Tcs Dmer Book 20 Papers 150 Pages
Tcs Dmer Book 20 Papers 150 Pages
Tcs Dmer Book 20 Papers 150 Pages
Pawar Academy
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Q.18 jUmojUr `m eãXmMm g_mg AmoiIm. psychological needs when we were young and
images of us running around in red cape
1) Aì``r ^md 2) ~hþd«rhr
usually come to mind.
3) VËnwéf 4) Û§Û 1) experience 2) fiction
Q.19 bmoQ>m§JU KmbUo åhUOo H$m` Amho ? 3) fantasy 4) evolution
1) bmoQ>Uo 2) eaU OmUo Q.3 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
3) O{_Zrda bmoiUo 4) bmMma hmoUo word in bracket to fill in the blank.
_________________________________________________ She got a ______ (glance) of the horse in the
Q.20 Agob VoWo dmhV gw§Xa XþYmgmaIr ZXr - ho H$moUË`m trailer.
Ab§H$mamMo CXmhaU Amho. 1) Stare 2) glimpse 3) design 4) stance
1) Cn_m 2) `_H$ 3) AZwàmg 4) énH$
_________________________________________________ Q.4 Select the option that can be used as a one-
Q.21 Hw$R>o ~wS>mbm nbrH$S>o Vmo gmoÝ`mMm Jmoim - ho H$moUË`m word substitute for the underlined set of words.
1) supporter 2) predators
Ab§H$mamMo CXmhaU Amho ?
3) protectors 4) organizer
1) énH$ 2) CËàojm$ 3) AnÝhþVr 4) Cn_m _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Q.5 Select the option with correct spelling to fill in
Q.22 AmB© d{S>bm§Mm _mZ amImdm - `m dmŠ`mMm àH$ma AmoiIm. the blank.
1) g§Ho$VmWu 2) {dÜ`Wu 3) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 4) AmkmWu If your interest is ______ , here are some of the
_________________________________________________ best places to buy one of these dresses online.
Q.23 _wbm§Zr àXe©ZmV dñVy _m§S>ë`m - `m dmŠ`mVrb à`moJ 1) peequed 2) pecqed
AmoiIm. 3) piqueed 4) piqued
1) ^mdo 2) H$_©Ur$
Q.6 Select the option that can be used as a one-
3) gH$_©H$ H$V©ar 4) AH$_©H$ H$V©ar
Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9
1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 1 3 4 2
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Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21
3 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 1
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F : It’s important that palaeontologists get to Q.3 2011 À`m OZJUZoZwgma _hmamîQ´>mMr A§XmOo bmoH$g§»`m
the bottom of this mystery, as only by
understand the process decay and
{H$Vr Amho ?
preservation will they be able to correctly 1) 15.5 H$moQ>r 2) 8.45 H$moQ>r
interpret that record. 3) 11.24 H$moQ>r 4) 12.24 H$moQ>r
1) ACBDEF 2) ADECBF _________________________________________________
3) ABDCEF 4) AEDBCF Q.4 _o 2023 _Ü`o, Xþgao S>m`_§S> brJ {dOoVonX qOH$Umam
Q.22 Four words of the following sentence have
^maVmVrb gwà{gÕ ^mbm\o$H$nQy> H$moU Amho ?
been underlined and given as options. Select 1) ZraO Mmoàm 2) H$m{eZmW ZmB©H$
the option that is INCORRECTLY spelt. 3) {ednmb qgJ 4) `edra qgJ
1) Quarelsum 2) Accounts _________________________________________________
3) Disagreeable 4) Conceited
Q.5 amîQ´>r` H«$sS>m nwañH$ma 2022 _Ü`o, {H$Vr IoimSy>§Zm AOw©Z
Q.23 Parts of a sentence are given below in jumbled
nwañH$ma {_imbm ?
order. Arrange the parts in the correct order to 1) 30 2) 25 3) 15 4) 20
form a meaningful sentences. _________________________________________________
A : childhood, the lives Q.6 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo ~m¡Õ dmñVwH$boVrb EH$ àmW©ZmñWi
B : men have charmed Zmhr ?
C : of eminent medical 1) M¡Ë` 2) {dhma 3) ñVyn 4) ñV§^
D : my imagination _________________________________________________
E : right from my Q.7 ^maVr` amÁ`KQ>ZoVrb Ý`m`_§S>imÀ`m ñdmV§Í`mMo d¡{eîQ>ç
1) AEBCD 2) EACBD H$moUË`m XoemÀ`m KQ>ZoVyZ KoVbo Amho ?
_________________________________________________ 1) `wZm`Q>oS> qH$JS>_ 2) USSR
Q.24 Select the option that can be used as a one- 3) X{jU Am{\«$H$m> 4) `wZm`Q>oS> ñQ>oQ²>g Am°\$ A_o[aH$m
word substitute for the underlined set of words. _________________________________________________
Section - 3 - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Q.10 df© 2005 _Ü`o ~§X Pmboë`m OwÝ`m {Zd¥{ÎmdoVZ `moOZoÀ`m
A§_b~OmdUrMo AÜ``Z H$aÊ`mgmR>r _hmamîQ´>mMo _w»`_§Ìr
Q.1 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr ZXr ÛrnH$ënr` ^maVmVrb Xþgè`m
EH$ZmW qeXo `m§Zr g{_Vr H$Yr Omhra Ho$br.
H«$_m§H$mMr gdm©V _moR>r ZXr Amho ?
1) 1 OmZodmar 2023 2) 2 _o 2023
1) _hmZXJr 2) JmoXmdar 3) H¥$îUm 4) Vmnr
_________________________________________________ 3) 3 _mM© 2023 4) 4 {S>g|~a 2022
Q.2 J{V_mZ dñVw_mZmMr J{VO D$Om© ---- AgVo. _________________________________________________
Q.11 ehZmB© bmoH${à` H$aÊ`mMo lo` EH$m ^maVr` g§JrVH$mambm
1) dñVw_mZmÀ`m dJm©À`m ì`ñV à_mUmV
{Xbo OmVo, Vmo Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm g§JrVH$ma Amho ?
2) dñVw_mZmÀ`m dJm©er g_mZwnmVmV
1) {~pñ_ëbm ImZ 2) A_OX Abr ImZ
3) dñVw_mZmÀ`m ì`ñV à_mUmV
3) Abr AH$~a ImZ 4) ^r_goZ JwéamO Omoer
4) dñVw_mZmÀ`m g_mZwnmVmV _________________________________________________
Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11
1 2 2 2 3 4 2 1 2 2 4 1 2 3 1
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Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25
1 4 3 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 4
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Section - 4 - REASONING and APTITUDE Q.8 Oa AmOnmgyZ Mma {Xdgm§Zr a{ddma Agob, Va H$mbÀ`m
Q.1 H$mhr {d{eîQ> ì`ŠVtÀ`m EH$m AmoirV, Á`moVr S>mì`m Mma {Xdg AmYr H$moUVm dma hmoVm ?
Q>moH$mnmgyZ 863 ì`m Am{U COì`m Q>moH$mnmgyZ 931 ì`m 1) a{ddma 2) e{Zdma 3) ewH«$dma 4) Jwédma
ñWmZmda ~gbr Amho. am§JoV EHy$U {H$Vr ì`ŠVr ~gë`m Q.9 Imbrb e¥§IboV àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr `oUmao nX {Xboë`m
AmhoV ? n`m©`m§VyZ {ZdS>m.
1) 1791 2) 1793 3) 1794 4) 1792 A42Z , B35Y , C28X , D21W , _____
Q.2 L4 , N9 , P16 , ? `m _m{bHo$V `oUmao nwT>Mo A§H$mja nX 1) V14E 2) E41V 3) V41E 4) E14V
H$moUVo Agob ? Q.10 Imbrb e¥§IboV àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr `oUmao nX {Xboë`m
1) T25 2) R25 3) S25 4) Q25 n`m©`m§VyZ {ZdS>m.
Q.3 Oa 2x4389y hr 7 - A§H$s g§»`m 88 Zo {d^mÁ` Amho. Va C3A , F6D , I12G , L24J , ?
(5x + 3y) Mo _yë` {H$Vr Amho ? 1) M48O 2) O48M 3) O84M 4) O46M
1) 58 2) 57 3) 59 4) 60 Q.11 g§JUH$mMr _yi qH$_V _mo~mB©b \$moZnojm 250% OmñV
Q.4 A§VJ©V ì`mg 10 cm Agboë`m EH$m VmoQ>r_YyZ 4 m/sec Amho. Oa g§JUH$mMr _yi qH$_V 46% H$_r Pmbr Am{U
XamZo EH$m X§S>JmobmH$ma Q>mH$s_Ü`o nmUr àdm{hV hmoVo, _mo~mB©b \$moZMr qH$_V gbJ 20% Am{U 25% Zo dmT>br,
{OÀ`m A§VJ©V VimMr {ÌÁ`m 3 m Amho. 15 {_{ZQ>m§V, Va g§JUH$mMr ZdrZ _yi qH$_V _mo~mB©b \$moZÀ`m ZdrZ
Q>mH$sVrb nmÊ`mMr nmVir {H$VrZo dmT>ob ? (Q>mH$s nyU© _yi qH$_Vrnojm {H$Vr Q>ŠHo$ OmñV Amho ?
^éZ dmhV Zmhr Ago J¥hrV Yam) 1) 20.6% 2) 25% 3) 28.2% 4) 26%
1) 100 cm 2) 80 cm 3) 60 cm 4) 90 cm Q.12 Mma Aja-g_yh {Xbo AmhoV, Ë`mn¡H$s VrZ EH$m {d{eîQ>
VèhoZo g_mZ AmhoV Am{U EH$ doJim Amho.
Anand Pawar Academy
A hm B Mm ^mD$ Amho. C hr D Mr ~hrU Amho. B hm C Mm
_wbJm Amho. Va A Mo C er ZmVo Amho ?
1) ^mD$ 2) nwVÊ`m 3) dS>rb 4) _wbJm
1) MNN 2) CCD 3) DMH 4) HUG
Q.13 60 {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m dJm©Vrb JwUdÎmm `mXrÀ`m eodQ>nmgyZ
Q.6 A Am{U B EH$ {d{eîQ> H$m_ AZwH«$_o 30 {Xdg Am{U 18 _{h_mMm H«$_m§H$ 36 dm Amho. `mXrÀ`m erf© ñWmZmnmgyZ
{XdgmV nyU© H$é eH$VmV. A Am{U C {_iyZ g_mZ H$m_mMo {VMm H«$_m§H$ H$m` Amho ?
XmoZ V¥Vr`m§e 8 {Xdgm§V nyU© H$é eH$VmV. gwédmVrbm A 1) 25 2) 26 3) 27 4) 24
Am{U B {_iyZ H$m_mMm 9 dm ^mJ nyU© H$aVmV Am{U Q.14 EH$m {d{eîQ> gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfo_Ü`o ‘VCDR’ ho ‘XEFT’
Cd©[aV H$m_ EH$Q²>`m C X²dmao nyU© Ho$bo OmVo. g§nyU© H$m_ Ago {b{hbo OmVo, Va Ë`mM ^mfoV ‘ENTS’ bm H$go {b{hbo
{H$Vr {Xdgm§V nyU© hmoB©b ? OmB©b ?
2 1 4 1 1) GPVU 2) UVPG 3) GVPU 4) VGPU
1) 16 2) 15 3) 15 4) 16 _________________________________________________
3 3 9 9
_________________________________________________ Q.15 EH$ ì`mnmar EH$m Q>o~bmÀ`m N>mnrb qH$_Vrda 10% Am{U
Q.7 < 6,279 `m aH$_og X , Y Am{U Z `m§À`m Xaå`mZ 20% Aem gbJ XmoZ gdbVr XoD$Z Ë`m Q>o~bbm < 540
AemàH$mao {d^mJbo H$s, X bm Y Am{U Z `m§Zm EH${ÌVnUo
bm {dH$Vmo Am{U Varhr 25% Z\$m H$_mdoVm. Oa Ë`mZo
{_imboë`m aH$_oMm ^mJ {_iVmo Am{U Y bm X Am{U Q>o~bbm Ë`mÀ`m N>mnrb qH$_VrÀ`m 80% bm {dH$bo, Va
5 Ë`mÀ`m Zâ`mMr Q>ŠHo$dmar {H$Vr Agob ? (EH$ Xem§e
Z `m§Zm EH${ÌVnUo {_imboë`m aH$_oMm 8 ^mJ {_iVmo,
ñWmZmn`ªV nyUmª{H$V H$am)
Z Am{U X `m§À`m dmQ>çmVrb (< _Ü`o) {H$Vr Amho ?
1) 1344 2) 1518 3) 1472 4) 1219 1) 38.9% 2) 39.8% 3) 39.6% 4) 38.5%
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15
2 2 1 1 4 4 3 3 4 2 4 4 1 1 1
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Q.16 EH$m {d{eîQ> gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV ‘PAPER’ ho ‘QBQFS’ 1) 39.4 2) 39.6 3) 40.2 4) 38.6
Ago {b{hbo OmVo, Va Ë`mM ^mfoV ‘PUNE’ bm H$go {b{hbo
Q.24 EH$m {ÌH$moUr CÚmZmÀ`m bm§~r 112 m, 210 m Am{U
OmB©b ?
238 m Aem AmhoV. Ë`mMo joÌ\$i ho EH$m g_b§~
_________________________________________________ Mm¡H$moZmÀ`m AmH$mamÀ`m ~mJoÀ`m joÌ\$imBVHo$ Amho, Á`mÀ`m
Q.17 Imbr Mma Aja OmoS>çm {Xboë`m AgyZ Ë`m§n¡H$s VrZ g_m§Va ~mOy 372 m Am{U 30 m Aem AmhoV. ~mJoÀ`m
EH$g_mZ AmhoV d EH$ doJir Amho. JQ>mV Z ~gUmar g_m§Va ~mOy§Xaå`mZMo A§Va (m _Ü`o) {H$Vr Amho ?
OmoS>r AmoiIm. 1) 30 2) 35 3) 70 4) 60
1) NL 2) WY 3) QO 4) CD
_________________________________________________ 2 8 2 x 2 1 3
Q.25 Oa of –3 2 × =1
Q.18 Imbrb {dVaUmMm _Ü` 35 Agob, Va (2x + 5) Mo _yë` 3 15 5 16 3 2 4
{H$Vr `oB©b ? Amho, Va (3x + 2) Mo _yë` {H$Vr Amho ?
1) 71 2) 77 3) 65 4) 62
dJ© 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
dma§dmaVm 18 22 20 x 25
1) 33 2) 31 3) 25 4) 35
Q.19 2 noZ Am{U 3 nopÝgbr `m§Mr EHw$U qH$_V < 74 Amho.
Ooìhm EH$m noZMr qH$_V < 3 Zo H$_r Ho$br OmVo Am{U
EH$m nopÝgbrMr qH$_V < 1.50 Zo dmT>dbr OmVo, Voìhm 5
noZ Am{U 2 nopÝgbr `m§Mr EHy$U qH$_V < 140 hmoVo. 3 noZ
Am{U 5 nopÝgbr `m§Mr EHy$U _yi qH$_V {H$Vr Amho ?
1) < 120 2) < 114 3) < 122 4) < 116
Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25
3 4 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 2
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16
4 2 4 2 2 4 4 1 4 2 1 3 3 4 2 2
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Q.17 "Ë`mMo OodU H$éZ Pmbo.' à`moJ AmoiIm. Q.2 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
1) Judicious 2) Mischeivous
1) H$_© ^md g§H$a 2) g_mnZ H$_©Ur
3) Receive 4) Repetition
3) AH$_©H$ H$V©ar 4) gH$_©H$ H$V©ar _________________________________________________
Q.3 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Q.18 nwT>rb AmoitVrb Ab§H$ma AmoiIm. underlined word in the following sentence.
""erVbVZw Mnb MaU A{Zb JU {ZKmbo Nahid and his wife are overly exuberant new
aOVZrb, Vm_«Zrb parents who like to photography every single.
{ñWa nb Ob nb gbrb'' 1) Gauche 2) Gloomy
3) Arrogant 4) Awkward
1) ÑîQ>m§V 2) AZwàmg 3) A{Ve`moº$s
4) ûcof _________________________________________________
Q.4 Select the correct spelling of the underlined
Q.19 "IS>m©' eãXmMm g_mZmWu eãX emoYm.
word from the following options.
1) nŠHo$ boIZ 2) I§~ra I would never demanise people coming to this
3) IÈ>m 4) H$ÀMo {Q>nU country in pursuit of a better life.
1) demains 2) dimanise
Q.20 "Jm`' `m eãXm§Mo nwpëb§Jr én gm§Jm.
3) demonase 4) demonise
1) Jm`H$ 2) Jdm$ 3) ~moH$m 4) ~¡b _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Q.5 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Q.21 "nm¡am{UH$' `m eãXmMm _yi eãX emoYm. given word.
1) nwaU 2) nwamU$ 3) nyU© 4) nm¡{U©_m Hostile
_________________________________________________ 1) Friendly 2) Covert
Q.22 nwT>rbn¡H$s AMyH$ dmŠ`aMZm H$moUVr Amho ? 3) Truthful 4) Inimical
1) ^maVmV {ejUmMo joÌ A_`m©XnUo {dñVmabo Amho.
Q.6 Select the option that can be used as a one-
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àË`oH$OU nmdbo AmoiIyZ nwT>o H$mimMr OmVmo Amho.
Amnë`m XoemVyZ dmT>V gwÕm Amho naXoer H$s g§»`m.
doJmZo Amho dmT>V Mmbbr gmjaVm AmVm.
word substitute for the given group of words.
A house where an Eskimo lives
1) Hamlet 2) Lgloo 3) groove 4) Mine
Q.23 "Vy Kar Om`Mo hmoVo.' `m dmŠ`mVrb à`moJ AmoiIm. Q.7 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
the blank.
1) H$Vw© ^md g§H$a 2) ^mdo à`moJ
______ ! What a beautiful surprise.
3) H$V©ar à`moJ 4) H$_©Ur à`moJ 1) Ouch 2) Ugh 3) Wow 4) Alas
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.24 à_mUboIZmZwgma AMyH$ eãX emoYm. Q.8 Senetence of a paragraph are given below in
1) {eagmíQ>m§J 2) {eaemï>m§J jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the
correct order to form a meaningful and cohe-
3) eragm§ï>m§J 4) {eagmï>m§J
_________________________________________________ rent paragraph.
Q.25 "AmdS>' `m eãXmMm {déÕmWu eãX emoYm. P. If found that in some States, credit disbursal
to the farm sector was higher than their
1) nadS> 2) gdS> 3) {ZdS> 4) ZmdS>
agriculture gross domestic product (GDP).
Section - 2 - ENGLISH Q. The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Q.1 Select the option that can be used as a one- Development (NABARD) provided credit to
word substitute for the given group of words. only agri-business, non agriculturist.
R. A review by the RBI’s internal working group
100th anniversary of important events.
in 2019 found various inconsistancies.
1) Centenary 2) Anniversary
S. It made indirect loans to dealers and sellers
3) Jubilee 4) Decade of fertilisers, pesticides, seeds and
Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8
2 2 4 4 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 4 1 2 3 2
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agricultural implements undertaking work Q.15 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
for farmers. the blank.
1) SRPQ 2) QSRP 3) PQRS 4) RSQP The sea ______ calm by the time the sun rose.
1) becomes 2) was become
Q.9 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
3) had become 4) will become
given word. _________________________________________________
Solitary Q.16 Identify the sentence that has been punctuated
1) Crowded 2) Welcomed correctly.
3) Neglected 4) Accompanied 1) I was in my office all day, you could have come
to see me at any time.
Q.10 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
2) “I was in my office all day.’’ You could have come
1) Dextarous 2) Benevolence
to see me at any time.
3) Circuitous 4) Paediatrics
_________________________________________________ 3) I was in my office all day. You could have come
Q.11 Select the option that can be used as a one- to see my at any time.
word substitute for the given group of words. 4) I was in my office all day you could have come
1) Linguistics 2) Epistemology to see me at any time.
3) Philology 4) Phenomenology
_________________________________________________ Q.17 Identify the sentence that has been punctuated
Q.12 Select the most appropriate form of the verb correctly.
to fill in the blank. 1) “Maryam is trying to complete her assignment,
her friend said” <br>
When I entered the house everything ______
2) Maryam is trying to, complete her assignment,
(to be) at sixes and sevens.
her friend said <br>
1) is 2) were 3) are 4) was 3) Maryam is trying to complete her assignment,
her friend said <br>
Anand Pawar Academy
Sentences of a paragraph are given below in
jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the
correct order to form a meaningful and
4) “Maryam is trying to complete her assignment,”
her said <br>
coherent paragraph. Q.18 Fill in the blank with the correct ANTONYM of
A. The singer started her performance with her the word given in brackets.
biggest hit. Her latest play has been widely ____ (censured)
B. She then sang some of her newer songs, by critics.
which were less well-known. 1) acclaimed 2) controlled
C. For the encore, she performed a surprise 3) incurred 4) acquired
cover of a classic song, and the crowd went
Q.19 Select the option that can be used as a one-
wild. word substitute for the given group of words.
D. The crowd sang along, and the atmosphere One who does not express himself freely.
was electric. 1) Introvert 2) Extrovert
E. The audience was still enthusiastic, but the 3) Ambivert 4) Pervert
energy level dropped a bit. _________________________________________________
1) ADBCE 2) AEBDC Q.20 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
3) DEACB 4) ADBEC the blank.
______ since we last met.
Q.14 Select the most appropriate noun to fill in the
1) Many years have passed
2) Many years have passed away
Little Piku always feels happy to see a ______
3) Many years have past
of elephants in the zoo.
4) Many years have past on
1) shiver 2) horde 3) here 4) nest _________________________________________________
Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20
4 1 1 4 4 3 3 3 4 1 1 1
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Q.21 Select the most appropriate synonym of the Q.4 2021 n`ªV ^maVmZo à_mU e¡brVrb nwéf H$~È>r {dœMfH$
underlined word in the given sentence.
{H$Vr doim qOH$bm Amho ?
Looking at the kids sleeping in the hammock
was the most peaceful moment of his life. 1) EH$ 2) Mma 3) VrZ 4) XmoZ
1) Wild 2) Fierce 3) Serene 4) Hostile
_________________________________________________ Q.5 V{_iZmSy> amÁ`mVrb Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUmbm H$bm joÌmgmR>r
Q.22 Select the most appropriate option that can nÙ^yfU nwañH$ma 2023 {_imbm ?
substitute the underlined segment in the given 1) lr. _{hnV H$dr 2) Hw$. gw_Z H$ë`mUnya
3) lr. E_. E_. H$samdmZr 4) Hw$. dmUr O`am_
In no time the boy displayed a dramatically _________________________________________________
improvement performance in his studies. Q.6 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m gaH$maZo g§_V Ho$boë`m 42 ì`m
1) an drama improvement
XþéñVrÛmao _yb^yV H$V©ì`m§Mm amÁ`KQ>ZoV g_mdoe H$aÊ`mV
2) a dramatized improvement
3) the dramatically improved Ambm ?
4) a dramatically improved 1) MaUqgh gaH$ma 2) B§{Xam Jm§Yr gaH$ma
3) ìhr. nr. qgJ gaH$ma 4) _moamaOr XogmB© gaH$ma
Q.23 Select the most appropriate option that can _________________________________________________
substitute the underlined segment in the given Q.7 ~hþOZ g_mOmÀ`m AmXem©Mm àgma H$aÊ`mgmR>r _wHw§$Xamd
nmQ>rb ho H$moUVo d¥ÎmnÌ àH$m{eV H$arV ?
The lady to who I spoke this morning was my
friend’s grandmother. 1) kmZ àH$me 2) XrZ ~§Yy
1) to whom I spoke 2) who spoke with I 3) {XZ {_Ì > 4) Xn©U
3) to which I spoke 4) who to I spoke _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Q.8 2011 À`m OZJUZoZwgma _hmamîQ´>mMm gmjaVm Xa A§XmOo
Q.24 Select the MISSPELT word from the options. {H$Vr Amho ?
1) Entrepreneur 2) Misdemeanour
Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12
3 4 1 1 3 2 4 1 3 4 2 2 2 4 2 1 2
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Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3
2 4 4 3 3 4 1 4 4 4 2 1 3 2 3 3
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Q.4 EH$m {d{eîQ> gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV, ‘dance and play’ ho {Xbo AmhoV. gm_mÝ`V: kmV VÏ`m§nojm doJir dmQ>br Var
‘fc tb mq’ Ago {b{hbo OmVo Am{U ‘play and act’ ho Vr {dYmZo gË` AmhoV Ago _mZmdo. {Xbobo gd© {ZîH$f© dmMm
‘mq dr fc’ Ago {b{hbo OmVo. Va {Xboë`m ^mfoV ‘dance’ Am{U Ë`m§n¡H$s H$moUVo {ZîH$f© {Xboë`m {dYmZm§er VH©$g§JV
ho H$go {b{hbo OmB©b ? AmhoV Vo R>adm.
1) dr 2) fc 3) tb 4) mq {dYmZo : gd© amoO{Zí`m døm AmhoV.
Q.5 22 , 5 , 56 , 42, 5 , 2x + 1 , x – 2 , 3x , 36 Mm _Ü` gd© døm nmZo AmhoV.
30 Amho. Va x > 0 emoYm. gd© nwñVHo$ amoO{Zí`m AmhoV.
1) 7 2) 9 3) 4 4) 6 {ZîH$f© : I. gd© nwñVHo$ nmZo AmhoV.
II. gd© amoO{Zí`m nmZo AmhoV.
Q.6 _rZy EH$ H$m_ EH$Q>çmZo 16 {XdgmV nyU© H$ê$ eH$Vo. VoM
III. EH$hr nwñVH$ EH$ dhr Zmhr.
H$m_ {g_r EH$Q>çmZo 12 {XdgmV nyU© H$ê$ eH$Vo. Oa amO
1) {ZîH$f© (II) Am{U (III) ho XmoÝhr VH©$g§JV AmhoV.
Ë`m§Zm gm_rb Pmbm, Va Vo {VKo {_iyZ 4 {XdgmV H$m_
2) {ZîH$f© (I) Am{U (II) ho XmoÝhr VH©$g§JV AmhoV.
nyU© H$ê$ eH$VmV. Va amObm EH$Q>çmZo H$m_ nyU ©
H$aÊ`mgmR>r {H$Vr doi bmJob ? 3) {ZîH$f© (I) Am{U (III) ho XmoÝhr VH©$g§JV AmhoV.
4) {ZîH$f© I , II Am{U III XmoÝhr VH©$g§JV AmhoV.
111 _________________________________________________
1) {Xdg 2) 12 {Xdg
2 Q.11 2 Am{U 4 `m XmoÝhrZo ^mJ OmUmè`m 2 - A§H$s g§»`m emoYm.
48 12 1) 42 2) 12 3) 22 4) 32
3) {Xdg 4) {Xdg _________________________________________________
5 7
_________________________________________________ Q.12 H$U© O `oWo nañnam§Zm N>oXVmV Am{U
Q.7 70 _yë`m§Mr gamgar 40 Amho. Oa àË`oH$ _yë`mbm 25 Zo OA = x + 3 , OB = y + 2 , OC = 2x + y , OD = 3y
JwUbo Va ~Xbbobr gamgar {H$Vr Agob ? Amho, Va x emoYm
Anand Pawar Academy
1) 1000 2) 1400 3) 40 4) 250
EH$m {d{eîQ> gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV, ‘let’s go play’ ho ‘sf np
Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14
3 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 2
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_Oë`mda amhV Zmhr. Va H«$_m§H$ 5 hçm _Oë`mda H$moU 1) _wbrMm nVr 2) AmB©Mm ^mD$
amhVmo ? 3) _wbrMr _wbJr > 4) AmB©Mo dS>rb
1) A 2) D 3) F 4) B
_________________________________________________ Q.22 Oa A Zo EImXr dñVy < 384 bm {dH$V KoVbr Am{U Vr
5 8 16 2m 10 < 576 bm {dH$br Am{U B Zo Xþgar dñVy < 1]254 bm
12 7 12 7
Q.15 Oa × × = , {dH$V KoVbr Am{U Vr < 1]672 bm {dH$br, Va A À`m
7 12 7 12
Z\$m Q>ŠHo$dmarMo B À`m Z\$m Q>ŠHo$dmarer Agbobo JwUmoÎma
Va m {H$Vr Amho ? {H$Vr Amho ?
19 23 23 5
1) 2) – 1 3) 4) – 5 3 3
2 2 2 1) 2) 3) 4)
_________________________________________________ 3 2 2 4
Q.16 _mohZbm n{hë`m dfu Ë`mÀ`m {dH«$sÀ`m aH$_oV 12% Am{U
Q.23 20 _{hbm 15 {XdgmV EH$ H$m_ nyU© H$é eH$VmV. 16
Xþgè`m dfu 15% dmT> {_iVo, Am{U Ë`mMr gÜ`mMr {dH«$s nwéf VoM H$m_ 15 {Xdgm§V nyU© H$é eH$VmV. nwéf Am{U
< 1,28,800 Amho. Va XmoZ dfmªnydu Ë`mMr {dH«$s {H$Vr _{hbm `m§À`m H$m`©j_VoMo JwUmoÎma emoYm.
hmoVr ? 1) 3 : 2 2) 4 : 3 3) 5 : 4 4) 5 : 3
1) < 1,50,000 2) < 1,25,000 _________________________________________________
Q.24 Imbrb _m{bHo$V àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr `oB©b Ago nX
3) < 1,75,000 4) < 1,00,000
_________________________________________________ {Xboë`m n`m©`m§VyZ {ZdS>m.
Q.17 Oa + åhUOo – , – åhUOo × , × åhUOo , Va Imbrb Q20 , T25, X35, C50, ?
g_rH$aUmV àíZ{MÝh (?) À`m OmJr H$m` `oB©b ? 1) I70 2) I75 3) J70 4) I65
1) 9 2) 27 3) 13 4) 31 _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Q.25 16 Am{U 144 `m§Mo _Ü` à_mUnX {H$Vr Amho ?
Q.18 70m {ÌÁ`m Am{U 140m C§MrÀ`m EH$m X§S>JmobmMo EHy$U
Anand Pawar Academy
n¥îR>\$i {H$Vr Agob ?
1) 61,524 m2 2) 92,400 m2
1) 48 2) 36
3) 44 4) 34
3) 82,500 m2 4) 5,124 m2
Q.19 {Xboë`m _m{bHo$V (?) àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m OmJr H$m` `oB©b ?
6 23 79 252 776 ?
1) 2353 2) 2652 3) 2264 4) 2350
Q.20 24 Am{U 32 Mo {Vgao à_mUnX (2 Xem§e ñWmZm§n`ªV
nyUmª{H$V H$éZ) {H$Vr Amho ?
1) 42.67 2) 42.33 3) 48.33 4) 48.67
Q.21 EH$m {d{eîQ> gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV
A+B åhUOo "A hr B Mr AmB© Amho'
A – B åhUOo "A hr B Mm ^mD$ Amho'
A × B åhUOo "A hr B Mr nËZr Amho'
A B åhUOo "A hr B Mo dS>rb AmhoV'
da {Xë`mà_mUo ‘Q R – S + T × P’ Agob Va T Mo Q
er H$m` ZmVo Amho ?
Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25
4 4 4 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 1
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15
2 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 4 4 1 3 3 4
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Q.16 "EÝH$sÀ`m amÁ`mV' `m H$mX§~arMo boIH$ H$moU AmhoV ? Q.25 nwT>rbn¡H$s H$_©H$V©ar à`moJmMo CXmhaU emoYm.
1) ^mbM§Ð Zo_mS>o 2) ^mD$ nmÜ`o 1) g^oV nÌHo$ dmQ>br Jobr.
3) H$_b XogmB© 4) {dbmg gma§J 2) nmonQ> noê$ ImVmo.
3) Vmo Kar nmohmoMÊ`mnyduM gm§Omdbo.
Q.17 "ahmQ>r' eãXmMm g_mZmWu eãX emoYm.
4) Vr Kar OmVo
1) AS>mUr 2) AÝZgmR>m 3) {d`moJ 4) dV©Z
Section - 2 - ENGLISH
Q.18 "nwT>mar, à_wI, Zm`H$' hm Ame` nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m
Q.1 Selct the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
eãXmVyZ ì`ŠV hmoVmo ?
underlined word in the sentence.
1) AYmodXZ 2) AÜd`y© 3) AYra 4) AZ` Seema likes to wear clothes that accentuate
her lovely figure.
Q.19 "g§doXZm, MoVZm Zgbobm _mUyg' `mgmR>r H$moUVm eãX
1) advertise 2) publicise
MnIbnUo dmnaVm `oB©b ?
3) tone down 4) identify
1) MH$dm 2) _wÔm_ 3) _wXm©S> 4) _wair _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Q.2 Select the option that can be used as a one-
Q.20 nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVm BamdVr H$d} `m§À`m Zmdmda Zgbobm word substitute for the given phrase.
JǤW Amho ? One who hides away on a ship to obtain a free
1) n[anyVu 2) ^modam$ passage.
1) Stowaway 2) Shipwright
3) J§JmOb 4) VwierMo nmZ
_________________________________________________ 3) Stoker 4) Compositor
Q.21 "à{V_mMo Aja åhUOo Vmaoda dmiV KmVbobo H$nS>o'
Q.3 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
dmŠ`mVrb 'Cn_o`' KQ>H$ H$moUVm Amho ? the blank.
1) Vma 2) H$nS>o$ 3) à{V_m 4) Aja
Anand Pawar Academy
Q.22 nwT>rbn¡H$s Ho$dbdmŠ`mMo CXmhaU emoYm.
_r gm§{JVbobo H$m_ H$aUma Amhog H$s Zmhr ?
Rehana has a very good ______ for dance-
1) trupe 2) trip 3) troupe 4) troop
2) amohZ amoO emioV OmVmo. Q.4 Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given phrase.
3) _r amoO gH$mir CR>Vmo Am{U {\$am`bm OmVmo.
The art of preserving skin of animals, birds and
4) AmH$memV Ooìhm T>J O_VmV Voìhm _moa ZmMVmo. fish.
Q.23 eãX Am{U Ë`m§Mo ^mddmMH$ Zm_ `m§À`m OmoS>çm bmdm. 1) Taxidermy 2) Taxonomy
3) Philology 4) Seismology
1. gw§Xa A) ZdbmB© _________________________________________________
2. Jwbm_ ~) gm¢X`© Q.5 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
the blank.
3. nmQ>rb H$) nmQ>rbH$s
My great grand uncle and ______
4. Zdb S>) Jwbm_{Jar 1) heirless 2) hareless
1) 1 - ~, 2 - A, 3 - S>, 4 - H$ 3) hairless 4) airless
2) 1 - ~, 2 - S>, 3 - H$>, 4 - A
Q.6 Choose the correct antomym of - ‘Philistine.’
3) 1 - A, 2 - ~, 3 - H$, 4 - S> 1) Cultured 2) Bawdy 3) Barbarian 4) Gross
4) 1 - S>, 2 - A, 3 - H$>, 4 - ~
_________________________________________________ Q.7 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Q.24 "\w$UJm' eãXmMm g_mZmWu eãX emoYm. word in brackets in the following sentence.
Rohini was (abstemious) in her lunch and ate
1) {d^mOZ 2) {eañVm 3) nmbdr 4) {R>UJr
_________________________________________________ very little throughout the afternoon.
Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7
4 4 2 3 4 4 2 2 4 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 4
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Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21
1 4 2 4 4 4 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3
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Q.22 Choose the option with the correct punctua- 1) Golgi apparatus 2) Lysosomes
tion of the following sentence.
3) Nucleolus 4) RIbosomes
whereas the hammer what did I did I do with _________________________________________________
the hammer. Q.2 {dÚwV joÌmMo SI EH$H$ H$moUVo Amho ?
1) whereas the hammer, what did I do with the 1) Ý`yQ>Z - Hy$b§~ (Newton - coulomb)
hammper ?
2) Whereas the hammer what did I do with the
2) Hy$b§~ / Ý`yQ>Z (Coulomb / Newton)
hammer ? 3) Ý`yQ>Z / Hy$b§~ (Newton / coulomb)
3) “Where’s the hammer ? What did I do with the 4) Ý`yQ>Z/_rQ>a-Hy$b§~ (Newton / Meter - coulomb)
hammer ?” _________________________________________________
4) “whereas the hammer ? what did I do with the Q.3 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m VmaIobm G20 À`m "EÝdm`Z©_|Q> A±S>
hammer ?” Šbm`_|Q> gñQ>oZo{~{bQ>r d{Hª$J J«wn' (ECSWG) Mr {Vgar
~¡R>H$ _w§~B©V Am`mo{OV H$aÊ`mV Ambr hmoVr ?
Q.23 Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given phrase. 1) E{àb 21-23, 2023
An extreme fear of being in a small confined 2) _o 11-13, 2023
place 3) _o 21-23, 2023
1) Claustrophobia 2) Paraphemalia
4) E{àb 11-13, 2023
3) Progeria 4) Hydrophobia _________________________________________________
Q.24 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Q.4 E{àb 2023 _Ü`o _hmamîQ´>mVrb ~mam_Vr VmbwŠ`mVrb
given word. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m ZXrV hOmamo _¥V _mgo Va§JV Agë`mMo
Ephemeral AmT>ibo hmoVo ?
1) Eternal 2) Transitory 1) ^r_m 2) {Zam 3) nyUm© 4) _m§Oam
3) Mortal 4) Temporary _________________________________________________
Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8
3 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 4 1 1 1
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Q.9 2023 _Ü`o Iobmo B§{S>`m `yW JoågÀ`m H$moUË`m Amd¥ÎmrMo Q.19 g§{dYmZmZo AZoH$ _yb^yV A{YH$mam§Mr VaVyX Ho$br Amho.
Am`moOZ _Ü` àXoemV H$aÊ`mV Ambo hmoVo. Ý`m`nm{bHo$Zo AZwÀN>oX ——— Am{U ——— A§VJ©V
1) n{hë`m 2) Xþgè`m 3) nmMì`m 4) Mm¡Ï`m Amnë`m A{YH$mam§Mm dmna H$aUo Am{U Aem _yb^yV
A{YH$mam§Mo g§ajU Ho$bo nm{hOo.
Q.10 _w§~B© ZmJnya ÐþVJVr _mJm©À`m ZmJnya Vo {eS>un`ªVÀ`m
1) 34; 14 2) 332; 13 3) 35; 12 4) 31;12
n{hë`m Q>ßß`mMo CÕmQ>Z H$Yr H$aÊ`mV Ambo hmoVo ? _________________________________________________
1) _mM© 2023 2) Am°JñQ> 2022 Q.20 dmH$mQ>H$ amOd§emVrb n{hbm qdÜ`eŠVrMm CÎmam{YH$mar
3) \o$~«wdmar 2022 4) {S>g|~a 2022 H$moU hmoVm ?
1) Xþgam éÐgoZ 2) n{hbm éÐgoZ
Q.11 E{àb 2023 _Ü`o H|$Ðr` J¥h_§Ìr lr. A{_V ehm `m§Zr
3) n{hbm àdagoZ 4) Xþgam àdagoZ
H$moUË`m ^maVr` amÁ`mÀ`m gr_odarb JmdmV "ìhm`~«§Q> _________________________________________________
pìhboO H$m`©H«$_' gwé Ho$bm hmoVm ? Q.21 1909 _Ü`o Zm{eH$Mm {Oëhm X§S>m{YH$mar AmW©a O°ŠgZ
1) {gŠH$s_ 2) CËVamI§S> `mbm Zm{eH$À`m ZmQ>çmJ¥hmV H$moUr R>ma Ho$bo ?
