Oser Le Doctorat - en
Oser Le Doctorat - en
Oser Le Doctorat - en
A PhD... about
is it for me?
Recognized for « HR excellence in Research » by the European Commission since
2011, the University of Liège is an institutional leader in the implementation
and integration of the European Charter & Code for Researchers and actively
contributes to the advancement of research excellence within Europe.
Designed to equip researchers, regardless of whether they are starting their career or
are more advanced, with the necessary skills to succeed in their careers, these guides
explore key themes such as ethics and scientific integrity, research funding and grants,
first steps in the research environment, leadership, Open Science, gender and diversity…
Place du XX Août, 7
4000 Liège
+32 366 54 28
Department of Research & Development team
Oriana Bertucci
Julie Gelon - juliegelon.be
Graphic design
Benjamin Dupuis et Jérémy Joncheray
Snel Grafics
Isabelle Halleux
Head of the Department of Research & Innovation
at the University of Liège
10 questions about a PhD
A PhD…. just another diploma? 6
Key resources 26
A PhD…
just another diploma?
The studies you undertake in Is the PhD a recognized diploma?
a doctoral degree allow you to
become an expert in a specific If you dream of a career in academic
field. You will acquire skills in research, a PhD is essential. A post-
research, project management, doctoral fellowship will almost always
communication, time management, take you abroad, offering important
team building, stress management, training both inside and outside
leadership development, etc. These the classroom. Doctoral candidates
qualities will make you a valuable succeed through their passion, their
candidate in the labour market, to grit and hard work and diplomas are
employers and to recruiters. Once awarded to those who demonstrate
conferred, the title of Doctor is excellence, rigor, self-discipline,
added to your professional title. and a strong ability to work both
independently and on a team.
Is the PhD a unique diploma? The diploma may not always be
given due recognition of its value
Unique? Yes, because it is the in the non-academic world but the
only degree conferred in the qualities and characteristics of a
3rd cycle by universities in the PhD, though expressed differently,
French speaking community in remain highly valued and needed.
Belgium. A PhD can also be dually Graduates should always be
conferred by a second institution proud to be called « Doctor ».
outside of the Federation Wallonia
Brussels (known as a joint PhD or a
«cotutelle»). If certain international
mobility requirements are met,
the designation of a «European
doctorate» may also be conferred.
i in Modern Languages
A PhD… what exactly
does it entail?
→ What PhD candidates
say about a PhD
A PhD…
is it for me?
Academic excellence is not only defined by high marks but also by the
creativity, curiosity, proactivity and tenacity that a student demonstrates
inside and outside the classroom. One must be passionate about their
field of research and ask the right questions; one must be driven to
discover, to be enthusiastic and to want to expand their horizons.
10 Have you completed a university degree of at least 300 credits or do you hold
a Master’s degree, having completed 5 years of studies? Did you distinguish
yourself during your second cycle of studies with an average grade of 14/20
or higher? If so, you are eligible to apply for a doctoral programme!
What are the next steps?
↓ ↓ ↓
Define your research Find, select and Validate your project
question and prepare be accepted by an with the Doctoral
your project. institutional supervisor College and register for
who acts as your the PhD programme.
primary advisor.
hat expectations do you have → What
kind of supervision allows you
as your begin a PhD? Do you to thrive? Do you prefer a hands-off
and your supervisor have the supervisor that you can approach
same goals and how will you when needed or do you prefer a
communicate your expectations? more hands-on supervision style?
hat kind of team dynamic allows →A
re you properly equipped
you to excel? A new, small team with and prepared to discuss your
a young supervisor or a larger team project, timeline and explain
driven by a leading researcher who is your research results?
supervising several PhD candidates?
What resources are available?
d Researc
ctoral Sc
Uni sity Doct ral B
Faculty M
Doctoral research A public defence
The ambiguous situation of being at the same time a student and a researcher
can create challenges for institutions when managing a PhD portfolio, especially
when candidates are attached to several institutions (universities, companies,
organisations, etc.). This is why it is critical for PhD candidates to work
closely with their host institution to coordinate all administrative matters.
→ The dual status of a PhD candidate has specific rights and obligations.
→ The efficacious path and support available from institutional resources.
→ The ULiège helpdesk in case of questions: [email protected]
How to obtain funding?
→ Registration fee: €835 for the 1st year +€35 for each subsequent year
→ Laptop: €1000
→ European conference(s): €2000
→ Open Access publications: €3000
→ One month of field work or research outside of Europe: €6000
→ One organic analysis in a highly specialised machine: €10,000
→ One year of verified income required to access the Belgian territory as a student: €8,500
→ One year doctoral fellowship (true cost for employer): € 36,000
→ One year salary for a junior researcher on contract (true cost for employer): €60,000
What career options are
available with a PhD?
→ The ULiège Research & Development Administration organises training
sessions and workshops for PhD graduates to help them identify, develop
and promote the skills they acquired during their doctoral studies.
H aving sold my PhD experience so well in the interview
process, I felt a lot of pressure when I first started
working. At first I wondered if I had oversold it during the
interview! However, very quickly, I became aware of the
value of the skills I had developed during my PhD and
what they brought to the company: my ability to ask the
right questions, to organise my work in the short and long
term, to succinctly summarise my observations, to easily
communicate complicated information and to go above
and beyond the required outcomes of a project. A PhD
allowed me to shine in my company- it was personally
rewarding and externally valued.
What’s next?
→ youtube.com/watch?v=I4y0kJlC-AY
What’s up Doc?
→ youtu.be/y2bmIA74PN0
It is particularly important to identify key skills from your training and learn
how to put your knowledge into practice in the business world. Read on to
hear from 4 doctors who share their experiences of life after graduation.