Ampco Mold Design Guidelines

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CDA Sponsors Mold Design

Look for ideas
that will allow
faster processing

in MM&T of plastic and

production of
Keep an eye out for coming the moldmakers, molders and
issues of Modern Mold and manufacturers to improve the
Tooling, which will contain processing of plastic materials.
injection mold design guide- The task group, supported by
lines developed to make you the trade associations of the
more productive. These infor- copper industry, is dedicated
mative and collectable fact- to research and disseminating
filled design guidelines are the information you need to
being developed for the injec- take advantage of the superior
tion molder, mold designer and performance of molds
mold builder. The information containing copper-alloys. Also,
contained in the guide-lines the association is dedicated to
will maximize the mold's cycle developing an infrastructure of
time and improve part quality copper producers, fabricators,
with the use of copper alloys in suppliers and mold makers
the mold. The articles will who are in the plastics chain.
begin in the May issue. Research work, performed at
These information packed Western Michigan University, is
Injection Mold Design conducted to address technical
Guidelines are being developed issues and remove barriers to
and generated by The Copper- the use of copper alloys for
Alloy Molds Marketing Task plastic processing. The
Group. The group is a network development of these injection
of copper-alloy suppliers, dis- Mold Design Guidelines is a
tributors, and fabricators who result of this research and in
have joined together to assist addition to empirical data
derived from industry
Several molds, funded by the Interlock Plates, Leader pins and
task group, were built and tested Guided Ejector Bushings
to conduct research under actual 8. Plating and Coating of Copper
production conditions. One Alloys
studied the cycle time advantage 9. Application of Copper Alloys in
the copper alloys offered over injection and Blow Molds
traditional mold steels.
Additionally, due to the superior These guidelines will include
thermal conductivity of the properties of the various copper
copper alloys, part quality alloys most commonly utilized for
improvements including less their thermal and bearing
warpage, better dimensional properties, compared with
stability and more uniform mold traditional mold steels. Charts,
temperatures resulted. Other graphs, formulas and descrip-
research and testing con- tions will provide the user with
centrated on eliminating mold pertinent data not available from
sweating under humid operating other sources.
conditions. This is accomplished
by running higher mold operating
temperatures with copper alloy
mold cores. The test results
prove that better part
dimensional stability can be
obtained at shorter mold cooling
times without mold sweating
when compared with mold
Exhaustive wear
study is under way
An exhaustive wear study is
under way testing the effects of
electroless nickel, hard chrome,
titanium nitriting, thin dense
chrome and thin dense chrome
with diamond particulate in
extending the mold life of the
copper alloys.
As a service to the plastics
industry, the Task Group is fund-
ing the publication of these
guidelines in Modern Mold and
Tooling. The greatest benefit to
the people who deal with molds
and molding will be to collect
each issue to use as a reference
in both the applications of the
copper alloys and the mold
design principles.
Subjects for the Injection Mold
Design Guidelines will
1. Sprue Bushings and Runner
2. Mold Cores, Core Pins and
Chill Plates
3. Mold Cavities and "A" Side
4. Slides, Lifters and Raising
Mold Members
5. Ejector Pins, Ejector Sleeves
and Ejection
6. Mold Temperature Control
Systems, Bubblers, Baffles,
Diverters and Plugs
7. Wear plates, Slide Gibs,
Injection Mold Design
Performance Using
Copper Alloys
Copper Alloys for Conveying and runner faster, allowing more
Plastic in Injection Molds efficient ejection or removal by
The high thermal conductivity of sprue pickers or robots.
copper alloys makes them ideal Sprue Bushing Radius
materials for the injection mold in North America two injection
sprue bushing and runner bars. mold nozzle and sprue bushing
Three alloys typically are utilized radii are used, 1/2 and 3/4 inch.
for the mold components, which To insure proper fit up, the nozzle
will have contact with plastic. The radius is nominal -.015 inch, while
copper alloys are: the sprue radius is nominal +. 015
• Ampcoloy 83, high hardness inch, required tolerances to use.
beryllium-copper alloy Swing points and tolerances used
• Ampcoloy 95, high conductivity in establishing the radius on a
Illustration I,Sprue Radius beryllium-copper alloy sprue bushing are shown in
• Ampcoloy 940, NiSiCr hardened illustration I.
high conductivity copper alloy
Sprue Bushing Orifice
These Copper alloys have six to Machine nozzle orifices come in
nine times greater heat transfer nominal 1/16" fractional inch
rates than conventional mold sizes. To insure that the slug in
steels as indicated by the thermal the nozzle will pull through the
conductivity. sprue, the orifice must be .031
Mold Material Thermal (1/32 inch) larger in diameter. This
Conductivity dimension is referred to as the "0"
(BtU/Hr/Ft2/°F) dimension. The relationship is
Ampcoloy 83 60 shown in this chart.
Ampcoloy 95 135
Ampcoloy 940 125
H-13 17
P-20 20
Nozzle “O" Sprue “O"
420 SS 14
1/16" 3/32"
1/8" 5/32"
The sprue or runner system must 3/16" 7/32"
never control the cooling phase 3/8" 9/32"
and/or overall molding cycle. 5/16" 11/32"
Plastic in contact with copper Nominal +1/32'
alloys will set the sprue
Sprue Bushing Taper Also, a sprue bushing that is not
To aid in the removal of the sprue keyed will rotate creating
from the bushing, a taper of one- misalignment with the runner
half inch per foot is normally used machined into the face of the
in injection molding. Calculate the sprue bushing and the runner
sprue orifice at the parting line system. To prevent these
face, multiply the tangent of the problems, retain and key the
taper angle times the length, plus sprue into position with the use of
the "02". Knowing this dimension, a cap screw as illustrated in
informed decisions can be made figure IV.
on primary runner sizing.
The sprue frequently controls the Sprue Fit
molding cycle when larger orifice Heat must be transferred from
Illustration II, Sprue taper conventional steel sprue bushings the sprue through the copper
are used. The application of a alloy sprue bushing to the mold
copper alloy sprue bushing cools plates, interference fit is rec-
the sprue more quickly and ommended for optimum cooling.
efficiently, allowing the molding The bore through the "A" plate
cycle to be controlled by the piece should be nominal size to plus
part. .0005 inches with a surface finish
of at least 16 RMS. The shank of
Pressure loss is high in the sprue. the sprue bushing should be the
This is the only place in the feed nominal size, plus .0005 to plus
system where the channel .001 inches.
progresses from a smaller area to
larger. Frequently, smaller orifices Standard Sprue Bushing
are used on long sprue bushings Availability
in an effort to reduce the mass.
Copper alloy sprue bushings with
This results in extremely high
Illustration III, Pressure, patented stainless steel nozzle
injection pressure losses, making
Sprue Length seats are commercially available.
the part hard to fill.
An insulator between the nozzle
The chart in illustration lll is a and sprue is beneficial in
guide for determining the effect controlling the flow of heat from
that the specific "0" dimension the nozzle to the sprue. Special
has on the pressure required to sprue bushings may be
deliver plastic through the length constructed to suit using standard
of a sprue. Note that the differ- 1/2 inch per foot sprue bushing
ence between a 3/32 and 9/32- tapered drills and reams. Sprue
inch sprue is about 1,000 PSI bushings with tapers of up to 3/4
over a short sprue and almost inch per foot have been used for
1,500 pounds on a long sprue. difficult to remove plastics. Care
must be taken to insure that the
Using a copper alloy sprue taper is draw polished and free
bushing allows for an increased from undercuts or rough surfaces
size orifice, thus reducing that could hinder sprue removal.
Illustration IV, Anti – rotation pressure loss while maintaining
screw reasonable cooling times. Conventional Injection Mold
Runner Systems
The shape of the runner, full
Sprue Retention and round or trapezoidal, or other
Anti-Rotation configuration, is dictated by mold
Pressure acting on the parting design. The most efficient runner
line face of the sprue, due to cross section is full round. The
projected area of the runner efficiency of the runner cross
system or part detail, exerts section can be calculated with a
pressure on the sprue bushing. formula, figure V, the larger the
ratio the better.

Illustration V, Formula runner

Injection Mold Runner Bars runner with one-half the area is not
Runner systems for high cavita- the same as a runner of one-half
tion molds normally have larger the diameter.
diameters due to runner balancing.
The runner system extends the Formulas for calculating the area of
molding cycles as heat is slowly the runner:
transferred from the thick plastic to Runner Bar Mating
steel mold plates. Inserting copper
alloy runner bars in the mold "A" Best results are obtained by
and "B" plates, cooling the runner Full Round Runner
faster, is beneficial, in reducing the A = 0.7854 d2
overall molding cycle.
Trapezoidal Runner
A = (w1 + w2) h/2
A = area, d = diameter, I = length,
Runner Sizing w = width, h = height
Runner sizing is dependent on
designing and building the runner Illustration VI, Runner Bars
many things, including: plastic
material; part size, weight and wall bars to have zero to negative
thickness; molding machine contact with each other when the
capabilities and processing mold is closed. This will prevent any
parameters and, the number and deformation on the parting line
placement of the cavities. surfaces that could result from high
clamping pressures exceeding the
Each mold is unique and the compressive strength of the alloy.
designer must consider all To accomplish this, the "A" and "B"
parameters and options available runner bars should be flush to
on an individual case by case basis. minus .001 inch on each side of the
Several mold design software mold. This allows the mold base
packages are available, including and/ or cavity and core inserts to
Mold Flow and C-Mold, which receive machine clamp force, not
address sizing of the runner system. the runner bars.
One method of runner sizing and Care must be taken to understand
balancing used by mold designers the characteristics of the plastic
starts at the sprue and then works being molded and clearance
toward the gate. Other designers should be short of allowing the Illustration VII
start with the part wall thickness and runner system to flash.
work back to the sprue outlet orifice. Additionally, it is important to insure
The normally recommended that the mating halves of the runner
procedure is that, in the direction of system are in perfect alignment,
plastic flow, the runner area always with no mismatch at the parting line,
goes from larger to smaller. Never With the increased cooling rate of
to maximize plastic flow efficiency.
from a smaller area to a larger area. the copper alloys and proper
cooling arrangements, larger
When the primary runner diameter is diameter runners can be used In a
known, the sum of the areas of the Runner Bar Cooling mold equipped with copper alloy
multiple connecting runners must be The runner system must never runner bars. Almost without
equal or smaller in area than the control the molding cycle. To insure exception, runner diameters one or
preceding runner.When working back proper temperature control of the two sizes larger can be set up
from the part,some designers size the runner bars, cooling channels quicker with the copper alloys, over
final runner channel size (that runner should be placed directly into the traditional mold steels.
which feeds the gate) to equal the both the "A" and "B" side inserts.
thickest wall section in the part. Each The cross-drilled holes should be Sprue Puller
runner intersection then is a function blocked with a plug containing an A reverse taper sprue puller, 3° for
of the area of that runner times the "0" ring and a straight thread plug. stiffer materials and 5° for flexible
number of connecting runners,usually Due to the high thermal conductivity materials, is recommended to insure
two. Therefore, the area of the of the copper alloys and the sprue removal. To rapidly cool the
upstream runner is always at least tendency to thermal cycle rapidly, undercut machine, the puller directly
equal to or larger in area than the tapered thread systems must be into the runner bars or a copper
sum of the branches. Note that a avoided in the copper alloys to alloy insert. Illustration Vll gives
prevent cracking. more details.
Injection Mold Design

Maximizing Performance Using

Copper Alloys

The Injection Mold Core plastic molding due to the material

A mold core is any member that shrinking around the standing
forms the interior of a plastic part, features of the mold.
usually on the "B" side of the mold
parting line. Mold cores can be Copper alloys have adequate
machined from a solid piece of hardness levels to hold up against
copper alloy or inserted to aid in normal injection pressures found in
construction or allow for easier conventional injection molding
replacement if a component would machines. The normal press (pos-
ever be damaged in molding. itive interference, or crush) is not
used due to the higher ductility of
copper alloys and to avoid any
peening or hobbing at shut offs and
This picture shows a large copper at the parting line. Rather zero to
alloy core, about 24 inches long negative press is recommended.
and seven inches high, used to Negative press or clearance of the
mold a PVC bezel for a Kitchen mating components must obviously
Aid dishwasher manufactured by be less than that where plastic will
Whirlpool Corporation, Findlay flash. Hardness levels of the
Ohio. The copper alloy was copper alloys and mold steels are
specified primarily to eliminate listed in the following chart:
warpage on the part, which is both
functional and esthetic in nature.
The cycle time advantage of about Hardness Levels
20% by using the high thermal Copper Hardness Hardness
conductive copper alloy was an Alloy
added bonus to the improved part

quality which was the main

AA83 41 RC H-13 38/52 RC
Picture of Whirlpool mold: A AA95 96 Rb P-20 28-48 Re
core built from a copper alloy
for a large dishwasher part.
Properly designed molds with AA940 94 Rb 420 27-50 Re
copper alloys used in strategic SS
locations, usually the core, have
proven to reduce injection moldingThe copper alloys normally selected for
cooling cycles by 20 to 50 per mold cores, core pins, inserts, slides and
cent. The mold core is responsibleraising mold members are; AA83 a high
for removing from 65 to 75 per hardness beryllium-copper alloy;
cent of the heat from the AA95 a high conductivity beryllium-
copper; and, AA940 a NiSiCr
hardened high conductivity copper
alloy. These alloys, with six to nine
times greater heat trans-
fer rates than steels (see Injection that for a mold material. The cop-
Mold Design Guidelines, number 1 per alloys exhibit a good combi-
for details) have proven over time nation of tensile strength and
to be the best choices for plastic ductility, making them tough and
forming mold components. Other ideal candidates for mold compo-
copper alloys, including the alu- nents, not withstanding the high
minum bronzes, have attributes thermal conductivity properties.
consistent with specific Tensile strength of the three cop-
applications in the mold not per alloys and three common mold
associated with plastic forming. steels are compared in the
These include frictional wear and following tensile strength table.
guiding surfaces where their
excellent frictional properties can Tensile Strength (ksi)
Illustration A: Heeled core with best be utilized.
Copper ksi Steel Alloy ksi
AA83 190 H-13 206
Types of Core Construction
AA95 110 P-20 146

