Vol 2 2019

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Journal for Maritime in Community Service and Empowerment ISSN:

Vol. xx, No xx, Month-year


*Emrita Widya Wulandari1, Edwardo pratenta ginting2, Muhammad Izzul Haj3, Anggara Trisna Nugraha4,*
Business Management Study Program, Surabaya State Shipbuilding of polytechnic, JL.Teknik Kimian
Sukolilo, Surabaya, (60111), [email protected]
Science Major, SMAN 1 KEDAMEAN, Jl. Raya Slempit No.2, Slempit, Kec. Kedamean, Kabupaten Gresik,
Jawa Timur 61175.
Automation Engineering Study Program, Surabaya State Shipbuilding of polytechnic, JL.Teknik Kimian
Sukolilo, Surabaya, (60111), [email protected]
Marine Electrical Study Program, Surabaya State Shipbuilding of polytechnic, JL.Teknik Kimian Sukolilo,
Surabaya, (60111), [email protected]
*Correspondence author: [email protected], [email protected] 2
Abstract: Kenjeran tourist destination is probably one of the most famous tourist destinations in
Indonesia. To improve tourist attraction and operational efficiency, the application of digital technology
has become a major trend in the tourism industry. From this study, the researcher will discuss about how
the utilization of digital technology can improve the tourist experience and operational efficiency at
Kenjeran tourist destination through various methods. Based on the use of mobile travel guide
applications, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), the results of this study tell us that the
application of digital technology can increase the number of tourists and operational efficiency in
Kenjeran which has a positive impact. starting with identifying the types of digital technology that can
improve the experience and the challenges that digital technology will face.

Keyword: termtourism destination, identify, Augment Reality, Virtual Reality,

Introduction (12pt) and efficient tourist experience. In addition,

digital technology can also assist tourism
Tourism is one of the sectors that continues destination managers in improving their
to grow and become one of the important operational efficiency, optimizing services
sources of income for a country. In the ever- and collecting valuable data for analysis and
evolving digital era, the tourism industry decision-making.
cannot ignore the role of technology in
improving the traveler experience and The purpose of this research is to explore
operational efficiency in tourism some real-life examples of how the
destinations. One of the tourism application of digital technology has had a
destinations that attracts attention is positive impact in improving the tourist
Kenjeran, one of the places famous for its experience and operational efficiency in the
beautiful beaches. Kenjeran tourism destination. Researchers
will discuss mobile-based tour guide
Kenjeran has enormous potential to applications that provide interactive
increase the attractiveness of tourists by information and guidance to tourists.
utilizing advances in digital technology. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality
Through the use of technological (VR) technologies can provide immersive
innovation, Kenjeran tourism destination experiences, and the use of digital payment
can provide a more engaging, interactive
Journal for Maritime in Community Service and Empowerment ISSN:
Vol. xx, No xx, Month-year

methods and online services can make it 3.1.1 Increase travelers and operational
easier for visitors to transact. By optimally efficiency in Kenjeran
utilizing digital technology, Kenjeran According to Kenjeran THP UPTD Security
tourism destination can increase its Coordinator Umar Faruq, the number of
attractiveness as a modern, innovative visitors to Kenjeran Beach during the Eid
tourist destination, and meet tourist holiday increased sharply compared to
expectations. regular holidays, reaching three times the
previous year. "During Idul Fitri, Saturday
April 22, 2022 the number of visitors
reached 1,103 people, then Sunday April 23,
RESEARCH METHODS (12 pt) 2023 visitors at THP were 3,459 people,
while Monday April 24, 2023 until 11:00 a.m.
This research uses a data analysis method
the number of visitors was 1,500 people.
by collecting available secondary data, such
weekend visitors. Umar Faruq said that
as tourism industry reports, tourist visit
although the ticket price is IDR 15,000 /
statistics, or initiative information. Digital
person, there are still many tourists who
technology is implemented in similar tourist
come because they are allowed to bring
destinations. This secondary data can
food from outside according to applicable
provide insight into the trends and success
regulations. In addition, to reduce the
of digital technology implementation across
number of visitors, Umar Faruq said a
the tourism industry, which can be a
number of officers were ready starting from
reference for Kenjeran tourist destination,
the OPD, Polairot, related Satpol PP, and the
while these interviews were conducted to
medical team. It is estimated that on H+5 to
understand the preferences of tourists'
H+7 after Eid, the number of tourists
needs with key stakeholders in Kenjeran to
vacationing in Kenjeran will increase to
better understand the challenges faced and
8,000 people.
potential digital technology solutions.
Table 1. THP kenjeran visitor results in 2022 and
Results and Discussions (12 pt) 2023 in April.
No. YEAR 2022 YEAR 2023
3.1 Research Results
1. 1,103 thousand people 1,103 thousand people
The application of digital technology to
improve operational efficiency and tourism
in Kenjeran, has an impact on determining 3.1.2 Identify types of digital technology
the type of digital technology to be used as Kenjeran Beach Amusement Park features a
well as the obstacles and challenges that will coastal tourist attraction in the north of the city
be faced in the utilization of digital of Surabaya which involves the beauty of the
technology. charm of the beach, sunset views, and the
Suramadu bridge. if visitors want to go there
now, they can directly order or buy tickets online
more easily through the website
tiketwisata.surabaya.go.id. In addition to these
Journal for Maritime in Community Service and Empowerment ISSN:
Vol. xx, No xx, Month-year

