Characterization of Waste Frying Oils Obtained From Different Facilities
Characterization of Waste Frying Oils Obtained From Different Facilities
Characterization of Waste Frying Oils Obtained From Different Facilities
Abstract: Biodiesel cannot economically compete with petroleum-based diesel fuel because of its high cost
problem. This problem may be solved with the use of low cost feedstocks in biodiesel production. Waste frying
oils are one of the low cost feedstocks. However, the feedstocks’ properties to be processed must be controlled in
detail prior to transesterification reaction, since the physical and chemical properties of the feedstock
significantly influence biodiesel production reaction as well as fuel properties. Frying oils which are used in
various facilities in different conditions (such as frying temperature, time, and kind of food) have significantly
different physico-chemical properties. Therefore, in this study, 30 different waste frying oil samples (14 from
fish restaurants, 5 from fast-foods, 5 from hospitals, 4 from pastry shops, and 2 from restaurants) were collected
and their density, viscosity, total polar material, water content, acid value, iodine value, peroxide value, and
heating content were determined and compared to each others. The correlations between the total polar material
content (which has to be legally determined to monitor frying oil’s degradation level) and density, viscosity, acid
value and water content were remarkable. The usage of peroxide value to decide the quality of an oil was
1. Introduction
One of the most important and critical parameters which are effective in social and
economical development of a country is energy. Energy consumption is steadily increasing
each passing day as a result of rising world population, technological developments and living
standards. At the present day, about 90% of the world’s total energy needs are met by fossil
fuels and 45% of these fossil fuels is petroleum (petroleum’s share is supposed to rise to 58%
in 2030) [1, 2]. Although petroleum is the most of energy sources used in the world, its
reserves originate from some regions. Thus, the world’s many countries such as the USA and
European Union (EU) countries have to import their energy requirements. In Table 1, daily
petroleum production and consumption amounts of some countries are seen.
Table 1. The petroleum production and consumption amounts of some countries [3]
Petroleum Petroleum
Country Consumption Production
(barrel/day) (barrel/day)
USA 18,690 9,056
EU 13,680 2,383
China 8,200 3991
India 2,980 879
Russia 2,850 9,932
Germany 2,437 157
France 1875 71
Turkey 580 53
Greece 414 7
As seen in Table 1, the USA which has the largest industry in the world can produce only the
half amount of its petroleum consumption. Situation of EN countries which are poor in terms
fossil fuels is worse. These 27 countries can only produce about 17% of the consumed
amount with their own resources. As the result of increased dieselization, diesel fuel (D-2) is
the most consumed oil-based engine fuels, and this share is rising progressively each passing
year. For example, in Turkey, about 7.4 million tons of D-2 was consumed, while gasoline
consumption was only 2 million tons in the year of 2009 [4].
When we consider the pessimistic situation explained above, the importance of alternative
diesel fuel which is renewable, sustainable, green (not causing global warming and acid rains)
and producible with domestic sources is evidently understood.
Biodiesel which is defined as fatty acid alkyl monoesters derived from feedstocks such as
vegetable oils and animal fats is one of the most important renewable energy sources. It has
many superior properties over D-2 including renewability, lubricity, biodegrability, exhaust
emission etc. Increasing environmental concerns and the need for energy independence have
led to the biodiesel market. The global biodiesel market is expected to grow from $8.6 billion
in 2009 to $12.6 billion in 2014 [5]. The EU is the biggest biodiesel producer in the world. As
seen in Table 2, annual production of 27 EU countries increased from 3.20 million tons in
2005 to 9.04 million tons in 2009 which means the increase is about 3 times.
However, this must be remembered that these figures have been essentially attained through
governments’ economic stimulations and subsidies which were enforced in accordance with
EU directive (2003/30/EC) and this has led to serious tax losses. Biodiesel cannot
economically compete with D-2 because of its high cost. As biodiesel is usually obtained
from high quality food-grade vegetable oils, the biggest reason of the high cost problem is
feedstock cost which approximately accounts for 70 – 90% of the total cost of biodiesel
production [7, 8]. This problem may be solved with the use of low cost feedstocks in biodiesel
production. Waste frying oils are one of these low cost feedstocks. Compared to neat
vegetable oils, the cost of waste frying oils is anywhere from 60% less to free, depending on
the source and availability [9]. With this decrease in the feedstock cost, the great difference
between the prices of biodiesel and D-2 can be lowered to an acceptable value.
treatment plants and raise processing costs. According to a study performed in USA, 40% of
the sewerage system blockages are caused by the waste frying oils poured into kitchen sink
[10]. Moreover, waste frying oils have eco-toxic properties. If they are spilled onto ground,
they will contaminate the soil and so damage plants.
