Everybody's Talking About Jamie Powerpoint Sep 18
Everybody's Talking About Jamie Powerpoint Sep 18
Everybody's Talking About Jamie Powerpoint Sep 18
What issues will be raised in the play?
What issues can we identify with?
Are we informed about the issues already?
Identify a range
rights as people who are heterosexual.
of different types of
sexual orientation
and gender identities.
LESSON 1 Key Learning Question:
Today What is the difference between sex and gender?
we will... TASK 1: Male or female?
Define gender, Sort the following characteristics into a Venn diagram.
sex and sexual
orientation. Athletic • Confident • Big headed • Bitchy • Caring • Competitive • Sly
Considerate • Creative • Daring • Flirtatious • Forgiving • Gossip • Funny
Identify a range
of different types of Intelligent • Shy • Sensible • Sympathetic • Forceful • Immature
sexual orientation
and gender identities.
Male Female
LESSON 1 Key Learning Question:
Today What is the difference between sex and gender?
we will... TASK 2: Imagine that it is 1900 - would you change any of your answers?
Define gender, TASK 3: Imagine we are in a different country - would you change any of your answers?
sex and sexual
orientation. CHALLENGE: Can you add the following more challenging words to your diagram:
Identify a range Assertive • Persuasive • Decisive • Delicate • Feeble • Manipulative • Patronising • Intrepid
of different types of
sexual orientation
and gender identities.
LESSON 2 Key Learning Question:
Today What is the difference between sex and gender?
we will... Discussion question: What is the difference between gender,
Define gender, sex and sexual orientation?
sex and sexual
The behaviours and characteristics Whether somebody is The direction in which a
Identify a range that society thinks of as typical biologically a male or a person feels attracted –
of different types of of men/boys or women/girls. Gender female. This is the same i.e. towards people of the
roles can change in different times across different times same sex, opposite sex,
sexual orientation and places. and places. or both.
and gender identities.
sexual orientation
and gender Heterosexual
o se xu a l G e n d e r dysphoria
Recognise the
effects of homophobia Transsexual
and suggest how we
Gay M o n o g a m y Transgender
can combat it.
Other key terms...
Ally a person who supports LGBT rights despite not
identifying as LGBT
Cisgender someone whose gender identity matches
their biological sex.
Queer a sexual or gender identity that does not
correspond to established ideas of sexuality or gender.
Non-binary when a person’s gender identity is not
exclusively masculine or feminine.
Intersex someone who was born with sexual features that
do not fit the typical definitions of male and female.
LESSON 3 Key Learning Question:
Today What is the difference between sex and gender?
we will... Discussion question:
Define gender,
sex and sexual
Can you think of a time when your
orientation. sexual identity might be different
Identify a range
from your gender identity?
of different types of How might someone feel if gender
sexual orientation
and gender
‘traits’ are not the same as the
identities. stereotypes we sometimes rely on?
Recognise the If you’re gender traits are different from
effects of homophobia your sex - does this mean you’re gay?
and suggest how we
can combat it.
LESSON 3 Use this map to show students where homophobia
Today is a criminal offence in the world.
we will...
Define gender,
sex and sexual
Identify a range
of different types of
sexual orientation
and gender
Recognise the
effects of homophobia
and suggest how we
can combat it.
LESSON 3 Key Learning Question:
Today What is the difference between sex and gender?
we will... • About 5% of people are gay - this has been the same throughout history
Define gender, • It is scientifically accepted that your sexual orientation is not a conscious choice
sex and sexual • 84% of LGBT teenagers say they feel distressed when they hear use of language
orientation. like ‘that’s gay’ or ‘no homo’
Identify a range • More than half (56%) have self harmed
of different types of • 1 in 3 gay pupils change their plans for future education because of their experience
sexual orientation
and gender
of gay bullying in school (e.g. don’t go to uni)
Recognise the People would feel comfortable ‘coming out’ in our school.
effects of homophobia LGBT people can be honest about their identity at work and still feel confident in being promoted.
and suggest how we TV shows accurately represent people who are not heterosexual.
can combat it. You get treated equally in the UK if you are LGBT.
LESSON 3 Key Learning Question:
Today What is the difference between sex and gender?
we will...
Plenary: What have you learnt?
Define gender,
sex and sexual Look at the statement again:
People who are homosexual should not have the same rights as people
Identify a range
of different types of who are heterosexual.
sexual orientation
and gender
Do you agree?
identities. Do you disagree?
Recognise the
effects of homophobia Why?
and suggest how we
can combat it.
Further watching and reading
Stonewall education resources: Stonewall are a charity which have a huge wealth of education resources for supporting LGBT
young people including packs for Tackling Homophobic, bi-phobic and transphobic language materials
Gendered Intelligence resources: Not-for-profit company working with the trans community, supporting young people from 8-25
The Pool - ‘I am non-binary’ article about being non-binary and coping with mental health issues.
What Makes a Woman? Transgender model and activist Munroe Bergdorf examines the changing world of gender and identity.
Her journey includes surgery, new science, and some outspoken views from all sides. (**contains strong language and scenes
of surgery**)
Defining Gender - Moral Maze – Radio 4 programme - Whichever way you view it, how can we - parents, teachers, society -
best enable young people to discover and become who they really are, in a period of complex and rapid social change?