Mold cores can be machined from AA940 100 420 SS 125-

a solid mold "B" plate but are more 250
commonly inserted into the "B"
plate for ease of manufacture.
When inserting the core, it is Mold Cooling
normally retained with a heel or The injection molding cycle is
cap screws. The heel on a core, made up of a number of elements.
see Illustration A, typically They include the filling portion,
extending .125 for small cores and sometimes referred to as fill, pack
.250 for larger cores should have a and hold, the cooling portion and
length ratio of one to two times the the mold open portion. The cooling
Illustration B: Inserted core
heel for maximum strength. The portion is always the longest and
with water channels
corresponding counter bore is frequently represents greater than
machined into the plate with 65 per cent of the overall cycle.
clearance around the perimeter, Therefore, the longest element in
allowing the main core body to the overall cycle is where the
align the insert. The depth of the greatest benefit can be obtained in
heel pocket should match the improving the injection molding
insert to plus .0002 to insure that cycle and where copper alloys
the core does not move in the work to your best advantage.
molding cycle.
The principles of heat flow in an
injection mold are: 1. Heat flows
from the body with the higher
Other means of holding the core temperature to a body of lower
include blind pocketing, illustration temperature (from the plastic to the
B, or self-sealing, Illustration C. mold component the plastic is in
The self-sealing insert is a popular contact with). 2. The temperature
Illustration C: Self sealing choice for deep pocket inserting in difference, not the amount of heat
core insert applications where most of the contained, determines flow of heat.
part, outer molding surfaces, are 3. The greater the difference in
formed on the "B" side of the mold. temperatures between the plastic
As the portion of the pocketed and the mold component, the
insert aligns the insert, the depth greater the flow of heat. 4.
must be great enough to withstand Radiation, conduction and/or
any side pressures imposed in convection transfer heat.
molding. Conduction is the main method of
heat transfer in an injection mold.
The amount of heat that must be
Tensile Strength
conducted from a mold can be
Tensile strength is extremely
calculated. It must be remembered
important attribute when selecting
that 65 to 75 percent of this heat
a suitable mold material, if there
Illustration D: Heeled core must be removed through the core
with water passages were a scale that measured
of the mold. The formula is as
toughness we would want to use
Where: H = Quantity of heat in Btu core similar to a steel core. This will
conducted provide the best results and yield
H=KAT(tp-tc the most efficient cooling. Should
L the same coolant diameters and
placement not be possible, the
copper alloys are more forgiving
K = Thermal conductivity than mold materials with lower
factor of mold material in thermal conductivity. Typically the
Btu/hr/ft2/°F/ copper alloys will allow greater
A = Surface area of mold in liberties in placement of coolant
contact in square feet channels, while cooling more
T = Time in hours efficiently than their steel
tp = Temperature of plastic counterparts. Caution should be Graph A: Actual comparisons of best
tc = Temperature of used to insure that adequate achievable cycle and cooling times in the
coolant provisions have been made for same mold, the only change was the core
L = Distance from surface removal of the heat from any mold material
of mold to coolant channel component.
(Note: H-13, P-20 and 420 SS thermal
conductivity ranges from 12 to 20, the three
If drilled coolant channels are
commonly use copper alloys range from 61
machined directly into the mold
to 135)
The importance that the high core, the edge of the coolant
thermal conductivity of properties of channel should be about two times
copper alloys has in removing heat the diameter away from the molding
from the mold can be determined surface. The distance between the
from the formula. Obviously, the coolant channels should be from
other elements of the formula are three to five times the diameter, see
important considerations that must Illustration D. Positioning the
also be taken into account when coolant channel any closer to the
designing an efficiently cooled molding surface does not neces-
injection mold. However, changing sarily result in better cooling and in
the mold material and the resultant some cases provides a gradient Graph B: Amount of part warpage Icompared
thermal conductivity factor is differential in surface temperature, to cycle time for copper alloys vs tool steel
normally the simplest and most which could leave residual stresses
effective means of achieving the in the plastic part. More details on
best cycle time. cooling options will be presented in results of cycle time, cooling time was the
the sixth article in this series. only variable. The only mold change was
the core itself. The only processing
Coolant Options Cycle Time Improvements change allowed was to cooling time. Melt
The injection mold core is one of Extensive testing was conducted at temperature, cooling temperatures,
the more difficult areas to place and Western Michigan University
injection time, gate seal and other
install the proper coolant channels comparing the use of the three processing conditions were monitored to
due to the limited space available most commonly utilized copper insure identical conditions. This test was
and ejection options necessary for alloys in injection molds AA83 (A), perhaps the first time ever that exacting
part removal, it is important that the AA95 (B) and AA940 (C) against
comparisons were made, under pro-
coolant system be one of the first H-13 and 420 SS. A single cavity duction type conditions, that physically
considerations made in mold test mold for a 50-mm demonstrated the advantages of the
design, as the overall success of polypropylene closure was obtained superior thermal conductivity and effects
the mold project is dependant on and optimized to run at the lowest on the injection molding cooling cycle and
how efficient the mold cooling cycle cycle time possible. Identical mold
the resultant overall molding cycle.
can be made. The use of copper components were fabricated from
alloys and their inherent superior the three copper alloys and steel
thermal conductivity is the best materials. Identical processing
guarantee the mold has at success. conditions were established and Graph B compares part warpage, In
each core material was tested with millimeters, between the three copper
Copper alloys will insure that the
the only variable being cooling time. alloys and two steel materials at various
surface temperate is as even as cycle times. The copper alloys remove
Graph A illustrates the cycle
possible and will extract heat away heat so efficiently that part warpage is
advantages and the reduction in
from the plastic part. To maintain minimal, even at shorter cycle times. The
cooling times made by the copper
best operating conditions and short benefit of improving part quality at faster
alloys when compared directly to
cooling cycles, it is imperative that molding cycles over steel is obvious.
the conventional mold steels.
the heat is efficiently removed form However, the greatest advantage might be
the molds core. Coolant lines, in the Each test was conducted after a the better consistency imparted into the
form of through-drilled channels or controlled stabilization period. For plastic parts as a result of even mold
with the use of bubblers or baffles, purposes of evaluating the surface temperatures.
should be installed in the mold
This test was conclusive, confirm- with the plastic material supplier,
ing anecdotal experience from plastic part designer, molder and
others where cooling cycle time mold designer. Draft should be as
improvements of 20 to 50 per cent generous as possible and normally
are common on production molds matches the draft on the cavity
when copper alloys are properly side to insure an even and
utilized. consistent wall thickness, see
Illustration F.
Chill Plate Applications Ribs on the other hand present a
Frequently molds with small different problem. Large draft
diameter cores, those too small for angles results in thick wall sections
cooling lines, benefit by seating where the rib joins the main wall
copper alloy core pin heads on a section. Normally, the junction of
copper chill plate of the same alloy. the rib to the wall should be one-
When ever core size or design half to two thirds of the mating wall
Illustration E: Chill plate allows you should install coolant thickness. The use copper alloys is
application lines using baffles, bubblers or of great benefit in these situations.
drilled channels, to optimize mold The rapid removal of heat from the
cooling and temperature control. thicker ribs, due to the more
When either the number of core efficient cooling of the copper
pins or the diameter prevents the alloys, will normally reduce or
installation of the coolant channels, eliminate the sink mark, which is
the chill plate concept should be typically caused by the delayed
considered. Testing has found that solidification of plastic at the
the best results are obtained when junction of ribs at the wall of the
the core pins and chill plate have part. Without the benefit of the
the same high thermal conductivity superior cooling of the copper
numbers. Obviously the higher the alloy, injection pressure and hold
thermal conductivity number the times are often extended. This not
better. Coolant channels are only results in longer cycle times
installed directly into the chill plate but also increases the incidence of
to remove the heat and maintain flash, warpage and over packing of
the proper mold core temperature. the molded part. a
in small diameter cores, where size
limitations prevent water channel is Disclaimer
the core, this concept has been These guidelines are a result of research at
WMU and Industry experience gained with
shown to be almost as effective as
the use of copper alloys in injection molding.
cores with small coolant channels. While the Information contained is deemed
The chill plate concept is not as reliable, due to the wide variety of plastics
Illustration F: Self – sealing effective as direct water cooling materials, mold designs and possible
core with draft and should not be used for larger molding applications available, no war-
ranties are expressed or Implied in the
diameter cores where direct application of these guidelines.
coolant is possible, illustration E
shows a chill plate application. Contact information
Note, the chill plate can be Information on copper alloys is available
installed under the main core or from the Copper Development Association,
when using sleeve ejection,
mounted to the back of the ejector

Draft Considerations
The molded plastic part must be
ejected from the core. To enhance
part ejection draft, tapering of the
part feature to assist in mold
release is necessary. The draft
angle specified should result after
Injection Mold Design

Maximizing Performance
using Copper Alloys
ease of insert installation and leak
The Injection Mold Cavity
free operation.
A mold cavity forms the exterior of
the plastic part and almost always Mono Block Construction
is located on the "A" side of the Frequently in low run single
mold. However, there are impression and/or large molds the
situations where the cavity is cavity is machined directly into the
located on the opposite side "A" plate. This type of mold
of the parting line or construction is referred to as
occasions "Mono-Block" construction and
where the injection-molded eliminates the step of machining an
part is symmetrical and the insert pocket into the plate.
cavity is on both sides of the Additionally, it offers a very rigid
parting line. In these instances type mold construction with
it is called a "B" side cavity. opportunities for excellent cooling
channels surrounding the cavity.

Cavity Inserts Cavity Cooling

Molds containing more that Cooling channels of appropriate
one cavity, multiple diameter or channel size should be
impression molds, are usually incorporated into the mold cavity
Illustration A: Edge gate showing gate block. Placement of these
constructed individually, or if
width (W), depth (D) and gate land (L). channels should follow similar
small, ganged into cavity
blocks, and inserted into the recommendations made for the
mold "A" or cavity plate. Separate core of the mold. The coolant
inserting allows for ease of channel should be placed about
manufacturing the cavity from a two times the diameter away from
variety of mold materials and the cavity with a pitch of three to
makes replacement easier should five times the diameter. While it is
damage ever occur. Round inserts common practice to run the cavity
are a natural, as round insert warmer than the core for aesthetic
pockets are easy to machine with reasons, the best running molds
great accuracy into mold plates. are those where even surface
The round insert is an ideal temperatures and good
application for "surround" cooling temperature control can be
of the insert. "0" rings are used to maintained.
seal the water channels and To insure turbulent water flow in
prevent coolant leakage. They mold cooling circuits a mold cool-
should be designed to be placed in ing analysis is conducted prior to
compression and not in shear, for mold building. This analysis checks
and determines place-
ment, number and size of coolant run molds. P-20 or Number
channels required. After the mold is 3 steel is used for long run
built coolant flow can be measured molds and when part detail is
to determine if adequate flow rates machined into the mold plate.
are being maintained. The following When a heat-treated mold plate
table lists pipe size and minimum is required, some cavity detail
amount of flow in gallons per minute can be formed on the mold plate
which guarantees turbulent flow. and the cavity built up with
laminations, H-13 is a logical
choice for these high run molds.
Nomin Channel Min. Another material used for high
al Pipe Size FlOW volume and long running molds
Size (diameter) (Gal/Min.) or with corrosive plastics is type
(NPT 420F stainless steel.
1/16 .250 0.34 Cavity Materials
When high thermal conductivity is
1/8 .313 0.45
required, either to more rapidly
cool the plastic and promote
1/4 .438 0.56
faster cycles or to maintain a
Illustration B: Submarine or tunnel 3/8 .562 0.75 more even surface temperature
gate, diameter and angle of cone
for better dimensional
illustrated 1/2 .688 1.30 consistency, the copper alloys
designated Ampcoloy AA83,
AA95 or AA940 are used.
Core Inserts in Cavities Gate Placement,
Holes in the part and other male core Types and Size
detail formed from the cavity side are Gate placement, normally in the
normally achieved with core inserts cavity, is critical to the plastic
in the cavity. Consideration has to be component ultimate aesthetic
made for removal of heat from these and physical properties. The
components. Parts like television ideal location will, to a degree,
backs with air circulation slots are dictate the type and size of the
idea candidates for inserting high gate used for the mold. The best
thermal conductivity copper alloys, gate location, along with the type
Ampcoloy AA83, AA95 or AA940 into and size of the gate, is one of the
the cavity, as are other hard to install early and difficult mold design
coolant channels in other sections of decisions that must be made
the molds. correctly to insure a good running
A pure mold cavity for an item like a
drinking glass, where the plastic In injection molding the more
shrinks away from the cavity, only commonly used gates are the
has to remove about 25 to 33% of edge, submarine (tunnel) and
the heat from the plastic. Plastic pinpoint gate, which constitutes
Illustration C: Pin point gate, parts with contoured configurations about 65% of molds built and
used in three plate molds such as toys sometimes are molded which we will elaborate on.
with 50% of the heat removed However, some parts are more
through the cavity. These parts ideally suited to different gate
benefit from the high thermal configurations including
conductivity of the copper alloys and runnerless molding system
the more even mold surface drops, fan, tab, sprue, ring,
temperatures offered. diaphragm, flash and post gates.

