Student Handbook
Student Handbook
Student Handbook
It includes policies, procedures, advice and/or guidance that students are expected to follow
in the proper conduct of University business.
Please note that this Handbook contains important information for all students who are
registered on or after 1 August 2017. This Handbook supersedes all previous General
Student Handbooks issued by the University.
The information in this handbook is of a general nature and is applicable to all students of the
University, whether they are based on the Cranfield campus, at the Defence Academy facilities
at Shrivenham, or elsewhere. It is designed to provide high level information about a range of
important topics, and should be read alongside other more detailed information published on the
intranet, documents produced by the Schools for their own students, information contained in
individual handbooks for specific courses, and other information and handbooks produced by
other areas of the University, including Education Services, Campus Services and Information
Services. It does not cover social, medical and recreational facilities, details of which are
published separately on the intranet.
Much of the information included is based on the University Laws, which can be found on the
University’s website. These are reviewed and approved from time to time by the Counci l and
Senate of the University, which has overall jurisdiction on all student matters. Revisions are
normally publicised to students through announcements on the intranet.
Every effort has been made to ensure that information given in this handbook is correct at the
time of going to press, but it may be subject to change and amendment. In cases of doubt, users
should contact the following people:
Cranfield Shrivenham
The central University authorities will communicate with students through the following means:
It is therefore important that you regularly access these facilities. Please ensure you regularly visit
the University intranet and access your email account (or ensure mail is
forwarded on to you).
If you are a student on a taught course, the course team will outline additional communication
routes for all matters relating directly to your course of study. This may include Outlook groups,
specific email addresses for the course (academic and administrative staff) and portals and other
information in a virtual learning environment (VLE; either Blackboard or Moodle, depending on
your course).
If you are a research student, you will be appointed a Supervisor, who will be a key and regular
contact for you during your studies. Your Supervisor is also part of a small “supervisory team” who
will meet with you at least annually to review your progress with you. Your Supervisor will also alert
you to other sources of information and support, usually including a School research office contact.
Education Services will, through your Academic team and SAS team, communicate by email with
you on a number of subjects relevant and important to your studies, which you may not opt out of.
The topics Education Services will contact you about will include, but are not limited to:
The intranet also provides a wealth of information about how the University operates and can
support you in your studies. Look down the right hand navigation of the home page and explore
these pages early on in your studies.
In the “Academic Matters” section of the intranet, you will find a range of user-friendly Student
Handbooks (under “Student Rules and Regulations), alongside a range of other online advice and
support covering all aspects of being a student at Cranfield University. You are strongly encouraged
to familiarise yourself with the range of guidance available to you.
The academic work of the University is located in Schools, based primarily at the campus at
Cranfield, or at the Defence Academy at Shrivenham. The four Schools are each led by a Pro-
Vice-Chancellor (see above).
Your education activities are therefore overseen by at least two Pro-Vice-Chancellors of the
Within each School, your education provision is overseen by either a Director of Education (for
students on taught programmes of study) or a Director of Research (for students on individual
programmes of supervised research):
They are responsible for the quality of the education you receive, and for ensuring that resources
are available for you to receive a high quality student experience in all aspects of your study and/or
You are automatically a member of the Cranfield Students’ Association (CSA). This is a
constitutional body of the University set up under the terms of the Royal Charter. It has the power
to make representations to the Senate and other bodies of the University to voice student opinion
and raise issues of concern. The CSA represents Cranfield students wherever they are located.
The President of the CSA for 2017 – 2018 is Ali Alderete Peralta. The Cranfield campus and the
Shrivenham facilities each have their own Vice-Presidents, who are elected by the students at
those respective locations, along with a number of other student officers with specific remits. As a
member of the CSA, you are also a member of the National Union of Students (NUS). The NUS
provides representation to government and promotes the interests of students nationally.
Any student wishing to opt out of membership of the Cranfield Students’ Association or of any other
“students’ union”, may do so by giving written notification to the Academic Registrar. The
University will endeavour to ensure that any student who has opted out of membership of the CSA
is not unfairly disadvantaged.
Senate is the University’s primary committee for managing the academic provision of the
University, and is chaired by the Chief Executive and Vice-Chancellor. It includes all professorial
members of academic staff and a number of elected staff members. The CSA President, Vice-
Presidents and School Representatives are members of Senate. In addition, most members of the
CSA Executive are members of one of the standing committees of Senate (Education Committee,
Research Committee and the Student Experience Committee).
Each School has a system of course representation amongst their students to ensure that the
issues affecting the student body are communicated effectively.
Selection of representatives varies between Schools and courses. Students should speak to their
School directly to find out more information about their representatives.
Course representatives communicate with the CSA via their CSA School representatives to bring
issues to the attention of academic staff. The CSA provides training, support and advice to all
representatives as required.
This document was developed by the CSA in conjunction with key staff of the University. It
represents a shared understanding of the role, rights and responsibilities of an individual student,
and how this relates to the roles, rights and responsibilities of the University and of the Students’
Association. It covers aspects of academic life and living within the University community. It is
supplemented by a wealth of information on the intranet, as signposted in the Charter.
