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B.Tech & B.Tech+M.

II Year - I Semester

Hours per
Course Internal External Total
Category Course Title week Credits
code Marks Marks Marks
2101 BS Maths III 4 0 30 70 100 3
Strength of
2102 PC 4 0 30 70 100 3
&Theory of
2103 PC 4 0 30 70 100 3
Sensors &
2104 PC 4 0 30 70 100 3
2105 HSS 4 0 30 70 100 3
2106 PC electronic 0 3 50 50 100 1.5
circuits LAB
2107 PC 0 3 50 50 100 1.5
2108 PC 0 3 50 50 100 1.5
machines LAB
Object Oriented
2109 SC Programming 1 2 50 50 100 2
through C++
2110 MC 0 0 - 100 100 0
Human values
2111 MC NCC/NSS 0 2 - - - 0
Total credits 21.5
9. Implement bisection method to find the square root of a given number to a given accuracy.
10. Implement Newton Raphson method to det. a root of polynomial equation.
11. Given table of x and corresponding f(x) values, Write a program which will determine f(x) value at an
intermediate x value by using Lagrange’s interpolation/
12. Write a function which will invert a matrix.
13. Implement Simpson’s rule for numerical integration.
14. Write a program to solve a set of linear algebraic equations.

B.Tech II year - I Semester



In general, the students are introduced with a knowledge on the topics: Vector Calculus, Partial
differential equations, their applications and Integral Transforms (Fourier transforms, FST, FCT) so as to
facilitate them to use these concepts in core subjects.

The objectives, in particular are to learn:

• the basic knowledge and applications of Vector Calculus used in Engineering problems.
• About the gradient, divergence and curl under the differentiation of scalar and vector point
functions, also on Line-, Surface- and Volume integrals under the integration of point functions along
with their applications in Engineering issues.
• Transformation theorems such as Green’s theorem in the plane, Stoke’s theorem, Gauss
Divergence theorem and their applications.
• How to formulate the Partial Differential Equations from the relation between the dependent and
independent variables, the methods of solving first order first degree linear, non-linear Partial
Differential Equations, Homogeneous and Non homogeneous linear partial differential equations
with constant coefficients .
• The procedure to find out the solutions of Partial Differential Equations by using the method of
separation of variables (product method) about the formulation of one dimensional wave (string
equation), one-and two-dimensional Heat flow equations, Laplace’s equation in Cartesian and polar
coordinates, and how to solve these equations using the method of separation of variables.
• The concept of integral transforms, namely, Fourier transforms, Fourier Sine, Cosine and related
inverse transforms, and their applications in solving several Physical and Engineering problems.


After going through this course , the students would be able to:

• operate the differential operator ’del’ to the scalar and vector point functions, Calculate the
Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Vector normal to a surface, maximum rate of change of a scalar
field, test whether two surfaces are to cut orthogonally or not .
• find the rate per unit volume at which the physical quantity is issuing from a point, the rate of inflow
minus out flow using the Divergence and the angular velocity of rotation at any point of the vector
field using the Curl.
• test whether the given motion is irrotational or rotational, whether a vector force acting on a particle
is conservative or not
• find out the potential function from a given vector field.
• obtain the well known Laplace and poisson equations from an irrotational field
• understand to determine the work done by a force field and circulation using a Line integral
• find out the Line, Surface and Volume integrals, find flux using surface integral and volumes using the
volume integral.
• apply the vector integral theorems ( Green’s theorem in the plane, Stoke’s and Divergence
theorems) for evaluating thedouble and triple integrals as these are used to find areas and volumes.
• know the methods of solving Linear and Non linear first order and first degree partial differential
• solve the Linear Partial Differential Equations with constant coefficients (homogeneous and non
homogeneous) and know the procedure for finding the complementary function and particular
• apply the method of separation of variables to obtain solutions to the boundary value problems
involving Linear partial differential equations occurred in engineering studies
• solve wave equation, heat flow equation and the Laplace’s equations in Cartesian and polar
coordinates using the method of separation of variables.
• apply and extend the knowledge of Fourier transform techniques in solving several Initial and
Boundary value problems of Engineering, such as in Conduction of heat / Thermodynamics,
Hydraulics transverse vibrations of a string, oscillations of an elastic beam, bending of beams,
electrical circuits, free and forced vibrations of a membrane and transmission lines , etc.
Differentiation of vectors, curves in space, velocity and acceleration, relative velocity and relative
acceleration, scalar andvector point functions, vector operator applied to scalar point functions- gradient,
applied to vector point functions-

divergence and curl. Physical interpretation of gradient, divergence and f,

culrl (i.e., .F, F ), Irrotational and

Solenoidal fields, the relations obtained after applied twice to point functions, applied to products of two