Mold Base Materials

Additionally the mold plate can be
Edge Gates
build from the material most ideally
The edge gate is the most
suited for the type and amount of common type of gate on
cycles the mold will run. The mold
conventional molds. (Illustration
plates and/or mold base are normally
A) Typically, the gate depth (d) is
built from 1030 plain carbon steel, 50 to 80% of the wall that it is
Number 1 steel for prototypes or
connected to. The depth of the
very short runs. Number 2 steel,
gate controls gate freeze off and
4130-4140, is most often used for is the most critical
dimension in determining pressure larger the diameter. Obviously, the
loss. Width of the gate (w) is smaller the gate
generally two to four times the diameter the better the cosmetics
depth, depending upon the volume on the part and the smaller the gate
of plastic required to fill the part. vestige.
The gate land (I) should be short to The ideal location for the gate is
avoid large pressure losses. listed below, unfortunately,
Additionally, a short gate land will sometimes trade offs must be made
assist in breaking or degating the and not every criteria can be
part from the runner. satisfied. Therefore, a decision has
to be made as what is the best
Submarine Gate
The submarine (frequently referred compromise in gate placement. 1. weakest section on the part). 6.
Plastic must have the ability to fill Plastic entering the part from the gate
to as a tunnel or sub) gate is a
popular choice on conventional the entire part without using must impinge on a wall or mold
molds when an automatic method extreme processing conditions and member to create a small back
maximum injection pressures. pressure, avoid jetting. 7. The location
of separating the part from the
runner system is desired. The (Multiple gates may be required on has to be in an area that will minimize
diameter of the gate (Illustration B) some parts) 2.Material, flowing from weld, flow or knit lines especially on
the gate, will push gasses toward class "A" surfaces. 8. The gate mark
is generally 50 to 70% of the wall
section, with 60% a common the parting line or other areas where should not be located on an
choice. The angle of the cone is they can be effectively vented and appearance or functional surface. 9. If
will not entrap gas. 3. Plastic will the gate is of the type that must be
normally 30°. However, with stiffer
materials it frequently is less. Care flow into the thickest section of the trimmed, it must be located in an
must be taken so as not to place part and will flow from thicker to accessible area.
thinner sections. 4. Flow to all
the cone too close to the cavity Methods of venting
thereby avoiding thin cavity material points on the part will be of equal
distance and the part will not Injection molds must be vented to
sections and premature failure. allow volatiles released from the
experience areas of over packing.
Flexible plastics allow the angle to plastic pellets during the plasitifi-
increase, as the plastic will still pull 5. The gate must be located in an
area not subjected to high stresses cation process and the air trapped in
from the cone. Most submarine the closed mold to escape. Adequate
depth, information available from
gates are placed to enter on the vents must be installed on the parting
cavity side of the mold. In these the plastic material supplier is a
very reliable source for technical line, runner systems and in any place
situations, ejector pins with pullers in the mold where entrapment of
are incorporated in the runner information.
these gasses occur. The depth of the
system to hold the runner during Vents vent must be less than that which the
gate separating and then eject the Vents (Illustration D) should be plastic will flash. Experience has
runner. installed at the mold parting line. proven that the location of the vent in
The depth should be slightly less proximity to the gate will determine
Pin Point Gate
Pin point gates (top gating) are then where flash will form. Vents the depth to which plastic will flash.
used in modified and three plate should be 1/4 to 1/2 inch in width. The closer the vent is to the gate the
After a short land length, typically easier the material will flash. The
molds. Typically, and almost with-
out exception, round parts like .020 inch, the vent depth should be longer the flow distance from the gate,
closures and caps have the gate machined .03 to .04 deep and must the less likely plastic will flash at the
lead to atmosphere outside the same
located in the center of the part.
The cone, connecting the runner mold. Conventional runner systems
system with the gate starts with a should be vented also. Any gas that
can be vented prior to arriving at the
full radius at the end and typically
has a 2°-3° angle to assist in cavity is less volume that has to be
extraction with the assistance of a allowed to escape. Typically runner
system vents are twice the depth as
sucker pin. The gate portion tapers
down at about a 10° angle. The the part if runner flash is not an
intersection of the gate to the cavity issue and installed at the end of the
must be sharp providing for a good runner and at junctions. Stopping
break off. Generally, the amount of short of the outside of the mold with
any vent is extremely inefficient in
gate projection from a pin point
gate is one-half the gate diameter. allowing gasses to escape and
The gate diameter (Illustration 0 is considered bad practice.
30 to 60% of the wall that it is Round parts with top gates,
connected to. The ideal gate (Illustration E) lend themselves to
diameter is a function of the flow relief around the entire part. A
properties of the plastic; the easier collector ring assists in collecting
the flow the smaller the gate
diameter. The harder the flow, the (the gate area could well be the
the gasses and bleed offs allow stone or blasting. These cate-
them to escape to atmosphere. gories then have three sub-
The volume of the bleed offs must groups defining the last
equal or be greater than the benching or polishing operation
volume of the collector rings to be that will yield the desired finish
efficient. or appearance on the plastic
part. in addition to the listing of
Areas in the cavity that can be the SPI finish standard number
vented other than the parting line and the corresponding
are at insert lines, core pins and operation, we have included the
areas where sintered vents can Ra and RMS measurement
be installed. Ejector pins are often taken from a finished
overlooked as excellent places to component. It is important to
install vents, as they are self remember that the measurement
cleaning due to their movement at is not part of the SPI standard,
ejection. An effective vent can be nor is it endorsed by SPI. It is
achieved by grinding relief on the simply included as a reference.
top diameter (Illustration F) to
allow the gasses to escape
SPI Definition of Last Ra RMS
around the diameter to a collector Finish Operation
ring and then spiral bleed offs to
the ejector housing. This method
A-13 Diamond Buff 0.6 0.8
keeps the ejector pin centered in
A-26 Diamond Buff 0.8 1.0
the ejector pin hole, preventing
A-315 Diamond Buff 0.9 1.2
shifting of the pin causing flash on
one side of the pin and shutting B-1600 Grit Paper 2.1 2.6
off the vent on the other side and B-2400 Grit Paper 3.8 4.9
is much more effective than an B-3320 Grit Paper 4.8 6.2
under-size pin in an oversized C-1600 Stone 4.4 5.7
ejector pin hole. C-2400 Stone 8.0 10.2
C-3320 Stone 8.9 11.4
Mold Finish D-1 Dry Blast #11 8.8 11.1
The Society of Plastics Industry
D-2 Dry Blast # 240 13. 17.0
(SPI) developed and publishes a Al Oxide 2
standard for mold finish that is D-3 Dry Blast # 24 Al 80. 104.
universally used to specify the Oxide 8 5
desired effect on the plastic part.
The standard is based on four
different methods, polishing with
diamond, paper,
Injection Mold Design
Maximizing Performance Using Copper Alloys

Nomenclature for the types of molds one probe to feed plastic for the
is somewhat diverse but usually mold to be a true runnerless molding
follows an order describing the type system. Often hybrid systems are
of runner system, mold action and used, especially on small parts
ejection method used. A mold is where one probe is used to feed a
considered a standard mold when it conventional runner system, which
has a conventional runner system, then feeds multiple parts. Copper
the part is pulled without any action alloy probes have proven to hold
and the mold only has an opening at more even temperature profiles than
the parting line. Occasionally we steel alloys, especially at the tip end.
hear the term two-plate applied to
Internally heated systems incorpo-
this type of conventional mold. This
rate a manifold with balanced and
is not necessarily a correct
streamlined passages installed for
description and perhaps is only used
the plastic to flow from the inlet to
to differentiate it from a three-plate
the nozzles. Nozzles normally
equipped with coil heaters around
the periphery and a thermocouple to
A three-plate mold has the runner control the temperature, feed plastic
system installed between a separate from the manifold to the gate. A very
parting line and the parts are gated popular divergent flow style
with a pin point gate. The advantage incorporates a copper alloy tip,
is that the cold runner is separated usually made from AA83 or AA940
from the parts on mold opening. This copper alloy, to aid in maintaining an
type of mold was popular for top even temperature profile at the gate
gating parts and now frequently a entrance to the cavity. The melt flow
runner-less molding system is used typically diverges from the center
in its place. flow passage through orifices
allowing the copper alloy tip to
extend down to or into the gate
Illustration A: Stripper ring ejection Runnerless molding systems (RMS) orifice. The tip then maintains control
of an undercut account for nearly 30% of the molds of the gate area, freezing the gate
built today. RMS can be internally or during part removal and maintaining
externally heated. If internally the correct temperature to open the
heated, the mold has distributor gate for the next cycle.
tubes and/or probes with electric Molds can have many actions,
heaters placed in the distribution depending on what has to be
channels to maintain the melt accomplished, to free undercuts and
temperature of the plastic as it flows remove the part from the mold.
around the tubes toward the gate. External threads for example, if hot
Each cavity needs at least strippable, utilize slide action or
expandable cavities to free external
Internal threads can be formed on side of the mold, require that the
collapsible cores or in unscrewing core be removed prior to
molds. Several methods are used attempting to free even the
for unscrewing molds, including slightest undercut, as the flexing
hydraulic motors, splines, various plastic must have a place to
gearing methods and for large compress or expand into if the
multiple cavity molds, racks and part is manufactured without
pinions are used. moving mold members. When
the undercut is too great, the
Other mold actions include lifters, mold cavity can be split or mov-
wedges or slifters (a new term), ing cams installed to release the
raising members and slides undercut. These plastic part fea-
(sometimes referred to as splits, tures with details connected to
cams and side action). Mold the main wall tend to have the
nomenclature then typically thickest sections. Copper alloys
describes the type of ejector with their ability to cool faster
Illustration B: A lifter shown with the mold system used, normally ejector
closed. Lifter angle is exaggerated, should not than conventional mold steels
pins, sleeves, stripper rings or have proven to be the best
exceed 5°.
plates. Therefore, molds are choice of mold materials in these
normally refereed to as "a three areas, copper alloys will provide
plate, slide action sleeve ejected the most even surface
mold", or "runnerless collapsible temperatures necessary to take
core, stripper plate mold". the heat away from the molding
Mold Slides surfaces. Frequently, the front of
Undercuts, features on the plastic the slides are faced or inserted. A
part that are not in line with copper alloy is inserted on a steel
normal mold opening, are fre- slide carrier and coolant channels
quently encountered. When the are machined through the carrier
undercut is small, typically into the copper alloy insert. With
defined as a percentage of the this design, the copper slide face
overall part dimension, the best acts as a watered heat sink,
and least expensive option is to drawing heat away from the part.
determine if the part will flex
In all other designs the slide
enough to strip off the cavity or
should be designed with the
core without the use of a mold
same concept and mold coolant
action. Freeing the plastic
channel as the molds cores and
undercut is first dependent upon
cavities. The coolant channels
Illustration C: lifter actuation shown during the plastic material, its flexibility
could include looping flow, baffles
ejection. and hardness. The greater the
Lifter angle is exaggerated, should not exceed or bubbles. A coolant-circulating
flexibility and more compressive
5°. cascade is available from a
the plastic the greater the
number of standard mold com-
undercut can be. The stiffer and
ponent supplies and is ideal for
more rigid the plastic material, the
getting coolant into hard to reach
less the undercut must be.
areas like those found on a slide.
Undercuts are defined as the
The best practice is to place
percentage difference between
these coolant lines about two
"d", the amount of the undercut,
diameters of the cooling channel
and "D" the diameter or
away from the molding surfaces.
dimension that the undercut has
This standard works well with the
to snap off (see Illustration A).
copper alloys, as well as mold
Seals are molded from flexible steels. However, if you cannot
PVC with undercuts greater than get that close to the mold
.375 inch and a 1.500 diameter, surface, the more efficient copper
resulting in undercuts of 25%. alloys, with their higher thermal
Modified Closure Manufacturer's conductivity, will perform well
Association (CMA) threads are when the coolant lines are not
frequently stripped on closure ideally located.
sizes above 24mm in polyethyl-
Mold Lifters
ene and polypropylene, especially
A lifter is a component in the
in co-polymers. Acme or buttress
mold that is normally attached to
threads typically will not strip due
and actuated by the ejector
to the sharp and flat thread profile
system and moves at an angle to
perpendicular to the direction of
free internal molding detail (see
Illustrations B and C). They are
External part features, those typically attached between the
normally found on the cavity ejector retainer and ejector plates
with some mechanism
allowing the fixed end to slide or
pivot to compensate for the move- Wedges or Moving Members
ment of the lifter position as it
moves at the desired angle. Lifters Wedges are mold components that
are frequently used when segment- have a shape that allows them to fit
ed plastic undercuts (raised mold tight in the molding position but
core detail) is necessary. The lifter when moved forward free
has to move out of the mold core at themselves from the pocket to
an angle, typically 5° or less, to move away from the plastic wall
clear the plastic from the mold lifter (see illustrations D and E). They
detail. This angle is critical for two have a guiding system allowing
reasons. First, if the angle were too them to move forward and away
great the forward motion of the from internal or external undercuts
ejector system would put too much on the plastic part. The wedges are Illustration D: Wedge/”slifter” with the
pressure against the lifter body. normally located on the "B" side of mold closed.
This pressure would create binding the mold and are either pulled with
of the lifter and lead to excessive a mechanical attachment from the
wear or premature failure. Should "A" side of the mold, or pushed by it out of the mold and physically or
the angle be too shallow, the the ejector system or cylinders. mechanically flex the plastic to remove
ejector plate travel would be While less common, wedges can be it from the mold core. These molds are
excessive. Therefore, careful installed on the "A" side of the mold. frequently considered raising core
engineering and good judgement molds. This type of arrangement
The wedge must be guided as it
has to be made. complicates the installation of coolant
moves forward. The two guide sys-
channels due to their contour and
Due to their function, lifters are nor- tems most frequently encountered
shape. Placement of the coolant
mally long and narrow. Coolant are the "T" slot or dovetails. Molds
channels can be far from ideal.
channels are nearly impossible to with wedges utilizing dovetails to
Typically a tool steel core member in
machine into them. The AA83, guide and hold the wedge in posi-
these applications results in areas
AA95 and AA940 copper alloys, tion are being called "slifters" in the
where cooling is compromised. Copper
normally used in the mold cavity tooling community. Wedges or
alloys have proven time and again that
and core, will remove the heat slifters have a commonality with
they will, due to their high cooling rates,
efficiently from the lifter. However, lifters. The angle in which they raise
run cooler and have more evenly
because this is a high wear area must be steep enough to free the
distributed surface temperate than a
and when the mold core is built undercut within the movement
steel counterpart would have. The
from one of the alloys already, range and yet shallow enough so
plastic product almost always has less
aluminum bronzes make excellent as not to bind or be exposed to
warp, twist, sink and is more
choices for lifter materials. More conditions where excessive wear
dimensional consistent, due to
information on aluminum bronzes could occur.
improved temperature control of this
will be included in article eight of By design, these mold members raising mold member.
this series. To avoid seizing the have large areas in contact with the
lifter, one copper alloy riding Other Mold Movements.
plastic part. Therefore it is
against another copper alloy is not necessary to build them with The injection-molding machine provides
good engineering practice. One of coolant channels and from one movement when the machine
the components should be plated or materials with high thermal plates separate. The subsequent mold
coated. The plating or coating conductivity rates. While these opening provides the mold designer
should be carefully chosen, as it wedges and slifters are ideal candi- with motion that can be used to
must provide a low coefficient of dates for the AA83, AA95 and mechanically create movement in
friction between the two surfaces. AA940 copper alloys for the plastic another plane. Plate movement,
Surface treatments should provide forming contact areas, they are not commonly referred to as floating of the
dry lubrication and not be affected the best choices for the "T" or dove- plates, creates the conditions where the
by contact with the plastic material tail guiding systems. Therefore, desired mold actions can be
and thermal cycling of the mold several options should be incorporated.
component due to the molding considered in their construction.
process. One preferred method is to One example is the movement of
laminate hardened tool steel to the conventional mechanical slides on the
As the lifters have to move inward "B" side of the mold with an angle pin
from the inside wall of the plastic copper molding face and install the
guiding system in the tool steel. (see Illustration F). The angle pin(s) is
part to free the undercut, the part located on the "A" side of the mold and
must be devoid of any detail that Aluminum bronze materials can be
laminated to the opposing member when the parting line separates the pin,
would prohibit or impede lifter due to the angle, moves the slide out. If
movement. Should the part design of the mold to reduce friction and
avoid common tool steels acting as the same movement is required on the
not allow this required movement "A" side of the mold the problem of
the only choice to form this part bearing surfaces.
clearing the undercut prior to the main
detail may be with the aid of inter- Raising Mold Members parting line must be overcome. One
nal or hidden slides. The problem solution may be to pull the slides with
with internal slides is the amount of Occasionally plastic parts will have
hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders prior to
room they take to position and but extreme contours. Automotive "A",
the mold opening. If the slide has plastic
when moved forward free move "B" and "C" pillars, for example,
forming projected area against it the
them in a core. which have geometry where the
cavity pressure must be overcome by
only way to free the part is to raise
some locking method.
Should the area and pressures be dard mold is straight forward, the
small the cylinder may have sequence of events is that the
enough force to prevent move- mold closes, plastic is injected,
ment. If the pressures are great, the plastic is cooled, the mold
then a locking cylinder must be opens, the parts are ejected and
used. in any event, the timing of the cycle continues. When mold
the cylinder retraction and actions, items like slides, lifters,
advancement must be tied into wedges, floating plates, etc. are
the molding machine and mea- incorporated, the sequence of
sures taken to insure that the events must be pre-determined
slide is in the proper position on and the mold designed and built
mold opening and closing. to insure that the proper event
happens and that the plate or
To move the "A" half slides movement has traveled the
mechanically a mold movement correct amount prior to the next
has to be established where the sequence starting. Additionally, it
"A" plate floats (retaining the is important that the mold actions
Illustration E: Slifter actuation during plastic part) creating forward
ejection, showind the wear plates and return in the proper order. Over
movement so that angle pins the years, almost any action or
dove tail guides
mounted in the top clamp plate movement has been installed in
can actuate the slides away from production molds. We are only
the part and clearing the under- limited by our imagination on how
cut. Once the part is clear from to positively insure that the
the slide the plate movement is proper mold action will take place
positively stopped, normally with at the correct time and then
shoulder or stripper bolts, and the reverse the process to prepare
main parting line is allowed to for the next molding cycle.
There is no room for error in
The movement of plates is typi- sequencing of mold actions. Each
cally accomplished with a puller operation must be precisely
mechanism. Frequently external carried out in the proper
mounted commercially available sequence with the movement
latch lock devices are mounted required exactly carried out. If
on the mold. These mechanisms any plate or action is left to
are solidly attached to the mold chance, damage will occur
member that will be actuating the sometime during the molding run.
plate and the opposite end of the The correct way to design the
device will contact and lock the mold is to positively achieve the
plate when moving it and release desired movement at the right
when the desire travel has been time, while providing a method of
reached. determining that the sequence
Illustration F: Copper faced slide showing the
use of an angle pin. The cooling circuit path Timing has occurred prior to allowing the
and “O” rings between copper and steel are The expression used to describe mold process to continue to the
not visible in this view. the proper sequence of events in next step.
mold action is timing. The
opening and closing of a stan-
injection Mold Design
Maximizing , By Dr. Paul Engelmann
and Bob Dealey