Comments and questions about the “Working Together” document can be submitted to the
Academic Registrar, or the CSA General Manager, Dr Martin Davey.
a) any action or activity which is in breach of a rule or regulation issued by or on behalf of the
University (in the form of formal regulations or supplementary Handbooks or policies, such
as this one)
b) behaviour which is disorderly or otherwise disruptive to the proper functioning of the
University or any of its activities
c) behaviour which might reasonably be expected to be harmful, threatening or offensive, or
which causes harm or distress to any member of the University or to any other person
connected with the University
d) behaviour which causes harm or damage to University property, including University halls of
e) cheating in examinations, or in the preparation and submission of any assessed work
(whether coursework, groupwork or thesis), including the submission by a student of the
academic work of another person as if it were his or her own and without acknowledgement
(i.e. plagiarism).
All allegations of misconduct are dealt with in the first instance by a Disciplinary Officer who may
summon the student concerned to appear before him or her to hear the details of the allegation,
and to answer any questions relating to it. Full details of the management of such misconduct are
outlined in Senate Handbooks: you will be provided with these in the event of an allegation, but
they are available on the intranet under the section headed “Academic matters”.
Further advice and support is available from staff in Education Services or from the CSA.
The Senate Handbook (available on the intranet) that relates specifically to acceptable student
behaviour is:
All students are advised that academic staff and other professional staff of the University are
expected to observe a Code of Professional Conduct. This covers situations where there is a
family relationship, sexual/romantic relationship or other association with a student that goes
beyond the normal professional association between staff and students. A copy of the Code may
be obtained from the Human Resources Department.
All students and staff are bound by Shrivenham Station Standing Orders, Routine Orders, the
Cranfield University Code of Conduct and, for military personnel, Queen’s Regulations and the
Armed Forces Act. In most cases a breach of the Cranfield University Code of Conduct will
also constitute a breach of Queen’s Regulations and/or the Armed Forces Act. In particular,
students and faculty personnel are to be aware that breaches of Shrivenham Station Standing
Orders, Routine Orders, Queen’s Regulations, the Armed Forces Act or the Cranfield
University Code of Conduct (as applicable) may result in exclusion from the
establishment. Further detail can be found at http://dais/shrivenhamstation/default.aspx.
If you act in this way, the University may take steps to discipline you, which may result in a fine or
exclusion from the University (see Section 4.2).
If you feel that your studies, or general activities as a member of the University, are not proceeding
satisfactorily, you should discuss the matter in the first instance with the members of staff directly
concerned. The University is committed to resolving concerns at the earliest opportunity, and at the
Version 9.0 September 2017 General Student Handbook 11
local level wherever possible. The Student Advice Centre can offer advice and where appropriate,
mediation services to help facilitate a resolution at an early stage.
In particular, problems relating to academic progress must be raised at the time they occur, so they
can be investigated and appropriate action taken. University examiners will not normally be in a
position to take account of problems that were not notified by the student at the time that they
Where concerns are not resolved locally, the University has established mechanisms for complaints
to be managed more formally.
The Senate Handbook (available on the intranet) that relates specifically to student complaints is:
Further guidance on submitting formal complaints can also be obtained from staff in Education
Services and the CSA.
Cranfield Shrivenham
All students and their dependents that There is no University-owned student
reside in on-campus accommodation are accommodation at the Defence
expected to adhere to the full terms and Academy. If you require information
conditions for the use of campus about letting agents and local people with
accommodation as set out in their rooms to let in the Shrivenham area,
tenancy agreement. The information please see
about University-owned accommodation
below applies solely to the Cranfield campus/life-at-
campus. shrivenham/accommodation.
or contact
Students in campus accommodation are
required to watch an online fire training
video as part of their e-induction and
complete a questionnaire before
receiving their tenancy agreement. The remaining information about
university-owned accommodation below
applies solely to the Cranfield campus.
You will not be permitted to occupy any category of University-owned residential accommodation
for a period greater than your period of registration, or for more than two years, unless an
application for extension of occupancy has been submitted and approved. Applications for an
extension may only be submitted within the six months prior to the end of the occupancy period.
Approval will be subject to the demand for residential accommodation for new students in the next
academic year. If approval is given it will be for a period of no longer than twelve months per
All students (and their dependents and visitors) living in or visiting University-owned
accommodation are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which shows respect and
consideration and does not discredit or place fellow residents or staff in danger. Failure to maintain
this expected standard will be in breach of the terms of the tenancy agreement signed by each
resident upon accepting the accommodation. Some examples of misconduct are:
The holding of unofficial parties which regularly and unreasonably impact upon fellow
Failure to pay accommodation charges at the required times and being in debt to the
Any breach of the tenancy agreement will, in the first instance, be dealt with by the relevant
supervisor or manager. Depending on the severity or regularity of the breach this could lead to
referral to the Accommodation Manager who has the right to request a meeting with the
individual(s) to discuss the allegation. If the Accommodation Manager finds the allegation to be
valid, they may impose a fine or warning. If the allegation is serious and/or warrants further
investigation, the Accommodation Manager may refer this to the Director of Campus Services
which could lead to expulsion from the accommodation.
