Final Code of Conduct 2020
Final Code of Conduct 2020
Final Code of Conduct 2020
A. Purpose of the Code 9
B. Objectives of the Code 9
C. Scope of application of the Code 10
4. General Conduct 11
5. Academic Guidelines 12
6. Examinations 13
7. Motor Vehicles 14
8. Property 14
9. Firearms and Offensive Weapons 14
10. Alcohol and Drugs 15
11. Demonstrations 15
12. Utterances to the Public 16
13. Accommodation Services 16
14. Catering Services 19
16. Violations relating to property 20
17. Injury or harm to person(s) 21
18. Violations relating to disruptions of University activities, functions & events 22
19. Violations relating to information 23
20. Violations relating to conduct of examinations 23
21. Violations relating to financial matters 25
22. Violations relating to halls of residence 25
23. Violations relating to catering services 26
24. Violations relating to health services 26
25. Offences relating to sports and games 26
26. Disciplinary Authority, Powers and Functions 27
27. Establishment of the Disciplinary Committees 27
28. Composition of Disciplinary Committees 28
29. Role of the University in disciplinary proceedings 29
30. Duties and rights of the student in disciplinary proceedings 29
31. Notice 30
32. Inquiry 31
33. Inquiry Report 32
34. Disciplinary Committee Procedures and Processes 33
35. Decision of the Disciplinary Committee 35
36. Penalties 36
37. Appeals Disciplinary Committee 37
38. Decisions of the Appeals Disciplinary Committee 38
39. Withdrawal of an Appeal 38
40. Protection from Personal Liability. 39
41. Disclosure of Interest 39
42. Procedure after satisfaction of penalty 39
43. Transition 39
44. Review and Amendments to this Code 40
1.1. The rules and regulations in this Students’ Code of Conduct 2020 have
been made by the Senate and the Council of the University of Nairobi in
accordance with the provisions of the Universities Act, the University of
Nairobi Charter, University Statutes and all other applicable laws.
1.2. For the good order of all students, staff and other persons, the University
of Nairobi (hereinafter referred to as “the University” or “the Campus”)
has an obligation to discipline any student who violates the rules and
regulations of the University, as failure to do so would set a bad precedent
and affect students who are willing to abide by the University Rules and
Regulations. This Code assists the University adhere to the aforesaid
obligation as it provides a framework within which students are to
undertake their studies within a safe and conducive environment in the
Campus. The rules set out herein thus serve as guidelines to regulate the
students conduct while within the Campus.
1.3. The Code gives students notification and explanation of the University’s
expectation of students’ behavioral standards while acknowledging that
not everything can be codified. It sets out the actions and forms of
behaviour that are unacceptable within the Campus. It further sets out the
disciplinary procedure that is applicable in the event of breach of this
Code; and the nature of sanction(s) likely to be imposed on a student
found to be in breach of this Code.
1.4. Ignorance shall not be accepted as an excuse for breach of this Code.
Accordingly, each student is expected, upon admission to the University, to
familiarize himself/herself with the rules and regulations set forth in the
Code and where necessary seek interpretative assistance from the
University through the Dean of Students. Students are expected to show
good judgment and apply common sense at all times. Students already
enrolled in the University at the date of enactment of the Code are
obligated to immediately familiarise themselves with the Code and will be
deemed as having read, understood and accepted to abide by this Code.
1.5. Whenever violations of the Code occur, the University will treat them as
matters of serious concern as they disrupt the individual lives of students,
and the shared life of the entire University community. The University aims
to deal with all disciplinary cases in an expeditious, fair and consistent
manner, appreciating that disciplinary processes are disruptive to both the
student and the University.
1.6. Careful note should be taken that the University is not, and cannot be
considered as a protector or sanctuary from application of the Laws of
Kenya by the relevant institutions.