Performance Using for the Mold Marketing

Task Croup of the Copper
Development Association^

Copper Alloys
Copper Alloy Core Pins
The fastest, easiest and quickest method of
proving benefits from the high thermal
conductivity properties of copper alloys is to
replace a core pin in a troublesome
application. Core pin, as the name implies,
forms the interior of a plastic part feature.
Problem areas in the mold that will benefit
from the core pin replacement Include heavy
wall sections that control cycle time, interior
part features that cannot be cooled efficiently,
sections prone to sink marks and features that
require tighter and more consistent
dimensional control. (illustration A)

The principles of heat flow should be

Illustration A: Core pin forming a hole understood and applied in the
In the plastic part. The core pin injection mold design as the mold
transfers heat to a chill plate for faster acts as a heat exchanger during the
cooling cycles. molding cycle. Those principles are:
1. Radiation, conduction and
convection transfer heat.
(Conduction is the main method of
heat transfer in a mold and is the

most efficient means of cooling) 2. Heat

flows from the body with the higher
temperature to a body of lower tem-
perature. (You cannot transfer cold). 3. The
temperature difference, not the amount of
heat contained, determines flow of heat. 4.
The greater the difference in temperatures
between the bodies, core and plastic, the
greater the flow of heat. 5. The thermal
conductivity of the mold materials will have
a dominant affect on the amount of heat
energy transferred.
The following mold-cooling formula is
normally used for engineering mold
designs for efficient operation:
ference between them. The fit
dimensions and tolerances of core pins
are critical to the success in their had less warpage than the part
function in the injection mold. Core fit at molded with a steel core with water
its mounting surface, is typically an circulating, even at a 22% longer
interference fit of -.0000 to -.0005 molding cycle.
depending on its size and frequency of From the Western Michigan
removal from the mold. As a general University test data one can
Chart B: Chart illustrates rule the length of the fit area should be conclude that "L" is rather
advantages of copper alloys in at least twice the diameter. insignificant when the combination
reducing part warpage and cycle of the copper alloy core pins and
times. As the core pin forms Its detail in the chill plate of the same material and
surrounding plastic, the heat given off thermal conductivity is used in a
from the plastic must be absorbed and mold design. This is an important
transferred through the core pin to an discovery and technology
area of the mold where the heat can be improvement in the efficiency of
mold building and injection
transferred Into cooling lines. As with molding.
tool steel cores, the most efficient
Coefficient of Thermal
Mold Material and Coefficient of Thermal Applications in Molds Expansion
Description Expansion 10-6/F The coefficient of thermal
expansion must be considered
when designing molds with
420 SS Stainless Steel 6.1 High Gloss Cavities materials that expand at different
rates. The degree of thermal
H-13 Tool Steel 7.1 Hardened cavities and Cores expansion is critical in both the fit
P-20 Tool Steel 7.1 Pre-Hard Cavities of the components and the correct
Ampcoloy 83 9.7 Cores, Core Pins, Cavity inserts, dimensions to design and build the
Slides, Etc. Where Higher Hardness is mold core, components and cavity.
Desired Copper alloys have larger expan-
sion coefficients than tool steels
Ampcoloy 95 9.8 Cores, Core Pins, Cavity inserts,
and are listed in Illustration C.
Slides, Etc. Where Higher Thermal
Conductivity is Desired Both the plastic material shrink rate
Ampcoloy 940 9.7 Cores, Core Pins, Cavity inserts, and thermal expansion of the mold
Slides, Etc. Where Higher Thermal cavity and core must be taken into
Conductivity is Desired consideration in the design of close
Ampco 18 9.0 Lifters, Bushings, Bearings, Wear tolerance molds. Plastic shrink
Plates, Gibs and High Wear Areas rates, when using copper alloys in
the mold, may be reduced when
Ampco 21 9.0 Ejector Sleeves, Bushings, Bearings, compared with steel components. If
wear Plates, Gibs and Load Bearing the plastic material shrink rate is
Areas affected by mold temperature, then
compensation must be made.
Typically, the mold surface
Illustration C: Chart listing various mold materials, coefficient temperature will be more
of thermal expansion and applications, in injection molds. consistent and lower with the use
of copper alloys, if the mold will be
removing the heat is with an internal run at elevated temperatures, as is
coolant passage with cooling medium the case with many of the hew
circulating in the core itself. engineering grades of materials,
the thermal expansion of mold
Tests at Western Michigan university cavities and cores must be
have proven the effectiveness of considered when specifying mold
transferring heat from the plastic sizes. This same consideration
through a copper alloy core pin and should be taken into account when
then into a copper alloy chill plate. inserting a copper alloy into a steel
(Chart B). in this illustration, the retainer. The final fit should be
calculated at operating
results of exhaustive testing in the temperatures.
same mold are shown; steel and cop-
per core pins with and without water Ejector Sleeves and Core Pins
circulating in them were tested. The Core pins fitting into ejector
tests prove the effectiveness of core sleeves requires special
pins made from copper alloys, with considerations. Standard off
higher thermal conductivity rates than the shelf ejector sleeves are
tool steels, will cool a part faster with built to accept pins with toler-
far less warpage at shorter cycle ances applicable to ejector pins
times than their steel counterparts. and not core pins. Apparently
Note that the warpage of a part when ejector sleeves were first
molded with copper alloy core pins, introduced the only close
resting on a copper alloy chill plate, tolerance pins available were
ejector pins and the precedent
was established. As ejector
sleeves are utilized to force
plastic off mold detail, it implies
that a core pin should be used
in the application. The core pin
must rapidly transfer heat
removed from the plastic to
another part of the mold. The
high thermal conductivity of
copper alloys performs this
function efficiently and
results in a very consistent and uniform First and foremost, the ejector
shot-to-shot component temperature. component must push the plastic off the
mold member. Placing an ejector pin on
Care must be taken to provide the a surface that creates a pulling action
proper clearance between the ejector on a plastic wall results in a greater
sleeve and copper alloy core pin. resistance to the removal of the part.
Always check your ejector sleeve
supplier's dimensions and tolerances,
the ejector sleeve has an internal Ejector and sprue puller pins built from
tolerance of the nominal dimension + the copper alloys, AA83, AA940, A18
.0005 -.0000 inches. The copper alloy and A21 are successfully used in high
core pin should have approximately volume molds. The copper alloy ejector
.0010 to .0015 clearance, depending pins require slightly greater clearances
upon the diameter and at what between the pin and the ejector pinhole
clearance plastic will flash. Copper to compensate for their higher thermal
alloy core pins can not just expansion. These pins work well when Illustration D: Bearing length of
automatically be used with standard additional heat must be taken away and ejector sleeves should be no greater
ejector sleeves as the tolerances do not have proven beneficial when used in than two times the diameter.
allow enough clearance and galling of thick wall applications for reducing or
the components will result. Proper eliminating sink marks. contact surface is accommodated nicely
consideration must be made in by the high thermal conductivity of the
providing the proper sliding fit. One of the most impressive success copper alloys.
stories involves the use of a copper
The other design necessity is to insure alloy sprue puller pin. (illustration E) Ejector bars, similar to ejector rings but
that the proper bearing length between Problems are frequently encountered in straight, are being used to contact long
the ejector sleeve and core pin is used. cooling the sprue puller enough to wall sections and are replacing the
(Illustration D) Bearing length should be efficiently pull the sprue. The use of the large number of small diameter ejector
a function of the core pin diameter. The copper alloy sprue puller is highly pins commonly used. This concept,
general rule of thumb is that the effective and recommended when using the low friction properties of the
bearing length should be two times the flexible materials are molded and aluminum bronze copper alloys,
diameter. We think when the bearing problems pulling the sprue are provides a robust means of ejecting on
length exceeds one-half to three- encountered. Again, the bearing length large surface areas. Fewer ejector pin
quarters of an inch, problems will occur on the sprue puller pin should be two impression marks are encountered at
as a result of too great of a bearing times the diameter of the pin. shorter cooling and cycle times with the
length. Experience in the mode of use of ejector bars.
failure between the sleeve and pin The most common mode of failure of an
show that 90% of the time the bearing ejector pin is galling created by overly Head Clearances for Ejector Sleeves
length is too long. Standard ejector long bearing lengths. This failure mode and Pins
sleeves are provided with allowances is typically observed when a tensile To allow for any misalignment in
for cutting to the desired length and the failure occurs. (Illustration F) Buckling of machining of the multiple plates in the
bearing length is purposely long to ejector pins is the second most common mold and to compensate for any
accommodate all possible sleeve mode of failure. adverse thermal expansion, clearances
lengths in that size range. Therefore, must be provided for the ejector
When small diameter pins are used, components in the mounting area. The
when the sleeve is cut for just a short whether in steel or copper alloy,
length, the bearing length is long and counter bore depth in the ejector
stepped ejector pins should be used for retainer plate for the sleeve or pin head
that is generally when problems occur. maximum resistance against bending. should be .001 inch greater than the
Copper Alloy Ejector Sleeves Euler's Formula for long and slender actual head dimension. This allows the
Thin wall ejector sleeves built from columns can be used to determine how fixed end of the column to seek its
Ampco 21 aluminum bronze and then long an ejector pin can be in relation to proper alignment in relationship to the
plated are successfully utilized in high its diameter. Most ejector pin failures corresponding hole in the mold core.
speed and high cavitation unscrewing occur, due to the column being slender
molds. The sleeves offer advantages where bending or buckling action The head counter bore diameter should
over their H-13 counterparts as they predominates over compressive be .015 inch larger than the sleeve or
provide an extremely low coefficient of stresses. pin head diameter. Through clearance
friction. More importantly, they hold in the ejector retainer plate for the
their roundness better in thin wall sleeve or pin shank should be .005
sleeve applications. Diameters of 2.000 Ejector Rings, Bars and Air Poppets inch. These clearances will hold the
inch with wall thickness of .040 inch in When concerns regarding wear of head end of the ejector component
the ejection area have been known to ejector components are encountered, secure, yet allow enough movement to
run 1,000,000 cycles. When the plating copper alloy stripper rings or bars can not create binding when the device tries
begins to show evidence of wear or be used. The ductility of the copper to seek its own location.
exposes the copper alloy the mold alloys, along with the low coefficient of
components are stripped, refit and friction between them and tool steels
plated again. Due to similar materials, it make them ideal candidates for these Clearances through the support and "B"
typically is not a good practice to run mold components. Stripper rings plate should be .032 inch greater than
copper against copper in ejector sleeve inserted into guided steel stripper plates the ejector component diameter. Each
applications. However, with the proper designed with minimal clearance results plate leading edge should be
plating on both components, success in long maintenance-free operation, in countersunk with a 45 degree taper for
has been achieved in high volume the event of the plate cocking or shifting ease of assembly and to prevent
molds. of the core, damage to the expensive damage to the outside edge of the
mold component can be minimized with ejector component. The mold should be
Copper Alloy Ejector and Sprue the use of the copper alloys. assembled with the ejector plate sepa-
Puller Pins Additionally, the hard-to-cool area of the rated from the ejector retainer plate.
The placement of ejector pins, sleeves stripper plate Each ejector sleeve or pin should be
rings or bars in the mold is crucial to indi-
the efficient removal of the plastic part.
vidually positioned and loaded into its ejector plate and the tip located at
proper location. The components, the parting line, only ensures full
once committed to a location, should return when the mold is closed.
be properly identified and always Frequently, it is desired to either take
returned to that position. the load off the return pins or assist
in the return of the ejector system.
Guided Ejector System
Connecting the ejector system to the
Every mold that utilizes small diam-
machine's hydraulic knock out plates
eter ejector pins or is heavy enough
with an ejector rod is common. When
to cause the pins to flex should be
the machine ejector system returns,
equipped with a four post-guided
the ejector plate and ejector system
ejector system. The most efficient
also returns.
systems utilize hard surface
grooveless leader pins and Ampco Many molds incorporate
18 or Ampco 21 aluminum bronze compression springs to aid in the
bushings. The guides should be return of the ejector system. Four
Illustration E: Copper alloy sprue puller located on the four corners of the springs, often located around the
pin used to firm up puller and reduce ejector system to provide the most return pins, are used. Care must be
molding cycles. accurate alignment of the compo- taken not to over compress the
nents to the mold core. The objective springs and cause premature failure.
is to remove any load from the This method is not entirely fool proof.
ejector components. Debates range if The ejector system is not positively
the leader pins should be installed in returned after each cycle and should
the ejector housing or through the never be used as the only means of
support plate. We prefer installing the return if damage will result should an
guide pins in the support plate as this ejector component not be returned
allows the ejector retainer plate to be prior to mold closing. Ejector return
held in position when the ejector springs should be replaced in sets,
components are loaded. never individually to ensure that even
In those instances when the support pressure is supplied against the
plate will be subjected to greater ejector plate.
thermal expansion than the ejector
plate, additional clearances can be When the ejector system must be
accommodated in the fit of the bush- absolutely and positively returned
ings to the ejector and ejector retain-prior to the mold closing, early ejec-
er plate. Placement of the guide pins tor system mechanisms are used.
in the ejector housing removes the Small molds sometimes use
element of thermal expansion from internally mounted early ejector
the equation, but makes it more diffi- return systems. Medium and large
cult to assemble the mold. molds use externally mounted toggle
Illustration F: Bearing length of ejector mechanisms to ensure that the
Ejector System Return ejector plates have been positively
pins is crucial to mold life. Every mold should have ejector returned so they will not prevent the
return pins to insure that the ejector mold from closing.
system has positively returned for the We believe that having a limit switch
start of the next cycle. The most or electrical signal to ensure the
common method is using the stan- positive return of the ejector system
dard four return system found on is an important safety consideration.
every standard mold base. This posi- Using a switch alone, without the
tive method of ejector plate return, assistance of an early return system,
with the pin head resting on the can be dangerous and result in mold
damage should a system electrical
failure or false signal occur. •

The Injection mold design guidelines were written by Dr. Paul Engelmann, Associate
Professor, western Michigan university and Bob Dealey, Dealey's Mold Engineering,
with the support of Dr. Dale Peters, for the Mold Marketing Task Group of the
Copper Development Association. Kurt Hayden, graduate research assistant, WMU,
generated the Illustrations. Research conducted by WMU plastic program students.
These guidelines are a result of research at WMU and industry experience gained
with the use of copper alloys In injection molding. While the information contained is
deemed reliable, due to the wide variety of plastics materials, mold designs and
possible molding applications available, no warranties are expressed or Implied in
the application of these guidelines.
Contact information
Information on copper alloys is available from the Copper Development Association,
at 800-232-3282. Technical clarification of the guidelines can be made by contacting
Bob Dealey Dealey's Mold Engineering at 262-245-5800
Injection Mold Design
Maximizing Performance using Copper Alloys