Integration of vectors, line integral, circulation, work done, surface integral-flux, Green’s theorem in the plane,
Stoke’s theorem, volume integral, Gauss Divergence theorem. (All theorems without proofs)

Introduction of orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates


Formation of partial differential equations, solutions of partial differential equations- equations solvable by
direct integration, linear equations of first order: Lagrange’s Linear equation, non-linear equations of first
order, Charpit’s method. Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients- rules for finding the
complementary function, rules for finding the particular integral (working procedure), non- homogeneous
linear equations.


Method of separation of variables, One dimensional wave equation-vibrations of a stretched string, one
dimensional Heat flow equation, Two dimensional heat flow in steady state - solution of Laplace’s equation in
Cartesian and polar coordinates (two dimensional).
(INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS (Fourier Transform )

Introduction, definition, Fourier integral, Sine and Cosine integrals, Complex form of Fourier
integral, Fourier transform,Fourier Sine and Cosine transforms, Finite Fourier Sine and Cosine
transforms, properties of Fourier transforms.

Convolution theorem for Fourier transforms, Parseval’s identity for Fourier transforms,
Fourier transforms of thederivatives of a function, simple applications to Boundary value

Scope and treatment as in “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, by Dr. B.S.Grewal, 43rd
Edition, Khanna Publishers.

1. Graduate Engineering Mathematics by V B Kumar Vatti, I.K.International publications

2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig.
3. A text book of Engineering Mathematics by N.P. Bali and Dr. Manish Goyal, Lakshmi
4. Mathematical Methods of Science & Engineering aided with MATLAB by Kanti B.Dutta,
Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd.
5. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. V. Ramana, Tata McGraw Hill Company.
6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by H.K.Dass. S.Chand Company.

Course Objective: The basic objective of including this course is to bring awareness in the
students about the subject Theory of machines, is that branch of Engineering science which
deals with the study of relative motion between the various parts of a machine and forces
which act on them. The strength of materials is a subject from which the stress, strain and
several other load factors that apply for a cantilever & beam can be inferred. It brings an
insight into various topics of friction,link & element mechanisms.

Course Outcomes:Theory of machines gives an idea about several mechanisms which

welcome across in several Industries & in our day to day life. The students could properly
identify the mechanisms that run typical machines. This is important because every process
industry a student joins needs thebasic knowledge about the mechanisms & mechanical

Simple stresses and strains – Tensile, compressive and shear stresses. Elastic limit, Hook’s law,
stress-strain relation, poission’s ratio, Relationship between Modulus of Elasticity and
Modulus of Rigidity. Stresses in bars of varying section, Stresses in bars of composite sections,
temperature stresses.

Shear Force Bending Moments– Definitions, Cantilever with concentrated load, uniformly
distributed loads, load whose intensity varies uniformly, S.F and B.M diagrams, Simply
supported beams with pointed loads, uniformly distributed loads, load whose intensity varies
uniformly, S.F and B.M diagrams.

Simple Mechanisms: Link and element, lower and higher pairs, kinematic pairs, types of
kinematic pairs, kinematic chain, Mechanism, Inversion, degrees of freedom, joint, Grubler’s
criteria, Mechanisms with turning and sliding pairs : Four bar mechanism and Inversions of
Four bar mechanism, Single slider crank chain and Inversions of Single slider crank chain,
Double slider crank chain and Inversions of Double slider crank chain.

Mechanisms with lower pairs- pantograph, Exact straight line mechanisms: Scott-Russel
mechanism, Peaucellier mechanism, Harts mechanism, Approximate straight line mechanisms-
Modified Scott Russel mechanism, Watt's mechanism , Tchebicheff’s mechanism, Roberts
mechanism, Grasshopper mechanism.