Smoking is therefore prohibited in all University buildings, University-owned vehicles and within 3
metres of any University building. At the Defence Academy, Shrivenham, smoking is only
permitted in the designated areas. The policy can be found in full on the intranet.
The University expects students to engage with their studies and to attend the various learning
opportunities provided by their course. The University believes this is key to successful course
completion. Any student may have their registration suspended or terminated because of concerns
about academic progress, lack of attendance or lack of contact with the course or research team. In
addition, the University has particular licence obligations with respect to students who hold with a
Tier 4 visa for monitoring, recording and reporting attendance.
For the purposes of attendance monitoring, the University treats formal face to face interaction with
an Academic member of staff as a contact point.
Different processes exist for Taught and Research students, summarized below.
A meeting between the student and their supervisor(s) should take place at least once per month,
and be minuted by the student. The student should provide a record of the meeting within the
agreed timescale (normally two weeks) to the Supervisor and Student Academic Support (SAS)
Lead, who will record that the meeting has taken place.
Should a student miss 2 consecutive supervisor/student meetings their supervisor will contact the
SAS team, who will investigate why meetings have been missed and what the next appropriate
steps may be. For students on a Tier 4 visa, the SAS team will notify the Student Immigration and
Funding (SIF) team, who will contact the student requesting that they contact SIF within a defined
time frame (normally two weeks). If the student does not contact the SIF team, the withdrawal of the
University’s Tier 4 sponsorship of that student would commence.
The process differs slightly for the different stages of a Taught course.
For taught modules, students need to sign taught module registers, which are stored centrally by the
SAS team.
For Group Projects students need to sign the group meeting attendance sign in sheets, which will be
stored centrally by the SAS team.
At the Thesis stage, students and supervisors should meet at least once per month. These meetings
should be supported by written evidence of actions/agreements provided by the student, and copied
to the SAS Lead, who will record that a meeting has taken place.
5.2.2 Interventions
If a student misses 2 consecutive contact points within one calendar month (for taught modules and
group projects) or two consecutive supervisor meetings the SAS team, in liaison with the Course
Director, will look into why meetings have been missed and what the next appropriate steps may be.
For students on a Tier 4 visa, the SAS team will notify the Student Immigration and Funding (SIF)
team, who will contact the student requesting that they contact SIF within a defined time frame
(normally one week). If the student does not contact the SIF team, the withdrawal of the University’s
Tier 4 sponsorship of that student would commence.
It is therefore important to register with a doctor as soon as possible after your arrival. Lists of GP
services local to both Cranfield and Shrivenham are provided on the intranet. There is no charge
for registration with a doctor.
The University also contracts external providers to support the welfare needs of students, through
personal counselling.
Face-to-Face Counselling
A professional and confidential counselling service is available to all students free of charge, offering
help with social, personal or emotional concerns.
Cranfield Shrivenham
Barrie Hopwood Allways Counselling Service
07808 766067
Teresa Townsend
07958 303487
Welfare support is also available through the CSA, who are able to assist students with all non-
academic problems. Issues affecting a large group of students may be dealt with through the
elected Welfare Officer or International Students’ Officer as required. Individual or small group
issues may be addressed through CSA staff or Officers as appropriate.
The University’s Student Advice Centre also offers information and guidance on a wide range of
academic, welfare and personal issues including; specific support needs (e.g. childcare, disability),
complaints and appeals, networking with other students and general advice on welfare matters. For
further details see the intranet or contact:
The University collects, holds and processes a range of personal data about all students. It
complies with national legislation about how it collects, stores and shares this information (the Data
Protection Act 1998).
The collection and processing of data is necessary for the purposes of admission to the University,
registration and the student experience (including student opinion and representation), and all
aspects of administering the University’s courses, and the provision of facilities and services for
students, up to and including examinations and graduation. The University reserves the right to
use data for other purposes directly related to the effective management of its business: where
practicable and possible, it will aim to notify students of such uses in advance, usually through
announcements on the intranet. It will routinely share information with the Cranfield Students’
Association for the proper conduct of CSA affairs.
All data is also retained for some time after students finish their courses, in case queries aris e, and
a sub-set of the data is retained indefinitely, so that the University may maintain contact with its
alumni and in order to enable details of degrees awarded to be confirmed in later years.
All the data held and processed by the University is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998. In
accordance with this act the University has notified the office of the Information Commissioner of
the types of data held, and the purposes for which data is retained and processed. Unless directly
related to University business, personal data, including photographs, will not normally be released
to a third party without the express permission of the person concerned. There are some specific
areas where data is shared outside the University: the main ones are:
1. The University will share information about applicant and student progress with recruitment
agents, or other similar representatives, if students have engaged with such agents as part
of the application process.