Cooling With Copper Alloys ejected correctly without harming the

Typically the AA83, AA95 and part. Normally we think of the
AA940 copper alloys are used in process as just cooling of the mold,
plastic forming areas of molds but sometimes the mold is heated.
because of their high thermal con- Our ultimate objective is to control
ductivity and unique abilities to mold temperature within a range that
attain a more even molding surface yields a product within specifications
temperature. at acceptable cycle times.
The key to obtaining and maintain- Placement of Coolant Channels
ing plastic part Ideal placement of water channels in
dimensional copper alloys will enhance an
stability and already good mold temperature
repeatability, crit- control material. Good design
ical in three and practice calls for the edge of the
six sigma mold- channels to be placed two times the
ing, is to expose diameter of the channel away from
each and every the molds plastic forming surfaces,
cavity and mold- see Illustration A. This distance has
ing cycle to proven to be effective in providing
exactly the same enough support to prevent
conditions. The deformation of the molding surface
molding machine and ideal for providing an even mold
and/or process surface temperature. Closer
controls provide placement to the plastic forming
the ability to surface could result in greater
control melt temperature variation across the
temperatures, mold surface by over-cooling areas
Illustration A: Water channel placement screw recovery, in closer proximity.
showing position between channel and edge injection rates The pitch, distance between coolant
of cavity forming alloy. and pressures,
channels, is also an important
cycle time and
design consideration. The recom-
other parameters
mended distance between these
channels is two to five times the
with the process. Control of both the diameter of the coolant channel.
mold surface temperature and then These recommendations have
the range of these temperatures is a proven effective in mold applications
separate and frequently overlooked using copper alloys. Frequently in
process. similar situations with molds built
After cavity filling, mold temperature from tool steels, the
control is the single most important recommendations are to place the
factor influencing dimensional coolant channels closer to the sur-
control of the molded part. All face with reduced pitch distances.
thermoplastics have to be cooled The superior thermal conductivity of
from their melt temperature to a the copper alloys allows greater
temperature where they can be freedom in channel placement.
A fluid circulating pump with edited by Dominick V. Rosato
capability of achieving turbulent and Donald V. Rosato. It takes
flow rates is an important part of into account the fluid velocity in
the equation. When using cold feet per second times the
mold temperatures, typically diameter of the coolant passage
below 50 degrees F, closed sys- times a constant of 7740 divided
tems with mixtures of water and the viscosity of water. Water
ethylene glycol are typically viscosity changes as
used. These systems require temperatures increase. At 32°F
higher horsepower motors to the viscosity of water is about 1.8
achieve the same flow rates as centistokes, at 100°F it has
water as the viscosity of the fluid changed to about 0.7 and at
changes. Temperature ranges 200°F about 0.3. This explains
between 50 and 210 degrees F why, on occasion, increasing
usually use plain water. coolant temperature reduces part
Processes over the boiling point warpage and cycle time. Lessons
of water generally rely on oil and learned in production molding
Illustration B: Baffle in series coolant usually the mold is being have shown that with the use of
circuit, positioned to force flow up and heated, even though the mold copper alloys higher coolant
over baffle has to cool the plastic to eject it. temperatures can be used,
and not around. reducing sweating of the mold
Reynolds Numbers and supply lines, while producing
A method used in mold design a better part at lower cycle times.
describe the mold temperature Normally mold cool programs are
control fluid flow in a mold, either used to analyze effectiveness of
laminar or turbulent, is by a heat transfer in the mold due to
dimensionless number. The number of variables affecting the
Reynolds number takes into calculation. While better cooling
account the pressure, volume is achieved with higher Reynolds
and viscosity of the coolant, the numbers, a point of diminishing
resistance to flow, length and returns will be reached. When the
diameter of the channels and the circulating media has the
pressure loss in the circuit. capability of removing heat faster
Laminar flow in a plastic mold, than the plastic will give it up,
described by Reynolds numbers which is typically the case with
below 2,000, indicates conditions the proper application of copper
whereby heat is not efficiently alloys, energy in cooling or
transferred from the channel wall heating and pumping the
Ilustration C: Bubbler in parallel to the circulating media. circulating media is wasted.
coolant circuit. Area of center of tube Turbulent flow, Reynolds Correctly designed coolant
should equal area of return. numbers above 5,000, describe systems are important factors in
conditions where efficient transfer obtaining fast and economical
of heat is made from the coolant cycle time. The higher thermal
channel wall to the circulating conductivity of the copper alloys
Pipe Drilled Min. Flow (gal/min) media. Heat transfer during allows more freedom in this
Size Channel turbulent conditions can be as design over traditional tool steels.
Diameter much as three to five times
1/16- .250 .33 .44 .55 .75 1.3 greater than with laminar flow. An effective method of testing
IMT 1/8- .3125 Numbers falling between 2,000 existing mold temperature control
NPT and 3,500 describe a transition systems is to remove an exit line
.4375 .562
1/4-NPT .6875 phase and typically is ineffective and measure the coolant flow
3/8-NPT in closely controlling mold surface through that circuit. The following
1/2-NPT temperatures. A simplified table lists the flow nominal size
formula for determining the (pipe), drilled whole diameter and
Reynilds number for systems the minimum water flow required
using water appears in Injection insuring turbulent flow.
Molding Handbook,
Chill Plates
Earlier injection mold design guide-
when the pressure plug is tight.
lines describe the effective use of a
chill (temperature control) plate As temperature control fluid flow is
made from the same copper alloy positively directed through each
to insure the same thermal channel, care must be taken to
conductivity. Testing at western insure that the outlet temperature
Michigan university has proven the does not exceed the inlet
effectiveness of cooling multiple temperatures by more than 3°to
small cores that have small 5°F. High temperature differentials
diameters preventing water between individual cavities or their
passages. It is necessary that the mold sections results in undesirable
core pin heads be firmly seated part consistency. Therefore, series
against a clean and oxidation free circuits typically have a maximum of
plate surface to insure efficient six to eight baffles.
transfer of heat.
Spiral baffles are useful in long Illustration D: Recommended straight
Temperature control channels slender cores as the coolant flows treaded pressure plug and steal.
with Baffles around the baffle, exposing the cults and must be avoided to
Channels that divert temperature diameter of the coolant channel to achieve optimum mold cooling.
control fluids from one level to more even temperatures than what
areas where heat is concentrated in could result from having up one Drilling and Plugging
the mold can use baffles, side and down the other side of a Coolant Channels
Illustration B, to positively direct the core. Incorrect assumptions have Long coolant channels are typically
flow through the channel. This type been made that spiral baffles create gun drilled in mold plates, cavities
of coolant direction is referred to as turbulent flow, the fact is that and cores. Typically, even with
series flow when multiple baffles spiraling water does not create accurate gun drilling, the hole can
are used. Proper mold design starts turbulent flow or result in higher wander and the tolerance of hole
with the diameter and area of the Reynolds numbers, by the fact that location is normally understood to
inlet channel. The hole for the the coolant is turning. be .0.001 per inch of length.
baffle, after taking the area Smaller diameter drills tend to
occupied by the baffle into account, Temperature Control Channels wander more than larger diameters.
must be twice the area of the inlet with Bubblers Care must be taken when coolant
channel, to prevent flow restrictions lines pass close to holes in the
Bubblers are also used to step
and high-pressure losses. mold and adequate clearances
coolant into areas of the mold that
Remember when calculating flow must be allowed to prevent break
require heat removal. The major dif-
channels that twice the area is not though or leaving a weak section of
ference between the bubbler and
the same as twice the diameter. the mold. With copper alloys the
the baffle is that water flows up a
minimum recommended distance is
Brass baffle and pressure plugs, tube in the center of the coolant
approximately .100", depending
which resists the build up of water channel and cascades down the
upon coolant diameter, distance
deposits, work best in copper outside to the outlet, Illustration C.
from drill start and the size and
alloys. Most standard off the shelf These cooling circuits, when more
location of the cross hole. Coolant
baffles use a dry seal design, than one bubbler is used are called
channels should not run parallel or
where standard pipe taper is 3/4 parallel circuits. The inlet has to
in close proximity with sharp cavity
inch/foot, the dry seal design have greater volume than the sum
corners to guard against premature
features 7/8 inch/foot taper. To of the bubbler internal diameters to
prevent high hoop stresses on the insure that each circuit will have the
copper alloys straight thread same flow ratesDesign of the The coolant channels, illustration D,
pressure plugs must be used coolant channel and the bubbler is should be blocked with a fabricated
instead of either tapered or dry seal important to successful mold straight threaded brass plug to
pressure plugs. temperature control. The area of avoid excessive hoop stresses on
the internal diameter of the bubbler the copper alloys. An effective
Another important consideration is tube, D2 must be exactly the same method in leak prevention is to
the clearance area between the tip as D3 to insure that high-pressure counter bore the plug hole and then
of the baffle and the drilled hole. losses are not encountered. Critical use an o-ring installed in
General design practice is to allow to the calculation is determining the compression. The O-ring should be
the same gap as the diameter of bubbler wall thickness, D1 and the replaced each time the plug is
the baffle hole. Make sure that the area it occupies. The coolant inlet removed or at major mold
baffle is installed at a 90° angle to must feed the bottom of the bubbler maintenance cycles. Cross-drilled
the flow of the coolant to positively tube. The outlet for the coolant is connecting channels should have
force the flow up and over the around the outside diameter of the the drill point run out in the con-
baffle. Otherwise leakage around bubbler tube. Each mold coolant necting channel, avoiding stress ris-
the baffle will result in inefficient channel inlet and outlet must be ers.
cooling. An effective method is to clearly marked to insure that
braze the baffle blade to the Series and Parallel Channels
outside connections are correctly
pressure plug and mark the outside Coolant channel placement has to
made, insuring the proper flow.
of the plug with a line indicating the be considered and engineered into
Excessive looping can result in
blade orientation. Check to insure the mold design from the onset.
high-pressure losses with these cir
that the blade is properly positioned Efficient mold temperature control
has to have the same priority in a mold operation temperature. On
mold design as gating and part occasion a reaction can occur
ejection; it cannot be an after- between copper alloys, in the
thought. Coolant circuits can loop presence of water and/or other
inside the mold with connecting fluids and certain mold steels
channels or outside the mold with where corrosion or pitting could
external connections. take place. To prevent the possi-
bility of this electrolytic action
When the mold design calls for
taking place, the copper alloy can
series internal looping, and the
be chromium or nickel-plated in
coolant could flow in more than
the 0-ring area. The objective is
one direction, flow must be posi-
to prevent direct contact between
tively routed in the desired chan-
the two materials by using a third
nel. A number of diverter plugs
compatible material. if the copper
are commercially available to
Illustration E: Looped water circuit alloy component will have a
block the unused channels and
with diverter. coating or plating applied to the
direct flow though the designated
molding surface anyway covering
a*' •» route. However, a simple and
the whole component will
recommended method is to
normally suffice. A separate or
machine a brass plug .003/.005
different coating for the 0-ring
smaller than the coolant channel
area should not be necessary.
with the plug length twice the
diameter, illustration E. The plugAll Water Lines are Not
should be inserted into the chan- Straight Through Mold
nel with a light press fit to insure
it remains firmly in the correct The design and routing of coolant
position. The location should be channels can be challenging,
measured by inserting a rod into especially in mold cores. Straight
the coolant channel and the through drilled passages are not
entire circuit water tested to always possible due to mold
insure that proper routing withoutconfiguration, mounting and
restriction has been achieved. ejector pin holes and other
obstacles. Machining or drilling
0-Rings for Sealing Coolant
channels that intersect and direct
coolant flow to the desired
O-rings, when placed in com-
location, illustration F, should be
pression, have proven to be the
Illustration F: intersection drilled coolant considered. The use of inno-
most effective method of provid-
channels in hard to reach locations. vative design methods, including
ing a seal between two joining
baffles and bubblers, to insure
components in a mold. They are
proper mold temperature control
placed between mating compo-
is achieved pays handsome
nents when baffles or bubblers
rewards in obtaining an efficient
are used. Additionally, O-rings
running mold. Coupling these
are placed between cavity and
design principles with the use of
core components when coolant is
copper alloys and their superior
directed through the "A", "B" and
thermal conductivity provides the
support plates. The 0-ring
best opportunity in achieving
material type must have a com-
optimum molding conditions •
patible temperature rating within
the range of the coolant and

The injection mold design guidelines were written by Dr. Paul Engelmann, Associate
Professor, Western Michigan University and Bob Dealey, Dealey's Mold Engineering,
with the support of Dr. Dale Peters, for the Mold Marketing Task Group of the
Copper Development Association. Kurt Hayden, graduate research assistant, WMU,