Friction and bearings- Friction definition, types of friction, laws of Friction, limiting friction,
limiting angle of Friction, angle of repose, Effort required to move a body on a rough
horizontal plane, Effort required to move a body on an inclined plane: up the inclined plane
and down the inclined plane, Efficiency of Inclined plane, friction between screw and nut,
friction in journal bearings, friction circle.

Text books:

1. Strength of Materials- S.Ramamrutham

2. Strength of materials- J.A.Taraporebala
3. Machines of structures- S.B.Junnarkar-
4. Theory of machines- Toft.L. and Kersy A.T.J
5. Theory of machines - R.S.Kurmi and J.K.Gupta

Course Objectives:

The subject aims to provide the student with:

• Understanding of the basics of electrical machines and their construction

• Knowledge of testing and performance of electrical machines.
• Knowledge for learning advanced machines and their control.
• In-depth understanding of application based knowledge in the field of electrical drives
Course Outcome:

At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to

• Analyse and apply the energy conversion principles to rotating machines.

• Evaluate the steady state parameters, basic operating characteristics and performance
of DC Machine and its application.
• Evaluate the steady state parameters, basic operating characteristics and performance
of transformers
Star and why connections, vector diagrams, phase sequence, voltage, current relations in two
phase and three phase circuits. Analysis of balanced three phase circuits. Measurements of
power in three phase circuits.

Single phase transformer-construction-voltage equation, transformer on no-load and full-load.
Equivalent circuit – losses- efficiency-auto transformer, use of transformers with instruments-
testing of transformer – Short circuit test and open circuit test.

DC Generator – construction - armature windings – principle - e.m.f equation-armature
reaction (in brief) and commutation- losses - efficiency - Generator characteristics
D.C.motor – construction- back e.m.f- - losses – efficiency- speed torque characteristics-
starters-speed control testing.

Synchronous machines-
Alternators- principle and working - synchronous impedance-armature reaction (in brief) -
e.m.f.equation-synchronous motor, nature of torque, vector diagram-characteristics of a
synchronous motors-starting methods.

Induction motor-construction-theory of induction motor –efficiency-equivalent circuit and

speed control.

1. Electrical technology by B.L.Theraja.
2. Electrical technology by H.Cotton.
3. Electrical machinery by Fitzgerald/kingsley/umans.
4. Electrical machinery by Irving L.Kosow.

Course Objectives:
● To understand about measurement systems and their classification
● To understand about errors in measurement systems and calibration of measurement
● To enable the students to select and design suitable instruments to meet the
requirements of industrial applications and various transducers used for the
measurement of various physical quantities
● To understand about Various types of Sensors & Transducers and their working
principle Resistive, Capacitive and Inductive, Piezo electric and Some of the
miscellaneous transducers Characteristics of transducers

Course Outcomes:

● Upon completion of this course the student shall be able to understand the
working of basic sensors and transducers used in process and manufacturing
● The student will be able to select particular type of sensor/transducer in a typical
application in a process Industry.

Measurements and Measurement systems- functional elements of measurement

system- classification of measuring instruments- specifications of measuring
Standards of measurement-calibrations of measuring instruments- static and dynamic
characteristics of measurement systems-errors in measurement systems.

Mathematical modeling of measurement systems- Modeling of mechanical systems-electrical

system-thermal systems and fluidic systems- order of measurement systems –zero order,1st order,
2nd order and higher order systems – transfer function of measurement systems – system response
to standard test signals – response of 1st order and second order systems for standard test signals.

Primary sensing elements-mechanical sensors springs-cantilever- torsion bars, load cells elastic
sensors- diaphragms, capsules-Bellous and bourden tube gauges- flapper-nozzle sensors – Thermal
sensors - filled in systems- Bimetal sensors – Level sensors- floats and displacers – flow sensors-
Head flow sensors (Orifice, venture and pitot tubes) Area flow sensors (Rota meter and piston

Transducers-Active and passive transducers – Transducers- characteristics- basic requirements

hesistive transducers- strain gaues- potentiometers RTD’s and thermistors – Inductive transducers-
self inductance and variable inductance transducers _LVDT and its applications – capacitive
transducers- variable distance and variable area and dielective type
Piezo electric transducers and their applications- magnetic strictive- thermo electric and hall effect
transducers- photo electric transducers- photo emissive and photo voltaic types and their
applications- advanced sensors smart transducers- intelligent transducers and MEMS sensors.