facilities, there are still many other facilities such development. Starting from small things such as
as playgrounds, food courts, gazebos, UMKM the provision of trash bins and also the
souvenir stalls, and places to enjoy Kenjeran awareness of residents and tourists to maintain
Beach and Suramadu Bridge. cleanliness must be instilled. Most of the
number of trash cans cannot accommodate the
amount of garbage thrown away by the
community and tourists which causes garbage to
be scattered around the beach which will later
be carried by the waves to cause marine
pollution.This must be anticipated, considering
that the sea is a place where marine biota lives
and develops. Littering is one example of an
activity that can cause great harm, it sounds like
a trivial thing but the impact is great if the
garbage that is thrown away until it is carried by
the waves and then eaten by the biota in the
area It can cause biota poisoning to death and if
biota is caught by fishermen and then consumed
by humans the side effects caused will be great.
Figure 1.shows a website for buying tickets
therefore We hope that the surrounding
community, tourists, and authorities will be more
aware of this problem. the importance of the sea
the image shows a website that visitors can use
for life, for marine life and for the lives of the
to buy tickets for the kenjeran tourist
surrounding community.
destination. On this website, vistors can
determine the day and time of visit according to
3.2 Subheading 2
with his wishes.

Discussion of research based on the results of

3.1.3 Obstacles and Challenges to be faced
the data above

Kenjeran Beach is a beach of pride and a

3.2.1 Increase travelers and operational
favorite tourist spot for the community,
efficiency in Kenjeran
especially residents of Surabaya City.Kenjeran
Beach has a beautiful and charming view. We
Researchers revealed that the number of
can see the Suramadu bridge that stretches from
visitors during Eid increased three times more
Java Island to Madura Island. Kenjeran Beach is
than last year, so facilities and security are more
visited during holidays by the people of
concerned with creating comfort for both
Surabaya and surrounding areas. Sadly, the
parties, so that more can go to Kenjeran than
cleanliness of Kenjeran Beach is not maintained,
last year. The results of this study may show an
it can be seen from around the beach that a lot
impact on tourist visits during Eid.
of garbage is scattered and the lack of
maintaining public facilities provided, as well as
3.2.2 Identify types of digital technology
the lack of education and emphasis from the
government to local residents regarding the
With the online ticket booking method,
importance of Kenjeran Beach to the lives of
it can make it easier for visitors when they want
local people to support progress in many
to go to THP Kenjeran, and also for out-of-town
aspects such as economic development,
tourism, they don't need to worry about
educational development, socio-cultural
Journal for Maritime in Community Service and Empowerment ISSN:
Vol. xx, No xx, Month-year

ordering tickets suddenly. Therefore, researchers services. Journal of Travel & Tourism
assume that digital technology is very influential Marketing, 14(2-3), 63-82.
on the number of visitors to THP Kenjeran.
Gursoy, D., Chi, C. G., & Lu, L. (2008).
3.2.3 Barriers and Challenges Antecedents and outcomes of
travelers' information search behavior
From the results of this study, it can be in the context of online hotel
explained that the obstacles and challenges that
reservations. Journal of Travel
are very influential are the lack of awareness in
Research, 47(2), 119-130.
humans of cleanliness when disposing of
garbage and also the lack of awareness in Huang, L., Law, R., & Liang, Z. (2005). A
maintaining the facilities at THP Kenjeran. survey of information sources for
travel planning: A qualitative study.
Journal of Travel & Tourism
Marketing, 19(2-3), 75-87.
Conclusion (12 pt) Koo, C., Xiang, Z., & Sigala, M. (2019).
Use SI (MKS) or CGS units as the main unit. Transforming tourist experiences
(SI units are highly recommended.) English through smart technology: a critical
review of developments, benefits, and
units can be used This study aims to analyze
challenges. Journal of Travel Research,
the application of digital technology in
58(1), 4-19.
increasing tourists and operations in kenjeran
Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D., & Ladkin, A. (2015).
from various factors ranging from identifying
Technology as a catalyst of change:
tourists who have greatly increased after the
Enablers and barriers of the tourist
pandemic, online ticket booking and also
experience and their consequences.
obstacles and challenges that need to be TheRoutledgeHandbookofTransportEc
considered again so that it runs smoothly as onomics ,149-166.
desired. besides tourism in kenjeran there are
also many tours in Surabaya such as the
example of the submarine monument tour
which also uses the web to make it easier for

References (12 pt)

Anwar, A., & Maulina, D. (2019). The Impact

of Digital Technology Adoption on
Tourists' Experiences: A Case Study
of Kenjeran Beach Tourism Area.
Journal of Tourism and Cultural
Change, 1-15. Chien, P. M., & Law, R.
(2003). The development of an e-
service quality scale: Implications for
internet-based hotel booking

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