generated the illustrations. Research conducted by WMU plastic program students.
These guidelines are a result of research at WMU and industry experience gained
with the use of copper alloys in injection molding. While the Information contained Is
deemed reliable, due to the wide variety of plastics materials, mold designs and
possible molding applications available, no warranties are expressed or implied In
»i the application of these guidelines.
Contact Information
Information on copper alloys is available from the Copper Development Association,
at 800-232-3282. Technical clarification of the guidelines can be made by contacting
Injection Mold Design

Maximizing Performance
Using Copper Alloys
Leader Pins and Bushings pin length should be at least the sum
(Aluminum Bronze Copper Alloys) of the thickness of the "A" and "B"
Leader pins and bushings provide plate. The bearing length of the
the initial alignment of the cavity and bushing should be two to two and
core halves on mold closing. It is one-half times the nominal diameter
mandatory that the leader pins and of the leader pin(See Illustration A)
bushings engage prior to any mold insufficient or excessive bearing
component entering or making lengths will result in premature
contact with the opposite mold side. failure. Maintain pin contact with the
Four pins and bushings are used per bushing at the parting line entrance;
mold, located at the four comers of install the clearance at the back end
the mold base. Sufficient mold base of the bushing if necessary.
material must remain after
The normal standard "A" series mold
machining the bore to provide
construction, has the leader pins
support for the bushing.
installed in the "A" plate and the
bushings installed in the "B" plate.
Reversed pin and bushing
Three of the leader pins and placement is permissible when
bushings are located the same warranted due to intentional plate
dimension from the edges of the movement. Installing bushings in
Illustration A: Aluminum bronze mold base. The fourth bushing is floating plates and using the four
leader pin bushing with flange offset at the zero-zero corner, the leader pin bushings to guide the
corner of the mold, which will be the plates is standard practice in
top right hand stationary side of the injection mold design.
mold when viewed from the parting
Leader bushing length should be the
line. The offset, insuring that the
plate thickness in which it will be
mold can not be assembled incor-
inserted minus .005 to .010 inches.
rectly, is at least one-sixteenth of an
The counter bore for the flange
inch. Offset's on larger mold bases,
should be installed .015 inches
or when space allows, is frequently
larger than the bushing to insure that
one-eighth of an inch.
it is not making contact. The plate
hole diameter should be machined
nominal to .0005 inches oversize to
The most effective and longest
provide for a line-to-line or .0005
lasting combination, compared to
interference fit. While a leader pin
steel bushings, mates a case hard-
bushing can be installed in a hole
ened groveless leader pin with
with a greater interference, too tight
Ampco 18 or Ampco 21 aluminum
of a fit will cause the internal diame-
bronze leader pin bushings. Overall
ter of the leader pin to collapse,
reducing the desired clearance
between the pin and bushing.
The diameter of the leader pin must
be sufficiently large to sup-
port the total weight of the mold and cores and the moving
while, unfortunately, helping to components. When using
line up the molding machine aluminum bronze underneath
platens. Table A can be used as slides the wear plates should
a guide in selecting leader pin extend beyond the bearing
nominal sizes. area and be retained outside
the bearing area. The wear
Sizes above those normally
plate should be designed
considered standard use
symmetrical if possible (bolt
diameters appropriate for the
or dowel holes, cam pin
weight of the mold.
clearance slots, etc.), allow-
Aluminum Bronze Slide wear ing the plate to be inverted
Plates should chips or other debris
ever mar the surface.
Mold movements, those not in the
normal line of draw, use moving Aluminum Bronze Slide
mechanisms referred to as slides, Gibs
Illustration B: Wear plate installed lifters, wedges, cams or side Guides, either "L" or "T"
under side or moving mold member actions. These movements shaped are used to locate
operate better when riding on an and retain moving mold
inserted bearing surface material. members. The most common
Typical mold base materials application is with slides,
make horrible wear surfaces. In illustration C shows aluminum
the early days of mold building a bronze gibs guiding of a
very hard steel plate was inserted convention slide movement.
in the mold base to act as a wear The mold should be designed
surface interface. While effective for the slide gibs to guide the
in providing the hardness moving slide member for the
differential between the mold full travel. Depending upon
base and moving mold the weight of the slide carrier
component, the mechanism and the size of the mold the
frequently costing $1,000 to slide gibs should be long
$10,000 receives all the damage. enough to provide accurate
The wear plate, with a typical cost alignment of the slide to the
of around $100, should be used mold cavity or core. The gib
both as the bearing area and the must act as a guide over the
sacrificial mold component. entire length of travel. They
should be doweled using two
Aluminum bronze wear plates, solid dowels, with a clearance
Illustration C: Gibs made from Illustration B, should be used to hole through the wear plate,
aluminum bronze guide slides and act as the bearing surface to the mold base or mold
between mold bases, cavities component. It then should be
moving mold memebers
held in place with two or more
Recommended nominal leader pin and brushing diameter by mold base cap screws with the heads
size recessed into the gib.
Width Mold base lengths (up to)
8 9 10 12 14 16 18 24 26 30 36 The gib will serve two func-
7 7/8 .75 .75 .75 .75 tions. The first is to precisely
9 7/8 .75 .75 .75 1.00 1.0 1.00 1.00 guide the slide in its
10 7/8 1.00 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 movement and mating with
11 7/8 1.00 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 the mold cavity and core. To
13 3/8 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 accomplish this "Running or
14 7/8 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Sliding Fits" (RC class) is
15 7/8 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 typically used in the mold
design. Depending on the
16 1/2 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
accuracy of alignment the
17 7/8 1.25 1.2 1.25 1.25 1.25 standard tolerance range
19 1/2 1.25 1.2 1.25 1.25 1.25 using American National
23 3/4 1.5 1.50 1.50 1.50 Standard institute tables falls
25 7/8 1.50 1.50 1.50 between a
TO 36 2.00
Table A: Nominal diameter of bushings by mold size.
H5 and a H8 for the dimension housing plate reduces interference
between the gibs and a g 4 to an f 7 created by uneven thermal expansion
for the slide carrier. As always, between the two components.
when providing clearances in When manufacturing guided ejector
injection molds the overriding factor bushings, the shoulder is placed closer
is to insure against flash while to the middle of the bushing. A counter
holding the required product bore is machined in the ejector plate to
dimension. When those two con- trap the bushing between it and the
ejector retainer plate. The bushing
siderations have been accounted
should be designed to extend the full
for, only then can the application of thickness of both the ejector and ejector
normal clearances be incorporated retainer plates. The side wall of the
to the mold to achieve the desired bushing should be one-fourth of an inch
condition. to provide strength. As the guided
ejector system is difficult to access in
The second function is for the gib to the assembled mold, a method to Illustration D: Four aluminum bronze
retain the slide and keep it from lubricate from the outside of the mold is bushings with mid-busing flange used
derailing. Clearance up and down recommend. Grease fittings into to guide ejector system.
can be greater than side to side if connecting spiral grooves machined
the opposite mold side will hold the into the bushing is the preferred method interlocks are machined directly into
slide in position in molding. If no of providing lubrication to the bearing the mold base, or in mono-block
contact will be made when the mold surfaces.
construction, the cavity and core
is closed, than the slide gibs must Angle Interlock Face Plates blocks.
provide that assistance. Ijection mold leader pins and bushings
act as a rough alignment system, Aluminum bronze wear plates,
Gibs have two surfaces that could interlocks are used to provide the final illustration E, mounted on the face
be used to assist in guiding the and precision mating of the cavity and of one of the interlock serve three
slide carrier. Only one surface core. TWO styles of interlocks are used. extremely important functions. First,
should be used as the bearing The first is straight interlock and its they prevent galling, common when
guide, typically the top surface. The function is to line up the two mold two similar steel interfaces would
other surface should be cleared an halves prior to the mold closing. These
normally contact each other, due to
additional .001 of an inch or more to interlocks are either mounted on the
side of the mold base and are called the differential in hardness and
reduce friction. material composition while
straight side locks or mounted on the
Aluminum bronze Guided Ejector face of the mold at the parting line and providing low friction char-
System Bushings called top mount interlocks. Straight acteristics. Next, the aluminum
High-speed molds using small interlocks normally align the entire mold bronze faceplates provide an effi-
rather than individual cavities and cores cient method of fitting and adjusting
diameter ejector pins require sup- and the interlocking concept and is
port for the ejector and ejector during mold construction or at mold
used when alignment is necessary on maintenance intervals. Last, they
retainer plate to insure smooth mold closing. This system is mandatory
operation. Another effective use of are less expensive to replace
when using vertical shut offs or tele-
aluminum bronze is in the bushings scoping cores. should any damage to the inter-
used in conjunction with groveless locking system occur over the life of
The second style of interlocking is a the mold. Aluminum bronze
leader pins installed on the ejector tapered concept installed in the mold
side of the mold. Leader pins, with faceplates should be at least one
base or on the cavity and core. This
nominal diameters Of .750, 1.00, quarter of an inch thick and
interlocking method is used when the
1.25, 1.50 and objective is to hold the two mold halves mounted with recessed flat head
2.00 inches, are placed at the four in register during the mold filling and screws.
corners in the ejector housing. The cooling stage, obviously after the Friction Between Materials
greater the mold length and the mold has closed. This type of Friction has been described as the
heavier the mold plates, the larger interlocking insures that the mold resistance to motion when one
the nominal diameter of the leader halfs, when closed will not shift in component is moved upon another.
pin should be. (Illustration D). relationship to each other. The it typically is defined as "that force
nominal angle for this interlocking which acts between two bodies at
Common practice is to insert the system is typically not less than 10
leader pin head into the support their surface of contact, so as to
or more than 15 degrees. The resist their sliding on each other."
plate. This provides a safe, handy female interlock is almost always on
and convenient method for the mold Every moving part in a mold must
the cavity side of the mold. Placing overcome friction to perform its
maker to assemble the ejector the female interlock on the side of
system as the ejector plates are function with the least amount
the mold that runs the warmest offeree. Therefore low coefficients
supported in the proper position. reduces the incidence of the mold
The only disadvantage to this of friction are a desirable attribute.
not closing due to differential of The measurement used is based on
construction method is if the sup- thermal expansion created by the
port plate will have a higher rate of the coefficient of static friction.
normal practice of running the These values will be higher than
thermal expansion that the ejector cavity side of the mold warmer.
plates. When high mold temperate those describing sliding friction.
Larger molds use a double tapered Two categories of fric-
differentials are anticipated, mounting
the leader pin heads in the ejector
interlock system where the
tion should be viewed. The first
when the components do not Static coefficients of friction when
have lubrication and the second, steel is in contact with steel or
when lubrication is used. Table aluminum bronze
B lists static coefficient of the
Material Not Lubricated
two materials. In additionally
using dissimilar materials will
prevent galling and transfer of
Steel against 0.8 0.16
the material from one steel
component to the other. The
use of aluminum bronze will
provide a superb bearing Aluminum 0.35 Not
bronze measurable
surface and will be inexpensive
against steel
to install and maintain. All
moving parts in injection mold,
with the exception of ejector Table B: Static coefficient of friction
Ilustration E: Wear plates used on mold pins and ejector sleeve and between mold materials.
components making direct
contact with the plastic material
should use lubrication. Typically The mounting, sliding and pivoting
a high temperature lubrication ends of lifters is another great
that will not migrate is application for the aluminum bronze
recommended. materials. Wear plates and guides
for wedges and raising mold
High Wear Areas in Molds members all benefit from the ideal
Although the copper alloys bearing surfaces provided by the
AA83, AA95 and AA940 are Ampco 18 or Ampco 21 materials.
generally recommended for
cores in plastic forming areas of In addition to leader pin and guided
the mold, there can be applica- ejector system bushings, aluminum
tions where Ampco 18 or bronze bearings are used to provide
Ampco 21 is a viable option. a wear surface for large diameter
One such application is when ejector return pins and to support
lifters are used to mold slight knock out rods extending through the
undercuts and the mechanism is ejector housing. The material serves
mounted on the side face of the as an excellent guide method on
core. The thermal conductivity racks used in unscrewing molds and
rate of the material is better than moving cams in molds.
that of steel, but not as good as Experience has shown that the
the plastics forming alloys. The Ampco 18 or Ampco 21 aluminum
aluminum bronze, with its great bronze copper alloy is an effective
non lubricated wear properties method of providing an excellent
and low coefficient of friction, round or flat bearing surface in
has been shown to be the ideal injection molds and plastic tooling.
material for these applications. The life of a mold is greatly extended
Caution should be used not to with the application of this material
install delicate detail close to and the cost of maintenance is
side walls, as the material does reduced when the lowest cost
not have the strength of the component requires replacement.
AA83, AA95 or AA940 alloys.
Injection Mold Design