1.7. Nothing in this Code precludes the University from requiring any student to
execute an additional bond, assurance or undertaking to be of good
"electronic records" include- a record generated in digital form by an
information system, which can be transmitted within an information
system or from one information system to another and stored in an
information system or other medium;
“examination material” includes;
“offensive weapon” includes any tool made, adapted or intended for the
purpose of inflicting mental or physical injury upon another person and
include but are not limited to knives, swords, arrows, sticks and metal
(b) any person to whom the University makes available any of the
privileges or facilities normally afforded to its employees provided that a
graduate student working for the University in a teaching or related
capacity and prior to clearance from the University, the graduate shall
be treated as a student for purposes of this Students’ Code of Conduct;
"public area" includes any enclosed indoor area open to and frequented by
the students, staff and the general public and where, during a representative 24-
hour period the number of public occupants exceeds the number of employees,
except private residences;
“student” includes
(a) any person admitted to a course of study for any academic programme
offered by the University whether full-time or part-time and includes a
person admitted for online or distant courses;
provided that any person who, having graduated but not cleared from the
University and who has reapplied for admission to a course of study at the
University within the next academic year or applied for transfer from one
course of study at the University to another remains a student during the
intervening period;
“visitor” means any person who is within the precincts of the Campus
and also includes a student who visits another student in the Halls of
3.1.1. guide the behaviour and discipline of all the students of the University;
3.2.1. set out acts and omissions or commissions that constitute unacceptable conduct
and behaviour by students;
3.2.2. be a tool for mentoring the students into useful and responsible members of the
3.2.3. establish and set out the functions of the various disciplinary committees and
other officers involved in students’ disciplinary processes;
3.2.4. define the standard procedure and process of handling students’ disciplinary
cases and the nature of sanction(s) likely to be imposed upon a student found in
breach of this Code; and
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C. Scope of application of the Code
3.3. This Code applies to all students of the University, including those on
University exchange programmers. It applies to
(c) the presence of students within the campuses , or their access to, any
premises owned or occupied by the University; or
(d) any activity not covered by a), b), or c) above, which is considered to
affect adversely the safety, interests or reputation of the University, its
students, employees or authorized representatives as outlined in this
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3.4 The provisions set out hereunder shall apply with respect to the conduct of
students within the Campus, as well outside the Campus on University field
placement, practical training, industrial attachments, teaching practice or
other University activity.
4. General Conduct
4.1. Every student of the University is expected to:-
4.1.1. respect and comply with the administrative, academic and other
procedures and structures established by the Universities Act, 2012 and
amendments thereto, the University of Nairobi Charter 2013, the
University Statutes enacted for the control and governance of the
operations of the University and any other rule, regulation or policy of the
(c) act honestly and treat the University employees, students, honorary
appointees, consultants, contractors, volunteers and any other persons with
respect and dignity.
4.1.3. desist and or refrain from any conduct that might bring the University or
any section thereof to disrepute, ridicule or public odium without prejudice
to the right to fair and justified comment and criticism;
4.1.4. desist and or refrain from any conduct which may disrupt the operation of
academic and/or non-academic activities of the University; maintain a
co-operative and collaborative approach to inter-personal relationships;
4.1.5. desist and or refrain from all acts of violence, hooliganism, unruly or rowdy
behavior or any conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace or
disturbance to others within the Campus;
4.1.6. wear decent, acceptable and appropriate attire at all times so as to
maintain the integrity, dignity, and nobility of University education;
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4.1.7. Maintain an appropriate standard of dress and personal hygiene that
enhance public confidence in the integrity of the University ; and
5. Academic Guidelines
5.1.1 Students are required to attend lectures and online teachings, tutorials,
seminars, practical and other scheduled courses and activities specified in
respective courses of study unless the student’s absence from class is
permitted by an authorized officer of the University.
5.1.3 A student shall ensure that his/her registration and progress in academic
course and programme is in conformity with the University’s statutes, rules
and regulations.
5.1.4 Students shall ensure full payment of registration fees, tuition fees and
other fees and charges as the University Council shall from time to time
5.1.6 Students shall desist and/or refrain from engaging in any activity or
behaviour that would unfairly confer an advantage or disadvantage to
another student academically.