3) AéUmMb àXoe> 4) {h_mMb àXoe 1) _XZbmb qYJ«m 2) {edamO har amOJwé
3) AZ§V bú_U H$mÝhoao 4) {dîUy JUoe qnJio
Q.12 ^maVr` amÁ`KQ>ZoV {H$Vr _yb^yV H$V©ì` AmhoV ? _________________________________________________
1) 67 2) 10 3) 11 4) 8 Q.22 àmo{Q>ñQ>m_Ü`o Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m àH$maÀ`m noer AgVmV?
Q.13 _hmamîQ´>mÀ`m EHy$U ^m¡Jmo{bH$ joÌmn¡H$s {H$Vr ^y^mJ JmoXmdar 1) Ñí`H|$ÐH$s 2) Agr_ H|$ÐH$s
ZXrÀ`m Imoè`mZo ì`mnbobm Amho ? 3) ñd`§nmo{fV 4) ~hþnoer`
1) 49.7% 2) 56.9% 3) 45.8% 4) 38.9% Q.23 _o 2023 _Ü`o Pmboë`m H$Zm©Q>H$ {dYmZg^m {ZdS>UwH$sV
Q.14 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo AÝZm_Ü`o CnpñWV Agboë`m ~¥hV ^maVr` amîQ´>r` H$m±J«ogZo EHy$U {H$Vr OmJm qOH$ë`m hmoË`m?
Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1
3 4 3 3 1 4 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 4
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Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15
1 2 2 4 1 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 2
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n°Zob <1,24,000 bm {dH$bo Jobo. Va _J {Xboë`m amoI Am{U T À`m Mma _Obo da amhVmo. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU X
gdbVrMr Q>ŠHo$dmar {H$Vr (A§XmOo) Agob ? À`m bJoMM ImbÀ`m _Oë`mda amhVmo ?
1) 32.61% 2) 40.0% 3) 36.16% 4) 24.28% 1) U 2) W 3) T 4) Z
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.17 The mean of a given data is 124.25 and mode Q.23 A cone is made with a sector of radius of 10.5
is 112.75, what is the median of the data cm and an angle of 600. What is the total
given ? surface area of the conse ?
1) 361.25 2) 114.75 3) 120.42 4) 148.74 1) 66.00 cm2 2) 77.00 cm2
Q.18 What is the volume of a cone whose circum- 3) 67.375 cm2 4) 89.215 cm2
ference of the base is 44 cm and slant height
Q.24 Mma Aja-g_yh OmoS>çm {Xë`m AmhoV, Á`m§n¡H$s VrZ EH$m
is 25 cm ? {d{eîQ> nÜXVrZo g_mZ AmhoV Am{U EH$ doJir Amho.
3 3
1) 1,432 cm 2) 1,322 cm JQ>mV Z ~gUmar emoYm.
3) 1,282 cm 4) 1,232 m3 1) PV-SY 2) BK-EH 3) MV-PS 4) FO-IL
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.19 A series is given with one term missing.
Q.25 Imbrb g§»`m e¥I§bo_Ü`o S>mdrH$Sy>Z COdrH$S>o Ago {H$Vr
Choose the correct alternative from the given
ones that will complete the series. A§H$ ‘8’ AmhoV, Á`m§n¡H$s àË`oH$sÀ`m bJoMM Z§Va EH$ g_
PJM, TNQ, WQT, YSV, ? A§H$ `oVmo ?
1) ZTW 2) YSV 3) ZSV 4) YTW (S>mdr) 3 1 6 9 8 9 6 4 9 8 4 0 2 5 0 2 7 3 4 6 7 8 0
Q.20 A series is given with one term missing. 2 8 5 6 4 4 8 1 4 (COdr)
Choose the correct alternative from the given (Q>rn - àË`oH$ g§»`m hr Ho$di EH$ A§H$s g§»`m Amho)
ones that will complete the series. 1) VrZ 2) EH$ 3) Mma 4) XmoZ
Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25
1 3 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 4
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2
4 2 2 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 3 3 1
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Q.3 Select the correctly spelt word to fill in the Q.11 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in
blank. jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the
The shopkeeper ___ the customer by replacing correct order to form a meaningfl and coherent
the defective item.
A) Journaling sharpens your memory.
1) placated 2) plecated B) She recalled, “My journal provided the who,
3) pelcated 4) plakated what, how, when and why with a specificity
that memory might have blurred.”
Q.4 Select the most appropriate synonym of the C) “It also did smething more, it offered me a
underlined word in the context of the sentence. frank and unvarnished portrait of yself at
The nexus between the two gangs is known 26 that I couldn’t have found anywhere
to everyone. else.”
1) Rudiment 2) Affinity D) When Chery I Strayed wrote her hit book,
3) Connection 4) Conflict Wild, she relied heavily on her journal.
_________________________________________________ 1) ACBD 2) ADBC 3) ACDB 4) ABCD
Q.5 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Q.12 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in
given word.
jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the
correct order to form a meaningful and
1) Prompt 2) Fast
coherent paragraph.
3) Idler 4) Punctual A) It was the highest rated talk show of all time
and familiar to nearly anyone who owned
Q.6 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
a television set in North America at that
the blank.
When I ______ the station, the train ______ .
B) The ‘Queen of All Media’ built a brand that
1) reach; had left 2) reach; leaves
stretched far beyond the television screen.
3) reach; leave 4) reached; had left
Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15
1 3 3 4 3 2 4 2 2 4 1 3 1
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12
1 3 4 2 4 3 3 2 3 1 4 2
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1) Subhash Chandra Bose and Bhagat Singh 3) If the first digit is an odd number and the
2) Motital Nehru and Chittranjan Das last digit is an even number, then both digits
3) Jawaharlal Nehru and Chandrashekhar Azad are to be coded as &.
4) Rejandra Prasad and Sukhdev 4) If the first digit is an even number and the
last digit is an odd number, then both digits
Q.13 If 36% of a number is 6 less than that 52% of
are to be coded as #.
that number, then the number is :
What will be the code of ‘49512’ ?
1) 40.5 2) 39.5 3) 37.5 4) 42.5 1) ~ ~ # ~ 2) ~ # ~ ~
Q.14 amÁ` gaH$ma, Am`moJmZo gmXa Ho$bobm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb, 3) $ ~ # ~ 4) $ ~ # ~
amÁ` {dYmZ_§S>imÀ`m àË`oH$ g^mJ¥hmg_moa R>odob, Ago Q.18 The arithmetic mean of 12 observations is 12.5.
_hmamîQ´> bmoH$godm A{Y{Z`_ 2015 À`m H$moUË`m H$b_mV If the arithmetic mean of 7 of these observation
Ago Z_yX Ho$bo Amho ? is 9, the mean of the remaining observation
is :
1) H$b_ 19 2) H$b_ 23 3) H$b_ 20 4) H$b_ 27
_________________________________________________ 1) 16.5 2) 17.4 3) 14.6 4) 15.8
Q.15 Read the following information carefully and
answer the questions given below : Q.19 Weekly income (in <) of 120 families as under:
If ‘A @ B’ means ‘A is mother of B. Income (in <) Number of families
If ‘A & B’ means ‘A is sister of B.
0 - 1,000 50
If ‘A $ B’ means ‘A is daughter of B.
If ‘A ? B’ means ‘A is father of B. 1,000 - 2000 38
How is E related to B in the expression ‘A $ B 2,000 - 3,000 20
? C ? D $ E & F’ ?
1) Daughter 2) Mother 3,000 - 4,000 8
2) Mother-in-law 4) Daughter-in-law
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Q.22 Pointing to a woman in a photograph, Rani B) nR>mamda é§X Am{U CWi Xè`m Am{U JmobmH$ma Q>oH$S>çm
said, “Her daughter is married to the only son
of my husband’s mother.”
How is Rani’s husband related to that woman C) Z_©Xm ZXrÀ`m CÎmaobm Agbobm ÛrnH$ënr` nR>mamMm
in the photo ? ^mJ, _midm nR>mamMm EH$ _moR>m ^mJ ì`mnVmo, Ë`mbm
1) Father 2) Son X»IZMo nR>ma åhUyZ AmoiIbo OmVo.
3) Brother 4) Son-in-law 1) Ho$di C 2) Ho$di B Am{U C
Q.23 A and B can do a piece of work in 45 days. B 3) Ho$di A 4) Ho$di A Am{U B
and C can do it an 72 days and A and C can do
it in 60 days. In how many days can A alone Q.30 Select the option that is related to the fifth
cluster in the same way as the fourth is related
do the same work ?
to the third and the second is related to the
13 10 11 12 first.
1) 83 2) 81 3) 82 4) 84
17 17 17 17 IDEA : RHJB : : ABLE : BDXJ : : CAFE : ?
Q.24 A wire of length 448 cm cm is bent in the form
of a rectangle whose sides are in the ratio of Section - 4 - TECHNICAL
9 : 7. What is the area (in cm2) of the rectangle?
1) 15,124 2) 13,826 3) 14,224 4) 12,348 Q.1 Which organisation in the country is respon-
sible for computation of national income ?
Q.25 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo hS>ßnm g§ñH¥$VrMo ñWi Zmhr ? 1) National Statistical Officer (NSO)
1) amIrJT>r 2) Ymobmdram 3) aW~§JmZ 4) ~Zmdbr 2) National Advisory Board on Statistics (NABS)
3) District Statistical Organisation (DSO)
Q.26 How many people are being trained by The
4) Department of Statistics (DoS)
Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.27 Q.29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5
4 4 4 3 2 4 1 2 1 3 2 2 1
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Q.6 Which of the following options represents the Q.14 GNP at market price is measured as :
statistical law(s) based on trial-and-error 1) GDP at market price – Net factor income from
methods ? abroad
1) Law of statistical regularity and Law of inertia of 2) GDP at market price – Depreciation
large numbers 3) GNP at market price – Subsidies
2) Law of inertia of large numbers 4) NDP at factor cost – Net factor income from
3) Law of statistical regularity abroad
4) None of the given options
_________________________________________________ Q.15 If we have a sample of size ‘n’ from a popu-
Q.7 At the national level, which organisation is lation of ‘N’ units, the finite population corre-
responsible for co-ordination of statistics ? ction factor is :
1) DES 2) DSO 3) CSO 4) NSSO 1) (N – n) / n 2) (N – n) / N
_________________________________________________ 3) (n – 1) / N 4) (N – 1) / N
Q.8 The greater the distance of the Lorenz curve _________________________________________________
from the line of equal distribution. ________ Q.16 A cycle in a time series is represented by the
1) the less is the inequality difference between :
1) the mid-points of a trough and the cret
2) the more is the average income
2) the end-proints of a convex portion
3) the more is the inequality
3) two successive peaks
4) it tells nothing about inequality 4) None of the above
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.9 The probability of throwin an odd sum with Q.17 If 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.7 and 1.5 are the respective
two fair dice is : weights of the values 19, 15, 20, 25 and 30,
1) 1/2 2) 1/4 3) 1/6 4) 1 then the weighted mean (up to two demical
places) is :
Q.10 The shape of a tri-linear chart is that of a/an : 1) 23.42 2) 16.58 3) 20 4) 17
Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21
1 1 3 1 3 4 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 3
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Q.22 By minimising the error sum of squares, we Q.29 Level of significance is the probability of :
obtain : 1) not committing any error
1) normal equations 2) committing both Type-I and Type-II errors
2) the coefficient of determination 3) committing a Type-II error
3) the standard error of estimate 4) committing a Type-I error
4) the correlation coefficient _________________________________________________
Q.30 If r = 0, the two regression lines _______ .
Q.23 The AM of two numbers is 6.5 and their GM is
1) will intersect each other
6. The two numbers are :
2) will be parallel
1) 9 and 6 2) 4 and 9 3) 7 and 6 4) 9 and 5
_________________________________________________ 3) will coincide
Q.24 The selection procedure of a sample with no 4) will be perpendicular
involvement of probability is known as : _________________________________________________
1) judgement sampling Q.31 If P(A) = 0.4 and P(B) = 0.2 and if the events A
2) both purposive sampling and judgement and B are independent, than P(A B) = ?
sampling 1) 0.08 2) 0.4 3) 0.02 4) 0.6
3) purposive sampling
Q.32 If 2X + 3Y = 10 is the regression equations of Y
4) cluster sampling
_________________________________________________ on X, then the regression coefficient of Y on X
Q.25 When the Lorenz curve turns out to be a stra- will be :
ight line, it is concluded that the two factors 1) (–3/2) 2) (–2/3) 3) 10 4) 2
have ______ distrubution.
Q.33 If the index number is independent of the units
1) binomial 2) equal
of measurements, then it satisfies the :
3) unequal 4) normal
_________________________________________________ 1) Both (A) and (C) 2) factor reversal test
Anand Pawar Academy
The gross domestic capital formation is the sum
total of the :
1) gross domestic fixed capital formation, the
3) time reversal test 4) unit test
Q.34 Power of a test is related to :
1) the Type - II error only
change in stock, the net domestic fixed capital
formation, the inventory investment and the 2) the Type - I error only
depreciation 3) both Type - I and Type - II errors
2) net domestic fixed capital formation, the inven- 4) the sampling error
tory investment and the depreciation _________________________________________________
3) gross domestic fixed capital formation and the Q.35 A population was divided into clusters and it
change in stock was found that the within-cluster variation was
4) expenditure on fixed assets less than the variation between clusters. If a
sample of units was selected from each cluster,
Q.27 The ratio of the total number of births to that then the sampling procedure used was :
of deaths in a year is called :
1) multistage 2) systematic sampling
1) survival rate 2) population death rate
3) cluster sampling 4) stratified sampling
3) total fertility rate 4) vital index _________________________________________________
Q.36 Which of the following options gives the
Q.28 The most important factor in determining the
correct relation between AM, GM and HM ?
size of a sample is :
1) the heterogeneity of the population 1) AM GM HM
2) subjectivity 2) AM = GM = HM
3) the availability of resources 3) HM GM AM
4) the purpose of the survey 4) GM AM HM
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.31 Q.32 Q.33 Q.34 Q.35 Q.36
1 2 2 2 1 4 1 4 4 1 2 4 1 4 1
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1
1 1 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 4 3 1 1 1 2 3
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Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13
4 2 4 4 1 4 1 2 3 4 2
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Ë`mMà_mUo {Vgè`m eãXmer g§~§{YV Agboë`m eãXmMm (dfmª_Ü`o) 10 : 9 Ago Agob. AmOnmgyZ 2 dfmªZV§ a Ë`m§À`m
n`m©` Imbrb n`m©`m§_YyZ {ZdS>m. d`mMr ~oarO (dfmª_Ü`o) {H$Vr Agob ?
g§_Vr : H$ama : : N>ÙmdaU : ? 1) 86 2) 83 3) 85 4) 87
Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11
1 1 1 3 2 1 4 2 4 4 4 3 4
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(8.1)3 (4.5)3 1 Q.19 {dZrVmMr AmB© gw{ZVm hr {XZoe `m§Mr _wbJr Amho. {XZoe
Q.12 g_Om x = 2 2 –1
Am{U `m§Mm _wbJm A{^{OV ho Ho$VZMo dS>rb AmhoV. Va Ho$VZÀ`m
(8.1) – (4.5)
y = (0.93 0.84) × 0.18, Mo (x – y) _yë` {H$Vr Amho ? AmB©Mo gwZrVmer H$m` ZmVo Amho ?
1) 11.9 2) 12.8 3) 12.4 4) 11.6 1) ^mdmMr ~m`H$mo 2) ~{hUrMr _wbJr
3) _wbrMr _wbJr 4) d{S>bm§Mr ~m`H$mo
Q.13 Imbrb g_rH$aUm_Ü`o àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) ñWmZr gmYmaU _________________________________________________
H$moUVo _yë` `oD$ eHo$b ? Q.20 {Xbo ë`m eãXm§gmR>r B§J «Or eãXH$moem_Ü`o Agboë`m
26.94 8.91 + 5.99 × 4.099 + 83.98 14.088 – _m§S>UrZwgma Xe©{dUmam `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.
13.02 = ? 1) Torque 2) Tensile 3) Tone
4) Ticket 5) Tissue
1) 24 2) 28 3) 32 4) 20
_________________________________________________ 1) 2 , 4 , 5 , 1 , 3 2) 2 , 4 , 5 , 3 , 1
Q.14 Ogm Xþgam Aja g_yh hm n{hë`m Aja g_yhmer g§~§{YV 3) 4 , 5 , 2 , 3 , 1 4) 4 , 2 , 5 , 3 , 1
Amho Am{U Mm¡Wm Aja g_yh hm {Vgè`m Aja g_yhmer
Q.21 _o 2023 n`ªVÀ`m _m{hVrZwgma, AOwZ© V|S>y bH$a Imbrbn¡H$s
g§~§{YV Amho Ë`mMàH$mao nmMì`m Aja g_yhmer g§~§{YV
H$moUË`m IPL g§KmgmR>r IoiV Amho ?
Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
1) MoÝZB© gwna qH$½g 2) JwOamV Q>m`Q>Ýg
3) _w§~B© B§{S>`Ýg 4) n§Om~ qH$½g
1) TVWRQ 2) TWWSQ _________________________________________________
3) UWWTQ 4) TWXSR Q.22 A hm B Am{U C `m§À`m JwUmH$mamgh ì`ñV ~XbVmo. Ooìhm
1 2
Q.15 Imbrb AmH$S>odmarMm _Ü` {H$Vr Amho ? B= Am{U C = 3 Agob, Voìhm A =4, Ooìhm A = 5
àmßV JwU 10 nojm 20 nojm 30 nojm 40 nojm 15
Am{U C = 8 Agob, Voìhm B Mo _yë` {H$Vr Agob ?
Anand Pawar Academy
40 1)
3) 8 4) 4
Q.23 adrMo gÜ`mMo d` (dfmª_Ü`o) ho AmOnmgyZ 9 dfm©Z§Va
1) 26.5 2) 27 3) 25.5 4) 25
_________________________________________________ {edmÀ`m Agboë`m d`mÀ`m (dfmª_Ü`o) XþßnQ> Amho.
Q.16 amÁ`KQ>Zm (Oå_y Am{U H$mí_rabm bmJy) AmXoe Imbrbn¡H$s AmOnmgyZ 19 dfm©Z§Va {edmÀ`m d`mÀ`m (dfm©_Ü`o) 8
H$moUË`m dfu H$moUË`m dfu bmJy Pmbm ? dm ^mJ hm adrÀ`m gÜ`mÀ`m d`mÀ`m (dfm©_Ü`o) g_mZ
1) 1955 2) 1954 3) 1956 4) 1957
_________________________________________________ Agob. AmOnmgyZ 9 dfmªZ§Va adrMo d` (dfmª_Ü`o) {H$Vr
Q.17 EH$m gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfo_Ü`o, Agob ?
1) 23 2) 22 3) 25 4) 24
Oa ‘&’ åhUOo "~oarO', ‘#’ åhUOo "JwUmH$ma', ‘@’ åhUOo _________________________________________________
"^mJmH$ma' Am{U ‘%’ åhUOo "dOm~mH$s' Amho, Va 25 # Q.24 EH$ XþH$mZXma N>mnrb qH$_Vrda 15% Am{U 20% À`m
(36 @ 6) & 48 @ 8 % (44 @ 11) # 7 & 24 = ? Mo XmoZ gbJ gdbVr {Xë`mZ§Va EH$ dñVy < 510 Zm {dH$Vmo.
_yë` emoYm. H«o${S>Q> H$mS>©X²dmao no_|Q> Ho$ë`mg Ë`mM N>mnrb qH$_Vrda Vmo
1) 152 2) 142 3) 162 4) 150 10% A{V[aŠV gdbVhr XoVmo. Oa dñVyMr IaoXr qH$_V
Q.18 EH$m g_^wO Mm¡H$moZmÀ`m AmH$mamÀ`m eoVmÀ`m H$Umªn¡H$s {VÀ`m N>mnrb qH$_VrÀ`m 50% Agob Am{U J«mhH$m§Zo H«o${S>Q>
EH$ H$U© 270 m Amho Am{U Ë`mMr n[a{_Vr 636 m Amho. H$mS>© dmnéZ Vr dñVy IaoXr Ho$br Agob, Va XþH$mZXmambm
Va eoVmMo joÌ\$i (m2 _Ü`o) {H$Vr Amho ? {_imbobm Z\$m {H$Vr Amho ?
1) 21600 2) 22140 3) 222752 4) 22680 1) < 84 2) < 96 3) < 90 4) < 70
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24
3 4 2 3 2 1 4 1 2 3 3 4 1
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Q.25 Imbrb _m{bHo$_Yrb H$moUVr g§»`m hr àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) Q.2 ñQ>rb éb ho gwVmam§X²dmao dmnabo OmUmao EH$ gm_mÝ` gmYZ
OmJr `oD$ eHo$b ? Amho. ñQ>rb ébMm EH$ \y$Q> åhUOo {H$Vr B§M AgVmV ?
24 , 32 , 43 , 57 , 74 , ? 1) 10 B§M 2) 18 B§M 3) 12 B§M 4) 8 B§M
1) 94 2) 88 3) 102 4) 99
_________________________________________________ Q.3 gmYmaUnUo ‘X’ loUrVrb bmH$S>mMr dm{f©H$ CnbãYVm {H$Vr
Q.26 _o 2023 n`ªVÀ`m _m{hVrZwgma, boâQ>Z§Q> OZab ({Zd¥Îm) Amho ?
H¡$dë` {Ì{dH«$_ nmaZmB©H$ ^maVmVrb Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m 1) 1300 m3 2) 1415 m3
amÁ`mMo amÁ`nmb AmhoV ? 3) 1418 m3 4) 355 m3
1) AéUmMb àXoe 2) CÎma àXoe
Q.4 S>m`_§S> hoS> Zob (diamond head nail) _Ü`o ‘X’ Zo
3) _Ü`àXoe 4) {h_mMb àXoe
_________________________________________________ {MÝhm§{H$V Ho$boë`m ^mJmMo Zmd H$m` Amho ?
Q.27 ^maVr` amÁ`KQ>ZoVrb Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm AZwÀN>oX
{ejUmÀ`m A{YH$mamer g§~§{YV Amho ?
1) 22A 2) 24A 3) 23A 4) 21A
Q.28 ho{bAmoS>moag ñV§^ _Ü` àXoem_Yrb Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m
{OëømV Amho ?
1) Xm_moh 2) O~bnya 3) {d{Xem 4) B§Xÿa 1) hoS> (Head) 2) à_mnr (Gauge)
3) q~Xþ (Point) 4) Xm§S>m (Shank)
Q.29 ~oJ_ hOaV _hb, {Obm AdYMr ~oJ_ åhUyZhr AmoiIbo _________________________________________________
OmVo, hr AdYÀ`m Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m Zdm~Mr Xþgar Q.5 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m gmYZmMm Xm§S>m (Shank) bm§~ AgVmo?
nËZr hmoVr ? 1) Q>moÀ`m (~«°S>m°b) 2) {J_boQ> ({Ja{_Q>)
Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.27 Q.29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7
1 1 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 4 3 4 4
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Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18
4 2 4 1 4 3 3 4 4 4 2
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3) bmHy$S> gwpÀN>Ð (ñn§Or) amhVo Q.25 {nPmiUmbm (Brazing) _______ Agohr åhUVmV.
4) `m à{H«$`oV Z¡g{J©H$ hdm dmnabr OmVo 1) Kf©U gm§YU 2) H$R>rU PmiU
3) gm§YU 4) PmiU
Q.19 H$m°na gë\o$Q> a§JÐì` (pigment) ho ______ a§Jmgh _________________________________________________
dmnabo OmVo. Q.26 bmH$S>mMm Mm¡agnUm/gnmQ>nUm _moOÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVo
1) {haì`m 2) {ndù`m 3) {Zù`m 4) H$mù`m CnH$aU dmnabo OmVo ?
1) ñQ>rb éb 2) Q´>m` ñŠdoAa
Q.20 PmiU à{H«$`oV b°n A±S> J«yìh (lap and groove) OmoS>
3) {PJ-P°J éb 4) \$mopëS>¨J éb
~ZdÊ`mgmR>r H$moUË`m àH$maMr PmiU AUr (gmoëS>[a¨J _________________________________________________
{~Q>) dmnabr OmVo ? Q.27 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm A-jmaH$ A{^dmhmMm àH$ma Zmhr ?
1) h±S>r gmoëS>[a¨J {~Q> 1) hm`S´>m°{bH$ Amåb 2) amo{PZ
2) A°ŠOñQ>o~b H$m°na {~Q> 3) Q>°bmo 4) Q>n©ÝQ>mBZ Vob
3) h°MoQ> gmoëS>[a¨J H$m°na {~Q>
Q.28 A{^`m§{ÌH$s H$m_mV H$moUË`m àH$maMo bmHy$S> dmnabo OmVo?
4) ñQ´>oQ> gmoëS>[a¨J H$m°na {~Q>
_________________________________________________ 1) ÑT>H$mîR> 2) _¥XþH$mîR>
Q.21 ñH«y$À`m Á`m ^mJmda AmQ>o (threads) ~Zdbo OmVmV, 3) ßbm`dwS> 4) B_maVr bmHy$S>
Ë`mbm ______ åhUVmV.
Q.29 AmH¥$VrV XmIdbobr IwMu hr EH$ ______ Amho.
1) Xm§S>m (Shank) 2) nm°B§Q> (Point)
3) H«$moS> (Core) 4) {nM (Pitch)
Q.22 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm pñn[aQ> dm°{Z©e (spirit varnish) Mm
àH$ma Zmhr ?
Anand Pawar Academy
1) dm°{ZªJ ½bm°g
3) EJ eob
2) _°Q> {\${Ze
4) pŠb`a H$monb dm°{Z©e
Q.23 Imbrb AmH¥$VrV H$moUË`m àH$maMm Mm¡ag (square) 1) H$m`m©b`rZ IwMu 2) dmMZmb`rZ IwMu
XmIdbm Amho ? 3) dJ©ImobrVrb IwMu4) S>m`qZJ Q>o~bMr IwMu
Q.30 AmH¥$VrV XmIdboë`m noMH$gmMo Zmd gm§Jm.
Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30
1 3 3 4 4 3 2 2 1 4 4 1
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Q.31 AñWm`r bmH$S>r g§aMZm§da gm_mÝ`V: H$moUË`m àH$maMo Q.39 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ amoPdwS>~m~VrV MwH$sMo Amho ?
{Iio (Zoëg) dnabo OmVmV ? 1) Vo EH$ XrK©H$mi {Q>H$Umao bmHy$S> AgVo.
1) {\${Ze (Finish) {Iio 2) Sw>ßboŠg (Duplex) {Iio 2) Vo Iyn H$R>rU bmHy$S> Amho.
3) Ho$qgJ (Casing) {Iio 4) ~«±S> (Brad’s) {Iio 3) Ë`mMo dOZ 880 kg à{V KZ_rQ>a Amho.
4) Ë`mMm a§J hbH$m {hadm AgVmo.
Q.32 bmH$S>mV AS>H$bobr {Iio (nails) H$mT>Ê`mgmR>r gmYmaUnUo _________________________________________________
H$moUVm hmVmoS>m (h°_a) dmnabm OmVmo ? Q.40 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo g§`wŠV H$mQ>H$moZmMm (combination
1) gm°âQ> h°_a 2) Šbm° h°_a square) ^mJ Zmhr ?
3) nm°da h°_a 4) ñboZ h°_a 1) ñQ>m°H$ 2) Am°pŠPbar ãboS>
3) pñßbQ> ãboS> 4) bmH$S>r {Ma\$ir
Q.33 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm bmH$S>mMm ^m¡{VH$ JwUY_© Zmhr ?
1) bd{MH$Vm 2) {Q>H$mD$nUm
3) dmg 4) KZVm
Q.34 ñQ>rb ébZo KoVbo OmUmao {H$_mZ _mnZ _____ Amho.
1) 2 mm 2) 1 mm 3) ½ mm 4) 3 mm
Q.35 IS>~S>rV ½byB§J n¥îR>^mJ (rough gluning surface)
V`ma H$aÊ`mgmR>r _____ dmnabm OmVmo.
1) Q´>mq`J ßboZ 2) ñ_wqWJ ßboZ
3) Qy>qWJ ßboZ 4) OmS> a§Ym (O°H$ ßboZ)
Anand Pawar Academy
bmH$S>r _Obm gmYmaUnUo _____ gmR>r Cn`wŠV Amho.
1) ^moOZ H$j 2) b½ZmMo g^mJ¥h
3) nmQ>u hm°b 4) Z¥Ë`mb`
Q.37 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm H$m°på~ZoeZ ~oìhb (Combination
Bevel) Mm ^mJ Zmhr ?
1) hmoëS>a 2) Am°pŠPbar ãboS>
3) pñßbQ> ãboS> 4) ñQ>m°H$
Q.38 MH«$s H$adV `§Ìm_Ü`o ‘X’ Zo {MÝhm§{H$V Ho$boë`m ^mJmbm
H$m` åhUVmV ?
Q.31 Q.32 Q.33 Q.34 Q.35 Q.36 Q.37 Q.38 Q.39 Q.40
2 2 1 3 3 1 1 3 4 4
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10
4 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 3
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Anand Pawar Academy
Section - 2 - ENGLISH
Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9
3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 4 2 2
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C) the agenda was passed Q.2 A Am{U B EH$ H$m_ AZwH«$_o 15 {Xdgm§_Ü`o Am{U 18
D) by networking with {Xdgm§_Ü`o H$é eH$VmV. Ë`m§Zr EH$ {XdgmAmS> EH$ `mà_mUo
1) DABC 2) DCBA 3) CADB 4) BCDA H$m_ Ho$ë`mg Am{U A Zo gwédmV Ho$br Agë`mg g§nyU©
H$m`© {H$Vr {Xdgm§V nyU© hmoB©b ?
Q.10 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
2 2
the blank. 1) 15 {Xdg 2) 16 {Xdg
3 3
Hari ______ his Maths tables well before the
test. 1 1
3) 15 {Xdg 4) 16 {Xdg
1) has learn 2) learning 3 3
2 learnt 4) have learnt
_________________________________________________ Q.3 _hmZ _wKb g_«mQ> ______ `mZo ~wb§X XadmOm qH$dm bmoâQ>
Q.11 Select the most appropriate synonym of the JoQ>do ~m§Ybm hmoVm.
given word. 1) hþ_m`wZ 2) Am¡a§JOo~ 3) ~m~a 4) AH$~a
ASTUTE _________________________________________________
1) hollow 2) perceptive Q.4 Oa
3) stupid 4) confused ‘A B’ åhUOo ‘A hr B Mr ~hrU Amho’
‘A # B’ åhUOo ‘A hr B Mr _wbJr Amho’
Q.12 Select the option with the correct spellings of
the misspelt word. ‘A B’ åhUOo ‘A hr B Mm ^mD$ Amho’
He joined the online course to contiunue his ‘A @ B’ åhUOo ‘A hr B Mo nVr AmhoV’ Am{U
studies without a break. ‘A B’ åhUOo ‘A hr B Mr AmB© Amho’
1) continue 2) corse 3) breke 4) widhout Va Imbrb nXmdbrV A Mo H gmo~V H$moUVo ZmVo Amho ?
Q.13 Select the most appropriate antonym of the AS D#F@GH
given word to fill in the blank. 1) ~hrU 2) AmB©Mr ~{hU
Anand Pawar Academy
The substandard project report submitted by
the student gave evidence of his ______ . Q.5
3) ^mD$ 4) AmB©
EImX²`m {ÌH$moUmÀ`m ~mOy 6 : 8 : 10 À`m JwUmoËVam_Ü`o
1) capacity 2) mediocrity AgyZ Ë`m§Mr n[a{_Vr 12 cm Agob, Va {ÌH$moUmMo joÌ\$i
3) inclination 4) importance ______ Agob.
Q.14 Select the most appropriate antonym of the 1) 5 cm2 2) 6 cm2 3) 4 cm2 4) 7 cm2
given word.
Q.6 ^maVr` amÁ`KQ>ZoÀ`m H$moUË`m ^mJm_Ü`o _yb^yV H$V©ì`m§Mm
1) quick 2) crisp 3) clear 4) sharp g_mdoe Amho ?
1) ^mJ VI 2) ^mJ VI A 3) ^mJ IV 4) ^mJ IV A
Q.15 Select the most appropriate antonym of the _________________________________________________
given word. Q.7 Imbrb _m{bHo$V àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr `oD$ eH$Umar
NARROW g§»`m {Xboë`m n`m©`m§VyZ {ZdS>m.
1) wide 2) minor 3) slight 4) long
25, 27, 24, 29, 22, ?
Section - 3 - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 1) 34 2) 33 3) 31 4) 32
Q.8 EImX²`m dñVyMr _yi qH$_V hr N>mnrb qH$_VrÀ`m 80%
Q.1 2018 n`ªVÀ`m _m{hVrZwgma, _hmamîQ´> bmoH$godm A{Y{Z`_ Amho. N>mnrb qH$_Vrda 12% Mr gyQ> XoD$Z Vr {dH$ë`mda
2015 _Ü`o {H$Vr H$b_o AmhoV ? {H$Vr Q>ŠHo$ Z\$m hmoB©b ?
1) 25 2) 35 3) 30 4) 47 1) 10% 2) 11% 3) 13% 4) 14%
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8
1 2 1 2 4 1 3 4 4 1 1 6 2 1
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Q.9 EImX²`m JmobmMr {ÌÁ`m 5 cm Zo dmT>dë`mg Ë`mMo n¥îR>\$i Q.17 Refer to the given number, symbol series and
answer the question that follows :
880 cm2 Zo dmT>bo. `m dmT>rnydu JmobmMo KZ\$i {H$Vr
(Left) $ 5 2 % 1 $ 2 $ 2 8 6 % 6 * 5 3 1
hmoVo. (OdiÀ`m nyUmªH$mn`ªV nyUmª{H$V H$éZ) & 6 5 2 % (Right)
22 How many such symbols are there in the above
= dmnam series, each of when is immediately preceded
by a symbol and also immediately followed
1) 282 2) 380 3) 280 3) 382 by a number counting from left ?
1) 1 2) 1 3) 0 4) 3
Q.10 Imbr Mma Ajag_yh {Xbo AmhoV. Ë`mn¡H$s VrZ {d{eîQ> _________________________________________________
VèhoZo g_mZ AmhoV Am{U EH$ doJim Amho. doJim Agbobm Q.18 Á`mà_mUo Xþgam eãX n{hë`m eãXmer g§~§{YV Amho.
n`m©` {ZdS>m. Ë`mMà_mUo {Vgè`m eãXmer g§~{§ YV Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
1) MPOR 2) ZDCF 3) GKJM 4) PTSV ({Xbobo eãX AW©nyU© B§J«Or eãX _mZmdoV Am{U eãXmVrb
Ajam§Mr g§»`m/ì`§OZo/ñdam§Mr g§»`m `mAmYmao nañnam§er
3 0.216 – 3 0.064
Q.11 = _________ . g§~§{YV ZgmdoV.)
3 0.216 3 0.064
qgh : nmiVrda AgUo : : ggm : ?
1) 0.02 2) 0.2 3) 0.01 4) 0.1
_________________________________________________ 1) ObX (Fast) 2) CS>r _maUo (Leap)
Q.12 EImX²`m Mm¡agmMo joÌ\$i 361 cm2 Agob Am{U Xþgè`m 3) gmdH$me (Amble) 4) ~mJS>Uo (Frisk)
Mm¡agmMr n[a{_Vr 152 cm Agob, Va XmoZ Mm¡agm§À`m Q.19 300 hr g§»`m 48% Zo
dmT>{dbr Am{U x% Zo H$_r Ho$br.
~mOy Xaå`mZMo JwUmoËVa ______ Agob. g§»`oVrb {Zìdi ~Xb hm 333 Amho. X Mo _yë` ____
1) 1 : 3 2) 1 : 4 3) 2 : 3 4) 1 : 2 Agob.
1) 20 2) 10 3) 15 4) 25
Q.13 Imbrb g_rH$aU g§Vw{bV H$aÊ`mgmR>r H$moUË`m XmoZ _________________________________________________
Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23
1 1 2 4 2 1 1 3 2 2 4 2 3 3 1
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Q>24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7
3 2 4 1 1 4 1 3 4 1 2 4 1 3
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Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17
2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
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1) aoqgJ PmoZ (Racing zone), Vwåhr BVa dmhZm§gmo~V 3) doJ H$_r H$aV Agë`mMo {g½Zb
e`©V H$amdr. 4) COdo diU {g½Zb
2) Vw_Mr bmBZ ~XbV amhm.
Q.32 H$moUË`m goÝgaÀ`m dmnam_wio dmhZmMo nm{Hª$J A{YH$ gwa{jV
3) {ZgaS>m añVm, JmS>r eŠ` {VVH$s ObX Mmbdm.
hmoVo ?
4) {ZgaS>m añVm, Vwåhmbm doJ H$_r H$amdm bmJob.
_________________________________________________ 1) EAa~°J goÝga (Airbag sensor)
Q.27 What is the type of clutch shown in the figure 2) H«°$e goÝga (Crash sensor)
given below ?
3) àm°pŠg{_Q>r goÝga (Proximity sensor)
4) B§\«$maoS> goÝga (Infrared sensor)
Q.33 When should you dip your headlights ?
1) When you are within 50 metres of a vehicle
2) When you are within 200 metres of a vehicle
3) When you are dazzled by the lights of an on-
coming vehicle
1) Dog clutch 2) Single plate clutch 4) When you are within 100 metres of a vehicle
3) Cone clutch 4) Multi-plate clutch
_________________________________________________ Q.34 Vwåhr ho dmhVyH$ {MÝh AmoiImb H$m ?
Q.28 Imbr H$moUË`m àH$maMo {MÝh XmIdbobo Amho ?
Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.31 Q.32 Q.33 Q.34 Q.35 Q.36 Q.37
3 2 4 3 4 3 2 4 1 4 2
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1) {ZemMa 2) C^`Ma 3) MamMa
3) ^mbM§Ð Zo_mS>o 4) {dídmg nmQ>rb Q.13 "JwUH$mar'' `m eãXmgmR>r `mo½` eãX AmoiIm.
_________________________________________________ 1) am_~mU 2) Am`wd}Xr 3) {ZJw©U 4) gJwU
Q.7 ""VwUVwUo dmOdUo'' `m dmŠàMmamMm AW© gm§Jm. _________________________________________________
1) AdmñVd ~mobUo 2) ñVwVr H$aUo Q.14 ""{Zamon'' `m eãXmMm {déÕmWu eãX AmoiIm.
3) qZXm H$aUo 4) VoM VoM nwÝhm nwÝhm gm§JUo 1) J_U 2) ñdmJV 3) g_ma§^ 4) ga~amB©
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.8 ""{Xdg'' `m eãXmMo AZoH$ dMZ H$moUVo ? Q.15 EH$M eãX dmŠ`mV XmoZ AWm©Zo dmnaë`m_wio Ooìhm M_ËH¥$Vr
1) {Xder 2) {Xdg 3) {Xdgo 4) Xrdg gmYVo Voìhm __________ Ab§H$ma hmoVmo.
1) íbof 2) AZwàmg 3) AWm©b§H$ma 4) `_H$
Q.9 `mo½` OmoS²>`m bmdm.
eãX`moJr Aì`` àH$ma Section - 2 - ENGLISH
A) XJS>mnarg drQ> _D$ 1) ñWbdmMH$ Q.1 Select the correct antonym of the given word.
~) b½Z {àË`W© Ë`mZo {_Ìm§Zm 2) H$mbdmMH$ 1) polite 2) precise 3) rude 4) abrupt
_oOdmZr {Xbr
Q.2 Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
H$) Kamg_moa {dhra Amho 3) VwbZm dmMH$ 1) “Quick ? Quick” cried he. “Lets run away or he’ll
S>) narjonydu V`mar H$a 4) hoVy dmMH$ catch us !”