2. The University will share information about student progress and achievement with financial
sponsors who have paid some or all of the tuition fee (e.g. UK research councils, an
employer or a scholarship provider). If a student is sponsored by the Defence Academy
(Ministry of Defence, UK), the University will share personal data, academic progress data,
and data relating to any instances of misconduct with the Defence Academy. This will
include (but not be limited to) cases of lack of academic progression, failure to attend
courses and cases of academic or other forms of misconduct. Defence Academy staff also
regularly attend committees of the University charged with managing the academic
provision of its sponsored students.
3. The University will share student details with companies or organisations that support the
University in delivering its services to students, including education, information and campus
services. It also shares student details with partners involved in the delivery of its academic
courses. In all cases, the University ensures that such data management is rigorously
controlled through formal contractual arrangements, and retains responsibility for the good
management of student information.
5. The University is sometimes also required to provide data directly to sponsoring bodies,
such as the Higher Education Funding Council for England, and the UK Research Councils.
6. The University also sometimes uses third party companies to process the data for specific
7. The University is also required by law to share data with external agencies. Examples
include local authorities for council tax and the Home Office (for students attending the
University on a Tier 4 visa) and, if you make an external complaint about the University, the
Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education. All such transfers are governed
by security and contractual controls and are managed in accordance with the Data
Protection Act 1998.
8. The University will provide student contact details to ranking agencies and
accreditation bodies as required.
Students have a right to see their personal information held by the University. Any requests to see
this information may be submitted formally to the University Data Protection Officer by completing
an ‘Access to Personal Data’ form, which can be downloaded from the intranet.
Recording of lectures, classes, guest speakers, group work with others and examinations (including
oral examinations) is only permitted where you have gained the explicit consent of all of those
present. Secret or unauthorised recordings may lead to a disciplinary investigation of your
behaviour. Students who have special support needs may be granted permission to record lectures
without gaining the consent of all present. Such students are instructed that recordings are for
study purposes only and are required to delete these recordings once no longer required.
Information may also be accessed where you are absent from the University for a long period
unexpectedly: students should make arrangements to ensure that appropriate file sharing with
other staff and students is set up in advance of any planned absences.
The University’s IT policies, including the IT Users Policy can be found on the intranet.
Cranfield Shrivenham
The Student Finance Team in the Details of the payment policy can be
Finance Department, Building 31 found in your offer letter.
( is
responsible for raising invoices for
course fees for long course students,
rent invoices and for making any bursary
or travel and subsistence payments due
to students.
Payment by bank transfer
Any payments to be made to the
University can be paid into the following
bank accounts held at National
Westminster Bank Plc, Cranfield
University Branch:
GBP Bank Code: 60-06-56
Account: 00516228
IBAN: GB38 NWBK 6006 5600 5162
Cranfield Shrivenham
Cranfield Shrivenham
A health and safety guide for all A health and safety guide for all students
students studying at the Cranfield studying at the Defence Academy can be
campus can be found here: found here:
ealth%20and%20Safety/Handbook201 Documents/CDS%20Health%20and%20S
6V2.0CU-SHE-BPG-3.11.pdf afety%20Handbook%20LR%20linked%20
Some schools also have local health
and safety intranet sites which you In addition to the general University
should be shown in your local Health and Safety policy and procedures,
inductions. site specific arrangements are in place at
the Defence Academy, which can be
found on the Defence Academy intranet
The fire alarm in the Halls of Residence is a high-pitched intermittent note sounding throughout the
building. When an alarm sounds all persons are required to leave the building at once. Lifts should
not be used.
Fire Safety equipment must not be tampered with in any way. Interference with extinguishers,
alarms, safety signs or any such equipment will incur disciplinary action and financial penalties.
Within on-campus accommodation, cooking is restricted to those areas designated as kitchens and
is not allowed in study bedroom areas. All electrical appliances in these kitchens are subject to
portable appliance testing. Instructions are available and Residential Services team are on hand to
assist if necessary. In the interests of safety, cooking should never be left unattended and fire
doors must be kept closed at all times.
During your time at the University please help us to keep the campus clean and green by making
sure you put all rubbish into the correct bins – this includes designated bins for cigarette butts –
please make sure these are not alight before placing them in the bin. Recycling bins are provided in
Halls of Residence and within communal areas throughout the University buildings.
Before you buy a car to commute to the University, please take a moment to consider the public
transport options to reach the campus. Go to to search for available public
transport options.
Cranfield Shrivenham
The University subsidises the Cranfield The Stagecoach bus service between
Connect bus service from campus to Milton Oxford and Swindon stops at Shrivenham.
Keynes, Flitwick, Newport Pagnell, Cranfield Further details are available from:
village, Bedford and villages in between.
Further details on travel to campus are find-Cranfield/How-to-find-Shrivenham
available on the intranet site at:
Services > Transport
If you live off campus and cannot travel to campus by public transport the University encourages
staff and students to share their car journeys to campus with other members of the University. The
University is registered for the liftshare network database which can be found at If you live off campus, please sign up to this website using your
University email address and follow the instructions to find car share partners from your local area.
Designated ‘Car-Share’ parking spaces are available. To use these spaces, please gain a ‘Car-
Share’ permit from security – Building 26.
