Agroforestry Models Developed by ICFRE

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ICFRE, 2020. Agroforestry Models Developed by Indian Council of Forestry

Research and Education (A compilation)
© 2020, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun,

Published by
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education,
P.O. New Forest, Dehradun- 248 006.

Material from this compilation may be used for educational purposes provided due
credit is given.

Compiled by:

Dr. S. Sarvanan, Scientist- E, TFRI, Jabalpur

Dr. Nanita Berry, Scientist- E, TFRI, Jabalpur

Dr. Rajeshwar Rao, Director, TFRI, Jabalpur

Editorial team:

Dr. Vimal Kothiyal, ADG (RP), ICFRE

Dr. Subhash Nautiyal, Retd. Scientist, FRI

Shri S.D. Sharma, DDG (R), ICFRE

Ms. Ismita Nautiyal, Scientist- D, RP Division, ICFRE

Support rendered by :

Dr. Shaliendra Kumar, CTO, RP Division, ICFRE

Dr. Shweta B. Kukreti, Consultant, Directorate of Research, ICFRE

AFRI Arid Forest Research Institute
AF Agroforetsry
AFS Agroforetsry System
AICRP-AF All India Coordinated Research Project- Agroforetsry
B/C Benefit/Cost
BAIF Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation
CAFRI Central Agroforestry Research Insitute
DBH Diameter at Breast Height
ETPs Entire Transplants
FRI Forest Research Institute
FRC-BR Forest Research Centre for Bamboo & Rattan
FRC-CE Forest Research Centre for Coastal Ecosystem
FRC-LE Forest Research Centre for Livehood Extension
FRC-ER Forest Research Centre for Eco-Rehabilitation
FRC-SD Forest Research Centre for Skill Development
FSC Forest Steward Council
FSI Forest Survey of India
FYM Farm Yard Manure
HFRI Himalayan Forest Research Institute
ICAR Indian Council for Agricultural Research
ICFRE Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
IFP Institute of Forest Productivity
IFB Institute of Forest Biodiversity
IFGTB Instiute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRR Internal Rate of Return
IWST Institute of Wood Science and Technology
MOP Muriate of Potash
MPT Multipurpose Tree
NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NAEB National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board
NAP National Agroforestry Policy
NDC Nationally Determined Contribution
NFP National Forest Policy
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NRCAF National Research Centre for Agroforestry
RFRI Rain Forest Research Institute
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
SFDs State Forest Departments
SSP Single Superphosphate
TFRI Tropical Forest Research Institute
TNAU Tamil Nadu Agriculture University
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change


Foreword i
Preface ii
Acknowledegment iii
Abbreviations iv
Summary v
Chapters 01-73
1. Introduction to Agroforestry 01-08
2. ICAR contribution in developing Agroforestry Models 09-12
3. Role of ICFRE in promotion of Agroforestry 13-15
4. Agroforestry in Trans Himalayan Region 16-18
5. Agroforestry in Western Himalayan Region and Indo-Gangetic 19-32
6. Agroforestry in Eastern Himalayan Region 33-34
7. Agroforestry in Gangetic Plain Region 35-38
8. Agroforestry in Plateaus 39-52
9. Agroforestry in Western Dry Region 53-58
10. Agroforestry in Coastal Plains and Ghats 59-68
11. Agroforestry way ahead 69-73
References 74-76
Annexure-I: List of Principal Investigators/ Contributors of agroforestry 77-78
models, ICFRE Institutes
Annexure-II : Source and contact address for Quality Planting Material 79-81
of selected agroforestry tree species used for agroforestry models
The agroforetsry system is being practiced by planting tree species with
agricultural crop for enriching soil, enabling food security and maximizing
economic return per unit area. Scientific interventions in agroforestry practices
can enhance productivity and diversify the output. Since there is a limitation of
plantation in natural forest, the targets of green cover can be achieved by
encouraging plantation outside recorded forest areas particularly in agroforestry
system. ICFRE with its nine research institutes and five advanced centers located
all over the country is contributing towards long term sustainable development in
the field of forestry research, education and extension covering all the aspects of
forestry. It has made significant contribution to enhance the green cover of nation
in forest landscapes as well as under agroforestry system in non-forest lands,
increasing timber productivity through improved clonal plantation, enhancing
conservation and sustainability of forest.
Research institutes of ICFRE does significant research in the field of agroforestry
and the same has been demonstrated successfully in farmer’s field for further
expansion and adoption in a large scale. ICFRE institutes have developed
improved germplasm of many forest tree species and has released 47 high
performing and disease resistant clones and varieties of Eucalyptus
camaldulensis, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Eucalyptus hybrid, Casuarina
equisetifolia, Casuarina junghuhniana, Casuarina hybrid, Dalbergia sissoo,
Rauvolfia serpentina, Melia dubia. These improved germplasm is being made
available to the State Forest Departments and farmers for use in agroforestry
plantations for increasing the productivity. ICFRE institutes have also developed
package of practices of the above developed new clones/varieties in agroforestry
model. These high yielding clones are not only productive but also have the
potential to give additional income to farmers.
The agroforestry practices developed by ICFRE have been compiled and
presented in form of a book "Agroforestry Models developed by Indian Council
of Forestry Research and Education". This book especially talks about ICFRE
intervention related with agroforestry models established with improved
clones/varieties. It introduces the role of agroforestry in climate change
mitigation, adaptation, sustainable development goals and its contribution in
achieving SDGs. The book apprises ICAR contribution in developing agroforestry
models and its profitability for farmers. Further the book provides comprehensive
knowledge about the agroforestry models developed by ICFRE institutes in Trans
Himalayan, Western Himalayan, Eastern Himalayan, Gangetic plains, Plateus,
Western dry areas, Coastal plains and ghats. The way ahead reflects the focus of
needed research in coming years in developing agroforestry system as a
sustainable option for forest produce and addressing environmental concern. The
government needs to build robust mechanism for ensuring that agroforestry is
taken up by farmers and industries. The agroforestry entrepreneurial models are

evolved and price stabilization, economic incentives are maintained for benefit of
farmers and other stakeholders. This document is an effort to impart synthesized
information to the users such as to farmers, extension workers, researchers,
teachers and students.

