Orgatex GB
Orgatex GB
Orgatex GB
Machine management
software for the
textile finishing
ems for
o l Syst
Contr n i shing
tile F i
s c h e r m u l y t e x t i l e c o m p u t e r
OrgaTEX– the information
In times of difficult market situa- Vertical integration – interface other direction disposition data
tions and strong competition the between PPS and production and data for the process opti-
textile industry demands more mization are transferred via
and more integrated solutions. The data based connection be- OrgaTEX to the machine level.
The target is a continuous flow tween the three levels provides This makes OrgaTEX to a turn-
of information starting from the the possibility to quickly take the table in the vertical integration.
machine level via the plant ma- right measures and to optimize
nager up to the administrative processes. OrgaTEX hereby has OrgaTEX provides a number of
management. a key function as it acquires software modules to the textile
process and operational data finisher that can gradually be
and makes it available to the build into an integrated solution.
higher company levels. In the
Ensure quality 'Process Curves' and 'Alarm Ensure quality
Report' you can control your
In order to have the necessary quality standards. Anomalies,
data of all articles awailable for failures and manual interven-
the dyeing and finishing process tions are displayed immediately.
OrgaTEX provides editors for the
creation and the management
of dye programs, machine set- Plan more accurate
tings (preparation data) and
recipes. The integrated link To keep you delivery dates Decide quicker
between recipe data and related OrgaTEX supports you during
dye program or set of prepa- planning and by following up all
ration data ensures that for all processes. For the disposition
stages of the finishing processes OrgaTEX provides an electronic
the quality is assured. planning board and automa-
tically calculates all set runtimes
for every single batch. Every
Decide quicker time deviation of the current
Plan accurate
production is immediately re-
Detailed information is the re- cognized and will be displayed.
quirement for quick decisions.
With OrgaTEX you always have
immediate access to all ac- Everything under control
quired data. By utilizing filter
and sort functions every desired The permanent online connec-
information can directly be tion to the production machines
Recognize problems
found and accessed. Via the allows for the supervision and
ODBC database interface the in- control of quality, times, con-
formation can be transferred sumption values, costs, per-
and processed in MS Excel or sonnel also in connection with
similar programs. subsystems like scale and do-
Recognize problems
immediately Reduce costs
OrgaTEX – dye house prod
Batch scheduler
The online batch scheduler is a
powerful tool to reduce the daily
routine work in the dye house
office to a minimum. An elec-
tronic planning board always
informs about the current state
and progress of the batches.
Batches can easily be moved by
simply using drag and drop
procedures. Paperless prepa-
ration and addition processing,
from the weighing station to the
automatic dispenser, is part of
our concept of a modern dye
house. Electronic planning board
Online Reports
Time evaluation
Batch information
Kostenverteilung Färberei
Machine status
Cost evaluation
Production calendar
By using the report generators you
can create flexible reports for daily,
Process data logging
weekly or monthly information. Pro-
ductivity data is available due to an
integrated production calendar.
Operator calls
OrgaTEX – continuous pro
The editor
The continuous editor is used to Set of preparation data
manage a large number of ar-
ticle related machine settings for
various continuous machines.
Batch scheduler
In combination with the batch SECOM controller or to third operation. The observance of
scheduler the correct sets of party PC's via optional interfa- production and delivery dates is
preparation data will be as- ces. The electronic online plan- controlled and any transgression
signed to every batch and then ning board provides assistance will be conspicuously indicated.
automatically transferred to the for an efficient and economical
Quality control Reports
Data for consumptions, costs, times,
alarms, deviations etc. are automa-
The automatic logging of pro- etc., allows a continuous moni- tically collected for every batch and
cess data, first of all quality data toring with clear indication of every machine.
like width, square weight, tem- the quality.
peratures, dwell time, shrinking Kosten Spannrahmen 2
Stenter costs
Quality data
Produktion Spannrahmen 3
Alarm list
Production efficiency
State of operation
Process visualization
Production calendar
By using the report generators you
can create flexible reports for daily,
weekly or monthly information.
Productivity data is available due to
an integrated production calendar.
OrgaTEX – recipe
At the time a batch is scheduled
the batch recipe will be
calculated. The necessary a-
mounts of dyestuff and che-
micals will be reserved in the
stock control module.
Recipe selection
– weighing
dyestuffs that can be identified
by barcodes will be weighed to
their adjustable tolerances. The
actual values are fed back to the
stock control module.
OrgaTEX weighing/paternoster
If a paternoster with a SETEX
controller is connected then
Weighing after selection of the product the
system will lead to the related
Paternoster automation
The various preparations with storage position.
their products are displayed on
a special PC that is suitable for
the drug room environment.
With the help of connected
scales the chemicals and
Dyestuff weighing
OrgaTEX – the interfaces
OrgaTEX connection to ITM-Process OrgaTEX connection dosing systems OrgaTEX connection recipe systems
OrgaTEX connection main frame/ OrgaTEX connection third party OrgaTEX connection handling/
order data continuous controller transport systems
Entry package
Operating System:
Windows Server Software
Single user system
Network: Entry package with
Ethernet full performance for maximum
10 machines.
Can later be upgraded to a Multi
user system.
737 Machine 1
838 Machine 2
848 TC Machine 10
Multi user package
Multi-user package for an
unlimited number of machines.
Can be connected to third party
systems (see OrgaTEX inter-
737 Machine 1
838 Machine 2
838 Machine 3
848 TC Machine 4
848 TC Machine n
Option, connection to external
computer systems
Integrated Production Man
The OrgaTEX modules
l Dye house production
l Continuous production
l Recipe/stock control
l Weighing/paternoster
l Connection ITM-Process
l Connection dosing systems
l Connection recipe systems
l Connection main frame/
order data
l Connection third party
continuous controller
l Connection handling/
transport systems
n n
SETEX America
SETEX Schermuly textile computer GmbH
Hauptstraße 23 –25 SETEX Asia
35794 Mengerskirchen
Phone: + (49) 64 76 / 91 47-0 SETEX Brasil
Fax: + (49) 64 76 / 91 47-31
[email protected] SETEX China
SETEX Taiwan
10/2004 SD1400101 OT-KEA-010-0001-0
respective owners.
s c h e r m u l y t e x t i l e c o m p u t e r Printed in Germany.