Design For Assembly
Design For Assembly
Design For Assembly
Virtually every finished part requires Gear-to-Shaft Attachment Options Figure 4-1
some assembly: mechanical fasteners,
welding, bonding, snap-fit joints, or
other joining techniques. These methods
and their design implications are
discussed in this chapter.
Cable Guides Figure 4-2 Consider design options that eliminate
or reduce the need for hardware. As
Hardware Molded In
an example, figure 4-2 shows several
examples of molded-in alternatives
to cable-guide hardware. Usually, the
cost savings in hardware and assembly
C-Hole far exceed the added costs of mold
Cable-Tie Retainer modification and materials.
Chapter 4
Inexpensive spring-
clip fasteners are
• Use metal threaded inserts for screw
available for many connections subjected to frequent
applications. disassembly; and
torsional or annular snap-joint styles If designed properly, snap-fit joints • Avoid sharp corners in high-stress
(see figure 4-5). The shape of the can secure parts of assemblies, such as areas, such as at the base of a
undercut determines if the joint can be solenoids and switches, replacing more- cantilever arm;
separated later. Snap-fit designs with expensive screws (see figure 4-6).
an angled undercut contact can be disas- Special snap-joint designs can also act
sembled without first deflecting the snap as latches for access doors and panels.
Short-Term Strain
feature to disengage the connection. Multiple snap arms or a combination of Table 4-1 Limits at 23°C (73°F)
snap arms and rigid undercuts can often
secure covers and panels (see figure 4-7).
Rounded lids — such as on film canis-
Snap-Fit Joints Figure 4-5 ters or food-storage containers — use
annular snap-fit designs for continuous
Apec High Heat PC 4.0%
h attachment and a good seal.
2 Bayblend PC/ABS 2.5%
h Centrex ASA 1.9%
Snap-fit joints provide both secure
Durethan PA cond. 6.0%
attachment and easy disconnection of dry 4.0%
electrical connectors. They also facilitate Lustran ABS 1.8%
quick and easy detachment of electrical Makroblend Polycarb. Blends 3.5%
components for repair and recycling. Makrolon PC 4.0%
Module for Control Panels with Some rules of thumb for designing Triax PA/ABS 3.4%
Four Cantilever Lugs snap-fit joints include:
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced (% Glass)
• Design parts so that the flexure Makrolon (10%) PC 2.2%
30 – 45° during snapping does not exceed the Triax (15%) PA/ABS 2.2%
allowable strain limit of the material; Makrolon (20%) PC 2.0%
Durethan (30%) PA cond. 2.0%
• Design parts so that the flexing dry 1.5%
member of the snap-fit joint returns General guide data for the allowable short-
a) b) term strain for snap joints (single joining
Separable Inseparable to a relaxed, undeflected position
operation); for frequent separation and
Annular Snap Joint after assembly;
rejoining, use about 60% of these values.
Torsion Bar
Chapter 4
Positioning posts and snap arms eliminate screws and speed assembly. Multiple snap arms secure cover in this assembly.
Snap Arm Figure 4-8 Consider molding issues early in part Snap-fit features intended for automated
design. To lower mold-construction assembly should join with a simple,
and -maintenance costs, design simple, one-direction motion, rather than a tilt-
straight-draw, snap-fit joints (see figure and-push or slide-and-push motion. The
Snap Fit Draw
4-8), rather than ones that need slides in opposite may be true for hand-assembled
the mold. In some designs, the proximity components. Avoid designs that require
of the snap-fit joint to other part or more than two hands to engage or
mold features does not leave enough release a snap-fit joint.
room for a slide mechanism. Annular
designs can be particularly difficult to
mold. Some need collapsible cores or WELDING AND BONDING
ejector sleeves, which can be problematic
Snap-fit hook molded through hole to form
and difficult to maintain. Consult an Welding and bonding techniques offer
experienced mold engineer before a wide variety of excellent joining and
specifying any design that uses slides assembly options. In many applications,
or other mechanisms to clear or eject they provide the only viable methods of
Thumb Tab Figure 4-9 undercuts. assembly. Both of these methods provide
permanent bonds. Avoid welding and
The molding process offers the versatility bonding when using materials that will
to customize snap-fit designs for each have to be separated for recycling or
application. For example, snap arms on repair, or when less-expensive joining
frequently used doors or access panels methods suffice. When you must weld
could have finger tabs added for easier or bond, minimize the mix of techniques
opening (see figure 4-9). Limited-access and equipment used.
doors could have hidden snap-fit joints
or require special tools. Some applications
may require modifications in the snap
arm to prevent excessive material strain
during deflection. Consider lengthening
the snap arm, reducing the undercut,
or tapering the arm thickness in these
Special “U”-shaped snap latch with thumb tab. situations (see figure 4-10).
Chapter 4
This section deals with the broader Ultrasonic Welding joint area where frictional heating melts
aspects of welding and bonding and the plastic and forms the weld. When
their effects on part and assembly Ultrasonic welding, one of the designing parts that will be ultrasonically
design. For more specific information most widely used joining techniques, welded, consider the following:
on welding and bonding, request a is an excellent bonding method for
copy of Joining Techniques from your thermoplastics. It makes permanent, • For strong, consistent welds, ultra-
Bayer representative. aesthetically pleasing joints, at relatively sonic joints need properly designed
high rates of speed. In this welding energy directors (see figure 4-11) or
Common welding methods, including technique, an ultrasonic assembly unit shear weld features;
ultrasonic, vibration, hot plate, spin, and generates mechanical vibratory energy
induction, each have specific advantages, at ultrasonic frequencies. The ultrasonic • The equipment size and welding-horn
as well as design and equipment require- vibrational energy is transmitted design limitations determine the size
ments. These are discussed below. through one of the mating parts to the and number of ultrasonic welds per
Excessive Strain
60 – 90°
Short, thick snap arms with large undercuts can experience Typical energy-director design for Bayer thermoplastics.
excessive strain during deflection. Consider lengthening or thinning
the arm, reducing the undercut or tapering the arm to reduce strain.