ICFRE Presence in the country

Agro-Climatic Zones of India


Introduction to Agroforestry
India’s forest and tree cover is 8,07,267 square kilometers which is only 24.56 %
of the India's geographical area (FSI Report 2019). The efforts are being made to
achieve the national goal of 33% geographic area of the country under the forest
and tree cover as enshrined in the National Forest Policy (NFP), 1988. The
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has framed a new draft of
National Forest Policy in March, 2018. New draft Forest Policy 2018 aims to
address the recent realities of climate change, human-animal conflict and
declining green cover in addition to focusing on the past efforts. It aims to bring a
minimum one-third of India’s total geographical area under forest cover through
scientific interventions and enforcing strict rules to protect the dense cover. It
proposes public-private participation models for undertaking afforestation and
reforestation activities in degraded forest areas, forest areas available with Forest
Development Corporations and areas outside forests.
Our country has only 2.4% of the world’s geographical area and 0.5% of the
world’s grazing area but supports over 16% of the world’s human population and
18% of world’s cattle population. This ever growing population puts massive
demands and pressures on the land and forest resources. Agroforestry is the
potential alternative choice for increasing the tree cover outside the notified forest
areas to reduce the pressure on forest land. Moreover, agroforestry is the only
viable option to achieve the 33% tree or green cover as mentioned in the NFP
Agroforestry has received much attention in India from researchers, policy
makers and others for its perceived ability to contribute significantly to economic
growth, poverty alleviation and environmental quality.Today agroforestry is an
important part of the ‘Evergreen Revolution’ movement in the country. Over
twenty five years of investments in research have clearly demonstrated the
potential of agroforestry in many parts of the country and some practices have
been widely adopted. But the vast potential remains largely under exploited and
many technologies are yet to be widely adopted. Interplay of several complex
factors, the understanding of the biophysical issues related to productivity, water-
resource sharing, soil fertility, plant interactions in mixed communities is
insufficient, mainly because of observational nature of research. Methods to value
and assess the social, cultural, economic benefits (tangible and non tangible) of
agroforestry are not available. The socio-economic processes involved in the
success and failure of agroforestry have not been investigated properly. On the
other hand, the success stories of wasteland reclamation by eucalyptus and poplar
based agroforestry show that the technologies are widely adopted when their
scientific principles are understood and socioeconomic benefits are convincing. It
is crucial that progressive legal and institutional policies are created to eschew the
historical dichotomy between agriculture and forestry and encourage integrated
landuse systems.

1.1 Agroforestry
World Agroforestry Centre defines agroforestry as a collective landuse systems
where woody perennials (trees, shrubs, palms, bamboos, etc.) are deliberately
used on the same land management units as agricultural crops and/or animals in
some form of spatial arrangement/temporal sequence (Nair et al., 2008). In
agroforestry systems there are both ecological and economical interactions
between the different components. Traditionally people resorted to agroforestry
practices for the interdependent benefits of the three components, viz. trees, crops
and livestock in addition to food, fruit, fodder, fuel, fertilizer and fibre.
Agroforestry can also be defined as a dynamic and ecologically based natural
resource management system that through the integration of trees on farms and in
the agricultural landscape diversifies and sustains production for increased social,
economic and environmental benefits for land users at all levels. In particular,
agroforestry is crucial to small land holder farmers and other rural people as it can
enhance their food supply, income and health. Agroforestry systems are
multifunctional systems that provide a wide range of economic, socio-cultural and
environmental benefits.
Agroforestry an age old practice is as an important form of subsistence farming.
In the recent past it has been valued as a commercial and profitable landuse
system across the world. Approximately, 1.2 billion people depend directly on
agroforestry products and services in rural and urban areas of developing
countries. These systems are superior to other land uses at the global, regional,
watershed and farm scales as they optimize trade offs between increased food
production, poverty alleviation and environmental conservation.
Agroforestry practices increase farm productivity, diversify income sources for
farmers and offer unquantifiable environmental services. It improves soil, water,
air quality and biodiversity while strengthening sustainable production of food,
fibre and energy. IPCC’s prediction of temperature increase between 1.1º C to
6.2º C by the end of the century due to excessive carbon dioxide emission will
most likely create extreme changes in temperature and precipitation. Agroforestry
gives an opportunity for sequestering more carbon per unit area and can be better
address climate change mitigation than option provided ocean and other terrestrial
Agroforestry systems (AFS) are becoming more and more relevant due to their
manifold roles. The initial emphasis of the research in AFS focused on AFS
design, multipurpose tree species and their functions, products, and financial
evaluations. Later, responding to increasing environmental and rural development
issues worldwide, research focused to the challenges of alleviating poverty and
improving food security. In the last decade emphasis has been on the role that
AFS can play in adaptation to climate change and mitigation of greenhouse gas
emissions through fixation of atmospheric carbon. Currently AFS are expected to
achieve compromise among productive and environmental functions.

1.2 Agroforestry for climate change mitigation and adaptation
In India, average carbon sequestration potential in agroforestry has been estimated
to be 25 t/ha over 96 million ha but it varied substantially by regions depending
upon the production of biomass (Basu 2014). The role of trees outside forests in
carbon balance has been considered only recently, reporting that trees outside
forests in India store about 4 Mg C/ ha, in addition to the forests. The net annual
carbon sequestration rates for fast growing short rotation agroforestry crops such
as Poplar and Eucalyptus have been reported to be 8 Mg C/ha/yr and 6 Mg C
ha/yr respectively.
The potential of agroforestry systems as carbon sink varies depending upon the
type of species and its composition, age of trees, location, climatic and edaphic
factors, and different management regimes. Agroforestry systems can sequester
large amounts of above and below ground carbon compared to tree-less or pure
agriculture farming systems (Handa et al., 2015). As per FAO report on soil
carbon sequestration, agroforestry for carbon sequestration is attractive due to
following reasons (Lal 2011):
i. It sequesters carbon in vegetation and soil depending on the pre-
conversion of soil.
ii. The more intensive use of the land for agricultural production reduces the
need for slash and burn or shifting cultivation.
iii. The timber produced under agroforestry serve as substitute for
timber/forest products unsustainably harvested from the natural forest.
1.3 Value chain in agroforestry
Agroforestry value chain involves activities such as harvesting, cleaning,
transport, design, processing, production, transformation, packaging, marketing,
distribution and support services. Such activities are important to add value to a
product as it moves along the chain from the local to the global level (Haverhals
et al., 2014). Agroforestry provides ample opportunity for the bio-economy and
for support of forest based industries, hence, play an important role in shifting
India towards an innovative, resource efficient and bio-based economy.
In the agroforestry value chain, the roles and responsibilities of various
institutions are dealt clearly to achieve the objectives. The main objective of the
value chain in agroforestry is that research institutions will provide the quality
planting materials with package of practices to the users especially to the farmers.
The goal and objectives of the value chain in agroforestry are networking and
establishing linkages with all stakeholders to augment the production to
consumption system, promoting effective collaboration among public agencies,
private industries and organizations engaged in industrial agroforestry. In addition
to this other goals include developing suitable research and development (R&D)
mechanism for industrial agroforestry and formulating policy guidelines for
promotion of agroforestry among farmers.