Make sure that you read the rules for cyclist stated in the Highway Code.
Remember you must cycle on the left side of the road. Cycling on the right is illegal.
Ensure that, if you are cycling at night, you wear a high visibility vest and your cycle is fitted
with properly-working lights at the front and rear of the bike.
High visibility vests are available free of charge from Cranfield Students’ Association, the
Library or the Fitness Centre.
Students from outside the UK bringing their own vehicles into the country are reminded to be aware
of checking their tax and insurance liabilities under UK law - this will depend on how long your
vehicle is in the UK. Visit the following site for more information:
The Highway Code provides legal rules of the roads in England, Scotland and Wales that must be
followed: It details specific rules for using the roads
including overtaking, road junctions, roundabouts, pedestrian crossings, reversing, etc.
The University reserves the right to refuse access by any vehicle to any part of its road system and
to remove any vehicle which is not moved on request. Permission to enter is given by way of an
appropriate registration disc and is given on condition that the University shall not be responsible
for any loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents. Permission may be withdrawn at any time at
the University’s discretion.
The speed limit at both locations is 20 miles per hour and must be adhered to at all times.
Cranfield Shrivenham
All accidents involving vehicles and Speed checks are carried out from time to
which lead to personal injury and/or time, and anyone speeding could have
damage to University property are to their right to bring their car onto the site
be reported to the Security Gatehouse removed.
(Ext 2201) immediately. Accidents
involving University vehicles are also to Accidents involving vehicles should be
be reported to the Transport Section. reported through the Accident/Incident
report form, which can be found on the
No vehicle or person is allowed on to H&S Intranet.
the airfield, including the perimeter
track, unless duly authorised by Air
Traffic Control.
Students travelling abroad in this capacity should request their School to complete an online Travel
Notification Form on their behalf prior to the start date of the journey. This form can also be found
on the intranet. This form will only be considered if it is completed by a member of staff: forms
submitted by students will not be considered. If you require a visa to travel you should also request
a Letter of Indemnity in your application for insurance.
You should download a guide to the insurance cover and take it with you on your journey.
You are not insured by the University for private travel. You are not insured by the University in
connection with sports or social activities, and the University accepts no liability in this respect. The
CSA provides very limited, largely third party, insurance for sports activities, where a student is
officially representing the University. You are advised, however, to obtain your own insurance
cover to protect yourself against personal injury and loss of work or study time.
You should also note that the University’s insurance arrangements do not cover your personal
possessions; you are strongly advised to take out your own insurance cover in this respect.
However, as part of the package for students and their families living in University-owned
accommodation insurance is provided to cover students’ personal belongings across the whole site.
The charge for this insurance is invoiced as a one-off payment for the year.
The University will provide a collaborative and supportive working and learning environment, which
embeds equality of opportunity and the rights of individuals in all its operations and treats everyone
with dignity and respect.
The University aims to promote an inclusive learning, teaching and working environment in which
students and staff are not disadvantaged or treated unfavourably on the basis of their gender, race,
nationality, ethnic or national origin, religious or political beliefs, disability, marital status, social
background, family circumstance, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age or for any other
Teaching, learning and working environments and practices are reviewed on a regular basis to
ensure that students do not experience barriers to full participation in the life of the University and
to ensure that the skills and potential of all students are developed fully.
The University is receptive to, and actively seeks, feedback from students on diversity issues and it
values their help in putting the University’s Equality and Diversity policy into practice. Furthermore,
there are a number of policies and procedures in place to support students from all backgrounds,
as well as specific support mechanisms in place for disabled students (including mental health and
dyslexia) e.g. Learning Support Officers and Student Advisors, who are also available for students
who would like to talk to somebody about any inappropriate behaviours that they may have
experienced. Details of these can be found on the University intranet.
The Senate Handbooks (available on the intranet) that relate specifically to equality and diversity
Within this period of registration, there is a formal “period of study”: this is the period of time
outlined on your registration form at the start of the studies, and for which you pay tuition fees.
accepts the terms of the offer of admission and will comply with the Laws of the University
and other rules properly issued by or on behalf of the University that may be in force from
time to time
will pursue his or her studies with due application and diligence
will agree to any medical examinations relevant to the undertaking of his or her course, if
and when required by the University, and will agree to the results of any examination being
made known to the University
will pay all tuition fees (including all fees for registration, tuition and initial assessment during
the specified registration period) and other charges as notified and when due. Changes to
registration, extensions and additional tuition and assessment may require additional fees.
It is your responsibility to ensure that Registry are kept appraised of all changes to your name and
contact details subsequent to initial registration and at least until you leave the University at the end
of your studies or at graduation. You should update your details through the EVE portal.
Acceptance of registration by the University signifies that, subject to the University Laws and to any
particular conditions specified, the University will do its best:
Our programme of courses is subject to continuing development and changed circumstances may
necessitate cancellation or alteration to the programme of courses. We reserve the right to make
variations if such action is considered necessary and in such circumstances will take all reasonable
steps to minimise any resultant disruption.