Waste vegetable oils usage in the production of animal feed has been forbidden by European
Commission since 2001 because of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease). In
addition, these waste oils and fats have not been used in soap production since they may cause
health problems. Thus, waste oils and fats can only be used as feedstock in the production of
biodiesel. Furthermore, by using waste frying oils as feedstock in biodiesel production, in
addition to their positive influence in reducing the final cost of biodiesel, serious
environmental pollution problems causing from these waste oils can be eliminated. However,
the physical and chemical properties of the feedstock significantly influence biodiesel
production reaction as well as fuel properties. Because of this, in order to obtain fuel quality
biodiesel, the feedstocks’ properties to be processed must be controlled in detail prior to
transesterification reaction.
- Hydrolysis causing from the moisture content of fried food. This reaction produces
free fatty acids (FFA), mono- and diglycerides.
- Oxidation causing from the contact with oxygen. Reaction products are oxidized
momomeric, dimeric and oligomeric triglycerides and volatile materials such as
aldehydes and ketones.
- Polymerization causing from these two reactions, and high temperatures. This reaction
produces dimeric and polymeric triglycerides with ring structure [11-13].
Because of these degradation reactions mentioned above, a number of physical and chemical
changes occur in frying oils including increase in viscosity, density, FFA content, total polar
material (TPM), polymerized triglycerides, and decrease in smoke point, the number of
double bonds, etc. If the frying process is continued, these materials will undergo further
degradation and finally the oil will not be appropriate for frying. The frying oil has to be
Since all degradation products are of polar character, TPM content of frying oil is a good
indicator of its degradation level. Thus, in many countries, TPM content of frying oil has been
legally accepted as the limit value to decide discard it or not. For example, in Turkey, TPM
content of frying oil must not exceed the top level of 25%. In addition to TPM, as the oil
deteriorates, some changes in its physical and chemical properties occur. For instance, during
frying, oil’s double bonds are ruptured and so its fatty acid composition changes, FFA level
and saturation degree increase [14, 15]. The change in the fatty acid composition influences
some oil properties such as iodine value, viscosity, density, heating content. Thus, these
properties can also be used to monitor the quality of the frying oil.
Waste frying oils which are used in different conditions (such as frying temperature, duration,
the type and shape of the fryer, kind of food etc.) have significantly different physico-
chemical properties. In this study, in order to decrease this difference, after classifying the
facilities producing waste frying oils into categories, 30 different waste frying oil samples (14
from fish restaurants, 5 from fast-foods, 5 from hospitals, 4 from pastry shops, and 2 from
restaurants) were collected and their density, kinematic viscosity, TPM, water content, acid
value (AV), iodine value (IV), peroxide value (PV), and heating content were determined and
compared to each other. It must be pointed out that, at the end of the project which is carried
out with the collaboration of Izmit Municipality, totally, 150 waste frying oil samples will be
collected from 7 different sectors and also, in addition to the physico-chemical properties
mentioned in this article, saponification value, cetane index and smoke points of all samples
will be determined.
The procedures used in the determination of AV, PV, and IV are AOCS Cd 3a-63, AOCS Cd
8-53, and TS EN 14111, respectively.
Samples were coded according to their origins. Namely, FR means waste frying oil sample
obtained from fish restaurants, FF means waste frying oil sample from fast-foods, H means
from hospitals, PS means from pastry shops, and R means from restaurants.
Among the samples collected from hospitals, TPM content of H1 (29%) was the highest and
higher than the top limit. Again, the result of the same sample had the highest density,
viscosity, water content and lowest iodine value. However, high TPM level which is the
indicator of massive deterioration made us think that its peroxide value would be the highest,
but it was in the third order among the waste frying oils from hospitals with the value of 20.82
meq/kg. This may be explained by splitting of hydro peroxides which form during the first
stage of the oxidation, in the course of time. AVs of the samples were closer to each other and
all of them were lower than 1 mg KOH/g.