1.4 Agroforestry System for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
NITI Aayog had constituted a task force on 3 January 2018 to develop a new
business model to relieve farmers distress while implementing the pilot projects to
demonstrate the doubling of farmers income. The key principle is to make the
effort market driven, encourage the application of science and technology in
agriculture production, minimize farmers’ risks and be based on the use of
modern business practices for value addition in agriculture sector.
The task force identified and studied existing successful business models in
operation during the previous three to four years for upscaling based on four tiers
for testing. Extensive consultations were held with the social entrepreneurs and
other stakeholders from private sector for scaling up their successful models. The
final draft has been submitted to the Chairman of the task force.
On September 25, 2015, a total of 17 Sustainable Development Goals
(Anonymous 2015), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted as part of a
new sustainable development agenda to be achieved over the next 15 years. The
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) build on progress made toward the eight
Millennium Development Goals from 1990 to 2015, and incorporate other
emergent themes such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation,
sustainable consumption, and peace/justice. The Sustainable Development Goals
are unique because of the global nature of the goals. Because they are inclusive,
their targets embrace ambitious objectives for nations often called “developed” in
addition to “developing” countries, uniting countries in a global agenda.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are:
1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere,
2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture,
3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages,
4. Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong
5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,
6. Ensure access to water and sanitation for all,
7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for
8. Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and
decent work for all,
9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation,
10. Reduce inequality within and among countries,
11. Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable,
12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns,
13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts,
14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources,

15. Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land
degradation, halt biodiversity loss,
16. Promote just, peaceful, and inclusive societies,
17. Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
A glance at these goals can identify several SDGs where agroforestry can make a
significant contribution like SDG 2 on hunger, SDG 5 on gender equality, SDG 6
on clean water, SDG 7 on affordable, clean energy, SDG 10 on reducing
inequalities within and among countries, SDG 13 on climate action, and SDG 15
on sustainable forestry and restoration. However, because of the inter-connected
nature of the SDGs, agroforestry systems make contributions to achieving an even
wider range of goals than immediately apparent, including SDG 1 on poverty, and
SDG 3 on good health and wellbeing.
1.5 Agroforestry systems contribution in achieving the SDG
With current growth of human population, land productivity in agriculture and
forestry has to be increased. The sum of areas needed to achieve the SDGs at
current production levels exceeds what is available on the globe, if calculations
are based on monocultures (Van Noordwijk et al., 2015). As a system that
integrates land uses, agroforestry can offer a range of goods, benefits, and
services along with providing nutritious food, renewable energy, and clean water,
while conserving biodiversity. By allowing efficient, multifunctional land use
(with a Land Equivalent Ratio > 1) agroforestry supports “sustainable
intensification” (Roshetko et al., 2008; Leakey et al., 2012; Colfer et al., 2015;
Van Noordwijk et al., 2015). In addition, the historical and current way of
segregating forest land from agrarian communities leads to conflicts that reduce
land productivity and increase inequity. Development challenges are in part the
result of the sectoral (compartmentalized) approach that dominates government
systems which tends to attribute the SDG to separate conventions and Ministries
(Van Noordwijk et al., 2015). Again, agroforestry can help as an institutional
response to contested resource access, and can allow for gender and social equity
enhancement as well as be a source of empowerment. Finally, agroforestry, as an
integrative mindset and culture, can help create synergies between the SDG in
multifunctional landscapes, developing innovative partnerships in pursuit of the
goals as encouraged by SDG 17 (Roshetko et al., 2008; Leakey et al., 2012;
Colfer et al., 2015; Van Noordwijk et al., 2015).
1.6 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) targets and Agroforestry
Since, the Paris Agreement of 2015, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)
represent the main instrument for defining, communicating and potentially
reporting contributions of countries to long-term climate goals of the UNFCCC.
The NDC represent a process of prioritization in which countries consider
options and possible scope for contributing to global climate mitigation objectives
and increasingly, adaptation objectives beyond 2020. NDC cover most of the
possible emission reduction pathways and sectors from energy, transport,

industry, through land use and land use changes including agriculture and forestry
among others. Depending on the circumstances, mainly the sources of emissions
and opportunities for emission reduction and resources, countries choose and
prioritize different sectors. Most parties to the UNFCCC have already submitted
Agroforestry is one of the lands uses with most potential to fulfill commitments
set out in NDC. Over 85% of the 22 NDC assessed, mentioned agroforestry as a
strategy for achieving unconditional NDC commitments. The widespread use of
agroforestry alongwith familiarity of smallholder farmers and local practitioners
make it a potential low hanging fruit for achieving NDC commitments. Devising
policy instruments that clarify tree tenure and carbon rights are fundamental to
motivate local actors to implement agroforestry. Research should continue to
provide technical and policy guidance on a number of issues needed for the
advancement of agroforestry in NDC, including, among others, domestication of
potential tree species, improved germplasm, potential impacts of climate change
on the growing niches of tree species and more, capacity building and dynamic
partnerships would be needed to overcome technological and investment
Emissions from agricultural lands have shown a rapid increse due to use of
chemical fertilizers and unsustainable land use practices in developing countries.
Therefore, developing countries NDC tend to prioritize agriculture and forestry or
land use and land use change in general. Agroforestry has been identified as a key
strategic dimension of many developing countries NDC, hence a potentially
significant contributor to global climate change objectives. Agroforestry, defined
as the integration of trees into farms and their management in agricultural
landscapes, can help in emission reduction and carbon neutrality in agriculture in
several ways. First, through carbon sequestration as trees grow; second, by
substituting conventional fertilizer through nitrogen fixation and soil fertility
enhancement. Indirectly, agroforestry could help reduce emissions from adjacent
forests as sustainable intensification option and by providing on farm timber and
tree products, avoided degradation (Minang et al., 2014, Mbow et al., 2014).
1.7 National Agroforestry Policy (NAP) 2014
The content of the National Agrofrestry Policy 2014 is reproduced below:
In absence of a dedicated and focused national policy and a suitable institutional
mechanism major policy initiatives including the National Forest Policy 1988,
National Agriculture Policy 2000, Planning Commission Task Force on Greening
India 2001, National Bamboo Mission 2006, National Policy on Farmers 2007
and Green India Mission 2010 emphasize the role of agroforestry for efficient
nutrient cycling, organic matter addition for sustainable agriculture and for
improving vegetation cover. However, agroforestry has not gained the desired
importance as a resource development tool due to various factors. Some of these
factors include restrictive legal provisions for harvesting and transportation of