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2
1 4 4 1 2 4 4 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 3
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2) “Quick. Quick” cried he. “Lets run away or he’ll B) The food thus grown is cleaner in physical,
catch us” chemical and biological nature.
3) “Quick ! Quick !” cried he. “Lets run away or C) Hydroponics is the art of gardening with out
he’ll catch us.” soil.
4) “Quick, Quick.” cried he. “Lets run away or he’ll D) Since no soil is used, there are no pests
catch us.”
_________________________________________________ and therefore no pesticides are required.
Q.3 Select the correct idiom to substitute the under- 1) BCAD 2) CADB 3) DBCA 4) ABDC
lined segment.
Notwithstanding tall claims and promises, no Q.9 Arrange the sentences in the correct order to
government has been able to remove form a coherent paragraph.
corruption and inefficiency in administration. A) More so in the animal kingdom where child
1) make both ends meet rearing is almost exclusively a mother’s
2) cut the Gordian knot domain.
3) clean the Augean stables B) Even when their own male cubs grow up,
4) fish troubled waters they are kicked out of the pride.
C) The male lions often kill cubs of previous
Q.4 Select the correct antonym of the given word.
leaders when they take over the pride.
D) There’s nothing quite like a mother’s love.
1) rebuke 2) chide 3) laud 4) exhort
_________________________________________________ 1) CDAB 2) DBCA 3) CABD 4) DACB
Q.5 Select the sentence with correctly spelt words. _________________________________________________
1) He was deeply embarrased when the super- Q.10 Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
tendent of police rebukd him for his unruly 1) I’ve taken a week’s leave to go to London !
behaviour. 2) I’ve taken a weeks leave to go to london.
2) He was eddply embarrassed when the super- 3) I’ve taken, a week’s leave to go to London !
Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13
3 2 3 4 2 4 4 3 3 1
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1) 18.9 kg 2) 18.4 kg
Q.14 Select the correct synonym of the given word.
3) 19.6 kg 4) 16.9 kg
dilemma _________________________________________________
1) fatality 2) crisis 3) carnage 4) disaster Q.6 Imbrb _m{hVrMm H$miOrnyd©H$ Aä`mg H$am Am{U
Q.15 Fill in the blank with the correct option. Ë`mImbrb àíZm§Mo CËVao X`m.
The luggage _______ in the hall for two hours A§H$ Imbr Xe©{dë`mà_mUo {MÝhm§À`m ñdénmV g§Ho$V~Õ
before it was shifted to the room. Ho$bo AmhoV.
1) were lying 2) was being laid
A§H$ 5 4 1 3 0 6 9 8 7 2
3) had beenlying 4) had laid
g§H$o V ! ~ @ € £ ^ ? & # $
1) Oa n{hbm Am{U eodQ>Mm A§H$ {df_ g§»`m AgVrb,
Q.1 EH$m ì`ŠVrMo CËnÝZ < 60,000 Amho Am{U Ë`mMm IM© <
Va XmoKm§Zmhr 3 À`m g§H$o Vmà_mUo g§H$o V~Õ Ho$bo OmB©b.
40,000 Amho. Oa Ë`mMo CËVÝZ 16% Zo dmT>dbo Am{U
2) Oa n{hbm Am{U eodQ>Mm A§H$ g_ g§»`m AgVrb,
IM© 10% Zo dmT>dbm, Va Ë`mÀ`m ~MVr_Ü`o hmoUmar dmT>
{H$Vr Q>ŠHo$ Agob ? Va XmoKm§Zmhr 6 À`m g§H$o Vmà_mUo g§H$o V~Õ Ho$bo OmB©b.
3) Oa n{hbm A§H$ {df_ g§»`m Am{U eodQ>Mm A§H$ g_
1) 26% 2) 27% 3) 24% 4) 28%
_________________________________________________ g§»`m Agob, Va XmoÝhr A§H$m§Zm & à_mUo g§Ho$V~Õ
Ho$bo OmB©b.
Q.2 1 9 31 25 100 = ? 4) Oa n{hbm A§H$ g_ g§»`m Am{U eodQ>Mm A§H$ {df_
1) 3 2) 7 3) 8 4) 5 g§»`m Agob, Va XmoÝhr A§H$m§Zm # à_mUo g§Ho$V~Õ
Ho$bo OmB©b.
Q.3 28 cm C§Mr Agboë`m X§S>JmobmMo dH«$ n¥îR>\$i Oa 528
Anand Pawar Academy
Agob Va X§S>JmobmMo KZ\$i (cm3 _Ü`o) {H$Vr Amho?
= 7 dmnam Q.7
135368 Mm g§Ho$V H$m` Agob ?
1) &!€^€ 2) &€!^& 3) &!€^& 4) &!^€€
EH$m {d{eîQ> gm§ H o ${VH$ ^mfo V “SECURITY” bm
1) 954 cm3 2) 876 cm 3 “CUESTYIR” Ago g§ H o $ V~Õ Ho $ bo OmVo Am{U
3) 792 cm 3
4) 632 cm3 “MOUNTAIN” bm “UNOMINAT” Ago g§Ho$V~Õ Ho$bo
OmVo. Ë`mM ^mfoV ‘DEBIT’ bm H$go g§H$o V~Õ Ho$bo OmB©b?
Q.4 {h_mb` nd©Vm§~Ôb Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo/H$moUVr {dYmZ/ 1) LIUBNGDI 2) ILUNBGDI
{dYmZo gË` Amho/AmhoV ? 3) LIUNBGID 4) ILUBNGID
A) {h_mb` gw_mao 2,400 {H$_r A§Va ì`mnUmam EH$ Mmn _________________________________________________
V`ma H$aVmo. Q.8 Imbrb _m{hVr H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMm Am{U Ë`mImbrb àíZmMo
B) {h_mb`mMr é§Xr H$mí_ra_Ü`o 400 {H$_r Vo AéUmMb CËVa X²`m :
àXoemV 150 {H$_r Amho. Oa ‘A + B’ åhUOo ‘B hr A Mr AmB© Amho’
C) {h_mb`mV Ë`mÀ`m aoIm§emÀ`m {dñVmam_Ü`o Mma g_m§Va Oa ‘A – B’ åhUOo ‘A hm B Mm _wbJm Amho’
nd©Vam§Jm AmhoV. Oa ‘A B’ åhUOo ‘B hr A Mr _wbJr Amho’
1) \$ŠV A Am{U C 2) \$ŠV B Oa ‘A × B’ åhUOo ‘B ho A Mo dS>rb AmhoV’
3) \$ŠV A 4) \$ŠV A Am{U B ‘F × H + G I × K – M’ `m nXmdbrV H Mo M er H$m`
ZmVo Amho ?
Q.5 13 m bm§~rÀ`m EH$ bmoI§S>r girMo dOZ 18.2 kg Amho. 1) _wbJr 2) ZmV (_wbmMr _wbJr)
24 m Am{U 10 m bm§~rÀ`m Aem bmoI§S>r gù`m§À`m
3) _wbJm 4) ZmVy (_wbmMm _wbJm)
dOZm§_Ü`o {H$VrMm \$aH$ Agob ? _________________________________________________
Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8
2 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4
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Q.9 Imbrb dma§dmaVm {dVaUmMm _Ü` (mena) {H$Vr Amho? 1) \$ŠV I 2) \$ŠV III
dJmªVa dma§dmaVm 3) \$ŠV II 4) \$ŠV I Am{U \$ŠV II
0 - 10 5 Q.15 g_rH$aU J{UVr`ÑîQ>çm `mo½` H$aÊ`mgmR>r Imbrb
10 - 20 11 g_rH$aUmVrb H$moUË`m XmoZ g§»`m§Mr AXbm~Xb H$am`bm
20 - 30 18 hdr ?
30 - 40 10 24 6 – 3 × 2 + 7 = 1
40 - 50 6 1) 2 Am{U 7 2) 2 Am{U 3
1) 3.8 2) 26.3 3) 24.6 3) 25.2 3) 2 Am{U 6 4) 3 Am{U 6
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.10 1851 _Ü`o ñWmnZ Pmboë`m aohZw^mB© _OX`mgZ g^m Q.16 87p12 bm 99 Zo ^mJ OmVmo. Va p Mo _yë` emoYm.
qH$dm Ym{_©H$ gwYmaUm g§KQ>Zoer Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUmMm g§~§Y 1) 8 2) 9 3) 5 4) 7
ZìhVm. Q.17 Oa 3500 hr g§»`m 8% Zo H$_r Ho$br Am{U 15% Zo
1) XmXm^mB© Zm¡amoOr 2) Zm¡amoOr \$aXmoZOr
dmT>dbr, Va n[aUm_r `oUmar g§»`m {H$Vr Amho ?
3) hodr bwB© pìhpìh`Z S>oamo{PAmo 4) Eg. Eg. ~§Jmbr 1) 3661 2) 3599 3) 3805 4) 3703
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.11 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr g§»`m {Xboë`m g§»`m _m{bHo$V Q.18 A Am{U B VmoQ²>`m {_iyZ 12 VmgmV EH$ Q>mH$s ^ê$
àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr `oD$ eHo$b ? eH$VmV. VmoQ>r A nojm VmoQ>r B Zo Q>mH$s 10 Vmg AmYr
44, 92, 188, 380, 764, 1532, ? ^abr, Va VmoQ>r B bm Q>mH$s ^aÊ`mgmR>r {H$Vr Vmg
1) 3068 2) 3072 3) 3076 4) 3062 bmJVrb ?
1) 17 2) 15 3) 20 4) 30
2 _________________________________________________
Q.12 x, x , x Mo Mm¡Wo à_mUnX 512 Agë`mg x Mo _yë`
Q.19 _mM© 2023 _Ü`o ^maVr` àmH¥$V H¥$fr nÕVrMo (BPKP)
1) 32Anand Pawar Academy
{H$Vr Amho ?
2) 64 3) 81 4) 16
à_mUm_mZ H$ê$Z eoVH$è`m§Zm agm`Z _wŠV eoVrMm Adb§~
H$aÊ`mgmR>r Am{U Z¡g{J©H$ eoVrMr nmohmoM dmT>dÊ`mgmR>r
Q.13 1 _o 2023 _Ü`o Amgm_ gaH$maZo Am`wî`_mZ Amgm_- EH$ ñd§VÌ `moOZm åhUyZ `mn¡H$s H$moUVo {_eZ ^maV
_w»`_§Ìr OZ Amamo½` `moOZm gwé Ho$br, hr EH$ Hw$Qw>§~âbmoQ>a gaH$maZo 2023-24 nmgyZ V`ma Ho$bo hmoVo ?
Amamo½` {d_m `moOZm AgyZ Vr à{V Hw$Qw>§~ à{V df© ___ 1) Z°eZb {_eZ Am°Z Z°Mab \$m{_ªJ
n`ªV n¡em{dZm (H°$ebog) d¡ÚH$s` CnMma XoVo. 2) amîQ´>r` àmH¥${VH$ ~rO `moOZm
1) é. 10 bmI 2) é. 7.5 bmI 3) Z°Mab \$m{_ªJ Am{U A±Q>r-Ho${_H$b ñH$s_
4) Z°eZb {_eZ Am°Z \y$S> H«$m°n EÝhmÝñ_|Q>
3) é. 2.5 bmI 4) é. 5 bmI _________________________________________________
Q.14 29 _o 2023 amoOr hmoUmè`m CÎma àXoe nmoQ>{ZdS>UwH$sÀ`m Q.20 {Xboë`m Aja-g§»`m _m{bHo$V EH$ nX Jhmi Amho.
g§X^m©V Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo/H$moUVr {dYmZ/{dYmZo `mo½` àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m OmJr `oD$ eH$Umam Am{U _m{bH$m nyU©
Amho/AmhoV ? H$aUmam `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.
E17, I33, M65, Q129, U257, ?
I. {ZdS>UyH$ Am`moJ 29 _o 2023 amoOr {dYmZg^oÀ`m
1) Z513 2) Y513 3) Y515 4) Z515
gXñ`m§Ûmao CÎma àXoe {dYmZn[afXogmR>r XmoZ doJù`m _________________________________________________
nmoQ>{ZdS>UwH$s KoB©b. Q.21 2023-24 À`m AW©g§H$ënmV Omhra Ho$ë`mZwgma, nr{S>V
II. Xmo Z [aŠV OmJm ^aÊ`mgmR>r CÎma àXo e m_Ü`o _{hbm§Zm H$m`Xoera, Amamo½`, g_wnXoeZ Am{U {Zdmam
nmoQ>{ZdS>UwH$ hmoUma Amho. XoÊ`mgmR>r eŠVr gXZ `moOZoA§VJ©V _hmamîQ´> gaH$ma {H$Vr
III. lr. ~Zdmarbmb `m§À`m amOrZmå`m_wio EH$ OmJm [aŠV H|$Ðo CKS>Uma Amho ?
1) 100 2) 125 3) 58 4) 75
Pmbr hmoVr. _________________________________________________
Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21
4 3 1 2 4 4 2 2 4 3 1 2 3
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Q.22 EH$m narjoV 80 {dX²`mÏ`mªZm àmßV Pmbobo JwU Imbr {Xbo Q.28 {dX²`mÏ`mªÀ`m EH$m am§JoV bmoHo$e S>mì`m Q>moH$mnmgyZ 28 dm
AmhoV. Am{U nw{ZV COì`m Q>moH$mnmgyZ 25 dm Amho. Ë`m§Zr
JwU {dX²`mÏ`mªMr g§»`m Amnmnë`m OmJm§Mr AXbm~Xb Ho$ë`mg bmoHo$e S>mì`m
35 - 40 12 Q>moH$mnmgyZ 36 dm Agob.
40 - 45 15 COdrH$Sy>Z nw{ZVMo Zdo ñWmZ Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo Agob?
45 - 50 20 1) 34 do 2) 33 do 3) 35 do 4) 60 do
50 - 55 14
Q.29 Añn¥í`Vm {Z_yb
© ZmMm CëboI ^maVr` amÁ`KQ>ZoÀ`m ____
55 - 60 12 AZwÀN>oXmV Amho.
60 - 65 7 1) 12 2) 26 3) 21 4) 17
1) 48.25 2) 45.95 3) 47.75 4) 46.85
_________________________________________________ Q.30 _m{hVrMm A{YH$ma A{Y{Z`_ 2005 Mo H$moUVo àH$aU
Q.23 _hmamîQ´> bmoH$godm A{Y{Z`_ 2015 _Yrb H$moUË`m H$b_mV amÁ` _m{hVr Am`moJmer g§~§{YV Amho ?
_w»` Am`wŠV Am{U Am`wŠVm§À`m godm nXmMm H$mbmdYr 1) àH$aU II 2) àH$aU III
Am{U eVvMm CëboI Amho ? 3) àH$aU IV 4) àH$aU V
1) 14 2) 17 3) 16 4) 15
_________________________________________________ Section - 4 - TECHNICAL
Q.24 Imbrb _m{bHo$V àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr `oD$Z eH$Umam
Aja-g_yh {Xboë`m n`m©`m§VyZ {ZdS>m. Q.1 ____ ho A§{V_ (brS>), {Zb`m§À`m nmoH$irVrb {dX²`wV
GWCY, JTGU, MQKQ, PNOM, SKSI, ? {H«$`og à{Vq~{~V H$aVo.
1) VHWE 2) UGVD 3) VGVE 4) UHWD 1) VL 2) VR 3) VF 4) V2
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Anand Pawar Academy
`m àíZmV EH$_oH$m§er {d{eîQ> g§~§Y Agbobo XmoZ eãX
AmhoV Am{U Ë`mZ§Va eãXm§À`m Mma OmoS>çm {Xë`m AmhoV.
eãXm§_Ü`o g_mZ g§~Y§ Agbobr EH$ OmoS>r Vwåhm§bm {ZdS>m`Mr
Q.2 Imbrbn¡H$s H$embm dJiVm BVa gd© AqbXr {dH§$nZ
(A°{Q´>`b \$m`{~«boeZ) Mr bjUo AmhoV ?
1) EH$hr P Va§J ZgUo
Amho. 2) A{Z`{_V AmYmaaofm
emim : {ejH$ 3) gmYmaU AmH$mamMr QRS g§Hw$bo (H$m°åßboŠgog)
1) noZ : boIH$ 2) é½Umb` : S>m°ŠQ>a
4) Va§J CnpñWV AgUo
3) S>moio : {ZH$Q>Ñ{îQ>Vm 4) CËnmXZ : H$maImZm _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Q.3 ____ hm EH$ àH$maMm gw~mô` ECG Amho.
Q.26 Á`mà_mUo Mm¡Wm g_yh {Vgè`m g_whmer Am{U Xþgam g_yh 1) W{_©ñQ>a (Thermistor)
n{hë`m g_whmer g§~{§ YV Amho. Ë`mM àH$mao nmMì`m g_whm§er
2) USG _m°{ZQ>a
g§~§{YV Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
3) hmoëQ>a _m°{ZQ>a (Hotler Monitor)
EDIT : UKGI : : BIKE : FMLF : : MOON : ?
4) H°$nZmo_rQ>a (Capnometer)
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.27 ~mñHo$Q>~m°b hm Am`VmH¥$Vr H$moQ>©da Ioibm OmUmam gm§{KH$ Q.4 ~§S>b Am°\$ H|$Q> ho H$moR>o AmT>iyZ `oVo ?
Ioi Amho OoWo ____ IoimSy>§Zr ~Zbobo XmoZ {damoYr g§K 1) A°S>åg qgS´>mo_ (Adams syndrome)
à{VñnYmªÀ`m ZmbH$S>r (hÿn) Am{U Omio, Á`mbm ~mñHo$Q> 2) dwë\$-nm{H©$ÝgZ-ìhmBQ> qgS´>mo_
åhUyZ AmoiIbo OmVo Ë`mV M|Sy> Q>mHy$Z Jmob H$aÊ`mMm (Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome)
à`ËZ H$aVmV. 3) gm_mÝ` é½U
1) ghm 2) ZD$ 3) gmV 4) nmM 4) Angm_mÝ` ECG
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4
1 1 1 2 3 4 2 4 3 2 4 3 2
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Q.5 ECG Mo nyU© én H$m` Amho ? Q.11 ECG aoH$m±qS>©J_Ü`o, noet_Yrb {dX`wVXm~mVrb ~Xb
1) BboŠQ´>moH$m{S>©`moJ«m_ (Electrocardiogram) _moOÊ`mgmR>r ËdoMda _______ bmdbo OmVmV.
2) BboŠQ´>mMo °b|{OAmoJ«m_ (Electrochalangiogram) 1) A§{V_o (leads)
3) EÝgo\°$bmoJ«m_ (Encephalogram) 2) BboŠQ´>moS²>g (electrodes)
1) nwaqH$Oo V§Vy (Purkinje fibres) Q.12 Ooìhm ñdV§Ì ñZm`y V§Vy ho ñdV§ÌnUo AmHw§$MZ nmdVmV,
Voìhm Ë`mbm H$m` åhUVmV ?
2) {hg V§Vw~§Y (bundle of His)
1) ny{bH$m`Z (\°${gŠ`wboeZ)
3) AV ZmoS> (AV node)
2) nwZY«w©drH$aU (arnmobam`PoeZ)
4) SA ZmoS>
_________________________________________________ 3) {dH§$nZ (\$m`{~«boeZ)
Q.7 ________ _m°{ZQ>a hm 24 qH$dm 48 Vmgm§À`m H$mbmdYrV 4) H§$nZ (ìhm`~«oeZ)
öX`mMr {H«$`m AmoiIVmo.
Q.13 Imbrbn¡H$s H$m` dJiVm BVa gd© hm°ëQ>a _m°{ZQ>aMo KQ>H$
1) EÝQ´>m°nr 2) EÝgo\°$bmoJ«_ AmhoV ?
3) hmoëQ>a 4) ~m`ñnoŠQ´>b B§S>oŠg
_________________________________________________ 1) BboŠQ´>moS> 2) aoH$m°S>©a
Q.8 V6 A§{V_ (brS>) H$moR>o R>odbo OmVo ? 3) A°påßb\$m`a 4) àH$me ñÌmoV
1) _Ü`OÌwH$ (midclavicular) aofoVrb Mm¡Ï`m S>mì`m Q.14 ____ hm ECG darb EH$ F$U (negative) Va§J Amho.
Am§Vanew©H$ n¡g (B§Q>aH$moñQ>b ñnog) _Ü`o 1) U Va§J 2) T Va§J 3) Q Va§J 4) P Va§J
2) _Ü` H$jr` aofo_Ü`o nmMì`m S>mì`m Am§Vanew©H$ n¡g _________________________________________________
Anand Pawar Academy
(B§Q>aH$moñQ>b ñnog) _Ü`o
AJ« H$jr` aofo_Ü`o Mm¡Ï`m S>mì`m Am§Vane©wH$ n¡g
Q.15 ____ A§{V_o öX`mÀ`m {H$arQ>r àVbmVrb (frontal plane)
{dX²`wV {H«$`m Zm|XdVmV.
1) A§J 2) bbmQ>
3) dj 4) CXa
(B§Q>aH$moñQ>b ñnog) _Ü`o _________________________________________________
4) níM H$jr` aofo_Ü`o nmMì`m S>mì`m Am§Vanew©H$ n¡g Q.16 Ooìhm AqbX ñZm`y V§Vy ñdV§ÌnUo AmHw§$MZ nmdVmV Am{U
(B§Q>aH$moñQ>b ñnog) _Ü`o ECG da H$moUVohr P Va§J ZgVmV, Voìhm Vo H$m` AgVo ?
1) ny{bH$m`Z (\°${gŠ`wboeZ)
Q.9 Ooìhm gm`Zg ZmoS> (sinus node_ A{YH$ ObX AmdoJ
nmR>dVo, Voìhm ______ Vo `mg H$maUr^yV R>aVo. 2) {Zb`r {dH§$nZ (d|{Q´>Š`wba \$m`{~«boeZ)
Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18
1 4 3 2 3 1 2 3 4 3 1 3 2 4
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Q.19 öX`mMr {dX²`wV {H«$`m H$moR>o gwé hmoVo ? Q.27 ECG H$emMo _mnZ H$aV Zmhr ?
1) A§J A§{V_o (qb~ brS²>g) 2) A§VJ©V nog_oH$a 1) Vmb~ÕVm
3) BboŠQ´>moS²>g 4) dj A§{V_o 2) öX`mVrb {dX²`wV {H«$`m
Q.20 _____ `m pñWVrV ECG da A{VAMyH$ Va§J {XgVmV. 3) öX` {H$Vr Mm§Jbo n§nZ H$aV Amho
1) öX`moYm§J (myocardial infarction) 4) öX`mVrb dhZ àUmbr
2) Amåbd¥Õr (acidosis) Q.28 öX`mÀ`m {dX²`wVr` {H«$`m§_Yrb Angm_mÝ`Vm§_wio n[aUm_r
3) N>mVrMo XþIUo _____ hmoD$ eH$Vo.
4) AëH$d¥Õr (alkalosis) 1) gm_mÝ` Vmb~ÕVm 2) à_pñVîH$ AmKmV
Q.21 hmoëQ>a _m°{ZQ>a (Holter monitor) H$m` emoYyZ H$mT>Vmo? 3) A{Z`{_V öX`mMm R>moH$m 4) AmKmV
1) aŠVXm~
Q.29 öX`mÀ`m AmdV©Zm§Vrb Angm_mÝ`Vobm H$m` åhQ>bo Amho?
2) öX² CËjonU (H$m{S>©`mH$ AmCQ>nwQ>)
1) CÀM aŠVXm~ (hypertension)
3) öX`mMr {dX²`wV {H«$`m
2) AVmbVm (arrhythmia)
4) Vmn_mZ
_________________________________________________ 3) AmKmV (stroke)
Q.22 P Va§J H$m` gy{MV H$aVmV ? 4) öXeyb (angina)
1) AqbX {dY«wdrH$aU (atrial depolarisation)
Q.30 _____ öX`mÀ`m AmdVm©Zm§Vrb g_ñ`m§Mo {ZXmZ H$aVo.
2) AqbX nwZY«w©drH$aU (atrial repolarisation)
3) {Zb` nwZY«w©drH$aU (ventricle repolarisation) 1) öXeyb MmMUr
4) {Zb` {dY«wdrH$aU (ventricle depolarisation) 2) VUmd MmMUr
_________________________________________________ ½bmgJmo H$mo_m ñHo$b MmMUr
Anand Pawar Academy
öX`mVyZ {dX²`wV AmdoJ Á`màH$mao dmhVmV, Ë`mg _____
Ago åhUVmV.
4) no{WH$ MmMUr
1) dhZ 2) AmHw§$MZerbVm Q.31 gm_mÝ` QRS g§Hw$b (H$m°åßboŠg) A§XmOo ____ Mm AgVmo.
3) Vmb 4) ñn§X 1) 0.01 goH§$X
2) 0.08 goH§$X - 0.12 goH§$X
Q.24 aŠVmënVm (BñHo${_`m) _____ A§{V_mV (brS>_Ü`o) CËV_
3) 0.04 goH§$X - 0.05 goH§$X
àH$mao emoYbm OmD$ eH$Vmo.
1) VL 2) V5 3) V1 4) VF 4) 1.5 goH§$X
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.25 nwZamd¥ËV öXMH«$mX²dmao öX`mÀ`m {dX²`wV {H«$`m§Mo A{^boIZ Q.32 {eamZmb b` (Sinus rhythm) H$emg g§X{^©V H$aVo ?
åhUOo _____ hmo`. 1) öX`mMr Agm_mÝ` b` 2) öX_§XVm (~«°{S>H$m{S>©`m)
1) EMG 2) EEG 3) TMT 4) ECG 3) öX`mMr gm_mÝ` b` 4) öX{jàVm (Q>°H$sH$m{S>©`m)
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.26 Imbrbn¡H$s H$m` dJiVm BVa gd© VUmd MmMUr (stress Q.33 Imbrbn¡H$s H$m` dJiVm BVa gd© Amd{Y©V A§J A§{V_o
testing) À`m {Z{fÕVm AmhoV ? (augmented limb leads) AmhoV ?
1) n[aöX Y_Zr amoJmMo {ZXmZ 1) aVR 2) aVM 3) aVF 4) aVL
(diagnosed with coronary arterial disease) _________________________________________________
2) A{VaŠVg§M`r öËnmV (congestive heart failure) Q.34 P Va§JmgmR>rMm gm_mÝ` H$mbmdYr {H$Vr Amho ?
3) ídmgmdamoY (dyspnoea) 1) 1.5 goH§$X 2) 0.30 goH§$X
4) ObX AqbX AVmbVm (rapid atrial arrhythmia) 3) 0.40 goH§$X 4) 0.11 goH§$X
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.31 Q.32 Q.33 Q.34
2 1 3 1 1 2 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 4
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Q.9 Imbr H$moUË`m àH$maMo {MÝh XmIdbobo Amho ? 2) S>mdrH$S>o diU {g½Zb X²`mdo, JmS>r _Ü`^mJmVyZ Mmbdmdr
Am{U S>mdrH$S>o dimdo
3) S>mdrH$S>o diU {g½Zb X²`mdo, dmhZ añË`mÀ`m S>mì`m
~mOybm R>odmdo Am{U S>mdrH$S>o dimdo
4) hm°Z© dmOdmdm Am{U _Ü`^mJmVyZ S>mdrH$S>o dimdo
Q.15 Ooìhm EImXo dmhZ Ama{jV aoëdo Amobm§S>UrOdi `oVo,
Voìhm Vo Amobm§S>Ê`mnydu, MmbH$mZo H$m` H$am`bm hdo ?
1) grQ> ~oëQ> {MÝh 2) {gqQ>J nmo{PeZ {MÝh 1) Q´>oZ nyU©nUo nma hmoB©n`ªV Wm§~m
Anand Pawar Academy
4) àm°pŠg{_Q>r goÝga (Proximity sensor)
dmhZmbm AmoìhaQ>oH$ H$aÊ`mnydu H$Km` gw{ZpíMV Ho$bo
Identify the given sign
1) One way 2) No U turn
nm{hOo? 3) No Entry 4) Entry Prohibited
1) nwT>Mm añVm ñnîQ>nUo {XgV Amho Am{U AmoìhaQ>oH$ H$aUo
Q.17 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ `mo½` Amho ?
gwa{jV Amho. 1) dmhZmVrb àdmem§Zr grQ>~oëQ> KmVë`mg AnKmVmV OI_r
2) _mJyZ EH$hr dmhZ `oV Zmhr. hmoÊ`mMr eŠ`Vm H$_r AgVo.
3) g_moaMo dmhZ S>mdrH$S>o diV Amho. 2) MmbH$ JmS>r MmbdVmZm AmnËH$mbrZ H$m°b CMby eH$Vmo.
4) g_moaMo dmhZ COdrH$S>o diV Amho. 3) _moQ>ma dmhZ AnKmVmVrb XþImnVtMo ñdén grQ>~oëQ>
Q.13 What needs to be checked if power generation
KmbÊ`mer g§~§{YV Zmhr.
by an engine is low ? 4) dmhZm§À`m _mJrb grQ>da ~gboë`m àdmem§Zm grQ> ~oëQ>
1) Defective window glass lifting regulators KmbÊ`mMr JaO Zmhr.
2) Defective power window switch Q.18 N>oXZmH$S>o OmUmè`m gdm©V gwa{jV _mJ© H$moUVm Amho ?
3) Unserviceable glass door channels 1) Amdí`H$ Agë`mg, Vwåhmbm Wm§~dÊ`mMr nadmZJr {Xbr
4) Defective motors OmB©b Aem doJmZo àdmg H$aUo
2) joÌmgmR>r doJ _`m©{XV àdmg H$aUo
Q.14 Vwåhr Á`m añË`mZo OmV AmhmV Ë`m añË`mÀ`m S>mdrH$S>o
3) S>mdrH$S>o pñWanUmZo nmhUo
diVmZm Vwåhr H$m` Ho$bo nm{hOo ?
4) COdrH$S>o pñWanUmZo nmhUo
1) hm°Z© dmOdmdm Am{U S>mdrH$S>o dimdo _________________________________________________
Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18
1 4 4 1 1 3 3 1 1 1
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Q.19 Who will be fined if a passenger under the 2) Open field coil winding
age of 16 is NOT wearing a seat belt or suitable 3) Relay point stuck up
child restraint ?
4) Fuse blow off
1) The driver of the vehicle _________________________________________________
2) The owner of the vehicle Q.25 The signal while taking a U - turn is :
3) None of the given options 1) slow down signal 2) right turn signla
4) The passenger 3) no signal 4) left turn signal
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.20 Amoë`m hdm_mZmV JmS>r MmbdVmZm Vwåhr ~«oH$ H$go bmdm`bm Q.26 AmoìhaQ>oH$ H$aUo H$Yr Q>mim`bm hdo ?
hdoV ? 1) Ooìhm nwT>o añVm nwaogm é§X AgVmo
1) OmoamV, Ë`m§Zm H$moaS>o H$aÊ`mgmR>r 2) Ooìhm añË`mMm _Ü`^mJ nm§T>è`m AI§S> aofoZo {MÝhm§{H$V
2) H$miOrnyd©H$, gQ>H$Uo Q>miÊ`mgmR>r Ho$bm Agob
3) Q>mim, ~«oH$ bmdÊ`mgmR>r 3) Ooìhm añË`mMm _Ü`^mJ nm§T>è`m VwQ>H$ aofoZo {MÝhm§{H$V
4) Vrd«nUo, OoUoH$éZ Vwåhr añVm nH$Sy> eH$mb Ho$bm Agob
4) Ooìhm nwT>Mm añVm ñnîQ> {XgV Zmhr
Q.21 Which of the following is the disadvantages of _________________________________________________
the open differential ? Q.27 Vwåhr ho dmhVyH$ {MÝh AmoiImb H$m ?
1) Sends most of the power to the wheel having
less traction
2) Not reliable
3) High in cost
4) Complex design
Q.22 Why is power window provided with a lock-
Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29
1 2 1 4 3 1 2 4 1 4 1
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Q.30 Bå_mo{~bm`Pa A°ÝQ>oZm_Yrb ÌwQ>rMo g§^mì` H$maU H$m` 2) General Positioning System
Amho ? (OZab nmo{PeqZJ {gñQ>_)
1) ãbmo ~m°\$ â`yO (Blown off fuse) 3) Global Preventing System
2) Mmdr_Yrb Iam~ Q´>m§gnm°S>a (½bmo~b {àìh|pÝQ>¨J {gñQ>_)
4) Global Positioning System
3) ECM _Ü`o g_ñ`m
4) AZm|XUrH¥$V àÁdbZ Mmdr
(½bmo~b nmo{PeqZJ {gñQ>_)
Q.38 What is the probable cause of low oil pressure
Q.31 What is the probable cause of high fuel consu-
in an engine ?
mption in an engine ?
1) Pressure relief valve is defective ?
1) High level in the tank
2) Oil level is high
2) Low fuel in the tank
3) Oil filter is clogged
3) High compression pressure
4) Air filter is clogged
4) Wrong injection timing _________________________________________________
Q.32 dmhZMmbH$ AmoìhaQ>oH$ H$Yr H$é eH$Vmo ? Q.39 JmS>r MmbdVmZm ho {MÝh {Xgë`mg Vwåhr H$m` H$am`bm
hdo ?
1) Q>oH$S>rdéZ JmS>r MmbdV AgVmZm
2) Q>oH$S>rda JmS>r MmbdV AgVmZm
3) añVm nwaogm é§X AgVmZm
4) g_moaÀ`m dmhZmMm MmbH$ AmoìhaQ>oH$ H$aÊ`mMm {g½Zb
XmIdV AgVmZm
Q.33 ZdrZ H$am/~mB©H$gmR>r P.U.C.C. àXÿfU à_mUnÌmMr d¡YVm
Q.30 Q.31 Q.32 Q.33 Q.34 Q.35 Q.36 Q.37 Q.38 Q.39 Q.40
3 4 4 3 1 4 2 4 1 4 2
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15
3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 1
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10
2 2 2 2 4 4 2 1 4 2
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Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11
4 4 1 3 4 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 1
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Q.12 {H$Vr {dX²`mWu \$ŠV XmoZ {df`m§À`m {eH$dÊ`m KoV AmhoV. Ë`mM ^mfoV “SAND” H$go H$moS> Ho$bo OmB©b ?
1) 67 2) 59 3) 78 4) 70
10 8 12 Q.19 EH$m e§Hy$À`m nm`mMr {ÌÁ`m Am{U C§Mr `m§Mo JwUmoËVa
3 7 3:4 Agob Am{U e§Hy$À`m nm`mMo joÌ\$i 346 cm2
15 Agob, Va e§Hy$Mo KZ\$i {H$Vr Agob ?
1) 1617 cm3 2) 1821 cm3
Students takning coaching of Physics 3) 1700 cm3 4) 1925 cm3
Students taking coaching of Chemistry
Q.20 Find 3 216 – 3 125 + 3 343 .
Students taking coaching of Maths
1) 7 2) 6 3) 8 4) 5
1) 18 2) 24 3) 21 4) 17 _________________________________________________
Q.21 VrZ dfmªnydu EH$m ehamMr bmoH$g§»`m 3,50,000 hmoVr.
Q.13 10x + y + z = 12, 2x + 10y + z = 13 Am{U 2x + 2y
Joë`m VrZ dfm©V Vr AZwH«$_o 6% , 5% Am{U 4% Zo dmT>br
+ 10z = 14 `m g_rH$aU àUmbrMo CËVa ________ Amho.
Agob, Va gÜ`mMr bmoH$g§»`m {H$Vr Amho ?
1) x = 1 , y = 1 , z = – 1
1) 4,14,345 2) 4,12,378
2) x = 1 , y = – 2 , z = – 1 3) 4,05,132 4) 4,25,154
3) x = 1 , y = 2 , z = – 1 _________________________________________________
4) x = 1 , y = 1 , z = 1 Q.22 B§{S>`m ñQ>oQ> Am°\$ \$m°aoñQ> [anmoQ>© (IFSR) 2021 Zwgma
_hmamîQ´> amÁ`mVrb EHy$U dZmÀN>m{XV joÌ (dJ© {H$_r_Ü`o)
Q.14 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m amÁ`mV nÅ>S>H$b `oWrb ñ_maH$m§Mm {H$Vr Amho ?
g_yh Amho ? 1) 50798 2) 95487 3) 23645 4) 112356
1) _hmamîQ´> 2) Vm{_iZmSy> 3) H$Zm©Q>H$ 4) Amgm_ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Q.23 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m dfu {MVJmd eñÌmJmamda hëë`mMm
Anand Pawar Academy
J«rZdm°qeJ Q>oH$pñà¨Q> 2023 _Ü`o gh^mJr hmoÊ`mgmR>r
^maVmVrb Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m {Z`m_H$mZo ½bmo~b
à`ËZ Pmbm ?
1) 1922 2) 1938 3) 1930 4) 1914
\$m`ZmpÝe`b BZmoìhoeZ ZoQ>dH©$ (GFIN) gh gh`moJ Ho$bm
Q.24 Find out the alternative which will replace the
Amho ? question mark.
1) ^maVr` {d_m {Z`m_H$ Am{U {dH$mg àm{YH$aU SUCCESS : WXEDGVW :: TALLEST : ?
2) H|$Ðr` Am¡fY _mZH$ {Z`§ÌU g§ñWm 1) XDNMGVX 2) XDNMFWX
3) ^maVr` AÝZ gwajm Am{U _mZH$ àm{YH$aU 3) XDNMFUX 4) XDNMGUX
4) ^maVr` [aPìh© ~±H$ Q.25 Which of the following is an intranasal vaccine
to treat COVID-19, launched by Bharat Biotech
Q.16 EH$m Am`VmH¥$Vr ^yI§S>mMm H$U© Am{U EH$ ~mOy AZwH«$_o in January 2023 ?
73 m Am{U 48 m Amho. Va Am`VmH¥$Vr ^yI§S>mMr n[a{_Vr 1) INCOVACC 2) Sputnik V
{H$Vr Agob ? 3) Novavax 4) Covaxin
1) 206 m 2) 244 m 3) 256 m 4) 228 m
_________________________________________________ Q.26 124.74 cm2 n¥îR>\$i Agboë`m EH$m JmobmMo KZ\$i {H$Vr
Q.17 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo nmo[a\o$amMo CXmhaU Amho ? Agob?
1) Q>r{Z`m (Taenia) 2) ñnm°pÝObm (Spongilla) 1) 129.325 cm3 2) 130.977 cm3
3) 133.123 cm3 4) 128.324 cm3
3) \°${gAmobm (Fasciola) 4) ZoaoBg (Nereis) _________________________________________________
Q.18 {d{eîQ> H$moS> ^mfoV, “ROCK” bm “49” Ago H$moS> Ho$bo Q.27 < 3420 ho A , B , C `m§À`m_Ü`o AemàH$mao {d^mJbo,
OmVo Am{U “RILL” bm “57” Ago H$moS> Ho$bo OmVo. Va OoUoH$éZ A : B = 4 : 3 Am{U B : C = 6 : 5 Ago hmoB©b.
Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27
3 4 3 4 1 2 4 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 2
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Va, C bm {H$Vr {_imbo ? Q.5 Which of the following is used to sterilise endo-
1) < 875 2) < 900$ 3) < 950 4) < 850 scopes ?
