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Oil Refineries
 PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY STATUS – In 2012, the global oil refining capacity has reached 93 million barrel
per day (b/d): North America (22.8%), Latin America (6.4%), Europe & Eurasia (25.8%), Middle East (8.9%), Africa
(3.6%), China (12.5%), India (4.4%), Japan (4.6%), Other Asia Pacific (11.0%). A geographical shift in the refining
capacity is reshaping the global downstream industry, namely with refinery closures in developed countries and capacity
additions in developing regions [1]. China plans to reach 14 000 thousand b/d of refining capacity by 2015. In addition,
there is an increasing need for more upgrading capacities in order to accommodate lower quality feedstock on one side,
and meet the rising demand for low sulfur diesel on the other side [2]. Global capacity utilization average was 82.4% in
2012 [3] while US average ranged 82.9% to 93.0% in the 2002-2012 period. Configurations for refineries are multiple,
but it is possible to distinguish general types of refineries based on their level of complexity: topping, hydro-skimming,
conversion and deep conversion. Most of the refineries in the US, Asia, Middle East and South America are already
conversion or deep conversion refineries (with upgrading units): this applies to more than 95% of total crude capacity
and 100% of the crude capacity in large refineries (> 50 000 b/d) [6]. Most of the refineries in Europe and Japan are
hydro-skimming and conversion refineries. To deal with lower quality input and improve the quality of the output,
secondary processes play a vital role in processing raw crude into refined products [1]. They include upgrading units (to
process heavy oil and oil sands); hydro-cracking or conversion units (to get lighter products); hydro-treating units (for
desulphurization) and octane units including catalytic reforming, isomerization and alkylation processes.

 PERFORMANCE AND COSTS – The overall efficiency in US refineries was 90.6% in 2008 (excluding upgrading
units): 89.7% for LPG/gasoline/distillate and 93.6% for the remaining products (residual oil/naphtha, etc.) [4]. Energy use
increases by 61 MJ/m3 of crude oil feedstock for each additional 1 kg/m3 of sulfur content and 44MJ/m3 for each
additional 1kg/m3 in density [5]. Energy use per barrel has increased by 5% after 2006 for compliance with fuel quality
standards [6]. The refining sector is a significant source of CO2 emissions: fossil fuel combustion counts for 63.3% of the
total emissions [7]. In the US, refineries generated approximately 47.42 kg of CO2-eq per barrel of refined products in
2011. Use of heavy oil and oil sands can double or triple emissions (0.61-1.04 t/m3) compared with the average (0.30
t/m3) [5]. Possible configurations for refineries are multiple, and consequently their economics. New refineries are
increasingly capital intensive due to more sophisticated engineering and equipment required to improve efficiency, higher
quality fuel standards and environmental legislation. However, on the long term, complex and flexible refineries can
generate cost savings by taking advantages of the price differences between heavy and light crude oils and by producing
more valuable light products [8]. A review of recent refinery projects provides ranges for investment costs: 20.0-24.2 k$
per b/d for refining capacity expansion; 17.7-26.0 k$ per b/d for refining capacity addition (but 10.3 k$ per b/d for the
world largest refinery, 1.24 mb/d); 19.2-90.9 k$ per b/d for upgrading capacity addition; 114.0 k$ per b/d for refining
capacity addition with upgraders and CCS. As for total operation costs, they have fluctuated between 5.72 - 9.73 US$
(1999-2009) for the US refiners, including 1.04-2.52 US$ for the energy costs [6]. Another source [23] suggests using the
following average operating costs, excluding depreciation and amortization and energy costs: 3.30 US$/barrel for US
Gulf Coast & Midcontinent, 4.00 US$/barrel for Northwest and Mediterranean Europe and 3.00 US$/barrel for Asia.

 POTENTIAL AND BARRIERS – The quality of transportation fuels has improved significantly during the past
decades and refiners from developed regions (EU, USA, Canada, Japan) have completed the transition to ultra-low
sulphur (ULS) fuels. This trend is continuing in developing regions. After the evolution toward high quality refined
products, a new trend is a switch in feedstock proportions, i.e. decreasing conventional oil use while increasing non-
conventional oil and non-crudes such as biofuels, gas-to-liquids (GTL), coal-to-liquids (CTL) and natural gas liquids
(NGL) [1]. Indeed, the rising price of crude oil is a strong incentive to produce transportation fuels from other (cheaper)
commodities and to promote advanced refining technology development. Most likely technology advances include
alternative processes to the costly and energy-intensive hydro-cracking to produce incremental distillate from crude oil,
as well as processes for converting gas and coal into distillates [1]. In addition, the higher availability of shale gas and
the related low prices for the gas commodity increase the interest for the natural gas liquids (NGL) and naphtha streams.

Please send comments to Kathleen Vaillancourt <[email protected]> (Author), and to

[email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
© IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief P04 – April 2014 - www.etsap.org


