4as Lesson Plan Template

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Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of :

contemporary Philippine Literature as a means of
responding to the demands of the global village; various
extended text types; lexical and contextual cues;
appropriate and polite oral language, stance and
behaviour; and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs,
and wh-questions.

Performance Standard The learners

Learning Competency (See MELC. Write also the LC Code.)


At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

1. (cognitive domain)

2. (psychomotor domain)

3. (affective domain)



Time Frame:


Teaching Strategy:



A. Preparatory Activities

1. Review (This part involves a brief recapitulation of the previous


2. New Lesson

a. Motivation (This part includes activities or thought-provoking

questions that can stimulate the interest of the

b. Presentation (In this part, the teacher will introduce the lesson and
will present the objectives.)

c. Setting of Standards (The teacher and learners will establish classroom rules
or guidelines prior to the activity.)

B. Developmental Activities

1. Activity (This is an interactive strategy to elicit learners’ prior

learning experience. It serves as a springboard for new
learning. It illustrated the principle that learning starts
where the learners are. Carefully structure activities
such as individual or group reflective exercises, group
discussion, self or group assessment, simulations, role
play, and the like may be created. Clear instructions
should be considered in this part of the lesson.)

2. Analysis (Essential questions about the activity are included to

serve as guide for the teacher in clarifying key
understanding about the topic at hand. Critical points
are organized to structure the discussions allowing
learners to maximize interactions and sharing of ideas
and opinions about expected issues. Affective questions
are included to elicit feelings of the learners about the
activity or the topic. The last questions or points taken
should lead the learners to understand the new
concepts or skills that are to be presented in the next
part of the lesson.)

3. Abstraction (This outlines the key concepts, important skills that

should be enhanced, and the proper attitude that should
be emphasized. This is organized as lecturette that
summarizes the learning emphasized from the activity,
analysis, and new inputs in this part of the lesson.)

4. Application (This part is structured to ensure the commitment of the

learners to do something to apply their new learning in
their own environment.)

C. Culminating Activities

1. Evaluation (This is for the teachers to: (a) assess whether learning
objectives have been met for a specified duration, (b)
remediate and/or enrich with appropriate strategies.
It could be in a form of (a) Observation (Formal and
Informal observations of learners’ performance or
behaviors, based on assessment criteria, (b)Tests (to
determine learners’ ability to demonstrate mastery of a
skill or knowledge of content).

2. Assignment (Given for the purpose of reinforcing/strengthening the

day’s lesson, enriching/inspiring the day’s lesson, or
enhancing/improving the day’s lesson.

V. REFLECTION (This will be filled-out after the class. Reflect on your

teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about
your students’ progress. What works? What else needs
to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help
your instructional supervisors can provide for you so
when you meet them, you can ask them relevant


Teacher III


Department Head, Filipino

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