trees planted on farmlands, use of non-timber produce, non-existent extension
mechanisms, lack of institutional support mechanisms, and lack of quality
planting materials.Inadequate research on agroforestry models suitable across
various ecological regions of the country, inadequate marketing infrastructure,
inadequate price discovery mechanisms and lack of post- harvest processing
technologies are also the reasons for stunted growth of agroforestry. This is also
due to the fact that the mandate of agroforestry falls through the cracks in various
ministries, departments, agencies, state governments. The value and position of
agroforestry is ambiguous and undervalued, and despite of its numerous benefits.
It is only sporadically mentioned at the national level because of the lack of
appropriate public policy support. While there are many schemes dealing with
tree planting / agroforestry, there is an absence of a dedicated and focused policy,
and lack of an institutional mechanism for coordination and convergence among
the schemes/ ministries to pursue agroforestry in a systematic manner.
The lack of policy initiatives and strict trade regulations restricted the growth of
commercial agraoforerty. Agroforestry models developed in different parts of the
country could not contribute significantly due to the absence of clear-cut
mechanism from seed procurement to marketing of the products. In this context,
the National Agroforestry Policy, 2014 came in limelight to address the issues of
quality planting material, tree insurance, restrictions on transit, marketing of
agroforestry produce, research and extension. Considering the importance of
agroforestry in the ecology and economy of the country, National Forest Policy
2014 was drawn by Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
India is the 1st country in the world to introduce separate policy for
‘Agroforestry’.The policy aims to bring coordination, convergence and synergy
among various elements of agroforestry scattered in various existing missions,
programme, and schemes. Thus improving the productivity; employment, income
and livelihood opportunities of rural households, especially of the smallholder
farmers along with meeting the ever increasing demand of timber, food, fuel,
fodder, fertilizer, fibre, and other agroforestry products. Moreover, agroforestry is
the only viable option to achieve the 33% of green cover as per the National
Forest Policy (1988). In the present day context, considerable funding is required
on agroforestry projects to enhance productivity and sustainability of
smallholders’ agroforestry.
The new policy talks of coordination, convergence and synergy between various
elements of agroforestry, scattered across various existing missions, programme
and schemes under different ministries; agriculture, rural development and
environment. The policy also talks of amending unfavorable legislation and
simplifying regulations relating to forestry and agriculture.
Agroforestry is receiving long overdue attention as an alternative land-use
practice that is resource efficient and environmentally friendly. Multiple outputs
and the flexibility of having several options for management make agroforestry an

attractive alternative to conventional agriculture and forestry for landowners in
many parts of both temperate and tropical regions of the world. Although design
of these integrated tree–crop and/or tree-crop-livestock systems can be flexible in
order to meet the different objectives or constraints of farmers or landowners,
there are many obstacles, in both ecological and economic terms, to overcome to
make them attractive to landowners.
The acceptability of agroforestry systems by landowners would be improved if
interactions that exist between trees, crops, and/or livestock remain largely
beneficial so that productivity per unit area of land is increased while reducing
environmental risks associated with mono-cultural systems. However, this is not
an easy task.

ICAR Contribution in developing Agroforestry Models
The organized efforts by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
began in 1983 with the establishment of All India Coordinated Research Project
on Agroforestry (AICRP-AF 1983) and later the establishment of the National
Research Centre for Agroforestry (NRCAF, 1988), which has now been upgraded
as the Central Agroforestry Research Institute (CAFRI, 2014) Jhansi. These
efforts resulted in collection and evaluation of germplasm of multipurpose tree
species and development of location specific agroforestry technology for different
agro-climatic zones of the country such as Grewia optiva and Morus alba based
system for the Himalayan zone; poplar-based system for the Indo-Gangetic plains;
Hardwickia binata and Ailanthus excels based system for arid and semi-arid
zones; Acacia mangium and Gmelina arborea based system for humid and sub-
humid zones and Tectona grandis based system for tropical zone. There are
number of studies from different parts of the country suggesting that agroforestry
is more profitable to farmers than practicing pure agriculture or forestry. A
comprehensive analysis indicated economic viability with internal rate of return
(IRR) ranging from 25% to 68% and B (benefit)/C (cost) ratio of 1.01 to 4.17 for
24 agroforestry systems from different agroclimatic regions of the country.
Agroforestry models adopted by farmers in the upper Gangetic region especially
in Haryana, Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh are highly lucrative, thus attracting
farmers in a big way. In these areas poplar planted on agricultural fields and field
boundaries is harvested at 6 to 8 years rotation. The average economic return of
poplar based agroforestry systems is higher than compared to that mono
agriculture crop (Chavan et al., 2015). Newaj and Rai (2005) analysed 13 years
Aonla based agroforestry system in marginal lands under rainfed conditions and
found a B/C ratio of 3.28, which indicated its profitability. Similarly, there are
number of studies indicating profitability of the other agroforestry based systems.
However, in most of the economic analysis of agroforestry systems, attempts have
been made for accounting only the cost of inputs and outputs in material terms.
2.1 Wadi model
A livelihood programme named Wadi was initiated by Bharatiya Agro Industries
Foundation (BAIF), a development research foundation in Gujarat. This was
further expanded to different tribal regions of India. It is an agri-horti-silvi model
spread over Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand.
So far, BAIF has assisted over 1.81 lakh families to establish 68,586 ha wadi.
This concept is a comprehensive programme for natural resource management,
adoption of sustainable farming practices to uplifts the rural communities and
providing livelihood security (

2.2 Lok Vaniki in Madhya Pradesh- A scheme for management of private
This scheme was launched in 1999 for promotion of scientific management of
degraded forest on private lands by farmers that will act as a vehicle for providing
employment opportunities, ecological and economic development and poverty
alleviation. Initially this scheme was implemented in four districts, and later
extended to 10 districts, now it covers 45 districts of Madhya Pradesh. Under this
scheme, foresters were engaged to prepare separate management plans. As of now
749 management plans have been prepared out of which 613 have been
sanctioned by competent authorities. More than 23,707 farmers have been
sensitized by conducting training, workshops, conferences and study tours. For
example, in Hosangabad district, a farmer gets an annual income of Rs 97,705 in
3.05 ha area. In addition, quality planting material is being supplied. Lok Vaniki
Kisan Sangh, a voluntary society of tree growers has attempted certification of
timber produce by Forest Steward Council (FSC) (Chavan et al., 2015,
2.3 Contract farming model in Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore has demonstrated
contract farming based industrial agroforestry using tripartite and quadpartite
model involving industries, farmers, researchers and financial institutions. Credit
facilities are provided to the farmers at the rate of Rs 15,000 to 20,000 per acre.
Industry supplies quality planting material at subsidized rate and assures
prevailing market price. The farmer assures end product (timber) to contracting
industry whereas research institutes advice on site-specific technology. TNAU has
produced quality planting material and supplied to farmers at free of cost in five
districts of Tamil Nadu using short rotation clones such as Eucalyptus (MTP 1),
Casuarina equisetifolia (MTP 1 and 2), Melia dubia (MTP 1) and Subabul
(Leucaena leucocephala) etc. (
2.4 Agroforestry Models Developed by ICAR Institutes/Universities as per
agroclimatic Zones: Some of the models developed by ICAR institutes are given
as example below:
i. Vegetable based agri-silviculture system in sub temperate rainfed region
of Himachal Pradesh
ii. Alley cropping system integrating Elm (Ulmus wallichiana) with kharif
and rabi crops in Kashmir valley Apple (Pyrus malus ) based horti-agri-
pasture system under temperate conditions of Kashmir valley
iii. Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) based agroforestry system
iv. Tree crops interaction studies in Acacia mangium based agri silvicultural
system in Assam
v. Morus (Morus alba) based silvi-pastoral system in mid-hills of North
Western Himalaya

i. Poplar (Populus deltoides) based agroforestry system (poplar + summer
and winter intercrops)
ii. Bamboo based agri-silvicultural system for tarai and North-Western
Himalaya region of Uttarakhand
iii. Poplar (Populus deltoides) based agrisilviculture system in Uttarakhand
iv. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis) based agrisilviculture system in
v. Aonla (Emblica officinalis) based agri-horticultural system in North
Western alluvial plain of Bihar
vi. Litchi (Litchi chinensis) based agri-horticultural system in North Western
alluvial plain of Bihar
vii. Casuarina equisetifolia-Dalbergia sissoo based agri-silviculture system
viii. Dalbergia sissoo based silvi-pastoral system on sodic land
i. Mango (Mangifera indica)-Eucalyptus (E. tereticornis) based agri-horti-
silvi system in Red and Lateritic Zone of West Bengal
ii. Mango (Mangifera indica)-Gamhar (Gmelina arborea) based agri-horti-
silvi system in Red and Lateritic Zone of West Bengal
iii. Mango (Mangifera indica)-Dysoxylum binectariferum as boundary
plantation based agri-hortisilvi system in new alluvial zone of West
iv. Guava (Psidium guajava) based agri-horti system in new alluvial zone of
West Bengal
v. Ber (Zizyphus mauritiana) based agri-horti system in new alluvial zone of
West Bengal
vi. Homestead Agroforestry in West Bengal
vii. Acacia mangium based agri-silvicultural system
viii. Gmelina (Gmelina arborea) based agroforestry system
ix. Cassia siamia based agri-silvicultural system
x. Subabool (Leucaena leucocephala) based agri-silvicultural system
xi. Bamboo based agroforestry system
i. Ailanthus excelsa based agri-silviculture system under rainfed conditions
of North Gujarat
ii. Aonla (Emblica officinalis) based agroforestry
iii. Dichrostachys cinerea (nutans) based silvipasture model for degraded
wasteland or pasture land
iv. Aonla (Emblica officinalis) based agri-horti model
v. Poplar (Populus deltoides) based agroforestry system in Haryana
vi. Teak (Tectona grandis) based agroforestry systems
vii. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) based agri-horticulture system
viii. Pongamia (Pongamia pinnata) based agri-silvi culture

ix. Pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides)-Pongamia (Pongamia pinnata) based
agri-silvi culture in marginal lands
x. Finger millet (Eleusine coracana)-Melia azedarach based agri- silvi
system in marginal lands
xi. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis) based agri-silviculture system
xii. Guava (Psidium guajava) based agri-horticulture system in central India
xiii. Aonla (Emblica officinalis)-Bael (Aegle marmelos) based horti-medicinal
system in central India
xiv. Dalbergia sissoo-Paddy (Oryza sativa)-Wheat (Triticum aestivum) based
agri-silviculture System
i. Sapota (Manilkara zapota)-Teak (Tectona grandis) based agroforestry
system for Karnataka
ii. Teak (Tectona grandis) based agroforestry system
iii. Melia (Melia azedarach) based agroforestry system
iv. Calliandra (Calliandra haematocephala) and mulberry based hedge row
fodder production systems in coconut (Cocos nucifera) gardens of Kerala
v. Mango (Mangifera indica) based horti-agricultural system in Konkan
vi. Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) based horti-agricultural system in
Konkan region
vii. Coconut (Cocus nucifera)-Guava (Psidium guajava)-Mango (Mangifera
indica) for North Eastern agro-climatic zone of Tamil Nadu
viii. Tree Borne Oil seeds (TBO’s) based agroforestry system
ix. Dry land orchard fruit crop based agroforestry system
x. Melia dubia based agroforestry system
2.5 Factors hindering farmers to take up agroforestry
Based on several studies carried out on various aspects of agroforestry over the
past three decades it has been concluded that a number of socio-economic factors
like land holdings, land size, gender, marketing aspects, policy, rules and
regulation regarding felling of trees and transportation, lack of availability of
quality planting material, source of information, level of education, age of farmers
have impact on agroforestry. For full adoption of all recommended agroforestry
practices it is advised to intensify extension services and training programmes so
that farmers could motivate themselves to adopt all the latest trends of
agroforestry practices. It is important that proper market facility, complete
freedom to farmers for harvesting and transporting their tree crop to the market
are some of the majors to be taken up for promoting agroforestry.

Role of ICFRE in promotion of Agroforestry
In 1986, the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) was
formed as an umbrella organization for taking care of forestry research, education
and extension needs of the country. The main objective of the council was to
provide technical assistance to states, wood based industries, tree growers,
farmers and others in forest protection, afforestation, agroforestry and allied
activities. The institutes of ICFRE have done significant research in the field of
agroforestry and the same has been demonstrated successfully in farmers field for
further expansion and adoption in a large scale. The technical knowledge
produced by ICFRE to utilize the Multi Purpose Trees in agroforestry systems has
made it an attractive option for State Forest Departments, NGOs and farmers. The
agroforetry models developed by institutes of ICFRE are listed as below.
3.1 Agroforestry models developed by ICFRE for various agro-climatic zones
of India
3.1.1 Trans Himalayan Region
The models for this region were developed by Himalayan Forest Research
Institute (HFRI), Shimla. It covers the areas of Ladakh, Lahaul-Spiti and Kinnaur
(Himachal Pradesh)
i. Salix (Salix fragilis and S. alba) and poplar (P. euphratica, P. alba, P.
nigra) based agroforestry model
ii. Apple (Pyrus malus) based horti-medicinal model
3.1.2 Western Himalayan Region and Indo-gangetic Plains
The models for this region were developed by Forest Research Institute (FRI),
Dehradun. It covers the areas of Jammu, Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab,
Haryana and the hilly region of Uttarakhand
i. Melia (Melia composita)-Aonla (Emblica officinalis) based agri-silvi-
medicinal model
ii. Poplar (Populus deltoides) based agri-silviculture
iii. Poplar (Populus deltoides) based silviculture-medicinal models
iv. Melia (Melia composita) based agri-silviculture model
v. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus teriticornis)-Wheat (Triticum aestivum)/Paddy
(Oryza sativa) silvi-block model
vi. Poplar (Populus deltoides)-Wheat (Triticum aestivum) agroforestry model
3.1.3 Eastern Himalayan Region
The models for this region were developed by Rain Forest Research Institute
(RFRI) Jorhat. The Eastern Himalayan region includes Arunachal Pradesh, hills
of Assam, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, and
Darjeeling district of West Bengal.
i. King chilli (Capsicum annuum)-Arecanut (Areca catechu) based horti-
spice model
ii. Gmelina (Gmelina arborea) based agri-silvi agroforestry model

3.1.4 Gangetic Plain Region
The models for this region were developed by Institute of Forest Productivity
(IFP), Ranchi. It covers the areas of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.
i. Poplar (Populus deltoides)-Wheat (Triticum aestivum) agri-silviculture
ii. Poplar (Populus deltoides)-Maize (Zea mays) agri-silviculture model
iii. Poplar (Populus deltoides)-Banana (Musa paradisiaca) silvi-
horticulture model
iv. Poplar (Populus deltoides)-Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) agri-
silviculture model
v. Poplar (Populus deltoides)-Jimikand (Pachyrhizus erosus) silvi-
horticulture model
3.1.5 Plateaus
The models for this region were developed by Tropical Forest Research
Institute (TFRI) Jabalpur, Institute of Wood Science and Technology (IWST)
Bengaluru and Institute of Forest Biodiversity (IFB), Hyderababd.
i. Teak (Tectona grandis)-Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) silvi-
medicinal model
ii. Bamboo (Dendrocalamus species) based silvi-agri model
iii. Bach (Acorus calamus)-Paddy (Oryza sativa) agri-medicinal model
iv. Flemingia (Flemingia macrophylla and F. semialata) based silvi-agri-
lac model
v. Agri-lac culture model
vi. Babul (Acacia nilotica)-Paddy (Oryza sativa) model
vii. Sandalwood-Teak-Eucalyptus-Redsanders based silvi-agri model
viii. Sandalwood (Santalum album) based agroforestry model
3.1.6 Western Dry Region
The models for this region were developed by Arid Forest Research Institute
(AFRI) Jodhpur. The area covers Rajasthan, West of the Aravalli’s, Gujarat
and Dadar-Nagar Haveli.
i. Hardwickia binata based agroforestry model
ii. Emblica officinalis based agroforestry model
iii. Colophospermum mopane based agroforestry model
iv. Prosopis cineraria-Zizyphus mauritiana agroforestry model
3.1.7 Coastal Plains and Ghats
The models for this region were developed by Institute of Forest Genetics and
Tree Breeding (IFGTB), Coimbatore. This covers the area of Coromandal and
northern Circar coasts of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, Malabar and Konkan
coastal plains and the Sahyadris
i. Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia)-Maize (Zea mays) agri-
silviculture model

ii. Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia)-Moringa (Moringa oleifera)-
Maize (Zea mays) agri-silvi-horticulture model
iii. Acacia auriculiformis-Napier grass silvi-pasture model
iv. Tectona grandis-Phaseolus mungo agri-silviculture model
v. Acacia mangium-Beans (Vigna species) agri-silviculture model
vi. Acacia mangium -Pepper (Piper nigrum) silvi-horticulture model
vii. Casuarina spp. based windbreak agroforestry model

Agroforesty in Trans Himalayan Region
Cold dry zone comprises of Ladakh, Lahaul-Spiti, Kinnaur and Pangi tehsil of
Chamba district from Himanchal Pradesh. The temperatures remain well below
sub-zero and the region is cut off from the rest of the country during long winter
season. Only an extremely limited but important range of floral and faunal species
are able to adapt to the frigid and arid climatic conditions. The major crops grown
are Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Barley (Hordeum vulgare), Pseudo-cereals like
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and Amaranths (Amaranthus cruentus). It is
ideally suited for the production of quality seed potato (Solanum tuberosum),
temperate and European type of vegetables and their seeds, peas (Pisum sativum)
as green and seed purposes. However, apples (Pyrus malus), almonds (Prunus
amygdalus) and apricot (Prunus armeniaca) have become major cash crops of
cold desert. It covers the areas of Ladakh, Lahaul-Spiti and Kinnaur (H.P). These
regions have two main types of agro-forestry models develoed by HFRI, Shimla.
1. Salix (Salix fragilis and S. alba) and poplar (P. euphratica, P. alba, P.
nigra) based agroforestry model
2. Apple (Pyrus malus) based horti-medicinal model
4.1 Salix and poplar based agroforestry model: The traditional willow and
poplar (Populus spp.) based agroforestry systems contribute to the green cover in
this cold desert landscape. Over a period cultivated poplars (Populus balsamifera
and P. nigra) and willows (Salix alba, S. fragilis, S. tetrasperma) were introduced
in cold desserts. Now people have developed rich silvicultural knowledge and
practices that help to maintain these systems sustainably. The rich local
vocabulary and a range of tools associated with the management right from
identification of planting site, plantation, types of agroforestry systems to
harvesting and multiple uses are the glaring testimonies for existing rich
traditional knowledge.