Table 1 - Global Refining Capacity, 2008-2012 [3]
Oil refineries are part of the oil downstream sector and
(kb/d)* 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
convert crude oil and other feedstock into various
refined petroleum products, including transportation North America 21,086 21,023 21,151 20,974 21,057
fuels. Global demand for refined products amounted to - United States 17,672 17,584 17,736 17,322 17,388
87.9 million barrels per day (mb/d) in 2011, including Lat. America 6,658 6,678 6,651 6,483 5,912
light products (ethane/LPG, naphtha, gasoline), middle
Europe/Eurasia 24,612 24,538 24,372 24,259 23,865
distillates (diesel/gasoil, jet kerosene) and heavy
products (residual fuel, bitumen, lubricants, waxes, still - West Europe 13,104 13,010 12,621 12,539 12,251
gas, coke, sulphur, direct use of crude oil, etc.). - Russian Fed. 5,422 5,401 5,508 5,569 5,754
Diesel/gasoil and gasoline alone account for Middle East 7,672 7,925 8,051 8,167 8,255
respectively 29.6% and 24.5% of the global demand in
Africa 3,121 2,982 3,175 3,123 3,323
2011; they are expected to represent 33.6% and 24.3%
in 2035 [1]. Asia Pacific 26,111 27,671 28,383 29,170 30,119
- China 8,722 9,479 10,302 10,834 11,547
 Capacity – In 2012, the global oil refining capacity
has reached 93 million b/d (Table 1). In the recent - India 2,992 3,574 3,703 3,795 4,099
years, the growth in the global capacity appears modest - Japan 4,650 4,630 4,291 4,274 4,254
as the large additions in Asia Pacific were largely offset World 89,259 90,817 91,782 92,176 92,531
by significant reductions in the Atlantic Basin in Europe *Atmospheric distillation capacity on a calendar-day basis
and Latin America. In Europe, about 1.5 mb/d of (refining process at atmospheric pressure and temperatures of
capacity has been shut down since the economic about 300º to 350º C).
recession of 2008, including facilities such as the
Coryton refinery in the UK (220 kb/d) and the
Wilhelmshaven (260 kb/d) and Hamburg refineries (110 Table 2 - Global Refinery Throughputs, 2008-12 [3]
kb/d) in Germany [9]. In the OECD countries a total 3.5 (kb/d*) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
mb/d of capacity has been shut down in the same
United States 14,648 14,336 14,724 14,806 15,006
period. Similar trends are observed for refinery
throughputs: the net increase that occurred in non- Other N. America 3,231 3,165 3,016 2,900 2,995
OECD countries and the US has been somewhat Lat. America 5,363 4,889 4,834 5,047 4,624
balanced by the decline in Europe and Latin America Europe/Eurasia 20,635 19,509 19,595 19,507 19,459
(Table 2). There is a clear geographical shift of refining
Middle East 6,396 6,297 6,396 6,519 6,444
capacity from developed countries (Europe especially)
to developing regions, namely Asia (China, India) and Africa 2,456 2,293 2,449 2,149 2,201
the Middle East due to an increasing domestic demand China 6,953 7,488 8,571 9,059 9,371
and the trend towards domestic refining. China has India 3,213 3,641 3,899 4,085 4,302
already more than doubled its refining capacity in the
Japan 3,946 3,627 3,619 3,410 3,400
last 10 years in order to meet its fast-growing demand
(Table 3), and this trend is expected to continue to Other Asia Pacific 8,107 7,991 8,190 8,275 8,431
reach a 14 mb/d refining capacity by 2015 for either World 74,949 73,234 75,293 75,757 76,233
light crude oil and, increasingly, heavier crude oils *Atmospheric distillation capacity on a calendar-day basis
imported from Latin America and Middle East. [10]. (refining process at atmospheric pressure and temperatures of
about 300º to 350º C).
Driven by two major players, i.e. China Petroleum and
Chemical Corporation (Sinopec 46%) and China
National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC, 31%), the advantage. The need for upgrading and
Chinese refining industry is also increasing the export. desulphurisation is expected to increase everywhere to
meet more stringent quality standards.
In addition to regional changes, the refining industry is
also evolving globally in terms of feedstock and quality  Utilization Rate – The utilization rate of the refining
of the refined products. There is an increasing need to capacity depends basically on the demand for refined
process lower quality feedstock (e.g. heavy oil, oil products, feedstock availability and existing capacities.
sands) as well as to meet rising demand for cleaner It is therefore a good indicator of refinery margins and
products (e.g. low-sulphur diesel) all over the world [2]. profitability [1].
However, the US has consolidated its position as a net The average utilisation rate has been declining during
exporter of refinery products. Most refineries of the Gulf the last decade particularly in Europe where the
Coast region are already highly complex and flexible decreasing domestic demand, the extra capacity in
facilities to produce high-quality products from developing countries, the rising use of natural gas,
diversified feedstock, and benefit from a competitive NGL, biofuels and gas-to liquids have driven structural

Please send comments to Kathleen Vaillancourt <[email protected]> (Author), and to

[email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
© IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief P04 – April 2014 - www.etsap.org

changes in the refining market and lower utilisation

Table 3. Major New/Upgrade Refineries in China [10]
rates [9]. A global view of the utilization rate of the
refining capacity between 2002 and 2012 is given in Location kb/d y Notes
Figure 1. The global average in 2012 was 82.4%. Sinopec

 Configuration and Processes – Atmospheric Maoming 200 2012 Upgrade

distillation is the first main refining step where the crude Nanjing/Jinling 110 2012 Construction
oil is heated to 300°C-350°C to distillate the more Caofeidian/Tianjin 200 2013 Construction
volatile components (diesel and kerosene). The Guangdong/Zhanjian 300 2015 Constr;Q8/Total
atmospheric residue is then further distilled under Zhenhai/Zhejiang 300 2015 Expansion
vacuum (500°C-560°C) to yield further volatile products Lianyungang/Jiangsu 240 2016 Expansion
and leave a high viscosity vacuum residue as a by- Fujian 240 2018 Exxon/Aramco
product [3]. The vacuum residue required additional CNPC/PetroChina
processing. See Figure 2 for an example of a complex Pengzhou 200 2012 Construction
refinery. Huabei 100 2013 Approval
Anning/Yunnan 260 2014 JV/Aramco
Configurations for refineries are indeed multiple: there
Guangdong/Jieyang 400 2014 Approval;
is about as much configurations as there are refineries.
Huludao 200 2014 Construction
Similarly, there are numerous types of processes; as
Qinzhou 200 2015 Expansion
many as fifty distinct processes can be used in large
Tianjin 260 2015 Feasibility,JV/Rosnet
and complex refineries [6]. However, it is possible to
Changzhou 200 2015 Feasibility
distinguish general types of refineries based on their
Chongqing 200 2016 Myanmar pipeline
level of complexity. See Table 4 for an overview of the
Jiangsu/ Taizhou 400 2017 Approval;Qatar/Shell
main processes included in each type of configurations
[6] [7]:
Huizhou 200 2017 Expansion
Topping refineries: They are limited to the basic crude Sinochem
oil distillation and support operations. They can Quanzhou 240 2014 Approval
separate the crude oils into refined products, but cannot Ningbo 240 2020 Approval
modify the natural yield patterns of the crude oils.
Consequently, they are producing a limited range of
intermediate distillates, but not gasoline. In addition
they do not have process unit to reduce the sulphur