_________________________________________________ 1) Formaldehyde 2) Glutaraldehyde
Q.28 _mM© 2023 _Ü`o, g§emoYZ Am{U {dH$mg AmñWmnZm, nwUo 3) Isopropyl alcohol 4) Phenol
(R&DE) Am{U {S>\|$g ~m`mo-B§Or{Z`[a¨J A±S> BboŠQ´>mo Q.6 Which of the following microbiological agents
_o{S>H$b b°~moaoQ>ar, ~|Jiwê$, (DEBEL) `m XmoZ DRDO is used as a biological indicator in autocla-
à`moJemim§À`m ghH$m`m©Zo ^maVmVrb n{hbm MVwînmX amo~moQ> ving laboratory instruments ?
Am{U n[aYmZ H$aÊ`m`mo½` EŠgmo-ñHo$boQ>Z Imbrbn¡H$s 1) Bacillus pumilus
2) Staphylococcus aureus
H$moUË`m H§$nZrZo {dH${gV Ho$bo Amho ?
3) Bacillus subtilis
1) E~r~r {b{_Q>oS> 2) JwS>dH©$ b°ãg 4) Bacillus stearothermophilus
3) WS>© Am` S>oQ>m 4) ñd`m amo~mo{Q>Šg
_________________________________________________ Q.7 What is the retention time for keeping blood
Q.29 24 dñVy§Mr _yi qH$_Vr hr x dñVy§À`m {dH«$s qH$_Vr EdT>rM smears in a laboratory ?
Amho. Oa Z\$m 20% Agob, Va x Mo _yë` {H$Vr Amho ? 1) 10 days 2) 7 days 3) 3 months 4) 1 month
1) 18 2) 20 3) 17 4) 19 Q.8 The concentration of isopropyl alcohol to be
used as a chemical disinfectant is :
Q.30 Imbrb g_rH$aUmMo A§Xm{OV _yë` H$m` Agob? (nyUmªH$ 1) 50% 2) 70% 3) 90% 4) 40%
g§»`oV) _________________________________________________
123.24 × 29.87 + 247.34 12.78 – 534.68 = ? Q.9 âbmoamogoÝg gyú_X{e©Ho$_Ü`o dmnaë`m OmUmè`m àmW{_H$
1) 3471 2) 1734 3) 3174 4) 3417 {\$ëQ>aMm a§J H$m` AgVmo ?
1) {H$a{_Or 2) {hadm 3) {ndim 4) {Zim
Section - 4 - TECHNICAL _________________________________________________
Anand Pawar Academy
Maintaining inventory of a clinical laboratory
is the responsibility of which particular
Q.10 Which of the following blodd parameters
requires the patient to be in supine position
for at least 30 minutes before collecting blood
1) Resource management by venipuncture ?
2) Quality management 1) Serum Renin Level 2) Thyroid Function Test
3) Board of Directors 3) Liver Function Test 4) Blood Gas Analysis
4) Organisation management
_________________________________________________ Q.11 The anatomical site preferred for venipuncture
Q.2 Which of the following is the best way to in an adult is :
manage reagents inventory ? 1) posterior cubital vein 2) internal jugular vein
1) Bar coding of each reagent 3) femoral vein 4) median cubital vein
2) Disposing off expired reagents
3) Replacing old reagents with new ones Q.12 Which nool is most commonly used to reduce
4) Changing manufacturer of reagents from time - laboratory error and increase productivity ?
to - time 1) Gamma 2) Beta
_________________________________________________ 3) Six Sigma 4) Alpha
Q.3 Which colour vacutainer is used for immu- _________________________________________________
nological assays ? Q.13 Needles after use should be disposed by which
1) Red 2) Blue 3) Grey 4) Green of the following methods ?
1) Burnt by a needle destroyer machine
Q.4 The ambient temperature considered for cond-
2) Place in a dustbin
ucting tests in a laboratory is :
3) Cleaned with a spirit swab
1) 16 - 20 degree C 2) 21 - 27 degree C 4) Sterilised with 70% alcohol
3) less than 4 degree C 4) 30 - 35 degree C _________________________________________________
Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13
4 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 4 1 4 3 1
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Q.14 Which of the following is the preferred method Q.23 Infected non sharp waste should be disinfected
for cleaning glassware in a laboratory ? by which of the following methods before
1) Dry heat disposal ?
2) Sunlight exposure 1) Formaldehyde
3) Cleaning with a dry cloth 2) 5 - 10% sodium hypochlorite
4) Washing with soap water 3) Tincture iodine
4) 70% alcohol
Q.15 The first step to be taken for accidental contact _________________________________________________
of carcinogen chemical to skin is : Q.24 The process by which all living microorganisms
1) wash with cold water for 5 minutes EXCEPT spores are destroyed from all surfaces
2) take post exposure prophylaxis is known as :
3) apply a bandage 1) sterilisation 2) sanitisation
4) apply betadine to the exposed part 3) fluorescence 4) disinfection
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.16 As per CDC recommendation which of the Q.25 The mechanism of action of alcohol as a
following agents is used a chemical disinfec-
chemical disinfectant is/are :
tant for laboratory.
1) bactericidal
1) Normal saline 2) Povidone iodine
2) fungicidal and sporicidal
3) Glutaraldehyde 4) Formaldehyde
_________________________________________________ 3) bactericidal and fungicidal
Q.17 Which of the following disinfecting agents 4) bactericidal and sporicidal
used in laboratories is sporicidal ?
1) Isopropyl alcohol 2) Hydrogen peroxide Q.26 TAT in a clinical laboratory stands for :
3) Phenol 4) Betadine 1) total annual turnover 2) time assisted tests
3) turnaround time 4) total annual tests
Q.18 Which of the following tests is NOT a part of _________________________________________________
Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30
1 1 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 2 4 3 3 2 1 3 3
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Q.31 Q.32 Q.33 Q.34 Q.35 Q.36 Q.37 Q.38 Q.39 Q.40
1 2 1 4 1 3 3 4 2 1
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1
4 3 4 4 1 1 3 3 4 4 3 1 3 2 2 2
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Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13
4 3 1 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 4 4
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1) will have finished 2) finish B) nR>mamda é§X Am{U CWi Xè`m Am{U JmobmH$ma Q>oH$S>çm
3) must have finish 4) finished AmhoV.
Q.15 Select the most appropriate synonym of the C) Z_©Xm ZXrÀ`m CÎmaobm Agbobm ÛrnH$ënr` nR>mamMm
given word. ^mJ, _midm nR>mamMm EH$ _moR>m ^mJ ì`mnVmo, Ë`mbm
Laggard X»IZMo nR>ma åhUyZ AmoiIbo OmVo.
1) Punctual 2) Prompt 1) Ho$di A 2) Ho$di B Am{U C
3) Idler 4) Fast
3) Ho$di C 4) Ho$di A Am{U B
REASONING and APTITUDE Q.5 E{àb 2023 _Ü`o, {Xboë`m§n¡H$s H$moUË`m ehamV, DRDO
B§S>ñQ´>r A°H$°S>o{_`m g|Q>a Am°\$ EŠgbÝgMo CÕmQ>Z H$aÊ`mV
Q.1 In the following diagram triangle represent to
those who play Badminton, square represent Ambo ?
to those who play Boxing and circle represent 1) ~|Jiê$ 2) H$mobH$mVm 3) _w§~B© 4) h¡Xam~mX
to those who play Basketball.
Q.6 Who were the main leaders of the swaraj Party
formed on 1 January 1923 after getting split
from Congress party in Gaya Session.
1) Rajendra Prasad and SUkhdev
2) Subhash Chandra Bose and Bhagat Singh
3) Jawaharlal Nehru and Chandrashekhar Azad
4) Motilal Nehru and Chattranjan Das
Which number represents the players who _________________________________________________
have both Basketball and Badminton but not Q.7 Simplify the following :
1) 21
Anand Pawar Academy
Boxing ?
2) 26 3) 11 4) 17
Q.2 Which section of Maharashtra Public Service 1+
Act 2015 mentions that the State Government 4
shall lay the annual report presented by the 2 9
Commission before each House of the State 3 2
Legislature ? 3
1) Section 20 2) Section 23
3) Section 19 4) Section 27 10 12 11 14
_________________________________________________ 1) 2) 3) 4)
13 13 13 13
Q.3 EH$m ì`ŠVrMm IM© hm Ë`mÀ`m CËnÝZmÀ`m 72% Amho. _________________________________________________
Ë`mMo CËnÝZ 10% Zo dmT>bo Amho Am{U Ë`mMm IM© 6% Zo Q.8 M, N, O, P, Q, R Am{U S ho gmV ImoHo$ EH$mda EH$
dmT>bm Amho. Va Ë`mÀ`m ~MVrV {H$Vr Q>ŠŠ`mZo dmT> R>odbo AmhoV. Vo {Xboë`m H«$_mZwgmaM R>odbobo AgVrb Ago
Pmbr Amho ? J¥hrV YaÊ`mMr Amdí`H$Vm Zmhr.
1 2 3 6 Q Am{U S _Ü`o Ho$di EH$ ImoH$m R>odbm Amho. Q Am{U P
1) 21 % 2) 20 % 3) 22 % 4) 19 %
7 7 7 7
_Ü`o XmoZ ImoHo$ R>odbo AmhoV. R Am{U Q _Ü`o VrZ ImoHo$
R>odbobo AmhoV. Q Am{U R _Ü`o XmoZ ImoHo$ R>odbobo AmhoV.
Q.4 ^maVmÀ`m ÛrnH$ënr` nR>mam~Ôb Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ
M ImoH$m hm S ImoŠ`mÀ`m bJV Imbr R>odbm Agob Va,
MwH$sMo Amho ?
N ImoŠ`mÀ`m bJV Imbr H$moUË`m ImoH$m R>odbobm Agob?
A) ÛrnH$ënr` nR>ma ho OwÝ`m ñ\${Q>H$mgmaIo, Am½Zo` Am{U
1) M 2) P 3) Q 4) O
énm§V[aV IS>H$m§Zr ~Zbobo EH$ Q>o~bb±S> Amho. _________________________________________________
Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8
1 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 2 2
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Q.9 Oa EH$m g§»`oMo 36% ho Ë`m g§»`oÀ`m 52% nojm 6 Zo H$_r Q.18 In a certain code language, “INDUSTRY” is
Amho, Va Vr g§»`m {H$Vr Amho ? coded as “YNTUSDRI” and “RESEARCH” is
coded as “HEREASCR”. How will “FESTIVAL”
1) 39.5 2) 37.5 3) 42.5 4) 40.5
_________________________________________________ be clded in same language ?
Q.10 An alpha numeric series is given with one term 1) LAVITSEF 2) LEVITSAF
missing. Choose the correct option in place of 3) LEVTISAF 4) LAVTISEF
the question mark and complete the series.
H187 , L191 , O200 , Q216 , R241, ? Q.19 120 Hw$Qw>§~mMo gmßVm{hH$ CËnÝZ (< _Ü`o) Imbrbà_mUo
1) S277 2) R276 3) R277 4) S276
Amho :
CËnÝZ (< _Ü`o) Hw$Qw>§~m§Mr g§»`m
Q.11 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo hS>ßnm g§ñH¥$VrMo ñWi Zmhr ? 0 - 1000 50
1) Ymobmdram 2) ~Zmdbr 3) amIrJT>r 4) aW~§JmZ
_________________________________________________ 1000 - 2000 38
Q.12 448 cm bm§~rMr Vma EH$m Am`VmÀ`m ñdénmV dmH$dbobr 2000 - 3000 20
Amho. Á`mÀ`m ~mOy 9 : 7 À`m JwUmoËVamV AmhoV. Va 3000 - 4000 8
Am`VmMo joÌ\$i (cm2 _Ü`o) {H$Vr Amho ?
4000 - 5000 3
1) 13,826 2) 14,224 3) 12,348 4) 15,124
_________________________________________________ 5000 - 6000 1
Q.13 0.343 Am{U 0.7 `m§À`m Xaå`mZMo _Ü` à_mUnX {H$Vr Hw$Qw>§~m§Mm CËnÝZ _Ü`H$ (median) (< _Ü`o) {H$Vr
Amho ? Amho? ({ZH$Q>V_ nyUmªH$ bjmV KoVë`mg)
1) 10.51 2) 0.42 3) 0.53 4) 0.49 1) 1256 2) 1275 3) 1248 4) 1263
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.14 3 343 × 3 1331 3 512 is equal to : Q.20 g_dVu gyMr AgÊ`mMr H$ënZm, `mn¡H$s H$moUË`m XoemÀ`m
Anand Pawar Academy
1) 6.125 2) 8.375 3) 9.625 4) 7.875
amÁ`KQ>ZoVyZ KoVbr Amho ?
1) H°$ZS>mMr amÁ`KQ>Zm 2) X{jU Am{\«$Ho$Mr amÁ`KQ>Zm
Q.15 Which of the following number will replace
3) Am°ñQ´>o{b`mMr amÁ`KQ>Zm 4) \«|$M amÁ`KQ>Zm
the question mark (?) in the given numerical _________________________________________________
series ? Q.21 Imbrb _m{hVrMm bjnyd©H$ Aä`mg H$am Am{U Ë`m Imbr
11, 13, 23, 73, 287, ?
{Xboë`m àíZm§Mr CËVao X²`m.
1) 1551 2) 1331 3) 1221 4) 1441
_________________________________________________ Imbr Xe©{dë`mà_mUo A§H$m§bm {MÝhm§À`m ñdénmV g§H$o V~ÜX
Q.16 XmoZ {_lYmVy§_Ü`o 3 : 4 Am{U 5 : 4 À`m JwUmoËVamV Mm§Xr Ho$bo AmhoV :
Am{U Vm§ã`mMm g_mdoe Amho. 1 : 2 À`m JwUmoËVamV Mm§Xr A§H$ 7 2 5 4 1 3 0 6 9 8
Am{U Vm§~o Agbobm EH$ ZdrZ {_lYmVw {_i{dÊ`mgmR>r
XmoZ {_lYmVy§Zm H$moUË`m JwUmoËVamV {_gibo nm{hOo ? g§H$o V ? & # $ € £ ^ ! ~ @
1) 8 : 7 2) 5 : 6 3) 7 : 9 4) 6 : 5 AQ>r :
1) n{hbm Am{U eodQ>Mm A§H$ {df_ g§»`m Agob, Va
Q.17 _wbtÀ`m EH$m am§JoV, {edmbr S>mdrH$Sy>Z 27 ì`m ValwVr
XmoÝhr g§»`m§Zm 0 hm g§Ho$V X²`m`Mm.
COdrH$Sy>Z 38 ì`m ñWmZmda Amho. Ë`m XmoKtZr Amnë`m
2) n{hbm Am{U eodQ>Mm A§H$ g_ g§»`m Agob,Va XmoKm§Zm
OmJm§Mr AXbm~Xb Ho$br Va {edmbr S>mdrH$Sy>Z 16 ì`m
9 hm g§Ho$V X²`m`Mm.
ñWmZmda `oVo. Va ZdrZ pñWVrZwgma lwVr COdrH$Sy>Z
3) n{hbm A§H$ {df_ g§»`m Agob Am{U eodQ>Mm A§H$ g_
{H$Vì`m ñWmZmda Agob ?
g§»`m Agob, Va XmoÝhr A§H$m§Zm & Ago g§Ho$V~Õ
1) 29 ì`m 2) 28 ì`m 3) 27 ì`m 4) 26 ì`m
_________________________________________________ H$amdo.
Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21
2 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4
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4) n{hbm A§H$ g_ g§»`m Agob Am{U eodQ>Mm A§H$ {df_ 1) H$b_ 8 2) H$b_ 17$ 3) H$b_ 11 4) H$b_ 21
g§»`m Agob, Va XmoÝhr A§H$ # åhUyZ g§H$o V~Õ H$amdo.
Va ‘49512’ Mm g§H$H$V H$m` Agob ? Q.28 N>m`m{MÌmVrb EH$m ñÌrH$S>o {ZX}e H$aV amUr åhUmbr,
1) $~#€~ 2) $~€#~ ""{VÀ`m _wbrMo b½Z _mÂ`m Zdè`mÀ`m AmB©À`m EHw$bË`m
3) ~#~€~ 4) ~~#€~ EH$ _wbmer Pmbobo Amho'' Va N>m`m{MÌmVrb Ë`m ñÌrer
amUrÀ`m nVrMo H$m` ZmVo Agob ?
Q.22 Imbrb _m{hVr H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMm Am{U Imbr {Xboë`m 1) _wbJm> 2) ^mD$ 3) OmdB© 4) dS>rb
àíZmMo CËVa X²`m. _________________________________________________
‘A @ B’ åhUOo ‘A hr B Mr AmB© Amho’. Q.29 Mm¡Wm Ajag_yh {Vgè`m Ajag_whmer Á`m VèhoZo g§~{§ YV
‘A & B’ åhUOo ‘A hr B Mr ~hrU Amho’. Amho Am{U Xÿgam Ajag_yh n{hë`m Ajag_whmer g§~§{YV
‘A $ B’ åhUOo ‘A hr B Mr _wbJr Amho’. Amho. Ë`mM VèhoZo nmMì`m Ajag_whmer g§~§{YV Agbobm
‘A ? B’ åhUOo ‘A hr B Mo dS>rb AmhoV’. n`m©` {ZdS>m.
Va ‘A $ B ? C ? D $ E & F’ `m g_rH$aUmV E Mo B er IDEA : RHJB : : ABLE : BDXJ : : CAFE : ?
H$m` ZmVo Agob ? 1) FBLJ 2) EBKJ 3) ECKJ 4) FBMJ
1) gyZ 2) gmgy 3) AmB© 4) _wbJr
_________________________________________________ Q.30 OmZodmar 2023 _Ü`o, MM}V Amboë`m Zré `mXd `m§À`m~Ôb
Q.23 Oa A Am{U B EH$ H$m_ 48 {XdgmV H$é eH$VmV, B Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo/Vr {dYmZ/Zo `mo½` Amho/AmhoV ?
Am{U C VoM H$m_ 72 {Xdgm§V H$é eH$VmV, A Am{U C A) {Vbm ào_mZo "hm°H$sdmbr gan§M' åhUyZ AmoiIbo OmVo.
VoM H$m_ 60 {Xdgm§V H$é eH$VmV. Va A EH$Q²>`mZo VoM B) bm§~r A{ha JmdmVrb eoVH$è`m§Zm ~i XoÊ`mgmR>r {VZo
H$m_ {H$Vr {XdgmV H$é eH$Vmo ? Zì`mZo nwT>mH$ma KoVbm Amho.
12 11 13 10 C) {VZo SIIRD À`m (gmogm`Q>r Am°\$ B§{S>`Z BpÝñQ>`yQ>
1) 84 2) 82 3) 83 4) 81
17 17 17 17 Am°\$ ééb S>oìhbn_|Q>) ghmæ`mZo eoVH$ar CËnmXH$
Q.24 Anand Pawar Academy
Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo Xþhoar nQ>b A§JH$
organelles) AmhoV ?
g§KQ>Zm (FPO) gwé H$aÊ`mgmR>r Zm~mS>e
H$ama Ho$bm Amho.
© r (NABARD)
1) Ho$di A 2) Ho$di C
1) V§Vw{UH$m Am{U b`H$m[aH$m
2) V§Vw{UH$m Am{U amS>~mogmoåg 3) Ho$di B 4) Ho$di A Am{U C
Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3
1 2 3 4 1 1 3 1 1 2 4 4
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Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22
2 1 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 1 4 2 3 4 1 4 3 4
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Q.23 The verbal plane in library classification 1) 1887 2) 1896 3) 1913 4) 1901
correspnds with :
Q.32 Which of the following is an inner form of cata-
1) the use of the notational system
logue ?
2) the expression of concepts in terminology
1) Block catalogue 2) Card catalogue
3) the mapping of the universe of knowledge
3) Author catalogue 4) Sheaf catalogue
4) the study and analysis of subjects _________________________________________________
Q.33 _______ allows users to access and retrieve files
Q.24 The credit of giving the concept of ‘Common
at remote sites.
Isolates’ goes to :
1) FTP 2) Scopus 3) Bibtex 4) End Note
1) E. Richardson 2) H. E. Bliss _________________________________________________
3) S. R. Ranganathan 4) Melvil Dewey Q.34 gm`§Q>m_o {o Q´>Šg (scientometrics) Mo OZH$ åhUyZ H$moUmbm
Q.25 Which type of entry is in the classified part of AmoiIbo OmVo ?
CCC ? 1) A°bZ {àMS> 2) Eg. gr. ~«°S>\$moS>©
1) Main Entry and Class Index Entry 3) S>oaoH$ Om°Z Xr gmobm àmBg 4) AmoQ>mo Z°H$
2) Cross reference Index Entry _________________________________________________
3) Book Index Entry and Class Index Entry Q.35 The Cannon of Interpolation in chain goes
4) Main and Cross reference Entry against which of the following canons ?
1) Cannon of Modulation
Q.26 g§~ÕVm gyÌ H$emer g§~§{YV Amho ? 2) Cannon of Relevance
1) n§ŠVrgmR>r gyÌo 2) gmZw~§Y AZwH$« _mMr gyÌo 3) Cannon of Relevant Succession
3) bjUm§Mr gyÌo 4) l¥§IbogmR>r gyÌo 4) Cannon of Reticence
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.27 A group of coordinate classes in known as Q.36 In which edition of CC was the inverted comma
a/an : (‘) introduced instead of the dot (.) for the time
Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.31 Q.32 Q.33 Q.34 Q.35 Q.36 Q.37 Q.38 Q.39 Q.40
2 4 4 3 4 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 6 4 1 2 3
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17
1 4 2 4 3 4 4 3 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4
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Q.18 gÎmm. `m eãXmMm g_mZmWu Agbobm eãX AmoiIm. correct order to form a meaningful and
1) A{YH$ma 2) namH«$_ 3) _mbH$s 4) g§nÎmr coherent paragraph.
_________________________________________________ A) Palaneontology typically images of digging
Q.19 nwT>rb eãXmMm g_mg AmoiIm. ghHw$Qw>§~ up dusty bones in the field.
B) It might seem odd, he explains, but by better
1) ~hþd«rhr 2) Û§Û 3) {ÛJw 4) ZÌVnwéf
_________________________________________________ understanding the process of decay, he
Q.20 _wbm§Zr àXe©ZmV dñVy _m§S>ë`m - `m dmŠ`mVrb à`moJ hopes to answer big questions about how
living things become fossils.
AmoiIm. C) “People are always a bit surprised” when
1) ^mdo 2) gH$_©H$ H$V©ar Palaeontologist Thomas Clements tells
3) H$_©Ur 4) AH$_©H$ H$V©ar them “What I do for a living.”
_________________________________________________ D) He’s especially interested in why some soft
Q.21 d¥ÜX - eãXmMm {déÜXmWu eãX AmoiIm. tissues, such as muscles and certain organs,
1) åhmVmam 2) VéU 3) H$nr 4) ~wpÜX_mZ are more likely to show up in the fossil
_________________________________________________ record than others.
Q.22 boH$s ~mobo gwZo bmJo - åhUrMm AW© ñnîQ> H$am. E) Clement specialises in taphonomy, a sub-
field within a palaeontology that deals with
1) _maÊ`mnojm An_mZmMo eãX _maë`mgmaIo g_moaÀ`mbm
the process of fossillsation.
_maUo. F) It’s important that palaeontologists get to
2) EH$mbm CÔoeyZ nU Xþgè`mbm bmJob Ago ~mobUo. the bottom of this mystery, as only by under-
3) gwZobm Am{U _wbmbm ~mobUo Mm§Jbo AgVo. standing the process of decay and
preservation will they be able to correctly
4) Xþgè`mMm An_mZ hmoB©b Ago ~mobUo. interpret that record.
Q.23 jUmojUr `m eãXmMm g_mg AmoiIm.
Anand Pawar Academy
1) Aì``r^md
3) VËnwéf
2) Û§Û
4) ~hþd«rhr
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
word in bracket to fill in the blank.
I have this ‘Jungle-Book’ in raised print, and
Q.24 Imbr {Xboë`m àmÊ`m§À`m `mo½` OmoS>çm Owidm.
what a ______ (horrible), refreshing book it is.
A) aoS>m 1. H$mbI§S> 1) splendid 2) saviour
~) ~¡b 2. ^mQ>r 3) sickening 4) frightful
H$) ~moH$m 3. åh¡g Q.3 Select the option that can be used as a one-
S>) Im|S> 4. Jm` word substitute for the underlined set of word.
We all had our power of creating unrealistic
1) A - 3, ~ - 4, H$ - 2, S> - 1 or improbable mental images in response to
2) A - 2, ~ - 3, H$ - 1, S> - 4 psychological needs when we were young and
3) A - 1, ~ - 2, H$ - 4, S> - 3 images of us running around in red cape
usually come to mind.
4) A - 4, ~ - 1, H$ - 3, S> - 2 1) fiction 2) evolution
3) fantasy 4) experience
Q.25 Xmofr - `m eãXmMm {déÜXmWu eãX {bhm. _________________________________________________
1) X`miy 2) d¡a 3) AmXmof 4) {ZXm}f Q.4 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
the blank.
Section - 2 - ENGLISH She noticed ______ away from the house.
1) him to run 2) him in running
Q.1 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in
3) him ran 4) him run
jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the _________________________________________________
Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4
1 1 3 2 2 1 1 4 4 1 3 1
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Q.5 Parts of a sentence are given below in jumbled Interest groups within the government and
order. Arrange the parts in the correct order. services are often very ______ in pursuing their
A) childhood, the lives own agendas.
B) men have charmed 1) vosifurus 2) vocciferus
C) of eminent medical 3) vociferus 4) vociferous
D) my imagination
Q.12 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
E) right from my
the blank.
The scheme allows students from many
_________________________________________________ countries to communicate ________
Q.6 Select the most appropriate synonym of the 1) Themselves 2) With each other
given word. 3) Oneself 4) With oneself
Q.13 Complete the following conversation using the
1) Own 2) Sale 3) Delay 4) Block
_________________________________________________ most suitable punctuated option.
Q.7 Four words of the following sentence have A) “Anything to eat ?” asked Raven
been underlined and given as options. Select B) __________
the option that is INCORRECTLY spelt. 1) “Well, there was some apples on the table.”
From all accounts he was a man of very 2) “Well..!! there are some apples on the tables.”
disagrrable character, conceited and 3) Well there are some apples on the tables ?
quarelsum. 4) “well, there are some apple’s on the table !”
1) Quarelsum 2) Disagreeable _________________________________________________
3) Conceited 4) Accounts Q.14 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
_________________________________________________ highlighted word in the given sentence.
Q.8 Complete the following sentence using appro-
This light will diminish your ability to read near
Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16
3 2 1 4 3 1 4 2 1 1 1 3
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Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6
3 3 4 3 2 2 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 3 3
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Q.7 At which place the 3 rd Environment and 1) 19 Am°JñQ> 2015 2) 19 E{àb 2015
Climate Sustainbility Working Group (ECSWG)
3) 19 Owb¡ 2015 4) 19 OyZ 2015
meeting was held May 21st, 23rd, 2023 ? _________________________________________________
1) Mumbai 2) Delhi Q.16 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr ZXr ÛrnH$ënr` ^maVmVrb Xþgè`m
3) Pune 4) Nashik
_________________________________________________ H«$_m§H$mMr gdm©V _moR>r ZXr Amho ?
Q.8 ^maVr` amÁ`KQ>ZoVrb Ý`m`_§S>imÀ`m ñdmV§Í`mMo d¡{eîQ>ç 1) _hmZXr 2) Vmnr 3) JmoXmdar 4) H¥$îUm
H$moUË`m XoemÀ`m KQ>ZoVyZ KoVbo Amho ?
Q.17 amîQ´>r` H«$sS>m nwañH$ma 2022 _Ü`o, {H$Vr IoimSy>§Zm AOw©Z
1) `wZm`Q>oS> qH$JS>_
nwañH$ma {_imbm ?
2) `wZm`Q>oS> ñQ>oQ²>g Am°\$ A_o[aH$m
1) 15 2) 30 3) 25 4) 20
3) X{jU Am{\«$H$m _________________________________________________
4) USSR Q.18 Microsoft has announced ________ a new gene-
_________________________________________________ rative Al-driven chatbot developed for farmers
Q.9 2011 À`m OZJUZoZwgma _hmamîQ´>mMr A§XmOo bmoH$g§»`m and other users in rural India.
{H$Vr Amho ? 1) GitaGTP 2) Jugalbandi
3) Lexi 4) Kuki Ali
1) 8.45 H$moQ>r 2) 11.24 H$moQ>r _________________________________________________
3) 12.24 H$moQ>r 4) 15.5 H$moQ>r Q.19 Which one of the following scientists has acci-
_________________________________________________ dentally discovered that a compass needle got
Q.10 Kinetic energy of moving mass is ________ . deflected when an electric current passed
1) Directly proportional to the square of the mass through a metallic wire placed nearby ?
2) Inversely proportional to the square of the mass 1) Michael Faraday
3) Inversely proportional to the mass 2) Alexander Fleming
Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22
1 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 3 2 3 4 1 1
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tion impact assessment and also study the noZ Am{U 2 nopÝgbr `m§Mr EHy$U qH$_V < 140 hmoVo. 3 noZ
impact of climate change and acid rain ? Am{U 5 nopÝgbr `m§Mr EHw$U _yi qH$_V {H$Vr Amho ?
1) Bibi Ka Maqbara 2) Gateway of India 1) < 114 2) < 122 3) < 116 4) < 120
3) Aga Khan Palace 4) Soneri Mahal _________________________________________________
Q.5 L4 , N9 , P16 , ? `m _m{bHo$V `oUmao nwT>Mo A§H$mja nX
Q.24 ehZmB© bmoH${à` H$aÊ`mMo lo` EH$m ^maVr` g§JrVH$mambm H$moUVo Agob ?
{Xbo OmVo, Vmo Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm g§JrVH$ma Amho ? 1) Q25 2) T25 3) R25 4) S25
1) {~pñ_ëbm ImZ 2) A_OX Abr ImZ
Q.6 Mma Aja-g_wh {Xbo AmhoV, Ë`mn¡H$s VrZ EH$m {d{eîQ>
3) Abr AH$~a ImZ 4) ^r_goZ JwéamO Omoer
_________________________________________________ VèhoZo g_mZ AmhoV Am{U EH$ doJim Amho. JQ>mV Z ~gUmam
Q.25 2023 _Yrb Q>m°n 500 ½bmo~b gwnaH$m°_ß`wqQ>J {bñQ> (Top n`m©` {ZdS>m.
500 Global Supercomputing List) À`m 61 ì`m 1) BPO 2) CXY 3) BCD 4) AML
Amd¥ÎmrZwgma, C-DAC _Ü`o ñWm{nV Ho$boë`m EoamdV `m
Q.7 2x4389y hr 7 - A§H$s g§»`m 88 Zo {d^mÁ` Amho, Va
H¥${Ì_ ~w{Õ_Îmm AmYm[aV _hmg§JUH$mbm (Al Super-
(5x + 3y) Mo _yë` {H$Vr Amho?
computer AIRAWAT) bm OJmV ______ ñWmZ XoÊ`mV
1) 58 2) 60 3) 59 4) 57
Ambo Amho. _________________________________________________
1) 75 do 2) 55 do 3) 85 do 4) 65 do Q.8 Water flows out through a pipe, whose internal
diameter is 10 cm, at the rate of 4 m/sec, into
Section - 4 - REASONING and APTITUDE a cylindrical tank whose internal base radius
is 3 m. in 15 minutes, the water level in the
Q.1 H$mhr {d{eîQ> ì`ŠVtÀ`m EH$m AmoirV, Á`moVr S>mì`m tank will rise by (assume no over flow)
Q>moH$mnmgyZ 863 ì`m Am{U COì`m Q>moH$mnmgyZ 931 ì`m 1) 90 cm 2) 60 cm 3) 80 cm 4) 100 cm
ñWmZmda ~gbr Amho. am§JoV EHy$U {H$Vr ì`ŠVr ~gë`m
1) 2010
Anand Pawar Academy
AmhoV ?
2) 2005 3) 2012 4) 2015
Q.9 EH$m {d{eîQ> gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfo_Ü`o ‘PAPER’ ho ‘QBQFS ’
Ago {b{hbo OmVo, Va Ë`mM ^mfoV ‘PUNE’ bm H$go {b{hbo
_________________________________________________ OmB©b ?
Q.2 gm{bZrZo < 400 bm EH$ dñVy {dH$V KoVbr Am{U 30% 1) QOVF 2) QFOV 3) QVOF 4) QVFO
Zâ`mV à^mbm {dH$br. à^mH$Sy>Z {_imboë`m n¡emVyZ
Q.10 Imbrb e¥§IboV àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr `oUmao nX
_m{bZrZo AmUIr EH$ dñVy {dH$V KoVbr Am{U 15%
{Xboë`m n`m©`m§VyZ {ZdS>m.
VmoQ>çmV {dH$br. g§nyU© ì`dhmamV gm{bZrÀ`m Z\$Š`mMr
C3A , F6D , I12G , L24J , ?
Q>ŠHo$dmar {H$Vr Amho ?
1) O48M 2) O84M 3) M48O 4) O46M
1) 15% 2) 12.5% 3) 12% 4) 10.5% _________________________________________________
Q.11 Mma Aja-g_yh {Xbo AmhoV, Ë`mn¡H$s VrZ EH$m {d{eîQ>
Q.3 If the median of the following distribution is
35, then what is the value of (2x + 5) ?
VèhoZo g_mZ AmhoV Am{U EH$ doJim Amho. JQ>mV Z ~gUmam
n`m©` {ZdS>m.
Class 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
1) MNN 2) DMH 3) CCD 4) HUG
Frequency 18 22 20 x 25 _________________________________________________
Q.12 What is the mean of the following distribution?
1) 25 2) 33 3) 35 4) 31
_________________________________________________ Class 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65
Q.4 2 noZ Am{U 3 nopÝgbr `m§Mr EHy$U qH$_V < 74 Amho. Frequency 10 12 9 8 11
Ooìhm EH$m noZMr qH$_V < 3 Zo H$_r Ho$br OmVo Am{U
EH$m nopÝgbrM qH$_V < 1.50 Zo dmT>dbr OmVo, Voìhm 5 1) 38.6 2) 39.4 3) 40.2 4) 39.6
Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12
1 1 1 3 4 3 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 4 4
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Q.13 A hm B Mm ^mD$ Amho. C hr D Mr ~hrU Amho. B hm C Mm V¥Vr`m§e 8 {XdgmV nyU© H$é eH$VmV. gwédmVrbm, A
_wbJm Amho. Va A Mo C er H$moUVo ZmVo Amho ? 4
Am{U B {_iyZ H$m_mMm 9 dm ^mJ nyU© H$aVmV Am{U
1) nwVÊ`m 2) _wbJm 3) dS>rb 4) ^mD$ Cd©[aV H$m_ EH$Q²>`m C X²dmao nyU© Ho$bo OmVo. g§nyU© H$m_
Q.14 g§JUH$mMr _yi qH$_V _mo~mB©b \$moZnojm 250% OmñV {H$Vr {Xdgm§V nyU© hmoB©b?
Amho. Oa g§JUH$mMr _yi qH$_V 46% H$_r Pmbr Am{U 4 1 2 1
1) 15 2) 15 3) 16 4) 16
9 3 3 9
_mo~mB©b \$moZMr qH$_V gbJ 20% Am{U 25% Zo dmT>br, _________________________________________________
Va g§JUH$mMr ZdrZ _yi qH$_V _mo~mB©b \$moZÀ`m ZdrZ Q.21 The lengths of a triangular park are 112 m, 210
_yi qH$_Vrnojm {H$Vr Q>ŠHo$ OmñV Amho ? m and 238 m. Its area is equal to the area of a
trapezium shaped garden whose parallel sides
1) 25% 2) 28.2% 3) 20.6% 4) 26%
_________________________________________________ are 372 m and 300 m. What is the distance (in
Q.15 EH$ ì`mnmar EH$m Q>o~bmÀ`m N>mnrb qH$_Vrda 10% Am{U m) between the parallel sides of the garden ?
1) 35 2) 70 3) 30 4) 60
20% Aem gbJ XmoZ gdbVr XoD$Z Ë`m Q>o~bbm < 540 _________________________________________________
bm {dH$Vmo Am{U Varhr 25% Z\$m H$_mdVmo. Oa Ë`mZo Q.22 60 {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m dJm©Vrb JwUdÎmm `mXrÀ`m eodQ>nmgyZ
Q>o~bbm Ë`mÀ`m N>mnrb qH$_VrÀ`m 80% bm {dH$bo, Va _{h_mMm H«$_m§H$ 36 dm Amho. `mXrÀ`m erf© ñWmZmnmgyZ
Ë`mÀ`m Zâ`mMr Q>ŠHo$dmar {H$Vr Agob ? (EH$ Xem§e {VMm H«$_m§H$ H$m` Amho ?
ñWmZmn`ªV nyUmª{H$V H$am) 1) 25 2) 27 3) 26 4) 24
1) 39.8% 2) 39.6% 3) 38.9% 4) 38.5%
_________________________________________________ 2 8 2 x 1 1 3
Q.23 Oa of –3 2 × –1
Q.16 Oa AmOnmgyZ Mma {Xdgm§Zr a{ddma Agob, Va H$mbÀ`m 3 15 5 16 2 2 4
Mma {Xdg AmYr H$moUVm dma hmoVm ? Amho, Va (3x + 2) Mo _yë` {H$Vr Amho ?
1) 77 2) 71 3) 62 4) 65
1) e{Zdma 2) ewH«$dma 3) Jwédma 4) a{ddma _________________________________________________
Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25
2 4 3 2 4 2 3 4 1 1 1 4 4
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1
2 4 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 1 4
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Q.2 Select the most appropriate punctuation mark Q.9 Select the option that is the synonym of the
to fill in the blank. given word.
Hello _______ How are you ? ZEAL
1) Semi-colon (;) 2) Full stop (.) 1) disguise 2) protection
3) Question mark (?) 4) Exclamation mark (!) 3) enthusiasm 4) shell
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.3 Select the correctly spelt word to fill in the Q.10 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
blank. the blank.
His brother is studying in _______ school. The earth ________ around the sun.
1) elementary 2) elimentary 1) has rotated 2) rotated
3) elementery 4) elemantary 3) rotates 4) rotate
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.4 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Q.11 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
word given in brackets to fill in the blank. word given in brackets to fill in the blank.
They are trying to _______ (disperse) a team of Several squirrels were there ______ (beneath) an
scientists to carry out lab tests for the new oak tree, trying to collect acorns.
vaccine. 1) across 2) under 3) inside 4) above
1) assemble 2) spread _________________________________________________
3) develop 4) distribute Q.12 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
_________________________________________________ word given in brackets to fill in the blank.
Q.5 Given below are four jumbled parts of a The owner ________ (mourned) on the death of
sentence. Select the option that gives their his dog as if he was his own son.
correct order forming a meaningful and 1) assisted 2) praised
coherent sentence. 3) hated 4) grieved
A) to the production of crops _________________________________________________
Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15
4 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 4 3 4 3
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Section - 3 - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Q.7 86 ì`m KQ>Zm XþéñVrnydu ^maVr` g§{dYmZmV _yb^yV H$V©ì`o
Q.1 The perimeter of a rhombus shaped field is 1) 9 2) 8 3) 10 4) 7
116 m and one of its one diagonal is 42 m. Its
15 Q.8 _o 2023 n`ªVÀ`m _m{hVrZwgma, _hmamîQ´> gaH$maÀ`m
area is equal to times the area of a circular Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m `moOZoMm CÔoe ~bmËH$ma nr{S>Vm§Zm,
garden. What is the perimeter of the garden ? b¢{JH$ AË`mMmam§Zm ~ir nS>bobr ~mbHo$ Am{U A°{gS>
22 hëë`mVrb ~ir (_{hbm Am{U ~mbHo$) `m§Zm {Xbmgm
7 XoÊ`mMm Amho ?
1) 44 m 2) 88 m 3) 66 m 4) 110 m
_________________________________________________ 1) _ZmoY`¡ © `moOZm
Q.2 ^maVr` amÁ`KQ>ZVo rb Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm AZwÀN>Xo {d{eîQ> 2) B§{Xam Jm§Yr _mV¥Ëd gh`moJ `moOZm
H|$Ðem{gV àXoem§gmR>r {Z`_ ~ZdÊ`mÀ`m amîQ´>nVtÀ`m 3) _mPr H$Ý`m ^m½`lr `moOZm
A{YH$mamer g§~§{YV Amho ? 4) ~mb g§JmonZ `moOZm
1) AZwÀN>oX 250 2) AZwÀN>oX 288
Q.9 Oa erbm hr _mÂ`m nËZrÀ`m nVrMr ~hrU Amho, Va
3) AZwÀN>oX 240 4) AZwÀN>oX 279
_________________________________________________ erbmÀ`m d{S>bm§Mo _mÂ`m _wbrer H$moUVo ZmVo Amho ?
Q.3 Á`mà_mUo Xþgam eãX n{hë`m eãXmer Am{U Mm¡Wm eãX 1) MwbVm 2) dS>rbm§Mo dS>rb
{Vgè`m eãXmer g§~§{YV Amho. Ë`mMà_mUo nmMì`m eãXmer 3) dS>rb 4) ^mD$
g§~§{YV Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
Q.10 What is the median for the following data ?
dZñn{VemñÌ : amono : : _mVr : : H$sQ>H$emñÌ : ?