Course Objectives:
• To bring about an awareness about the nature of Managerial Economics and its
linkages with other disciplines.
• To understand the Micro and Macro Environment of Business.
• To familiarize the prospective engineers with the concepts and tools of Managerial
Economics with an objective to understand the real world of business.

Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, student will be able to:
• Understand the various economic activities in business and industry.
• Analyse the real world business problems.
• Make optimal business decisions for the effective and efficient management of

Significance of Economics and Managerial Economics:

Economics: Definitions of Economics- Wealth, Welfare and Scarcity definitions Classification of
Economics- Micro and Micro Economics.

Managerial Economics: Definition, Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics, Differences

between Economics and Managerial Economics, Main areas of Managerial Economics,
Managerial Economics with other disciplines.

Demand and Utility Analysis:

Demand - Definition, Meaning, Nature and types of demand, Demand function, Law of
demand - Assumptions and limitations. Exceptional demand curve.

Elasticity of demand - Definition, Measurement of elasticity, Types of Elasticity

( Price, Income, Cross and Advertisement), Practical importance of Price elasticity of demand,
Role of income elasticity in business decisions, Factors governing Price Elasticity of demand.

Utility Analysis: Utility- Meaning, Types of Economic Utilities, Cardinal and Ordinal Utility,
Total Utility, Marginal Utility, The law of Diminishing Marginal Utility and its Limitations.

Theory of Production and Cost analysis:

Production - Meaning, Production function and its assumptions, use of production function in
decision making;
Cost analysis - Nature of cost, Classification of costs - Fixed vs. Variable costs, Marginal cost,
Controllable vs. Non - Controllable costs, Opportunity cost, Incremental vs. Sunk costs, Explicit
vs. Implicit costs, Replacement costs, Historical costs, Urgent vs. Postponable costs,
Escapable vs. Unavoidable costs, Economies and Diseconomies of scale.

Market Structures : Definition of Market, Classification of markets; Salient features or

conditions of different markets - Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Duopoly , Oligopoly,
Importance of kinked demand curve ;Monopolistic Competition.

Pricing and Business Cycles:

Pricing Analysis : Pricing – Significance; Different Pricing methods- Cost plus pricing, Target
pricing, Marginal cost pricing, Going -rate pricing, Average cost pricing, Peak load pricing ,
Pricing of joint Products, Pricing over the life cycle of a Product, Skimming pricing Penetration
pricing, Mark- up and Mark- down pricing of retailers.

Business cycles - Definition, Characteristics, Phases, Causes and Consequences; Measures to

solve problems arising from Business cycles.

Text Books:
1. Sankaran,S., Managerial Economics, Marghan Publications, 2015, Chennai.
2. Aryasri, A.R., Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis, MC Graw Hill
Education, New Delhi,2015.

Reference Books:
1. Dwivedi, D.N., Managerial Economics, Vikhas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 6th
Edition, New Delhi,2004.
2. Dewett, K.K., Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi,
IN 2106 Analog Electronics Circuits Lab

Course Educational Objective: This course gives an overview of amplifiers, power

amplifiers, Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 : Understand the operation of different types of amplifiers and oscillators.

CO2: Analyze the characteristics of different types of amplifiers.

CO3: Design an amplifier.

List of Experiments

1. Common Emitter Amplifier

2. Common Source Amplifier
3. Two Stage RC coupled CE amplifier
4. Two Stage RC coupled CS FET amplifier
5. Class A power amplifiers
6. Class B power amplifiers
7. Class C power amplifiers
8. Voltage –current series feedback amplifier
9. RC phase shift Oscillator using Transistor
10. Wein Bridge oscilator
IN 2107 Transducers Lab

Course Objective:
1. This Lab explores the Calibration of Various kinds of Transducers & Industrial
2. To make the students familiarize with several Industrial parameters.
To obtain the practical knowledge on working principle of several transducers & Sensors what
they have studied intheory.