Hydro-skimming refineries: These are refineries with

hydrotreating, blending and/or reforming units in
addition to the main distillation unit that allow producing
a full range of refined products but from a limited range
of feedstock, and not heavy oil. Reforming units allow
upgrading naphtha to produce gasoline that meets
octane specifications. They produce hydrogen as by-
product for the hydrotreating units, which allow reducing
the sulphur levels from light fuels such as gasoline and
diesel to meet sulphur specifications. However, they
Figure 1 - Refinery Utilization Rates, 2002-2012 [3]
cannot modify the natural yield patterns of the crude

Conversion refineries: Also called cracking refineries Deep conversion refineries: These refineries also have
as they include catalytic cracking and/or hydrocracking catalytic cracking and/or hydrocracking process units to
process units in addition to all processes common to covert heavy oils into light products, but coking units as
hydro-skimming refineries. With those processes, well. Coking processes allow treating the heaviest
conversion refineries can modify and improve the crude oil fractions (residual oil) and convert them to
natural yield patterns of the crude oils. Contrary to the lighter products. These products can then serve as
most simpler configurations described above, these feedstocks into other conversion processes (catalytic
processes indeed allow converting heavy oil (gas oils) cracking) or upgrading processes (catalytic reforming)
into lighter products (gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, and to produce the most high quality products. For instance,
petrochemical feedstocks). However, they cannot these refineries have upgrading units to process
produce some heavy products, as residual fuel and bitumen from oil sands.

Please send comments to Kathleen Vaillancourt <[email protected]> (Author), and to

[email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
© IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief P04 – April 2014 - www.etsap.org

Figure 2. Representation of a complex refinery [21]

The refinery configuration is influenced by its location,

Table 4 – Level of complexity of refineries and typical yield
year of construction, level of capital investments, patterns [6]
feedstock type and availability, refined product demand
(domestic and international), quality standard Yield Profile
Refinery Type (vol %)
requirements and environmental regulations. For Notes
Key Processes
example, while the majority of North American refineries gsl dst
are configured in order to maximize gasoline production  Sulfur levels same as
(Table 5), refineries in the rest of the world are crude fraction sulfur level
31 30  Product yield/quality
configured in order to maximize distillate production and Distillation
dominated by crude type;
sometimes petrochemical feedstock. Table 6 shows low-octane gas.
minimum and maximum refinery yields in other world  Sulfur levels control by
regions based on different refinery combinations [23]. hydro-treating
 Capability to improve yields
Most of the US refineries as well as the most recent Distillation; Reforming; 28 30
and quality
refineries elsewhere (Asia, Middle East, South America)  Reforming-improved
are conversion or deep conversion refineries: more than
Conversion Distillation,
95% of total crude capacity and 100% of the crude  Sulfur level control by
FCC Hydro-cracking,
capacity in large refineries (>50 kb/d). These complex hydro-treating
Reforming, Alkylation 44 32
 Capability for yield and
refineries can performed cracking or coking operations Upgrading,
quality improvement
that allow converting heavy crude oil (with high Hydro-treating
molecular weight hydrocarbons) into lighter products Deep Conversion  Sulfur levels control by
(with smaller hydrocarbons). However, most of the Distillation, Coking, FCC, hydro-treating
Hydro-cracking,  Max. yield of high-value
refineries in Europe and Japan are hydroskimming and 47 42
Reforming, Alkylation refined products
conversion refineries. Higher is the level of complexity, Upgrading  Max. capability for quality
greater is the capital investment intensity and ability to Hydro-treating improvement
add value to crude oil by using low quality inputs and
producing high quality outputs.

Please send comments to Kathleen Vaillancourt <[email protected]> (Author), and to

[email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
© IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief P04 – April 2014 - www.etsap.org

Most relevant processes used for treating lower input

quality (bitumen) while improving output quality (low Table 5 - US Refinery Yield, 2002-2012 (%) [12]
sulphur fuels) are further described in the following
Distill. Fuel
section. Motor Jet Petrol Still
fuel oil LPG Other*
gasol. fuel coke gas
oil resid
 Processes and product quality specifications –
Important investments have been made in developed 2002 47.3 23.3 9.8 3.9 5.1 4.3 4.3 8.2
countries to improve refined product quality 2004 46.8 23.9 9.7 4.1 5.2 4.4 4.0 8.5
specifications and to comply with increasingly more 2006 45.8 25.4 9.3 4.0 5.3 4.5 3.9 8.0
stringent regulation regarding in particular fuels for
2008 44.3 27.8 9.7 4.0 5.3 4.3 4.1 7.0
transport (unleaded gasoline and low-sulfur fuels).
Complex refineries can produce ultra-low sulphur fuel 2010 45.7 27.5 9.3 3.8 5.3 4.4 4.3 6.8
(ULSF) up to <5 ppm [6]. In the coming years, 2012 45.2 29.2 9.5 3.1 5.5 4.4 4.0 6.3
improvements will also focus on reducing benzene and * Includes asphalt, road oil, petrochemical naphtha/oils, waxes,
lubricants, naphtha, kerosene, aviation gasoline, other
aromatics in gasoline, while improving the octane products; ** Refinery processing gain 4.8 -7.5%.
number, and on reducing poly-aromatics of diesel while
improving the cetane number [1].