Marks Below Below Below Below Below
1) Am°ŠQ>mong 2) {H$S>o
30 40
48 60
Q.4 Á`mà_mUo Xþgam eãX n{hë`m eãXmer g§~§{YV Amho. 1) 27.2 2) 25.6 3) 24.8 4) 26.7
Ë`mMà_mUo {Vgè`m eãXmer g§~{§ YV Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m. _________________________________________________
KS>çmi : doi : : hm`J«mo_rQ>a : ? Q.11 EH$m {ÌH$moUr joÌmÀ`m ~mOy AZwH«$_o 72 m, 154 m
1) nmD$g 2) Vmn_mZ 3) AmÐVm 4) dOZ Am{U 170 m AmhoV, Ë`mMo joÌ\$i ho EH$m dVw©imH$ma
_________________________________________________ ~mJoÀ`m joÌ\$imEdT>o Amho. Va à{V _rQ>a < 32 XamZo
Q.5 Imbrb _m{bHo$V àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr `oUmao nX Ë`m dVw©imH$ma ~mJobm Hw§$nU KmbÊ`mMm IM© {H$Vr `oB©b ?
{Xboë`m n`m©`m§VyZ {ZdS>m. 22
GYK - 5, HAN - 13 , ICQ -29 , JET - 61 , ? = 7 ¿`m
1) KGW - 125 2) KHW - 123 1) < 8976 2) < 8448 3) < 9240 4) < 7392
3) KGW - 122 4) KGX - 121 Q.12 Select the option that represents the correct
order of the given words as they would appear
Q.6 S>m°. EnrOo AãXþb H$bm_ B§Q>aZ°eZb \$mD§$S>oeZ Am{U in an English dictionary.
ñnog PmoZ B§{S>`m `m§Zr Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m amÁ`mVrb 1. Division 2. Dissection 3. Desire
nÅ>rnmob_ JmdmVyZ EnrOo AãXþb H$bm_ g°Q>obmBQ> ìhoB©H$b 4. Desent 5. Density
1) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2
{_eZ - 2023 gwé Ho$bo ?
2) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
1) Vm{_iZmSy> 2) Vob§JUm 3) 4, 5, 3, 2, 1
3) Amo{S>em 4) Ho$ai 4) 5, 3, 4, 2, 1
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12
2 3 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 4 2 2
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Q.13 X Am{U Y ho EH$ {d{eîQ> H$m_ AZwH«$_o 27 {Xdg Am{U Q.20 Á`mà_mUo Xþgam eãX n{hë`m eãXmer g§~§{YV Amho.
45 {Xdgm§V H$é eH$VmV. X Oo ñdV§ÌnUo H$mhr {Xdg Ë`mMà_mUo {Vgè`m eãXmer g§~{§ YV Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
H$m_ Ho$bo Am{U Z§Va Y Ë`mbm gh^mJr Pmbm Am{U g§nyU© 1) ì`dgm` 2) {ZMam 3) nmUr 4) Q>mH$s
H$m_ nyU© hmoB©n`ªV XmoKm§Zrhr H$m_ Ho$bo. Oa g§nyU© H$m_ 18
{Xdgm§V nyU© Pmbo, Va X Am{U Y `m§Zr EH${ÌVnUo {H$Vr Q.21 _o 2023 n`ªVÀ`m _m{hVrZwgma, _{UnyaMo 12 do _w»`_§Ìr
{Xdg H$m_ Ho$bo ? lr. Zm°ÝJWmoå~_ {daoZ qgh ho Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m amOH$s`
1) 10 2) 9 3) 15 4) 12
njmMo gXñ` AmhoV ?
_________________________________________________ 1) ^maVr` OZVm nj 2) ^maVr` amîQ´>r` H$m±J«og
Q.14 F$fr namea `m§ Z m g_{n© V àmMrZ e¡ b rVrb _§ { Xa
3) ^maVr` H$å`w{ZñQ> nj> 4) Z°eZb nrnëg nmQ>u
Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m amÁ`mV Amho ? _________________________________________________
1) AéUmMb àXoe 2) {gŠH$s_ Q.22 Imbrb Mma Aja g_yhm§n¡H$s VrZ Aja g_yh ho EH$m
3) H$Zm©Q>H$ 4) {h_mMb àXoe {d{eîQ> nÜXVr_Ü`o gmaIo AmhoV Am{U EH$ doJim Amho.
Va doJim Agbobm g_yh {ZdS>m.
Q.15 EH$m Am`VmMr n[a{_Vr 82 cm Amho Am{U Ë`mMo joÌ\$i
400 cm2 Amho. Ë`m Am`VmÀ`m H$Um©da H$mT>boë`m Mm¡agmMo _________________________________________________
joÌ\$i (cm2 _Ü`o) {H$Vr Amho ? Q.23 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m emñÌkmbm O¡{dH$ {dkmZ joÌmVrb
1) 881 2) 850 3) 880 4) 841 `moJXmZm~Ôb o 2021 Mo {dkmZ Am{U V§ÌkmZmgmR>r em§Vr
Q.16 amÁ`g^oMo n{hbo g^mnVr H$moU hmoVo ? ñdén ^Q>ZmJa nm[aVmo{fH$ {_imbo ?
1) S>m°. Eg. amYmH¥$îUZ 2) Jmonmi ñdén nmR>H$ 1) S>m°. {~Zm°` Hw$_ma go{H$`m 2) S>m°. Xo~Xrn _wImonmÜ`m`
3) damh{Jar d|H$Q> {Jar 4) PmH$sa hþgoZ 3) S>m°. A{_V qgJ> 4) S>m°. A{Ze Kmof
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.17 EH$m X§S>JmobmH$ma Q>mH$sMo dH«$n¥îR>\$i 5.28 m2 Amho Am{U Q.24 P hm Q À`m WoQ> à_mUmV Am{U R À`m ì`ñV à_mUmV
Anand Pawar Academy
{VMr A§VJ©V Imobr 140 cm Amho. Ë`m Q>mH$sMr gmR>dU
j_Vm ({bQ>a_Ü`o) {H$Vr Agob ? = ¿`m
Amho. Q = 7.5 , R = 2.4 Agë`mg, P = 4.5 AgVo. Q =
3.2 Am{U R = 1.8 Agë`mg P Mo _yë` {H$Vr ?
7 1) 3.2 2) 1.5 3) 1.2 4) 1.6
1) 15 2) 30 3) 25 4) 20 _________________________________________________
Q.18 A + B åhUOo ‘A hm B Mm ^mD$ Amho’ Q.25 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m emñÌkmbm _bo[a`mMm naOrdr
A # B åhUOo ‘A hm B Mm _wbJm Amho’ gmnS>bm Am{U Á`mZo _mZdm§_Ü`o _bo[a`mÀ`m naOrdtÀ`m
A @ B åhUOo ‘A hm B Mm Zdam Amho’
g§H«$_Um_Ü`o E°Zm{\${bg S>mgm§Mr ^y{_H$m {gÜX Ho$br ?
A % B åhUOo ‘A hr B Mr ~hrU Amho’ 1) amoZmëS> am°g 2) OoZ JwS>m°b
Oa P + L # R @ E % T # M , Va T Mo P er 3) amoPqbS> \«±$H${bZ 4) bwB© nmüa
H$m` ZmVo Amho ? Q.26 EH$m dñVyMr qH$_V gbJ 8% Am{U 25% dmT>dbr OmVo
1) dS>rb 2) ^mD$
Am{U Z§Va Ë`m dñVyMr qH$_V gbJ 5% Am{U 20% KQ>dbr
3) AmB©Mm ^mD$ 4) d{S>bm§Mm ^mD$ OmVo. Ë`m dñVyÀ`m qH$_VrVrb {Zìdi ~XbmMr Q>ŠHo$dmar
Q.19 EH$m {d{eîQ> gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV, {H$Vr Amho ?
Oa ‘&’ åhUOo "~oarO', ‘#’ åhUOo "JwUmH$ma', ‘@’ åhUOo 1) 2.6% d¥ÜXr 2) 8% d¥ÜXr
"^mJmH$ma' Am{U ‘%’ åhUOo "dOm~mH$s'Agob,Va 3) 2.5% d¥ÜXr 4) 5% d¥ÜXr
24 @ 6 &11 % (45 % 19) & (76 @ 19) # (7 # 3) Mo
Q.27 EH$m KZ YmpËdH$ X§S>JmobmMr {ÌÁ`m 15 cm Amho Am{U
_yë` {H$Vr Amho ? Ë`mMo EHy$U n¥îR>\$i 770 cm2 Amho. Ë`mbm {dViÊ`mV
1) 73 2) 62 3) 81 4) 83
`oVo Am{U Ë`mnmgyZ 10 cm {ÌÁ`oÀ`m KZ X§S>Jmob ~Zdbm
Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26
2 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 3 4 1 1
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OmVmo. Aem àH$mao Zì`mZo V`ma Ho$boë`m X§S>JmobmMr C§Mr 1) Human Eye
{H$Vr Agob ? 2) Human Brain
3) Human digestion system
1) 25 cm 2) 24 cm 3) 18 cm 4) 20 cm
_________________________________________________ 4) Human Heart
Q.28 Á`mà_mUo Xþgam Aja g_yh n{hë`m Aja g_whmer Am{U Q.4 Which among the following drug is correctly
Mm¡Wm Aja g_yh {Vgè`m Aja g_yhmer g§~§{YV Amho. matched with their adverse drug reactions ?
Ë`mMà_mUo nmMì`m Aja g_yhmer g§~§{YV Agbobm n`m©` 1) Lamivudine - Hearing Loss
{ZdS>m. 2) Proton Pump Inhibitor - Hearing Loss
3) Meropenem - Acute Kidney Injury
4) Lamivudine - Acute Kidney Injury
MINUTE ? _________________________________________________
1) OJVUFN 2) PJOFUV Q.5 Which of the following is not correct regarding
3) OKNGUV 4) OJNFUV Storage of drugs at ward/unit level ?
_________________________________________________ 1) Oil and similar substances should be kept in a
Q.29 ""½bm`H$mo{b{gg'' à{H$`oVyZ Aën à_mUmV D$Om© {_iVo, hot and open area.
Or ________ À`m EH$H$mV _moObr OmVo. 2) The ward in-charge is legally authorized to
1) PTA 2) ACP 3) ATP 4) PAT possess controlled drugs for use in her/his ward/
_________________________________________________ unit.
Q.30 A hm B À`m WoQ> à_mUmV Am{U
C À`m ì`ñV à_mUmV 3) Label each container clearly and properly with
3 9 1 adequate instructions of storing.
~XbVmo. B = 8 , C = 5 Agë`mg A = Agob.
12 4) Poison should be kept entirely away from other
Ooìhm B = 5 Am{U C = 4 Agob, Voìhm A Mo _yë` {H$Vr drugs and clearly marked ‘POISON’.
Agob ?
Q.6 é½Umb`mVrb Am¡ fYVk (\$m_m© { gñQ>) Imbrbn¡ H$s
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Section - 4 - TECHNICAL
H$emgmR>r O~m~Xma ZgVmV ?
1) é½Umb`mVrb Am¡fYVk ho OPD _Yrb é½Um§da CnMma
H$aÊ`mgmR>r O~m~Xma ZgVmV.
Q.1 It is a system for ensuring that products are 2) é½Umb`mVrb Am¡fYVk ho Ë`m§À`m Am¡fYm§À`m gmR>çmgmR>r
consistently produced and controlled O~m~Xma AgVmV.
according to quality standards. Which is being 3) é½Umb`mVrb Am¡fYVk OPD _Yrb é½Um§da CnMma
discussed here ? H$aÊ`mgmR>r O~m~Xma AgVmV.
1) Good manufacturing producer (GMP)
4) é½Umb`mV dmnaë`m OmUmè`m gd© Am¡fYm§À`m nwadR>çmMo
2) Good making producer (GMP)
3) Good making practive (GMP) {ZarjU H$aUo.
4) Good manufacturing practice (GMP) Q.7 From which of the following year British Phar-
macopoeia (BP) was made official in India ?
Q.2 Sometimes referred to as augmented reactions
1) 1915 2) 1869 3) 1893 4) 1885
- which are ‘dose-dependent’ and predictable _________________________________________________
on the basis of the pharmacology of the drug. Q.8 Pharmacy Council of India, governed by the
Which type of reaction is being discussed provisions of the Pharmacy Act. In which year
here? was this act passed ?
1) Type A reactions 2) Type D reactions 1) 1945 2) 1947 3) 1948 4) 1950
3) Type C reactions 4) Type B reactions
_________________________________________________ Q.9 To help a person suffering from psychological
Q.3 is probably the most complex structure
disorder which of the following issues are not
in the known universe ? important ?
Q.27 Q28 Q29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8
2 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 1 3 4 3
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Q.13 ______ is a process that eliminates many or Am{U Vmo {M{H$Ëgb`rZ ì`dhmamV A{VaŠVXm~mda CnMma
all pathogenic microorganisms on inanimate H$aÊ`mgmR>r {dH${gV Ho$boë`m n{hë`m H$mhr H$maH$m§n¡H$s
Anand Pawar Academy
objects, with the exception of bacterial spores.
1) Disinfection describes
2) Sterilization
EH$ Amho.
1) à{Vny{VH$ (A±{Q>gopßQ>Šg)
3) Normal cleaning 2) ÁdaamoYHo$ (A±{Q>nm`ao{Q>Šg)
4) Washing clothes 3) O§VyZmeH$ (O{_©gmBS>)
Q.14 Which among the following is correct regard- 4) [ag{n©Z
ing Dental pharmacology ? _________________________________________________
1) It is a branch of medical science dealing with Q.20 Streptomycin, chloromycetin and tetracycline
the investigation and treatment of ear and oral in an example of which forms of drug ?
cavity. 1) Antiviral drug 2) Antibiotic drug
2) It is a branch of medical science dealing with 3) Viral drug 4) Biotic drug
the investigation and treatment of teeth and oral
Q.21 Their cost is lowest of all oral dosage forms.
The price for this dosage form is low when
3) It is a branch of medical science dealing with
compared to other dosage forms. Which
the investigation and treatment of only gums.
dosage form is being discussed here ?
4) It is a branch of medical science dealing with
1) Tablet 2) Injection 3) Syrup 4) Drop
the investigation and treatment of only teeth. _________________________________________________
Q.22 Q>°~boQ²>ggmR>r Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo ~amo~a Amho ?
Q.15 Most countries will only accept the import and
sale of drugs that are internationally recog- 1) `m Jmoù`m {d{dY ^m¡{VH$ n[apñWVr_Ü`o AË`§V ApñWa
nized as ? AgVmV.
1) GMP 2) GPM 3) PGM 4) MGP 2) Ë`m nmÊ`mÀ`m KmoQ>m~amo~a {JiUo gmono AgVo.
Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22
2 1 2 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 2
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3) `mo½` S>mog XoÊ`mgmR>r AdKS> AgVmV. Q.29 _yÌqnS>mMr Vrd« XþImnV hr Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m Am¡fYmMm
4) Vm|S>mdmQ>o KoÊ`mÀ`m gd© àH$maÀ`m S>mogn¡H$s `m§Mr qH$_V Xþîn[aUm_ Amho ?
gdm©{YH$ AgVo. 1) àmoQ>m°Z n§n BpÝh{~Q>a (Proton Pump Inhibitor)
2) {_amonrZ_ (Meropenenm)
Q.23 ewîH$ Am¡pîUH$ {ZOªVwH$sH$aUmZo, VrúU An{eîQ>mda
3) A°åbmo{S>nmBZ (Amlodipine)
(Waste sharps) {H$_mZ ______ Vmn_mZmbm 90 {_{ZQ>m§Mm
4) S>m`Šbmo{\$Z°H$ (Diclofenac)
H$mbmdYr Agboë`m àË`oH$ MH«$mV, {H$_mZ 150 {_{ZQ>m§À`m _________________________________________________
ao{gS>|g (residence) H$mbmdYrgmR>r à{H«$`m Ho$br OmD$ Q.30 In which year Food Safety and Standards Act,
eH$Vo. passed in India ?
1) 1350 C 2) 1600 C 3) 1850 C 4) 1700 C 1) 2003 2) 2006 3) 2008 4) 2004
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.24 It is a term globally used to denote the phar- Q.31 Liquid dosage forms are broadly classified into
macy setup where pharmacist comes directly how many groups ?
in contact with the patients. Which type of phar- 1) 3 2) 2 3) 4 4) 5
macy is being discussed here ?
Q.32 Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP) is published by
1) Clinical Pharmacy
Which of the following institution ?
2) Community Pharmacies
1) Ministry of health and family welfare.
3) Hospital pharmacy
2) Ministry of pharmaceuticals.
4) Individual Pharmacy
_________________________________________________ 3) Ministry of health and family education.
4) Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission.
Q.25 Imbrbn¡H$s H$m` é½Umb` MmbdÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ _________________________________________________
Agboë`m _yb^yV gm_mÝ` d¡ÚH$s` CnH$aUm§À`m `mXrV Q.33 The term ‘Cosmetic’ is defined in which section
_moS>V Zmhr ? of the drugs and cosmetics Act - 1940 ?
Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.31 Q.32 Q.33 Q.34 Q.35
3 2 4 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 4
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15
1 3 1 3 1 3 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 3 2
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12
1 2 4 2 3 2 4 3 4 3 1 4
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Q.13 Identify the option which completes the Q.4 Imbr {Xbobr Ajao H«$_m§{H$V Ho$bobr AmhoV. n`m©`m§_Yrb
sentence correctly. H«$_m§{H$V H«$_mZwgma Ajam§Mr _m§S>Ur Ho$ë`mg H$moUVm n`m©`
After they had dried, Anu ________ all the AW©nyU© eãXmMo à{V{Z{YËd H$aob ?
clothes neatly.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1) fold 2) have folded
3) folded 4) has fold E Y K O M R C
Q.14 Select the segment which has a spelling error 1) 5, 4, 3, 7, 1, 6, 2
in the given sentence. If there is no error, 2) 5, 4, 7, 3, 1, 6, 2
select ‘No error’.
3) 5, 4, 7, 3, 6, 6, 2
All the enggineering graduates were asked to
4) 5, 4, 7, 3, 2, 1, 6
assemble in one room for their placement _________________________________________________
Q.5 A@ B åhUOo ‘A ho B Mo dS>rb AmhoV.’
1) All the enggineering graduates
2) for their placement interviews A + B åhUOo ‘A hm B Mm _wbJm Amho.’
3) No error A & B åhUOo ‘A hm B Mm ^mD$ Amho.’
4) were asked to assemble in one room A % B åhUOo ‘A hr B Mr AmB© Amho.’
Q.15 Select the most appropriate meaning for the Oa U @ P % Q + T & M + R Agob, Va P Mo R er
given proverb. H$moUVo ZmVo Amho ?
A bad workman always blames his tools. 1) AmB© 2) ~hrU 3) gyZ 4) _wbJr
1) everyone needs good tools to do work well _________________________________________________
2) an ineficient person finds fault with the Q.6 _o 2023 _{hÝ`m_Ü`o, Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m IoimSy>Zo Xmohm
equipment S>m`_§S> brJ_Yrb ^mbm\o$H$ ñnY}V Aìdb ñWmZ nQ>H$mdbo?
Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9
3 1 2 2 4 3 2 3 3 4 8 3
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{dH$ë`mg {Vbm 25% Z\$m hmoVmo. Va Ë`m dñVyMr qH$_V Q.18 Q>mHo $mo\$o am°b ho Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m OrdZgÎdmMo Zmd Amho?
(< _Ü`o) {H$Vr Amho ? 1) D OrdZgÎd 2) A OrdZgÎd
1) < 260 2) < 240 3) < 250 5) < 270 3) C OrdZgÎd 4) E OrdZgÎd
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.11 p hm q à_mUo WoQ> ~XbVmo Am{U r à_mUo ì`ñV ~XbVmo. Q.19 Jwé KmgrXmg amîQ´>r` CÚmZ Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m ^maVr`
Ooìhm q = 12 Am{U r = 15 Agob, Voìhm p = 3 . Ooìhm amÁ`mV Amho ?
p = 5 Am{U r = 12 Agob, Voìhm q Mo _yë` {H$Vr 1) Amo{S>em 2) Am§Y« àXoe
3) N>ÎmrgJS> 4) amOñWmZ
Q.20 Oa Imbrb S>oQ>mMm _Ü`H$ 25 Amho, Va x Mo _yë` {H$Vr
1) 8 2) 9 3) 10 4) 7
_________________________________________________ Amho ?
Q.12 Imbrb {dVaUmMm _Ü` {H$Vr Amho ? dJ© 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
dJ© 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 65-75 dma§dmaVm 2 x 22 8 6
dma§dmaVm 5 9 11 13 12 1) 10 2) 11 3) 12 4) 13
1) 53.6 2) 54.2 3) 54.5 4) 52.8 Q.21 Imbrb g_rH$aU g§Vw{bV H$aÊ`mgmR>r H$moUË`m {MÝhm§Mr
1 3 AXbm~Xb H$amdr bmJob ?
Q.13 Oa a + b + v = 1404 , a : (b + c) = : Am{U
3 4 58 29 × 14 – 5 + 87 = 19
b : (c + a) = 5 : 7 Agob, Va a Am{U c `m§À`mXaå`mZ
1) × Am{U – 2) × Am{U
{H$Vr \$aH$ Amho ?
3) + Am{U –> 4) × Am{U ×
1) 49 2) 51 3) 45 4) 46 _________________________________________________
Q.14 amOm am_Xod AmZ§Xrbmb nmoXma (RRAP) H|$Ðr` Am`wd}X 1 5
Q.22 A Am{U B `m§Zr :
3 9
`m JwUmoËVamV Jw§VdUyH$ H$éZ
g§emoYZ g§ñWm ^maVmVrb Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m ehamV
Amho ?
Anand Pawar Academy
1) ~|Jiwé 2) H$moMrZ 3) O`nya 4) _w§~B©
EH$ ^mJrXmar Ho$br. 2 _{hÝ`mZ§Va, A Zo Ë`mMo ^m§S>db
80% Zo dmT>dbo Am{U B Zo `mMo ^m§S>db XmoZ n§M_m§eZo
H$_r Ho$bo. EH$m dfm©Z§Va, < 56.4 bmIm§À`m Zâ`mV A Mm
Q.15 Á`mà_mUo Xþgam Aja g_yh n{hë`m Aja g_yhmer Am{U {hñgm (< bmIm§_Ü`o) {H$Vr hmoVm ?
Mm¡Wm Aja g_yh {Vgè`m Ajag_yhmer g§~§{YV Amho. 1) < 24 2) < 34.8 3) < 36 4) < 32.4
Ë`mMà_mUo nmMì`m Aja g_yhmer g§~§{YV Agbobm n`m©` _________________________________________________
Q.23 ^maVr` amÁ`KQ>ZÀo `m H$moUË`m ^mJmV d¡Ym{ZH$ A{YH$mam§Mo
{dVaU Z_yX Amho ?
1) IECNR 2) CEINR 3) CEIRN 4) CIENR 1) ^mJ XI 2) ^mJ IX 3) ^mJ IIX 4) ^mJ X
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.16 Imbrb Aja-g_whm§À`m Mma OmoS`m§n¡H$s VrZ OmoS²>`m EH$m Q.24 Imbrb Aja-g_whm§À`m Mma OmoS²>`m§n¡H$s VrZ OmoS>² `m EH$m
{d{eîQ> nÜXVrZo g_mZ AmhoV Am{U EH$ OmoS>r doJir {d{eîQ> nÜXVrZo g_mZ AmhoV Am{U EH$ OmoS>r doJir
Amho. JQ>mV Z ~gUmam Aja-g_yh emoYm. Amho. JQ>mV Z ~gUmam Aja-g_yh emoYm.
3) NOSE : MNRD 4) ROCK : QNBI _________________________________________________
Q.25 gai én X²`m :
Q.17 amUr H$m dmd qH$dm "¹$sÝg ñQ>n
o dob' hr Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m
x = (0.58 0.53) × 0.45 Am{U
amÁ`mV Agboë`m nmQ>U ZmdmÀ`m EH$m N>moQ>çmem JmdmV
y = [(4.2)3 + (2.8)3] [(4.2)2 + (2.8)2] Agob, Va
Agbobr nm`è`m Agbobr AZmoIr {dhra Amho ?
(x + y) ho H$emÀ`m g__yë` Amho ?
1) amOñWmZ 2) JwOamV 3) h[a`mUm 4) _Ü` àXoe
_________________________________________________ 1) 10.3 2) 9.8 3) 8.8 4) 8.6
Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25
1 2 1 3 4 2 4 2 4 3 3 1 4 1 2 1
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Q.26 EH$m g_b§~ Mm¡H$moZmÀ`m g_m§Va ~mOy§Mr bm§~r 156 cm Q.3 Ooìhm EH$ M|Sy> WoQ> da qH$dm WoQ> Imbr \o$H$bm OmVmo,
Am{U 240 cm Amho Am{U Ë`m§À`mXaå`mZMo A§Va 28 cm Voìhm _______ hr {Z`§{ÌV Ho$br OmD$ eH$Umar EH$_od
Amho. Ë`mMo joÌ\$i ho EH$m dVw©imÀ`m joÌ\$imBVHo$ Amho. amer AgVo.
dVw©imMm narK (cm _Ü`o) {H$Vr Amho ? 1) ñWmZ 2) A§{V_ doJ
1) 132 2) 352 3) 176 4) 264 3) àma§{^H$ doJ 4) ËdaU
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.27 {Xboë`m eãXm§À`m B§JO
« r eãXH$moemà_mUo `mo½` H«$_ Agbobm Q.4 Za PwaimÀ`m CXamÀ`m Q>moH$mbm AmT>iyZ `oUmè`m d
n`m©` {ZdS>m. _¡WwZmXaå`mZ _mXrbm Yê$Z R>odÊ`mgmR>r dmnaë`m OmUmè`m
1) Mitigate AI§{S>V aMZoÀ`m `w½_mg H$m` åhQ>bo OmVo ?
2) Meeting 1) nwpÀN>H$m (ggu)
3) Metropolitan
2) nwÀN> H$mi (nm`JmoñQ>mBb)
4) Message
5) Mountain 3) A§S>{Zjonm§J (Amopìhnm°{PQ>a)
1) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5 2) 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 4) JwX eaH$ (A°Zb ñQ>m`br)
3) 4, 2, 3, 1, 5 4) 2, 4, 3, 5, 1
_________________________________________________ Q.5 “A person who is pure and clean” – `mMm AW©
Q.28 A_Z <120 Zm 16 Ho$ir {dH$V KoVmo Am{U <90 Zm 11 EH$mM eãX ñnîQ> H$am.
Ho$ir {dH$Vmo. <150 Mm Z\$m hmoÊ`mgmR>r Ë`mZo {H$Vr Ho$ir 1) Punter 2) Altruist
{dH$br nm{hOoV ? 3) Misogynist 4) Immaculate
1) 129 2) 210 3) 220 4) 240 Q.6 “Ignore all the unnecessary details and just
Q.29 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m dfu nm{H$ñVmZZo H$mí_ra àH$aU ho get to the point” gmR>rMm `mo½` dmŠàMma AmoiIm.
UN (g§`wŠV amîQ´>o) gwajm n[afXoH$S>o nmR>dbo ? 1) Blow hot and cold 2) Flash in the pan
Q.26 Q.27 Q28 Q29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9
4 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 4 4 2 1 2
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4) hmo_moñQ>°{Q>H$ Zmhr ?
_________________________________________________ 1) A{Vgma2) nQ>H$s 3) {df_Áda 4) ßboJ
Q.12 bmoH$boIm g{_Vr (PAC) À`m AÜ`jm§Mr {Z`wŠVr H$moU
H$aVo ? Q.20 g§JUH$m_Ü`o, ~oarO, dOm~mH$s, JwUmH$ma, ^mJmH$ma, B.
1) gdm}ƒ Ý`m`mb`mMo _w»` Ý`m`mYre
_yb^yV J{UVr` H$m`} _________ Ûmao Ho$br OmVmV.
1) A°Zm{b{Q>H$b a°eZb `w{ZQ>
2) ^maVmMo CnamîQ´>nVr
2) A°[aW_o{Q>H$ bm°{OH$b `w{ZQ>
3) bmoH$g^oMo g^mnVr
3) Am{Q>©{\${e`b bm°{OH$b `w{ZQ>
4) AW©_̧ r
_________________________________________________ 4) A°[aW_o{Q>H$ a°eZb `w{ZQ>
Q.13 Ý`yQ>ZMm JVrMm {Vgam {Z`_ H$m` Amho ?
Q.21 KmKam ZXrMr EHy$U bm§~r _________ Amho.
1) dñVy Ë`m§À`m JVrÀ`m pñWVrbm ñdV:àd{V©V H$aV ZmhrV.
1) 1050 km 2) 1030 km
2) EImÚm g§dV ¥ n¥îR>^mJmnmgyZ OmUmè`m {dX²`Vw joÌmMm {Zìdi 3) 1080 km 4) 1070 km
àdmh hm g_md¥V {dX²`wV à^mamÀ`m g_à_mUmV AgVmo.
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3) dñVyda H$m`©aV Agbobo {Zìdi ~b Am{U dñVyMo dñVw_mZ
- `m XmoZ Mbm§da Ë`m dñVyMo ËdaU Adb§~yZ AgVo.
Q.22 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm _Zwî`m§_Yrb EH$ Ag§H«$m_H$ {dH$ma
Amho ?
1) H$H©$amoJ 2) nrVÁda
4) Ooìhm XmoZ dñVy Ë`m§À`mda H$m`©aV Agboë`m ~bmer
3) ES²>g (AIDS) 4) erVÁda (BÝâbwE§Pm)
nañna{H«$`m H$aVmV. Voìhm {H«$`m-à{V{H«$`oÀ`m OmoS>çm _________________________________________________
V`ma hmoVmV. Q.23 H$sQ>H$m§À`m _Ü` Am{U nü Am§ÌmÀ`m g§YrOdi CËnÝZ
hmoUmè`m nmVi, ~§X Q>moH$m§À`m gyú_Z{bH$m, Á`m àm_w»`mZo
Q.14 _______ ho EH$ Ago gwdmø _o_ar {S>ìhmB©g Amho. Á`m_Ü`o
jma, Ob Am{U Zm`Q´>moOZ`wŠV An{eîQ>mMo CËgO©Z
S>oQ>m Zm|X{dÊ`mgmR>r Mw~§ H$s` joÌm§EodOr gm°{bS> ñQ>Qo > _o_atMm
H$aVmV, Ë`m§Zm _________ Ago åhUVmV.
Cn`moJ Ho$bm OmVmo.
1) _mpënKr gyú_Z{bH$m ( _mpën{K`Z Q>çwãnyëg)
1) DVD S´>mB©ìh 2) ãby ao {S>ñH$
2) d¥ŠH$H$ noer (Zo\«$mogmBQ²>g)
3) CD S´>mB©ìh 4) noZ S´>mB©ìh
_________________________________________________ 3) AÜ`mdaU (B§{Q>½`w_|Q>)
Q.15 öX-\w$ß\w$g nwZüoVZ (cardio-pulmonary resusci- 4) _ÚdUu noer (BZmogmBQ²>g)
tation) H$aV AgVmZm, N>mVrda {H$Vr do i m Xm~
{Xë`mZ§Va Vm|S>mdmQ>o ~MmdmË_H$ ídmg {Xbm Jobm nm{hOo. Q.24 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo àW_monMmamMo C{ÔîQ> Zmhr ?
1) 15 2) 32 3) 30 4) 25 1) g^modVmbMo gm¢X`© OnUo
2) pñWVr AmUIr {~KS>Ê`mnmgyZ amoIUo
Q.16 “Inconscpicuous” À`m {déÜXmWu eãX H$m` Amho ?
3) ~ao hmoÊ`mg MmbZm XoUo
1) Fictitious 2) Prominent
3) Obscure 4) Impractical 4) Ord dmM{dUo
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24
3 3 3 4 4 3 2 2 4 4 2 3 1 1 1
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Q.25 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m loUrVrb H$m°åß`wQ>a ho Vmn_mZ, Xm~, Q.31 àmoQ>m°ZMr g_mZ g§»`m Agboë`m na§Vw Ý`yQ´>m°ZMr {^ÝZ
doJ, ìhmoëQ>oO BË`mXtgma»`m S>oQ>mda H$m`© H$aVmV ? g§»`m Agboë`m, EH$mM _ybÐì`mÀ`m AUyZ§ m _________ åhUyZ
1) A±{Q>JmoZ H$m°åß`wQ>a 2) A°Zmbm°J H$m°åß`wQ>a AmoiIbo OmVo.
3) {S>{OQ>b H$m°åß`wQ>a 4) hm`{~«S> H$m°åß`wQ>a 1) g_ñWm{ZH$ (Am`gmoQ>mon)
2) agm`Znmofr (Ho$_moQ>´ m°\$)
Q.26 àOmVr` Zm_ Am{U Om{V JwUZm_ (specific epithet)
3) Anê$n (A°bmoQ´>mon)
`m XmoZ KQ>H$m§gh Ordm§Mo Zm_H$aU H$aÊ`mÀ`m àUmbrg
4) ñd`§nmofr (Am°Q>moQ´>m°\$)
H$m` åhQ>bo OmVo ? _________________________________________________
1) ~m`Zm°{_`b Zm°_oZŠboMa (Binomial Nomenclature) Q.32 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m àOmVrÀ`m S>mgm§_i
w o {hdVmn (_bo[a`m)
2) Q‰>oZ Zm°_oZŠboMa (Twain Nomenclature) hmoVmo ?
3) Q>Z}Q> Zm°_oZŠboMa (Ternate Nomenclature) 1) ½bm°{gZm 2) Š`wboŠg
4) ¹$mQ>Z}Q> Zm°_oZŠboMa (Quaternate Nomenclature) 3) A°Zm{\$brg 4) E{S>g
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.27 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m dU©H$m_wio ËdMobm {VMm ~amMgm a§J Q.33 àW_monMma H$aVmZm, H$m`©dmhrÀ`m H$moUË`m AMyH$ H«$_mMo
{_iVmo ? nmbZ Ho$bo nm{hOo ?
1) âboìhmoZm°BS> 2) H°$amo{Q>Zm°BS> a) AnKmVJ«ñVmMm ídgZ_mJ© _moH$im Agë`mMr ImÌr
3) _ob°{ZZ 4) A±Wmogm`{ZZ H$aUo
_________________________________________________ b) Ë`m§Mo ídgZ gm_mÝ`nUo gwé Amho H$m ho VnmgUo
Q.28 AmOmar qH$dm OI_r ì`ŠVtZm hmVmiVmZm Imbrbn¡H$s
c) aŠVñÌmd Agë`mg Ë`mda CnMma H$aUo
H$emg gm_mÝ` ñdÀN>Vm Q>rn åhUyZ _mZbo OmV Zmhr ? d) hmS>o _moS>br AmhoV H$m ho VnmgUo
1) aŠV qH$dm _yÌ dm CbQ>r `m§gmaIr emar[aH$ Ðì`o Agë`mg 1) a, b, c, d 2) c, d, a, b
H$moUË`mhr hmV_moOm§Mm dmna Z H$aUo 3) d, b, c, a 4) b, c, d, a
Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.31 Q.32 Q.33 Q.34 Q.35
2 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14
3 2 2 2 4 2 1 3 2 3 1 4 3 2
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Q.15 Imbr H$mhr dmŠàMma d Ë`m§Mo AW© {Xbobo AmhoV Ë`m§Vrb 3) “Mr. Thomas, please come here,” said the police
A`mo½` n`m©` emoYm.
4) Mr. Thomas please here said the police officer.
1) nmUCVmam H$aUo - An_mZ H$aUo _________________________________________________
2) Q>monr CS>dUo - Q>dmir H$aUo Q.6 Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given phrase.
3) nXa ngaUo - `mMZm H$aUo
Causing great and oppressive fear
4) S>moio {XnUo - ZmamO hmoUo 1) Dreadful 2) Humungous
3) Equanimous 4) Sepulchral
Section - 2 - ENGLISH _________________________________________________
Q.7 Select the option that can be used as a one-
Q.1 Select the correct synonym of the word in
word substitute for the given phrase.
brackets to fill in the blank.
To dispense or apply a remedy
The scene that greeted the coroner was the
most ______ (macabre) one he had seen in his 1) Control 2) Solve
professional life. 3) Administer 4) Create
1) meaningful 2) grisly
Q.8 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in
3) clownish 4) scintillating jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the
correct order to form a meaningful and cohe-
Q.2 Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the
rent paragraph.
given sentence.
A) The human memory is a much more
The colonel seemed nonplushed with the banal
efficient system.
diatribe of his companions.
B) However, not everyone has working internet
1) diatribe 2) colonel
all the time, for example, in certain
3) banal 4) nonplushed
_________________________________________________ buildings or remote locations, so we do
Anand Pawar Academy
Select the correct ANTONYM of the word in
brackets to fill in the blank.
_______ (All) of my pets have been adopted from
need to be able to remember information.
C) It is true that these days everything you
want to know is a few clicks away as long
shelters. as you have internet access.
1) Something 2) None D) Moreover, it takes time to look up everything
3) Microcosm 4) Entire you need to know online, whereas remem-
_________________________________________________ bering something is immediate.
Q.4 The following sentence has been split into four 1) CBDA 2) ACBD 3) CDAB 4) BADC
segments. Idnetify the segment that contains _________________________________________________
a grammatical error. Q.9 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Although I would go / to Bangalore the day given word.
after, / I have not booked / a taxi yet. Interpret
1) Although I would go 1) Support 2) Construe
2) a taxi yet 3) Settle 4) Manage
3) I have not booked
Q.10 Select the option that narrates the sentence
4) to Bangalore the day after
_________________________________________________ in past perfect tense.
Q.5 Choose the correctly punctuated sentence from 1) Mother was been away for a fornight before I
the options below. receive her telegram.
1) “Mr. Thomas please come here, said the police 2) Mother has been away for a fornight before I
officer.” received her telegram.
2) Mr. Thomas, “please come here” said the police 3) Mother is being away for a fornight before I
officer. received her telegram.
Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10
4 2 4 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 4
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4) Mother had been away for a fornight before I Section - 3 - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE
received her telegram. REASONING and APTITUDE
Q.11 Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the Q.1 What day of the week was June 20, 1998 ?
given sentence. 1) Sunday 2) Wednesday
Some of the glaze from the glass prishm 3) Monday 4) Saturday
caught the sunlight and turned the walls into _________________________________________________
a translucent yet colourful sky. Q.2 Oa A åhUOo "`mV OmoS>m', B åhUOo "Zo JwUmH$ma H$am',
1) glaze 2) prishm C åhUOo "_YyZ dOm H$am' Am{U D åhUOo "Zo ^mJmH$ma
3) translucent 4) colourful
_________________________________________________ H$am' Agob, Va 26 D 2 A 3 B 6 C 8 = ? ho
Q.12 Select the correct ANTONYM of the word in H$m` `oB©b ?
brackets to fill in the blank. 1) 23 2) 29 3) 25 4) 27
SPURIOUS _________________________________________________
The policeman listened to all the members with Q.3 In a certain code language, “RACE” is written
visible ________ (hostility). as “18135” and “PACE” is written as “16135”.
1) kindness 2) amazement How is “BASE” written in that code language?
3) disbelief 4) fear 1) 21195 2) 11295 3) 92511 4) 51129
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.13 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in Q.4 n{hë`m 6, VrZ A§H$s {df_ g§»`m§Mm _Ü`H$ H$m` Amho ?
jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the
1) 104 2) 106 3) 103.5 4) 102.5
correct order to form a meaningful and cohe- _________________________________________________
rent paragraph. Q.5 {[(324 + 526) 17] × 420 + 12} Mo _yë` {H$Vr Amho ?
A) If we did not remember anything, we would 1) 21,012 2) 21,600 3) 26,100 4) 20,002
all spend even more time on our phones _________________________________________________
Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8
2 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 2
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Q.12 70
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3) 15sqcms 4) 24sqcms
{dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m dJm©V, A{_VMm H«$_m§H$ hm {H$aUÀ`m
amÁ`KQ>Zo_Ü`o _yb^yV H$V©ì`m§Mm A§V^m©d Ho$bm Jobm.
1) 44 ì`m 2) 47 ì`m 3) 38 ì`m
4) 42 ì`m
H«$_m§H$mÀ`m 6 H«$_m§H$ da Amho. {H$aU eodQy>Z 13 ì`m Q.19 H$ñHw$Q>m (A_adob) hr dZñnVr _____ Mo EH$ CXmhaU
Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22
4 3 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 1 4 4 1
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Q.23 24 OmZodmar 1950 amoOr g§{dYmZ g^oMo {H$Vr gXñ` the original number of parrots and pigeons he
àË`jmV CnpñWV hmoVo Am{U amÁ`KQ>Zobm A§{V_V: _§Oya had ?
1) 35, 25 2) 32, 28 3) 40, 20 4) 30, 30
H$aÊ`mgmR>r Ë`m§Zr Ë`mV Amnbr ñdmjar OmoS>br ? _________________________________________________
1) 300 2) 250 3) 284 4) 299 Q.30 _Ü`H$ 79.5 Am{U ~hþbH$ 76.5 Agboë`m AmH$S>odmarMm
Q.24 B_maVrMm n{hbm _Obm 5 m C§M Agë`mg Am{U {VMm _Ü` H$m` Agob ?
1) 78.5 2) 80 3) 81 4) 82.5
CÝ_mJ© 20 cm Agë`mg, EHy$U {H$Vr nm`ga (Q´>oS²>g)
Amdí`H$ AgVrb ? Section - 4 - TECHNICAL
1) 25 2) 24 3) 23 4) 27
_________________________________________________ Q.1 Which of the following parameters should be
Q.25 EH$ Q´>oZ 50 m/sec doJmZo àdmg H$aVo. EH$ {d_mZ 720 checked before administering digoxin ?
km/hr doJmZo àdmg H$aVo. Q´>oZÀ`m doJmMo {d_mZmÀ`m doJmer 1) Apical pulse 2) Blood pressure
hmoUmao JwUmoÎma {H$Vr Amho ? 3) Radial pulse 4) Respirations
1) 1 : 4 2) 5 : 12 3) 5 : 72 4) 4 : 1
_________________________________________________ Q.2 Physiological anemia in pregnancy is due to
Q.26 Imbr H$mhr {dYmZo Am{U Ë`mZ§Va {ZîH$f© {Xbo AmhoV.
1) Decreased dietary intake
Oar {dYmZo gm_mÝ`V: kmV VÏ`m§nojm {^ÝZ AgVrb, 2) Hemodilution due to increased plasma
Varhr Vwåhmbm Vr gË` _mZmdr bmJVrb. {Xbo ë`m 3) Decreased RBC production
{ZîH$fmªn¡H$s H$moUVo {ZîH$f© ho {Xboë`m {dYmZm§er VH©$g§JV 4) Reduced iron absorption
AmhoV ho Vwåhmbm R>adm`Mo Amho.
Q.3 How many chromosomes does a zygote
{dYmZo : gd© ~°Q²>g ~m°ëg AmhoV. contain ?
gd© ~m°ëg ñQ>åßg AmhoV. 1) 23 2) 92 3) 46 4) 20
Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q28 Q29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5
3 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 1
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Q.6 A postpartum patient complains of sore nipple, 3) Avoid touching the neonate with cold hands
cramping, fatigue, and lack of ability to satisfy 4) Monitor urinary output of the neonate
her baby which is crying. Based on the above _________________________________________________
data, which of the following would be an Q.13 Which of the following is an internal variable
appropriate nursing diagnosis ? affecting health status ?
1) Anxiety related to new role of parenting 1) Cultural factors
2) Knowledge deficit 2) Socio-economic status
3) Alteration in comfort 3) Social support system
4) Ineffective parenting 4) Genetic factors
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.7 Which area does not have lymph nodes ? Q.14 When a client receives vaccination, the nurse
1) Neck 2) Spinal cord understands that ________ is developed.
3) Lungs 4) Stomach 1) Natural active immunity
_________________________________________________ 2) Acquired active immunity
Q.8 A nurse screens individuals in a village for 3) Natural passive immunity
certain diseases, refers symptomatic indivi- 4) Auto immunity
duals for immediate treatment to prevent _________________________________________________
complications and shorten the period of disa- Q.15 What is the treatment for a casualty having an
bility. The above activity fails under which asthmatic attack ?
level of prevention ? 1) Give plenty of water to drink
1) Tertiary 2) Quaternary 2) Lay the casualty down and raise their legs
3) Secondary 4) Primary 3) Sit quietly, leaning forward on a support
4) Advise the casualty to lay down in prone position
Q.9 Which of the following is a multimodal analge- _________________________________________________
sia for managing cancer pain of a patient ? Q.16 Development is in proximo-distal direction.
Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18
3 2 3 1 2 3 2 4 2 3 2 2 1
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Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.31 Q.32
4 3 1 4 3 2 3 1 1 4 1 3 3 1
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15
3 2 1 3 2 3 4 1 3 3 2 2 1 3 3
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1) “I promise to, make this City a safe place for 3) someone who is foolish spends his money
women.” carelessly
2) “I promise to make this city a safe place for 4) someone who is wise can give advice for
women.” spending money carefully.
3) “I promise, to make this city a Safe Place for
Q.7 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
4) “I promise to make, this city a safe place for
_________________________________________________ 1) Security 2) Terror
Q.2 Select the most appropriate option that can 3) Safety 4) Refuge
substitute the underlined idiom in the given
sentence. Q.8 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Arjun’s mother advised him to keep his given word.
naughty friend at arm’s length. Latest
1) prepared to give directions 1) Outdated 2) Obsolete
2) away from close contact 3) Modern 4) Archaic
3) next to him all the time
Q.9 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
4) ready to do stretching exercises given word.
Q.3 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Wilt
word given in brackets to fill in the blank. 1) Droop 2) Fade 3) Flourish 4) Wither
The stairs were so _______ (steady) that the
Q.10 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
carpenter had to be called to fix them.
given word.
1) shaky 2) firm 3) even 4) solid
_________________________________________________ Continue
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Select the most appropriate option to fill in
the blank.
You ________ your results by the fifteenth of next
1) Stay 2) Remain 3) Start 4) End
Q.11 Parts of a sentence are given below in jumbled
order. Arrange the parts in the correct order to
form a meaningful sentence.
1) are get 2) will be get
A) in the English language
3) are gets 4) will get
_________________________________________________ B) to India, works started
Q.5 Select the sentence with the correct punctua- C) with the coming of the British
tion and capitalisation. D) to be written
1) He takes up civil, Works for buildings. 1) DCAB 2) CDAB 3) CBDA 4) BDCA
2) He takes up civil work’s for buildings.
Q.12 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
3) He takes up civil works for buildings.
word given in brackets to fill in the blank.
4) He takes up civil works’for buildings.
_________________________________________________ The boy made ________ (unpleasant) gestures
Q.6 Select the most appropriate option that can towards the new classmate.
substitute the underlined proverb in the given 1) hostile 2) friendly 3) cold 4) nasty
Q.13 Select the sentence with the correct punctua-
Rohit squandered away all the prize money
tion and capitalisation.
proving that a fool and his money are soon
1) Shruti stitches ladies’ clothe’s.
2) Shruti stitches’ ladies’ Clothes.
1) someone who has a foolish friend will spend his
3) Shruti stitche’s Ladies clothes.
money carelessly.
4) Shruti stitches ladies’ clothes.
2) someone who is wise can be cheated easily _________________________________________________
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13
2 2 1 4 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 2 4
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Q.14 Select the most appropriate option to fill in ~mH$m§da H$moUrhr ~gbobo Zgob. _wbm§Mr g§»`m Am{U ~mH$m§Mr
the blank. g§»`m `m§Mr ~oarO {H$Vr Amho ?
Ranjit _________ this window last night. 1) 83 2) 86 3) 85 4) 84
1) has close 2) close _________________________________________________
3) closed 4) closes Q.5 16 {S>g|~a 1971 amoOr ^maVmgmo~V AmË_g_n©U H$amamda
_________________________________________________ ñdmjar H$aUmam nm{H$ñVmZMm bîH$ar H$_m§S>a H$moU hmoVm?
Q.15 Parts of a sentence are given below in jumbled
2) [aPdmZ A\$Ob 2) EEHo$ {Z`mPr
order. Arrange the parts in the correct order
to form a meaningful sentence. 3) em{hX BpåV`mO 4) _whå_X _wZra A\$ga
A) Since the nineteenth century, Kolkata Q.6 A Am{U B EH$ {d{eîQ> H$m_ AZwH«$_o 20 {Xdgm§V A{U 24
B) has been considered
{Xdgm§V yU© H$ê$ eH$VmV. Ë`m XmoKm§Zr 4 {Xdg EH$Ì H$m_
C) the home of football 1
D) in India Ho$bo, C Zo EH$Q²>`mZo Vo Cabobo H$m_ 9 {Xdgm§V nyU©
1) ACBD 2) ABCD 3) ADCB 4) ACDB Ho$bo. A Am{U C EH$Ì {_iyZ Ë`m _yi H$m_mMm 70% ^mJ
{H$Vr {Xdgm§V nyU© H$é eH$Vrb ?
REASONING and APTITUDE 1) 6 {Xdg 2) 8 {Xdg 3) 9 {Xdg 4) 5 {Xdg
Q.1 EH$m ì`mnmè`mZo EH$m dm°qeJ _{eZbm 15% Zâ`mZo <27600 Q.7 Imbrb AmH$S>odmarMm _Ü`H$ H$m` Amho ?
bm {dH$bo Am{U EH$m AmoìhZbm 8% VmoQ²>`mZo < 18768 dJ© 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
bm {dH$bo. `m g§nyU© ì`dhmamV Ë`mbm {H$Vr Z\$m/VmoQ>m dma§dmaVm 18 22 20 15 25
Pmbm ? 1) 36.5 2) 35 3) 32.5 4) 33
1) < 1896 Z\$m 2) < 1968 VmoQ>m
Q.8 Imbrb Mma Aja - g_yyhm§n¡H$s VrZ EH$m {d{eîQ> nÜXVrZo
Q.2 A = B
Anand Pawar Academy
3) < 1968 VmoQ>m 4) < 1898 VmoQ>m
åhUOo ‘A hr B Mr ~hrU Amho’.
g_mZ AmhoV Am{U EH$ doJim Amho. JQ>mV Z ~gUmam
Aja - g_yh emoYm.
A @ B åhUOo ‘A hr B Mr _wbJr Amho’. _________________________________________________
A & B åhUOo ‘A hr B Mo dS>rb Amho’. Q.9 _o 2023 Zwgma, _hmamîQ´> amÁ` _{hbm Am`moJmÀ`m AÜ`jm
A % B åhUOo ‘A hr B Mr AmB© Amho’. H$moU AmhoV ?
Oa C % R & G = T @ L % V, Va R Mo V gmo~V 1) CËH$fm© éndVo 2) {X{nH$m MìhmU
Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12
3 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 1 4 4
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Q.13 {Xboë`m eãXm§Mm B§J«Or eãXH$moemZwgma `mo½` H«$_ Xe©dUmam Q.19 Z_ZMo CËnÝZ ho déUÀ`m CËnÝZmnojm 180% OmñV Amho.
n`m©` {ZdS>m. Oa Z_ZMo CËVÝZ 40% H$_r Pmbo Am{U déUMo CËVÝZ
1) Router 80% dmT>bo, Va Z_ZMo CËnÝZ ho dê$UÀ`m CËnÝZmnojm
2) Routine {H$Vr Q>ŠHo$ H$_r Agob ? (EH$m Xem§em§n`ªV nyUmª{H$V
3) Rudeness H$am)
4) Ruthless 1) 6.3% 2) 6.7% 3) 7.1% 4) 5.8%
5) Rosy
Q.20 g§»`m Am{U Ajam§À`m Imbrb _m{bHo$Mm g§X^© ¿`m Am{U
1) 5, 1, 2, 3 , 4 2) 2, 1, 5, 3 , 4
3) 5, 1, 2, 4 , 3 4) 5, 2, 1, 3 , 4 àíZmMo CËVa X²`m.
_________________________________________________ (S>mdo) B E 4 2
A 5 K S A 4 H Y 7 U 4 T
Q.14 Imbrb _m{bHo$Vrb àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr H$moUVr g§»`m R E 6 A V B A 3 D 2 8 A 5 M N A B 4
`oB©b ? 5 L U 8 G 6 3 S E B 5 U 9 P 9 7 A H
5, 6, 12, 15, 60, ? (COdo)
1) 180 2) 75 3) 65 4) 300 darb _m{bHo$V Aem {H$Vr g§»`m AmhoV, Á`m§À`m Vm~S>Vmo~
1 3 Z§Va EH$ ì`§OZ Am{U Vm~S>Vmo~ AmYr EH$ ñda `oVmo ?
Q.15 A Am{U B Zo , `m à_mUmV ^m§S>dby Jw§VdyZ ì`dgm` (Ho$di S>mdrH$Sy>Z COdrH$S>o _moOUr {dMmamV ¿`m)
3 4
gwé Ho$bm. 3 _{hÝ`mZ§Va, A Zo Ë`mMo ^m§S>db EH$ MVwWmªemZo 1) 7 2) 6 3) 5 4) 8
5 _________________________________________________
dmT>dbo Am{U B Zo Ë`mMo ^m§S>db 55 9 H$_r Ho$bo, EH$m Q.21 H$sQ>H$, H$moir, qdMy Am{U Jmo_ Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m
dfm©À`m eodQ>r Pmboë`m < 52 bmIm§À`m Zâ`mVrb B Mm àg¥îQ>rV _moS>VmV ?
dmQ>m (< bmIm§_Ü`o) {H$Vr Amho ? 1) ho{_H$m°S>|Q>m 2) H$Q>H$d_u
1) < 26.6 2) < 26 3) < 24.7
4) < 27.3 3) eybàmUr 4) AmYm}nmoS>m
Q.16 Anand Pawar Academy
XbmB© bm_m `m§Mo A{YH¥$V {ZdmgñWmZ Agbobo ËgwH$bmI§J
_§{Xa n[aga ^maVmVrb Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m amÁ`mV
Q.22 2022 _Ü`o, _hmamîQ´> gaH$maZo Cƒ {ejU KoV Agboë`m
Aëng§»`mH$ g_mOmVrb {dÚmÏ`mªMr {eî`d¥Îmr XþßnQ> H$éZ
Amho? ________ Ho$br.
Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25
1 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 3
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Q.26 Imbrb g_rH$aUmV àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr A§XmOo H$moUVo 1) {edU _mnH$ 2) _moOÊ`mMr Q>on
_yë` Ambo nm{hOo ? 3) {edU {gna 4) gwB©
27.987 – 15.95 × 3.98 + 64.99 + 71.98 5.98 = ?
Q.4 V`ma H$nS²>`m§_Ü`o nyU©Vm AmUÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVo V§ÌkmZ
1) 41 2) 47 3) 31 4) 53
_________________________________________________ dmnaVmV ?
Q.27 bmoH$Q>H$ gamoda B©emÝ` ^maVmÀ`m Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m 1) Xþ_S>Uo 2) Jmoim H$aUo
amÁ`mV Amho ? 3) MwÊ`m KmbUo 4) S>mQ>© Q>mH$Uo
1) _oKmb` 2) {gŠH$s_ _________________________________________________
Q.5 {edUmMr bm§~r H$emZo R>mH$R>rH$ Ho$br OmVo ?
3) AéUmMb àXoe 4) _{Unya
_________________________________________________ 1) ~m°~rZ qdS>a 2) ZrS>b ~ma
Q.28 L hm M À`m WoQ>à_mUmV Am{U N À`m ì`ñV à_mUmV 3) pñQ>M ao½`wboQ>a 4) àoea ~ma
3 3 5 _________________________________________________
Amho. Ooìhm M = , N = AgVo, Voìhm L =
4 2 4 Q.6 W«oS> Q>|eZ ao½`wboQ>aMo H$m_ H$m` AgVo ?
4 2 1) Ym½`mMm Xm~ {Z`§{ÌV H$aUo
AgVo. Ooìhm M = 5 Am{U N = 3 Agob Voìhm L Mo
2) SPI {Z`§{ÌV H$aUo
_yë` {H$Vr Agob ?
1) 8 2) 6 3) 3 4) 4
3) {edÊ`mV _XV H$aUo
_________________________________________________ 4) Eå~«m°`S>ar H$aUo
Q.29 Imbrb Aja_m{bHo $Vrb [aH$må`m OmJr S>mdrH$Sy > Z _________________________________________________
COdrH$S>o R>odë`mg {Vbm nyU© H$aUmar Ajao Xe©dUmam Q.7 H$mnS> H$U©aofoV H$mnbo, Va Ë`mbm H$m` åhUVmV ?
n`m©` {ZdS>m. 1) AmS>do 2) ~m`g 3) goëdoO 4) C^o
G_ T U_ Q _ A _ US _ G A _ _ S Q
Q.8 _b_bMr dñÌo ~ZdVmZm, dñÌ V`ma hmoÊ`mÀ`m eodQ>À`m
1) A S G T Q T U 2) A S G T Q T A
Q>ßß`mVrb Ë`mÀ`m àménmMo Zmd H$m` AgVo ?
Anand Pawar Academy
3) A S G U Q T U 4) A G Q T Q T U
Q.30 56 m, 105 m Am{U 119 m `m EH$m {ÌH$moUr CX²`mZmÀ`m
~mOy AmhoV. Ë`mMo joÌ\$i ho EH$m Am`VmH¥$Vr ^yI§S>mÀ`m Q.9
1) Z_wZm 2) S´>og 3) Q>oñQ> {\$Q> 4) Q>oånboQ>
H$moU MmnmÀ`m (Šb°ån) _XVrZo gwB©bm EH$m Q>moH$mbm YéZ
joÌ\$imEdT>o Amho. Á`mÀ`m ~mOy 5 : 3 À`m à_mUmV AmhoV. R>odVo ?
Ë`m ^yI§S>mMr n[a{_Vr (m _Ü`o) {H$Vr Amho ? 1) W§~ ñH«y$ 2) ~m°{~Z dmB§S>a
1) 208 2) 224 3) 256 4) 240 3) \o$g ßboQ> 4) ZrS>b ~ma
Q.10 {e\$m°Z H$mnS> H$moUË`m loUrVrb Amho ?
Section - 4 - TECHNICAL
1) OS> dOZmMo 2) _Ü`_ OS> dOZmMo
Q.1 `§Ì {Z`{_V dmnamV Agob, Va Ë`mV Vob {H$Vr doim 3) hbŠ`m dOZmMo 4) _Ü`_ dOZmMo
Q>mH$mdo ? _________________________________________________
Q.11 pñQ>M Šbmg 200 Mo Zmd H$m` Amho ?
1) 25 {Xdgm§Zr 2) XmoZ _{hÝ`m§Zr
3) EH$ _{hÝ`mZo 4) AmR>dS²>`mZo
1) bm°H$ pñQ>M 2) Amoìha EO pñQ>M
_________________________________________________ 3) h±S> pñQ>M 4) M¡Z pñQ>M
Q.2 H$mnS>çmÀ`m H$ÀÀ`m H$S>m nyU© H$aÊ`mgmR>r qH$dm gOmdQ>rÀ`m _________________________________________________
Q.12 ({edU`§Ìmda) H$nS²>`mMr hmbMmb H$emÀ`m _XVrZo hmoVo?
H$S>m V`ma H$aÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVr H$mVaUo Cn`wŠV AgVo ?
1) ~Q>Zhmob {gPg© 2) Eå~«m°`S>ar {gPg©
1) \o$g ßboQ> 2) \$sS> S>m°J
3) ~oÝQ>-h±S>ëS> {eAg© 4) qnqH$J {eAg©
3) àoea \y$Q> 4) Q>|eZ {S>ñH$
Q.13 {edU`§ÌmMm emoY H$er bmJbm ?
Q.3 {edUH$m_ H$aVmZm bhmZ ^mJ _moOÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVo 1) 1790 2) 1810 3) 1780 4) 1840
hmVgmYZ dmnabo OmVo ? _________________________________________________
Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13
1 4 3 1 2 4 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 3 3 2 1
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Q.14 n°Q>Z© {S>PmBZ_Yrb HSP Mo nyU© én H$m` Amho ? Q.22 ImbÀ`m Ym½`mMm nwadR>m YmaU H$aUmè`m YmVwÀ`m bhmZ
1) High Sewing Point (hm` gwB§J nm°B§Q>) [aimbm H$m` åhUVmV ?
2) High Shoulder Point (hm` emoëS>a nm°B§Q>) 1) ~m°{~Z 2) Q>|eZ ao½`wboQ>a
3) High Shirt Point (hm` eQ>© nm°B§Q>) 3) \$sS> bm°J 4) h±S> {bâQ>a
4) Horizontal Shoulder Point (hm°[aP§Q>b emoëS>a nm°B§Q>)
_________________________________________________ Q.23 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo àmUr{Z{_©V \$m`~a Amho ?
Q.15 H$moUVo gmYZ Amnë`m ~moQ>m§À`m Q>moH$mMo ajU H$aVo ? 1) {dñH$moO 2) bmoH$a 3) VmJ 4) Zm`bm°Z
1) qW~b 2) goâQ>r {nZ Q.24 {edUH$m_ gwé H$aÊ`mnydu _erZMm H$moUVm ^mJ ImbÀ`m
3) amoQ>ar H$Q>a 4) pñd¨J Jm°O {Xeobm H$amdm bmJVmo ?
1) Q>oH$ An boìha 2) gwB©
Q.16 V`ma H$nS²>`m§darb {edUtÀ`m g§km§Vrb, SPI Mo nyU© én
3) MmH$ 4) àoea \y$Q>
H$m` Amho ? _________________________________________________
1) Serial Peripheral Interface Q.25 _moOÊ`mÀ`m Q>onMr bm§~r Am{U é§Xr {H$Vr AgVo ?
(gr[a`b no[a\o$ab B§Q>a\o$g) 1) 1 inch é§X, 60 inches
2) Standard Programmatic Interface
2) 12 Vo 1
4 é§X, 60 inches
(ñQ>±S>S>© àmoJ«m_°{Q>H$ B§Q>a\o$g)
3) Stitch Per Inch (pñQ>M na B§M) 3) 12 Vo 1 é§X, 80 inches
4) Spots Per Inch (ñnm°Q²>g na B§M)
4) 3 4 Vo 1 é§X, 70 inches
Q.17 earamMo _moO_mn Am{U dñÌmMo _moO_mn `m§À`mVrb \$aH$mbm _________________________________________________
H$m` åhUVmV ? Q.26 M¡Z pñQ>M H$moUË`m dJm©V _moS>Vo ?
Q.21 `§Ì _Q>o[aAb nwT>o OmD$ XoV Zgob, Va Ë`mMo H$maU H$m` Q.30 Amoìha EO pñQ>M H$moUË`m dJm©V _moS>Vo ?
AgVo ? 1) pñQ>M Šbmg 200 2) pñQ>M Šbmg 300
3) pñQ>M Šbmg 500 4) pñQ>M Šbmg 100
1) Anwao Vob Q>mH$bobo Agob _________________________________________________
2) Ym½`mdarb Xm~ IynM KÅ> Agob Q.31 {\$qQ>JgmR>r V`ma H$nS²>`m§V Im§X²`m§da qH$dm {ZV§~m§da
3) W«oqS>J `mo½` Zgob H$moUVm ^mJ OmoS>bobm AgVmo ?
4) {edÊ`mMr bm§~r eyÝ`mda goQ> Ho$br Agob 1) `moH$ 2) ho_ 3) hmV 4) H$m°ba
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.31
2 1 3 3 4 3 1 4 1 2 4 2 1 1 4 4 3 1
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Q.5 "_¥Ë`w§O`' H$mX§~arMo boIH$ H$moU AmhoV ? Q.10 "IñVm' ImUo `m dmŠàMmamMm dmŠ`mV Cn`moJ H$am.
1) H$mb OÌoV nmoQ>^a IñVm Q>mH$ë`m.
1) {edmOr gmd§V 2) à. Ho$. AÌo
2) AmB©dS>rb _wbm§À`m ^ë`mgmR>r IñVm ImVmV.
3) nw. b. Xoenm§S>o 4) gwYr _yVu
_________________________________________________ 3) Ë`mMo IñVm ImD$Z nmoQ> ^abo.
Q.6 "nmZ' `m eãXmMm g_mZmWu eãX AmoiIm. 4) gmJa {Xdg^a IñVm dmQ>Vmo.
1) Ðþ_ 2) nU© 3) nmH$ir
4) V_
_________________________________________________ Q.11 "BpÀN>bobr dñVy XoUmao PmS>' `m eãXg_yhmgmR>r `mo½`
Q.7 nwT>rb {ddoMZmgmR>r `mo½` åhU {ZdS>m. n`m©` {ZdS>m.
"nmW© ~mobÊ`mAJmoXa A{O~mV {dMma H$aV Zmhr. g_moaÀ`m 1) Am§~m 2) dQ>d¥j 3) H$ënd¥j 4) C§~a
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11
2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3
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Q.12 Á`mbm Cn_m X²`md`mMr Ë`mbm ______ åhUVmV. Q.21 "IaoXr>' `m eãXmMm {déÕmWu eãX AmoiIm.
1) gmYå`©dmMH$ eãX 2) AZwàmg 1) {dH«$s 2) {dnwb 3) YZ 4) {dËV
3) Cn_o` 4) Cn_mZ
_________________________________________________ Q.22 "nmo{bgm§H$Sy>Z Mmoa Yabm Jobm.' `m dmŠ`mVrb à`moJ
Q.13 {ZînU© åhUOo ______ . AmoiIm.
1) JX© nmZm§Mm 2) nmZo {ZKyZ Jobobm 1) Jm¡UH$V¥©H$ H$_©Ur 2) g_mnZ H$_©Ur
3) nmZo {ndir nS>bobm 4) {haì`m nmZm§Mm 3) eŠ` H$_©Ur 4) ZdrZ H$_©Ur
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.14 "H§$R>ñZmZ KmbUo' `m dmŠàMmamMm AW© Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm Q.23 dmŠàMmam§Mm dmŠ`mV Cn`moJ H$am.
Amho ? "gwnmar XoUo'
1) gËH$ma H$aUo 2) hma KmbUo 1) gmIanwS²>`mV O`§Vamdm§Zr {dÇ>bbm gwnmar {Xbr.
3) R>ma _maUo 4) ^m§S>U H$aUo 2) Jobr Xhm df} A_mob gwnmar ImVmo.
3) gwnmar XoD$Z _r Ë`mMo ñdmJV Ho$bo.
Q.15 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr dmŠ`aMZm AMyH$ Amho.
4) Ka KoÊ`mMo {ZpíMV R>aVmM AmOM _r am_^mD§$Zm gwnmar
1) H$mT>br O_rZ {dH$m`bm _ZyZo
2) {eH$dbo _ZyZo \$agybm _________________________________________________
3) \$agy IwMuda nm` da KoD$Z ~gbm Q.24 Ab§H$ma AmoiIm.
4) bmJbm nm`mbm Vma H$s {Iim dmS>rV H$m_ H$aVmZm "dra _amR>o JO©V Ambo, nd©V gmao H§${nV Pmbo.'
H$mogyÀ`m 1) ñd^mdmoŠVr 2) ÑîQ>m§V
3) AÝ`moŠVr 4) A{Ve`moŠVr
Q.16 "{Vbm§Obr XoUo' `m dmŠàMmamMm AW© H$moUVm Amho ? _________________________________________________
Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2
3 2 3 3 1 4 3 2 4 1 4 4 4 2 3 2
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Heavy vahicles are not permitted on this 1) Suresh went, with his friends to see, the statue
highway. of equality.
1) vehicles 2) hi-way 2) Suresh, went with his friends to see, the statue
3) permmited 4) Haevy of equality;
_________________________________________________ 3) Suresh went with his friends to see the Statue
Q.4 Arrange the parts of the sentence in the correct of Equality.
order to form a grammatically correct and 4) Suresh went, with his friends, to see the statue
meaningful sentences. of equality.
A) Make sure you
B) the examination centres Q.9 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
C) before you have given word.
D) pick up your mobile phones JOT (N)
1) ACDB 2) ACBD 3) ADCB 4) ABCD 1) promise 2) bit 3) fear 4) belief
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.5 Select the option that substitutes the under- Q.10 Select the segment which has a grammatical
lined word / segment in the given proverb cor- error in the given sentence. If there is no error,
rectly. If no substitution is required, select ‘No select ‘No error’.
substitution required’. This door make a lot of noise whenever you
A picture is worth a thousand words. open it.
1) the splash of colours and images 1) No error 2) a lot of noise
2) as beautiful as the eyes of the beholder 3) This door make 4) whenever you open it
3) the painter’s expression of joy Q.11 Arrange the sentences in the correct order to
4) No substitution required form a coherent paragraph.
A) But you may ask, what does this have to do
Q.6 Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Anand Pawar Academy
given idiom.
To be in a pickle
with your work ?
B) It has a lot to do with it.
C) You have the ability to make them cooperate
1) to be on an exciting trip
with you and work well if you praise them
2) to be very tired and sleepy
3) to be very busy at work
D) Praise is the polish that helps keep your
4) to be in a different situation
_________________________________________________ employees’ image bright and sparking.
Q.7 Arrange the sentence in the correct order to 1) BDCA 2) ACBD 3) DABC 4) CBAD
form a coherent paragraph.
Q.12 Arrange the sentence in the correct order to
A) This had been the most difficult piece of
form a coherent paragraph.
writing which she had been set, but she had
A) Although driving fast appears enjoyable it
completed it.
has its disadvantages.
B) Further, it was also the longest piece of
B) It is an innocent person who happens to
academic writing she had ever written.
be there at the wrong place and atthe
C) The student sighed as she handed in the
wrong time.
assignment, at last it was finished.
C) Sometimes it can come at a cost.
D) She had worked on writing the 10,000
D) Many a time, it is not the rash driver who
words long assignment for aweek.
suffers because of his action.
_________________________________________________ 1) ACDB 2) ADBC 3) ABCD 4) ABDC
Q.8 Select the sentence with the correct punctua-
Q.13 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
tion and capitalization.
given word.
Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12
1 3 4 4 2 3 2 3 3 1
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Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24
3 4 3 4 4 2 2 3 4 4 4 2
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Q.25 Select the segment which has a grammatical Q.7 RTI 2005 À`m H$moUË`m H$b_m§VJ©V H|$Ðr` gmd©O{ZH$
error in the given sentence. If there is no error, _m{hVr A{YH$mar qH$dm amÁ` OZ _m{hVr A{YH$mar
select ‘No error’.
pñWVr{deofmZwgma, àdoe àXmZ H$aÊ`mÀ`m Aem {dZ§Vr_Ü`o
I goes to Chennai for a meeting next week.
1) for a meeting next week
amÁ`mì`{V[aŠV BVa ì`ŠVrÀ`m H$m°nramB©Q>Mo Cëb§KZ
2) to Chennai hmoÊ`mMr eŠ`Vm Agë`mg Vo _m{hVrMr {dZ§Vr ZmH$mé
3) I goes eH$VmV.
4) No error 1) H$b_ 8 2) H$b_ 9 3) H$b_ 19 4) H$b_ 18
Section - 3 - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Q.8 ________ help to keep the cell clean by digesting
any foreign material as well as worn-out cell
Q.1 ~mñHo$Q>~m°b Ioimg§X^m©V Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ A`mo½` organelles.
Amho ? 1) Centrosomes 2) Chromosomes
1) àË`oH$ ŠdmQ>©aÀ`m IoimMm H$mbmdYr Xhm {_{ZQ>m§Mm AgVmo. 3) Ribosomes 4) Lysosomes
2) A{V[aŠV doioMm H$mbmdYr Xhm {_{ZQ>o AgVmo.
Q.9 If a net charge Q, flows across any cross-
3) ~mñHo$Q>~m°b H$moQ>©Mr n[a_mUo 28 × 15 _rQ>a AgVmV. section of a conductor in time t, then the
4) Ioi Mmby ZgVmZm KS²>`mi ~§X AgVo. current I, through the corss-section is ________ .
1) I = t / Q 2) I = Q + t
Q.2 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo Z¥Ë` N>ËVrgJS>_Yrb gdm©V bmoH${à` 3) I = Q / t 4) I = Q - t
bmoH$Z¥Ë`m§n¡H$s EH$ Amho ? _________________________________________________
Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15
3 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 4 3 1 3 1 4 4 2
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Q.16 _hmamîQ´> amÁ` d¥j àm{YH$aUmZo H$moUË`m ~¡R>H$sV _w§~B© Vo AhdmbmZwgma, 2022 Xaå`mZ _hmamîQ´> amÁ`mMo O{_ZrÀ`m
~S>moXambm OmoS>Umè`m amîQ´>r` _hm_mJm©À`m ~m§YH$m_mgmR>r n¥îR>^mJmdarb hdoMo A{YH$ gamgar Vmn_mZ (25.9 0C)
PmS>o VmoS>Ê`mgmR>r / amonUmMr nadmZJr {Xbr ? hmoVo Am{U 1981-2010 `m H$mbmdYrV Ë`mÀ`m XrK©H$mbrZ
1) 6 dr ~¡R>H$ 2) 5 dr ~¡R>H$ gamgarnojm (LPA) ________ A{YH$ CîU hmoVo.
3) 7 dr ~¡R>H$ 4) 4 Wr ~¡R>H$ 1) 0.30C 2) 0.20C 3) 0.10C 4) 0.40C
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.17 Ioi Am{U H«$sS>m ñnYm© 2021 _Ü`o CËH¥$îQ> H$m_{JargmR>r Q.25 In which of the following states is the second
largest dome in the world situated ?
{H$Vr IoimSy>§Zm AOw©Z nwañH$ma {_imbo hmoVo ?
1) Karnataka 2) Maharashtra
1) 15 2) 45 3) 35 4) 25 3) Andhra Pradesh 4) Uttar Pradesh
Q.18 g{_VrÀ`m {e\$maerdéZ amÁ`nmb ho _w»` Am`wŠV Am{U Section - 4 - REASONING and APTITUDE
_hmamîQ´> amÁ` godm hŠH$ Am`moJmÀ`m Am`wŠVMr {Z`wŠVr Q.1 How many pairs of letters are there in the word
H$aVrb. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU g{_VrMm ^mJ ZmhrV ? ‘SCIENCE’ (in both forward and backward
1) _w»`_§Í`m§Zr Zm_{ZX}{eV Ho$bobm H°${~ZoQ> _§Ìr directions), which have as many letters
between them as there are in the English
2) {dYmZ n[afXoVrb {damoYr njZoVo
alphabetical order ?
3) _w»`_§Ìr, Oo g{_VrMo AÜ`j AgVrb 1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 4
4) {dYmZg^oVrb {damoYr njZoVo
_________________________________________________ Q.2 The sum of ages of three people in 68 years. If
the first person’s age is increased by 2; the
Q.19 ^maVmÀ`m CËVaoH$S>rb _¡XmZmMr {Z{_©Vr ________ à_wI
second person’s age is diminished by 2 and
ZXr àUmbtÀ`m nañna{H«$`o_wio Pmbr Amho. the third person’s age is divided by 2, then all
1) VrZ 2) nmM 3) Mma 4) XmoZ the ages become equal. What is the third
Q.20 Anand Pawar Academy
_________Ü`o, ~m~aZo nm{ZnVÀ`m n{hë`m `wÜXmV B~«m{h_
bmoXr Am{U Ë`mÀ`m A\$JU g_W©H$m§Mm nam^d Ho$bm.
person’s age ?
1) 65 years
3) 15 years
2) 34 years
4) 19 years
1) 1526 2) 1528 3) 1525 4) 1527 Q.3 Pipes A and B can fill an empty tank in 15 hours
and 18 hours, respectively. Pipe C is an emp-
Q.21 ________ is a blanced equation.
tying pipe. If all the three pipes are opened
1) 3Fe + 3H2O Fe3O4 + 2H2 1
for 5 hours, then part of the tank can be
2) 3Fe + 3H2O Fe3O4 + 4H2 9
filled Pipes A and C together can empty the
3) 3Fe + 4H2O Fe3O4 + 3H2
full tank in _________ .
4) 3Fe + 4H2O Fe3O4 + 4H2 1) 30 hours 2) 25 hours
3) 28 hours 4) 35 hours
Q.22 Which of the following will show a pH value _________________________________________________
about 2.2 on a pH paper ? Q.4 The cost price of an article is <600. A shop-
1) Soap solution 2) Blood keeper sells it for <637.50, after giving a dis-
3) Lemon juice 4) Gastric juice count of 15% on its list price. If he sells it after
_________________________________________________ giving 5% discount on its list price, then what
Q.23 JoQ>do Am°\$ B§{S>`mMo dmñVw{demaX Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU hmoVo ? will be the profit percentage ?
1) h~©Q>© ~oH$a 2) Om°O© {dQ>oQ> 1) 18.75% 2) 19.5% 3) 15.5% 4) 16.25%
3) ES>dS>© ë`wQ>oÝg 4) {dë`_ B_g©Z Q.5 If the median and the mode of a certain data
are 32 and 7, respectively, then its mean is :
Q.24 nwUo `oWrb ^maVr` hdm_mZemñÌ {d^mJmZo V`ma Ho$boë`m 1) 45 2) 45.5 3) 44.5 4) 44
Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5
1 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3
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Q.6 Select the number from among the given Q.13 If 5x – 5x - 2 = 75000, then the value of x is :
options that can replace the question mark (?) 1) 7 2) 5 3) 8 4) 6
in the following series.
