Citation suggestion:
Karlsson Lohmander M. 2017. “Sweden – ECEC Workforce Profile.” In Workforce Profiles in
Systems of Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe, edited by P. Oberhuemer and
I. Schreyer. www.seepro.eu/English/Country_Reports.htm
Funded by:
Table 1
Sweden: ECEC staff in centre-based settings
Minimum qualification
Main ECEC workplace Main Main age-range requirement and ECTS
Job title
settings and age-range position/s focus of IPS points/EQF level/
ISCED level
Förskollärare Förskola Core 1-6 years Bachelor’s degree
Preschool Early childhood practitioner 3½ years university
Teacher/ ECEC centre/preschool with group
Teacher 1-5 years responsibility ECTS points: 210
EQF Level 6
Profile: Förskoleklass Centre head ISCED 2013-F: 0112
Early Childhood Preschool class in ISCED 2011: 6
Pedagogy schools
Professional 6 years
Öppen förskola
Open preschool
‘Preschool’ is the official translation of förskola in government and other administrative documents.
UNESCO Institute for Statistics. 2012; 2014.
Leisure-time centre
6-12 years
Barnskötare Förskola Qualified co- Broad-based Upper secondary
Childcare Worker Early childhood worker social care vocational education (3
centre/preschool approach 1-10 years) specialising in
1-5 years years and pedagogical work
Öppen förskola ECTS points: n/a
Open preschool EQF Level 3/4
1-5 years ISCED 2013-F: 0922
ISCED 2011: 3
Grundlärare med Fritidshem In leisure-time 6-12 years Bachelor’s degree
inriktning mot Leisure-time centre centres: 3 years higher
arbete i fritidshem 6-12 years Core education institution,
Primary Teacher - practitioner specialising in leisure-
Extended School Förskoleklass with group time pedagogy and
formerly Preschool class in responsibility practical/aesthetic
Leisure-Time schools subjects with school-age
Pedagogue 6 years children
In schools:
Award: Bachelor of Arts
Specialist in Primary Education
Profile: Grundskolan teacher for
This profile does Primary school practical/
not currently fit 7-12 years aesthetic ECTS points: 180
into the SEEPRO Aesthetic subjects subjects EQF Level 6
categories, which ISCED 2013-F: 0114
focus on ECEC and ISCED 2011: 6
not primary
Former profile:
Social and
Box 1
SEEPRO professional profile categories for core practitioners (adapted from Oberhuemer, P., I. Schreyer, and M.J.
Neuman 2010)
• Early Childhood Pedagogy Professional (specialist focus, 0– 6/7 years)
• Pre-primary Education Professional (exclusive pre-primary focus 3/4–6 years)
• Pre-primary and Primary Education Professional (focus on pre-primary and primary education 3/4–10/11
• Social and Childhood Pedagogy Professional (broad focus, including ECEC, usually 0–12 years, but
sometimes including adults)
• Social Care/Health Care Professional (sometimes early childhood focus, sometimes broad focus, including
n/a = not applicable
Table 2
Sweden: Structural composition of ECEC workforce in centre-based settings: qualifications, gender, ethnicity,
Staff categories Proportion of workforce
39.3 % Preschool Teachers
Staff with specialist higher education degree 1.7 % Compulsory School Teachers,
0.7 % Leisure-time Pedagogues/Teachers
Staff with specialist vocational qualification
(upper secondary)
9.9 % in municipal preschools
Staff with non-specialist vocational qualification
11.6 % in independent preschools
28.1 % total
- municipal preschools: 25.1 %
Staff with no relevant or no formal IPS
- independent preschools: 39.9 %
- open preschools: 2.3%
Specialist support staff (e.g. support for children
approx. 5%
with disabilities integrated in regular preschools)
4.3% of all staff in preschools (30.2 % of these with a
preschool teacher degree)
Male staff 6.9% of all staff in preschool classes
6.9 % of all centre heads
7.7% of specialist support staff.
Preschools: No systematically compiled national data
Preschool class: 9.9 % of staff members were foreign-
Staff with a background of migration
born (utomlands födda) in the school year
Sources: Skolverket 2017a; Skolverket 2017b.
Table 3
Sweden: Proportions of the ECEC workforce qualifications according to provider in %, 2016*
No formal
Qualified Upper secondary Non-
Qualified pre-service
Leisure-Time Qualified education specialist specialist
Preschool education for
Pedagogues/ Teachers vocational (Child vocational
Teachers working with
Teachers** Care Workers) education
39.3 0.7 1.7 20.4 9.9 28.1
27.1 0.7 2.1 18.6 11.6 39.9
*Source: Skolverket 2017a
**Note: Although the official term for students who graduate from the current teacher education programme is
Primary Teacher – Extended School, the former term (Leisure-Time Pedagogue - fritidspedagog) is still in current
use, for example in statistics from the National Agency. This will presumably change when the number of graduates
with the new qualification increases.
Open preschool
Open preschools (öppen förskola) are a service for children aged 1-5 years accompanied by
their parents or another adult. Children do not have to be registered in the open preschool,
nor do they have to attend regularly. 69.5% of staff in these settings are qualified Preschool
Teachers, 2.6 % are educated Leisure-Time Teachers, some of whom may have the newer
qualification (see Table 1 and Table 6), 13.9.1% are qualified Childcare Workers and 11.7 %
have some kind of education for working with children. Only 2.3% of the staff are unqualified
(Skolverket 2017d).
Table 4
Sweden: Preschool/ECEC Teacher (IPS)
Job title in Swedish: Förskollärare
Profile: Early Childhood Pedagogy Professional
Since 2011
Entry requirements: 12 years of schooling (9 years compulsory schooling, 3 years upper secondary level) +
Professional studies: 3½ years (7 semesters) at a higher education institution for the education/training of
teachers/university department of child and youth studies. Students specialise in early childhood education (0 to
7 years)
Award: Bachelor of Arts in Preschool Education (Förskollärarexamen, grundnivå, 210 hp)
Since 2013: Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) necessary for permanent employment.
ECTS points: 210
EQF level: 6
ISCED 2013-F: 0112
ISCED 2011: 6
Main ECEC workplaces: Early childhood centre (Förskola), full-day provision for 1- to 5-year olds; Preschool class
in schools (Förskoleklass) mainly for 6-year olds, open 3 hours daily. Also: Open preschool (Öppen förskola) for
parents, family day carers and children aged 1 year and older as auxiliary worker; Leisure-time centres
(Fritidshem) for children aged 6-12 years as a complement to the preschool class, open before and after school
hours and during holidays.
2001- 2011
Entry requirements: General: 12 years of schooling (9 years compulsory schooling, 3 years upper secondary
level) with + matriculation*): The specific requirements include three subjects: English, Natural Sciences and
Social Sciences. (This applies to both the 2001 and the 2011 programme).
Professional studies: 3½ years (7 semesters) at a higher education institution for the education of teachers.
Students specialise in early childhood education (0 to 7 years) and sometimes also in the first years of primary
education (7 to 9 years), depending on the modules taken as part of the degree course.
Award: Bachelor of Education for the early years l (ECEC and Years 1-2 of school) Lärarexamen avsedd för
pedagogisk verksamhet i förskola , förskolekklass, fritidshem och grundskolan år 1 och 2
ECTS points: 210
EQF level: 6
ISCED 2013-F: 0112
ISCED 2011: 6
Table 5
Sweden: Childcare Worker (IPS)
Since 2011
Entry requirements: 9 years compulsory schooling with school leaving certificate.
Professional studies: 3 years upper secondary level of comprehensive school in the childcare and leisure-time
education programme - specialisation in pedagogical work (including 15 weeks in practical placement);
Awards: Matriculation Certificate - Pedagogical Work awarded by the school authorities.
Students who have passed the exam and have taken courses in Swedish and English are qualified to apply for
university education.
ECTS points: n/a
EQF level: 3 or 4
ISCED 2013-F: 0922
ISCED 2011: 3
Main ECEC workplace: Early childhood centre (Förskola), full-day provision for 1- to 5-year olds, as auxiliary
worker; open preschool (Öppen förskola) for parents, family day carers and children aged 1 year and older as
auxiliary worker.
Entry requirements: 9 years compulsory schooling with school leaving certificate
Professional studies: 3 years upper secondary level of comprehensive school in the childcare and leisure-time
education programme – specialisation in pedagogical work (including 15 weeks practicum)
Award: Matriculation Certificate awarded by the school authorities
Students who have passed the exam and have taken courses in Swedish and English are qualified to apply for
university education.
ECTS points: n/a
EQF level: 3 or 4
ISCED 1997: 3A
Main ECEC workplaces: Early childhood centre (Förskola), full-day provision for 1- to 5-year olds, as auxiliary
worker; open preschool (Öppen förskola) for parents, family day carers and children aged 1 year and older as
auxiliary worker, Assistants in primary schools.
Note: Some child care workers who have been in the workforce for many years and who completed their
professional training before 1992, when a two-year upper secondary programme (comprehensive school,
specialising in childcare only) was introduced, may have shorter-length qualifications.
Table 6
Sweden: Primary Teacher – Extended School (formerly Leisure-Time Pedagogue) (IPS)
Job title in Swedish: Grundlärare med inriktning mot arbete i fritidshem
Profile: Primary Teacher specialising in leisure-time pedagogy and practical/aesthetic
Since 2011
Entry requirements: 12 years schooling (9 years compulsory schooling, 3 years upper secondary level) +
Professional studies: 3 years (6 semesters) at a higher education institution for the education/training of
Box 2
Sweden: Preschool Teacher education – course modules, University of Gothenburg
Preschool Teachers have a university degree of 3½ years’ duration with a possibility to extend this to 4
years. The overarching principles and domains of knowledge that make up the content are translated
into different themes/course modules (Göteborgs universitet, Lärarutbildningsnämnden 2016a)
1. Educational sciences (60 ECTS points)
Four integrated and overlapping themes make up this domain of knowledge:
1. Learning, development and didactics
2. Curriculum theory, organisation, follow up and assessment of learning and development
3. Leadership, special education, social relations and conflict resolution
4. Theory of science, research methodology, evaluation and developmental work
2. Subject studies including subject-related didactics within the domain of early childhood education
(105), and a dissertation (15) (total: 120 ECTS points)
Six themes make up this domain of knowledge:
1. Children’s learning, communication and literacy
2. Children’s mathematical learning
3. Play, learning, development and care
4. Co-operation with carers, preschool class, leisure-time centre and school
5. Aesthetic learning processes
6. Nature, environment and technique/technology
Course modules are offered at both initial and advanced level.
3. Work placement – practicum, 20 weeks (30 ECTS points)
The practicum as a supervised work placement is organised as four distinctive course modules
comprising a total of 30 ECTS points.
Students wishing to work in leisure-time settings, preschool class and compulsory school have
a university degree of 3 years’ duration, 6 semesters. As with the Preschool Teacher education
the same domains of knowledge apply to this programme: (1) educational science with the
same four sub-themes, comprising 60 ECTS points, (2) subject studies and subject-related
didactics (90 ECTS points) and (3) work placement, comprising 30 ECTS points. The two
programmes are different in length, 210 ECTS for Preschool Teachers and 180 ECTS for Primary
Box 3
Sweden: Primary Teacher- Extended School – course modules, University of Gothenburg
For students qualifying for work in leisure-time centres subject studies include the following
(Göteborgs universitet, Lärarutbildningsnämnden 2016b):
Subject studies including subject-related didactics within leisure-time education (75), and a
dissertation (15) (total: 90 ECTS points)
The subject studies include five themes:
• Leisure-time centres as a social practice
• Children's upbringing and leisure in the local environment
• Children's digital media cultures
• Outdoor Education
• Language and creative processes
In addition to the above students are expected to specialise in one or more of the following subjects
a) arts, b) home economics, c) sports and health and d) music.