In order to improve the quality of their finished products, Table 6 – World region Refinery Yield, 2012 (%) [23]
refiners can play with the composition of their
Northwest Medditeranean Singapore
feedstock, play with the operation mode of their existing Europe Region region
process units (hydro-cracking and hydro-treating units)
Min Max Min Max Min Max
or add new process units such as upgraders and
LPG 4 6 2 6 2 4
octane units. While adding primary distillation units is
necessary to meet the increasing demand for refined Gasoline 13 35 13 24 10 26
products, adding secondary process units is equally Naphtha 0 0 0 0 6 7
important to meet the increasing demand for high Kerosene 7 13 7 14 12 23
quality refined products and to improve the refinery’s
Diesel 30 37 30 43 23 37
‘value added’.
HSFO 0 42 0 42 0 42
Indeed, these units play a more vital role in processing LSFO 0 32 0 36 0 37
raw crude into refined products while complying with
stricter quality specifications and increasingly advanced
products [1]: gasoline and such processes include catalytic reforming
 Hydro-cracking units: These process units are (convert low octane naphthas into high octane
used to crack heavier hydrocarbons into lighter reformates), isomerization (convert linear molecules to
hydrocarbons for further processing using hydrogen higher octane molecules) and alkylation (produce high
and a catalyst. In other words, it upgrades low quality octane component for gasoline blending).
heavy gas oils into high quality fuels (jet fuel, diesel and  Upgrading units: These process units are used to
gasoline). Some refineries still do not have such upgrade bitumen into synthetic oil using fractional
hydrocrackers, but their number is increasing with the distillation and/or chemical treatment so that it can be
global demand for middle distillates. The increasing used in refineries. Upgrading means reducing the
demand for lighter products leads to more important viscosity of bitumen (which is up to 1000 times higher
capacity additions for conversion units rather than for than for light crude oil). Not all refineries have
distillation units. The proportion of conversion units is upgrading units, although their number is increasing
actually in the range of 40–50% but is expected to grow with the production of unconventional oil. Consequently,
over time with the increase in the refining complexity. a portion of the refining capacity addition comes from
 Hydro-treating units: These process units are upgrading projects in existing refineries to process
commonly used to reduce the sulphur content of crude heavy oil and oil sands, which is less costly than
oil and used in most refineries. The increasingly tighter building new facilities.
limits on sulphur content are leading to an expansion of As illustrated in Table 7, the major motivations for
the desulphurization capacity faster than the expansion investments in existing refineries in the past were the
of the general refining capacity. ability to process heavier crude oil and the compliance
 Octane units: These process units are used to with new environmental regulations. The trend will
rearrange molecule structures to get higher octane continue in the developing world. The global refining
gasoline. New capacity additions through octane units system is projected to expand by 7,200 kb/d between
are driven by the increasing demand for high quality 2011 and 2016 and these projects will add more than
6,000 kb/d of desulphurization capacity (hydro-treating

Please send comments to Kathleen Vaillancourt <[email protected]> (Author), and to

[email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
© IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief P04 – April 2014 - www.etsap.org

units), 4,700 kb/d of conversion capacity (hydro-

Table 7 - US Refinery Configurations
cracking) and around 1,700 kb/d of combined (% Downstream Capacity) [8]
reforming, alkylation and isomerization capacity (octane
units) [1]. 2002 2004 2006 2008 2009
Coking 15.8 15.7 15.4 16.0 16.3