All students should familiarise themselves with the course or study requirement outlined in
University, School and course-level information.
Should you wish that any of the details of your studies, and therefore your period of study and
registration, be changed at any stage you should discuss the matter in the first instance with your
Student and Academic Support Lead (SAS team) in your School. Subsequently, a formal request
for change must be submitted for approval.
Changes to registration will only be granted for good reasons and applications must be submitted
with evidence as soon as it is apparent that a change to registration is needed.
Agreement to any change in registration must not be assumed to have been given unless it has
been formally notified to the student by the Academic Registrar or a person clearly acting on their
Course transfers (i.e. from one MSc course to another) are normally only approved if requested
within the first month of study.
The Handbooks outlined above also outline circumstances where the University may act to
terminate your registration early, with or without your permission.
Interested students should speak to their Cranfield supervisor in the first instance and then make
contact with
sending and receiving institutions to sign with you before you leave a Learning Agreement
setting out the details of your planned activities abroad, including the credits to be achieved.
not to have to pay fees to your host university for tuition, registration and examinations, or
for access to laboratory and library facilities during your Erasmus studies.
full academic recognition from your home university for satisfactorily completed activities
during the Erasmus mobility period, in accordance with the Learning/Training Agreement.
to be given a transcript of records at the end of your activities abroad, covering the
studies/work carried out and signed by your host institution/enterprise. This will record your
results with the credits and grades achieved. If the placement was not part of the normal
curricula, the period will at least be recorded in the Diploma Supplement.
to be treated and served by your host university in the same way as their home students.
to have access to the Erasmus University Charter and Erasmus Policy Statement of your
home and host universities.
your student grant or loan from your home country to be maintained while you are abroad.
respect the rules and obligations of your Erasmus grant agreement with your home university
or your National Agency.
ensure that any changes to the Learning/Training Agreement are agreed in writing with both
the home and host institutions immediately as they occur.
spend the full study/placement period as agreed at the host university/enterprise, including
undergoing the relevant examinations or other forms of assessment, and respect its rules
and regulations.
write a report on your Erasmus study/placement period abroad when you return and provide
feedback if requested by your home university, the European Commission or the National
The University, however, will generally allow unrestricted access to this work once it has been
examined. The publication of the work of students is strongly encouraged, but permission must be
obtained from the relevant academic advisers of the student on behalf of the University.
Where student work is the result of publicly-funded research, it is an expectation that the reports,
publications or other outputs will be placed in the public domain.
The University also provides guidance on the general academic standards required and information
on the “prescribed form” and the length of theses.
You should also note that if and when you undertake work sponsored by a commercial partner or
similar organisation, you will be required to observe all conditions of Cranfield’s contract with the
Sponsor, including confidentiality.
All assessed work must be your own work, except where exceptions are allowed and stated
explicitly. Plagiarism (i.e. the use, without acknowledgement, of the intellectual work of other
people, and the act of representing the ideas or discoveries of others as one's own in any work
submitted for assessment or presented for publication) is a form of academic misconduct and is not
acceptable, and will normally result in failure of the work by the exami ners and disciplinary action.
You are particularly advised at the outset of your studies to familiarise yourself with the Senate
Handbook on Academic Misconduct, and take advantage of the courses and tools offered by the
University to help you understand the definitions of academic misconduct and how to avoid it.
Further details are available on the intranet.
Your responsibilities
Pass criteria
Retake opportunities
Examination, Assignment and Thesis procedures
Exceptional circumstances procedure
It is important that you familiarise yourself with the Student Handbook on Assessment Rules (Taught
Courses) and ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities in relation to assessment.
Late submission, failure to submit or failure to attend an examination may result in your mark
being capped or even failure of the award, it is therefore extremely important that you
familiarise yourself with the Assessment Rules handbook.
Students are required to submit their work electronically (unless otherwise stated) by the deadline
given in their course handbooks. It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is submitted on
time. Your submission deadline may be at a time when IT support is unavailable from the University;
therefore it is advisable to submit during normal working hours. Should you be unable to submit your
work due to technical difficulties only immediately before a deadline outside of working hours you
should email the work, an explanation of the issue and screenshots showing the problem faced to
your Course Director.
All candidates for a degree or other academic distinction of the University must have examiners
formally appointed for them. A “Board of Examiners” will include both internal examiners (i.e.
members of academic staff) and one or more external examiners who are independent of the
University. One of the main responsibilities of external examiners is to ensure that the assessment
system is fair and is fairly operated.
On no account may any candidate make direct representation to any examiner in relation to
appeals or complaints about his or her examinations. Any such communication must be made to
the Academic Registrar.
Detailed instructions for candidates undertaking written examinations are issued annually in the
Senate Student Handbook on Assessment Rules (Taught Courses) and can be found on the
intranet. Each candidate at a written examination must comply with the instructions of the attending
invigilator or invigilators, who may expel him or her from the examination if he or she fails to do so.
A candidate found to have cheated or plagiarised may be disqualified from receiving any award.