Course Outcomes:

The purpose of inclusion of this lab into the curriculum is to illustrate the Working principle,
Calibration and characteristics of various types of transducers

At the completion of this lab, the student will be able to:

1. Calibrate & plot Characteristics of different kinds of transducers such as Strain Gauge,
LVDT, Dead weight tester etc….
2. Visualize the working principle of various types of sensors Like RTD, Thermo couple,
Orifice meter etc… which they have studied in theory.
3. Control the Industrial parameters like Pressure, Level, Flow, Temperature etc….
4. Obtain the knowledge about practical applications of several transducers, Sensors &
Industrial Instruments.

Course Objective:

1. This Lab explores all the possible design connections of a DC machine and it also
experimentallyobtains the characteristics and thus observes the performance of different DC
motors andgenerators and performs tests on DC machines to derive their efficiency.

2. To make the students familiarize the students with all necessary AC electrical machines
likeSingle phase and three phase induction motors all of which help to enhance the technical
skills ofstudents.

3. The working of a transformer, wattmeter and dc, ac motors are apparent to the students.
Theycould practically visualize & can correlate with what they have studied in theory and
grasp theconcepts well.

Course Outcomes:

The purpose of inclusion of this lab into the curriculum is to illustrate the working
andcharacteristics of transformers & various types of dc & ac motors and generators
under no-load,loaded conditions.

At the completion of this lab, the student will be able to:

1. Obtain the operating characteristics of dc machines, transformers and Induction motors.

2. Examine the relationship between torque, speed, voltage and Current for various types
ofmotor & generator connections in no-load and loaded configurations.

3. Predict, by calculation, the performance of dc machines Motor & Generator.

4. Analyze and select appropriate dc machines & ac machines for given applications.

5. The working of a transformer, wattmeter and DC Motors, ACMotors are apparent to the
students. Theycould practically visualize & can correlate with what they have studied in
theory and grasp theconcepts well.

List of Experiments:

IN2109: Object Oriented Programming through C++

Course Objectives:

• Exposure to basics of object oriented mode, C++ programming and I/O in C++
• Acquaintance with classes, objects and member functions.
• Concentration on inheritance, types of inheritance, polymorphism, virtual functions
• Focus on constructors , destructors, variants in them

Course Outcome:
➢ Expertise in object oriented principles and their implementation in C++

INTRODUCTION: Differences Between C And C++, Disadvantage of Conventional Programming,

Concepts of Object Oriented Programming, Advantages of OOP. Structure of a C++ Program,
Header Files And Libraries.
INPUT AND OUTPUT IN C++: Introduction ,Formatted And Unformatted I/O Operations, Bit
Fields, Manipulators.
FUNCTIONS IN C++: Introduction ,Inline Functions, Function Overloading, Recursion.
CLASSES AND OBJECTS: Introduction, Access Specifiers And Their Scope, , Data Hiding or
Encapsulation, Classes, Objects and Memory, Array Of Objects, Friend Functions, Recursive
Member Function.
CONSTRUCTORS AND DESTRUCTORS :Introduction, Characteristic Of Constructors &
Destructors, Applications With Constructors, Parameterized Constructor, Overloading
Constructors (Multiple Constructors), Destructors, Private Constructors And Destructors ,Local
Vs. Global Object.
INHERITANCE: Introduction, Access Specifiers And Simple Inheritance, Protected Data With
Private Inheritance, Types Of Inheritances(Single Inheritance, Multilevel Inheritance, Multiple
Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance, Hybrid Inheritance, Multipath Inheritance), ,Advantages
Of Inheritance, Disadvantages Of Inheritance.POLYMORPHISM: Virtual Functions, Pure Virtual


• Object Oriented Programming with C++, E. Balaguruswamy, TMH

• Programming In C++ , Ashok N Kamthane. Pearson 2nd Edition.
• Object Oriented Programming C++ , Joyce Farrell, Cengage
• Mastering C ++, Venugopal, Rajkumar, Ravi kumar TMH