PERFORMANCE AND COSTS Catalytic cracking 33.0 33.7 33.9 34.3 33.6
Catalytic reforming 21.8 21.8 21.7 21.0 21.5
 Energy Use and Efficiencies – The energy
efficiency of the refinery industry in increasing Hydro cracking 10.7 10.7 11.0 11.1 12.1
Catalytic hydro-
everywhere, particularly in new or renewed installations. n.a 79.5 85.8 87.7 87.0
In the US the average oil refining efficiency has
Alkylation 7.1 7.3 7.5 7.2 7.0
improved from 90.1% in 2006 to 90.6% in 2008 [4]. On
the other hand, the energy use in the refining industry is
increasing because of the need for processing non-
Table 8 - Refining Energy Efficiency for Petroleum
conventional oil resources (heavy oil, oil sands) and to
Products [4]
produce high-quality final products. A detailed
methodology to allocate the energy efficiencies by type % of the Energy
Content included Energy Refinery
of refined product outputs was developed by [4]. The in the Total Intensity Efficiency
methodology looks at two groups of refined products: Refinery Output
LPG/gasoline/distillate on one side and the remaining % In/Out %
products (residual oil/naphtha, etc.) on the other side.
LPG, Gasol.,
The first group accounts for 84.6% of the total energy 84.6 1.11 89.7
content from refinery outputs, while the second group
accounts for 15.4%. Using this methodology, the energy Others 15.4 0.42 95.9
efficiency was established at 89.7% for the first group (- Total aver. efficiency
1% below the total average efficiency of 90.6% when (all products )
including all products) and 95.9% for the second group.
These estimates correspond to an energy intensity of
1.11 and 0.42 respectively (Table 8). Table 9 - Energy and fuel consumption in the US
refineries (kb, except where noted) [12]
These results exclude the energy use for upgrading; it
2008 2010 2012
is assumed that heavy oil crude and oil sand are treated
Total production of refined
prior to the refining process and converted to synthetic
products (mb) 5,347 5,374 5,477
fuel at the upstream level. In fact, heavy crude oil
Crude Oil - - -
feedstock required more energy and hydrogen
LPG 2,930 2,404 1,521
consumption for processing as they have a larger
portion of vacuum residue (see Figure 2) that needs to Distillate Fuel Oil 472 440 539
be upgraded to produce commercially viable refined Residual Fuel Oil 1,390 980 540
products. However, hydrocracking residue can be Still Gas 237,161 219,890 220,094
gasified to produce hydrogen for use in hydrotreating
Marketable Petroleum Coke 81,811 82,971 85,190
and upgrading.
Catalyst Petroleum Coke 364 897 694
Table 9 shows the types and quantities of fuels that are Natural Gas, m cubic meters 109 67 56
consumed by the US refineries, i.e the energy that is
Coal, k metric tons 644 686 765
used as fuels (and not that main feedstocks that are
Purchased Electricity, GWh 43 29 30
processed into refined products). These numbers show
that refineries use a variety of other fuels in order to Purchased Steam, Mt 9.4 21.0 20.2
process crude oil into refined products (the total of Other Products* 81,447 82,074 84,496
refined produced by US refineries is indicated in the first *Includes pentanes plus, other hydrocarbons, oxygenates, hydrogen,
row in order to derive the fuel consumption for each unfinished oils, gasoline, special naphthas, jet fuel, lubricants, asphalt
and road oil, and miscellaneous products.
barrel of outout). In relation with the refined product
quality, reducing the sulfur content of a refined product
requires more energy consumption and consequently
leads to an increase in GHG emissions. “Refinery operations as needed to replace the octane losses due
energy must be expended to 1) produce the additional to desulfurization.” [1]. Although it is difficult to
hydrogen required for the necessary desulfurization; 2) determine with precision, rough estimates can be made
increase refinery and process throughput as needed to from the recent trends in terms of energy consumption
replace the product yield losses due to desulfurization; by US refineries in association with their production of
and 3) increase the severity of reforming and upgrading low-sulfur fuels: while the total energy use to produce

Please send comments to Kathleen Vaillancourt <[email protected]> (Author), and to

[email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
© IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief P04 – April 2014 - www.etsap.org

each barrel of refined products in US refineries declined gradual existing stock replacement and annual
by 10% in average between 1985-2005, the trend was maintenance. Globally, construction costs for new
opposite between 2006-2010 where the energy use per refineries are rising due to the increasing costs of raw
barrel increased by 5% probably due to the compliance materials, labor and construction equipment. For
with the new federal standards that entered into force in example, the increase in the total construction costs
2006 [6]. was between 5% and 10% for the period 2010-2011 [1].
For the same reasons, the investments cost of capacity
 Emissions – Since fossil fuels account for a large
additions in existing facilities is also increasing. As for
part of the energy consumed by refineries, the refining
the gradual stock replacement and annual
sector is a significant source of CO2 emissions. For
maintenance, the industry practice and norms set the
example, the GHG emissions resulting from the energy
maintenance capital replacement rate at 2% of the
use in the US refining sector amounted to 261.87 Mt of
installed base each year. Additional costs need to be
CO2-eq in 2010 and 256.26 Mt in 2011, corresponding
taken into account for investment in the related
to 17.5% of the total emissions from the industrial
infrastructure, i.e. beyond the refinery gate (port
sector [13]. Based on the information provided in Table
facilities, loading and receiving facilities, tankers,
2, these estimates are equivalent to 48.73 kg of CO2-eq
storage tanks, pipelines, distribution network).
per barrel of refined products in 2010 and 47.42 in
2011. In addition to the fossil fuel combustion emissions According to [1], the global refining capacity is projected
(63.3% in average), some processes are important to expand by 7,200 kb/d between 2011 and 2016 and
source of CO2 emissions such as fluid catalytic the cost of constructing this capacity is estimated at
cracking units (FCCU), hydrogen production plants and 230,000 M$. These figures give a rough average of
sulfur recovery plants [7]. As for CH4 emissions, they 31.9 k$ per unit of capacity (b/d). The investment
come from equipment leaks, storage tanks, asphalt required to upgrade an existing refinery depends on
blowing, delayed coking units, and blow down systems. many factors. The largest increases come from the
Flaring of waste gas is also a significant source of CO2 investment in additional hydrogen supply and use [6]. In
and CH4 emissions. Figure 3 provides a breakdown of all cases, upgrading techniques require increasing
GHG emissions in the US refineries [7]. hydrogen production capacity, sulfur recovery, storage
and other support facilities, as well as new catalysts,
The emission intensity of processing different quality
and new processes. In the US National Energy
feedstock has been evaluated from the energy used in
Modeling System (NEMS), the capital cost of
refinery facilities in four US regions accounting for 97%
refurbishing is assumed to be 50% of the cost of adding
of the total refining capacity from 1999 to 2008 [5]. The
a new unit [14]. In Canada, the typical replacement
density and the sulphur content of the various types of
value of old refineries is estimated to exceed 7,000 M$,
crudes could predict 90% of the energy intensity as well
excluding the cost of land-acquisition [9]. If we consider
as 85% of the emission intensity differences between
that the average capacity of Canadian refineries is
regions and years. The results showed that the GHG
about 106,500 b/d as an indication, the average
emissions could be increased by up to 39% when using
investment costs for building a new refinery in Canada
low quality crudes as feedstock. Energy consumption
would be 65.7 k$ per b/d. The cost of building a new
by refineries increases by about 61 MJ/m3 of crude oil
refinery in Canada is also estimated between 7,000 M$
feedstock for each additional 1 kg/m3 of sulfur content
and 10,000 M$ by [22]. In fact, the financial issues have
and 44MJ/m3 for each additional 1kg/m3 in density.
been the most important barrier in expanding the
Consequently, the use of heavy oil and oil sands in
refining capacity, with initial investment amounting to
refineries can double or triple emissions (0.61-1.04
more than 10,000 M$ [16] or 93.9 k$ per b/d.
t/m3) compared with the US average (0.30 t/m3) [5].
A review of recent announcement on refinery projects
 Refinery Costs – Refineries may have a number of
provides some order of magnitude regarding the
different configurations, with different economic
investment costs for different types of projects: new
performance. In general, new refineries are increasingly
refinery construction, capacity additions, upgrader
capital intensive due to more sophisticated engineering
construction, etc. (Table 10).
and equipment required to improve efficiency, meet
higher quality fuel standards and environmental  Operating costs – Operating costs depend on
legislation. However, on the long term, complex and multiple factors such as the size and the complexity of
flexible refineries can generate cost savings by taking refineries, utilisation rates, wages of workers and
advantages of the price differences between heavy and environmental regulations. Consequently, these costs
light crude oils and more valuable light products [8]. vary widely across countries and regions. Some
components of the operating costs vary are fixed
Investment costs. In the refining industry, there are
(labour, insurance, etc.), others vary with the refinery
three types of investment costs: investment in new
throughput (catalysts, chemicals, etc.) [23]. It is difficult
capacity (building new refineries); capacity additions in
to report and even more to compare operationg costs
existing facilities (adding units at existing refineries);