8, 16, 48, 96, 288, ? Q.14 Select the option that indicates the correct
arrangement of the given words in the order
1) 576 2) 574 3) 864 4) 578
_________________________________________________ in which they appear in an English dictionary.
Q.7 Imbrb Aja-g§»`m _m{bHo$V àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr 1) Freely 2) Freedom 3) Freak
`oD$ eH$Umao nX {Xboë`m n`m©`m§VyZ {ZdS>m. 4) Freelance 5) Free
SH9, LO19, GT39, DW79, ? 1) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1 2) 3, 5, 2, 1, 4
1) CW159 2) CX158 3) CD159 4) DC159 3) 3, 2, 5, 2, 1 4) 3, 5, 2, 4, 1
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.8 A is 30% less than B and C is 40% more than A. Q.15 Xþgam eãX Á`mà_mUo n{hë`m eãXmer g§~§{YV Amho
If B decreases by 20% and C increasing by 50%, Ë`mà_mUoM {Vgè`m eãXmer g§~{§ YV Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.
then C will be ________ more than B.
({Xbobo eãX AW©nyU© B§J«Or eãX _mZmdoV Am{U eãXmVrb
1) 67% 2) 75% 3) 72.25% 4) 83.75%
_________________________________________________ Ajao/ì`§OZo/ñdam§À`m g§»`oZwgma nañnam§er g§~§{YV
Q.9 Small spheres, each of radius 1.5 cm, are ZgmdoV)
made by melting a solid iron ball of radius 12 gwVma : \${Z©Ma :: qenr : ?
cm. What is the total number of small spheres?
1) {ebmB© _{eZ 2) H$mnS>
1) 512 2) 441 3) 324 4) 484
_________________________________________________ 3) H$mn}Q> 4) nmoemI
Q.10 X, Y and Z entered into a partnership by _________________________________________________
investing their capitals in the ratio 8 : 5 : 4. At Q.16 If ‘+’ means ‘’ , ‘–’ means ‘+’, ‘×’ means ‘–’
the end of a year, the profit was distributed and ‘’ means ‘×’, what will be the value of
Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19
1 3 4 1 4 3 3 1 4 4 4 4 2 4
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14
2 2 2 4 3 3 2 3 2 4 4 1 2 3
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Q.15 gw~H$ × _________ `m eãXmMm {déÜXmWu eãX Imbr slate, but rather about taking what is
already present and combing those bits and
{Xboë`m n`m©`mVyZ {ZdS>m.
pieces in a way that has not been done
1) gw§Xa 2) gwaoI 3) ~oT>~ 4) ~oSy>H$ previously.
Section - 2 - ENGLISH _________________________________________________
Q.5 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
Q.1 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
the blank.
1) Attrition 2) Flummoxed
I ________ on this project for four months.
3) swing 4) Egocentric
_________________________________________________ 1) will had been working
Q.2 Sentences of a paragraph are given in jumbled 2) have working
order. Arrange the sentences in the correct 3) may working
order to form a meaningful and coherent para- 4) have been working
Q.6 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
A) We credit Orville and Wilbur Wright as the
given word for the blank.
Inventors of modern flight.
B) No one knows the names of those who
His eyes were full of ________ .
preceded them like Otto Lillenthal, Samuel
1) friendliness 2) greed
Langley and Octave Chanute.
3) jealously 4) wrath
C) However, we seldom discuss the aviation _________________________________________________
pioneers. Q.7 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
D) The Wright brothers learned from and built given word.
upon the work of these people during their Juvenile
quest to create the world’s first flying 1) Adult 2) Youthful
machine. 3) Mature 4) Experienced
Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11
3 3 2 4 3 4 1 2 4 1 1 4
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Q.12 Select the option that is a correctly punctuated 1) Ho$di {ZîH$f© I Am{U II VH©$g§JV AmhoV.
sentence. 2) {ZîH$f© I Am{U EH$Va II qH$dm III VH©$g§JV AmhoV.
1) Kavita and Poornima who were batchmates met 3) {ZîH$f© I , II Am{U III ho gd© VH©$g§JV AmhoV.
after ten years.
2) Kavita and Poornima, who were batchmates,
4) Ho$di {ZîH$f© I Am{U III VH©$g§JV AmhoV.
met, after ten years.
Q.2 35 7 × 3 – 5 of {25 – 6 – 10 – 3 – 4 } + 82 is
3) Kavita and poornima, who were batchmates,
met after ten years. equal to :
4) Kavita and Poornima, who were batchmates, 1) 18 2) 15 3) 16 4) 17
met after ten years.
_________________________________________________ Q.3 Imbrb _m{bHo$Vrb àíZ{MÝhmMr (?) OmJm KoUmam n`m©`
Q.13 Select the most appropriate option to fill in {ZdS>m.
the blank.
The wind ________ very hard at the top of the
mountain. 1) QCUZ 2) QBUX 3) QCUX 4) QBUZ
1) blow 2) blew 3) was blew 4) blown Q.4 Which of the following is an abiotic component
Q.14 Select the correctly spelt word for the blank. in a pond ecosystem ?
The _______ writer wrote twenty books in a year. 1) Algae 2) Fish 3) Oxygen 4) Fungi
1) prolefic 2) porlific 3) prolofik 4) prolific
_________________________________________________ Q.5 àmMrZ h§nr H$moUË`m ehamMr amOYmZr hmoVr ?
Q.15 Select the option that is a correctly punctuated 1) {dO`ZJa gm_«mÁ` 2) amîQ´>Hy$Q> amOd§e
3) bmoXr amOd§e 4) ~h_Zr gwbVmZemhr
1) Do you want to go the children’s park in the _________________________________________________
Q.6 àíZ{MÝhmMr OmJm KoUmam n`m©` emoYm.
Anand Pawar Academy
2) Do you want to go the childrens park in the
evening ?
3) Do you want to go the children’s park in the
PREY : 44 : : FONT : ?
1) 38 2) 55 3) 83 4) 53
evening ?
4) Do you want to go the children park in the Q.7 Imbrb _m{bHo$Vrb àíZ{MÝhmMr (?) Mr OmJm KoUmam
evening ? n`m©` {ZdS>m.
REASONING and APTITUDE _________________________________________________
Q.1 Imbr VrZ {dYmZo {Xbr AmhoV, Ë`mZ§Va I, II Am{U III Q.8 àíZ{MÝhmMr OmJm KoUmam n`m©` emoYm.
H«$_m§H$mMo VrZ {ZîH$f© {Xbobo AmhoV. hr {dYmZo gm_mÝ`nUo ACADEMIC : FNJDACAD : : CONFUSED : ?
kmV VÏ`m§nojm doJir Agë`mMo AmT>ibo, Var Vr gË` 1) VTEECONF 2) VTFECONF
Ago J¥hrV YéZ, {Xboë`m {ZîH$fmªn¡H$s H$moUVm/Vo {ZîH$f© 3) VUFECONF 4) VTFECPNF
{Xboë`m {dYmZm§er VH©$g§JV Amho/AmhoV Vo R>adm. Q.9 A man bought some fruits at the rate of 16 for
{dYmZo : A) gd© dmK ho O§Jb AmhoV. < 240 and sold them at the rate of 8 for < 148.
B) gd© O§Jbo hËVr AmhoV. What is the profit per cent ?
C) gd© hËVr d¥j AmhoV. 1 2 2 1
1) 23 % 2) 24 % 3) 22 % 4) 25 %
{ZîH$f© : I) gd© dmK hËVr AmhoV. 3 3 3 3
II) gd© O§Jb PmS>o AmhoV. Q.10 In a certain code language “AMOUNT” is
III) H$mhr PmS>o dmK AmhoV. coded as “ZLNVOU” and “ABROAD” is coded
Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9
4 2 4 3 3 4 2 3 1 4 4 2 1
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g§ñWoMo A§Vami AmYm[aV ^maVr` {_eZ Amho. Q.21 Imbrb _m{bHo$V àíZ{MÝhmMr (?) OmJm KoUmam n`m©`
1) _§Ji 2) Jwé 3) gy`© 4) `waoZg
_________________________________________________ 21 , 63 , 103 , 139 , 169 , ?
Q.13 ñdamÁ` njmÀ`m H$m`©H$« _mV gy{MV H$aÊ`mV Ambobo ñdamÁ` 1) 181 2) 197 3) 191 4) 201
njmMr C{ÔîQ>o Am{U hoVw ______ _Ü`o n{hë`m§Xm àH$m{eV _________________________________________________
Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23
4 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 4 1 3 4 3
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Q.24 The innermost layer lining the lumen of the Section - 4 - TECHNICAL
allmentary canal is ________ .
Q.1 The base of the thumb is what type of joing ?
1) Fundus 2) Mucosa
1) Hinge joint 2) Ball and socket joint
3) Vill 4) Esophagus
_________________________________________________ 3) Pivot joint 4) Saddle joint
Q.25 EH$m KZ d¥ËV{MVrMr C§Mr 40 cm Amho Am{U Ë`mÀ`m Q.2 Ohm’s law states the relationship between :
nm`mMm ì`mg 10 cm Amho. àË`oH$s 5 cm {ÌÁ`m Am{U 1) potential difference and current
12 cm C§MrMr XmoZ g_mZ e§Hy$À`m AmH$mamMr {N>Ðo nmS>br 2) potential difference and resistance
AmhoV. Cd©[aV KZmMo n¥îR>\$i (cm2 _Ü`o) {H$Vr Agob ? 3) resistance and velocity
1) 530 2) 390 3) 480 4) 450 4) current and velocity
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.26 _m{hVr A{YH$ma H$m`Xm, 2005 Zwgma Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo Q.3 The atomic number of tungsten is :
1) 74 2) 76 3) 52 4) 82
{dYmZ ~amo~a Amho ? _________________________________________________
1) _w»` _m{hVr Am`wŠV d`mÀ`m ~mgîQ> (62) dfmªn`ªV nXmda Q.4 What medication is commonly stocked in a
amhVrb crash cart emergency trolley for cardiac emer-
gencies ?
2) _w»` _m{hVr Am`wŠV nwZ{Z©`wŠVrgmR>r nmÌ ZgVrb
1) Analgesics
3) _w»` _m{hVr Am`wŠV ImgXma hmoD$ eH$VmV
2) Anticoagulants
4) H|$Ðr` _m{hVr Am`moJmMo _w»`mb` {Xëbr{edm` BVa 3) Epinephrine (adrenaline)
H$moUË`mhr {R>H$mUr Agy eH$Vo 4) Antibiotics
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.27 A can do a piece of work in 72 days. He works Q.5 STIR pulse sequence is used to :
at it for 9 days and then B finishes the 1) suppress tissues with long T2 relaxation.
Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7
2 1 2 3 2 1 3 4 1 1 3 3 2 1
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Q.8 The precessional frequency of a nucleus is 2) local variation in the magnetic susceptibility due
dependent on : to the presence of paramagnetic material.
1) the gyromagnetic ratio of the nucleus and the 3) the interference of external RF entering the room
magnetic field strength. with inherently weak signal coming from the
2) the gyromagnetic ratio ofthe nucleus only. patient.
3) the gyromagnetic ratio of the nucleus and the 4) the diameter of the scanned area being greater
slow rate. than the dimension of FOV.
4) the magnetic field strength.
_________________________________________________ Q.15 Which of the following is the definition of an
Q.9 The digital subtraction method, where a new electric motor ?
mask is chosen for each subtraction is : 1) A device that converts electric energy to
1) mask subtraction magnetic field.
2) time interval subtraction 2) A device that converts electric energy to
3) temporal filtration mechanical energy.
4) serial mask subtraction 3) A device that converts magnetic field to electric
_________________________________________________ energy.
Q.10 At what vertebrae level does the spinal cord 4) A device that converts mechanical energy to
end ? electric energy.
1) Sacrum 2) Coccyx _________________________________________________
3) L1 - L2 4) T12 - L1 Q.16 Atoms composed of nuclei with same number
_________________________________________________ of protons but different number of neutrons are
Q.11 Green sensitive film is also known as : called :
1) ortho film 2) pan film 1) atomic numbers 2) mass numbers
Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19
1 2 3 1 1 4 3 2 3 1 2 2
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Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.31 Q.32 Q.33
3 2 1 4 2 3 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 4
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Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2
1 2 3 4 2 4 4 3 4 1 2 4 3 1 4 1 4
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Though I was cognicant of the issue, it neces- Q.9 Fill in the blank with the correct antonym for
sitated the recall of the teacher who was the word in brackets.
canned shortly after the attack. Unexpectedly, the hostility between the tribes
1) Cognicant, recall 2) Cognizant; necessitated did not ________ (escalate) as village elders had
3) Though, issue 4) Canned, attack predicted.
_________________________________________________ 1) intensity 2) decline
Q.4 Select the most appropriate antonym of the 3) prolong 4) exacerbate
given word. _________________________________________________
MUMBLE Q.10 Choose the correctly punctuated sentence from
1) Stammer 2) Suppress the options below :
3) Whisper 4) Articulate 1) “Stand Still. Dont move.” She exclaimed.
_________________________________________________ 2) ‘Stand Still.’ ‘Don’t move.’ She exclaimed !
Q.5 Identify the incorrectly spelt word in the given 3) Stand still. Don’t move, she exclaimed.
sentence. 4) “Stand still ! Don’t move !” she exclaimed.
The parents’eyes and visages shone with tears _________________________________________________
when they heard of his stelar performance at Q.11 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
the entrance exams. given word :
1) visages 2) performance SIMULATE
3) stelar 4) entrance 1) Gesticulate 2) Dissemble
_________________________________________________ 3) Assemble 4) Mobilise
Q.6 Fill in the blank with the correct synonym for _________________________________________________
the word in brackets. Q.12 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
The ________ (uncanny) events after grandfather’s given word :
death shock all the members of the family. METAPHOR
1) beautiful 2) similar 1) Follower 2) Occurrence
Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15
2 4 3 3 1 2 2 4 2 3 1 4 3
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Section - 3 - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Bbm©nojm < 12800 H$_r {_imë`mg, Zâ`mVrb {OZrMm
REASONING and APTITUDE dmQ>m {H$Vr hmoVm (< _Ü`o) ?
1) 16000 2) 25600 3) 32000 4) 12800
Q.1 _o 2023 n`ªVÀ`m _m{hVrZwgma, ^maVmMo AW©_§Ìr H$moU _________________________________________________
AmhoV ? Q.7 P, Q, R, S, T Am{U V ZmdmÀ`m gmV ì`ŠVrn¡H$s àË`oH$mMr
1) lr_Vr {Z_©bm grVma_U 2) lr. A{_V ehm gmo_dmar gwé hmoUmè`m Am{U Ë`mM AmR>dS>çmÀ`m a{ddmar
3) lr. {n`wf Jmo`b 4) lr_Vr ñ_¥Vr BamUr g§nUmè`m AmR>dS>çKmVrb doJdoJù`m {Xder EH$ narjm
Amho. R À`m bJoMM AmYr T Mr narjm Amho. Q À`m Z§Va
Q.2 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m {MÝhm§Mr AXbm~Xb Ho$ë`mg {Xbobo
Ho$di VrZ ì`ŠVtÀ`m narjm AmhoV. S À`m AmYr Ho$di
g_rH$aU AMyH$ hmoB©b ?
XmoZ ì`ŠVtÀ`m narjm AmhoV. V À`m bJoMM AmYr P Mr
17 + 51 × 36 18 – 9 = 50
narjm Amho. T Mr narjm e{Zdmar Amho. S Am{U U
1) +Am{U × 2) + Am{U –
`m§À`mXaå`mZ Ho$di EH$mM ì`ŠVrMr narjm Amho. a{ddmar
3) × Am{U – 4) × Am{U +
_________________________________________________ H$moUmMr narjm Amho ?
Q.3 e¡dmb ho _Zwî`mg {d{dY àH$mao Cn`moJr nS>VmV. `m 1) P 2) R 3) U 4) V
g§X^m©V, Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ AMyH$ Zmhr ?
Q.8 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ ho ñdm_r X`mZ§X gañdVr Am{U
1) n¥Ïdrdarb H$m~©Z S>m` Am°ŠgmB©S>À`m EHy$U pñWarH$aUmMm
Am`© g_mO `m§À`m g§X^m©V AMyH$ Zmhr ?
{H$_mZ EH$ V¥Vr`m§e ^mJ hm e¡dmbm§Ûmao àH$me g§íbofUmÀ`m
1) ñdm_r X`mZ§X gañdVr ho _yVunyOm, Ym{_©H$ {dYr Am{U
_mÜ`_mVyZ Ho$bm OmVmo.
nwam{hVËd `m§À`m {damoYmV hmoVo.
2) nm°{\©$am, b°{_Zo[a`m Am{U gaJ°g_ `m§À`m AZoH$ àOmVr
2) ñdm_r X`mZ§ X gañdVr ho nmpíM_mË` {dkmZmÀ`m
`m ImÚ åhUyZ dmnaë`m OmUmè`m g_wÐr e¡dmbmÀ`m 70
Aä`mgmÀ`m {damoYmV hmoVo.
àOmVtV _moS>VmV.
Anand Pawar Academy
3) Vo gd© ObMa àmÊ`m§À`m AÝZMH«$mMm AmYma Agboë`m
D$Om©-g_¥ÜX g§`wJm§Mo àmW{_H$ CËnmXH$ Agë`mZo
3) gË`mW© àH$me ho Ë`m§Mo gdm©V _hÎdmMo nwñVH$ hmoVo.
4) ñdm_r X`mZ§X gañdVr Ago _mZV hmoVo H$s, B©ídamZo
A{V_hÎdmMo AgVmV. _mZdmbm {Xbobo gd© kmZ doXm§_Ü`o Amho Am{U AmYw{ZH$
4) Vo àH$meg§ í bo f r Agë`mZo Ë`m§ À `m AmOy ~ mOy À `m {dkmZmVrb à_wI JmoîQ>rXoIrb Ë`m§V emoYë`m OmD$
n`m©daUmVrb {daKiboë`m Am°pŠgOZMr nmVir dmT>dVmV. eH$VmV.
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.4 Oa EH$m X§S>JmobmMo nmœ© n¥îR>\$i 450 cm2 Amho Am{U Q.9 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ ho gyÌH¥${_ (O§V) `m§À`m g§X^m©V
Ë`mMr C§Mr 10 cm Amho, Va Ë`mÀ`m VimMr {ÌÁ`m emoYm. AMyH$ Zmhr ?
(EH$ Xem§e ñWmZmn`ªV nyUmª{H$V H$éZ). 1) Vo _wŠVOrdr, OmVr` Am{U ñWbr` qH$dm dZñnVr d
1) 7.2 cm 2) 7.3 cm 3) 7.5 cm 4) 7.1 cm àmÊ`m§_Ü`o naOrdr Agy eH$VmV.
Q.5 75 {dÚmWu EH$m am§JoV EH$mM {XeoÀ`m A{^_wI ~gbobo 2) Ë`m§Mr qbJo doJdoJir ZgVmV, åhUOoM Za Am{U _mXr ho
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10
1 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 3
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Q.11 EH$m gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV, ‘SOCKET’ ho ‘81224162220’ 3) ~«m±P Am`H$m°Z (Bronze Icon)
Ago {b{hbo OmVo, ‘LONGER’ ho ‘15121320229’ Ago 4) ßb°{Q>Z_ Am`H$m°Z (Platinum Icon)
{b{hbo OmVo, Va Ë`mM ^mfoV ‘SYNTAX’ ho H$go {b{hbo
OmB©b ? Q.18 hS>ßnm dmñVwH$bo_Ü`o, AZoH$ ehao XmoZ ^mJm§_Ü`o {d^mJbobr
1) 83138263 2) 82137263 hmoVr. `m g§X^m©V Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo/Vr {dYmZ/Zo AMyH$
3) 82136243 4) 72137264 Amho/V ?
I. ghgm, npíM_oH$S>rb ^mJ hm AmH$mamZo bhmZ na§Vw
2 3 4 5
Am{U n¡H$s gdm©{YH$ _moR>m Am{U C§Mmda Ago. nwa mVËdemñÌk `mMo dU©Z ZJaXþJ©
gdm©{YH$ bhmZ AnyUmªH$ `m§Mm JwUmH$ma {H$Vr Amho ? ({gQ>mS>ob) Ago H$aVmV.
5 8 1 1 II. gm_mÝ`V:, nyd}H$S>rb ^mJ hm AmH$mamZo _moR>m na§Vw
1) 2) 3) 4)
27 45 6 8 H$_r C§Mrda Ago. `mg bmoAa Q>mD$Z (H$_r C§Mrdarb
Q.13 2022 À`m amîQ´>H$w b H«$sS>mñnYmª_Ü`o ^maVmZo {H$Vr gwdU©nXHo$ ZJa) Ago åhQ>bo OmV Ago.
qOH$br ? 1) Ho$di {dYmZ II AMyH$ Amho
1) 22 2) 23 3) 24 4) 21 2) Ho$di {dYmZ I AMyH$ Amho
3) {dYmZ I Am{U {dYmZ II XmoÝhrhr AMyH$ ZmhrV
Q.14 VmoQ>r B Zo EH$m Q>mH$sbm 60 Vmgm§V ^abo OmD$ eH$Vo. Vr
4) {dYmZ I Am{U {dYmZ II XmoÝhrhr AMyH$ AmhoV
12 Vmgm§gmR>r CKS>br OmVo Am{U Z§Va ~§X Ho$br OmVo. _________________________________________________
Ë`mZ§Va VmoQ>r C CKS>br OmVo Am{U {VZo Q>mH$sMm Cd©[aV Q.19 EH$m ì`mnmè`mZo Ë`mÀ`m _mbmMr N>mnrb qH$_V > < 2240
^mJ 40 Vmgm§V ^abm OmVmo. VmoQ>r B Am{U VmoQ>r C EH$Ì R>odbr Am{U Ë`mda 20% gdbV {Xbr. Oa Ë`mbm Varhr
CKS>ë`mg, [aH$m_r Q>mH$s {H$Vr Vmgm§V ^aob ? 12% Z\$m Pmbm, Va Ë`m _mbmMr _yi qH$_V {H$Vr Amho?
3 2 1 4 1) < 1500 2) < 1800 3) < 1700 4) < 1600
1) 27 2) 26 3) 24 4) 22 _________________________________________________
Anand Pawar Academy
11 9 5 7
EH$ Agm n`m©` {ZdS>m Á`mV Xe©{dbobr Ajao Ooìhm Imbr Q.20 Oa X : Y =
3 2
4 3
, X:Z=
1 1
2 5
Amho, Va Y : Z
{Xboë`m [aH$må`m OmJm§_Ü`o S>mdrH$Sy>Z COdrH$S>o R>odë`mg emoYm.
Aja l¥§Ibog nyU© H$aVrb. 1) 9 : 8 2) 45 : 18 3) 3 : 5 4) 20 : 8
Q.21 Imbrbn¡H$s H$m` g_mZVoÀ`m A{YH$mam_Ü`o g_m{dîQ> Zmhr?
1) W D H C H A W 2) D W H C H A W
3) D W H C P A W 4) D W A C H A W
1) Añn¥í`VoMr àWmhr g§nwîQ>mV Ambr Amho.
_________________________________________________ 2) amÁ` ho amoOJmamÀ`m ~m~VrV H$moUmerhr ^oX^md H$é
68 153 eH$V Zmhr.
Q.16 gmoS>dm : =?
3) XoemÀ`m H$m`Úm§Ûmao gd© ì`ŠVtZm g_mZ g§ajU {Xbo Jobo
3 17 5 5
1) > 2) 3) 4) 4) Ym{_©H$ Aëng§»`m§H$ ho BVa Y_m©Vrb ì`ŠVtZm Ë`m§À`m
17 7 2 17 2 17
_________________________________________________ àmW©ZmñWim§_Ü`o àdoe ZmH$mé eH$VmV.
Q.17 gm_m{OH$ Am{W©H$ {dH$mgmgmR>rÀ`m S>Qo >m gm_m{`H$aU Am{U Q.22 VrZ {dYmZo {Xbobr AmhoV, Ë`mZ§Va I , II Am{U III Ago
dmnam§VJ©V, 2022 gmbr J¥h{Z_m©U Am{U ehar ì`dhma H«$_m§{H$V Ho$bobo VrZ {ZîH$f© {Xbobo AmhoV. {dYmZm§_Ü`o
_§Ìmb`mÀ`m ñ_mQ>© {gQ>rO {_eZbm H$moUË`m nwañH$mamZo {Xbobr _m{hVr hr gm_mÝ`nUo kmV VÏ`m§nojm doJir
gÝ_m{ZV H$aÊ`mV Ambo Amho ? Agë`mMo AmT>ibo, Var Vr gË` Amho Ago J¥hrV YéZ,
1) {gëìha Am`H$m°Z (Silver Icon) {Xboë`m {ZîH$fmªnH¡ $s H$moUVm/Vo {ZîH$f© {Xboë`m {dYmZm§er
2) JmoëS> Am`H$m°Z (Gold Icon) VH©$g§JV Amho/AmhoV Vo R>adm.
Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21
1 3 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4
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{dYmZo : EH$hr nmÌ, ^oQ>dñVy Zmhr. Q.27 EH$ g§»`m 18% Zo H$_r Ho$br Am{U 20% Zo dmT>dbr.
gd© ~{jgo, ^oQ>dñVy AmhoV. n[aUm_r g§»`m 14760 Agob, Va _yi g§»`m H$moUVr ?
gd© {Xdo, nmÌo AmhoV. 1) 15500 2) 16000 3) 15000 4) 14500
{ZîH$f© : I. EH$hr {Xdm, ~jrg Zmhr. Q.28 EH$m {d{eîQ> g§»`oVrb {dÚmWu EH$m am§JoV EH$mM {XeoÀ`m
II. EH$hr ~jrg, nmÌ Zmhr. A{^_wI ~gbobo AmhoV. OoZr hr COì`m Q>moH$mbm ~gbr
III. EH$hr {Xdm, ^oQ>dñVy Zmhr. Amho . H$mOb hr gw _ ZÀ`m S>mdrH$S>o ~gbr Agy Z
1) Ho$di {ZîH$f© I Am{U III VH©$g§JV AmhoV. Ë`m§À`mXaå`mZ 15 {dÚmWu AmhoV. gw_Z hr COì`m
2) Ho$di {ZîH$f© II Am{U III VH©$g§JV AmhoV. Q>mHo $mnmgyZ 14 ì`m ñWmZr Amho. H$mOb hr S>mì`m Q>mHo $mnmgyZ
3) Ho$di {ZîH$f© I Am{U II VH©$g§JV AmhoV. 35 ì`m ñWmZr Amho. am§J_ o Ü`o {H$Vr {dÚmWu ~gbobo AmhoV?
4) I , II Am{U III ho gd© {ZîH$f© VH©$g§JV AmhoV. 1) 66 2) 63 3) 65 4) 64
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.23 AmË_{Z^©a ^maV amoOJma `moOZm H$Yr gwé Pmbr hmoVr ? Q.29 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr ZXr ~§JmbÀ`m CngmJamV OmD$Z {_iV
1) 1 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2021 2) 1 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2019 Zmhr ?
3) 1 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2020 4) 1 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2022 1) H¥$îUm 2) _hmZXr 3) gm~a_Vr 4) H$mdoar
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.24 Imbrb l¥§IboVrb àíZ{MÝhmÀ`m (?) OmJr `oUmam Aja Q.30 H$mOb Am{U Hw$e `m§À`m d`mMr ~oarO 66 df} hmoVr.
g_yh {ZdS>m. AmOnmgyZ 3 dfmªZ§Va, Ë`m§À`m d`mMo JwUmoÎma 2 : 1 Agob.
DWX-12, BAH-41, LEF-72, JIP-109, ?, RQX-193 H$mObMo gÜ`mMo d` emoYm ?
1) TMN-160 2) TMN-150 1) 21 df} 2) 16 df} 3) 45 df} 4) 38 df}
3) SNM-155 4) NMT-150
_________________________________________________ Section - 4 - TECHNICAL
Q.25 Á`màH$mao n{hbm Aja g_yh hm Xþgè`m Aja g_yhmer
Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3
4 1 2 2 1 3 4 3 3 3 2 1
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Q.4 {Zìdi nwZéËnmXZ Xa (NRR) ho H$emMo _moO_mn Amho ? 2) gm_mÝ` AmYmaao Im J^© öX` JVr Am{U _§ XZm§ Mr
1) à{V 1,000 ì`ŠVt_mJo _¥Ë`y§Mr g§»`m AZwnpñWVr
2) à{V ñÌr_mJrb ñÌr OÝ_m§Mr g§»`m 3) J^m©e`mMo AmH§w$MZ {Z`{_V A§VamZo hmoUo
3) órbm {VÀ`m Am`wî`mV gamgar {H$Vr _wbr AgVrb 4) J^m©À`m öX`mMr JVr _§X hmoUo Am{U dma§dma _§XZ hmoUo
4) à{V 1,000 ì`ŠVt_mJo OÝ_m§Mr g§»`m
_________________________________________________ Q.11 H$moUË`m g§àofU V§Ìm_Ü`o é½UmMr _w»` H$ënZm g_Obr
Q.5 nmoQ>mV g_m{dîQ> Agboë`m JmoîQ>tZm `mo½`[aË`m ~mhoa Agë`mMo {gÜX H$aÊ`mgmR>r {VMr nwZamd¥Îmr g_m{dîQ>
Q>mH$Ê`mV Ag_W© AgUo ho H$moUË`m {dH$mamMo bjU Amho? Amho ?
1) OR>am§ÌemoY 1) ñnîQ>rH$aU 2) namdV©Z
2) OR>aemoY 3) nam^mfU 4) gmam§e
3) ~¥hXm§Ì {dnwQ>remoY (S>m`ìh{Q>©H$w {b{Q>g)
Q.12 _Ü`_-ñVar` Amamo½` àXmË`m§À`m godoMm AmdmH$m H$emZwgma
4) Am{eH$ OR>aKmV ~XbVmo ?
Q.6 é½UmÀ`m gwa{jVVo_Ü`o _yi H$maU {díbofUmMm CÔoe H$m` 1) Vo Á`m é½Um§Mr godm H$aVmV Ë`m§Mo d` Am{U qbJ
Amho ? 2) d¡`pŠVH$ àmYmÝ`o Am{U ñdmañ`mMr joÌo
1) _yi H$maUo AmoiIUo Am{U g§~mo{YV H$aUo 3) ^m¡Jmo{bH$ ñWmZ Am{U Amamo½`godm {Z`_
2) Amamo½` godm H$_©Mmè`m§_Ü`o Xmof emoYUo 4) joÌmVrb AZoH$ dfmªMm AZw^d
3) H$m`©j_ H$m`© àdmh gw{ZpíMV H$aUo Q.13 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo epŠVembr nmgdS>M© o EH$ d¡{eîQ>` Amho?
4) Amamo½` godm à{H«$`oV é½UmMm gh^mJ H$_r H$aUo 1) Ë`mV {H$_mZ EH$ Aja Amho
Q.7 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm KQ>H$ hm earamÀ`m D$Vr_Yrb 2) `mV Ajao, g§»`m Am{U {deof dUmªMo g§`moOZ g_m{dîQ>
Anand Pawar Academy
{h_mo½bmo{dZ_YyZ Am°pŠgOZ gmoS>Ê`mMo à_mU dmT>{dVmo ?
1) dmT>bobm pH
2) H$m~©Z S>m` Am°ŠgmB©S>Mo dmT>bobo à_mU
3) `mV eãXH$moemVrb EH$ eãX Amho
4) Ë`mV OÝ_VmarI qH$dm Zmd `m§gmaIr d¡`pŠVH$ _m{hVr
3) KQ>bobo Vmn_mZ
g_m{dîQ> Amho
4) Am°pŠgOZMm H$_r Pmbobm Xm~ Q.14 ________ hÿZ A{YH$ àgdmoÎma aŠVñÌmd hmoUo åhUOo aŠV
Iyn H$_r hmoUo (ãbS> bm°g) åhUyZ n[a^m{fV Ho$bo Amho.
Q.8 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm {ÛYwdr (~m`nmoba) {dH$mamgmR>rMm
1) `mo{Z_mJ} OÝ_ {Xë`mZ§Va 48 Vmgm§À`m AmV 500 {
gm_mÝ` CnMma n`m©` Amho ?
2) `mo{Z_mJ} OÝ_ {Xë`mZ§Va 48 Vmgm§À`m AmV 1000 {
1) {gbopŠQ>ìh goamoQ>mo{ZZ arAnQ>oH$ BZ{h{~Q>g© (SSRI)
3) `mo{Z_mJ} OÝ_ {Xë`mZ§Va 24 Vmgm§À`m AmV 1000 {
2) _yS> ñQ>°{~bm`Pg© Ogo {b{W`_ qH$dm AmH$S>ramoYr Am¡fYo
4) `mo{Z_mJ} OÝ_ {Xë`mZ§Va 24 Vmgm§À`m AmV 500 {
3) ~|PmoS>m`PonmBÝg (Benzodiazepines) _________________________________________________
4) {dX²`Vw mKmV CnMma nÜXVr (Electroconvulsive therapy) Q.15 dmhr ldU j{V hmoÊ`mMo gdm©V gm_mÝ` H$maU H$m` Amho?
1) A§V:H$Um©bm BOm
Q.9 ________ ho à{VÐì` (A±{Q>~m°S>r) dma (ßb°g|Q>m) Amobm§Sy> 2) ~mhç qH$dm _Ü`H$Um©VrV AdamoY qH$dm BOm
eH$Vo. 3) A{Ve` OmñV Jm|JmQ> H$mZmda nS>Uo
1) lgG 2) lgD 3) lgM 4) lgA
_________________________________________________ 4) d`-g§~§{YV èhmg
Q.10 CTC ì`m»`o_Ü`o, ""ar A°í`w[a¨J'' (reassuring) `m Q.16 ~mi§VnUmZ§Va lmo{U Vb òm`y§Zm ~iH$Q> H$aÊ`mgmR>r
eãXmMm g§X^© Agm Amho. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m ì`m`m_mMr {e\$mag gm_mÝ`nUo Ho$br
1) _mVm öX` JVr gm_mÝ` loUrV AgUo OmVo ?
Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15
3 4 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 2
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Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27
3 2 1 3 1 4 1 2 4 4 3 2
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3) {dn`m©g Pmë`mZo amOybm Mm§Jbo JwU {_imbo. 'A' JQ> '~' JQ>
4) {dÚmÏ`m©Zo Zoh_r Aä`mgmMm {dn`m©g Ho$bm nm{hOo. a) gwH¥$V² i) nmÊ`mV amhUmao
b) _Zmo_Z ii) Mm§Jbm _mJ©
Q.6 "XmoKm§À`m ^m§S>UmV EH$Q>çmbmM Xmof XoV `oV Zmhr' - hm
c) {Z^©` iii) _ZmVë`m _ZmV
AW© Á`m åhUrMm Amho Ë`m åhUrMm dmŠ`mV Cn`moJ H$am.
d) ObMa iv) nwÊ`
1) gwZ§XmMr gmgy Zoh_rM bhmZ-bhmZ H$maUm§gmR>r {Vbm
iv) ^rVr Z ~miJUmam
~mobV AgVo. _mÌ gwZ§Xm ~«hr H$mT>V Zmhr Ë`m_wio åhUVmV 1) a-ii, b-iii, c-v, d-i 2) a-iv, b-iii, c-v, d-i
Zm EH$m hmVmZo Q>mir dmOV Zmhr. 3) a-iv, b-iii, c-i, d-v 4) a-ii, b-i, c-v, d-iii
2) _r Am{U _mPm {_Ì JUoeZo EH$m hmVmZo Q>mir dmOdÊ`mMm _________________________________________________
Iyn à`ËZ Ho$bm. Q.12 "naMH«$' åhUOo ________
3) amKd d aËZm `m nVr-nËZr _Ü`o gVV Vy-Vy-_r-_r 1) Xþgè`mMo MmH$ 2) MmH$mMm _{h_m
Mmby AgVo. KamV gVV AñdñWVm AgVo. MyH$ Hw$UmMr 3) eÌyMo AmH«$_U 4) nm`Xir g¡{ZH$
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12
3 2 3 3 1 3 4 4 4 1 2 3
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Q.13 Imbrbn¡H$s H$KmoUVo gH$_©H$ H$V©ar à`moJmMo CXmhaU Amho? Q.5 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the
given sentence.
1) Vmo nÌ {b{hVmo.
Every resident in our neighbourhood sought
2) _mÂ`mZo ho H$m_ H$adVo. my grandmother’s benine affection and
3) Ë`mbm BVH$s aŠH$_ XoddUma Zmhr. respect.
4) Ë`mMo nÌ {bhÿZ Pmbo. 1) neighbourhood 2) affection
_________________________________________________ 3) resident 4) benine
Q.14 g_mZmWu eãXm§Mm MwH$sMm JQ> AmoiIm. Q.6
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
1) bú_r, a_m, H$_bm 2) jra, Xþ½Y, n` word given in brackets to fill in the blank.
3) Vra, ea, ~mU 4) IJ, {dhJ, {dà The ________ (outlook) of the Headmistress went
_________________________________________________ right in the face of the school’s renowned
Q.15 {déÕmWu eãXm§Mr `mo½` OmoS>r AmoiIm. culture.
1) AdIi × gmono 2) {OV × OoVm 1) apathy 2) passion 3) dismay 4) anger
3) EH$_V × gd©Ì 4) ghoVwH$ × {~ZhoVwH$ Q.7 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
word given in bracket to fill in the blank.
Section - 2 - ENGLISH
The scientists could only vaguely comprehend
Q.1 Select the word from the options that has the ________ (features) that made Rover one of
nearly the same meaning as that of the given the workhorses of space.
phrase. 1) likeness 2) intricacy
At a later or future time 3) aspects 4) depth
1) Immediately 2) Afterwards Q.8 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
3) Tomorrow 4) Sooner given word.
Anand Pawar Academy
Select the most appropriate option to fill in
the blank using the present perfect tense.
He asked us if we ________ this mall recently.
1) Sketchy
3) Material
2) Bombastic
4) Sultry
1) will visited 2) had visited Q.9 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
3) are visiting 4) have visited given word.
Q.3 Choose the correctly punctuated sentence from
the options below. 1) Furore 2) Gaiety
1) The groups of employee’s knew of the bosse’s 3) Flight 4) Territorial
temper. Q.10 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the
2) the groups of employees knew of the bosses given sentence.
temper. The tyrany of Ashoka the Great who is believed
3) The groups of employees knew of the boss’s to have killed ninety-nine brothers is less
temper. known than his penance and embrace of
4) The group’s of employe’es knew of the boss’s Buddhism.
temper. 1) believed 2) tyrany
3) embrace 4) penance
Q.4 Select the word from the options that has _________________________________________________
nearly the same meaning as that of the given Q.11 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
phrase. given word.
Free from obscurity; perfectly clear Cursory
1) Limpid 2) Starry 1) Skilled 2) Peremptory
3) Shiny 4) Reflective 3) Dull 4) Meticulous
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11
1 4 2 2 4 3 1 4 1 3 3 1 2 4
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Q.12 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in C) As a linguist myself, I loved the idea that
jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the you could express the whole concept of
correct order to form a meaningful and doing nothing in one short and easy-to-
coherent paragraph. pronounce word.
A) I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass D) At the time, many people were complain-
over me and through me. ing about exhaustion and depression
B) Where the fear has gone, there will be caused by overwork and were looking for
nothing. solutions.