• The Complete Reference, C++, 4ed, Herbert Schildt, TMH



1 INPUT &OUTPUT IN C++ Program to print a string
2 Program to accept a string and display using cin & cout
3 Simple c++ program for Addition of two numbers
4 Simple c++ program for Division of two numbers
5 Simple c++ program for Multiplication of two numbers
6 Simple c++ program for Subtraction of two numbers
7 Simple c++ program for Average of two numbers
8 Program to display data using typecasting
9 UNFORMATTED I/O FUNCTIONS Program to read and display string using get() &
10 Program to demonstrate the use of gcount()function
11 FORMATTED I/O FUNCTIONS Program to set number of precision points. Display the
result of 22/7 in different precision settings
12 BITFIELDS Program to convert decimal number to hexa decimal and
octal format
13 MANIPULATORS Program to display message using Manipulators.
14 FUNCTIONS IN C++ : INLINE Write a program to find the cube of a number using inline
FUNCTIONS function
15 RECURSION Write a program to calculate Factorial of a Number
16 FUNCTION OVERLOADING Write a program to compute the area of a square ,
rectangle and circle
17 CLASSES & OBJECTS: Write a program using class to declare member variable
ACCESS SPECIFIERS: and functions Private ,Public ,and Protected section and
PUBLIC,PRIVATE,PROTECTED make an attempt to access them using object
18 DATA HIDING OR Write a program to calculate simple interest. Hide the
ENCAPSULATION data elements of the class using Private Keyword
19 ARRAY OF OBJECTS Write a program to declare the array of objects. Initialize
and display the contents of array. Eg: Read and display the
information of the players on the screen.
20 FRIEND FUNCTIONS Write a program to access private data using non-member
function .Use friend function
21 RECURSIVE MEMBER FUNCTION Write a program to find the sum of n Fibonacci number by
using recursion.
22 CONSTRUCTORS AND Write a Program to define a constructor and initialize the
DESTRUCTORS:CONSTRUCTORS class data member variables with constant
23 OVERLOADING CONSTRUCTORS Write a program to overload constructor and display date
DESTRUCTORS Write a program to demonstrate execution of
constructor and destructor
25 PRIVATE CONSTRUCTOR Write a program to declare constructor and destructor as
AND DESTRUCTOR private and call them explicitly
26 LOCAL VS GLOBAL OBJECT Write a program to show the difference between local
and global object
27 INHERITANCE :PROTECTED Write a program to declare protected data in base class
DATA WITH PRIVATE .Access data of base class declared under protected
INHERITANCE: section using member function of derived class
28 SINGLE INHERITANCE Write a program to demonstrate single inheritance.
29 MULTILEVEL INHERITANCE Write a program to explain multilevel inheritance with
member functions
30 POLYMORPHISM : Write a program to declare pure Virtual Functions

IN 2110 Professional Ethics and Universal Human Values

(Common for all Branches)
Course Objectives:

The objective of the course is Six fold:

• Development of a holistic perspective based on self-exploration about themselves (human
being), family, society and nature/existence.
• This course will illuminate the students in the concepts of laws and its applicability to
• Understanding (or developing clarity) of the harmony in the human being, family, society
and nature/existence
• Strengthening of self-reflection, Development of commitment and courage to act and also
enable the students to imbibe and internalize the Values and Ethical Behaviour in the personal
and professional lives
• To enable the students to imbibe the Values and Ethical Behavior in the personal and
Professional lives
• The students will learn the rights and responsibilities Individual, employee, team member
and a global citizen

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course Student will be able to:
• Grasp the meaning of the concept – Law and also Get an overview of the laws relating to
Engineers and also Apprehend the importance of being a law abiding person and They would
have better critical ability
• Self-explore by using different techniques to live in harmony at various levels
• Analyze themselves and understand their position with respect to the moral and ethical
character needed for a successful and satisfactory work life
• Students are expected to become more aware of themselves and their surroundings
(family, society, nature)
• They would become more responsible in life, and in handling problems with sustainable
solutions, while keeping human relationships and human nature in mind.
• They would also become sensitive to their commitment towards what they have understood
(human values, human relationship and human society


Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and Process for Value Education

•,Self-Exploration–what is it? - Its content and process; ‘Natural Acceptance’ and Experiential
Validation - as the process for self-exploration, Continuous Happiness and Prosperity - A look
at basic Human Aspirations, Right understanding, Relationship and Physical Facility - the basic
requirements for fulfillment of aspirations of every human being with their correct priority,
Understanding Happiness and Prosperity correctly- A critical appraisal of the current scenario,
Method to fulfill the above human aspirations: understanding and living in harmony at various
levels. Include practice sessions to discuss natural acceptance in human being as the innate
acceptance for living with responsibility (living in relationship, harmony and co-existence)
rather than as arbitrariness in choice based on liking-disliking, Include practice sessions and
case studies.