Please send comments to Kathleen Vaillancourt <[email protected]> (Author), and to

[email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
© IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief P04 – April 2014 - www.etsap.org

Figure 3 - Relative contribution of GHG emission sources from oil refineries [7]

from different refiners as they are not reported regularly

Table 10 - Sample of Planned/Proposed Refinery
and on a common basis (e.g. including or excluding
Projects and Investment Costs [15, 16, 17]
energy costs, depreciation, maintenance, etc.).
However, some indications are provided below. Capac. Inv. Inv.
Country Project k$/
Profitability of the refiners is mostly affected by two (kb/d) M$ b/d
main components: price changes of refined product Expans. Cilacap,
Indonesia 62 1500 24.2
relative to price changes of crude oil, and operating Planned 2013
costs. In the US refineries, the total operation costs in Expans. Dumai,
Indonesia 50 1000 20.0
the 1999-2009 period have fluctuated between US$ Planned 2014
5.72 and 9.73 per barrel (see operating costs for Constr. Banten.,
Indonesia 150 3000 20.0
selected years in Table 11). This range is a good Planned 2015
indicator of possible changes in operation costs as it Constr. Pare-Pare,
Indonesia 300 3500 11.7
Constr. 2015
remains similar in a two decade period, from 1989 to
2009. In particular, 2009 energy costs were at one of Indonesia Constr. Situbondo, 150 3000 20.0
their lowest levels reported in the refiner’s history due Constr. oil sands
Canada 55 5000 90.9
among other reasons to the increased availability of upgrader, Project
natural gas at low prices and the completion of Bitumen upgrade
and diesel (50
cogeneration projects [6]. The remaining part of the Canada 50 5700 114.0
kb/d). CCS 1.2 Mt
operating cost reduction between 2008 and 2009 was CO2/y EOR,
due to operation cost cutting, as well as better Oil sands
negotiated costs for materials and labor, lower waste Canada upgrader, 260 5000 19.2
water-treatment costs based on advanced technologies, Postponed
lower turnaround costs, and no charge for hurricane- Oil sands
related events. As for the associated costs of Canada upgrader, 240 14,400 60.0
compliance with the Clean Air Act Amendments of Postponed
1990, they were different from a refiner to another: it ME Largest Oil
Kuwait 615 14,500 23.6
Ref., Project 2018
increased the operation costs for some while it
decreased for other [6]. Finally, the lowest marketing Kitimat Ref. for
Canada DilBit process, 550 13,000 26.0
cost of the last decade was possible for refiners in 2009
Project 2020
by refocusing the marketing operations, but mainly by
World's biggest
exiting motor gasoline retailing: direct refiner-operated India 1,240 6,000 10.3
fuel supplier, Plan
motor gasoline outlets were reduced by 6% from 2008
to 2009 to the benefit of third-party channels of

Please send comments to Kathleen Vaillancourt <[email protected]> (Author), and to

[email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
© IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief P04 – April 2014 - www.etsap.org