C) I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. E) Niksen is a Dutch wellness trend that means
D) And when it has gone past, I will turn the ‘doing nothing’.
inner eye to see its path. Only I will remain. 1) EADBC 2) CAEDB
E) Fear is the little-death that brings total 3) ECBAD 4) BECAD
Q.13 Select the option that narrates the sentence Q.1 Imbrb e¥§IboV àíZ{MÝømÀ`m OmJr `oUmao nX emoYm.
in the past continuous tense. 15, 5, 14, ?, 11, 9, 5, 8
1) They was eating their food so slowing that it set 1) 13.5 2) 13 3) 12.5 4) 12
the teachers thinking. _________________________________________________
2) They were to eaten their food so slowly that it Q.2 Ooìhm ~hþbH$ = 45.2 Am{U _Ü` = 40.7 {Xbo OmVo, Voìhm
set the teachers to think. AZw^dOÝ` gyÌ dmnéZ S>oQ>mMm _Ü`H$ emoYm.
3) They were to eat their food so slowly that it set 1) 42.2 2) 42.5 3) 43.3 4) 43.1
the teachers thinking. _________________________________________________
4) They were eating their food so slowly that it set
Anand Pawar Academy
the teachers thinking.
Q.14 The following sentence has been split into four
Q.3 50 {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m dJm©V, {Q>_ hm Q>m±Jnojm 9 H«$_m§H$ da
Amho. Q>m±J eodQy>Z 10 ì`m H«$_m§H$mda Agë`mg, {Q>_
gwédmVrnmgyZ {H$Vì`m H«$_m§H$mda Agob ?
segments. Identify the segment that contains 1) 29 ì`m 2) 32 ì`m 3) 28 ì`m 4) 31 ì`m
a grammatical error. _________________________________________________
He was aware / what was to go to happen / if Q.4 93, 28, 45, 62, 39, 53, 27, 28, 67, 80, 74 Mm _Ü`H$
her father refused, but he / did not do anything emoYm.
to stop it. 1) 63 2) 62 3) 45 4) 39
1) if her father refused, but he _________________________________________________
2) He was aware Q.5 {~hma_Yrb Amam `oWZy 1857 À`m CR>mdmMo ZoVË¥ d H$aUmè`m
3) what was to go to happen ZoË`mMo Zmd gm§Jm.
4) did not do anything to stop it
_________________________________________________ 1) Zdm~ dm{OX Abr emh 2) Hw§$da qgJ
Q.15 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in 3) {~a{Og H$mXa 4) emh _b
jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the _________________________________________________
correct order to form a meaningful and Q.6 13 Am°JñQ> 2010 hm AmR>dS>çmMm H$moUVm {Xdg hmoVm ?
coherent paragraph. 1) a{ddma 2) gmo_dma 3) ewH«$dma 4) e{Zdma
A) It first caught the attention of the world in _________________________________________________
2019 as a way to manage stress or recover Q.7 EH$m {d{eîQ> gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV, “SUN” ho “192114”
from burnout. Am{U “BUN” ho “22114” Ago {b{hbo OmVo. Ë`m gm§H$o {VH$
B) This is why concepts such as Japanese
^mfoV “GUN” H$go {b{hbo OmVo ?
ikigai or Danish hygge also entered the
1) 27114 2) 11427 3) 21714 4) 72114
English lexican. _________________________________________________
Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7
3 4 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 4
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Q.8 ^maVm_Ü`o {~«Q>re amOdQ>rnmgyZ "nyU© ñdamO' {_idÊ`mMm Q.17 nmM dfmªnydu, H$m{V©H$Mo d` (dfmª_Ü`o) Ë`mÀ`m _wbmÀ`m
R>amd H$m±J«ogZo H$moUË`m dfu nm[aV Ho$bm ? Ë`mdoiÀ`m d`mÀ`m 4 nQ>tnojm 4 dfmªZr A{YH$ hmoVo. nmM
1) 1906 2) 1921 3) 1987 4) 1929 dfmªZr, H$m{V©H$Mo d` Ë`mdoir Ë`mÀ`m _wbmÀ`m d`mÀ`m
Q.9 A hm B nojm 20% Zo _moR>m Amho. Oa A hm 15% Zo H$_r XþßnQ>rnojm 6 df} OmñV Agob. H$m{V©H$À`m _wbmMo 10
Pmbm Am{U B hm 20% Zo dmT>bm, Va A hm B nojm {H$Vr dfm©Z§VaMo d` (dfmª_Ü`o) emoYm.
1) 11 2) 0.33 3) 21 4) 23
Q>ŠŠ`m§Zr H$_r Agob ? _________________________________________________
1) 20% 2) 18% 3) 15% 4) 12% Q.18 P, Q, R Am{U S ho Mma nmB©ßg Q>mH$s ^é eH$VmV. Oa P
Q.10 [(0.4 + 0.3)2 – 2 (0.4 × 0.3)]2 Mo _yë` emoYm. Am{U S CKS>bo, Va Q>mH$s ^aÊ`mgmR>r 8 {_{ZQ>o
1) 0.0625 2) 0.625 3) 0.5329 4) 0.593 bmJVmV, Oa Q, R Am{U S CKS>bo, Va 5 {_{ZQ>o bmJVmV
Q.11 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m ^maVr` amÁ`m_Ü`o "Jmamo Q>oH$S>çm' Am{U P, Q Am{U R EH$Ì 5 {_{ZQ>m§V ^aVmV. Mmahr
hr S>m|Jaam§J Amho ? nmB©n EH$mM doir Mmby Ho$ë`mg Q>mH$s ^aÊ`mg {H$Vr {_{ZQ>o
1) JwOamV 2) amOñWmZ 3) _oKmb` 4) _hmamîQ´> bmJVrb ?
1) 5 2) 4 3) 2 4) 6
Q.12 nm`mMm ì`mg 14 cm Am{U C§Mr 18 cm Agbobm KZ _________________________________________________
e§Hy$ Ë`mÀ`m C§MrÀ`m _Ü`q~XÿVyZ Ë`mÀ`m nm`mer g_m§Va 1
Q.19 18 nwéf 17 {Xdgm§V Ka a§Jmdy eH$VmV. Oa H$m_
g_VbmnmgyZ XmoZ ^mJm§_Ü`o H$mnbm. bhmZ e§H$y ì`{V[aŠV 2
15 {Xdgm§V nyU© H$am`Mo Agob, Va {H$Vr nwéfm§Zm R>odmdo
_yi e§Hy$À`m Ë`m ^mJmMo KZ\$i (cm3 _Ü`o) emoYm.
bmJob ?
= 7 dmnam 1) 21 2) 20 3) 30 4) 27
1) 808.5 2) 983.7 3) 750.2 4) 912.3 Q.20 ^maVmÀ`m `m§n¡H$s H$moUË`m amÁ`m_Ü`o Hw$Ðo_wI bmohI{ZO
Q.13 Anand Pawar Academy
gwZrV Am{U {d{ZV EH$m ì`dgm`mV ^mJrXma AmhoV. gwZrV,
ImUr AmhoV ?
1) H$Zm©Q>H$ 2) Amo{S>em 3) _hmamîQ´>
4) Ho$ai
Á`mMo n¡go 8 _{hZo dmnabo Jobo AmhoV, Vmo Zâ`mÀ`m
da Xmdm H$aVmo. {d{ZV, Á`mZo < 48,000 Mo `moJXmZ Q.21 EH$m ì`ŠVrZo XmoZ EAanm°S> g_mZ qH$_Vrbm {dH$V KoVbo,
{Xbo, Vo 6 _{hZo dmnabo Jobo AmhoV, Ë`mda Vmo Zâ`mÀ`m Vmo Ë`mn¡H$s EH$ >>< 12,488 bm {dH$Vmo Am{U 12% Z\$m
H$_mdVmo Am{U Xþgam >>< 10,927 bm {dH$Vmo. Va Xþgè`mda
Xmdm H$aVmo. Va gwZrbZo {H$Vr aH$_oMo `moJXmZ {Xbo ? hmoUmam Z\$m qH$dm VmoQ>m {H$Vr Q>ŠHo$ Amho ?
1) < 38,000 2) < 35,000 1) 10% Z\$m 2) 1% Z\$m
3) < 30,000 4) < 27,000 3) 2% VmoQ>m 4) 0.5% VmoQ>m
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.14 60 {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m dJm©V, gwboIm gwédmVrnmgyZ 20 ì`m Q.22 ^maVr` g_mOmVrb pñÌ`m§À`m g_ñ`m§Zm hmVmiÊ`mgmR>r
H«$_m§H$mda Amho. {VMm eodQy>Z `oUmam H«$_m§H$ {ZYm©[aV H$am. ~«m÷mo g_mOmMr ñWmnZm H$moUr Ho$br hmoVr ?
1) 42 2) 43 3) 41 4) 40 1) A°Zr ~oP§Q> 2) ñdm_r {ddoH$mZ§X
Q.15 ^maVm_Ü`o AmT>iUmè`m AYmVw I{ZOmMo EH$ CXmhaU 3) amOm am__mohZ am°` 4) ñdm_r X`mZ§X gañdVr
{ZdS>m. Q.23 ________Mo XrK©H$mbrZ nydm©Zw_mZ H$aÊ`mgmR>r Eb-{ZZmo
1) J§YH$ 2) bmoh 3) Vm§~o 4) H$mo~mëQ>
_________________________________________________ `m hdm_mZ àUmbrMm Cn`moJ Ho$bm OmVmo.
Q.16 {~«{Q>e ^maVm_Ü`o '{ZirMm CR>md' Ho$ìhm KS>bm ? 1) {hdmù`mVrb W§S>r 2) CîU_m bmQ>
1) 1817> 2) 1859 3) 1857 4) 1865 3) {h_dfm©d 4) _mÝgyZ_Yrb nO©Ý`d¥îQ>r
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23
4 3 1 3 1 4 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 3 4
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Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6
4 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2
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2) é½U go d o g mR>r Jw U dÎmo À `m ÑîQ>rH$mo Z mgmR>r ~hþ - membrances spontaneously rupture and
AZwemgZmË_H$ ÑîQ>rH$moZ meconium staining of the fluid was obvious.
At the same time the fetal monitoring strips
3) ~hþjoÌr` YmoaU Am{U H¥$VrÛmao Amamo½`mÀ`m ì`mnH$
indicate signs of fetal distress. The nurse fails
{ZYm©aH$m§Zm g§~mo{YV H$aUo
to report these observations to the doctor. 3
4) bmoH$m§À`m ghh`mV Amamo½`{df`H$ JaOm nyU© H$aÊ`mgmR>r hours later the doctor checks in and finds signs
EH$mpË_H$ Amamo½` godm of fetal distress prompting an emergency c-
section. A knot in the umbilical cord had
Q.7 \w$â\w$gmMm H$H©$amoJ Agboë`m é½Um_Ü`o, \w$â\w$gmVrb D${V
formed depriving the baby oxygen resulting
H$mTy>Z Q>mH$mì`m bmJUo, énm§V[aV Am°pŠgOZ nwadR>m (aŠV
in ________ .
{ZåZg§dmVZ), aŠVmMr Am°pŠgOZ dmhÿZ ZoÊ`mMr j_Vm
1) Limb damage 2) Birth passage
H$_r hmoUo (aŠV H$_r hmoUo) ho H$emer g§~§{YV AmhoV ? 3) Brain damage 4) Neck damage
1) WH$dm 2) Vrd« doXZm _________________________________________________
3) {~KS>bobm dm`y-{d{Z_` 4) Aà^mdr dm`w_mJ© {ZMam Q.13 Šbm`§Q> : ""_bm hr gd© Am¡fYo KoUo AmdS>V Zmhr. `m§_wio
_________________________________________________ _bm ~{YanUm Amë`mgmaI§ dmQ>Vo.''
Q.8 WHO ^maV Xoe ghH$m`© YmoaU 2919-2023 Mo erf©H$ Zg© (S>moù`m§_Ü`o nmhV) : ""hmo, _bm g_Obo.''
________ Ago Amho.
hr n[apñWVr H$moUË`m àH$maÀ`m CnMmamË_H$ g§àofU V§ÌmMo
1) E Q>mB©_ Am°Z Q´>m§{PeZ 2) E Q>mB©_ \$m°a Q´>m§{PeZ CXmhaU XoVo ?
3) E Q>mB©_ Am°\$ Q´>m§{PeZ 4) Q´>m§{PeZ Q>mB©_ 1) ñdrH¥$Vr (A°ŠgoßQ>Ýg) 2) H$~wbrO~m~ (Šb°[a{\$Ho$eZ)
Q.9 ________ A§VJ©V `oUmè`m Z°eZb àmoJ«m_ \$m°a hoëW Ho$Aa 3) \$moH$qgJ 4) gåZdoeZ (EŠgßbo[a¨J)
Am°\$ EëS>abr Am{U hoëW A±S> dobZog g|Q>g© `m àmW{_H$ Q.14 ________ Mm J^©YmaUoda ghgm H$_rV H$_r à^md nS>Vmo.
Amamo½` godm `moOZo_Ü`o d¥ÜXm§Zm g_{n©V Amamo½` godm
Anand Pawar Academy
nwa{dbr OmVo.
1) d¡ÚH$s` godm gwYmaUm `moOZm
{hn°Q>m`Q>rg-E ìhm`ag (HAV)
{hn°Q>m`Q>rg-gr ìhm`ag (HCV)
{hn°Q>m`Q>rg-~r ìhm`ag (HBV)
2) {_eZ n[adma {dH$mg
4) HBsAg+
3) Am`wî`_mZ ^maV H$m`©H«$_ _________________________________________________
4) amîQ´>r` Amamo½` {ZYr (RAN) Q.15 Amamo½`mÀ`m _hÎdmÀ`m Am`m_m§_Ü`o (dimensions)
Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m JmoîQ>tMm g_mdoe hmoVmo ?
Q.10 Corynebacterium diphtheria, the causative
1) emar[aH$, _mZ{gH$, ^md{ZH$, AmÜ`mpË_H$
organism for Diphtheria is a ________ infection.
2) emar[aH$, _mZ{gH$, ^md{ZH$, AmÜ`mpË_H$, gm_m{OH$
1) Fungus 2) Parasite 3) Virus 4) Bacteria
_________________________________________________ 3) emar[aH$, _mZ{gH$, ^md{ZH$, AmÜ`mpË_H$, gm_m{OH$,
Q.11 ________ is a mental health condition that causes O¡{dH$
extreme functuations in mood and changes in
4) emar[aH$, _mZ{gH$, AmÜ`mpË_H$, gm_m{OH$, O¡{dH$
energy, thinking, behavior, and sleep. _________________________________________________
1) Dysthymia Q.16 ________ involves making a small incision in the
2) Postpartum Depression abdomen. The fallopian tubes are brought to
3) Manic Depression the incision to be cut or blocked.
4) Major Depression 1) Mini laparotomy
2) Non - Scalpel Vasectomy
Q.12 Woman is admitted to hospital in labor with
3) Open tubectomy
her 2nd child and is under primary supervision
4) Laparoscopy
of nurse. An hour after arriving her _________________________________________________
Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16
3 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 2 1
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Q.17 This phase typically takes piace from days six 1) {_Ì Am{U Hw$Qw>§~mH$Sy>Z n¡go H$mTy>Z KoUo
to 14. During this time, the level of the hormone 2) AË`§V CÎmo{OV qH$dm AË`§V CXmgrZ ^mdZm
estrogen rises, which causes the lining of your 3) Pmonm`bm Ìmg hmoUo
uterus (the endometrium) to grow and thicken.
4) {MS>{MS> qH$dm CXmg _Z:pñWVr
1) Ovulation phase _________________________________________________
2) The follicular phase Q.22 _mñbmoÀ`m JaOm§À`m nXmZwH«$_mZwgma, earamMr gwajm,
3) Luteinizing hormone phase amoOJma, g§gmYZo, Z¡{VH$Vm, Hw$Qw>§~, Amamo½` Am{U _mb_Îmm
4) The menses phase `m Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m JaOm§À`m A§VJ©V `oVmV ?
Q.18 HIMSS Mo nyU© én H$m` Amho ? 1) AmXa^md 2) _mZgemñÌr`
1) hoëW BÝ\$_}eZ A±S> _°ZoO_|Q> gmogm`Q>r {gñQ>_ 3) gwa{jVVm 4) ào_ Am{U AmnbonUm
(Health Information and Management Soiety
Q.23 IPSG C{ÔîQ>m_
§ Ü`o, ""n[aUm_H$maH$ g§àfo U gwYmaUo (Båàyìh
B\o$pŠQ>ìh H$å`w{ZHo$eZ)'' hm ________ Mm EH$ ^mJ Amho.
2) hoëWHo$Aa BÝ\$_}eZ A±S> _°ZoO_|Q> {gñQ>_ gmogm`Q>r 1) IPSG 1 2) IPSG 3 3) IPSG 2 4) IPSG 6
(Healthcare Information and Management _________________________________________________
Systems Society) Q.24 What carries the sperm through the inguinal
3) hoëW BÝ\$_}eZ A±S> _°ZoO_|Q> {gñQ>_ gmogm`Q>r canal from the epididymis into the abdominal
cavity where it will end at the seminal vesicles
(Health Information and Management System
and the ejaculatory duct.
1) Vas Deferens 2) Seminal Vesciles
4) hoëWHo$Aa BÝ\$_}eZ A±S> _°ZoO_|Q> gmoeb gmogm`Q>r 3) Ejaculatory Ducts 4) Epididymis
(Healthcare Information and Management Social _________________________________________________
Society) Q.25 ________Amamo½` godmXmË`m§Zm AmoiI, AmOmamMo ñnîQ>rH$aU
Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27
2 2 3 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 3
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2) amîQ´>r` _bo[a`m à{V~§YH$ H$m`©H«$_ (NAMP) Q.33 ZdOmV ~mimÀ`m ~m~VrV MmMUrbm gwédmV H$aÊ`mMr
3) d{Y©V _bo[a`m {Z`§ÌU àH$ën (EMCP) doi ________ dJiVm gd© JmoîQ>tda AmYm[aV Agm`bm hdr.
4) d{Y©V _bo[a`m à{V~§YH$ àH$ën (EAMP) 1) A§V{Z©{hV d¡ÚH$s` g_ñ`m Am{U Ë`m§Mr Vrd«Vm
2) àgyVr B{Vhmg
Q.28 ________ ho bmoH$g§»`m Amamo½` qH$dm Amamo½` àUmbrÀ`m
3) OÝ_ XoUmè`m ì`ŠVrMo d`
H$m`©j_Voer g§~§{YV àmYmÝ` {df`m§~Ôb _m{hVr gmam§{eV
4) AmB©À`m ZmVodmB©H$m§Mm d¡ÚH$s` B{Vhmg
H$aÊ`mgmR>r g§H$pënV Ho$bobo Cnm` AmhoV. Vo {^ÝZ _________________________________________________
^m¡Jmo{bH$, g§ñWmË_H$ qH$dm àemgH$s` gr_m Amobm§Sy>Z Q.34 ________ `m Q>ßß`mXaå`mZ AmB© {ZU©` KoÊ`m_Ü`o Am{U
VwbZm H$aÊ`m`mo½` Am{U H¥$Vr H$aÊ`m`mo½` _m{hVr XoVmV X¡Z§{XZ H¥$Vr H$aÊ`mgmR>r {VÀ`m Amamo½` godm àXmË`mda
Am{U/qH$dm H$mbm§VamZo àJVrMm _mJmodm KoD$ eH$VmV. qH$dm AmYma XoUmè`m ì`ŠVrda Adb§~yZ AgVo.
1) H$s na\$m°_©Ýg B§{S>Ho$Q>go 2) ~m`mobm°{OH$b B§{S>Ho$Q>g© 1) Q>oqH$J BZ \o$O 2) boqQ>J Jmo \o$O
3) hoëW B§{S>Ho$Q>g© 4) Šdm{bQ>r B§{S>Ho$Q>g© 3) Q>oqH$J hmoëS> \o$O 4) Q´>m§{PeZb \o$O
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.29 J^©YmaUoXaå`mZ AdQw> Aën{H«$`Voda (hm`nmoWm`am°B©{S>P_) Q.35 ________ ho nyaH$ g{H«$`Vogh qH$dm Ë`m{edm` AmË_KmVr
CnMma Z Ho$ë`mg ________ hmoD$ eH$Vo. à{VqnS>m§_wio RBC À`m dmT>boë`m ^§OZmMo d¡{eîQ>ç Amho.
1) OrdZgËdmMr H$_VaVm 1) ñd`§à{Vj_ HA (AIHA)
2) OÝ_mÀ`m doir dOZ H$_r AgUo 2) g§doJr Z¡e emoUdVw©br_oh (PNH)
3) nQ>bmMo AH$mbr {dXmaU 3) XmÌnoer amoJ (SCD)
4) J^©OÝ` AmH$S>r 4) bmo{hVnoer {dKQ>Zr nm§Sw>amoJ (HA)
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.30 \«°$ŠMa Agboë`m é½Um§Zm earamÀ`m XþIÊ`mZo à^m{dV Q.36 Am§ÌoVa Am¡fY XoÊ`mÀ`m J¡agmo`tV g_mdoe hmoUmè`m§VyZ
^mJmVrb Zgm Am{U aŠVdm{hÝ`m§À`m g§^mì` g§Hw${MVVo_wio Imbrb H$moUVo dJiVm `oB©b ?
Anand Pawar Academy
n[aYr` MoVmdm{hZr XþpîH«$`VoMm YmoH$m AgVmo. `mV ________
dJiVm BVa gd© VËH$mi hmoD$ eH$Vo.
1) JmR>tMr CnpñWVr
3) ñnem©ghËd
2) Am¡fYmMr _§X {H«$`m
4) AÝ`moÝ` g§H«$_U
1) XþImnVr_wio AdgmXmdñWm
Q.37 _mZdr g§M`mV (øy_Z [aPdm©`g©) ________ dJiVm gdmªMm
2) XþIè`m ^mJmda H$_r g§doXZm
g_mdoe hmoVmo.
3) H$maH$ H$m`m©_Ü`o AS>Wim
1) Amamo½`godm H$_©Mmar 2) é½U
4) H$_r aŠVm{^gaU
_________________________________________________ 3) é½Umb`mMm n[aga 4) KaJwVr gXñ`
Q.31 CnMmamË_H$ g§~§Ym§À`m H$moUË`m Q>ßß`m§_Ü`o g§~§YmÀ`m Q.38 ZwH$gmZ {ZYm©aU gd}jUmV ________ ho dJiVm, Imbr
àma§{^H$ H$mbmdYrV Šbm`§Q²>gÛmao gmVË` Am{U ldU ho {Xboë`m à_wI VÎdm§Mo nmbZ Ho$bo nm{hOo.
J§^ra Agë`mMo _mZbo OmVo ? 1) AmH$bZ 2) EoH$Uo 3) nmhUo 4) A§_b~OmdUr
1) _yë`_mnZ Q>ßnm 2) H$m_mMm Q>ßnm _________________________________________________
3) {XemXoeZmMm Q>ßnm 4) e_ZmdñWm Q>ßnm Q.39 ñQ>_H$ âbybm (Stomach Flu) ________ Agohr åhUVmV.
_________________________________________________ 1) OrdmUw OR>am§ÌemoW 2) OrdaoUwOÝ` OR>am§ÌemoW
Q.32 J^©OÝ` AmH$S>r åhUOo ________ Mr Xþ{_©i na§Vw J§^ra 3) OR>am§ÌemoW 4) ~waerOÝ` OR>am§ÌemoW
Aer O{Q>bVm Amho. _________________________________________________
Q.40 Knee, Shoulder, Sternociavicular and elbow
1) YŠŠ`mgh AñWm{ZH$ J^©YmaU
joints are examples of which type of joints ?
2) nQ>bmÀ`m AH$mbr {dXmaUm
1) Cartilaginous joints 2) Synovial joints
3) àgdnyd© aŠVñÌmdm
3) Fibrous joints 4) Ellipsoid joints
4) {àŠb°åno{g`m (J^©OÝ` AmH$S>rMr nydm©dñWm)
Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.31 Q.32 Q.33 Q.34 Q.35 Q.36 Q.37 Q.38 Q.39 Q.40
3 2 1 3 4 4 1 1 2 3 4 2 2
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Anand Pawar Academy
hr _mohOmb H$sVr Xþan`ªV ngabo Amho, `mMo Mm¡H$er
hmoUo JaOoMo Amho.
ewëbH$ H$maUm§gmR>r {dOod[ab CnH$aUo dmnaÊ`mMo à_mU
Q.13 dmŠ`mVrb H$Vm©-H$_©-{H«$`mnX `m§À`m nañna g§~Y§ mbm H$m`
åhUVmV ?
H$_r Ho$bo nmhrOo. 1) {d^ŠVr 2) à`moJ 3) {deofU$ 4) gd©Zm_
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.5 "_mPr OÝ_R>on' `m AmË_M[aÌmMo boIH$ H$moU AmhoV ? Q.14 "VwVmar' hr à{gÜX H${dVm H$moUmMr Amho ?
1) amOmam_emñÌr ^mJdV 2) {dZm`H$ Xm_moXa gmdaH$a 1) JmoqdXmJ«O 2) H¥$îUmOr Ho$ed Xm_bo
3) {dîUy emñÌr {MniyUH$a 4) _hmXod JmoqdX amZS>o 3) AmË_mamO amdOr Xoenm§S>o 4) Hw$gw_mJ«O
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.6 H$m_mV Amig d hbJOunUm XmIdUo, hm Ame` H$moUË`m Q.15 "OiVo Ka ^mS>çmZo KoUo', `m dmŠàMmamVyZ H$moUVm AW©
åhUrVyZ ì`ŠV hmoVmo ? gy{MV hmoVmo ?
1) CMb nÌmdir nmhUo OodUmao {H$Vr 1) _yi ñd^mdmZo dmJUo 2) _ZmVë`m _ZmV (((( amhUo
2) C§Q>mdéZ eoir hmH$Uo 3) nyU© bj XoD$Z EoH$Uo> 4) ZgVm bMm§S> _mJo bmJUo
3) CIi nmÊ`mbm IiIimQ> \$ma
Section - 2 - ENGLISH
4) CYma Vob IdQ> {ZKmbo
Q.1 Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Q.7 Zm_ Am{U ^mddmMH$Zm_ Agboë`m eãXOmoS>çm§nH¡ $s MwH$sMr given proverb.
eãXOmoS>r emoYm. Actions speak louder than words.
1) em§V - {ZadVm 2) Zdb - ZdbmB© 1) What you have done in the past is not as
3) lr_§V - ImZXmZr 4) JmoS> - _mYw`© important as what you plan to say.
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1
3 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 4 2 4 2 2 4 4
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2) What you did yesterday is not as important as 3) Get him some new uniforms
what you said. 4) Make a lot of changes in timings
3) What you say is as important as what someone _________________________________________________
else says. Q.6 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
4) What you do is more important than what you the blank.
say. Anuj regularly _______ the library.
_________________________________________________ 1) will visit 2) visit
Q.2 The following sentence has been divided into 3) visits 4) has visited
parts. One of them may contain a spelling error. _________________________________________________
Select the part that contains the error from the Q.7 Select the sentence with the correct punctua-
given options. If you don’t find any error, mark tion and capitalisation.
‘No error’ as your answer. 1) “When Are you, leaving ?”
The main thing about these birds / is that they 2) “When are you leaving ?”
are commonly found / in groups and create 3) “When, are you Leaving ?”
lots of noise. 4) “When are you leaving ?”
1) is that they are commonly found Q.8 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
2) The main thing about these birds word given in brackets to complete the
3) No error sentence.
4) in groups and create lots of noise The ________ (gloomy) weather made everyone
feel ecstatic.
Q.3 Select the most appropriate option to fill in
1) confusing 2) cheerful
the blank.
3) clear 4) cloudy
Your parents _______ ((((((( you. _________________________________________________
1) be
Anand Pawar Academy
2) are being 3) will 4) will be
Q.4 The following sentence has been divided into
parts. One of them may contain a some error.
Q.9 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word.
1) Harsh 2) Rash 3) Fast 4) Clean
Select the part that contains the error from the _________________________________________________
given options. If you don’t find error, mark ‘No Q.10 The following sentence has been divided into
error’ as your answer/ parts. One of them may contains spelling error.
India has a good part of its perimeter / in a Select the part that contains the error from the
penensular shape with sprawling seas / on both given options. If you don’t and say error, mark
the west and the east, rounding up in the south. ‘No error’ as your answer.
1) India has a good part of its perimeter Over eight hundered new trains / were
2) No error introduced in / the last five years.
3) on both the west and the east, rounding up in 1) were introduced in
the south 2) the last five years
4) in a penensular shape with sprawing seas 3) No error
4) Over eight hundered new trains
Q.5 Select the most appropriate meaning of the _________________________________________________
underlined idiom in the given sentence. Q.11 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
They needed to pull strings to get Hari given word.
admission into the new school. ascended
1) Secretary use influence 1) Climbed 2) Tumbled
2) Provide him with many tuitions 3) Despatched 4) Valued
Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11
3 4 4 1 3 2 2 1 4 1
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Q.12 Select the most appropriate option to fill in Q.3 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m g§»`m§Mr AXbm~Xb H$éZ `mo½`
the blank. g_rH$aU {_iob ?
They ________ the marketing side of the product 42 + 34 × 5 – 68 17 = 125
well. 1) 34 Am{U 17 2) 34 Am{U 68
1) handling 2) are handled
3) 42 Am{U 68 2) 42 Am{U 5
3) had handled 4) have handle _________________________________________________
Q.13 Parts of a sentence are given below in jumbled
Q.4 ÐmdU A Am{U B _Ü`o AZwH«$_o 3 : 7 Am{U 4 : 11 `m
order. Arrange the parts in the correct order JwUmoËVamV AëH$mohmob Am{U nmUr Amho. Z{dZ ÐmdU C
to form a meaningful sentence. {_idÊ`mgmR>r XmoZ {bQ>a A bm 3 brQ>a B _Ü`o {_gibo
A) a single un-irrigated crop of wheat or chana OmVo. Va C ÐmdUmV AëH$mohmobMh Q>ŠHo$dmar {H$Vr Amho?
B) during the rabi winter season 1) 28% 2) 32% 3) 30% 4) 25%
C) Malwa, the plateau region of wstern MP
D) traditionally grew only
Q.5 {S>g|~a_Ü`o gw{_VmMm Pmbobm _m{gH$ IM© ><48000 Amho.
1) DACB 2) CDAB 3) CBAD 4) BADC Omo {VÀ`m _m{gH$ CËnÝZmno j m 20% H$_r Amho .
_________________________________________________ OmZodmar_Ü`o, {VMo CËnÝZ 12% Zo Am{U ~MV 15% Zo
Q.14 Parts of a sentence are given below in jumbled dmT>br. OmZodmarVrb {VMm IM© (_mJrb _{hÝ`mÀ`m
order. Arrange the parts in the correct order to
VwbZoV) {H$VrZo dmT>Vmo/H$_r hmoVmo ?
form a meaningful sentence.
1) < 4800 Zo dmT>Vmo 2) < 4200 Zo H$_r hmoVmo
A) The beaches of Goa
B) will warm your spirit 3) < 5400 Zo dmT>Vmo 4) < 4600 Zo H$_r hmoVmo
C) relax your mind
Q.6 1942 À`m ^maV N>moS>mo MidirXaå`mZ _w§~B©Vrb Jmodm{b`m
D) in the sun and
Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9
3 2 1 4 1 3 1 1 3 3 2 1 1
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1) 98
Anand Pawar Academy
H$moUVo _yë` `oB©b ?
11.97 + 120.96 + 10.99 × 5.08 + 28.09 – 10.98 = ?
2) 88 3) 84 4) 74
{~amXar àH$ën (LBP) H$moUr gwé Ho$bm ?
1) Vmam~mB© _moS>H$ 2) aËZmßnm Hw§$^ma
_________________________________________________ 3) ~m~m Am_Q>o 4) ^mD$amd nmQ>rb
Q.15 B§J«Or dU©_m{bHo$_Ü`o Agboë`m Ajam§à_mUo STICKER _________________________________________________
Q.21 5 nwéf Am{U 4 pñÌ`m 5 {XdgmV EH$ {d{eîQ> H$m_ H$é
`m eãXm_Ü`o Ajam§À`m {H$Vr OmoS²>`m AmhoV ? (nwT>rb
Am{U _mJrb `m XmoÝhr nÜXVrZo (((( H$am. eH$VmV, Va 2 nwéf Am{U 3 pñÌ`m VoM H$m_ 30 {XdgmV
1) 1 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2 H$é eH$ë`mZo Va 21 {XdgmV H$m_ nyU© H$aÊ`mgmR>r,
_________________________________________________ {H$Vr pñÌ`m§er 3 nwéfm§Zm _XV Ho$br nm{hOo ?
Q.16 H${dVm EH$m n§»`mMr {dH«$s qH$_V Ë`mÀ`m IaoXr qH$_VrÀ`m 1) 3 2) 5 3) 4 4) 2
28% nojm OmñV {ZpíMV H$aVo. H${dVm ----- qH$_Vrbm _________________________________________________
Q.22 1942 gmbr ^maVr` amîQ´>dmXtZr ñWmnZ Ho$boë`m ^maVr`
{dH$V KoVo Ë`mM IaoXr qH$_VrÀ`m 20% nojm OmñV
qH$_Vrbm Ë`mM àH$maMm n§Im Z{_Vm {dH$V KoVo Am{U amîQ´>r` bîH$a, geñÌ ~bmÀ`m _{hbm ao{O_|Q>Mo Zmd H$m`
Ë`mMr {dH«$s qH$_V Ë`mÀ`m IaoXr qH$_VrÀ`m 25% nojm hmoVo ?
OmñV {ZpíMV H$aVo. Z{_Vm Am{U H${dVm `m§Zr H$_mdboë`m 1) _wŠVr d{hZr ao{O_|Q> 2) XþJm© ao{O_|Q>
Zâ`mVrb \$aH$ Oa < 45 Agob, Va H${dVmgmR>r n§»`mMr 3) ~§Jmb Q>mJJ«og ao{O_|Q> 4) BamerMr amUr ao{O_|Q>
IaoXr qH$_V {H$Vr Amho ? Q.23 Imbrb AmH$S>odmarMm _Ü`o Oa 27.4 Amho. Va k Mo _yë`
1) < 2,300 2) < 2,250 3) < 2,350 4) < 2,200 {H$Vr Amho ?
Q.17 Oa g§»`m Am{U Ajam§À`m _m{bHo$Mm g§X^© KoD$Z àíZmMo dJ© 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22
2 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 4 3 3 4
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1) 2 2) 7 3) 17 4) 12 Section - 4 - TECHNICAL
Q.24 Á`màH$mao Xþgam eãX hm n{hë`m eãXmÀ`m g§~§{YV Amho Q.1 Epidemiological investigation with population
Ë`mà_mUo {Vgè`m eãXmer g§~§{YV eãXmMr {ZdS> H$am. as unit of study is known as ________ .
Am{e`m : Amo_mZ : : `wamon : ? 1) cohort 2) field trial
1) V¡dmZ 2) gwXmZ 3) pìhEVZm_ 4) nmoVw©Jmb 3) ecological studies 4) case control
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Q.25 Imbrb AmH$S>odmarMm _Ü`H$ {H$Vr Amho ? (EH$ Xem§e Q.2 The concept of GMP was introduced in _______ .
ñWmZmn`ªV nyUmª{H$V H$éZ) 1) Schedule C 2) Schedule M
3) Schedule X 4) Schedule H
dJ© 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 _________________________________________________
dma§dmaVm 8 6 12 11 13 Q.3 Chlorpromazine is a ________ containing
antipsycholic drug.
1) 68.8 2) 68.2 3) 69.2 4) 59.8
_________________________________________________ 1) thioxanthine 2) benzazepine
Q.26 EH$m gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfo_Ü`o, 3) phenothiazine 4) butyrophenone
Oa ‘&’ åhUOo "~oarO', ‘#’ åhUOo "JwUmH$ma', åhUOo Q.4 The tetracyclines excreted through the GIT is
‘%’ "^mJmH$ma' Am{U åhUOo "dOm~mH$s' Amho. Va Imbrb ________ .
Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27 Q28 Q29 Q.30 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8
4 4 3 4 2 4 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 1 3 1
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Q.9 The steroidal drug, _______ , is used for COVID- Q.19 Which of the following anti-allergic drug used
19 management as per essential drug list. in anaphylaxis is deleted from NELM 2015 ?
1) paracetamol 2) dexamethasone 1) CHlorpheniramine 4 mg
3) remdesivir 4) enoxaparin 2) Hydrocortisone 5 mg
3) Prednisolone 5 mg
Q.10 Which of the following diseases is an
4) Cetirizine 10 mg
arthropod borne infection ? _________________________________________________
1) Malaria 2) Diphtheria Q.20 Am¡fY{dVaU à{H«$`oVrb eodQ>Mm Q>ßnm åhUOo _______ hmo`.
3) Measles 4) Amoebiasis 1) dñVy§Mo {MÝhrH$aU 2) {ZX}enÌ nmdVr
Q.11 The strendth of formaldehyde used i hospitals 3) é½Um§Mo g_wnXoeZ 4) dñVy§Mr VnmgUr
for disinfection is _______ .
Q.21 The numbers of persons present in the
1) 10% 2) 37% 3) 45% 4) 18%
_________________________________________________ Registration Trinunal for the preparation of the
Q.12 à{VHy$b Am¡fYm§À`m à{V{H«$`oMr Vrd«Vm Omo g§^mì`V: first register in state movement is _______ .
OrdKoUr Amho, Ë`mMo dJuH$aU _______ Ago Ho$bo OmVo. 1) 6 2) 8 3) 4 4) 3
1) J§^ra 2) {H$aH$moi 3) _Ü`_ 4) _maH$ Q.22 Which of the following drugs is used as an
intravenous general anaesthetic ?
Q.13 Cephalexin is a ______ cephalosporin.
1) Nitrous oxide 2) Halothane
1) first generation 2) fourth generation
3) Desflurane 4) Diazepam
3) second generation 4) third generation _________________________________________________
Q.23 The ______ section of the Indian Pharmaco-
Q.14 Any drug described is filthy putrid or decom-
poeia was published in 1966.
posed substance is whole or in part is termed
1) fourth 2) first 3) third 4) second
Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27
2 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 4 4 1 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
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Q.28 The schedule for biological and special Q.37 List of drugs required to be taken only under
products are mentioned in ______ . the supervision of a registererd medical
1) Schedule C 2) Schedule H1 practitioner is scheduled under ______ .
3) Schedule C1 4) Schedule P 1) Schedule X 2) Schedule H
3) Schedule B 4) Schedule G
Q.29 The year of establishment of the US FDA India _________________________________________________
Office in New Delhi is ______ . Q.38 Magnesium sulphate when applied topically
1) 2006 2) 2008 3) 2001 4) 2012 as poultice causes ______ .
1) reduction in intracranial pressure
Q.30 The specific category of drugs used for
congestive heart diseases is ______ . 2) anticonvulsant effect
1) rennin inhibitors 3) reduction in dedema
2) cardiac glycosides 4) purgative effect
3) calcium channel blockers Q.39 Salicylates induce ________ .
4) potassium channel openers 1) Hepatitis 2) Peptic ulcer
Q.31 g_mOgodr Am¡fYmb`_Yrb EH$m à^mdr g§KmMo Imbrbn¡H$s 3) Parkinsonism 4) ALzheimer’s
H$moUVo d¡{eîQ²>` Zmhr ? Q.40 In the essential drugs and consumables,
1) gm_m{`H$ hoVy 2) g§Kf© {Z{_©Vr potassium chloride is listed under ________ dosage
3) H$UIa ZoV¥Ëd 4) Mm§Jbm g§dmX form.
_________________________________________________ 1) ointment 2) oral tablet
Q.32 Which of the follwing is NOT a component of
3) oral liquid 4) inhalation
reorder point system in drug store manage-
ment ?
Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q.31 Q.32 Q.33 Q.34 Q.35 Q.36 Q.37 Q.38 Q.39 Q.40
1 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 4 4 3 2 3