Child care workers are required to follow a three-year upper secondary vocational education
specialising in pedagogical work. The overarching aim of the IPS is to prepare students for
working primarily alongside Preschool Teachers in early childhood settings. The education
comprises both compulsory and optional courses focusing on children's development, learning,
needs and rights as well as on various educational activities. During the course of the
programme students have 15 weeks’ work placement. The programme prepares students for
work in the preschool or for work as student assistants in schools. Together with assessing the
theoretical courses, the student's abilities to perform common tasks in the professional field
are also assessed (Skolverket 2011).
Pedagogical Leader
There are also posts of responsibility as Pedagogical Leaders (pedagogisk utvecklingsledare)
with a higher salary and particular tasks regarding different aspects of the work in the ECEC
setting such as quality assurance, mentoring, professional development, etc.
Since the main form of ECEC provision is preschool and the largest group of core practitioners
are Preschool Teachers, the following will focus on the workplace-based learning (practicum)
for this group. However, the overall structure and organisation apply to the education of
primary teachers specialising for work in the leisure-time centre as well. And again, this is valid
for preschool teacher education at the University of Gothenburg. The following organisation
applies to all students from the autumn semester of 2014. This means in effect that
approximately 1,400 preschool student teachers are participating in this trialling period
between 2014 and 2019.
In addition to the initiatives and reforms regarding career advancement and CPD such as the
introduction of ‘First Teachers’, the ‘Placement Preschool Project’, the ‘Teacher Salary Boost’,
and the licensing of teachers (Sections 3.3, 4 and 5) there are also a number of other current
reforms and initiatives, such as the ones mentioned below.
Pilot phase of complementary admission criteria for the qualification route for
Preschool Teachers
Starting in the autumn of 2016 two universities, Växjö and Jönköping, use interviews and
written assignments to complement the general admission criteria. Admission will be based on
grades or results of the Scholastic Aptitude Test in combination with assessment of personal
suitability for the profession (SFS 2015:566). The interview and the assignment will focus on
communicative ability, interactive capability, the ability for self-reflection, the ability to take a
leadership role and motivation for the future professional role. Suitability tests are hoped to
attract the most qualified applicants for teacher education, reduce dropout rates and
ultimately improve the quality of teachers and the outcomes in preschools and schools. The
project is coordinated by the Swedish Council for Higher Education (Universitets- och
högskolerådet) and will also be evaluated by them. A final report is expected for May 2018.
Subsequently, the government will decide on whether to go ahead with this form of admission
criteria or not.
There is a large and growing body of research on preschool with a mixture of both small-scale
and large-scale projects. Many studies/projects focus on different aspects of the listed
domains of knowledge in the preschool curriculum (Skolverket 2016a) or other aspects of the
everyday practice in the preschool. In these projects the role of teachers is often addressed.
8.1 Remuneration
Preschool Teachers do not usually receive the same salary as Compulsory School Teachers.
One of the justifications given for this difference is that the length of the Initial Professional
Studies differs. However, salaries are individually negotiated and given the shortage of
qualified Preschool Teachers, there can be considerable variation in salaries between different
parts of the same city and between municipalities across the country. While a common
starting point may be SEK 27,000-29,000 (2,796-3,004€) per month, some municipalities have
been offering up to SEK 36,000 (3,720€) per month as an introductory salary. Staff usually
receive a higher salary for posts of responsibility e.g. as Centre Head or Pedagogical Leader.
Preschool Teachers who take on the responsibility for the mentoring of students do not
automatically receive a pay rise. However, it is considered an important criterion when
discussing salaries at the annual appraisal.
The average introductory salary per month for Childcare Workers is approximately SEK 22,000-
24,000 (2,279-2,480 €). Salaries for this group are also individually negotiated and may vary
across the country depending on, for example, work experience. It is just about possible to live
on this salary, although much depends on the living costs and family composition (e.g. single
parents and number of children) and the area of residence.
10. References