Maximizing Performance Using Copper


Protecting copper Alloys With

Plating rough surface finish will improve
slightly when plated and a
smooth highly polished surface
Frequently various coatings or will appear less polished. The
platings are used in injection plating process will not cover
molds to prevent corrosion or scratches, nicks and surface
erosion from the plastics attack- imperfections. Any mold defects
ing the mold. Coatings can must be removed prior to plating.
reduce mold maintenance inter-
vals while extend mold life. While it is a common and accept-
Copper alloys, AA83, AA95 and able practice to sample a mold
AA940 utilized for their high prior to plating, it is necessary to
thermal conductivity remove all traces of plastic from
the component and notify the
properties to improve plater that the mold is used. Mold
part quality and drawings, indicating the molding
reduce cycle times, surfaces to be plated, should
are no different than accompany the components to
tool steels when the plater. Masking surfaces
protection is desired. where the plating is not desired
Copper alloys in the can and should be noted on the
presence of some mold drawings, if there is a good
plastic residues will reason for not applying plating.
react with mating However, masking can be a time
steel components and consuming and expensive opera-
create an electric tion and it is normally a better
current flow, similar to choice to plate the entire compo-
a battery isolating the nent when it will not interfere with
copper- to-steel con- the molding process.
Illustration A: use of copper alloy in cavity tact, Illustration A, Choices for Protecting Copper
for thermal conductivity and plated to isolate with plating eliminates
it from the steel cavity. Alloys
the galvanic action A wide variety of platings and
between the two coatings are available to protect
materials and your mold components. Some are
more effective than others and
prevents the formation of small individual choices will vary
amounts of tarnish that could depending upon the application
transfer to the plastic part. Typically and experiences with your type of
the insert is completely covered with applications. Additionally the
the plating. quality of a given plating or coat-
ing may be very dependant upon
Preparing Surfaces for Plating
the company that did the work.
The desired SPl surface finish, A-1
through D-3, should be applied to Based on studies taking place at
the copper alloy prior to shipment to Western Michigan University two
the plating source. The plating will types of platings are showing the
generally duplicate the surface most promise depending upon
where it is applied. A very
the specific application, Channels cut into mold compo
chrome electroplating nents (for forming ribs on the
and electroless nickel. plastic part) create problems in
The first and most electroplating. When the depth is
effective protection greater than one half the width,
against wear caused by plating thickness will vary
impingement of glass considerably and diminish on the
filled nylon against cores sides of the walls as the depth
is a variety of increases. Illustration D shows a
electroplated chrome typical condition encountered in
platings. These chrome molds. The sharp outside and
platings fall into one of inside corners, coupled with the
four categories; standard depth of the channels prevents
industrial hard chrome, the chrome from building up
industrial hard chrome evenly. Illustration E exhibits a
with its structure filled more ideal construction method
with a polymer, densi- using an insert eliminating the
fied chrome platings and channel depth-to-width problem.
chrome composites like
Illustration B: outside corners illustrating build Additionally, the generous
up on out-side sharp corners along with the Armoloy's XADC a outside radius eliminates the
correct application of radii. nodular chromium problem of excessive outside
containing nano- corner build up, while the inside
composite of diamond. radius reduces corner starvation.
When mold components can not
Chrome Electroplating
The electroplating be modified to optimize the
process uses electrical electroplating process then
anodes have to be built to get the
current to deposit the
chrome on the mold plating down into deep channels.
component surface. Benching of Electroplated
Both ferrous and non- Mold Components
ferrous materials con- Mold components must be
duct current around the benched after electroplating. Any
outside of the overhanging chrome deposits
component and as a must be removed prior to
result the process sampling the mold or the plastic
attracts more chrome to will form around the build up and
outside sharp corners the results will either be sticking
than flat surfaces. of the plastic part or the chrome
However, the copper tree breaking off or chipping
alloys are such great exposing the parent material.
electrical conductors that Illustration F shows chipping of
corner build up is chrome in a gate area. Two
accentuated over com- methods are normally used to
parable steel compo- remove the chrome build up. The
nents. See Illustration B. first is with a hard 600 grit stone
TO reduce the build and carefully stoning the surface
up, sometimes referred to as in the direction of draw, removing
chrome trees or dog bones, the any chrome build up which would
use of generous outside radius is create an undercut.
recommended on the
components outside corners. The second method, performed
Obviously, the plastic part and its by a skilled mold maker, uses a
function must be able to accept nylon brush mounted in a rotary
the radius without detrement. tool operating at a slow speed
Normally a generous radius, with light pressure and a chrome
outside edge on the mold polish. The surface is gently
component and inside edge of worked, carefully removing only
the plastic part, adds great the overhand so as not to destroy
strength to the part and is the intended plating thickness or
typically a great benefit. reducing adhesion to the mold
component. Caution has to be
This electroplating process also used, as to much pressure and/or
creates problems on sharp inside high removal rates can cause
corners of the mold component, chipping and exposure of the
see Illustration C. A sharp corner, parent material.
due to current flow, will be
starved of chrome. A generous Electroless Nickel
radius on the inside corners The second category of protec-
allows for a more even build up tion is electroless nickel
and will prevent chipping at the
Illustration C: Sharp inside
corners on channels withoutdraft
results in uneven plating. Draft
on the walls and radii on the
outside corners allow for an
even build up of crome
applied by an auto catalytic (without Deposition Thickness
current) process. The advantage of The best thickness to apply a
electroless nickel is that the surface coating to a mold component is an
is covered to a uniform thickness age-old question and opinions differ
compared to most of the widely. Experience and extensive
electroplating processes. As the testing at Western Michigan
deposition is applied uniformly and University shows that a thin layer of
without current due to the protection is extremely effective.
electroless process, special draft The first consideration has to be to
angles are not necessary and the insure that the plating will adhere to
process is forgiving on both inside the patent metal. This favors a thin
and outside corners. The disadvan- layer over a thick layer. The second Illustration D: illustration shows the uneven
tage is that the hardness of nickel is consideration is to the reason why plating build resulting from typical mold
in the 50 Re range, a lower hard- the plating was applied in the first construction practices. Chrome build up is thick
on the outside corners and thin to non-existent
ness than many of the other plat- place and if a thicker layer will in the channels.
ings available. Additionally, nickel is provide better protection.
not a great bearing material and it
Table 2 lists plating thickness, for extended times can be detri-
should not be used in applications
which have proven to be effective in mental to their properties.
with moving parts.
protecting copper alloys used in Reasons for Plating Mold
Plating of Holes plastic forming applications.
Electroless nickel has the advan- Components
tage of covering side surfaces of Copper alloys are plated to extend
holes or channels with large aspect periods between maintenance or
Deposition Temperatures
ratios. Sharp inside corners on component replacement intervals
Care must be taken to avoid
blind holes are difficult to cover and and to improve part quality. Most
exposing all materials used in mold
a radius is recommended on any plating is applied to protect plastic
construction to excessive heat
blind hole. On holes up to .125 inch forming components from erosion
which could stress relieve or anneal
in diameter the depth is limited to and premature failure resulting from
the component. The copper alloys
about .750 inch due to problems running glass or mineral filled
should not be exposed to
associated with getting the gases plastics. Testing underway at
temperatures above recommended
out of the hole. There is no practical Western Michigan University, using
manufacture specifications,
limit to the depth of plating 33% glass filled type 6 nylon in an
typically around 400 degrees F.
electroless nickel in holes greater eight cavity mold, has shown that
The electroless nickel process is
than .125 inch on conventional copper alloy cores protected with
typically less than 200 degrees F.
molds. (Table 1) some of the chrome processes
Chrome electroplating usually has a
have extended component life up to
Electroplating chrome into holes is process temperature of 185
20 times longer when compared to
more difficult than applying nickel. degrees F or less. PVD or CVD
non-plated P-20 cores.
Frequently, anodes have to be built process can run up to and some-
to assist in the application process. times exceed 400 degrees F. The second reason is to protect
The cost of constructing the anode Considerations must to be given to against corrosion. The copper
can be a significant additional cost the use of processes that expose alloys are naturally resistant to
not encountered with electroless copper alloys to temperatures attack from most plastics. However,
nickel. Maintaining the proper approaching 900 degrees F, such to prevent tarnish and the transfer
position of the anode also adds as those found in some titanium of residue created by the interaction
difficulty in the plating process. Not nitride processes. Exposing copper with steel, plating of copper alloys is
withstanding the cost and difficulty, alloys and some other mold alloys an effective prac-
one plater uses the information to high temperatures
listed in the following table as a
guide to maximum depths of
chrome plating into blind or through