Before the introduction of fast-growing willows and poplars in the traditional

agroforestry of this region, people were dependent on Kashmir valley, Kullu and
other lower altitude areas in Himachal Pradesh to meet their subsistence needs of
timber and fuelwood. Presently the strengthened agroforestry systems help in
meeting the subsistence through ecosystem goods/provisioning services along
with supporting a range of ecosystem services. Many willow and poplar trees
have been declared as sacred especially those grow near natural water bodies.

The people’s forestry is facilitating the strengthening of traditional dairy

production in the region. Local people traditionally prepare a number of dairy
products which are integral part of their culture. The economics of the model
varies with the species planted, space given between plant to plant and other
geographical location with is directly or indirectly responsible for plant growth,
rotation and utilization.

Fig.1 Trans Himalayan Region Fig. 2 Cold deserts landscape

4.2 Apple (Pyrus malus) based horti-medi model

4.2.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of the model: This model
performs better in well drained sandy loam soil condition with weekly irrigation
during hot summer season along with weeding at 15 to 30 days interval during
April to August for optimum growth and yield. It comes well in 1.40C to 27.60C
with annual rainfall range of 164-231 mm and preferably at an altitude of 2000 m
and above.
4.2.2 Significance of the model: This model is beneficial to the farmers who can
plant high temperate medicinal plants with horticultural plantation. Himanchal
Pradesh, Jammu, Kashmir and Uttarakhand are basically horticultural states.
Accordingly, temperate fruit growing is the major activity in mid and higher
Himalayas. At times failure of these fruit crops have forced the farmers and
horticulturist to look for some other alternatives to supplement their income
through diversification.The probable reasons for fruit crop failures were erratic
rainfall accompanied with very less snow fall, increased incidence of various
insect pest and diseases attacks, overall rising temperature and decreasing forest
areas of the region, shortened chilling hours required by the apple trees during
winter for optimum flowering and fruit setting thereby resulting in low yields and
lower quality fruits.
Generally, farmers do not grow anything in the horticulture plantations after it has
attained maturity thus interspaces can be utilized for enhancing income and
productivity. As selected herbaceous medicinal plants are shade loving hence
these can be grown in the interspaces. The choice of the species should be
according to the altitudinal variation/nearer to natural habitat. Herbaceous
medicinal plants have special significance for intercropping in fruit cultivation
because of its high returns and less competition for nutrients with horticulture
crops. It would provide early income to the farmers too.
4.2.3 Establishment and management of model: In the interspaces of apple
orchard, field beds are prepared during the month of February-March. Paths are

left between the beds for to and fro movement, thereby enabling to execute the
other horticultural operations easily. A basal dose of FYM 20 t/h should be
applied during the preparation of field beds. In the field beds medicinal plants viz.
Aconitum heterophyllum, Angelica glauca, Picrorhiza kurroa and Valeriana
jatamansi were planted in the spacing of 30x20 cm2, 45x75 cm2, 30x40 cm2 and
30x40 cm2 respectively. The apple trees were already planted by the farmers in
the spacing of 5x5 m2. Thus, in one hectare there was approximately 400 nos. of
apple trees. Bio-pesticides should be used in case of insect pest attack on
medicinal plants.

Fig. 3 Apple (Pyrus malus) based horti-medi model

4.2.4 Rotation and yield: Medicinal plant crops were harvested after 2¼ years
and obtained yield was found 2.02 t/ha for Aconitum heterophyllum, 2.3 t/ha for
Angelica glauca, 0.7 t/ha for Picrorhiza kurroa and 1.2 t/ha for Valeriana
4.2.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure for whole model inclusive of
all operations from sowing to harvest was Rs.1.10 lakhs. Income generated from
Aconitum hetrophyllum was Rs. 2,62,600 for 2.02 t/ha at Rs 1300/kg. Income
obtained from Agnelica glauca was Rs. 1,38,000 for 2.3 t/ha at Rs. 60/kg. In case
of Picrorhiza kurroa income generated was Rs.1,40,000 for 0.7 t/ha at Rs. 200/kg
whereas Valeriana jatamansi gave income of Rs. 1,44,000 for 1.2 t/ha at Rs.120/
kg. The net income generated for Aconitum hetrophyllum was Rs. 1,52,000 lakhs
and for Agnelica glauca was Rs.38,000 per hectare. In case of Picrorhiza kurroa
and Valeriana jatamansi net income for both the crops was Rs. 40,000 per
4.2.6 Impact and upscaling: The technology is quite suitable in high temperate
regions of north western Himalayas where horticultural crops viz. apple and
cherry are being grown. There will always be the possibility for upscaling of
technology as residual effect on medicinal plants could be studied as
intercropping with horticultural crops.