5.1.8 Students shall abide by all rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by
the various departments and faculties of the University relating to the
conduct of specific courses and programmes.
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6. Examinations
6.1.9 Upon the conclusion of an examination, students shall hand over the
examination answer booklets whether written or unwritten to the course
instructor or supervisor, and in case of electronic online examinations,
the examination answer booklets shall be submitted as prescribed and
approved by the platform used.
6.1.10 At the end of each examination, a student shall not take away from the
Examination Room or electronic online platform any Examination answer
booklets, whether used or unused.
7. Motor Vehicles
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7.1.1 Students shall not park Motor Vehicles within the Campus and/or Halls of
Residence without prior written approval from the University.
7.1.2 The University has no obligation to provide parking bays for students’
motor vehicles. However in instances where parking space is available,
students shall park their vehicles at such designated parking slots whilst
fully aware that the University shall not bear responsibility for any damage
or loss to the vehicle.
8. Property
8.1.1. Students are expected to take reasonable care of the University property.
8.1.3. Students shall not remove furniture or equipment from lecture halls, Halls
of Residence and or other University premises without prior authorization
by the relevant officer.
9.1.2 Students are prohibited from carrying or in any other manner being in
possession of firearms while within the Campus.
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10. Alcohol and Drugs
10.1.2 Students shall not use, be in possession of, peddle or distribute narcotic
drugs or psychotropic substances within the Campus. For the purpose
of this provision, Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substance shall have
the meaning stipulated under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances (Control) Act,
10.1.4 Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes shall not be consumed in lecture halls,
libraries, examination centres, computer rooms, cafeteria, - halls of
residence, offices or any other non-designated areas.
10.1.5 Students shall not smoke in public areas within the Campus. The entire
university is a non-smoking zone.
10.1.6 Students shall not act in a violent and /or disorderly manner whilst
within the Campus.
11. Demonstrations
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11.1.4 In the case of litter, the organizers and/or conveners shall be ordered
to ensure a clean-up of the area or in lieu thereof, pay the cost of the
13.1.1 All students shall at all material times act lawfully and conduct
themselves responsibly while in the University’s Halls of residence and
or premises.
13.1.2 Accommodation services fees for the academic year cover the period
from the day of official University check-in through 10 a.m. of the day
after the completion of examinations or 10 a.m. on the day following
Commencement. The day of official University check-in for first-year
students, transfer students, and other participants in Halls of Resident
will be designated by the relevant University officer.
13.1.3 In addition to the terms of any tenancy agreement entered into
between a student and the University, all students are expected to;
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(b) abide by the terms and conditions of contract for accommodation;
(e) admit visitors to the student’s allocated room only between 10.00
a.m. and 10.00 p.m. while taking into account the need for privacy
and convenience of the students’ genuine roommates;
(g) desist and/or refrain from harbouring persons who are not
students of the University in the Halls of Residence;
(j) take reasonable care of furniture, fittings and other items in the
Halls of Residence;
(k) surrender all keys issued in respect of the rooms to the Halls
Administration Officer before proceeding on vacation;
(l) be responsible for any indoor games facilities that they sign for;
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(o) desist and/or refrain from cooking in the Halls of Residence or
being in possession of cooking appliances in the Halls of residence.
Cooking and cooking appliances, including electric jugs, kettles
,immersion heaters , microwave ovens, toaster ovens, crock pots,
hot plates, toasters, and grilling machines, are strictly prohibited in
the Halls of Residence;
(r) desist and/or refrain from operating any business and/or hawking
within the Halls of Residence;
(s) desist and/or refrain from hosting functions within the Halls of
Residence unless expressly authorized by the Halls Administrator;
13.1.4 A student who for whatever reason vacates his/her room prior to the
lapse of the period in respect of which the accommodation charges
apply shall forfeit the accommodation charges for the remaining period.