Another source of information [23] reports operation strong incentive to produce transportation fuels from
costs for different refiners based on their annual cheaper commodities and to promote advanced refining
reports, with indications on what is included or excluded technology development. Some developments could
when available (Table 12). Independent US refiners are have a significant impact on the refining industry in the
the most transparent sources of data for operating cost. near future, as well as on refined product consumption
This table shows the large range of variation in and trade patterns. Among the most likely technologyl
operating costs. Operating costs of european refiners advances, there are the alternatives to hydro-cracking
tends to be alittle higher than those of refiners in other processes (costly and energy intensive) that are
markets. The reports [23] suggests using the following producing incremental distillates from crude oil.
average operating costs, excluding depreciation and Refineries are modified in order to allow for processing
amortization and exclusing energy costs: 3.30 higher proportions of non-crude feedstock as well as
US$/barrel for US Gulf Coast & Midcontinent, 4.00 converting gas, coal and naphtha into distillates [1]. The
US$/barrel for Northwest and Mediterranean Europe high availability of shale gas and the related low prices
and 3.00 US$/barrel for Asia. increase the interest in natural gas liquids (NGL) and
streams. Other developments relates to carbon capture
POTENTIAL AND BARRIERS and storage option at refineries and upgrading complex
in order to reduce CO2 emissions.
The evolution in the refining sector is mainly determined
by supply and demand trends for refined products. The
transportation sector is expected to require an
Table 11 - Operation costs of US refineries [6]
additional 19.5 mb/d by 2035 compared with 2011 [1],
with 60% of middle distillates (gasoil/diesel and US$2009/barrel 2004 2006 2008 2009
jet/kerosene). The share for middle distillates is Marketing costs 1.75 1.50 1.76 1.47
expected to increase their share from 37% in 2011 to Energy costs 1.63 1.85 2.52 1.32
41% by 2035. The quality of transportation fuels has Other costs 2.84 3.89 5.45 4.52
improved significantly during the past decades and Total operating costs 6.22 7.25 9.73 7.31
refiners from developed regions (EU, USA, Canada,
Japan) have completed a transition to Ultra Low
Sulphur (ULS) fuels. The trend will continue in Table 12 – Operation costs for different refiners [23]
developing regions.
Refiners/Refineries Units Costs
After a strong evolution toward high-quality refined USA
products (outputs), a new trend in the refinery industry Valero Energy, US Gulf Coast (1) US$/bbl, 2012 $3.53
is the switch in feedstock proportions (inputs): a Valero Energy, US West Coast (1) US$/bbl, 2012 $5.59
decrease of conventional oil versus an increase of non Valero Energy, US Midcontinent (1) US$/bbl, 2012 $4.64
conventional oils (extra heavy oil, oil sands, shale oil). Valero Energy, North Atlantic (1) US$/bbl, 2012 $3.37
Refineries will need to adapt to these changes in crude Valero Energy, Total refining (1) US$/bbl, 2012 $3.87
oil qualities, i.e. by getting more hydro-treating and Marathon Petroleum (2) US$/bbl, 2012 $5.46
upgrading process units for instance. Consequently, Western Refining (3) US$/bbl, 2012 $3.91
capacity additions for these secondary process units Tesoro Midcontinent (3) US$/bbl, 2012 $3.95
are expected to growth faster than capacity additions of Phillips 66 Atlantic Basin (3) US$/bbl, 2012 $4.00
basic distillation units. An important portion of these Phillips 66 Midcontinent (3) US$/bbl, 2012 $2.20
capacity additions from these secondary process units Phillips 66 Gulf Coast (3) US$/bbl, 2012 $3.77
relate to small hydrotreating and upgrading projects into Europe
existing refineries. Moreover, most newly built refineries Petroplus, Coryton US$/bbl, 2011 $3.80
are complex refineries, including upgrading units, to Petroplus, Antwerp US$/bbl, 2011 $3.31
process lower quality feedstocks into refined products Petroplus, Petit Couronne US$/bbl, 2011 $4.24
that meet the most stringent specifications such as Euro Petroplus, Ingolstadt US$/bbl, 2011 $3.29
standard [1]. The global capacity addition for distillation Petroplus, Cressier US$/bbl, 2011 $4.13
is estimated to increase by 14.9 mb/d between 2011- Neste Oil US$/bbl, 2011 $4.35
2035 [1]. For secondary processes, the estimated Neste Oil US$/bbl, 2012 $4.60
additions are: 11.6 mb/d for conversion units (hydro- Asia
cracking, upgrading, coking, etc.), 22.0 mb/d for hydro- Thai Oil US$/bbl, 2012 $1.50
treating units and 5.4 mb/d for octane units. (1) Excluding depreciation and amortisation
(2) Maintenance and Turnarounds (0.96$), Depreciation and Amortisation
In addition, there is a increasingly higher proportions of (1.39$), Other Direct Opex (3.11$)
non-crude feedstocks such as biofuels, gas-to-liquids (3) Excluding depreciation and amortisation and maintenance

(GTL), coal-to-liquids (CTL) and natural gas liquids

(NGL) [1]. Indeed, the rising price of crude oil is a

Please send comments to Kathleen Vaillancourt <[email protected]> (Author), and to

[email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
© IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief P04 – April 2014 - www.etsap.org

Table 12– Summary Table: Key Data and Figures for Oil Refining Technologies
Technical Performance Typical current international values and ranges
Energy input (feedstocks) Crude oil (light, heavy, oil sands, etc.) and other feedstock (natural gas, NGLs).
Output Light products (ethane/LPG, naphtha, gasoline); Middle distillates (diesel/gasoil, jet
kerosene); Heavy products (residual fuel, bitumen, lubricants, waxes, still gas, coke,
sulphur, direct use of crude oil, etc.).
Globally: gasoline (24.5%), diesel/gasoil (29.6%). US: gasoline (42.2%), diesel/gasoil
Topping: gasoline (31%), diesel/gasoil (30%); Hydro-skimming gasoline (28%),
diesel/gasoil (30%); Conversion gasoline (44%), diesel/gasoil (32%); Deep Conversion
gasoline (47%), diesel/gasoil (42%);
Efficiency, % Overall efficiency in US refineries is 90.6% in 2008 (exc. upgrading units): 89.7% for
LPG/gasoline/distillate and 93.6% for the remaining products (residual oil/naphtha, etc.).
Input: Energy use increases by 61 MJ/m3 of crude oil feedstock for each additional 1
kg/m3 of sulfur content and 44MJ/m3 for each additional 1kg/m3 in density.
Output: Energy use per barrel has increased by 5% after 2006 for compliance with fuel
quality standards.
Total cumulative capacity, Global oil refining capacity has reached 93 mb/d in 2012: North America (22.8%), S. &
Cent. America (6.4%), Europe & Eurasia (25.8%), Middle East (8.9%), Africa (3.6%),
China (12.5%), India (4.4%), Japan (4.6%), Other Asia Pacific (11.0%).
Utilization rates Globally: average of 82.4% in 2012.
In the US: 82.9% - 93.0% annual averages on the 2002-2012 period.
CO2 emissions, gCO2eq/kWh In general: fossil fuel combustion count for 63.3% of the emissions.
In the US: 48.73 kg of CO2-eq per barrel of refined products in 2010 and 47.42 in 2011.
Use of heavy oil and oil sands can double or triple emissions (0.61-1.04 t/m3) compared
with the average (0.30 t/m3).
GHG can increased by up to 39% when using low quality crudes as feedstock

