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1. An Introduction ……………………………………………………………3

2. What is Problem Solving?...........................................................3

3. Pros and Cons of Problem-Solving………….……………………………4

4. Principles for Problem Solving ………………………………………....5

5. The procedure involving Problem Solving ……………………………..6

6. What is Investigation? ……………………………………………………..7

7. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………7

8. References …………………………………………………………………….8

1. Introduction:

The introduction of this new curriculum is embarked on core competencies in which problem-
solving is included. Hence, problem-solving deals with how learners can solve real-life
situations. However, problem-solving and investigation move together but they are different.

2. What is Problem Solving?

The word problem, etymologically comes from the Greek word ‘’problema’’ meaning
‘’something thrown forward’’ hence a problem is therefore relative to the one who solves
(problem solver).

Problem-solving may be defined as "the ability to understand the environment, identify complex
problems, and review related information to develop, evaluate strategies, and implement
solutions to build the desired outcome" (Fissore, C. et al, 2021).1

Therefore Problem problem-solving is the process of the problem solver accepting the challenge
offered by a problem and taking a decision to solve the problem that confronts him using a non-
routine method. With this problem-solving method, a mathematics task is given first to the
learners in class in a natural way. The task must be worthwhile and stimulating to the students.

The key focus in teaching using problem-solving is the process by which a student obtains a
particular answer. Hence, students are encouraged to share their thinking with the class and
provide answers for what they did, how they did it, and why their approach is valid. The diagram
below gives an illustration.

Fissore, C., Marchisio, M., Roman, F., & Sacchet, M. (2021). Development of problem solving skills with Maple
in higher education. In: Corless, R.M.,

3. Pros or Merits of Problem-Solving
a. It develops in the learners the ability to recognize, analyze, solve, and reflect upon
problematic difficulties.
b. It enhances understanding.
c. It is based on actual observations, thinking, and experimentation.
d. Learners are actively involved in the learning process.

4. Cons or Demerits of problem-solving method

a. This method is time-consuming method.
b. It is a method of an intellectual approach to learning.
c. As a lot of preparation is needed it makes Teachers’ burden becomes heavier.
d. Students in lower classes this method does not suit them since this is a scientific method.

5. Principles for Problem- Solving

i. Model useful problem-solving methods:

Problem-solving can be difficult and sometimes tedious. Students must be shown how to
be patient and persistent, and how to follow a structured method, for example, the system,
units, symbols, concepts, etc.

ii. Teach within a specific context:

Teach problem-solving skills in the context in which they will be used by students (e.g.,
Algebraic Expression). Use real-life problems in explanations, examples, and exams. Do
not teach problem-solving as an independent, abstract skill.

iii. Help students understand the problem:

To solve problems, students need to define the end goal. This step is crucial to the
successful learning of problem-solving skills. If you succeed at helping students answer
the questions “What?” and “Why?” finding the answer to “How?” will be easier.

iv. Take enough time:

When planning a lecture/tutorial, budget enough time for understanding the problem and
defining the goal (both individually and as a class); dealing with questions from you and
your students; making, finding, and fixing mistakes; and solving entire problems in a
single session.

v. Ask questions and make suggestions:

Ask students to predict “what would happen if …” or explain why something happened.
This will help them to develop analytical and deductive thinking skills. Also, ask
questions and make suggestions about strategies to encourage students to reflect on the
problem-solving strategies that they use.

vi. Link errors to misconceptions:
Use errors as evidence of misconceptions, not carelessness or random guessing. Make an
effort to isolate the misconception and correct it, then teach students to do this by
themselves. We can all learn from our mistakes.

6. The procedure involving Problem Solving

The procedure involves:
1. Recognizing the problem or sensing the problem.
2. Interpreting, defining, and delimiting the problem.
3. Gathering data systematically.
4. Organizing and evaluating the data.
5. Formulating tentative solutions
6. Arriving at the correct or true solution
7. Verifying the result.

7. What is Investigation?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is the act or process of examining a crime, problem,
statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth: The idea of an investigation is
fundamental both to the study of mathematics and also to the understanding of how mathematics
can be used to extend knowledge and to solve problems. An investigation is a form of discovery.
At its best, students will define their problems, set procedures, and try to solve them. In the end,
the students must discuss not only the outcomes of the investigation but also the process pursued
in trying to pin down the problem and find answers to the problem. In an investigation, the
process of solving a task is as valued as the product (answer).

The method is suitable for mixed-ability groups and promotes creativity. It can be intrinsically
satisfying to students. Students generally follow the following steps in an investigation:

1. Initial problem

2. Data collection

3. Tabulate or organize the data

5. Try a new concept if the first conjectures are wrong

6. Attempt to prove a rule

7. Generalization of the rule

8. Suggest new or related problems

 Limitations:
a. Investigations require a high degree of teacher input.
b. Investigations can be difficult to fit into the conventional mathematics syllabus and they
can be time-consuming.

8. Conclusion:

The problem method aims at presenting the knowledge to be learned in the form of a problem.
The problems are set to the students inherently and it is ensured that the students are genuinely
interested in solving them. The solutions to the problem always come from the students; the
teacher remains in the background and directs or guides the students’ activity from that position.

1. Fissore, C., Marchisio, M., Roman, F., & Sacchet, M. (2021). Development of
problem-solving skills with Maple in higher education. In: Corless, R.M.,
2. DR. FORSTER D. NTOW, (2022). Module for Post-Graduate Diploma in
Education Programme, Institute of Education, UCC.
problem-solving-skills accessed on 9/11/2023.
4. accessed on

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