If a candidate is prevented by exceptional circumstances from completing all or part of his or her
assessments, it is the candidate’s responsibility to report the matter to his or her SAS Lead in
writing as soon as practicable, who will advise them accordingly.
After completion of written examinations and/or presentation of his or her thesis or other written
work, a candidate must hold himself or herself available to attend for oral examination or to reply to
examiners’ questions by correspondence, if and when required, and must for this purpose ensure
that Registry has his or her contact details.
Guidance notes concerning the oral examination of research students can be found in the Senate
Handbook on Managing Research Students.
Students registered for courses leading to the degrees of PhD, EngD, DBA, DM or MPhil, and
those undertaking MSc courses which consist principally of an individual supervised programme of
research (i.e. “MSc by research”), are known as “Research Students”. All such students should
note the University’s policy on the responsibilities of postgraduate research students and of their
supervisors, as set out in the Senate Handbook on Managing Research Students.
Research students should note the importance of completing their work within the period of
registration, and of submitting their theses on time. Research students must submit their thesis by
the last day of registration. An additional fee is required for any additional period of registration.
All research students will be sent an email prompt advising that they should give three months’
notice in writing before they submit their theses; forms for this purpose are available from Registry.
This helps to ensure that suitable examiners are identified and appointed in good time. Failure to
give due notice may result in a delay in the examination of the thesis. Research students who do
not submit at the end of the initial period of registration have no automatic right to remain in
accommodation that was allocated to them as normal full-time students, or to have their registration
extended, or have their work examined if handed in at a later date. Extensions to either registration
(if further research is required) or extensions to the thesis hand-in-date must be applied for in
Because procedures for complaint and redress during the study period (which should normally be
dealt with as and when they arise) exist (see section 4.6), alleged inadequacy of tuition, supervision
or other arrangements during the period of study will not constitute grounds for appeal unless there
are exceptional reasons for the matter that do not emerge until after the examination.
A certificate certifying that a degree or other academic distinction has been awarded will be issued
at Graduation, following conferral of the award by a board of examiners (for taught awards) or
thesis examiners (for research awards). The achievement of an academic distinction is celebrated
at t he formal Graduation ceremony presided over by the Chancellor and honorary guests.
A transcript (or an electronic record of student achievement) will also be provided at the time that
you are notified of your results by Registry. These records will give details of the results for
individual modules, in relation to taught courses using the marking scale specified in each course
handbook. In addition, it will record the overall result.
Only one copy of each certificate of conferment will be issued, and this should be carefully
safeguarded. If a certificate is subsequently damaged, a replacement may be issued provided that
the original is returned and due payment made. A change of name subsequent to the conferment
of a degree does not constitute grounds for the issue of a new certificate.
If you have an outstanding fee debt with the university, you will not receive notification of your
award or supporting documentation until your fee debt has been cleared with the University.
The Cranfield University alumni portal ( is your gateway to the alumni
community and our world-class programme of lifelong services, including: an online alumni directory
enabling you to research and make contact with fellow alumni; our varied programme of social and
learning events; and access to our range of social networks, providing opportunities to interact and
engage with alumni.
You will receive your login details for the portal shortly after the beginning of your course. The
Alumni Relations and Development Office can be contacted on extension 4324, at, or in Building 111 on Cranfield campus.
18 Education Services
18.1 Location
Education Services is based in building 45 on the Cranfield campus, and in the Slim Building at the
Defence Academy, Shrivenham. Many of the services offered by Education Services are also
offered online through the intranet (see under “Academic Matters”), so you don’t need to visit the
offices for most of your needs.
Any matters relating to changes to your registration and studies are normally managed directly with
your Student and Academic Support Lead and academic advisers in the School. Education
Services is usually involved in communicating to you the formal outcomes and decisions of the
University, this includes changes to your registration, and confirmation of your final award and
graduation details.
Generally, Education Services also provides to you on request official confirmation of your studies
and other official documentation you or your sponsors may need. This includes:
provide you with confirmation for on-site security services, to renew or replace your ID cards;
manage formal student complaints and academic appeals;
formally receive your final thesis submission if you are a research student;
communicate with you about your final award, and provide you with the official academic
record (transcript);
communicate with you about graduation, and provide you with the official award certificate;
provide confirmation of your studies directly to your current or future employers.
The Student Advisers offer information, advice and guidance on a wide range of academic and
personal issues including; how to meet academic challenges, specific support needs (e.g. childcare,
disability), complaints and appeals, networking with other students and general advice on welfare
The Student Advice Centre is based in Education Services, building 45 on the Cranfield campus,
and in the Slim building at Shrivenham and is available to all students, either full-time or part-time.
Advice and guidance to international students, and particularly students on Tier 4 or student visas,
is provided by the Student Immigration and Funding team, based in Education Services at the
Cranfield campus.
International students must adhere to the immigration rules for their particular visa. Students
should take responsibility to ensure that they have the correct immigration status which enables
them to study in the UK for the full duration of the course.
Under the Tier 4 (General) rules of the Points Based System of immigration, Cranfield University is
required to report changes in circumstance to the UK Government.
