Mec 003

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of Printed Pages : 8 MEC-003

Term-End Examination
December, 2022

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer the questions from both Sections as

per instructions.

Note : Answer any two questions from this
Section. 2×20=40

1. (a) Write a first-order linear differential

equation and find out its general solution.

(b) Explain how the Harrod-Domar model can

be represented by differential equations.

2. Describe a Poisson distribution. Give an

example of a problem where you can use the
Poisson distribution.

P. T. O.
[2] MEC-003

3. A production function is given by y = x12/ 3 x22/ 3 ,

where y = output and x1 , x2 are inputs. If price

of output Py = 15 and input prices are Px = 5


and Px = 3, then derive the profit maximising


levels of inputs.

4. Bring out the salient features of normal

distribution. What is the need for the standard

normal distribution ?


Note : Answer any five questions from this Section.


5. Find the inverse of the following matrix :

1 3 2 
A =  3 10 6 
 2 5 5 

6. What is meant by an estimator ? Bring out the

properties of a good estimator.

[3] MEC-003

7. The technology matrix for three goods is given

as :

 0.2 0.3 0.2 

A =  0.4 0.1 0.2 
 0.1 0.3 0.2 

and the final demand vector as :

10 
D =  5  ,
 6 

find out the level of production of the three

8. From the following data, obtain the regression
equation :
Y = a + bX
2 5
4 7
6 9
8 8
10 11

9. Explain the circumstances under which one-tail

and two-tail tests are carried out. In this

P. T. O.
[4] MEC-003

context, explain the relevance of level of

significance and degree of freedom.
10. Discuss how difference equations can be applied
to solve the Cobweb model.
11. Solve the following linear programming model :
Max. :
=y 45x1 + 55x2

subject to :
6x1 + 4 x2 ≤ 120
3x1 + 10x2 ≤ 180

x1 ≥ 0; x2 ≥ 0 .

12. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Non-sampling error
(b) Interval estimation
(c) Correlation coefficient
[5] MEC-003


,e- ,- (vFkZ'kkL=k) (,e- bZ- lh-)

l=kkar ijh{kk

fnlEcj] 2022

,e- bZ- lh--003 % ifjek.kkRed fof/;k¡

le; % 3 ?k.Vs vf/dre vad % 100

uksV % nksuksa Hkkxksa ds iz'uksa ds mÙkj funsZ'kkuqlkj nhft,A

uksV % bl Hkkx ls fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A
2 × 20 = 40

1- (v) ,d izFke&dksfV jSf[kd foHksnd lehdj.k

fyf[k, vkSj bldk lkekU; gy Kkr dhft,A
(c) le>kb, fd fdl izdkj gSjkWM&Mksej ekWMy dks
foHksnd (vody) lehdj.kksa }kjk izn£'kr
fd;k tk ldrk gSA

P. T. O.
[6] MEC-003

2- IokW;lka caVu dh O;k[;k dhft,A ,d loky dk

mnkgj.k nhft, ftlesa vki IokW;lka caVu dk mi;ksx
dj ldsaA
3- ,d mRiknu iQyu bl izdkj gS %
y = x12/ 3 x22/ 3

tgk¡ y = mRikn vkSj x1 , x2 vkxr gSaA ;fn mRikn

dh dher Py = 15 gS vkSj vkxrksa dh dhersa
Px = 5 vkSj Px = 3 gS] rks ykHk vf/drehdj.k
1 2

ds vkxrksa dk Lrj Kkr dhft,A

4- izlkekU; caVu (forj.k) dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dks
mYysf[kr dhft,A ekud izlkekU; caVu dh D;k
vko';drk gksrh gS \
uksV % bl Hkkx esa ls fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A
5- fuEufyf[kr vkO;wg dk O;qRØe fudkfy, %
1 3 2 
A =  3 10 6 
 2 5 5 

6- ,d vuqekud ls D;k vfHkizk; gS \ ,d vPNs

vuqekud dh fo'ks"krk,¡ le>kb,A
[7] MEC-003

7- rhu oLrqvksa ds fy, rduhd vkO;wg bl izdkj gS %

 0.2 0.3 0.2 
A =  0.4 0.1 0.2 
 0.1 0.3 0.2 

10 
vkSj vafre ek¡x osDVj (lfn'k) D =  5  gSA rhuksa
 6 
oLrqvksa ds mRiknu dk Lrj Kkr dhft,A
8- fuEufyf[kr vk¡dM+ksa ls Y = a + bX izfrxeu

lehdj.k Kkr dhft, %

2 5
4 7
6 9
8 8
10 11

9- mu ifjfLFkfr;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft, ftuesa ,d&iqPN

vkSj f}iqPN ijh{k.k fd, tkrs gSaA bl lanHkZ eas
lkFkZdrk dk Lrj vkSj Lokra=; dh dksfV ds egRo dks

P. T. O.
[8] MEC-003

10- ppkZ dhft, fd fdl izdkj varj lehdj.k

edM+tky (dkWcosc) fun'kZ dks gy djus eas ykxw
fd, tkrs gSaA
11- fuEufyf[kr jSf[kd Øekns'ku ekWMy dks gy dhft, %
vf/dre %
=y 45x1 + 55x2

;fn %
6x1 + 4 x2 ≤ 120
3x1 + 10x2 ≤ 180

x1 ≥ 0; x2 ≥ 0 .

12- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡

fyf[k, %
(v) xSj&izfrn'kZ =kqfV (xSj&izfrp;u =kqfV)
(c) varjky izkDdyu
(l) lglaca/ xq.kkad


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