13.1.5 All room allocations are final unless the Chief Halls Office authorizes a
room change. A student who makes a room change without
authorization and or permission violates this Code.
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13.1.6 Visits to the Halls of Residence is a privilege, not a right, and must be
respected in command to maintain law and order in the University. The
privilege of visitation in University’s Halls of Residence does not
supersede a roommate’s/housemate’s right to privacy, study time, and
13.1.7 In case of any conflict between the terms of a tenancy agreement and
the provisions of this Code, this Code shall prevail.
(a) conduct themselves in a civil and orderly manner while in the dining
halls and cafeterias and be courteous to the catering staff and other
(d) produce valid Student Identification Card before being allowed entry
into the dining halls;
(f) desist and/or refrain from using University cutlery and utensils
outside dining halls;
(h) desist and/or refrain from bringing food and drinks into the dining
halls unless with the permission of the official in charge of the
University catering unit.
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15.2 The offenses listed in this Code are not exhaustive, but only indicative and
the University shall, from time to time modify and/or amend the list of
offenses in such manner as it thinks fit to address emerging and cross
cutting violation of the Code.
16.1.10 Stealing the property of the University, Staff, Student or any other
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16.1.11 Embezzlement or any form of misappropriation of the property of the
University, staff, student or any other person.
17.1.6 Engaging in activities which put the health, well-being and safety of an
officer, agent or employee of the University or a student at risk.
17.1.7 Unwarranted raising of false fire alarm or any other fabricated alarm
within the University.
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17.1.9 Possession of knives, swords, sticks, metal bars or any other
implements or articles which might endanger the lives of members of
staff or students or any other persons.
18.1.3. Boycotting scheduled lectures, tutorials, field trips and other courses of
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19.1.1 Knowingly giving false information, concealing information or
submitting forged documents to the University in order to gain
privileges or advantages at the University.
19.1.2 Using electronic and social media in a manner that constitutes breach
of this Students’ Code of Conduct.
19.1.3 Failing or refusing to disclose correct identification or other relevant
details/information to the University or any other state agency when
required to do so.
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20.1.5. Communicating with another student and/or person during an
examination so as to seek unlawful and/or irregular assistance of any
20.1.12. Claiming marks in a course unit whilst aware that he/she did not
register for and/or sit for the examination.
20.1.13. Deliberate failure or refusal to hand in the examination script at the end
of the examination.
20.1.15. Fraudulently replacing the original answer script and/or alteration of the
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20.1.19. Impersonation by presenting oneself to take part in an examination in
which one is not registered; registering for an examination using false
name or identity or falsely using a certificate, testimonial, signature,
photograph or a document of another student to sit for an examination
on the pretext of the bona fide student.
21.1.2 Knowingly or fraudulently failing to account for all monies and allowances
received in accordance with the University Financial Regulations.
21.1.3 Attempting, giving or receiving a bribe in order to obtain any of the University
services and facilities.
22.1.1. Failing to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract for
22.1.11. Hosting functions within the Halls of Residence without the authority or
consent of the University.
23.1.3. Bringing in food and drinks into the Dining room without authority of the
University official in charge of catering.
24.1.3. Seeking medical services whilst not attending a course of study in the
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26.2. The Senate shall from time to time delegate such authority, power and
function to any other officer, body or authority of the University.
26.3. The Senate’s disciplinary power set out in paragraph 26.1. is hereby
delegated to various Committees established under this Code.
27.4. The Disciplinary Committees shall have power to regulate their own
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27.5. The Disciplinary Committees shall have due regard to the Constitution of
Kenya and the law.
28.1. The Halls Disciplinary Committee shall comprise - the following persons :-
(ii) The Dean of the Faculty or the Director of Institute, School or Centre
of the affected student or his/her nominee.
28.2. The Chief Halls Officer or his nominee shall be the secretary of the Halls
Disciplinary Committee.
28.4. The College Registrar or his nominee shall be the secretary to the College
Disciplinary Committee.