• Mating materials must be compatible Vibration and Hot-Plate Welding For permanent, non-cosmetic welds
and rigid enough to transmit the along a single plane, hot-plate welding
ultrasonic energy to the joint area; and To form continuous welds over large offers an economical joining method.
areas — particularly those too large for In this joining method, a heated platen
• Stray welding energy can damage conventional ultrasonic welding — contacts two plastic parts until the joint
free-standing features and delicate consider vibration or hot-plate welding. area melts slightly. The platen retracts,
components. Consult your welding A friction-welding technique, vibration and the parts are then pressed together
experts for help in resolving this welding requires wide joint surfaces to until the bond sets.
problem. accommodate the sliding vibration.
To avoid dampening the vibration, part Both techniques can produce flash or
For more specific information on geometry must rigidly support the a bead along the joint when applied to
ultrasonic welding, request a copy of mating joint surfaces. In this process, simple butt-weld configurations (see
Joining Techniques from your Bayer one part remains stationary, while the figure 4-12). Consider joint designs
representative. second vibrates on the joint plane, with flash traps (see figure 4-13) for
generating heat. When the joint applications requiring flash-free joints.
interface reaches a melted state, the
parts are aligned and clamped until the
bond has set.
Before After
Before After
Chapter 4
Spin Welding
Retention Features Figure 4-14 Assembly Features Figure 4-15
The molding process offers the freedom To help in assembly, consider designing
to custom-design features to locate and your part with alignment features. Parts
retain components during assembly. must assemble easily and efficiently,
Components can nest between ribs or despite minor misalignments. Parts with
slide into molded-in retainers for assem- sharp leading edges can snag or catch
bly without hardware (see figure 4-14). during assembly, requiring more time
In some products, halves of the assembly and effort. Chamfers added to either or
can captivate components without both leading edges quickly align mating
additional attachment (see figure 4-15). features, reducing the positioning
This joining method permits efficient accuracy needed for assembly (see
assembly and simplifies dismantling figure 4-16).
for repairs or recycling.
Chapter 4
Lead-In Angles Figure 4-16 Edge Alignment Figure 4-17 Housing or enclosure sidewalls can bow
during molding or deflect under loading,
resulting in poor alignment along mating
edges. When appearance is important,
consider designing an interlocking edge
to correct for this bowing (see figure
4-17). On thin sidewalls, full tongue-
Easy and-groove designs split the sidewall
thickness into two thin sections. This
design may lead to molding problems
Stepped Tongue and lack the required strength. A some-
Edge and Groove
what better design, the stepped edge,
can have high molding stresses and a
Lead-in angles on the lid in the lower Tongue-and-groove or stepped features
gloss difference at the thickness transition.
assembly help to align the lid with the ensure proper edge alignment. Rounding or chamfering the transition
base and ease assembly. corner often improves this condition.
The stepped-edge design supports the
wall in just one direction. Adding a
protruding rib to support the inside
Alignment Fingers Figure 4-18 Boss Alignment Figure 4-19
surface locks the walls in two directions
and provides better alignment.
Adding orienting features to molded Plastic parts are often attached to If all components of an assembly could
parts can simplify assembly, reduce components made of materials with be produced and joined with perfect
costs, and prevent assembly errors. much different coefficients of linear repeatability and accuracy, the task of
When possible, incorporate features that thermal expansion (CLTE). If your part assigning tolerances would be simple.
prevent assembly unless components will contain different materials, design However, each manufacturing step
are oriented correctly. Otherwise, clearly for CLTE differences. For instance, a introduces its own variability and with
indicate correct orientation on the mat- plastic part tightly attached to a metal it, potential tolerance problems. For
ing parts (see figure 4-20). Symmetry component can bow between attach- instance, molded-plastic part dimensions
simplifies assembly. Often parts need ment points when exposed to elevated vary with processing fluctuations.
only minor modifications to increase temperatures (see figure 4-22). Designing Stamping and machining create part-to-
symmetry and allow orientation in more the plastic section with slotted holes part differences in metal components.
than one direction (see figure 4-21). provides a sliding fit to accommodate Assembly steps such as positioning,
dissimilar levels of expansion. You may guiding, indexing, fixturing, and welding
need to make similar design adjustments present additional sources of variability.
when joining plastic parts to parts made When developing part tolerances,
of certain polyamides and other plastics consider the following:
that swell significantly as they absorb
To ensure proper orientation during assembly, add features that either mark the correct
position or prevent assembly of misaligned components.
Chapter 4
Simple modifications can often increase symmetry and The slotted hole and sliding attachment at one end of the plastic
simplify assembly. cover in the lower assembly enable it to accommodate the thermal
expansion difference with the metal base.
• Avoid specifying arbitrarily tight • Take advantage of the ability of the Exercise discretion when assigning
tolerances to components and the injection-molding process to mold available tolerances between the
assembly process, as it can add small features with excellent components and assembly processes.
needlessly to costs; repeatability; and Give the tightest tolerances to the part,
feature, or process that adds the least
• Accommodate part and process • Avoid tight tolerances on long cost to the entire process. It may be
variability in your design; dimensions and on features prone to more economical to loosen the tolerance
warpage or distortion. on the plastic component and tighten
• Include design features such as the tolerance on the assembly procedure
slotted holes, alignment features, and or mating components. Consider all
angled lead-ins to lessen the need for the sources of variability and optimize
tight tolerances; tolerances for the lowest overall cost.
See the mold design chapter for more
information on tolerances.