or
otherwise endanger the workmen, equipment, or the work shall be stripped
off and removed from the area of the excavation. Overall the use of
explosives for rock excavation shall ensure not to render unstable or unsafe
the rocks or structures, which was originally sound and safe.
Any material not requiring removal in order to complete the permanent
works, but which, in the opinion of Engineer in Charge, is likely to become
loose or unstable later, shall also be promptly and satisfactorily removed. Shoring
Wherever required close timbering shall be done by completely covering the
sides of the trenches and pits generally with short, upright members called
'polling boards'. These shall be of minimum 25 cm x 4 cm sections or as
approved by the Engineer in Charge. The boards shall generally be placed in
position vertically side by side without any gap on each side of the excavation
and shall be secured by horizontal walling of strong wood at maximum of 1.2
metre spacing, strutted with ballies or as approved by the Engineer in Charge.
The length of the ballie struts shall depend on the width of the trench or pit. If
the soil is very soft and loose, the boards shall be placed horizontally against
each side of the excavation and supported by vertical walling, which in turn
shall be suitably strutted. The lowest boards supporting the sides shall be
taken into the ground and no portion of the vertical side of the trench or pit
shall remain exposed, so as to render the earth liable to slip out.
Timber shoring shall be 'close' or 'open' type, depending on the nature of soil
and the depth of pit or trench. The type of timbering shall be as approved by
the Engineer in Charge. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to take
all necessary steps to prevent the sides of excavations, trenches, pits, etc. from
Timber shoring may also be required to keep the sides of excavations vertical
to ensure safety of adjoining structures or to limit the slope of excavations, or
due to space restrictions or for other reasons. Such shoring shall be carried
out, except in an emergency, only under instructions from the Engineer in
The withdrawal of the timber shall be done carefully to prevent the collapse
of the pit or trench. It shall be started at one end and proceeded with,
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of 30cm above the barrel can be achieved. The excavated hard/dense soil can
be refilled after bedding and covering of the pipe with the loose soil/sand.
The bedding shall be compacted with a light hand rammer. Adding sand
during ramming shall make up any reduction in thickness due to compaction.
During the work of providing sand bedding and laying the pipeline, loose
material from the sides or edges of the trench shall be prevented from falling
inside the trench, by providing shoring and taking other measures. Also
where necessary, trench shall be kept dry by pumping out seepage water
For HDPE pipes, bedding shall generally be done as per IS 7634 (Part 2):2012.
No special bed preparation will be required for laying the pipe underground,
except that there shall be no sharp objects around the pipe. However, while
laying in rocky areas suitable sand bedding should be provided around the
pipe and compacted. Any large rocks, hard pan, or stones larger than 20 mm
should be removed and the initial back fill up to 150 mm above the crown of
the pipe should be compacted with screened excavated material free of sharp
stones or objects or with fine sand where no such material is available.
In all cases, 150 mm above the top of the crown of the pipe is to be compacted
either by mechanical or manual means. Wherever road crossing with heavy
traffic is likely to be encountered — a concrete pipe encasing is
recommended. Stringing of pipes along the alignment
The pipes shall be laid out properly along the proposed alignment in a
manner that they do not create any significant hindrance to the public and
that they are not damaged.
Stringing of the pipes end to end along the working width should be done in
such a manner that least interference is caused in the land crossed. Gaps
should be left at intervals to permit the passing of equipment across the
working area. Pipes shall be laid out that they remain safe where placed and
that no damage can occur to the pipes and the coating until incorporated in
the pipeline. If necessary, pipes shall be wedged to prevent accidental
movement. Precautions shall be made to prevent entrance of soil, mud etc. in
the pipe.
Generally, the pipes shall be laid within two weeks from the date of their
dispatch from the manufacturer / store. Lowering and Jointing pipes
The laying of DI pipes shall be as per IS 12288 ; however the specific
references given herein shall prevail on the provisions of the standards.
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Pipes should be lowered into the trench with tackle suitable for the weight of
pipes. For smaller sizes, up to 200mm nominal bore, the pipe may be lowered
by the use of ropes but for heavier pipes, suitable mechanical equipment have
to used.
The pipes shall be cleaned in the whole length with special care of the spigot
and sockets ends on the inside / outside to ensure that they are free from dirt
and unwarranted projections. The whole of the pipes shall be placed in
position singly and shall be laid true to profile and direction of slope
indicated on longitudinal sections. The pipes shall be laid without deflection
in a straight alignment between bends and between high and low points.
Vertical and horizontal deflections between individual pipes need the
approval of the Engineer. In no case the deflection shall be more than 75% of
those recommended by the manufacturer.
Before pipes are jointed they shall be thoroughly cleaned of all earth lumps,
stones, or any other objects that may have entered the interior of the pipes,
particularly the spigot end and the socket including the groove for the rubber
Pipes and the related specials shall be laid according to the instructions of the
manufacturers and using the tools recommended by them.
Cutting of pipes shall be reduced to a minimum required to conform with the
drawings. Cutting shall be made with suitable tools and according to the
recommendations of the manufacturer. The spigot end shall be chamfered
again at the same angle as the original chamfered end. Cutting shall be
perpendicular to the centre line of the pipe. In case of ductile iron pipes the
cut and chamfered end shall be painted with two coats of epoxy paint. If there
is no mark for the insertion depth on the spigot end of the (cut) pipe it shall be
marked again according to the instructions of the manufacturer.
Before pipes are jointed they shall be thoroughly cleaned off all earth lumps,
stones, or any other objects that may have entered the interior of the pipes,
particularly the spigot end and the socket including the groove for the rubber
ring. End caps, if any, shall be removed only just before laying and jointing.
The socket and spigot ends of the pipes shall be brushed and cleaned. The
chamfered surface and the end of the spigot end has to be coated with a
suitable lubricant recommended by the manufacturer of the pipes. Oil,
petroleum bound oils, grease or other material which may damage the rubber
gasket shall not be used as lubricant. The rubber gasket shall be inserted into
the cleaned groove of the socket. It has to be checked for correct positioning.
All specials like bends, tees etc. and appurtenances like sluice or butterfly
valves etc. shall be laid in synchronization with the pipes. The Contractor
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shall ensure that the specials and accessories are ready in time to be installed
together with the pipes.
At the end of each working day and whenever work is interrupted for any
period of time, the free ends of laid pipes shall be protected against the entry
of dirt or other foreign matter by means of approved plugs or ends caps.
When pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of installed pipe shall be
closed by approved means to prevent entrance of trench water and dirt into
the line.
No pipe shall be laid in wet trench conditions that preclude proper bedding,
or when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the trench conditions or the weather
are unsuitable for proper installation.
Where a pipeline crosses a water course, the design and method of
construction should take into account the characteristics of the water course
to ascertain the nature of bed, scour levels, maximum velocities, high flood
levels, seasonal variation, etc. which affect the design and laying of pipeline.
The assembly of the pipes shall be made as recommended by the pipe
manufacturer and using suitable tools.
For DI pipes, two pipes shall be aligned properly in the pipe trench and the
spigot end shall be pushed axially into the socket either manually or with a
suitable tool specially designed for the assembly of pipes and as
recommended by the manufacturer. The spigot has to be inserted up to the
insertion mark on the pipe spigot. After insertion, the correct position of the
socket has to be tested with a feeler blade.
The pipe laid shall be absolutely straight unless planned otherwise. The
accuracy of alignment shall be tested before starting refilling with the help of
stretching a string between two ends of the straight stretch of pipes to rectify
possible small links in laying.
Deflection of the pipes if any shall be made only after they have fully been
On gradients of 1:15 or steeper, precautions shall be taken to ensure that the
spigot of the pipe being laid does not move into or out of the socket of the laid
pipe during the jointing operations. As soon as the joint assembly has been
completed, the pipe should be held firmly in position while the trench is back
filled over the barrel of the pipe.
Designed anchorage shall be provided to resist the thrusts developed by
internal pressure at bends, tees, etc.
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Fill Materials,
All fill materials shall be subject to the Engineer in Charge’s approval. If any
material is rejected by Engineer in Charge, the Contractor shall remove the
same forthwith from the site. Surplus fill material shall be deposited and
excess material shall be disposed off as directed by Engineer in Charge after
the fill work is completed.
No earth fill shall commence until surface water discharges and streams have
been properly intercepted or otherwise dealt with to the approval of the
Engineer in Charge.
To the extent available, selected surplus soil from excavations shall be used as
backfill. Backfill material shall be free from lumps, organic or other foreign
material. All lumps of earth shall be broken or removed. Where excavated
material is mostly rock, the boulders shall be broken into pieces not larger
than 150 mm size, mixed with properly graded fine material consisting of
murum or earth to fill the voids and the mixture used for filling.
If fill material is required to be imported, the Contractor shall make
arrangements to bring such material from outside borrow pits. The material
and source shall be subject to prior approval of the Engineer in Charge. The
approved borrow pit areas shall be cleared of all bushes, roots of trees, plants,
rubbish, etc. Topsoil containing foreign material shall be removed. The
materials so removed shall be disposed of as directed by Engineer in Charge.
The Contractor shall provide the necessary access roads to borrow areas and
maintain the same if such roads do not exist.
Sand Filling
Refilling of trenches
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or may impose such fine for such omission as he may deem fit. Particular care
shall be taken to keep the trench dry during the entire refilling operation.
No mechanical plant other than approved compacting equipment shall run
over or operate within the trench until backfilling has reached its final level or
the approval of the Engineer has been obtained.
In case of excavation of trenches in rock, the filling upto a level 30 cm above
the top of the pipe shall be done with fine materials such as earth, murum,
etc. The filling up to the level of the centre line of the pipe shall be done by
hand compaction in layers not exceeding 8 cm whereas the filling above the
centre line of the pipe shall be done by hand compaction or approved means
in layers not exceeding 15 cm. The filling from a level 30 cm above the top of
the pipe to the top of the trench shall be done by hand or other approved
mechanical methods with broken rock filling of size not exceeding 15 cm
mixed with fine material as available to fill up the voids.
Filling of the trenches shall be carried out simultaneously on both sides of the
pipe to avoid unequal pressure on the pipe.
Subsidence in filling: Should any subsidence take place either in the filling of
the trenches or near about it during the maintenance period of 12 months
from the completion of the Contract Works, the Contractor shall make good
the same at his own cost or the Engineer may without notice to the
Contractor, make good the same in any way and with any material that he
may think proper, at the expense of the Contractor. The Engineer may also, if
he anticipates occurrence of any subsidence, employ persons to give him
timely notice of the necessity of making good the same, and the expenses on
this account shall be charged to the Contractor.
For the purpose of back-filling, the depth of the trench shall be considered as
divided into the following three zones from the bottom of the trench to its
Zone A:
From the bottom of the Back-filling by hand with sand, fine gravel or
trench to the level of other approved material placed in layers of 150
the centre line of the mm and compacted by tamping. The back-
pipe filling material shall be deposited in the trench
for its full width of each side of the pipe,
specials and appurtenances simultaneously.
Special care shall be taken to avoid damage of
the pipe and the coating or moving of the pipe.
Zone B:
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6.The fittings and valves should be installed in sequence with the laying of
pipes without leaving any gaps.
7.It is desirable to lay the pipelines from the end from where it can be
connected to the water source to enable regular flushing of laid pipes.
8.The entry of dirt or any foreign material in the pipe should be religiously
9.Each joint should be carefully checked for its completeness before covering
10.There should be a commensurate progress in trench excavation, laying and
jointing of pipes, fittings, valves etc and testing of laid pipes in sections
so as to complete testing of all pipes laid in quick follow up of
completing laying and jointing.
2.3.4Pipe laying above ground
The procedure described above for handling, lowering and jointing the pipes
for underground described above shall be followed for lifting, laying and
jointing of pipes on supports or on ground. Subjected to approval of
Engineer, the pipe may rest on ground if the soil is non-aggressive. The
ground should, however, be dressed to match the curvature of the pipe shell
for an arch length subtending an angle of 120° at the centre of pipes.
Alternatively, the pipeline shall be laid either on saddle or roller and rocker
supports as specified by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall design and submit L-section of the pipeline for the
section concerned. The Contractor shall also prepare details of the type of
saddles/concrete pedestals/ring girders to be provided before the actual
work of casting is taken in hand.
Before execution, the Contractor shall submit detailed designs and drawings
and all supports such as portal frames, saddles, ring girders etc for approval
of the EIC.
Pipe laying above ground shall generally start from the fixed or restrained
support on either side and the expansion joints being provided in the last.
Fixed or restrained supports are constructed at all anchor blocks. Where such
blocks are not required for long lengths, fixed supports shall be achieved by
fixing the pipeline to the special type of R.C.C. or steel saddles/ concrete
pedestals as specified above. Usually the distance between successive fixed
supports are about 300m, but shall be designed based on the particularity of
the material and submitted for approval of Engineer. Expansion joints shall
always be provided between two fixed supports or anchorages.
Anchor blocks shall be constructed before commencing the pipe laying work
in any section. The construction of the blocks shall be carried out in 3 stages
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
in the first stage the lower part upto 150 mm below the invert of the pipeline
including concrete chairs to support it shall be constructed; in the second
stage the pipeline on this part of the block shall be laid; and lastly, the
remaining block around and over the pipeline shall be constructed.
The support saddles/ concrete pedestals and ordinary saddles/ concrete
pedestals shall be cast-at least 3 weeks before the pipeline is laid on them.
After all saddles/ concrete pedestals between successive fixed supports have
been cast, a line plan showing the actual position thereof shall be prepared,
after taking levels and measuring distances. In case of any errors in casting
the pedestals, corrections shall be applied. The pipe laying work shall then
start from the fixed support and shall proceed towards the expansion joints.
The method of jointing the pipes and erecting them on previously cast R.C.C.
saddles/ concrete pedestals shall be determined by the Contractor depending
upon the type of plant equipment.
The pipe strakes shall be jointed in position on the saddles/ concrete
pedestals either by the cranes, portable gantries, shear legs or any other
equipment approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Normally, not more than
two pipes shall be aligned, tacked and kept in position on temporary
supports. During jointing, the pipeline shall be supported on wooden sleepers
and wedges, with the free end of the pipeline held in position by slings to
avoid deflection due to temperature variations during the day.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
The Contractor shall protect the earth fill from being washed away by rain or
damaged in any other way. Should any slip occur, the Contractor shall
remove the affected material and make good the slip.
If so specified, the rock as obtained from excavation may be used for filling
and levelling to indicated grades without further breaking. In such an event,
filling shall be done in layers not exceeding 50 cms approximately. After rock
filling to the approximate level, indicated above has been carried out, the void
in the rocks shall be filled with finer materials such as earth, broken stone, etc.
and the area flooded so that the finer materials fill up the voids. Care shall be
taken to ensure that the finer fill material does not get washed out. Over the
layer so filled, a 100 mm thick mixed layer of broken material and earth shall
be laid and consolidation carried out by a 12 ton roller. No less than 12 ton
passes of the roller shall be accepted before subsequent similar operations are
taken up.
2.3.6Damage to Public Utilities
All precautions shall be taken during excavation and laying operations to
guard against possible damage to any existing structure/pipeline of water,
gas, sewage etc. After excavation of trenches, pipe shall not be lowered unless
the dimensions of trenches and bedding for work for pipes at the bottom of
the trenches are approved by Engineer-in-Charge. Pipes and fittings/specials
shall be carefully lowered in the trenches. Special arrangements such as
cranes, tripods with chain pulley block for lowering the pipes and
fittings/specials shall be made by Contractor. In no case pipes and
fittings/specials shall be dropped. The Contractor shall be responsible for any
damages occurring during the laying of pipeline.
2.3.7Reinstatement of Road/ Footpath
Wherever the road is required to be cut, the Contractor shall obtain prior
permissions for road crossing and/or laying pipeline along the road from
concerned Authorities and prepare a negotiable diversion, at his cost, before
taking up road cutting. The Employer shall assist the Contractor in obtaining
such permission by endorsing letter(s) to relevant authorities. The Contractor
shall pay all fee, charges, levies in relation to permission for laying of pipeline
along and across the road, that shall be reimbursed to the Contractor as per
actual against proof of such payment.
After the pipes are laid and the trench refilled to the original level, the traffic
may be allowed to pass through. The road must be properly re-graded and
the damaged portion of road as well as the re-graded portions must be
constructed upto the sub-grade level as per the specifications of the concerned
Authorities. If the rules/guidelines/directions of relevant authorities do not
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
permit contractor to restore the roads, then the Contractor shall deposit such
road restoration charges to the relevant authorities. The Contractor shall
allow such costs in his bidding and no separate payment is admissible for
road restoration charges.
2.3.8Clearing the Site
All surplus materials, and all tools and temporary structures shall be removed
from the site as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and the construction site left
clean to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
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NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
The contractor shall provide and maintain all requisite facilities, instruments,
for the field testing of the material. All pipes, specials, valves and civil works
shall be replaced by the Contractor free of cost if damaged during testing.
2.3.13Testing of Pipelines Sectional Tests
After laying and jointing, the pipeline shall be tested for tightness of barrels
and joints, and stability of thrust blocks in sections approved by the Engineer
in Charge. The length of the sections depends on the topographical
conditions. Preferably the pipeline stretches to be tested shall be between two
chambers (air valve, scour valve, bifurcation, and other chamber).
The water required for testing shall be arranged by the Contractor himself.
The Contractor shall fill the pipe and compensate the leakage during testing.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain all requisite facilities, instruments,
etc. for the field testing of the pipelines. The testing of the pipelines generally
consists in three phases: preparation, pre-test/saturation and test,
immediately following the pre-test. Generally, the following steps are
required which shall be monitored and recorded in a test protocol if required:
(a)Sectional field testing of pipeline should be done only after constructing
thrust block at bends as well as at dead ends of pipelines. In case of
permanent dead end, thrust block should be constructed before testing
and at temporary dead end, temporary anchor should be provided to
take complete thrust.
(b)The length of pipeline should be tested may initially be kept as 500
meter, which can be increased in subsequent test by engineer in charge.
(c)During filling of pipeline with water, air should be released from air
vent pipes and care should be taken to close air vents only when
complete air has been removed from the pipeline and smooth flow of
water starts.
(d)In case of pipeline with internal cement mortar lining the water is to be
kept filled in the pipeline for 48 hours before sectional testing.
(e)Effort should be made to install the pressure gauge of 150 mm dial
diameter and of appropriate ratings at the lowest point of the pipeline
and if it is not possible than an allowance should be made for the
difference in static head between the lowest point and point of
measurement to ensure that the maximum pressure is not exceeded at
the lowest point.
(f)The water for this purpose shall be reasonably clear and free of solids
and suspended matters, water should be filled in pipeline section
having lowest RL.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
(g)The testing conditions for the pipeline shall be as per the test pressures
mentioned above and conditions laid out in IS: 12288:1987(amended
up to date) and CPHEEO manual on water supply and treatment.
(h)The test pressure shall be gradually raised at the rate of 1 kg/cm 2/min.
while inspecting the thrust block and the temporary anchoring.
(i)Starts the test by maintaining the test pressure at the desired level, if a
drop occurs in the test pressure make it the same by adding more
water, record the water added and the pressure in interval of 15
minutes at the beginning and 30 minutes at the end of test period.
(j)Rebuilding of pressure up to the testing pressure shall be done after
every fall of 10% from the testing pressure.
(k)Water required for pipeline testing is to be arranged by the contractor
himself at his own cost.
Allowable leakage during testing of pipeline@ 0.1 litter per mm of pipe dia per
KM of pipeline per day for 30 meter head of pressure.(as per CPHEEO manual
Allowable leakage in litre during
Dia of pipe Test duration in test duration and field test pressure
S.No. in mm hour in meter head per KM of pipeline
12 kgf/cm2 18 kgf/cm2
1 100 6 10 15
2 125 6 12.5 18.75
3 150 6 15 22.5
4 200 6 20 30
5 250 6 25 37.5
6 300 6 30 45
7 350 6 35 52.5
8 400 6 40 60
9 450 6 45 67.5
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
10 500 6 50 75
11 600 6 60 90
12 700 6 70 105
13 750 6 80 120
14 800 6 90 135
15 1000 6 100 150
(ii)If leakage is greater than the specified the defective pipe(s) or joint(s) shall be
repaired/replaced until the leakage is within the specified allowance.
(iii) Water used for testing should not be carelessly disposed off on land which
would ultimately find its way to trenches.
(iv)One register for testing pipeline should be maintained and all tests including
failures test should be recorded. Failure to pass the test
All pipes or joints which are proved to be in any way defective shall be
replaced or remade and re-tested as often as may be necessary until a
satisfactory test are obtained. Any work, which fails or is proved by test to be
unsatisfactory in any way shall be redone by Contractor. No payments shall
be made against replacement or remade and retested pipeline.
The pipes shall be accepted to have passed the pressure test satisfactorily, if
the quantity of water required to restore the test pressure does not exceed the
amount ‘Q’, calculated by the above formula for DI and if the pressure
remains steady within 5% of the target value for 1 1/2 hr for HDPE.
If it is required to test a section of a pipe line with a free end, it is necessary to
provide temporary support against the considerable end thrust developed by
the application of the test pressure. The end support can be provided by
inserting a wooden beam or similar strong material in a short trench
excavated at right angle to the main trench and inserting suitable packing
between the support and pipe end.
No section of the pipe work shall be accepted by the Engineer until all
requirements of the test have been obtained. The test also includes for:
•Closing of the valves against full static or dynamic pressure.
•Operation of all valves including scour valves (open-close-open).
•Operation of all air valves.
•Operation of all locking arrangements of valve chambers.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
This chapter describes the minimum requirements for the provision of Sluice Valves,
Gate Valves, Check Valves and Air Valves. Prior to the procurement of valves the
Contractor shall obtain the Engineer in charge’s approval for the materials to be
• General applicable Standards to be applied to the Works under this Section shall
be Indian Standards and British Standards or other approved International
• As far as practicable all valves of the same type shall be from the same
• Valves for pipeline installation shall comply with the relevant provisions of the
appropriate BS, IS and other international standards.
• A certificate from the manufacturer’s shop testing shall be provided for review
by the Engineer in charge.
• Before delivery to Site all working surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and if
metal protected with grease. The initial charges of oil, grease and similar
materials necessary for the correct setting to work and operation of valves and
penstocks shall be provided by the Contractor. Packing must be sufficient to
ensure complete protection of the fitting during transit and storage and all valves
are to have their openings sealed until installation.
• The valve stem, thrust washers, screws, nuts and all other components exposed
to the water shall be of a corrosion resistant grade of stainless steel. Valves shall
be free from sharp projections. Butterfly valves shall be provided with bypass
arrangement having rising spindle gate valves. Bypass may be integral with
valve or connected between pipes. Minimum size of by pass for valves in main is
150 mm.
• All valves shall be protected against corrosion. Minimum required application
shall be factory applied food grade epoxy system 250 microns thick.
• Provision for indicator tags shall be made for identification / location of valves.
Marking shall be either cast on the bonnet or the body and shall show the
Manufacturer’s name or mark
Year of valve casting
Size of valve
Designation of working pressure
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
Number of turns to open, with the direction of closing clearly indicated on the
hand wheel or body as appropriate.
Client’s Name
• Gaskets shall be of Nitrile rubber and ready made matching with respective
flanges. Gaskets cut out from rubber sheets are not acceptable.
• All valves, gates, operators and appurtenances shall be installed in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations and as per the specifications laid for
pipe laying, and to the locations indicated on the drawings.
• The installation shall be true to alignment and rigidly supported.
• As soon as installation and operating conditions permit, all valves and
appurtenances shall be given a field test to be witnessed by the Engineer in
charge to demonstrate that they meet all requirements and operating conditions.
• Valves shall be PN rating 1.0, 1.6, 2.0 and 2.5 (as required) based on hydraulic
considerations as per the sum of the hydraulic working pressure and design
surge pressure at the point of installation.
• All sluice valves and butterfly valves on pipeline shall be manually operated and
they shall be provided with suitable hand wheel or key. For valves greater than
400 mm diameter gear operators shall be used. The direction of closing shall be
clearly indicated on the hand wheel or body as appropriate.
• All sluice valves and butterfly valves in the pumping stations shall be electrically
operated with provision of manual operation. The direction of closing shall be
clearly indicated on the hand wheel or body as appropriate.
• Manual operation of valves shall be so that the torque effort required operating
the hand wheel manually, lever or chain shall not exceed 20 kg-m applied by an
• Valves shall be provided with operating hand wheels, caps, extension spindles
and valve boxes as required. Extended valve spindles shall have spindle guides
and operating caps.
• For sluice valves up to 600 mm diameter installed in underground chamber or
otherwise not easily accessible, the Contractor shall furnish extension spindles
and/or keys, or chains with extension oil cups or such similar fittings or
appliances as may be required to permit easy access for proper operation,
lubrication etc. Valves shall be suitable for frequent operation as well as
operation after long periods of idleness in either open or closed position.
• Unless detailed otherwise all hand wheels shall have the words “open” and
“close” cast in English with arrows indicating the direction of rotation. All hand
wheels shall be of a solid cast type.
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NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
1 This section covers the requirements for non-rising stem type sluice valve as
per IS 14846. The valves will be used for water supply on line installations in
upright positions, up to 450 C working temperature, with double flange and
cap or hand wheel, for manual operation. Manually operated sluice valves
shall be provided as indicated in drawing according to the diameter and of
class PN 1.0. The valves shall be installed between flanges. Dismantling shall
be possible by the use of rigid or flexible dismantling pieces or flange
adopter at one side
2 Nominal pressure and dimensions
Dimensions and mass of the sluice valves shall be in accordance with IS
14846. The flanges and their dimensions of drilling shall be in accordance
with IS: 1538 (part-I to XXII).
3 Material
The material for different component parts of sluice valve shall conform to
requirements given below:
3. Fluid Water
4. Rating PN : 1.0 ( 10 Kg. / cm ² )
5. Stem Non rising
Flanged, flat faced flanges as per IS-1538 Table IV &
Ends VI having off center bolt holes
7. Bonnet Bolted
8. Disc. Solid wedge
9. Operation Hand wheel
10. Seat Body - Renewable Disc - Renewable
11. Other Valves shall close in clockwise rotation of the hand
requirements wheel.
12. Body / bonnet C.I. IS 210 GR 260
13. Disc C.I. IS 210 GR 260
14. Stem S.S. AISI – 410
15. Body seat Bronze IS 318 GR LTB 2
16. Disc seat Bronze IS 318 GR LTB 2
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
The standard marking and packing of the valves shall be done as per clause
10 and 11 of IS: 780. The direction of rotation for OPEN, CLOSE position
shall be marked on the hand wheel and on the bonnet of the valve.
Testing of sluice valve shall be done for close end in accordance with IS:
780 for sizes from 50
mm to 300 mm and IS : 2906 for sizes from 350 mm to 600.
All the valves shall be inspected for flow detection test in accordance with
IS : 780. for sizes
from 50 mm to 300 mm and IS : 2906 for sizes from 350 mm to 600.
This specifications covers the supply of single and double air valves conforming
to fig. H-4 and H-40 of G.K. Catalogue in size 25mm to 200mm.
C.I. small orifice type single air valve in size 25mm conforming generally to
fig.H-4 of G.K. Catalogue. The BUOYANT ball will rest on a bronze/extruded
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
brass orifice nipple. The BUOYANT ball will have a timber core with rubber
covering. It shall have G.M./Brass screwed nipple at bottom with 1” BSP thread.
The air valve shall be provided with an integral screw down type isolating
valve. The operating rod
shall be made from extruded high tensile brass of quality grade HT-1 as per
IS:320-1980 (430 Mpa is minimum tensile strength and minimum elongation of
20% on 5.65 50 gauge length.)
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
The cast iron for various parts shall be of grade FG-200 of IS 210/1973
(Amended upto date).
The non-ferrous parts except the orifice plug and spindle shall be made from
Gunmetal as per IS: 318-1981 Grade LTB-2.(Amended up to date)
Immediately after casting and before machining all cast iron parts shall be
thoroughly cleaned and before rusting commences shall be coated with a
composition having a tar base.
The coating shall be such that it shall not impart any taste, or smell to water. It
shall be smooth, glossy, tenacious, sufficiently hard so as not to flow when
expose to a temperature of 77 C and not so brittle at a temperature 15 C . As to
chip off when scratched lightly with the point of a penknife.
Alternatively two coats of black Japan paint conforming to type 8 of IS: 341-1971
or paint conforming to type 2 of IS: 158-1968 shall be applied.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
The valve shall be of flanged type suitable for mounting on a horizontal pipeline.
Valves shall possess high speed closing characteristics and be designed for
minimum slam condition when closing.
Dual plate check valves conform to API 594 and API 598. They shall have resilient
sealing. The spring action shall optimise the equal closing rates of each plate
especially when the friction coefficients are uneven due to one plate resting upon
one another. The plates shall not drag on the seat while opening. The plates shall not
vibrate under full or partial flow condition.
The minimum body-wall thickness shall conform to those given in Table 1B of API
Standard 594.
The face-to-face dimensions of valves (including valves with ring-joint facings) shall
conform to those mentioned in Table 2B of API Standard 594.
The valve body shall be furnished with a clearly visible cat, forged, machined-in, or
die-stamped arrow to indicate the direction of flow through the valve.
Double Flanged quick closing non slam spring loaded dual plate, generally
conforming to API 594 for pressure rating as per requirement at particular section, of
size equivalent to the delivery pipe, shall be provided with following material of
(a) Rating As per requirement at particular
(b) Body CI to IS 210 Gr FG 260 for PN 1.0 and
CS/MS for PN 2.0
(c) Plate CS : A 216 Gr WCB
(d) Hinge Pin /Stop Pin SS. AISI 431
(e) Springs SS. AISI 316
(f) Body & Plate Seat 13% Chromium overlay.
(g) Seal EPDM
(h) Retainer Carbon Steel
(i) Body Bearing SS AISC 316
(j) Plate Bearing SS AISC 316
Non-return valves shall double flanged and be installed on the delivery side of the
pumps, and shall be suitable for installation in a horizontal pipeline. Rapid natural
closing to be non-slam by suitable design of spring return mechanism, to ensure that
the valve will rapidly fully close the moment forward flow of the water ceases i.e. on
pump shutdown, external counter weights will not be acceptable. To prevent
excessive head loss, larger diameter non-return valves will be provided with several
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
smaller and lighter flaps in a single bulkhead. In this case stopper to be provided for
the upper door to avoid contact with shell.
Body CI to IS Gr FG 200
Door CI to IS Gr FG 200
Spring Spring steel BS:970
Body ring S S. AISI 304
Door ring SS. AISI 304
Hinge pin AISI 410 /431 Hardened and ground
3.6.3 Flanges
➢ The nominal size and thickness of the flanges shall be as defined for pressure
rating 1.0, 1.6 and 2.5 N/mm2 conforming to IS 6392. The pressure rating of
the flanges shall be equivalent to the valve with which they are being
installed. The selection of the flange out of these three ratings shall be based
on the design pressure at the place of installation.
➢ Valves shall be flanged and the flange face at right angles to the valve
centerline. Backside of valve flanges shall be machined or spot faced for
proper seating of the head and nut.
➢ Flanges shall be machined on faces and edges to IS 6392 or BS 4504. Flange
drilling shall conform to IS 1538.
➢ No new or additional holes shall be drilled on site. Tapped holes are not
acceptable in flanges.
The jointing material such as nuts, bolts, washers, pig lead, rubber packing, etc. shall
be provided by the Contractor.
Nuts and bolts shall be of the best quality bright steel, machined on the shank and
under the head and nut. Studs, bolts and nuts shall be galvanised. Bolts shall be of
accurate length so that only one thread shall show through the nut in the fully
tightened conditions. Nuts and bolts shall conform to IS 1363 and IS 1367.
Washers, locking devices and anti-vibration arrangements shall be provided where
Where there is a risk of corrosion, bolts, nuts and studs shall be designed so that the
maximum stress does not exceed half the yield stress of the material under any
conditions. All bolts, nuts and screws which are subject to frequent adjustment or
removal in the course of maintenance and repair shall be made of nickel bearing
stainless steel.
The Contractor shall supply all holding down, alignment leveling bolts complete
with anchorages, nuts washers and packing required to fix the plant to its
foundations, bed plates, frames and other structural parts.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
The Contractor shall procure and keep at site, reasonable excess quantities to cover
wastage of those materials which will be normally subject to waste during erection,
commissioning and setting to work.
Throughout erection, the valves shall be supported properly on wooden sleepers,
etc. and shall be concreted immediately thereafter, as directed. Before the valves are
actually fixed, they shall be cleaned and greased and it should be seen that all parts
are in perfect working condition. In the case of air valves, the Contractor shall take
special care of the dexine joints and the ebonite and /or vulcanite balls until they are
fixed in position. They shall be kept immersed in water in suitable containers.
The following Inspection and Testing procedures shall be carried out for all the
equipment as applicable:
(i) Visual Inspection.
(ii) Material Certificates for all the specified material shall be furnished.
(iii) Welding Qualifications.
(iv) Dimension Checking.
(v) Stage Inspections (in process inspection).
(vi) Hydrostatic / Leak testing for all pressure parts, Pneumatic Leak Test
wherever applicable.
(vii) Operation check.
(viii) Liquid penetrating tests or magnetic particle tests for all machined
surfaces of pressure parts.
(ix) Ultrasonic test for forging materials viz.,
(x) Plates of thickness 20mm and above for pressed / formed parts such as
heads, etc.
(xi) Plates, flanges and bars of thickness / diameter 40mm and above used for
fabrication of pressure and load bearing members and rotating parts.
(xii) Radiographic testing for all but welded parts, as per applicable codes.
(xiii) Hardness tests for all Hardened surfaces.
The Contractor shall maintain proper identification of all materials used, along with
reports for all internal / stage inspection work carried out, based on the specific job
requirement and or based on the datasheets / drawings / specifications.
Requirement of shop tests for Valves are listed below:
a) During testing there shall be no visible evidence of structural damage to any of
the valve components.
b) Each valve operated actuator shall be shop-operated at least three times from the
fully closed to the fully opened position, and the reverse, under no-flow
condition, to demonstrate that complete assembly is workable.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
The tests mentioned below shall be hold points and to be witnessed by a duty
authorized representative of the Employer:
The following tests shall be carried out for butterfly valves in line with IS 13095:
a. Seat leakage test. Seat test shall be carried out in each direction and the valve
shall be drop tight.
b. Body hydrostatic test
c. Disc strength test at body test pressure in each direction.
d. Valve operation with and without actuator
The following tests shall be carried out for sluice valves in line with IS 14846:
a. Seat leakage test
b. Body hydrostatic test
c. Valve operation
The material certificates, physical properties, heat treatments and shop test
certificates of valve body, disc, wedge and shaft shall be duly approved and certified
by the manufacturer and these shall be subject to review & approval by the
Notwithstanding the above requirement for inspection and quality control, the
following inspection and quality control measures shall be carried out by
a. Magnetic particle tests on body and disc/door.
b. Dye penetration tests on metal seats.
c. Ultrasonic tests on shafts.
d. Overload Torque Test shall be carried out on the gear boxes of the valves. The
test shall be carried out by applying 1.5 times the rated torque.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
4.1. General
4.1.1. This part of the specification covers the design loads to be considered,
specifications of material and workmanship for the civil works. Material
used and workmanship for the civil works of campus development,
repair/new works of buildings, civil works associated with pipeline laying
etc. to be done under the contract will adhere to the provisions laid down in
this chapter.
4.1.2. For materials used other than those specified, the material must conform to
the requirement of respective Indian Standards/International Standard
and/or good engineering practices. The contractor shall get prior approval
of the materials proposed to be used under the contract as per the provisions
of Special Conditions of Contract, from the Engineer-in-Charge.
4.2. Design Considerations:
4.2.1.DESIGN SUBMISSIONS contractor shall be responsible for the safety of structures, correctness
of design and drawings, even after the approval of the same by Engineer-
in-Charge. detailed design calculations of foundations and superstructure
together with general arrangement drawings and explanatory sketches
shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge. Separate calculations for
foundations or superstructures submitted independent of each other shall
be deemed to be incomplete and will not be accepted by the Engineer-in-
charge. design considerations described hereunder establish the minimum
basic requirements of plain and reinforced concrete structures, masonry
structures and structural steel works. However, any particular structure
shall be designed for the satisfactory performance of the functions for
which the same is being constructed.
All designs shall be based on the latest Indian Standard (I.S.) Specifications
or Codes of Practice unless otherwise specified. The design standards
adopted shall follow the best modern engineering practice in the field
based on any other international standard or specialist literature subject to
such standard reference or extract of such literature in the English language
is being supplied to and got approved by the Engineer-in-charge. In case
of any variation or contradiction between the provisions of the I.S.
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In the absence of any suitable provisions for live loads in I.S. Codes or as given
above for any particular type of floor or structure, assumptions made must
receive the approval of the Engineer-in-charge prior to starting the design work.
Apart from the specified live loads or any other load due to material stored, any
other equipment load or possible overloading during maintenance or erection/
construction shall be considered and shall be partial or full whichever causes the
most critical condition.
Wind Load
Wind loads shall be as per I.S. 875. Part 3
Earthquake Load
This shall be computed as per I.S. 1893 taking into consideration soil foundation
system, importance factor appropriate to the type of structure, basic horizontal
seismic coefficient/ seismic zone factor & average acceleration coefficient.
Dynamic Load
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The RCC reservoirs are to be constructed as per the type and size detailed in the
“Scope of Work” defined in this Volume II of tender document. The conceptual
drawings of CWR/ ESR are given in the drawings in Volume III of the tender
document which are for general understanding of department requirements but
shall have no bearing on the submissions for approval, the requirements as
given in this document are required to be fulfilled. The facilities and general
arrangements of the reservoirs shall be as shown in the drawings in Volume III.
The contractor shall submit detailed general arrangement drawings, structural
drawings and design of each structure for the approval of Engineer in charge.
The designs shall adhere to the provisions given in this chapter. The design shall
be got approved from the agencies defined in the contract before submission to
the Engineer-in-Charge.
The ESRs shall be of Intze type shape, supported on raft foundation. The
arrangements for lightening arrestor, conductors and earthing system shall be
made by the contractor.
The construction of reservoirs shall be carried out in accordance with the
specifications mentioned herein and relevant IS amended upto date. The general
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
arrangement drawings of the piping system and other drawings like layout plan
of site, structural drawings and designs, working drawings, etc shall be
submitted by the contractor for approval of the department prior to start of
work. In cases where the specifications given below are silent about any aspects
in respect of any item, the work shall be carried out as per the relevant IS code
of practice in the latest version and/or as per sound engineering practice after
approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
Preparatory Works
For RCC ESR: SBC tests shall be got done through MNIT Jaipur/ BITS Pilani/
IIT Delhi. For foundations to be laid on sandy strata, the structural design and
reinforcement drawings shall be prepared assuming maximum SBC of soil as 8
T/Sqm even if the SBC testing is found to be 8 T/Sqm or more at foundation
depth. If the SBC testing is found to be less than 8 T/Sqm at foundation depth,
the structure shall be designed on the basis of actual SBC found on testing for
which no extra payment will be made to contractor.
Material of Construction
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
Design Requirements
The following are the design requirements for all reinforced or plain concrete
Cement concrete ( plain or reinforced ) shall comply with the requirement of
specifications of Rajasthan PWD (B&R) Specification and Explanatory Notes for
Building and House Drainage except in so far as these are not altered or
modified by specific stipulations as given in the specifications herein.The
concrete grades to be used shall not be leaner than the following :
Concrete mix of richer than M20 shall be got designed form MNIT Jaipur/
BITS Pilani/ IIT Delhi at contractors cost.
The The Synthetic Polyolefin (Polypropylene and Polyethylene) Fiber shall
be used as admixture.
The fibre shall be as per enclosure. The dose shall be as per design
The reinforced concrete for water retaining structures shall have a
minimum cement content of 300 kg/m3 with a maximum 20 mm size
aggregate and 330 kg/m3 with a maximum 40 mm size
The minimum reinforcement in walls, floors and roofs in each of two
directions of right angles within each surface zone shall be as per 7.1 of IS:
3370 part 2.
The nominal cover of concrete for all steel, including stirrups, links,
sheathing and spacers shall be as per 7.2 of IS : 3370 Part 2 for liquid
retaining structures and as per IS:457 for other structures.
Suitable admixtures may be used with the approval of engineer in charge.
Construction of floors and walls of Liquid Retaining structures shall be as per IS:
3370 Part 1.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
All loads shall be considered as per the provisions of IS 875 and other references
as defined in this chapter.
The design shall be suitable for the worst possible conditions of loading during
construction and operation.
Grade of concrete to be used for the reservoirs shall be as per the provisions of
IS 456 for moderate environmental exposure conditions. The minimum cement
content for reservoir members shall be 360 Kg/cum. For other works such as
plinth protection etc.., the minimum cement content shall be as per the
respective codes. Minimum cover as prescribed in IS 456 shall be provided. The
minimum thickness of reservoir members shall be in accordance to the
provisions of IS 456 and IS 3370. However the following minimum thicknesses
shall be provided for different reinforced concrete members, irrespective of
design thicknesses as follows:
Walls for liquid retaining structures 150 mm
Spherical Dome/Flat roof slab of RCC
reservoirs 125 mm
Bottom slabs of CWRs 150 mm
Floor slabs including roof slabs, walkways,
canopy slabs 150 mm
Wall of cables/ pipe trenches, underground
pits etc. 125 mm
Wall of cables/ pipe trenches, underground
pits etc. 125 mm
Column footings 150 mm
Parapets, Chajja 75 mm
Pre-Cast trench cover 50 mm
Free board depth to be provided 300 mm
Dead storage depth 100 mm
Thickness of lean concrete below foundation 100 mm
Depth of foundation for ESR 3000mm or on solid rock.
Depth of foundation for CWR 1000mm or on solid rock.
Age factor shall not be more than 1(one)
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
Final Finishing
The contractor will ensure that the entire structure along with all its installations
are in a finished and in new and fully operative condition when handed over,
after the D.L.P. period is over. He shall have repaired and removed all signs of
damage that might have been done during the course of installation and fixing
of equipment. He shall also see that all the exterior has been finished properly
and the entire site is cleared of all extra construction material, debris and
excavated soil. This shall have to be done to the satisfaction of the Engineer in
Puddle collars
Puddle collars shall be used for connecting the inlet, outlet, overflow & washout
pipes to the reservoir. All puddles shall be fixed at right angle to the RCC wall
during casting of wall. All puddle collars shall be of C.I. The minimum length
shall be at least 100 mm more than the total finished thickness of the walls and
size of the puddle collars shall be equal to the size of the respective pipe.
The working length of double flange CI pipes shall be 0.5m, 1m, 1.5m, 2m, 2.75m
and 3.0m. The pipes shall be ISI marked, and shall be straight and permissible
deviation from straight line shall be in accordance with IS : 7181. The pipes of
heavier mass than the maximum shall be accepted provided they comply in
every other respect with the requirement of IS: 7181. The pipes shall be supplied
with the required bolts, nuts and rubber gaskets. The flanges and their
dimensions of drilling shall be in accordance with IS: 1538.
The working pressure for the double flanged pipes shall be 10 kg/cm2 (1Mpa).
The pipes shall be tested hydrostatically at a specified pressure in accordance
with IS : 7181. The pipes shall not show any sign of leakage, sweating or other
defect of any kind. The factory test pressure for pipe sizes up to and including
300 mm shall be 25 kg/cm2 and for pipe sizes over 300 mm up to and including
600 shall be 20 kg/cm2.
The pipes shall be internally and externally coated with hot applied (dip)
bituminous paint in accordance with IS: 7181.
Alternatively Ductile iron D/F pipe class K-9 as per IS 8329 may be used.
The cast iron flanged specials (all flanged tee, flanged tapers, bends, blank
flanges, and Puddle collar) shall be according to IS: 1538.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
The specials shall be internally and externally coated with hot applied (dip)
bituminous paint.
All flanged specials shall be used for nominal pressure of 10 kg/cm2 (1Mpa).
Flanged specials shall be supplied with the required bolts, nuts and rubber
gaskets. The nut & bolts shall be supplied in jute bag; rubber gasket shall be
supplied in polyethylene bags.
The length and size of the puddle collars to be fixed at different places of the
structures shall be decided by the Engineer in Charge. Pipe make shall be got
approved from Executive Engineer, District Division I Jaipur before using it on
M.S. ladder 450 mm wide, made up of 50mm x 50mm x 6mm M.S. angle iron
and 25mm M.S. bars welded at 300mm c/c shall be provided outside from the
balcony to top dome in ESR. MS cage shall also be provided on this ladder.
Similarly MS ladder/RCC Staircase shall be provided at CWR for access to the
top dome. M.S. ladder with all its components should be suitably painted as per
approval of EIC.
The ladders in all type of reservoirs (i.e. CWR & ESR) from top dome roof to
inside platform and from platform to bottom dome in the container shall be of
aluminium. Its drawing shall be got approved from EIC before dispatch.
Hand railing shall be provided along the stairs of ESR and on the top dome of
ESR. Hand railing around the platforms, Balcony, stairs and landings shall be
consisting of 25 mm diameter medium B class GI pipes in two rows (one at the
top and other at middle level) and 750mm high vertical post 50x50x6 mm angle
iron @> 750mm centre to centre properly embedded in the concrete(At least two
vertical angles are to be provided wherever distance is less) with all accessories
like elbows, tees etc. including welding, threading and embedding in cement
concrete floor. Railing shall be protected against corrosion after welding. The
pipe shall pass through hole in the vertical angle.
Water level indicator shall be installed on the ESR. Water level indicator
consisting of an approved copper float and iron counter weight and connected
by steel flexible wire passing over aluminium pullies fixed on 25mnm GI
medium class pipe which is installed as indicated in the drawing shall have to
be provided. The scale shall be calibrated in centimeters and should consist of
M.S. sheet 20 gauge fixed over wooden plank with an M.S. angle iron frame of
35mm x 35mm x 5mm and painted with white enamel base, letters in black and
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
red. The scale shall be located and fixed with RCC column at 2m above the
ground for ESR.
RCC Ventilator
RCC Ventilators shall be provided for all reservoirs. The size of ventilator shall
be approved by EIC in consideration to the tank size. The drawing of ventilator
shall be got approved from EIC. For smaller reservoirs CI vent pipes of dia as
per approval of EIC shall be provided.
Lightening arrester
Plinth Protection
Plinth protection works for ESR and CWR is to be provided all around each
reservoir in a 1 m circular strip. It shall consist of laying lean concrete 100 mm
thick in M10, over compacted soil. Over the lean concrete brick on edge flooring
or RR stone flooring in 1:4 cement sand mortar shall be provided. Along this
plinth protection provision of toe wall of M15 grade cement concrete 150 mm
wide over the base of lean concrete of M10 shall be provided. Side slope of
plinth protection shall be 1 in 50 outward & peripheral slope should be 1 in 500.
Plinth protection works to be constructed below the OH Service Reservoir, shall
be extended up to 1m from fall of balcony or edge of raft slab, whichever is
more, all around service reservoir. It shall consist of laying lean concrete 100 mm
thick in M10, over compacted soil.
The minimum free space between plinth protection and the first bracing of
the ESR shall be 1.60 meters. Slogan and logo
The contractor shall paint on the vertical wall of the tank portion by using 3
coats of plastic emulsion paint of shade as approved by engineer in charge to
form a base for writing the slogan. The Size & shade for painting the slogan will
be approved and directed by Engineer in Charge. The logo should indicate the
name of the project, name of the village and the capacity of the reservoir. The
slogan shall be as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
Pipe Clamp
At least two clamp on one staging shall be provided of 6mm thick 50mm wide
MS flat fixed on pipe & column.
Square manhole cover 600X600 mm shall be provided. The cover shall be made
of 5 mm thick MS flat. The frame shall be made of MS angle 50*50*6. The cover
shall be connected to this frame by using two nos. strung hinges. Locking
arrangement shall be provided.
Aluminum ladder from top dome to the bottom, 450 mm wide, made up of
aluminium section of sufficient size as per design approved by Engineer in
charge with horizontal sections provided at with at 300mm c/c shall be
To prevent the unauthorized entry to structure, the gate of height 2.1 m, made
up of Angle iron and MS Sheet, shall be installed at stair case first landing above
3 m height from plinth protection work. The Angle shall be 35x35x5 mm size
and sheet shall be of 20 gauge. The frame for the gate shall be made up of angle
50x50x5 mm. The gate shall be grouted in the concrete. The gate shall be
accompanied by a cover made up of Angle Iron and MS Sheet. The enclosure
shall be 2 meter in length. It shall be fabricated and installed as per directions of
Engineer In Charge.
The CI Jali of suitable size shall be provided on the Delivery Pipe to prevent
entry of any unwanted material in the pipe.
Two hours after pouring the concrete, the slurry would be washed with high
pressure water jet & air jet. Before pouring the next layer of concrete the old
surface shall be brushed, painted with approved joining compound.
Water bar of G.I. sheet 150 mm wide 20 gauge shall be provided as per IS 3370
Part-I 1965 as construction joints in vertical wall. Overlaps in sheets shall be 300
mm. Alternatively water stopper of HDPE can be used.
The material to be supplied under this sub-section shall include but not be
limited to the following:
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
(i) All necessary fittings including bolts, nuts, gaskets, backing rings, counter
flanges, jointing material, strainers etc. as required.
(ii) Valves to start/stop and regulate flow
(iii) Painting, anti-corrosive coating etc., inside and outside of the valves.
The contractor shall carry out a water tightness test as per IS: 3370 for the
maximum water head condition i.e. with the water standing at full supply level.
All cost of testing shall be borne by the contractor. This test shall be carried out
in accordance with the procedure given below
a. For water tightness test, before the filling operations are started, the
reservoirs shall be jointly inspected by the Engineer in Charge and the
representative of the Contractor and condition of surfaces of wall,
construction joints etc. shall be inspected and noted and it shall be
ensured that jointing material filled in the joints is in position and all
openings are closed. The contractor shall make necessary arrangement for
ventilation and lighting of reservoir by way of flood lights, circulators etc.
for carrying out proper inspection of surfaces and internal conditions if so
desired by the Engineer in Charge.
b. The water retaining structures shall be filled with water gradually at the
rate not exceeding 30 cm. rise in water level per hour and shall extend for
a period of 72 hours. Records of leakages starting at different level of
water in the reservoirs, if any, shall be kept.
c. The reservoirs once filled shall be allowed to remain filled for a period of
7 days before any readings or drop in water level is recorded again at 7
days. The total drop in surface level over a period of 7 days shall be taken
as indication of the water tightness of the reservoir, which for all practical
purposes shall not exceed 40mm. There shall be no indication of leakages
around the puddle collars or on the wall and bottom of the reservoir.
d. If the structure does not satisfy the test requirements, and the daily drop
in water level is decreasing, the period of test may be extended for further
seven days and if the specified limit is not exceeded, the structure may be
considered as satisfactory.
e. In case the drop in water level exceeds the permissible limit with the
stipulated period of test, the Contractor shall carry out such additional
works and adopt such measures as may be directed by the Engineer in
charge to reduce the leakage in the permissible limit. The entire
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
IS No. Title
IS No. Title
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
432 (Part 1) Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel
wire for concrete reinforcement : Part 1 Mild steel and medium
tensile steel bars (third revision)
383 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural resources for concrete
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
875 (Part 1) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures : Part 1 Dead loads -Unit weights of
building material and stored materials
875 (Part 2) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures : Part 2 Imposed loads
875 (Part 3) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures : Part 3 Wind loads
875 (Part 4) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures : Part 4 Snow loads
875 (Part 5) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures : Part 5 Special loads and load
1786 High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete
2502 Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
2395 (Part 1) Code of practice for painting concrete masonry and plaster
surfaces : Part 1 Operation and workmanship
2395 (Part 2) Code of practice for painting concrete masonry and plaster
surfaces : Part 2 Schedule
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
the Engineer-in-charge and shall carry out the specified tests directed by the
Engineer-in-charge at the Site, at the supplier’s premises or at a laboratory
approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
Samples shall be submitted and tests carried out sufficiently early to enable
further samples to be submitted and tested if required by the Engineer-in-
Approval by the Engineer-in-charge as to the placing of orders for materials or
as to samples or tests shall not prejudice to any of the Employer’s powers
under the Contract.
Materials and workmanship shall comply with the relevant Indian Standards
(with amendments upto date).
Where the relevant standard provides for the furnishing of a certificate to the
Engineer-in-charge, at his request, stating that the materials supplied comply in
all respects with the standard, the Contractor shall obtain the certificates and
forward it to the Engineer-in-charge.
The specifications, standards and codes listed in this chapter are considered to be
part of this Bid specification. All standards, specifications, codes of practices
referred to herein shall be the latest editions including all applicable official
amendments and revisions.
4.6.1. GENERAL
The Contractor shall furnish all tools, plant instruments, qualified supervisory
personnel, labour, materials, any temporary works, consumables, any and
everything necessary, whether or not such items are specifically stated herein for
completion of the work in accordance with the Department’s Requirements.
The Contractor shall survey the site before excavation and set out all lines and
establish levels for various works such as grading, basement, foundations, plinth
filling, roads, drains, cable trenches, pipelines etc. Such survey shall be carried
out by taking accurate cross sections of the area perpendicular to established
reference/grid lines at 8 m in case of buildings and 30 m in case of roads and
pipe lines works intervals or nearer, if necessary, based on ground profile and
thereafter properly recorded.
The excavation shall be carried out to correct lines and levels. This shall also
include, where required, proper shoring to maintain excavations and also the
furnishing, erecting and maintaining of substantial barricades around excavated
areas and warning lamps at night.
Excavated material shall be dumped in regular heaps, bunds, riprap with regular
slopes and levelling the same so as to provide natural drainage. Rock/soil
excavated shall be stacked properly as approved by the Engineer-in-charge. As a
rule, all softer material shall be laid along the centre of heaps, the harder and
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
more weather resisting materials forming the casing on the sides and the top.
Topsoil shall be stock piled separately for later re-use.
The area to be excavated/filled shall be cleared of fences, trees, plants, logs,
stumps, bush, vegetation, rubbish, slush, etc. and other objectionable matter. If
any roots or stumps of trees are encountered during excavation, they shall also be
removed. The material so removed shall be disposed off as approved by the
Engineer-in-charge. Where earthfill is intended, the area shall be stripped of all
loose/ soft patches, top soil containing objectionable matter / materials before fill
Excavation for permanent work shall be taken out to such widths, lengths,
depths and profiles as are shown on the approved drawings or such other lines
and grades as may be agreed with the Engineer-in-charge Rough excavation shall
be carried out to a depth of 150 mm above the final level. The balance shall be
excavated with special care. Soft pockets shall be removed below the final level
and extra excavation filled up with material as approved by the Engineer-in-
charge. The final excavation should be carried out just prior to laying the
blinding course.
To facilitate the permanent works the Contractor may excavate, and also backfill
later, outside the lines shown on the approved drawings or as agreed with the
Engineer-in-charge. Should any excavation be taken below the specified
elevations, the Contractor shall fill it up with material as approved by EIC upto
the required elevation at no cost to the department.
All excavations shall be to the minimum dimensions required for safety and ease
of working. Prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge shall be obtained by the
Contractor in each individual case, for the method proposed for the excavation,
including dimensions, side slopes, dewatering, disposal, etc. This approval, shall
not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for any consequent
loss or damage. The excavation must be carried out in the most expeditious and
efficient manner. Side slopes shall be as steep as will stand safely for the actual
soil conditions encountered. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent slips.
Should slips occur, the slipped material shall be removed and the slope dressed
to a modified stable slope.
4.6.4. ROCK
All loose boulders, detached rocks partially and other loose material which might
move therewith not directly in the excavation but so close to the area to be
excavated as to be liable, in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge, to fall or otherwise
endanger the workmen, equipment, the work shall be stripped off and removed
from the area of the excavation. The method used shall be such as not to render
unstable or unsafe portion, which was originally sound and safe.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
Any material not requiring removal in order to complete the permanent works,
but which, in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge, is likely to become loose or
unstable later, shall also be promptly and satisfactorily removed.
All fill material shall be subject to the Engineer-in-charge’s approval. If any
material is rejected by Engineer-in-charge, the Contractor shall remove the same
forthwith from the site. Surplus fill material shall be deposited/disposed off as
directed by Engineer-in-charge after the fill work is completed.
To the extent available, selected surplus soil from excavations shall be used as
backfill. Backfill material shall be free from lumps, organic or other foreign
material. All lumps of earth shall be broken or removed unless otherwise stated.
Where excavated material is mostly rock, the boulders shall be broken into pieces
not larger than 150 mm size, mixed with properly graded fine material consisting
of murrum or earth to fill the voids and the mixture used for filling.
If fill material is required to be imported, the Contractor shall make
arrangements to bring such material from outside borrow pits. The material and
source shall be subject to the prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge. The
approved borrow pit areas shall be cleared of all bushes, roots of trees, plants,
rubbish, etc. Top soil containing foreign material shall be removed. The
materials so removed shall be disposed of as directed by Engineer-in-charge. The
Contractor shall provide the necessary access roads to borrow areas and maintain
the same if such roads do not exist.
The spaces around the foundations, structures, pits, trenches, etc., shall be
cleared of all debris, and filled with earth in layers not exceeding 15 cm, each
layer being watered, rammed and properly consolidated to the satisfaction of
Engineer-in-charge. Earth shall be rammed with approved compaction
mechanism. Usually no manual compaction shall be allowed unless the
Engineer-in-Charge is satisfied that in some cases manual compaction by
tampers cannot be avoided. The final backfill surface shall be trimmed and
leveled to a proper profile to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
The filling shall be done after the concrete or masonry is fully set and done in
such a manner as not to cause undue thrust on any part of the structure.
Plinth filling shall be carried out with approved material such as soil, sand or
murum as in layers not exceeding 15 cm, watered and compacted with approved
compaction mechanism. When filling reaches the finished level, the surface shall
be flooded with water, unless otherwise directed, for at least 24 hours, allowed to
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
dry and then the surface again compacted as specified above to avoid settlement
at a later stage. The finished level of the filling shall be trimmed to the
level/slope specified.
Compaction of large areas be carried out by means of 12 ton rollers smooth
wheeled, sheep-foot or wobbly wheeled rollers. In case of compaction of
granular material such as sands and gravel, vibratory rollers shall be used. A
smaller weight roller may be used only if permitted by the Engineer-in-charge.
As rolling proceeds, water sprinkling shall be done to assist consolidation. Water
shall not be sprinkled in case of sandy fills.
The thickness of each unconsolidated fill layer can in this be upto a maximum of
300 mm. The Contractor will determine the thickness of the layers in which fill
has to be consolidated depending on the fill material and equipment used and
the approval of the Engineer-in-charge obtained prior to commencing filling.
The process of filling in the plinth, watering and compaction shall be carried out
by the contractor in such a way as not to endanger the foundation columns,
plinth walls etc. already built up. Under no circumstances Black cotton soil shall
be used for plinth in filling.
For mechanical compaction rolling shall commence from the outer edge and
progress towards the centre and continue until compaction is to the satisfaction
of Engineer-in-charge, but in no case less than 10 passes of the roller will be
accepted for each layer.
The compacted surface shall be properly shaped, trimmed and consolidated to an
even and uniform gradient. All soft spots shall be excavated, then filled and
At some locations/ areas, it may not be possible to use rollers because of space
restrictions, etc. The Contractor shall then be permitted to use pneumatic
tampers, rammers, etc. and he shall ensure proper compaction.
Where backfilling is required to be carried out with local sand it shall be clean,
medium grained and free from impurities. The filled-in-sand shall be kept
flooded with water for 24 hours to ensure maximum consolidation. The surface
of the consolidated sand shall be dressed to required level or slope. Construction
of floors or other structures on sand fill shall not be started until the Engineer-in-
charge has inspected and approved the fill.
Site grading shall be carried out as indicated in the approved drawings.
Excavation shall be carried out as specified in the Department’s Requirements.
Filling and compaction shall be carried out as specified elsewhere unless
otherwise specifications indicated below.
If no compaction is called for, the fill may be deposited to the full height in one
operation and levelled. If the fill has to be compacted, it shall be placed in layers
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
not exceeding 200 mm and levelled uniformly and compacted as indicated above
before the next layer is deposited.
To ensure that the fill has been compacted as specified, field and laboratory tests
shall be carried out by the Contractor.
Field compaction tests shall be carried out in each layer of filling until the fill to
the entire height has been completed. This shall hold good for embankments as
well. The fill will be considered as incomplete if the desired compaction has not
been obtained.
The Contractor shall protect the earth fill from being washed away by rain or
damaged in any other way. Should any slip occur, the Contractor shall remove
the affected material and make good the slip.
Unless otherwise specified the compaction, where so called for, shall comply
with minimum 90% compaction by Standard Proctor at moisture content
differing not more than 4% from the optimum moisture content. The Contractor
shall demonstrate adequately by field and laboratory tests that the specified
density has been obtained.
The provisions of relevant ISS shall apply.
The Contractor shall ensure at his cost that the excavation and the structures are
free from water during construction and shall take all necessary precautions and
measures to exclude ground/ rain water so as to enable the works to be carried
out in reasonably dry conditions in accordance with the construction
programme. Sumps made for dewatering must be kept clear of the excavations/
trenches required for further work. The method of pumping shall be approved
by Engineer-in-charge, but in any case, the pumping arrangement shall be such
that there shall be no movement of subsoil or blowing in due to differential head
of water during pumping. Pumping arrangements shall be adequate to ensure
no delays in construction. The dewatering shall be continued for at least (7)
seven days after the last pour of the concrete. The Contractor shall, however,
ensure that no damage to the structure results on stopping of dewatering.
The Contractor shall study the sub-soil conditions carefully and shall conduct
any test necessary at the site with the approval of the Engineer-in-charge to test
the permeability and drainage conditions of the sub-soil for excavation,
concreting etc., below ground level.
The scheme for dewatering and disposal of water shall be approved by the
Engineer-in-charge. The Contractor shall suitably divert the water obtained from
dewatering from such areas of site where a build up of water in the opinion of
the Engineer-in-charge obstructs the progress of the work, leads to unsanitary
conditions by stagnation, retards the speed of construction and is detrimental to
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NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
Only one type of cement shall be used in any one mix. The source of supply,
type or brand of cement within the same structure or portion thereof shall not be
changed without approval from the Engineer-In-Charge.
Cement which is not used within 90 days from its date of manufacture shall be
tested at a laboratory approved by the Engineer-In-Charge and until the results
of such tests are found satisfactory, it shall not be used in any work. AGGREGATES (GENERAL)
It shall comply with requirement of IS 383 and as specified in IS 456-2000.
Aggregates shall consist of naturally occurring stones (crushed or uncrushed),
gravel and sand. They shall be chemically inert, strong, hard, clean, durable
against weathering, of limited porosity, free from dust/slit/organic
impurities/deleterious materials such as iron pyrites, cod, mica, slate, clay alkali,
soft fragments, sea shells and conform to IS : 383. Aggregates such as slag,
crushed over burnt bricks, bloated clay aggregates, sintered fly ash and tiles shall
not be used.
Aggregates shall be washed and screened before use where necessary or if
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Aggregates containing reactive silica shall not be used.
The maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be as stated on the drawings but in
no case greater than ¼ of the minimum thickness of the member.
Plums 160 mm and above of a reasonable size may be used in mass concrete fill
where directed. Plums shall not constitute more than 20% by volume of the
concrete when specifically permitted. The plums shall be distributed evenly and
shall not be closer than 160 mm from the surface. For heavily reinforced
concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams the nominal maximum
size of aggregate shall be restricted to 5 mm less than minimum clear distance
between the main bars or 5 mm less than the minimum cover to reinforcement
whichever is smaller. Coarse and fine aggregates shall preferably batched
separately, specially for design mix concrete.
The largest possible size, properly graded should be used in order to reduce
water demand.
Graded aggregate shall confirm to requirements in Table 1, 2, 3 & 4. All in
aggregate shall confirm to requirements in Table 5.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
Table 1
Graded Aggregate
Mm 40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm
80 100 - - -
40 95-100 100 - -
16 - - 90-100 -
12.5 - - - 90-100
2.36 - - - -
Table 2
Single Sized Aggregate (Ungraded)
Mm 63 mm 40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm 10 mm
80 100 - - - - -
63 85-100 100 - - - -
16 - - - 85-100 100 -
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
2.36 - - - - - 0-5
Table 3
Making Single Sized to Graded Aggregate
1:6:12 63 9 - 3 - -
40 - 9 3 - -
1:4:8 63 6 - 2 - -
40 - 6 2 - -
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
1:1.5:3 20 - - 2 - 1
Note : Proportions indicated are by volume. If single sized aggregate specified is not
available, the volume of single sized aggregates shall be varied with a view to obtain the
graded aggregate.
Table 4
Grading of Fine Aggregates
Note : For crushed stone sands, the possible limit on 150 micron IS sieve is
increased to 20 percent. This does not affect 5 percent allowance permitted to
other sieves.
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
Table 5
All-in-Aggregate Grading
80 100 -
40 95-100 95-100
20 45-75 95-100
Fine aggregates are divided into 4 zones. Typical good sand falls in Zone II
grading, however, finer or coarse sand may be used with suitable adjustment in
the ratio of quantities of coarse to fine aggregates.
Very fine sands as included in Zone IV grading should not be used except when
the concrete is closely controlled by design mixes. WATER
Water used for both mixing and curing shall conform to IS : 456-2000 and free
from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials that
may be deleterious to concrete or steel. The pH value of water shall not be less
Reinforcement shall be any of the following :
High strength deformed bars and wires to IS 1786.
Rolled steel Grade A made from structural steel to IS 2062.
All reinforcement shall be free from loose mill scales, loose rust and coats of
paints, oil, mud or other coatings which may destroy or reduce bond. ADMIXTURES
Accelerating, retarding, water reducing and air entraining admixtures shall
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
Grades lower than M20 shall not be used for reinforced concrete (general).
Grading lower than M25 shall not be used for reinforced concrete in liquid
retaining structures.
A range of slumps which shall generally be used for various types of
construction unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge is given
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
Maximum Minimum
Building columns 50 25
Pavements 50 25
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
The Proportions of materials used for concrete of grades shall be as given below :
Proportions for Nominal Mix of Concrete
M 10 480 -do- 34
M 15 350 -do- 32
M 20 250 -do- 30
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
NIT No 10 / 2018-19 Conversion of TSS to Piped Water Supply Scheme of Sanjay Nagar
Forms intended for reuse shall be treated with care. Forms that have deteriorated
shall not be used. Before reuse, all forms shall be thoroughly scraped, cleaned,
nails removed, holes suitably plugged, joints repaired and warped lumber
replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall
equip himself with enough shuttering to allow for wastage so as to complete the
job in time.
Permanent formwork shall be checked for its durability and compatibility with
adjoining concrete before it is used in the structure. It shall be properly anchored
to the concrete.
Wire ties passing through beams, columns and walls shall not be allowed. In
their place bolts passing through sleeves shall be used. Formwork spacers left in-
situ shall not impair the desired appearance or durability of the structure by
causing spalling, rust staining or allowing the passage of moisture.
For liquid retaining structures, sleeves shall not be provided for through bolts
nor shall through bolts be removed if provided. The bolts, in the latter case,
shall be cut at 25 mm depth from the surface and the hole made good by cement
mortar of the same proportion as the concrete just after striking the formwork.
Where specified all corners and angles exposed in the finished structure shall
have chamfers or fillets of 20 mm x 20 mm size.
Forms for substructure may be omitted when, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-
Charge, the open excavation is firm enough (in hard non-porous soils) to act as a
form. Such excavations shall be larger, as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge,
than that required as per drawing to compensate for irregularities in excavation.
The Contractor shall provide adequate props carried down to a firm bearing
without overloading any of the structures.
The shuttering for beams and slabs shall be so erected that the side shuttering of
beams can be removed without disturbing the bottom shuttering. If the
shuttering for a column is erected for the full height of the column, one side shall
be built up in sections as placing of concrete proceeds or windows left for placing
concrete from the side to limit the drop of concrete to 1.0 m or as approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall temporarily and securely fix items to
be cast (embedments/ inserts) in a manner that will not hinder the striking of
forms or permit loss of grout.
Formwork showing excessive distortion, during any stage of construction, shall
be repositioned and strengthened. Placed concrete affected by faulty formwork,
shall be entirely removed and formwork corrected prior to placement of new
concrete at Contractor’s cost.
Before concrete is actually placed in position, the inside of the formwork shall be
cleaned and mould oil applied, inserts and reinforcement shall be correctly
positioned and securely held, necessary openings, pockets, etc. provided.
If placed directly onto hardcore or any other porous material, dampen the
surface to reduce loss of water from the concrete.
Ensure that there is no damage or displacement to sheet membranes.
Record the time and location of placing structural concrete.
Concrete shall normally be compacted in its final position within thirty minutes
of leaving the mixer. Concrete shall be compacted during placing with approved
vibrating equipment without causing segregation until it forms a solid mass free
from voids thoroughly worked around reinforcement and embedded fixtures
and into all corners of the formwork. Immersion vibrators shall be inserted
vertically at points not more than 450 mm apart and withdrawn slowly till air
bubbles cease to come to the surface, leaving no voids. When placing concrete in
layers advancing horizontally, care shall be taken to ensure adequate vibration,
blending and melding of the concrete between successive layers. Vibrators shall
not be allowed to come in contact with reinforcement, formwork and finished
surfaces after start of initial set. Over-vibration shall be avoided; under vibration
is likewise harmful.
The vibrator should penetrate rapidly to the bottom of the layer and atleast 15 cm
into the preceding layer if there is any. It should be held generally 5 to 15 sec.
until the compaction is considered adequate and then withdrawn slowly at
thereof about 8 cm/s.
Concrete may be conveyed and placed by mechanically operated equipment after
getting the complete procedure approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The slump
shall be held to the minimum necessary for conveying concrete by this method.
When concrete is to be pumped, the concrete mix shall be specially designed to
suit pumping. Care shall be taken to avoid stoppages in work once pumping has
Except when placing with slip forms, each placement of concrete in multiple lift
work, shall be allowed to set for at least 24 hours after the final set of concrete
before the start of subsequent placement. Placing shall stop when concrete
reaches the top of the opening in walls or bottom surface of slab, in slab and
beam construction, and it shall be resumed before concrete takes initial set but
not until it has had time to settle as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Concrete shall be protected against damage until final acceptance.
Sequence of pouring for mass concrete works shall be as approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall exercise great care to prevent
shrinkage cracks and shall monitor the temperature of the placed concrete if
4.9.11. CURING
Curing and protection shall start immediately after the compaction of the
concrete to protect it from
of concrete not exceeding 150 mm thickness shall be placed and well rammed
against the old work. Thereafter work shall proceed in the normal way.
For horizontal joints, the surface shall be covered with a layer of mortar about 10-
15 mm thick composed of cement and sand in the concrete mix. This cement
slurry or mortar shall be freshly mixed and applied immediately before placing
All earth surfaces upon which or against which concrete is to be placed, shall be
well compacted and free from standing water, mud or debris. Soft or spongy
areas shall be cleaned out and filled with either soil-cement mixture, lean
concrete or clean sand compacted as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The
surfaces of absorptive soils shall be moistened.
Concrete shall not be deposited on large sloping rock surfaces. The rock shall be
cut to form rough steps or benches by picking, barring or wedging. The rock
surface shall be kept wet for 2 to 4 hours before concreting.
Excavation, in clay or other soils that are likely to be affected by exposure to
atmosphere, shall be concreted as soon as they are dry. Alternatively, unless
otherwise mentioned the bottom of the excavation shall be protected
immediately by 8 cm thick layer of cement concrete not leaner than M10 or in
order to obtain a dry hard bottom, the last stretch of excavation of about 10 cm
shall be removed just before concreting.
Immediately after the shuttering is removed, all defective areas such as honey-
combed surfaces, rough patches, holes left by form bolts etc, shall be inspected by
the Engineer-in-Charge who may permit patching of the defective areas or reject
the concrete work.
All through holes for shuttering shall be filled for full depth and neatly plugged
flush with surface.
Rejected concrete shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no
additional cost to the Employer.
For patching of defective areas all loose materials shall be removed and the
surface shall be prepared as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Bonding between hardened and fresh concrete shall be done either by placing
cement mortar or by applying epoxy. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as
to the method of repairs to be adopted shall be final and binding on the
Contractor. The surface shall be saturated with water for 24 hours before
patching is done with cement sand mortar. The use of epoxy for bonding fresh
concrete shall be carried out as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Concreting during hot weather shall be carried out as per IS 7861 (Part I).
e) Accelerated extraction
Tensile strength : 10.50 N/mm2 minimum
ii) Ultimate elongation : 250% minimum
PVC waterstops shall be either of the bar type, serrated with centre bulb and
end grips for use within the concrete elements or of the surface (kicker) type
for external use.
PVC waterstops shall be of approved manufacture. Samples and the test
certificate shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before procurement
for incorporation in the works. WORKMANSHIP
Waterstops shall be cleaned before placing them in position. Oil or grease shall
be removed thoroughly using water and suitable detergents.
Waterstops shall be procured in long lengths as manufactured to avoid joints as
far as possible. Standard L or T type of intersection pieces shall be procured for
use depending on their requirement. Any non-standard junctions shall be made
by cutting the pieces to profile for jointing. Lapping of waterstops shall not be
permitted. All jointing shall be of fusion-welded type as per manufacturer’s
Waterstops shall be placed at the correct location/level and suitably supported at
intervals with the reinforcement to ensure that it does not deviate from its
intended position during concreting and vibrating. Care shall also be taken to
ensure that no honey-combing occurs because of the serrations/ end grips, by
placing concrete with smaller size aggregates in this region. Projecting portions
of the waterstops embedded in concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of all
mortar/concrete coating before resuming further concreting operations. The
projecting waterstops shall also be suitably supported at intervals with the
reinforcement to maintain its intended position during concreting so as to ensure
that it does not bend leading to formation of pockets. In addition, smaller size
aggregates shall be used for concreting in this region also.
has been made and also in case of steel work exposed to highly corrosive fumes
or vapour in which case the thickness shall be as approved by the Engineer-In-
The contractor shall prepare all fabrication working and erection drawings for
the entire work. The drawings shall preferably be of one standard size and the
details shown there in shall be clear and legible.
All fabrication drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer-In-Charge for
No fabrication drawings will be accepted for Engineer-In-Charge’s approval
unless checked and approved by the contractor’s qualified structural engineer
and accompanied by an erection plan showing the location of all pieces detailed.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that connections are detailed to obtain ease in
erection of structures and in making field connections.
Fabrication shall be started by the contractor only after Engineer-In-Charge’s
approval of fabrication drawings. Approval by the Engineer-In-Charge of any of
the drawing shall not relieve the contractor from the responsibility for
correctness of engineering and design of connections, workmanship, fit of parts,
details, material, errors or omissions or any and all work shown thereon.
The drawings prepared by the contractor and all subsequent revisions etc. shall
be at the cost of the contractor for which no separate payment will be made. WELDING
Welding shall be in accordance with IS 816, IS 819, IS 1024, IS 1261, IS 1323 and
IS 9595 as appropriate.
Welding procedure shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval.
Welding shall be entrusted to qualified and experienced welders who shall be
tested periodically and graded as per IS 817, IS :7310 (Part 1) and IS :7318 (Part
For welding any particular type of joints, welders shall give evidence acceptable
to Engineer-In-Charge of having satisfactorily completed appropriate tests as per
IS 817 Part 1, IS 1393, IS 7307, IS 7310 Part 1 and IS 7318 Part 1 as appropriate.
While fabricating plated beams and built up members, all shop splices in each
component part shall be made before such component part is welded to other
parts of the members. Wherever weld reinforcement interferes with proper fit-
up between components to be assembled off welding, these welds shall be
ground flush prior to assembly.
Approval of the welding procedure by the Engineer-in-Charge shall not relieve
the Contractor of his responsibility for correct and sound welding without
undue distortion in the finished structure.
No welding shall be done when the surface of the members is wet nor during
period of high wind.
Each layer of a multiple layer weld except root and surfaces runs may be
moderately penned with light blows from a blunt tool. Care shall be exercised to
prevent scaling or flaking of weld and base metal from overpeening.
No welding shall be done on base metal at a temperature below -5 Deg. C. Base
metal shall be preheated to the temperature as per relevant IS codes.
Electrodes other than low-hydrogen electrodes shall not be permitted for
thicknesses of 32 mm and above.
All welds shall be inspected for flaws
The correction of defective welds shall be carried out in a manner approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge without damaging the parent metal.
4.10.2. PAINTING
All fabricated steel material, except those galvanised shall receive protective
paint coating as prescribed in IS 1477 Parts 1 & 2.
All surfaces to be painted, oiled or otherwise treated shall be dry thoroughly
cleaned to remove all loose scale and loose rust.
Shop contact surfaces need not be painted unless otherwise specified.
Surfaces not in contact but inaccessible after shop assembly shall receive full
specified protective treatment before assembly. This does not apply to interior
of hollow seatings.
Chequered plates shall be painted after the details of painting are approved by
the Engineer-In-Charge.
In case of surfaces to be welded, steel shall not be painted within a suitable
distance of any edges to be welded if paint would be harmful to the welder or
impair the quality of welds.
Welds and adjacent parent metal shall not be painted prior to slugging,
inspection and approved.
Parts to be encased in concrete shall not be painted or oiled. SURFACE TREATMENT
All the surfaces of steel work to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned of all
loose mill scale, rust, grease, dirt and other foreign matter. The type of surface
treatment shall be as specified in the respective item of work. The workmanship
shall generally conform to the requirements of IS 1477- Part I. PAINTING OF FERROUS SURFACE
Unless and otherwise mentioned, all MS fabricated items used in the project
shall be painted with any of the three options given for interior or external
works. The specifications adopted for every component must be got approved
from the Engineer-in-Charge, before use.
breakdown and protect the steel surfaces from corrosion. It is essential that
same quality of paint as specified earlier need be adopted to ensure
compatibility. The general workmanship for maintenance painting shall
conform as per Clause 7 of IS 1477 - Part II.
Contractor shall provide suitable protection as necessary to prevent paint
finishes from splashing on equipment, floors, walls etc.
Bricks used in the works shall conform to the requirements laid down in IS : 1077,
IS 2180, IS 2222, IS 2691, IS 3952, IS 6165. The class of the bricks shall be as
specifically indicated in the respective items of work prepared by the Contractor.
Bricks shall have following dimensions :
230 110 30
Common burnt clay bricks are classified on the basis of compressive strength as
given below:
Bricks shall be sound, hard, homogenous in texture, well burnt in kiln without
being vitrified, hand/ machine moulded, deep red, cherry or copper coloured, of
regular shape and size and shall have sharp and square edges with smooth
rectangular faces. The bricks shall be free from pores, cracks, flaws and nodules
of free lime. They shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and
shall be uniform in colour, tolerance of brick dimension shall be 3% for
designation 10 & above and 8% for lower designation. Hand moulded bricks
shall be moulded with a frog and those made by extrusion process may not be
provided with a frog. Bricks shall give a clear ringing sound when struck.
The sampling shall be at random & samples shall be stored in a dry place until
tests are done. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH :
Five bricks shall be tested. The average compressive strength shall be as per class
designation. The compressive strength of individual brick shall not be less than
20 % of the specified value. WATER ABSORPTION :
Five bricks shall be tested for water absorption and shall not exceed 20 % by
weight upto class 12.5 & 15% by weight for higher classes. EFFLORESCENCE :
Five bricks shall be tested for efflorescence. The efflorescence shall be ‘nil’ to ‘
Sample bricks shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval and
bricks supplied shall conform to approved samples. If demanded by Engineer-
in-Charge, brick samples shall be got tested as per IS : 3495 by Contractor. Bricks
rejected by Engineer-in-Charge shall be removed from the site of works within 24
Mortar for brick masonry shall consist of cement and sand.
Mortar leaner than 1.5 and richer than 1:3 shall not be used.
Water :
Water used shall be clean and reasonably free from injurious or deleterious
materials such as oils, acids, alkalis, salts. The pH value of water shall not be less
than 6.
Cement :
Cement shall conform to any of the following :
Sand :
Sand for masonry mortars shall confirm to IS 2116 PREPARATION OF MORTARS :
Mortars shall be prepared and tested as per IS 2250. Mixing of cement mortar
shall be done in a mechanical mixers. WORKMANSHIP
Workmanship of brick work shall conform to IS : 2212. All bricks shall be
thoroughly soaked in clear water for at least one hour immediately before being
laid. The cement mortar for brick masonry work shall be as specified in the
respective item of work prepared by the Contractor. Brick work 230 mm thick
and over shall be laid in English Bond unless otherwise specified. 100mm/ 115
mm thick brickwork shall be laid with stretchers. For laying bricks, a layer of
mortar shall be spread over the full width of suitable length of the lower course.
Each brick shall be slightly pressed into the mortar and shoved into final position
so as to embed the brick fully in mortar. Only full size bricks shall be used for
the works and cut bricks utilised only to make up required wall length or for
bonding. Bricks shall be laid with frogs uppermost.
All brickwork shall be plumb, square and true to dimensions shown. Vertical
joints in alternate courses shall come directly one over the other and be in line.
Horizontal courses shall be levelled. The thickness of brick courses shall be kept
uniform. In case of one brick thick or half brick thick wall, atleast on e face
should be kept smooth and plane, even if the other is slightly rough due to
variation in size of bricks. For walls of thickness greater than on e brick both
faces shall be kept smooth and plane. All interconnected brickwork shall be
carried out at nearly one level so that there is uniform distribution of pressure on
the supporting structure and no portion of the work shall be left more than one
course lower than the adjacent work. Where this is not possible, the work be
raked back according to bond (and not saw toothed) at an angle not exceeding 45
deg. But in no case the level difference between adjoining walls shall exceed one
meter. Brick work shall not be raised more than one metre per day.
Bricks shall be so laid that all joints are well filled with mortar. The thickness of
joints shall not be less than 6 mm and not more than 10 mm. The face joints shall
be raked to a minimum depth of 10 mm/ 15 mm by raking tools during the
progress of work when the mortar is still green, so as to provided a proper key
for the plastering/ pointing respectively to be done later. When plastering or
pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be uniform in thickness and
be struck flush and finished at the time of laying. The face of brickwork shall be
cleaned daily and all mortar droppings removed. The surface of each course
shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt before another course is laid on top.
During harsh weather conditions, newly built brick masonry works shall be
protected by tarpaulin or other suitable covering to prevent mortar being washed
away by rain.
Brickwork shall be kept constantly moist on all the faces for at least seven days
after 24 hrs of laying. The arrangement for curing shall be got approved from the
Double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided to
facilitate execution of the masonry works. The scaffolding shall be designed
adequately considering all the dead, live and possible impact loads to ensure
safety of the workmen, in accordance with the requirements stipulated in IS :
2750 and IS : 3696 (Part - I). Scaffolding shall be properly maintained during the
entire period of construction. Single scaffolding shall not be used on important
works and will be permitted only in certain cases as decided by the Engineer-in-
Charge. Where single scaffolding is adopted, only minimum number of holes, by
omitting a header shall be left in the masonry for supporting horizontal
scaffolding poles. All holes in the masonry shall be carefully made good before
plastering/ pointing.
In the event of usage of traditional bricks of size 230 mm x 115 mm x 75 mm, the
courses at the top of the plinth and sills as well as at the top of the wall just below
the roof/ floor slabs and at the top of the parapet shall be laid with bricks on
All brickwork shall be built tightly against columns, floor slabs or other
structural members.
To overcome the possibility of development of cracks in the brick masonry
following measures shall be adopted.
For resting RCC slabs, the bearing surface of masonry wall shall be finished on
top with 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 and provided with 2 layers of Kraft
paper Grade 1 as per IS : 1397 or 2 layer of 50 micron thick polyethylene sheets.
RCC/ steel beams resting on masonry wall shall be provided with reinforced
concrete bed blocks of 150 mm thickness, projecting 150mm on either sides of
the beam, duly finished on top with 2 layer of Kraft paper Grade 1 as per IS :
1397 or 2 layers of 50 micron thick polyethylene sheets.
Steel wire fabric shall be provided at the junction of brick masonry and concrete
before taking up plastering work.
Bricks for partition walls shall be stacked adjacent to the structural member to
predeflect the structural member before the wall is taken up for execution.
Further, the top most course of half or full brick walls abutting against either a
deshuttered slab or beam shall be built only after any proposed masonry wall
above the structural member is executed to cater for the deflection of the
structural element.
Reinforced cement concrete transomes and mullions of dimensions as indicated
in the construction Drawings to be prepared by the Contractor are generally
masonry. Spalls and chips shall not be used on the face of the wall and below
hearting stones to bring them to the level of face stones.
The maximum thickness of joints shall not exceed 20 mm. All joints shall be
completely filled with mortar. When plastering or pointing is not required to be
done, the joints shall be struck flush and finished as the work proceeds.
Otherwise, the joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 20 mm by a raking
tool during the progress of the work while the mortar is still green.
Through or bond stones shall be provided in wall upto 600 mm thick and in case
of wall above 600mm thickness, a set of two or more bond stones overlapping
each other by at least 150mm shall be provided in a line from face to back. Each
bond stone or a set of bond stones shall be provided for every 0.5 sq.m of wall
All stones shall be sufficiently wetted before laying to prevent absorption of
water from the mortar. All connected walls in a structure shall be normally
raised uniformly and regularly. However if any part of the masonry is required
to be left behind, the wall shall be raked back (and not saw toothed) at an angle
not exceeding 45 deg. Masonry work shall not be raised by more than one metre
per day.
Green work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering. Masonry work
shall be kept constantly moist on all the faces for a minimum period of seven
days for proper curing of the joints.
All the walls in a building shall be provided with damp-proof course covering
plinth to prevent water from rising up the wall. The damp-proof course shall run
without a break throughout the length of the wall, even under the door or other
opening. Damp-proof course shall consist of minimum 50mm thick cement
concrete of 1:2:4 nominal mix with nominal reinforcement and approved water-
proofing compound admixture conforming to IS: 2645 in proportion as directed
by the manufacturer. Concrete shall be with 10mm down graded coarse
The surface of brick work/stone masonry work shall be levelled and prepared
before laying the cement concrete. Side shuttering shall be properly fixed to
ensure that slurry does not leak through and is also not disturbed during
compaction. The upper and side surface shall be made rough to afford key to the
masonry above and to the plaster. Damp-proof course shall be cured properly for
at least seven days after which it shall be allowed to dry for taking up further
All the miscellaneous inserts such as bolts, pipes, plate embedments etc., shall be
accurately installed in the building works at the correct location and levels, all as
detailed in the construction Drawing to be prepared by the Contractor.
Contractor shall prepare and use templates for this purpose, if so directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge. In the event, of any of the inserts are improperly installed,
contractor shall make necessary arrangement to remove and reinstall at the
correct locations/levels all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The thickness and grade of concrete and reinforcement shall be as specified in
items of works prepared by the Contractor.
Before placing the blinding concrete, the sub-base of rubble packing shall be
properly wetted and rammed. Concrete for the base shall then be deposited
between the forms, thoroughly tamped and surface finished level with the top
edges of the forms. Two or three hours after the concrete has been laid in
position, the surface shall be roughened using steel wire brush to remove any
scum or laitance and swept clean so that the coarse aggregates are exposed. The
surface of the base concrete shall be left rough to provide adequate bond for the
floor finish to be provided later.
The proportions of the cement mortar for plastering shall be 1:4 (one part of
cement to four parts of sand). Cement and sand shall be mixed thoroughly in
dry condition and then just enough water added to obtain a workable
consistency. The quality of water and cement shall be as per relevant IS
standards. The quality and grading of sand for plastering shall conform to IS:
1542. The mixing shall be done thoroughly in a mechanical mixer unless hand
mixing is specifically permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge. If so desired by the
Engineer-in-Charge sand shall be screened and washed to meet the
Specifications. The mortar thus mixed shall be used as soon as possible
preferably within 30 minutes from the time water is added to cement. In case the
mortar has stiffened due to evaporation of water this may be re-tempered by
adding water as required restoring consistency but this will be permitted only
upto 30 minutes from the time of initial mixing of water to cement. Any mortar
which is partially set shall be rejected and removed forthwith from the site.
Droppings of plaster shall not be re-used under any circumstances. WORKMANSHIP
Preparation of surfaces and application of plaster finishes shall generally
conform to the requirements specified in IS: 1661 and IS: 2402.
Plastering operations shall not be commenced until installation of all fittings and
fixtures such as door/ window panels, pipes, conduits etc. are completed.
All joints in masonry shall be raked as the work proceeds to a depth of 10 mm /
20mm for brick/ stone masonry respectively with a tool made for the purpose
when the mortar is still green. The masonry surface to be rendered shall be
washed with clean water to remove all dirt, loose materials, etc., Concrete
surfaces to be rendered shall be roughened suitably by hacking or bush
hammering for proper adhesion of plaster and the surface shall be evenly wetted
to provide the correct suction. The masonry surfaces should not be too wet only
damp at the time of plastering. The dampness shall be uniform to get uniform
bond between the plaster and the masonry surface. Interior plain faced plaster
This plaster shall be laid in a single coat of 12 mm thickness. The mortar
shall be dashed against the prepared surface with a trowel. The dashing of
the coat shall be done using a strong whipping motion at right angles to the
face of the wall or it may be applied with a plaster machine. The coat shall be
trowelled hard and tight forcing it to surface depressions to obtain a
permanent bond and finished to smooth surface. Interior plaster shall be
carried out on jambs, lintel and sill faces, etc. as shown in the drawing and as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Plain Faced Ceiling plaster
This shall be applied in a single coat of 6 mm thickness. Application of
mortar shall be as stipulated in above paragraph.
Exterior plain faced plaster
This plaster shall be applied in 2 coats. The first coat or the rendering coat shall
be approximately 14 mm thick. The rendering coat shall be applied as stipulated
above except finishing it to a true and even surface and then lightly roughened
by cross scratch lines to provide bond for the finishing coat. The rendering coat
shall be cured for atleast two days and then allowed to dry. The second coat or
finishing coat shall be 6mm thick. Before application of the second coat, the
rendering coat shall be evenly damped. The second coat shall be applied from
top to bottom in one operation without joints and shall be finished leaving an
even and uniform surface. The mortar proportions for the coats shall be as
specified in the respective item of work. The finished plastering work shall be
cured for atleast 7 days.
Interior plain faced plaster 20 mm thick if specified for uneven faces of brick
walls or for random/ coursed rubble masonry walls shall be executed in 2 coats
similar to the procedure stipulated in above paragraph.
For external plaster, the plastering operation shall be commenced from the top
floor and carried downwards. For internal plaster, the plastering operations for
the walls shall commence at the top and carried downwards. Plastering shall be
carried out to the full length of the wall or to natural breaking points like doors/
windows etc. Ceiling plaster shall be completed first before commencing wall
Double scaffolding to be used shall be as specified in clause
The finished plaster surface shall not show any deviation more than 4mm when
checked with a straight edge of 2 m length placed against the surface.
To overcome the possibility of development of cracks in the plastering work
The contractor shall submit a Quality Assurance Programme (QAP) for each item for
approval of Engineer-in-Charge. Actual manufacturing shall start only after
approval of QAP.
It is proposed to get the equipment and material listed in the table below, inspected
prior to dispatch to work-site through third party/project consultants/departmental
S. No. Equipment/Material
2. All Valves
Considering the less quantity of material to be got tested at manufacturer’s work, the
EIC may condone such pre-dispatch inspection after obtaining manufacturer’s test
certificates for satisfactory completion of tests for pre-dispatch as mentioned
hereinafter. The Contractor shall thereafter be responsible for the equipment
performance at site for given duty conditions. Pre-dispatch inspection and its
approval shall also not relieve the Contractor from its responsibility of performance
of material in design conditions during execution and maintenance.
During testing there shall be no visible evidence of structural damage to any of the
valve component.
i) Seat leakage test at rated pressure
ii) Body hydrostatic test at 1.5 times rated pressure
iii) Other tests specified in API 598/other applicable standards
In addition to the progressive supervision and inspection by the Engineer-in-Charge
the Contractor shall offer for inspection to Engineer in Charge, the complete, erected
System or its Parts on which tests are to be carried out. After such inspection by
Engineer in Charge, each equipment/subsystem shall be tested by the Contractor in
accordance with the applicable standards in the presence of Engineer in Charge.
It is not the intent to specify herein all details about the commissioning activities.
However the commissioning checks in brief are given as guidance.
The pre-commissioning test results shall be documented for record purposes and
compared with the shop test certificates.
All required test instrumentation, for the performance and efficiency tests, shall be
supplied by the Contractor and shall be retained by him upon satisfactory
conclusion of all such tests at the site. All costs associated with the supply,
calibration, installation and return of the test instrumentation shall be included in
the contract price. The test instrumentation for the performance tests shall be in
accordance with the code. All test instrumentation shall be as per Indian Standards
as approved by the Engineer in Charge. All calibration procedures and standards
shall be subject to the Engineer in Charge's approval. Batch calibration will not be
The sectional testing of pipeline shall be done as per provisions laid in the Chapter
of “Specifications for Pipes” along with the laying of pipelines. The tested pipeline
will be joined by gap pieces to complete the total physical completion of works.
The laid pipeline will be joined with respective manifold through valves. Just before
the commissioning the complete main will be checked for:
(i) All the valves in the system will be inspected for proper lubrication,
manual operation.
(ii) All air valves shall be inspected for proper fitting and operation of
isolating valves.
(iii) All flange joints will be checked for tightness of all bolts, clamps, etc.
(iv) The entire transmission shall be checked for proper soil cover.
(v) The structures will be checked for any constructional defects.
(vi) The valve chambers and their surroundings will be checked for its
a) Check dimensional details and alignment
b) Check tightness of all bolts, joints, etc.
c) Check manual operation; in case of motor driven valves check electrical operation
d) Check for duration of full closure and opening cycles
a) Check operation in the starting and stop routine of the related pumps
b) Check for operation from control panel
c) Check for leakage of shaft glands, joints
Standard calibration procedures shall be used for calibrating all field instruments. All
reference equipment, used for calibration, shall be certified from an authorised
certifying agency, to be arranged by the Contractor at his own cost. At the time of
calibration, standard calibration norms shall be adopted and the same will be
documented for record purposes.
Calibration shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer in Charge or his
representative. The instrumentation shall be calibrated while being commissioned.
The Contractor will monitor and check the instrument calibration throughout the
Operation and Maintenance period.
a) Check the exact location of the instrument with reference to the Pipe &
Instrumentation diagram and/or the General Arrangement drawing.
b) Check the model No. and instrument type with reference to the technical
specification requirements.
c) Check all mounting and fixing arrangements and required accessories such as
isolation valve, nuts & bolts, siphon etc.
d) Check that the instrument installation is as per the installation drawing.
e) Check the cable type, connections for power supply as well as signal cables.
f) Check the loop continuity for every circuit. While this is being done, the power
supply to the instrument shall be cut-off.
g) Site calibration of the instruments shall be compared with the manufacturer’s
factory test reports.
h) After switching on the instrument/system, it shall be monitored hourly and the
data obtained shall be recorded and compared with the reference norms to
ascertain whether any recalibration is required. If recalibration is required it shall
be carried out using standard reference equipment/instruments at no extra cost.
a) Each control loop and interlock shall be tested independently, in manual mode
first and then in auto mode. The operation shall be checked for conformity with
the approved block logic in both modes.
b) Annunciation system shall be checked as performance testing by simulating the
condition and by passing in actual mode and then individual loop will be checked
for annunciation system. All motorised valves shall be checked in manual mode
first, from controls on the control panel and feed-back from the field for valve
on/off shall be checked on the mimic and panel. All pump control ON/OFF shall
be checked in manual mode first.
The contractor shall carry out a water tightness test as per IS: 3370 for the maximum
water head condition i.e. with the water standing at full supply level. All cost of
testing shall be borne by the contractor. This test shall be carried out in accordance
with the procedure given below
-For water tightness test, before the filling operations are started, the reservoirs shall
be jointly inspected by the Engineer in Charge and the representative of the
Contractor and condition of surfaces of wall, construction joints etc. shall be
inspected and noted and it shall be ensured that jointing material filled in the joints
is in position and all openings are closed. The contractor shall make necessary
arrangement for ventilation and lighting of reservoir by way of flood lights,
circulators etc. for carrying out proper inspection of surfaces and internal conditions
if so desired by the Engineer in Charge.
-The water retaining structures shall be filled with water gradually at the rate not
exceeding 30 cm. rise in water level per hour and shall extend for a period of 72
hours. Records of leakages starting at different level of water in the reservoirs, if any,
shall be kept.
-The reservoirs once filled shall be allowed to remain filled for a period of 7 days
before any readings or drop in water level is recorded again at 7 days. The total drop
in surface level over a period of 7 days shall be taken as indication of the water
tightness of the reservoir, which for all practical purposes shall not exceed 40mm.
There shall be no indication of leakages around the puddle collars or on the wall and
bottom of the reservoir.
-If the structure does not satisfy the test requirements, and the daily drop in water
level is decreasing, the period of test may be extended for further seven days and if
the specified limit is not exceeded, the structure may be considered as satisfactory.
-In case the drop in water level exceeds the permissible limit with the stipulated
period of test, the Contractor shall carry out such additional works and adopt such
measures as may be directed by the Engineer in charge to reduce the leakage in the
permissible limit. The entire rectification work that shall be carried out in this
connection shall be at Contractor’s cost.
- If the test results are unsatisfactory, the Contractor shall ascertain the cause and
make all necessary repairs and repeat the water retaining structures test procedures,
at his own cost. Should the re-test results still be unsatisfactory after the repairs, the
structure will be condemned and the Contractor will dismantle and reconstruct the
structure, to the original specification, at his own cost.
Set of documents shall be prepared and maintained by the Contractor and one set of
the latest revised documents shall always be kept at site. The following documents
shall be prepared by the Contractor:
• Data sheets for instrument specification and selection
• Instrument Schedule
• Instrumentation schedule
• Instrumentation cable schedule
• Loop drawings for instruments in the field and control panel
• Instrument test and calibration report
• Instrument installation drawings
• As built drawings and G.A. Drawings for equipment and instrument installation
The Contractor shall keep on site, two sets of the latest revised Operation,
Maintenance and Calibration manuals for all field instruments and sub systems,
annunciation system, data loggers, indicating controllers and PLC system etc.
As soon as possible after the equipment has been installed and after physical
completion of the work, performance tests shall be carried out as per relevant test
requirements and mutually agreed/specified Codes and Standards. These tests may
repeat the tests carried out at the manufacturer's works and/or his sub-vendor/sub-
contractor's works and any other tests the Engineer in Charge may require in order
to determinate that the equipment and works are in accordance with the
specifications and guarantees.
Performance tests for individual items of Equipment, shall be conducted on all
equipment supplied by the Contractor.
A program for conducting the performance tests shall be submitted to the Engineer
in Charge, for approval, at least fourteen days before the commencement of the tests.
If the Contractor so desires, the equipment may be run for a reasonable time,
immediately before the performance test is conducted. A request for this run, stating
duration and operating point must be made, in writing to the Engineer in Charge at
least three days before the performance test.
During the period of any test, the conditions shall be held as steady as possible,
compatible with safe and effective operation.
The power consumption of all continuously running auxiliary equipment shall also
be measured and recorded during the performance tests.
After the results of the performance tests have been submitted to and approved by
the Engineer in Charge, a summary of the test readings and the performance
calculations shall be incorporated in the final version of the Operating and
Maintenance Instruction Manuals.
If the performance tests indicate the computed values of performance parameters
have deviated from the guaranteed values and the Contractor is unable, within 21
days or such extension of time as may be allowed by the Engineer in Charge, to
remedy such deficiency, then the Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to reject
the component or the system.
After successful checks and after erection and pre-commissioning tests, the entire
system shall be commissioned by the Contractor.
During commissioning, the Contractor shall supply all material and labour to
supervise, operate, keep in operation, adjust, test, service, repair and do all things
necessary to keep the System running to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge.
This shall include labour on a 24 hour-a-day basis during the test period and for
such other period of continuous operation, as the Engineer in Charge may consider
necessary to establish the efficient operation of the System.
If any test results/operations show noticeable variation from the Specification
requirements for the System or any particular item of the System, the Contractor
shall immediately take steps to rectify the deficiency without any extra cost to
The Contractor shall be responsible for trial runs, testing and commissioning of the
entire system under design and operating conditions or under conditions which the
Engineer in Charge may define and which in no case shall exceed the design and
operational conditions. The System commissioning shall commence after the work
has been physically completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge. The
design and operation conditions are as follows:
a) Design capacity of the pumps
b) Starting of pumps against closed/ open valves
c) Stopping of pumps after closure/ opening of delivery header valves
d) Power cut and sudden stop of all pumps under design flow conditions
e) Closing of the line valves against full static pressure
f) Operation of all valves (manual and motorised/ manual)
g) Operation of all air valves
h) Operation of Air vessel if any
i) Operation of all measuring instruments
The timing of the commissioning tests will depend on the availability of water and
The Contractor shall prepare the entire system for the execution of the tests complete
with all required taps, branches with blank flanges, etc. All these provisions have to
be of a durable nature so that the tests can be repeated even after several years. He
has to provide all the equipment for the execution of the tests and for the measuring
and recording of:
a) pressure at various points within the pump station and the pipeline, precision 1 m
(0.1 bar)
b) head losses across different valves and fittings
c) overall energy efficiency of the pumping system at the prescribed flow rates
d) performance of the non-return valves
e) other tests required for the verification of the performance data of the pump
station system in conjunction with the pipeline system
f) Loss of water in mains
The Contractor may engage an institution for the execution of the required tests and
their monitoring at his own cost. The institution has to be approved by the Engineer
in Charge.
The system shall be treated as commissioned only when the entire system has been
successfully operated over a period of time as follows:
• 36 hours uninterrupted, continuous running for three days, at design flow/ flow
notified by Engineer-in-Charge.
• Short duration operation of 8 hours with a 8 hour stop and a further 4 hours
pumping totaling 12 hours working per day for a three day period, at design
flow/ flow notified by Engineer-in-Charge.
Any repairs or replacement required during this period shall be done by the
Contractor at his own cost.
The Contractor shall allow for commissioning to be conducted at any time during
the O &M Period without extra charges under the Contract.
The operation of the system solely for the purpose of maintaining partial supply by
or on behalf of the Department shall not be taken as evidence that any work has
fulfilled the commissioning tests, or has been taken over unless the Engineer in
Charge specifically states so in writing.
The Contractor shall run and maintain the System for 30 days at a stretch, or any
other stipulated periods and conditions prescribed by the Engineer-in-Charge, from
the date of commissioning. During the trial run all components of the system must
function in a synchronized manner so as to give all desired outputs at efficiencies
guaranteed or as stipulated in the specifications, failing which the Engineer-in-
Charge may extend the period of trial run, till a date the entire system functions to
the complete satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Standard test reports shall be compiled at all stages of installation, pre-commissioning
and commissioning. Any modifications or changes shall be incorporated and marked
on the respective reference drawings and the Engineer in Charge shall be advised.
The necessary protocol must be maintained for record purposes, jointly with
Engineer in Charge and/or the authorised Representative of the Department.
The Department reserves the right to carry out further tests to check the
performance and efficiency of the Plant at the end of the O&M period. Such
adjustments to the plant, as may be considered part of normal operating routine,
shall be carried out prior to these tests.
Should the results of such repeat tests, carried out by the Department, indicate that
performance values deviate from guaranteed values or the auxiliary power
consumption exceeds 1.0% of guaranteed value, then the Contractor shall be given
the opportunity to take corrective measures and carry out further tests, all at his own
expense. Should the test indicate performance and auxiliary power consumption
values below the guaranteed value then the Contractor’s security deposit may be
Specifications for Operation and Maintenance
This section of specifications applies to the specifications of materials used for
operation and maintenance, the workmanship, period for routine maintenance,
specifications for the acceptable quality of treated water, maintenance of records,
and responsibilities during operation and maintenance period.
The Contractor shall operate and maintain the entire system all buildings
constructed in the project as per the scope of work, campus areas for the entire
period specified in the Contract.
The specification of materials used for repairs shall be the one used in the original
work. If not used during execution, specifications for such materials, which were not
used during construction, shall be got approved by the department, prior to
commencement of operation and maintenance period and must be incorporated in
the O&M manual. Without being limited by this clause, during O&M period, the
contractor shall use appropriate material for repairs even if the material required for
such repair is not approved earlier, and no delay in repairs shall be subjected to such
limitation. But subsequent to such use of material, the contractor shall submit
proposals for the approval of the specifications of such material. The submissions
and approval of material shall be done in accordance to the conditions laid down in
the special conditions of contract. The approved material, will subsequently form a
part of the O&M manual.
For all operation and maintenance works, the contractor shall provide skilled staff,
who have adequate qualifications and sufficient experience of similar works. The
minimum qualifications and experience required for minimum staff to be deployed
by the contractor shall be as per scope of work for carrying out the O&M functions.
A complete schedule of recommended oils and other lubricants shall be furnished by
the Contractor, in the operation and maintenance manuals. The number of types of
lubricants shall be kept to a minimum. In case of grease lubricated bearings for
electric motors, a lithium base grease is preferred.
The Contractor shall indicate the brand name of indigenously available equivalent
lubricants with complete duty specification, in the O&M manual. The Contractor
shall also furnish the schedule of quantities for each fill, frequency of filling and
annual requirement in O&M manual.
Where lubrication is effected by means of grease, preference shall be given to a
pressure system which does not require frequent adjustment or recharging.
Frequent, for this purpose means more than once in a month.
Where more than one type of special grease is required, a grease gun for each special
type shall be used.
All lubricant systems shall be designed so as not to cause a fire or pollution hazard.
The Contractor shall supply flushing oil for such lubrication system when an item of
plant is ready for preliminary running.
All spare parts used for the equipment in the maintenance of the system must be
from the manufacturer of the equipment or if the equipment itself has been made
with parts of other manufacturer the parts must be of the same make as used in the
equipment supplied and installed.
All spare parts shall be packed for long storage under the climatic conditions
prevailing at the site. Each spare part shall be labelled on the outside of its packing
with its description, number and purpose and, if more than one spare is packed in a
single case, a general description of the case contents shall be shown on the outside
and a packing list enclosed.
The workmanship observed for all repair and maintenance work must be in
accordance to “Good Engineering Practices”.
The MS clamps, pipe sections used must have thickness as per design requirement at
the point of installation and shall be coated internally and externally as specified for
MS pipes in the chapter of “Specifications for Pipes”.
The rubber gaskets/ rings, nut & bolts etc. to be used shall be as per specifications
given for respective items in the Chapters of “Specifications for Pipes” and
“Specifications for Valves”.
After each repair the damaged coating of pipes must be repaired and if in trench
conditions, the trench must be filled with approved soil so as to provide minimum
cover of 0.90 meters.
Stretches along pipe alignments where cover is washed out or removed due to other
reasons must be rehabilitated so that the minimum cover required is always
All cracks in pipe supporting structures, valve chambers and their edges must be
racked, filled and made good with cement sand mortar 1:2.
The comprehensive manual to be submitted before the operation and maintenance
period, i.e. during execution stage as defined in special conditions, of contract
containing the contents as specified in Chapter – 2 of “scope of work” given in
Volume II of bid document, must be updated, not limited to, on principals listed