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28.5. The Appeals Disciplinary Committee shall comprise the following persons :-
30.1.1. Every student shall assist and cooperate with officers from the Security
Department and the Disciplinary Committees established under this Code.
The student shall in particular;
(b) comply with any direction or request from the security officers or
Disciplinary Committee;
31. Notice
31.1.2. The University shall at all times maintain a record of the email addresses
and telephone contacts of all students.
31.1.4. Upon receipt of any communication from the University, a student shall
acknowledge receipt by email as well as by signing on the duplicate copy
of the notice and/or any other written communication. The aforesaid
duplicate shall be retained by the University.
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32. Inquiry
32.1.1. Any person who considers that a student has acted in violation of the
rules and regulations of the University or this Code shall lodge a
Complaint with the Security Department of the relevant Faculty/School
or Institute (hereinafter referred to as “Security Department”) within
three (3) days from the date of occurrence of the act or
commission/omission complained of.
32.1.4. Where the Security Department decides not to initiate an inquiry, it shall
communicate the reasons for this to the Complainant within 3 days.
32.1.5. Where a Complaint has been lodged as set out under paragraph 32.1.1
above, and the Security Department of the relevant Faculty/School or
Institute has decided to initiate an inquiry, it shall, within three (3) days,
inform the student concerned that a Complaint has been lodged against
him/her and is under inquiry by the Security Department.
32.1.6. In the conduct of inquiries, the officers from the Security Department
may summon any student or agent, officer or employee of the University
to appear before it or furnish the security officers with any information
or material required for the inquiry.
32.1.7. Where any student not being the subject of inquiry fails to honour any
summons, request and/or in any manner fails to comply with any lawful
request for information, the Security Department may refer the student
to the Vice Chancellor for appropriate action.
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student shall provide such answers and/or information required by the
Security Department.
32.1.13. The period for lodgment of a complaint and subsequent inquiry may be
extended by the Security Department for a period not exceeding seven
(7) days in respect to lodgment of the complaint as well as a further
period of seven (7) days for the inquiry if sufficient reason exists and
which reason shall be tendered before the relevant Disciplinary
32.1.15. The inquiry procedures and processes outlined above shall also
apply with necessary modifications in case(s) of examination
irregularities and malpractices.
33.1.1. Within three (3) days from the date of conclusion of the inquiry, the
Security Department shall;
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(a) In the case where the Security Department recommends that no
disciplinary action should be taken against the student, submit to the
Vice Chancellor a written inquiry report outlining its findings and
recommendation; or
ii) A copy of the Inquiry Report, and all other documents and materials
pertinent to the matter.
iii) A written notice of not less that fourteen (14) days specifying the
place, date and time when the student is required to appear before
the Committee to answer to the complaints levelled against him/her.
iv) May appear before a Committee accompanied by a representative of
the Students Association or any other student in good standing with
the University.
34.1.2. On the date of the disciplinary hearing, the Committee shall read to the
student, in a language that the student understands, the Notice of
Violation against him/her and request the student to indicate whether
he/she accepts or denies the Notice of Violation.
(a) The Committee shall record the acceptance of the Notice of Violation
by the student and any mitigation offered by the student.
34.1.4. In the event that the student denies the Notice of Violation, a disciplinary
Hearing shall take place.
34.1.9. The Disciplinary Committee may allow a student’s request to adjourn the
hearing date if sufficient reason is disclosed. A request for adjournment
prior to the date of hearing shall also include an email address through
which the decision of the Committee on the application may be promptly
relayed to the student.
34.1.10. A request for postponement of a hearing shall be in writing but the
Committee may hear an oral request if good grounds are disclosed. The
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Committee shall decide on the application and communicate its decision
to the student whether orally or in writing.
34.1.11. The Disciplinary Committee may adjourn any proceedings from time to
time on such terms as it thinks fit but will conclude the inquiry within
twenty eight (28) days from the date of commencement.