Table 3. Data obtained from waste frying oil samples*
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
FF1 0.9237 42.28 1657.00 17.85 85.53 50.61 30.0 39223
FF2 0.9194 39.81 1310.30 3.74 82.29 33.78 16.0 39259
FF3 0.9183 42.37 441.76 2.64 66.48 36.84 15.5 39090
FF4 0.9273 51.44 1059.30 1.78 95.38 50.42 24.5 39007
FF5 0.9207 44.47 1181.90 8.62 52.17 19.05 19.5 39741
H1 0.9311 47.24 1208.7 0.52 97.30 20.82 29.0 38925
H2 0.9231 34.80 956.78 0.93 119.81 7.75 13.5 39650
H3 0.9273 39.91 1050.70 0.50 124.28 26.65 23.0 39322
H4 0.9242 34.81 1021.30 0.65 126.90 10.74 15.5 39498
H5 0.9231 35.18 785.31 0.25 121.13 28.41 14.0 39689
PS1 0.9238 39.89 710.03 0.56 141.26 55.92 16.0 39632
PS2 0.9237 34.28 533.75 0.39 124.09 93.94 12.0 40336
PS3 0.9232 32.85 568.52 0.22 126.54 74.22 16.0 39466
PS4 0.9223 33.79 566.53 0.17 120.86 200.38 11.5 39276
R1 0.9219 34.34 530.05 0.37 109.19 85.17 18.0 39270
R2 0.9216 34.64 556.44 0.63 108.26 20.69 13.0 39399
FR1 0.9264 40.52 1200.10 5.25 112.57 43.42 20.0 39344
FR2 0.9269 39.86 1089.50 0.36 128.84 42.51 22.0 39404
FR3 0.9248 36.94 753.37 0.49 122.29 49.05 16.5 39492
FR4 0.9252 37.12 714.90 0.41 122.99 52.05 20.0 39449
FR5 0.9238 35.99 817.73 0.28 121.71 44.46 17.0 39519
FR6 0.9236 35.61 966.50 0.29 127.07 46.64 16.0 39556
FR7 0.9241 34.89 915.33 0.75 118.83 53.77 15.5 39367
FR8 0.9243 37.74 669.46 0.32 120.70 31.43 16.0 39518
FR9 0.9238 35.58 1024.10 0.34 108.58 25.39 17.0 39449
FR10 0.9238 36.37 732.64 0.43 124.37 21.72 16.5 39652
FR11 0.9233 33.74 670.11 0.29 120.70 39.74 17.0 39624
FR12 0.9239 34.85 713.93 0.41 124.48 34.24 15.5 39562
FR13 0.9249 38.14 827.15 0.41 124.33 40.49 16.5 39465
FR14 0.9262 41.60 1017.80 0.48 119.72 48.31 19.5 39474
*1;Company Code, 2;Density (g/cm3 @ 15 °C), 3;Viscosity(mm2/s @ 40 °C), 4;Water Content (ppm), 5;Acid
Value (mgKOH/g), 6;Iodine Value (gI 2 /100g), 7;Peroxide Value (meq/kg), 8;Total Polar Material (%),
9;Heating Content (kJ/kg)
Within the waste frying oils from pastry shops, the one which had the highest density,
viscosity, water content, AV, and TPM was PS1. However, this sample had the lowest PV
(55.92 meq/kg) and the highest IV (141.26 gI 2 /100 g). Normally, low PV and high IV are
attributed to slight oxidative degradation. However, this oil was one of two samples which
had the highest TPM content. This situation made us think that the degradation reactions
which had increased the TPM content of the oil caused from hydrolysis and polymerization
rather than thermal oxidation. High water content and AV can be interpreted as the result of
hydrolysis. PS4 which was the first waste frying oil in terms of PV (106.44 meq/kg higher
than the second one) had the lowest TPM content (11.5%) and it was amazing.
In this study, 2 samples were collected from restaurants. When we examine the results of
these samples, it was seen that their density and viscosity values were almost the same. R1
had higher values than R2 in terms of PV (the difference is 64.48 meq/kg) and TPM content
(the difference is 5%). This showed us that this frying oil was subjected to more degradation
reaction. However, IVs of these two oils were almost same. Whereas, it was expected that R1
had the lower IV due to higher oxidation reaction leading to splitting of double bonds.
Among the waste frying oil samples obtained from fish restaurants, FR1’s AV of 5.25 mg
KOH/g was 7 times higher than that of second oil. The AVs of other 13 samples were less
than 1 mg KOH/g. The density, viscosity, water content and TPM amounts of this oil were
within the highest ones.
FR2 which had the highest TPM content (22%) was within the first three samples in terms of
density, viscosity and water content. One of the most remarkable results among waste frying
oils obtained from fish restaurants was that all the heating contents were almost the same. The
difference between the highest heating value (39624 kJ/kg) and the lowest heating value
(39344 kJ/kg) is only 0.7%.
6. Conclusions
According to the results, at first, it must be strongly emphasized that waste frying oils are very
heterogeneous feedstock for biodiesel production in terms of physico-chemical properties and
must be characterize in detail prior to biodiesel production.
When waste frying oils were compared to each other, it was seen that, in general, fast-food
origin waste frying oils’ viscosities, water contents and AVs were higher and iodine values
were lower than those from other sectors. The most suitable feedstocks were from pastry
shops in terms of TPM, AV, and water content. The densities of all the samples were
generally close to each other.
The correlation between TPM, density, viscosity, AV, and water content were remarkable.
Heating contents of the samples were almost the same. In addition, the measurement of PV as
an indicator of oil quality was misleading.
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