Students registered with the University on a Tier 4 visa must comply with all of their conditions of
entry into the UK. The University will maintain regular oversight of your studies to review whether
you are complying with those conditions. Tier 4 students who withdraw or suspend their
registration are usually required by the UK Government to leave the UK as soon as possible.
Please note that the immigration rules change regularly and you should always seek advice
from the Student Immigration and Funding team in Education Services if you have concerns
about your current or future immigration status.
Information Services offer high levels of customer service from helpful, knowledgeable staff who
are committed to supporting your learning and research. They undertake to deal with all customers
openly, fairly, and with empathy for the individual situation. Part time learners and those studying
away from the campus will find our technology solutions are designed to fully support their
academic experience and they will also be offered modified library services to meet their particular
needs. Support is also offered to students with disabilities, including adjustments to services where
In addition Information Services also provides one-to-one and group training to help you make the
most of using both IT and library services.
19.1 IT facilities
Flexible modern learning spaces suitable for both individual and group study, with high speed
campus networking and wireless coverage, contribute to the study environment at Cranfield.
A dedicated IT support desk is your first point of contact to resolve any technical problems you
might experience, including support for connecting personal devices to University services.
Students are provided with access to facilities such as email, file storage, virtual learning
environments, high performance computing facilities, collaboration and learning tools, and access
to leading specialist software. These services are accessible from any computer in any location,
provided that you are connected to the Internet. You will need your Cranfield network username
and password in order to login.
Use of IT facilities is subject to the University’s Acceptable Use Policy which all students sign as
part of their pre-registration process. Further details and a copy of the policy are available on the
intranet at
IT services at the Defence Academy are split between Cranfield University and SERCO
Information and Technology Services (for the Defence Academy). Consequently, whilst the
University’s IT policies apply here, Shrivenham students are additionally bound by the
Defence Academy’s security policies.
Further details of these policies are available on the Defence Academy intranet
The libraries aim to provide online content and library stock which evolves to meet the needs of
faculty and students. They provide access to a comprehensive range of subject databases, full-text
electronic journals, electronic books, and an efficient document delivery service. Where possible, all
electronic resources are accessible and searchable online from anywhere. They also hold print
collections of books, journals and reports.
A number of online training resources are accessible 24/7 from any computer. Additionally the
libraries offer a number of special training sessions which enable students to take full advantage of
all the available Library resources. These sessions will equip students with skills that are not only
vital for maximising success on their courses but are also valued by employers, so developing
these skills will benefit future career progression.
The libraries are not only an important source of information but also play a major role in helping to
raise the visibility and impact of research undertaken at Cranfield. Staff members are happy to
provide advice and support on the best places to publish your research.
For reasons of safety, please be aware that children under the age of 12 are not allowed in the
Kings Norton Library on the Cranfield campus.
Cranfield Shrivenham
Careers support from the University Career Development Service is available to all students and you
are encouraged to proactively engage with our team throughout your studies.
Cranfield Shrivenham
Careers resources for SATM and Careers resources are located in the
SWEE are located in the Kings Norton Barrington Library.
Library. Careers resources for SOM are
located on the 1 st floor of building 111.
It is the priority of the Career Development Service to help you secure the type of role that you
aspire to fulfil after graduation, whether this means starting your own business or joining a
multinational corporation. While you are a student we will work with you in developing the type of
skills and strengths necessary for enhancing your career. We will also help you to identify suitable
opportunities and support you throughout the job application process.
A comprehensive and up to date careers website with a full range of information and
resources on employability skills development such as CV advice, assessment centres,
networking and more than 100 job vacancies at any one time
Individual information, advice and guidance as well as career development workshops,
tutorials and online resources to enhance employability skills, in areas such as career
decision-making, self-assessment, personal branding and interviews.
Opportunities to meet recruiters and alumni relevant to your field at specialist events such as
career fairs and company presentations.
In addition, the support and industry links that Course Directors and Supervisors have will open
doors and may help you get a job or further your research opportunities.
Further information can be found on the University Careers Service intranet pages or at
Students who have declared their learning or disability support needs on their application form will
be contacted by the relevant Learning Support Officer before registration to arrange a meeting to
discuss the support available and any assistance required. If you believe you should have been
contacted by a Learning Support Officer but have not been, please try and make contact with them
as soon as possible: their names and email addresses are listed below.
Students who require support but have omitted to declare a disability on their application form or
students who become disabled during the course of their studies must contact their Learning
Support Officer as soon as practicable to discuss their needs.
In order to receive Learning Support you will need to provide appropriate evidence. This will
usually be in the form of a medical report or a diagnostic assessment report. Upon receipt of your
evidence the Learning Support Officer will create a Learning Support Agreement which will
document any reasonable adjustments necessary for you to complete your course. This wi ll then
be sent to the relevant staff for the adjustments to be put into place. Academic staff will only be
sent details of the reasonable adjustments necessary; details of your condition will not be
disclosed. It is important that you send your evidence as soon as possible as without it we will be
unable to arrange adjustments such as extra time in examinations.
The Learning Support Officers for Cranfield and Shrivenham are as follows: