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A Proposed Research Title for Practical Research as a

Requirement for Electrical Product

Assembly Services Strand in Technical Vocational and

Livelihood Track

Ronelo E. Agsangre

Rodel B. Ardales II

Jorge D. Daria

Emmanuel Latosa

Jan- Jan SA. Lleva

Errol Dave M. Sarmiento



Every individual must, at one time or

another, be confronted by the problem of occupational choice
and many.
, encounter this problem when as student they are required
to choose study programmes leading to their future,

careers, as parents helping their children select careers,

as teaches, career officers or pychologists, who as part of
their daily work, offer career guidance to students

(Ferreira, santos, Fonseca, & haasa, 2006) perhaps the

significance of carrer choice can be undersscored by the
influence careers have on an individual's income standard of
living, status in society, social contacts, as well as
emotional health and feelings of self work there fore,
making suitable career decisions and implies less wastage of
resources in education and training

(Audit Commission, 1993 ), Furthermore, carrers once chosen

will probably affects an individual throughout their lives,
it is in this connection therefore that sharf (2010)
contends that clarity and meaning of life are expressed in
ones carrer.

Consequently, it is by being armed with better information

and proper guidance that individuals are able to make
appropriate caree decisions. Due to need for specialization
at the work place , choosing a career is not easy and
straight forward undertaking. It is a complicated and
claunting task because the decision is influenced by various

extrensic, intrinsic or a combination of both (Hewitt 2010),

studies have shown that the main intrinsic factors
responsible for influencing career choice decision include
an individual's personality, interests, self concept,

attitudes and cultural identity on the other hand, the main

extrinsic factors include social contact ,role models;

availability of resources such as information and finaces,

globalization, ethnic background level of educational
attainment, choice of subjects of study and differences in
Job characteristics (Kerka 2000; Bandura,
hewitt (2010) notes that most people are heavily influenced
either by professions that their parents favour; or the ones
that their educational achievements have opened for them.
Yet, other individuals are influenced by careers that offer
prospects of higher benefits including salary, allowances
and holidays howeve, there are also those who choose to
follow careers that they have a passion for regardless of
the prospects of the benefits; for the reason that a career
is a critical elements in determining an individual's daily
routine life activities,

standard of living; and the spiritual and social aspects of

life. In fact a career affects the ordering of one entire

Although there are difference among various

population groups, generally extrensic influences on career
choice decisions are mostly influenced by parents, peers,
friends, relatives, role models, and teachers specially
career counsellors. This is possible through social support
or interaction (Pummel harwood & lavalle, 2008) however, the
extent to which each of them influences career choice
decisions varies from one population to the other.

Before making career choices, students are

often provided with a list of career from which they are
supposed to make choices, however, most students lack
adequate information regarding various career hence the
choices they make are embedded in their perception of the
ideal Job and the subjects they study in secondary school.

Perhaps the only support students get within

the school system is from career masters or counsellors who
are expected to support students in their career choice,
when the final examination results are released and
depending on the grades obtained, students are allowed to
revice their choices.

The future of an Electrical Installation Management

offering a whole away of interest areas and career choices
after graduation E.I.M student can embark an entrepreneural
paths using thier knowledge to start innorature business in
the EIM field.
The importance of this research is to identify the career
choices which depends in an individual to simply think about
it " it is easy right but a matter of fact students faced
difficulties to choose a career after graduation, theres a
lot of what if and the financial for the career choice
he/she will pick many of us has interest that affects of
different factors like in school we learn what skills /
talent we have so we can decide for ourself influence of
peers or friends or we inherit from our parents. It is
important to choose wiser where we continue to walk so that
it will lead in the right path so that at the end of
decision will make you feel happy and being a champion at
all trumph you will definitely say Imake a right career

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this research is to acquire information and

arrive in an acceptable answer in the following questions:

Specific Questions:

1. What are the Demographic profile of E.I.M


a. Age

b. Gender
c family income/ Enomic status

2. What are the interest career choices of E.I.M


3. What are the factors affecting the career choices

of graduating students?


1. The author suggested that the main factors affecting

students' career choices include belief in self- afficacy ,
career opportunities culture intellec and the influence of
2. Internal factors such as personal interest values and
skills can significantly impact career decisions. However
external factors like market trends industry changes and
economic conditions can also shape career apportunities and
direction mar.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the future of E.I.M student;

A study about interest and career choices after graduation.
The primary data gathering methods used were surveys
questioner with the students of SPJ International Technology
Institute Inc. The gathered data were analize using
frequency distribution table.

The data used on the research where based on the

interview and survey conducted with the students. It focused
on their different opinion about the interest and career
choices after graduation.

This study is delimited to the information gathered

from the students state above .

Significance of the Study

The results of this study aimed to benefit the following:

Student. The finding of this study will serve as their

motivation to study well in pursuing their dreams in life
specifically for future career or of their ambitions
Parents. Serv as their accompaniment in encouraging and
motivating their children to engage seriously to study

Community. The finding of this or study will help them to

promote a study about interest and career choices after
graduation of E.I.M student.

Faculty. This help them cultivate and advance their skills

academically so that the student will actively participate
in by the SPJ Tinambac campus.

School. Is the basic foundation of knowledge being imparted

to a child it gives s chance to children to acquire
knowledge on various fiels of education, such as people
literature history mathematics politics and other numerous

Researchers. The finding of this study benefits them to

improve their awareness on different aspects of the
community that affect them as well their professional

Future researchers. This study will serve a source of

information that can be used to further improve future
researchers studies.
Definition of Terms

Career. An occupational undertaken for a significant period

of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.

Career Choices. The selection of a vocation, usually on the

basis of such factors as parental guidance, vocational
guidance indentification with admired figures trial or part
time jobs training opportunities personal interest and
ability test.

Choices. An act of selecting or making a decision when faced

with two or more possibilities.

E.I.M. To put it simply, electrical installation and

maintaining electrical system and equipment. It may include
task such as installing wiring, repairing or replacing
damaged equipment, and inspecting electrical system for

Future. The time or a period of time following the moment of

speaking or writing; time regarded as still of come.

Graduation. The recieving or conferring of an academic

degree or diploma.

Interest. The state of wanting to know or learn about

something or someone.
Senior high school. A secondary school typically comprising
the two highest grades.

Student. A person who takes an interest in a particular


Study. A detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or



Personal-Environment Fit ( P.E. Fit ) Theories every

person has a unique set as of interest and skills different
jobs ( and specialties) have different requirements for
skills and personalities if person with particular interest
and skills can be found a job with requirements that fit
those interest and needs his skills, it would seem likely
that the individual would well matched to the occupations .
Person environment fit theories are essentially a career
matching approach to career's guidance. Farank persons
described this process when establishing a vocational
guidances agency in Boston, Massachusetts (persos 1909)

This approach was also used by Roger(1952), who used a

series of questions (around areaa as divers as intelligence
attainmens and domestic circumstances) to guide the
interviews he help with clients seeking carees advice his
seven point plan was widely used in the 1950s to provide
school leavers with career guidance.

John holland (1985) further developed P:E fit theories .

holland concentrated on the difference between individuals
rather than their similarities.He defines six types of
individual(realistic, investigate, artistic, social
enterprising and conventional) and recognizes that these
types wil have different occupational interests.

Per haps the most widely used P.E. fit tools for doctors in
sci. 59 phychometic tool which looks at skills and
attributes needed for the various medical specialties and
matching them to an individuals work preference further
details and access to the test (for members) is available on
the BMA Website.

Community Interaction Theory, Bill Law offers a critique

of Ken Roberts opportunity structure theory in that he
argues that social structure doesn't dictate what
opportunities are open to us but it influence our thinking
and the story we tell about our career journey, both past
and future. This bring him into close proximity to the
narrative approach and indeed, in 2008 he will go on to
develop the idea of story boarding in career guidance.

Albert Bandura's social learning theory suggests that

observation and modeling play a primary role in how and why
people learn. Bandura's theory goes beyond the perception of
learning being the result of direct experience with the
environment. Learning according to Bandura, can occur simply
by observing others' bahavior.

He explains in his 1977 book social learning Theory, "most

human behavior is learned observationally through modeling:
from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviors
are performed, and on later occasion, this coded information
serves as guide for action."

Social learning can be used effectively in the workplace to

observe and model productive behaviors. However, social
learning does not occur passively. Attention l, retention,
reproduction, and motivation are required in order to
benefits from social learning practices.

Developmental Career Theories studies paths toward improving

professional growth, career trajectory and overall job
satisfaction. Understanding career development theory can be
an important step in determining yuor core values,
strengths, weaknesses and desired path. While there are
varying claims among the different theories, all of the
theories acknowledge the importance of cultivating a
positive emotional relationship with work and developing
meaningful career ambitions. In this article, we examine
career development theory, its multiple manifestations and
show it can provide insight into your personality and
professional growth.

Developmental Career Theories

Bandora's Theory

Personal Environmental Fit - Modelling and Imitation

( P.E.E.T) Theories

Future of E.I.M Studies:

A study about interest and

career choices after

Structural Theories
Community Interaction Theories

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