34.1.13. A student may, in writing, waive any or all of his/her rights during the
disciplinary hearing including the right to appear before the Committee
and to cross-examine witnesses.
34.1.14. If a student who has been served with notice of hearing fails, without
good cause, to appear before the Disciplinary Committee on the date and
place stated in the notice, the Committee may proceed with the hearing
in the absence of the student and may make appropriate orders as it
may deem fit.
35.1.1. The decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be in writing setting out
a summary of the case against the student, any representations made by
the student or his/her witnesses in answer to the Complaint, the factual
conclusions by the Committee; and the reasons for the decision.
35.1.2. A decision that a student has violated this Code can only be made if
there is proof that the student has engaged in the violation alleged.
35.1.3. The standard of proof that shall be used in all discipline cases is the
balance of probabilities, which is the standard of proof used in civil law.
This means that the Security Department or the Disciplinary Committee
will be satisfied that the event occurred if they consider that, on the
evidence available, the occurrence of the event was more likely than not.
35.1.5. The Disciplinary Committee shall take into account any exonerating
factors and/or mitigation made by the student and thereupon make a
final determination of the case including the penalty to be imposed upon
the student.
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35.1.6. Each Disciplinary Committee shall submit to the Senate a report of all
Disciplinary matters handled by the Committee in June and December in
each year.
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36. Penalties
36.1.1. The Disciplinary Committee may mete out such sanctions as are
commensurate with the wrong committed by the student.
36.1.2. The University may, from time to time, modify and/or amend the
complaints which are actionable.
36.1.3. The Disciplinary Committee may order any one or more of the following
penalties upon a student:-
(e) Require the student to pay in whole or part the cost of repair or
replacement of any property that was damaged or stolen.
(i) Postpone, for a specific period of time, the conferment upon the
student of a degree or other award due to the student.
(j) Suspend the student from the University for a specified period of
(k) Expel the student from the University. Expulsion entails the
immediate termination of a student’s registration and the prohibition
of further registration.
(l) Order that the student provides compulsory service to the University
for a specified period of time.
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(m) Recall the degree certificate already awarded to a former student
who had graduated but there emerges sufficient evidence showing
their involvement in examination malpractice including plagiarism.
Provided that the Disciplinary Committee shall take into account the
severity of the violation, the mitigating circumstances by the student,
and shall have discretion to impose a penalty that is appropriate in the
37.1.2. The Appeal shall be in writing, concisely setting out the grounds of
Appeal in a concise manner and shall be in the format set out in
Appendix VII with any necessary modifications. A copy of the Notice of
Violation that was provided to the student by the Security Department as
well as the decision against which the appeal relates shall be attached to
the Appeal.
37.1.3. Within three (3) days from the date of receipt of the Appeal, the Appeals
Disciplinary Committee shall call for a record of the proceedings before
the relevant Disciplinary Committee. The aforesaid record shall be availed
to the Appeals Disciplinary Committee by the relevant Disciplinary
Committee within three (3) days from the date of the request.
37.1.4. Within seven (7) days from the date of receipt of the Appeal, the Appeals
Disciplinary Committee shall issue a written notice of not less than
fourteen (14) days specifying the place, date and time when the student
is required to appear before the Appeals Disciplinary Committee to make
oral representations in support of the Appeal.
37.1.5. The aforesaid written notice shall equally be served upon the Security
Department together with a copy of the grounds of the Appeal. The
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Security Department shall be expected to make representations during
the hearing of the Appeal.
37.1.6. The student who has lodged the appeal shall have the right to begin and
the Security Department shall respond.
38.1.1. The Appeals Disciplinary Committee may dismiss the entire appeal or
part thereof and uphold the decision of the Disciplinary Committee; or
set aside the entire decision of the Disciplinary Committee or part thereof
and vacate or modify the penalty imposed on the student.