Understanding Harmony in the Human Being - Harmony in Myself!

• Understanding human being as: a co-existence of the sentient ‘I’ and the material ‘Body’, the
needs of Self (‘I’) and ‘Body’ - happiness and physical facility, the Body as an instrument of ‘I’ (I
being the doer, seer and enjoyer), the characteristics and activities of ‘I’ and harmony in ‘I’, the
harmony of I with the Body: Sanyam and Health; correct appraisal of Physical needs, meaning
of Prosperity in detail, P to ensure Sanyam and Health, Include practice sessions and case

Understanding Harmony in the Family and Society - Harmony in Human – Human Relationship
• Understanding values in human-human relationship: meaning of Justice (nine universal
values in relationships) and program for its fulfillment to ensure mutual happiness; Trust
and Respect as the foundational values of relationship, the meaning of Trust; Difference
between intention and competence, the meaning of Respect, Difference between respect and
differentiation; the other salient values in relationship, the harmony in the society (society
being an extension of family), Resolution, Prosperity, fearlessness (trust) and co-existence as
comprehensive Human Goals, Visualizing a universal harmonious order in society- Undivided
Society, Universal Order from family to world family, Include practice sessions and case
Understanding Harmony in the Nature and Existence - Whole existence as Coexistence
• Understanding the harmony in the Nature, Interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment
among the four orders of nature recyclability and self-regulation in nature, Understanding
Existence as Co-existence of mutually interacting units in all – pervasive space, Holistic
perception of harmony at all levels of existence, Include practice sessions and case studies.

Concept of Law and Law of Torts

• Understanding Essentials of a Valid Contract and the basics of contract law protecting rights
and obligations, Introduction to the Law of Torts and the basics to protect oneself and the
company Law affecting the Workplace Employers Responsibilities/Duties Hiring Practices,
Introduction to Intellectual Property Law, Professional Code of Conduct for Engineers,
Relationship between Law and Ethics, Include practice sessions and case studies.

Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of Harmony on Professional Ethics

• Natural acceptance of human values, Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct, Basis for
Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic Universal Order, Competence
in professional ethics: a. Ability to utilize the professional competence for augmenting
universal human order b. Ability to identify the scope and characteristics of people friendly
and eco-friendly production systems, c. Ability to identify and develop appropriate
technologies and management patterns for above production systems, Case studies of typical
holistic technologies, management models and production systems, Strategy for transition
from the present state to Universal Human Order: a. At the level of individual: as socially and
ecologically responsible engineers, technologists and managers b. At the level of society: as
mutually enriching institutions and organizations, Include practice sessions and case studies.

Text Books
1. R R Gaur, R Asthana, G P Bagaria, “A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional
Ethics”, 2nd Revised Edition, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2019. ISBN 978-93-87034-47-1
2. R R Gaur, R Asthana, G P Bagaria, “Teachers’ Manual for A Foundation Course in Human
Values and Professional Ethics”, 2nd Revised Edition, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2019. ISBN
3. R. Subramanian, “Professional Ethics”, Oxford University Press.
4. S.B. Srivasthva, “Professional Ethics & Human Values”, SciTech Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi.
5. D.R. Kiran, “Professional Ethics & Human Values”, TATA Mc Graw Hill Education.
6. Saroj Kumar, “Business Law” and Avtar Singh, “Law of Contract”
Reference Books
1. Jeevan Vidya: Ek Parichaya, A Nagaraj, Jeevan Vidya Prakashan, Amar kantak, 1999.
2. A. N. Tripathi, “Human Values”, New Age Intl. Publishers, New Delhi, 2004.
3. The Story of Stuff (Book), Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi “The Story of My Experiments
with Truth”, E. FSchumacher. “Small is Beautiful”, Slow is Beautiful –Cecile Andrews, J C
Kumarappa “Economy of Permanence”, Pandit Sunderlal “Bharat Mein Angreji Raj” and
Dharampal, “Rediscovering India
4. G K Kapoor, “Business Law” and Sen & Mitra, “Business & Commercial Laws” and Calvin
Frank Allen, “Business law for Engineers”
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