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A Proud Disciple of GNB: Trichur V. Ramachandran

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A proud disciple of GNB M.V. Swaroop

richur Ramachandran’s those intricacies, some of those
striking features, crisply secrets, you will learn only
ironed clothes, bright then.”
eyes and dignified bearing
evoke memories of a bygone era A result of this approach to
of regal presences. He seems to music is the ability to strike at
barely pause to think when he the heart of a raga with just a
speaks, yet he speaks as if he couple of throwaway phrases,
were reading off a script, with and at the same time, to paint
his ideas well-formed, his voice these phrases into an exquisite,
clear, and his delivery near- expansive mural. There is never
perfect. Speaking of his guru a swara or phrase or word out
G.N. Balasubramanian, he says, SHANKAR RAMACHANDRAN
of place when he renders a
“He was in the music field, but he had the bearing of an kriti. He never seems hurried when singing niraval or
officer. Like a minister or something,” cheekily adding, swara-s even at supersonic speed, always finding interesting
“a minister of those days.” You could say the same about patterns of beguiling simplicity and landing perfectly on
Ramachandran. the sahitya.
Ramachandran’s music resembles GNB’s music more than Born in 1940 at Thrissur in Kerala, Ramachandran grew up
the music of any other GNB disciple does. When he moved in a musical atmosphere. His mother was a natural – albeit
to Madras to learn from the master, Ramachandran lived untrained – musician who sang ashtapadi-s and sloka-s.
in a humble room, but spent most of his time at his guru’s Ramachandran took his first steps in music imitating her.
house. “It was like gurukulavasam,” he says. “He made me His sisters were learning music, and he could sing all the
sit next to him, and we had our meals together.” songs they learnt.
GNB taught him many compositions, meticulously Ramachandran heard a concert by GNB at a neighbour’s
ensuring that he grasped every nuance perfectly. Most wedding in 1948. He remembers: “That day, he sang
of the manodharma was however something he learnt by Sarasijanabha sodari. I was enchanted by that music. I was
osmosis, by being around his guru, listening, observing and young and didn’t know how to judge music. Even so, it
absorbing. GNB always stressed that he should understand made a huge impression on me. I still remember the way
the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of things. His was a researcher’s mind, he shook his head in the anupallavi!”
always questioning, always rationalising, and his music
was scholarly and impulsive at once. Ramachandran too Soon, he started formal lessons with Varkala Subramania
adopts this approach to this day. Bhagavatar. After he grasped the basics, some friends
suggested that he shift for advanced training to
After a couple of years of learning from GNB,
Tripunithura Krishna Iyer, who had recently moved
Ramachandran started accompanying him in concerts.
from Annamalai University to Thrissur. Krishna Iyer laid
“Those concerts were just like classes,” he remembers. Apart
the foundation on which the edifice of Ramachandran’s
from the music, he picked up the subtleties of the energy
music was built.
of a concert, and the dynamics between the musicians on
stage. The day after a concert, he would spend his time When he was fourteen, he gave his first public performance.
going over what his guru sang, mulling over the ‘why’ and Never having sung with accompanists before, he practised
‘how’ of things. Ramachandran says, “Gurukulavasam is with them for a few days to get comfortable with them.
the best way of learning. When you spend that much time I asked him if he remembered what he sang, he thought for
with your guru, even if you don’t spend it in structured a few seconds and said, Sarasaksha paripaalaya. Then, he
lessons, you will learn from just being there. Some of added with a smile, “I can’t remember what else I sang.”

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At this point, music was only a serious hobby; not a Music College there, Ramachandran shifted too,
profession. He studied hard and completed his B.Sc. staying close to the master’s house. GNB’s failing
Then came a curious twist of fate. His batch was the health and his insistence on performing through his
first to do the pre-university course in college – switching ill-health which led to his premature death are now part
from the 10+2+3 year to the 11+1+3 year model of of history. Ramachandran’s voice chokes with emotion
education in vogue in India before the current plus as he remembers his presence by his guru’s side during
two system – and the ensuing confusion led to his B.Sc. his last moments.
results coming out late. He had to wait for almost a
Soon after his guru’s death, Ramachandran received a
year. He spent every minute of that period honing his
Central Government scholarship to learn music, but had
music, practising all day, performing and taking part in
no guru. He asked Palghat Mani Iyer what he should
competitions. At one such competition where he was pitted
do. Mani Iyer advised him to learn from Ariyakudi
against K.J. Yesudass, another stroke of luck came his way.
Ramanuja Iyengar. Ramachandran wondered if their
One of the judges of the contest, M.L. Vasanthakumari,
styles would match, but decided to go to Ariyakudi
impressed by his singing, said, “Why don’t you join
anyway. However, when he went to Iyengar’s house,
GNB as his student?”
he found the legend lying in bed, clearly on the last leg
Those memories of listening to the master sing of his journey. He was in no position to teach anyone.
Sarasijanabha sodari as an eight-year-old came flooding
back, but Ramachandran had other issues to sort out in
his head. With his father, then the Chief Justice of the
High Court of Kerala, wanting him to study further, he After GNB passed away, Ramachandran and other
had applied for a seat in a medical college. At the same students started compiling his compositions. GNB
time, his brother and GNB’s son were classmates in often wrote his songs on scraps of paper – on the
back of envelopes or pamphlets and left them lying
Vivekananda College in Madras. Through his brother, he around the house. His students learnt many of
wrote a letter to the guru. GNB wrote back asking him to them, and Ramachandran has been able to recover 72,
weigh his options carefully, as music as a profession had although he says there were around 200 of them in all.
many challenges even if it seemed attractive. These are now available in the form of two books. Sadly,
some have only the lyrics, with the varnamettu lost with
Ramachandran had not made up his mind yet, but because the passage of time.
he had nothing else to do at the time, he decided to go Flute legend N. Ramani remembers that he was to play in
to Madras to meet GNB. After listening to the boy a GNB tribute concert shortly after his death, and wanted
sing, GNB asked him to join classes from the next day. to play as many of GNB’s compositions as possible.
Ramachandran was gracious enough to record all of
Ramachandran moved to Madras, and began his lessons.
them on a tape for him. Some years ago, Ramachandran,
To add to his confusion, he secured a seat in the Calicut accompanied by his daughter Subhasree, recorded a
Medical College. As if that were not enough, he was CD of GNB’s compositions that even won an award. He
also offered a job in All India Radio, Vijayawada. Forced wants to do more to preserve those compositions.
by the family’s emphasis on education, he discontinued
music lessons and joined medical college, but barely a
few weeks into the course, he started feeling restless. His Ramachandran then approached M.L. Vasanthakumari
mind wandered to the streets of Santhome, to his guru who accepted him as her disciple. Being from the same
and his music classes. bani, he was able to follow her art easily. He learnt many
A month later, he quit medicine and moved back to compositions from her, and his career blossomed under
Madras. He started living in a room, and spending her guidance.
as much time as he could with GNB. It was a far cry
Ramachandran repeatedly stresses the importance
from Thrissur, where as the son of the Chief Justice,
of having a guru. “They keep you on the right track,”
he lived in some luxury. But the frugality of those
he says. “Youngsters today do not have that kind of
years only steeled him for an arduous life as a classical
guidance. They learn from recordings, from tapes. The
musician. Such was his devotion to his guru that when
tape cannot guide you when you go astray. You need a
GNB moved to Trivandrum as the Principal of the
guru for that.”

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Ramachandran married within his bani. Charumathi, Ramachandran first sang at the Music Academy in
his wife, a student of M.L. Vasanthakumari, is an 1962. During a class, GNB picked up the phone and
accomplished musician and teacher. “She is a great musician called the Music Academy to recommend his student
and teacher,” Ramachandran says. “Her handling of for a concert there that year. That was Ramachandran’s
pallavi-s is extraordinary. We exchange ideas often.” debut at the Academy. He sang again in 1965 and
Ramachandran even performed in some operas directed then in 1971. When he was still in the sub-senior
by Charumathi. category, T.N. Krishnan, a well entrenched senior,
accompanied him.
From an early age, Ramachandran was fascinated by
Hindustani music. When Ramachandran sang some Fifty years after his Academy debut, Ramachandran is
viruttam-s during a concert with a distinct Hindustani the Sangita Kalanidhi designate this year. He has
touch, his violin accompanist Anantharaman suggested accumulated a number of titles, the Padma Bhushan
to him that he learn Hindustani music. He put him from the President of India being the foremost
in touch with the late Krishnanand who had taught amongst them. His eagerness to learn more and give
Hindustani music to some members of the Parur more to Carnatic music is refreshing. Like the great
family. Ramachandran became proficient enough in masters, he says, “I am still a student.”
Hindustani music to perform on stage. (The author is a practising lawyer and Carnatic flutist)

Ramachandran has recorded the Narayaneeyam with 1036 verses,

in sloka form, in a variety of raga-s. It was released by Chembai
Vaidyanatha Bhagavatar at Guruvayur (see photo). ‘It took me three
and a half years to record,” he recalls. “Each day in the studio, I recorded
from 10 am to 5 pm. Often, I would record something and the Sanskrit
scholar would tell me that my pronunciation of some word was not
okay. Before the days of digital recording, you had to record the whole
thing again if you made a mistake.”

The recording is a tour-de-force. The tunes are not complicated,

and each set of sloka-s in a raga has only two or three raga flourishes.
The whole recording is around 6 CDs long, but you can hear it
continuously without any fatigue; it is that beautiful.

Some honours and awards

The Central Sangeet Natak Akademi award (2004) Nada Kalanidhi – Delhi
Padma Bhushan (2003) Tamil Isai Tilakam – Pollachi
Kalaimamani – Tamil Nadu Eyal Isai Nataka Manram Gana Kalanidhi – Coimbatore
Sangeeta Choodamani – Sri Krishna Gana Sabha Sangeeta Ratnakara – Cleveland, U.S.A.
Sangeeta Kala Siromani – The Indian Fine Arts Society Narayaneeya Gana Praveena – Jakarta, Indonesia
Isai Selvam – Muthamizh Peravai Asthana Vidwan of the Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham
Tulasivanam award – Tiruvananthapuram Asthana Vidwan of the Ahobila Matham
Sangeeta Kalasagara – Secunderabad

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