Plating ideal Maximum
Process Thickness Thickness
Table 1. Depth of Electroplating Chrome in Holes
Hole Blind Hole Through Hole Electroless .0005-.0007 .001
diameter Nickel
Flash Chrome .0001-.0003 .001
Typical Range Maximum Typical Range Maximum Depth
Thin Dense .000050- .0005
.125 0.00-0.75 1.00 0.00-1.50 2.00 Chrome 0005
.250 0.00-1.50 2.00 0.00-3.00 4.00 Thin Dense .000050- .0005
.500 0.00-6.00 8.00 0.00-12.00 16.00 Chrome with .0005
.750 0.00-12.00 18.00 0.00-24.00 36.00 Diamond
1.00 0.00-24.00 36.00 0.00-48.00 72.00 *AII dimensions are in inches
*AII dimensions are in inches
tice. Nickel is recommended over machining marks and stoning or
chrome when molding polyvinyl polishing in the direction of draw
chloride, as hydrochloric acid will with the proper grits, prior to
strip chrome from the component applying the desired surface
surface. Chrome works well with finish.
most other plastics.
The plating should only be
Another reason for applying applied after the plastic forming
plating is for wear associated mold surfaces have the proper
with stripping abrasive plastic finish. A coating or plating will not
parts from cores. As chrome has resolve all release and ejection
a higher hardness level, it proves problems;especially those
to be more effective than nickel. created by improper mold
In mold areas where components finishes.
are in moving contact, the
Affect on Thermal Conductivity
Illustration E: This illustration shows a nodular chromes tend to work
of Copper Alloys
suggested method best. The sliding coefficient of
Of manufacture that results in a
Extensive laboratory testing on
friction of non-lubricated nodular
component that can be plated to an the affect of nickel or chrome
chrome against nodular chrome
even thickness plating on thermal conductivity is
is around 0.14. This compares to
scheduled by the CDA. At this
a rating of 0.20 of steel against
time the experience gained in
steel. Nickel does not hold up as
running thermal studies indicates
well in rubbing applications.
that there is no measurable loss
The last reason for plating is to in cooling effectiveness when
improve mold release. Nickel and comparing the same plated and
chrome with impregnated non-plated mold cores. Similarly,
polymers are offered by a no significant change in cycle
number of companies as a time, have been reported in situa-
solution in reducing friction and tions where molds are sampled
improving part release. Other without plating and then plated
companies offer wide ranges of and run in production. One theory
platings and coatings in which is that the high thermal
they claim success in resolving conductivity of the copper alloy
release problems. Due to the overcomes any reduction in heat
wide range of mold conditions flow from the plastic part that the
and plastic part design, it is thin layer of plating could create.
Illustration F: Chipping in gate area difficult to qualify what process
Allowing for Plating Thickness
caused by improper removal of chrome works better. However, if is safe
In certain situations the thickness
build up at the corners to say that the first priority has to of the plating has to be taken into
be to allow adequate draft angles account in mold design. Fits of
and provide proper ejection
inserts, for example, should allow
mechanisms as a first step to for the increase in size due to
insure part release. Next, the plating thickness insuring proper
mold component must be mold function. These allowances
benched properly. This includes are typically in the range of
removing all
tenths to a few thousands of an
Injection Mold Design
This Ninth Design Guideline will address applications of copper
alloys in molds

Maximizing Performance using Copper Alloys

Injection Mold Core Applications Smaller mold cavity and cores

Copper alloys, specifically AA83, (Picture B), where installing cooling
AA95 and AA940 continue to channels in the proper position is a
enhance performance, reduce cycle common problem, benefit from the
time and cost, and improve part high thermal conductivity of the
quality in injection molding copper alloys. When coolant cannot
applications. The injection mold be circulated through the small mold
core is responsible for removing the core, channels surrounding the core
majority of the heat from the provide an excellent method of
injected plastic and mold materials extracting the heat from the plastic
with high thermal conductivity part, allowing for faster cycles.
consistently outperform those
High cavitation, high-speed molds
materials with low thermal con-
Picture A: benefit from the rapid heat removal
characteristics of the copper alloys.
Advantages of mold materials with These fast cycling molds frequently
high thermal conductivity include running in single digit seconds, ben-
not only reduction of the cooling efit greatly from the rapid transfer of
phase of the molding process, but heat from the molding surface
also contribute to dimensional through small diameter cores. Due to
control with less tolerance deviation, the size of many of these mold
less part warpage, fewer molded-in components coolant channels are
stresses and reduced incidence of impossible to install in the normally
sink marks. recommended proximity to the
molding surfaces. The high thermal
Copper Alloys for Cycle
conductivity of the copper alloy cores
The tremendous thermal conduc- transfer heat effectively while
maintaining even mold surface tem-
tivity, along with their high density
Picture B: and excellent tensile strength, peratures. Multiple small diameter
makes copper alloys an ideal choice core pins, (Picture C), in contact with
for a core material. Molders are chill plates have proven to be an
reporting between 20 and 50% extremely effective method of
cooling cores in studies conducted at
reductions in the cooling portion of
the molding cycle. Kodak, for Western Michigan University. While
example in a recent article, reported results from mold-to-mold will vary,
the test mold at WMU using the chill
that in a test mold "copper alloy
cores ran 18 deg F cooler than the plate cooling method, with no
420 stainless steel cores." The cop- coolant circulating in the cores, runs
at less than a six second cycle time.
per alloys are used in both large
and small molds. In large molds, This compares to 15 seconds with
(Picture A), coolant channels are tool steel cores and a steel chill
machined into the core similar to
ferrous materials. The higher ther- Sink Mark Reduction
mal conductivity, up to nine times Sink marks on injection mold parts,
Picture C: greater than some tool steels, con- resulting from the delayed solidifi-
trols the mold temperature evenly cation in heavy part sections after
and closer to the temperature of the
circulating media.
the gate has frozen off, can be to the cooling system.
reduced by application of high
thermally conductive copper alloys Core, Sprue Puller and Sucker
in strategic positions around the Pins
heavy sections. In thick wall and Standard off the shelf pins made
boss sections, coring out sections from AA83, AA95 or AA940
of plastics with copper alloy core (Picture E) have enjoyed huge
has proven to be an effective success in molds with their ability to
method of both reducing the transfer heat from the contact area
incidence of sink marks and cooling to the base of the pin. A sprue
times. puller pin made from copper alloys
rapidly set the puller end of sprue
Tighter Tolerances and provides an excellent surface
When product designs call for tight area to hold the sprue on the
dimensional tolerances with quality ejector side of the mold.
levels demanding three or six sigma Picture D
molding, all molding parameters Material saver core pins utilized to
must be closely held. A constant remove plastic and cool designated
and uniform mold surface areas are the most inexpensive
temperature will provide for the applications of copper alloys while
greatest opportunity to produce perhaps providing the greatest
parts with the narrowest tolerance benefit in reducing the mold cycle
range. The copper alloys, with their time. Three plate molds, where the
great thermal properties coupled sucker pins must hold the gate drop
with good mold temperature control, firmly to allow the gate to break,
provide the right combination for cycle faster when the plastic under
tolerance control in injection molds. cut area sets up quicker.

Injection Mold Cavities Cladding or Bimetal Inserts

In situations where plastic shrinks When the properties of both ferrous
away from cavity surfaces, cooling and copper alloys are required for a
conditions are less demanding and particular application, swaging of Picture E
the copper alloys are used more in copper alloys around materials like
applications where "A" side coring 420 SS have been used (Picture
is required. Television backs, for F). The swaging process insures
example, have large amounts of complete thermal contact without
detail cored from the cavity side. in the worries of oxidation forming
these molds, cooling cycle time between the two materials.
reductions of 25% have been
reported by replacing ferrous Blow Molds
inserts with copper alloys. Entire Copper alloys, AA83, AA95 and
sections of cavities have been AA940 have superior corrosion
inserted prior to final machining and resistance in the presence of
the finished cavity detail has been polyvinyl chloride and is the
machined in assembly reducing material of choice for clear blow
mold building, benching and molded cavities (Picture G). Again
finishing costs. the high thermal conductivity rates
of the copper alloys, coupled with
Injection Mold Slides their high densities, produce the
Coolant channels are typically best molding cycles. Another
difficult to install in slides and advantage is the high degree of
moving members of molds. These Picture F
luster possible with the alloys.
internal mold actions are usually in
locations where proper cooling is in other applications where neck
paramount for the dimensional and tail pinch offs are inserted, the
stability and/or function of the copper alloys are normally
plastic part. With the sophisticated specified because of their excellent
plastic part design levels demanded tensile and compressive strengths.
from today's injections molds, mold These materials continue to prove
surface temperature control is superior to aluminum in pinch off
mandatory in the molding process. applications. Additionally blow
(Picture D), shows the use of molds that require tight dimensional
copper alloys in a four-cavity mold, control and long mold life specify
where due to multiple core draws copper alloys for their mold
the part interior is formed entirely by material.
slides. The copper alloys are ideal Ejector Sleeves
choices for these slides, as most of The aluminum bronze materials, Picture G
the heat from the plastic must be Ampco 18, Ampco 21, with their
transferred through the alloys
excel lent wear characteristics and
the damage, rather than an expen-
sive slide.
Slide Gibs
Guiding slides with "L" gibs built from
aluminum bronze (Picture K) has
become the standard mold of the
mold industry. The gibs with their low
coefficient of friction against
lubricated steel provide an
exceptional bearing surface allowing
for a close running fit between it and
the slide. This close fit insures proper
slide to core and/or cavity alignment
and guarantees a precision fit.
Sprue Bushings Picture I
When a large diameter sprue is nec-
essary for maximum injection pres-
sure the molding cycle could be
controlled by the thick mass of plas-
Picture H tic. Sprue bushings (Picture L), built
from high thermal conductive copper
coefficient of friction make excellent alloys, remove heat more efficiently
ejector sleeves (Picture H). As the setting the sprue quicker. Other
alloys do not require heat treatment applications use the copper alloy
after machining, ejector sleeves sprue bushing to purposely increase
maintain roundness better than most the orifice diameter reducing
ferrous alloys. The secret of holding pressure loss in the feed system.
close tolerances on thin walled Runner blocks
ejector sleeves is to machine the Long and large diameter runner sys-
internal diameter first and then tems used in fully balanced high cav-
mount the sleeve on a mandrel and itation molds typically have huge pri-
complete the outer diameters. With mary runners. These large diameter
this method, ejector sleeves with wall runners concentrate large amounts
thickness as low as .040 inch are of heat in a small area and the mold-
routinely built. ing cycle must be lengthened to
Lifters enable runner ejection. The AA83, Picture J
Internal undercuts requiring lifters AA95 and AA940 copper alloys,
(Picture I) can prove to be trouble- inserted on both the "A" and "B" mold
some. These components typically side with coolant circulating in the
have narrow cross sections prohibit- runner bars, sets the runner faster
ing the installation of coolant chan- while reducing the overall molding
nels. As they are in direct contact cycle.
with large plastic surface areas mas- Leader Pin Bushings
sive amount of heat must be The four leader pin bushings in an
removed from the lifter. The alu- injection mold are crucial to initial
minum bronze materials Ampco 18 mold alignment and grooved steel
and Ampco 21 work well in these leader pins against steel bushings
applications providing that thin wall can rapidly deteriorate. Aluminum
sections are avoided. While the bronze leader pin bushings (Picture
thermal conductivity is not as good M) running against groveless leader
as the copper alloys recommended pins have proven to be one of the
for mold cores, it is superior to the most ideal and long life combinations
ferrous alloys. in mold applications.
Wear Plates Guided Ejector Bushings
Number one through five mold base A smooth operating ejector system is
materials make poor bearing sur- mandatory in long running and high-
faces for ferrous slides and carriers. speed injection molds. Utilizing Picture K
inserting the mold base (Picture J) aluminum bronze guided ejector
with one-quarter to one-half inch bushings (Picture N) results in mini-
aluminum bronze plates provide one mal wear even in installations where
of the best wear combinations avail- lubrication is hard to apply.
able for injection molds.
Symmetrically designing the wear Unscrewing Rack Guide Bearings
plates doubles the life, by allowing it Moving mold components, such as
to be inverted should damage occur. unscrewing racks and cam bars
Additionally, if a burr or chip gets which require high speed and close
between the wear plate and slide running fits, benefit by aluminum
surfaces the wear plate will suffer bronze flat bearings inserted
between the component and mold base. A light coating of high
temperature non-migrating lubricant will provide an
excellent low friction surface.
Runnerless Molding Systems Components
Runnerless molding systems, frequently referred to as hot
runners, probes, drops and bushing divergent tips, benefit
from the fast heat transfer provided by copper alloys (Picture
0). Materials with high rates of thermal conductivity allow the
heat source to be some distance from the tip while main-
taining and controlling temperatures within a close range.
The importance of maintaining uniform tip temperatures in
the gate area on an RMS cannot be emphasized enough.
Plating of the probe or bushing will extend component life
when molding abrasive materials.
Picture L

Picture M Picture O

Picture N

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