MSC in Development Studies at Lund University
MSC in Development Studies at Lund University
MSC in Development Studies at Lund University
• Master of Science in Development Studies students have worked, for example, at embassies spread
• 2 years, full-time, 120 ECTS credits over the world, in governmental and non-governmental
• Graduate School, Faculty of Social Sciences development agencies within the UN and the EU and in var-
• Lund Campus ious NGOs, and in the private sector.
• Application deadline: January 2019
• Programme start: August 2019 Programme modules/courses
Programme overview Development (15 credits), Research Methods (15), Historical
The Master of Science in Development Studies is an inter- Aspects of Development (15), Theory of Sciences/Research
disciplinary social science Master’s programme focusing on Methods (15), Master’s degree thesis (30). Elective courses
problems of poverty and development. and/or studies abroad, and/or internship (30).
The objective of the programme is to provide you with
background knowledge and practical skills to understand, Career prospects
assess and work in development-related fields, whether The programme provides you with both the background
in direct poverty reduction or in other aspects of social, knowledge and the practical skills needed to work in
economic and institutional development. You will acquire a development-related fields. You will gain a critical under-
critical social science approach and will conduct your own standing of trends and debates within development work.
research within the context of the Master’s thesis. You will You will be prepared to make contributions to sustainable
be trained in various social science methods, both qualita- development in a role such as policymaker or practitioner in
tive and quantitative. You will also gain general skills like government agencies, private firms and NGOs. Alternatively,
problem-solving, working in teams, cultural understanding, you can pursue doctoral studies and a continued academic
writing independent reports as well as conceptual, analyti- career.
cal and evaluative skills.
The programme offers you a wide range of alternatives.
Entry requirements and how to apply
There are many social science courses within the Faculty of
Social Science to provide you with deeper knowledge within
A Bachelor’s degree with a major in one of the following
your disciplinary background or in other fields beneficial to
social sciences disciplines: development studies, education
your research interests. You will be given the chance to take
(pedagogy), gender studies, human geography, political
an active part in shaping your education by tailoring your
science, social work, social anthropology, sociology and
studies to your interests and career goals, especially in the
sociology of law or equivalent. A major is equivalent to a
second half of the programme.
minimum of 90 ECTS credits or 50% of all degree coursework
There are good opportunities to go abroad and take courses
solely within one social science discipline. English Level 6
at one of the many universities with which we have exchange
(equivalent to IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 90). See www.lunduniversity.
agreements. If you wish to work in development-related for details on English proficiency levels.
fields, you can also choose to do an internship. Previous
Programme webpage
Study Advisor
[email protected]