Costs Typical current international values and ranges (2012 US$, 1€ = 1.3 US$)
Invest cost (US$) Average of 31.9 k$ per b/d for new projects based on future projects.
 20.0-24.2 k$ per b/d for refining capacity expansion.
 17.7-26.0 k$ per b/d for refining capacity addition (but 10.3 k$ per b/d for the world
largest refinery, 1.24 mb/d).
 19.2-90.9 k$ per b/d for upgrading capacity addition.
 114.0 k$ per b/d for refining capacity addition with upgraders and CCS.
O&M cost (US$ 2012) Average operating costs, excluding depreciation and amortization and energy costs: 3.30
US$/barrel for US Gulf Coast & Midcontinent, 4.00 US$/barrel for Northwest and
Mediterranean Europe and 3.00 US$/barrel for Asia.

In US: 5.72 and 9.73 US$ (1999-2009), including energy costs (1.04-2.52 US$).
Fuel cost (US$ 2012) 1.04-2.52 US$

Data Projections Typical current international values and ranges

Capacity additions 2011- Global capacity addition for distillation: + 14.9 mb/d.
2035 (mb/d) For secondary processes: +11.6 mb/d for conversion units (hydro-cracking, upgrading,
coking, etc.), +22.0 mb/d for hydro-treating units and +5.4 mb/d for octane units.
Inv.cost, $/kW See investment costs for new projects above.


Please send comments to Kathleen Vaillancourt <[email protected]> (Author), and to

[email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
© IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief P04 – April 2014 - www.etsap.org

References and Further Information

[1] OPEC - Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (2012). World Oil Outlook 2012. OPEC Secretariat, Vienna, Austria, 300
[2] EIA - Energy Information Administration (2013a). International Energy Outlook 2013. US Department of Energy. Washington DC, 338
[3] BP – British Petroleum (2013). BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2013. 48 p.
[4] Palou-Rivera I. and M. Wang (2010). Updated Estimation of Energy Efficiencies of U.S. Petroleum Refineries. Center for
Transportation Research, Argonne National Laboratory.
[5] Karras, G. (2010). Combustion Emissions from Refining Lower Quality Oil: What Is the Global Warming Potential? Environ. Sci.
Technol. (44) 9584–9589.
[6] Math Pro (2011). An Introduction to Petroleum Refining and the Production of Ultra Low Sulphur Gasoline and Diesel Fuel. Prepared
for the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT). 35 p.
[7] EPA – Environmental Protection Agency (2010). Available and Emerging Technologies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
from the Petroleum Refining Industry. Sector Policies and Programs Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, North Carolina, 42 p.
[8] EIA - Energy Information Administration (2011). Performance Profiles of Major Energy Producers 2009. US Department of Energy.
Washington DC, 103 p.
[9] IEA – International Energy Agency (2012a). World Energy Outlook. Paris, 690 p.
[10] EIA - Energy Information Administration (2013d). Country Brief: China. US Department of Energy. Washington DC. Information
available online at http://www.eia.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=CH
[11] CBC - The Conference Board of Canada (2010). Canada’s Petroleum Refining Sector: An Important Contributor Facing Global
Challenges. Canada, 52 p.
[12] EIA - Energy Information Administration (2013c). Petroleum and Other Liquids Data. US Department of Energy. Washington DC.
Information available online at http://www.eia.gov/petroleum/
[13] EIA - Energy Information Administration (2013e). Annual Energy Outlook 2013. US Department of Energy. Washington DC, 338 p.
[14] EIA - Energy Information Administration (2013f). Petroleum Market Module (PMM) of the National Energy Modeling System: Model
Documentation 2013. US Department of Energy. Washington DC.
[15] Enerdata (2012). World Refinery Database. Sample Issue.
[16] Mendleson R. (2012). Why Aren't We Building Refineries In Canada? Because It's Too Late, Experts Say. Huff Post - Business
Canada. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca
[17] NWR - The North West Redwater Partnership (2013). Information available online at http://www.nwrpartnership.com
[18] Kennedy, C. (2012). Kuwait to Finally Start Construction on the Middle East's Largest Oil Refinery. Information available online at
Oil price.com. http://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Kuwait-to-Finally-Start-Construction-on-the-Middle-Easts-Largest-
[19] CAPP - Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (2013). Crude Oil Forecast, Markets and Transportation. Canada, 48 p.
[20] The National (2008). World's biggest refinery ready. Information available online at
[21] OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration (2008). Petroleum Refining Processes. Technical Manual. Information
available online at https://www.osha.gov/dts/osta/otm/otm_iv/otm_iv_2.html#3
[22] CFA - Canadian Fuel Association (2013). The Economics of Petroleum Refining: Understanding the business of processing crude
oil into fuels and other value added products. Report, 18 p.
[23] IEA – International Energy Agency (2012). IEA Refinery Margins. Methodology Notes. Oil Industry and Markets Division.


Please send comments to Kathleen Vaillancourt <[email protected]> (Author), and to

[email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators

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