38.1.4. The decision of the Appeals Disciplinary Committee shall be final and
there is no further opportunity for appeal against the decision within the
39. Withdrawal of an Appeal
39.1. A student may withdraw his or her request for appeal within three (3) days
from the date of its lodgment with the Students Appeals Disciplinary
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41.1. Any member of a Disciplinary Committee who has any interest, whether
direct or indirect, in a matter under consideration by the Committee shall
as soon as is practicable declare such interest and may not take part in
any consideration, discussion or vote on any question touching on such
42.1. Upon serving a penalty under this Code, the concerned student shall apply
to the Vice Chancellor for readmission and/or discontinuation of any
restriction as the case may be. Such application shall be made by the
affected student timeously.
42.2. The Vice-Chancellor shall respond to the application either allowing readmission
or rejecting the request within a reasonable period.
43. Transition
43.1.1. Upon enactment of this Code, all existing Disciplinary Codes and/or Rules
and Regulations shall immediately cease to have effect and shall be
deemed as withdrawn by the University. Upon enactment, this Code shall
be the only regulatory Code of conduct at the University.
43.1.2. All pending disciplinary proceedings before the existing Committees of the
University shall, at the date of enactment of this Code, be continued with
such necessary modifications as though they were commenced under this
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Provided that any decision, direction or order which was issued, given, or
made pursuant to the provisions of the repealed Disciplinary Codes and/or
Rules and Regulations shall remain valid until otherwise cancelled, revoked,
varied or abolished under this Code.
44.1. The University Council and Senate reserve the right to review, amend,
change or otherwise vary the Students’ Code of Conduct.
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43 | P a g e
Restitution by payment of the total Expulsion and or
ii. Damage to cost of repair and/or damages for loss recommendation for
Property suffered by the University or other Criminal prosecution.
Payment of fine.
Forfeiture of the student’s caution or
other monies deposited with the
Suspension from the University for a
period not exceeding three (3) years.
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warning/caution letter, a reprimand or
severe reprimand.
Restitution by payment of damages/
for any damage or loss suffered by
the University or other party.
Payment of fine.
Deregistration from a programme,
examination or assignment.
Suspension/ revocation of a student’s
admission to the University, award of
a scholarship, academic privilege,
qualification due to the student.
Suspension from the University for a
period not exceeding two (2) years.
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Letter of reprimand.
Compulsory community service
x. Health Services Restitution by payment of damages, Expulsion and
fine or compensation where recommendation for
appropriate. Criminal prosecution.
Suspension from the University for a
period not exceeding three (3) years.
Letter of reprimand
Suspension from participating in the Expulsion and
xi. Sports and games for a specified period. recommendation for
Games Suspension from the University a Criminal prosecution.
period not exceeding three (3) years
and make restitution where practical
or pay damages/fine.
Make restitution where practical or
pay damages/fine. Expulsion and
xii. Financial Letter of reprimand. recommendation for
Matters Suspension from the University for a Criminal prosecution.
Period not exceeding three years.
Make restitution where practical or
pay damages/fine.
46 | P a g e
(Under Section 32.1.1 of the Student’s Code of Conduct)
1. Personal Details
Programme of Study :
(for students only)
Registration No:
(for students only)
2. Your Complaint
A. Please provide a summary of your complaint below (300 words max).
47 | P a g e
B. If you have tried to resolve the complaint in any way, please tell us what you
have done (200 words max)
D. Please explain how you would like your complaint to be resolved (200 words
E. If you are submitting a complaint more than 3 days from when you first became
aware of the problem, please provide a brief explanation for the delay (200
words max).
3. Supporting documentation
Do you wish to submit any supporting documentation for Yes/No
If “Yes”, please tick here to indicate that what you have submitted is
48 | P a g e
(Under Section 32.1.1 of the Student’s Code of Conduct)
Dear XXXX,
It has been reported that on ………………………. between ……….. hours and …………….
hours at the University of Nairobi Students Welfare Authority, sports grounds you
[briefly describe the nature and particulars of the complaint] …………………, in possible
violation of section------------------------- of the Students’ Code of Conduct, 20-
The Security Department has considered the Complaint and decided to initiate an
Inquiry into the matter.
