Go Through The Given Sentences and Identify The Adverb
Go Through The Given Sentences and Identify The Adverb
Go Through The Given Sentences and Identify The Adverb
Goldilocks used to live with her parents in a cabin near the forest. One day, she decided
to go for a walk. She strolled down the lane that led to the forest and came across a
cottage. Feeling intrigued, she decided to check whose house it was. She knocked on
the door, but no one answered. Then she decided to go in and check. Once she came
into the cottage, she saw three soup bowls kept on the table. Feeling hungry, she drank
the soup out of the smallest bowl. She saw a flight of stairs that led to a room above.
She decided to go and see the rooms. On reaching the rooms, she saw there were
three beds. Feeling sleepy with all the walking and hot soup, she decided to take a nap
and slept on the smallest bed. When she woke up, she saw three bears standing in
front of her, and the smallest bear among them crying loudly. Terrified, she started
screaming and ran past the bear family to reach her home.
Exercise 4 – Identify the Part of Speech
Go through the following sentences and identify the part of speech of the underlined