In the course of the Inquiry, you may be summoned by officers from the Security
Department to appear before them to furnish any information or material necessary for
the Inquiry.
Please note that the Vice-Chancellor of the University may impose such restrictions
upon, including precautionary suspension, pending the outcome of the Inquiry and
subsequent disciplinary proceedings under the Code.
Yours sincerely
Copy To:
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs)
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)
Chief Legal Officer
49 | P a g e
Dear XXXX,
It has been reported that on ………………………. between ……….. hours and ……………. hours at
the University of Nairobi Students Welfare Authority, sports grounds you were in possession of
a narcotic drug namely …………………, in possible contravention of section----------------------
--- of the Students’ Code of Conduct, 20---.
You are well aware of the said regulations having signed and declared to abide by the same
upon admission to the University.
If upon conclusion of the Inquiry, a recommendation is made that charges be levelled against
you, you will be invited to appear before the Disciplinary Committee at a date and venue to be
communicated to you.
In the meantime, you are required to keep off from Campus including lecture halls and activities
of the University unless expressly authorized in writing by the Vice Chancellor or his assignee or
until such a time as the investigations/disciplinary process shall be concluded or your
suspension lifted.
You are further advised that this administrative suspension does not bar any relevant state
agency and the University from instituting appropriate criminal charges against yourself.
Yours sincerely
Copy To:
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration & Finance)
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research, Production & Extension)
Director, Institute of Diplomacy & International Studies
Principal, CHSS
Director, ICTC
Dean of Students
Director, SWA
Director, Security & Safety Services
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Legal Officer
Academic Registrar
Deputy Registrar, Examinations (Operations)
Chief Halls Officer
Head, Cost Sharing Section
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NAME: ……………………………….
SCHOOL/FACULTY: ……………………………….
REGISTRATION NO: ……………………………….
6. Designation:______________________________________________________________
51 | P a g e
NAME: ……………………………….
SCHOOL/FACULTY: ……………………………….
REGISTRATION NO: ……………………………….
Particulars of That on or about 2nd February 2019 in Lecture Theatre No. 2 while
the violation sitting an examination namely Ancient History Paper II, you were
found with prohibited notes on the subject namely four folded
foolscaps which contained notes on Ancient History.
6. Designation:______________________________________________________________
52 | P a g e
REGISTRATION NO:………………………………………….
Item Particulars
Item Particulars
Expected date of compliance with the
Date of processing appeal if any
Issued by:…………………………………………………………………
Signed by:…………………………………………………………………
53 | P a g e
54 | P a g e
3 Disclosure of Conflict of
9 Presentation of University’s
case (witnesses and evidence).
14 Committee’s
15 Committee’s Recommendations
17 Communication to ------------------------------------------------------------------------
student/guardian about ------------------------------------------------------------------------
approved committee’s ---------------------------------------------------
The disciplinary action was taken in good faith for
executing a legitimate purpose and aimed at the good of
the society in maintaining students’’ discipline in the
University and shall not render the university liable for
any action, claim or demand whatsoever.
Approved: ………………………………………….
56 | P a g e
1 Chairperson’s remarks – (Procedure The disciplinary power of the university is derived from
of the disciplinary process) the Universities Act 2012, the University of Nairobi
Charter 2013 and the Students’ Code Of Conduct
governing the conduct and Discipline of Students. Also,
at the time of admission, a Student executes a Bond
binding himself/herself to observe the rules and
Regulations governing the conduct of the Student while
at the University.
9 Committee’s
10 Committee’s Recommendations
58 | P a g e
DATE: ______________
APPEAL NO………….OF 20………………
NAME: ………………………………………
SCHOOL/FACULTY: ………………………………………..
REGISTRATION NO: ………………………………………..
Date …………………………………….
{Copies of the Notice of Violation and the Decision of the Disciplinary
Committee attached}
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