Agroforestry in Western Himalayan Region and Indo-
gangetic Plains

Western Himalayan Region and Indo-gangetic Plains: Western Himalayan

region covers Jammu, Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh,
Haryana and Punjab. The models for this region developed by FRI, Dehradun are
as below:
i. Melia (Melia composita)-Aonla (Emblica officinalis) based agri-silvi-
medicinal model
ii. Poplar (Populus deltoides) based agri-silviculture model
iii. Poplar (Populus deltoides) based silviculture-medicinal model
iv. Melia (Melia composita) based agri-silviculture model
v. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis/ E. teriticornis)-Wheat (Triticum
aestivum)/paddy (Oryza sativa) silvi-block model
vi. Poplar (Populus deltoides)-Wheat (Triticum aestivum) agroforestry model
5.1 Melia (Melia composita)-Aonla (Emblica officinalis) based Agri-silvi-
medicinal model
5.1.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: The Melia-Aonla
based agri-silvi-medicinal agroforestry system performed better on degraded
lands in Uttarakhand and Punjab. The annual average rainfall during the study
period was 1076 mm (Handesra) and 1182 mm (Naukragrant) and mean monthly
temperature ranged from 7.7℃ minimum in January to 41℃ maximum in June.
Most of the rainfall is received from July to September. The soil of both
experimental sites was slightly alkaline and soil type of the both sites is sandy
loam in texture.
5.1.2 Significance of the model: This model helped to evaluate productivity of
some important medicinal plants under tree species in degraded land of Punjab
and Uttarakhand. The study motivated the farmers/cultivators to adopt the
technology and obtain maximum output per unit area of their valuable land and
enhance the productivity of the land with improvement of soil quality. The
farmers are not aware of quality planting materials and also for technical inputs
on Melia-Aonla based agri-silvi-medicinal agroforestry. Most of the farmers are
adopting these species on bunds and their farm lands in scatter form. For Aonla
cultivation farmers are practicing old traditional varieties without using high
yielding improved varieties.
The quality planting material of tree species of Melia (Melia composita), Aonla
(Emblica officinalis), Sarpgandha (Rauvolfia serpentina), Ashwagandha
(Withania somnifera) and improved seeds of agriculture crops like wheat
(Triticum aestivum), masoor (Lens culinaris) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea)
were taken. Six months aged seedlings of Melia composita and Emblica
officinalis were planted at 6x4 m spacing and medicinal plants namely Rauvolfia

serpentina and Withania somnifera at 60x60 cm spacing as an intercrop along
with seasonal agriculture crops like wheat (Triticum aestivum), masoor (Lens
culinaris) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) were cultivated to increase nutrients
and moist condition in soils which favors more yield. Canopy management was
also done. This agroforestry model was designed for enhanced medicinal plant
productivity as well as biomass production of woody trees for sustainable land use
and to make the farmers economically viable.
5.1.3 Establishment and management of model: For establishment of
experiment, two plots each of 1 acre in both sites were selected for block
plantation of M. composita and E. officinalis. These fields were intercropped with
seasonal agriculture crops along medicinal plants like Sarpgandha (Rauvolfia
serpentina) and Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). For nursery preparation,
required seedling of M. composita were raised in the nursery and the variety NA-7
of Aonla (Emblica officinalis) plants were procured from the private nursery to
plant at selected site in Punjab and Uttarakhand. Pit size of 45 cm3 were kept for
tree species with spacing of 4x6 m and medicinal plants Rauvolfia serpentina and
Withania somnifera were cultivated at 60x60 cm as intercropped along with
seasonal agriculture crops of wheat-masoor and groundnut. All silvicultural
practices like weeding, pruning, soil working and some irrigation were required
for first two years. Initially irrigation is needed to boost the early growth. One-
year aged saplings of trees were preferred for best survival and easy

Fig. 4 Melia-Aonla based agri-silvi-medicinal model

5.1.4. Rotation period and yield: The Melia (M. composita) tree harvested in 8
years rotation gave timber yield of 1215 Q/ha. Yield of aonla (Emblica officinalis)
fruit obtained was 20.57 Q/ha for 4th year, 40.39 Q/ha for 5th year, 100.98 Q/ha for
6th year, 160.82 Q/ha for 7th year and 183.26 Q/ha for 8th year. Total yield was
506.02 Q/ha. Similarly, the yield of agri crops masoor (Lens culinaris) was 7.90
Q/ha/yr. The yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum) was 15 Q/ha/yr and for
groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) was 3.50 Q/ha/yr. Medicinal plants Sarpgandha
(Rauvolfia serpentina) at 90% survival (root) yielded 14.15 Q/ha and
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)) at 50% survival (root) yielded 5.53 Q/ha.

Fig. 5 Yield of Aonla in agroforestry model
5.1.5 Economics of the models (per hectare basis)
Model-1: The expenditure of Melia-Sarpgandha-Masoor block plantation was
Rs.7,87,755. The income generated in eight-year rotation period for this model
was Rs. 20,96,858 with net profit of Rs. 13,09,103 and B/C Ratio of 2.66.
Model-2: The expenditure of Aonla-Sarpgandha-Masoor block plantation was
Rs.7,7,508. The income generated in eight years rotation period for this model
was Rs. 21,65,39 with net profit of Rs 13, 77,885 and B: C Ratio of 2.7.
Model-3: The expenditure of Melia-Ashwagandha-Groundnut-Wheat block
plantation was Rs.9,38,235. The income generated in eight years rotation period
was of Rs. 22,15,63 with net profit of Rs 12,77,393 and B: C Ratio of 2.38.
Model-4: The expenditure of Aonla-Ashwagandha-Groundnut-Wheat block
plantation was Rs.9,31,510. The income generated in eight years rotation period
for this model was of Rs. 22,99,939 with net profit of Rs 13,68,430 and B/C Ratio
of 2.47.
5.1.6 Impact and upscaling: Melia composita is a fast-growing species capable
to fulfilling the timber and fuel wood demand of farmers in degraded lands of
Uttarakhand and Punjab states without making adverse effect on under storey
crops. Grafted Aonla (Emblica officinalis) is also short rotation cash crop suitable
for degraded lands in Punjab and Uttarakhand. Likewise, medicinal plants like
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Sarpgandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) are
well suitable and synchronized with both M. composita and E. officinalis without
releasing any negative effect on tree as well as agriculture crops.

Fig. 6 Groundnut collection under M. composita

Fig. 7 Groundnut collection under E. officinalis
5.2 Poplar (Populus deltoides) based agri-silviculture model
5.2.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: The Poplar based
agri-silviculture agroforestry system performed better and suitable for alluvial and
sandy loam soils in Indo-gangetic alluvial plain of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
Haryana and Punjab.The annual average rainfall during the study period was 1400
to 1850 mm and mean monthly temperature ranged from 5o C minimum in
January to 38o C maximum in June. Most of the rainfall is received from July to

5.2.2 Significance of the model: This contributed towards improving the local
environment by increasing tree cover over a large area and reducing biotic
pressure on the natural forests.This model will help to evaluate productivity of
agricultural crops under tree species in alluvial soils of these states. The study on
model will motivate the farmers/cultivators to adopt the technology and obtain
maximum output per unit area of their valuable land and enhance the productivity
of the land with improvement of soil quality. The farmers are not aware of quality
planting materials and also for technical inputs on Poplar based agri-silviculture
agroforestry. Most of the farmers are adopting this species on block and bunds in
their farm lands.
Quality planting material of tree species Poplar, clone-G-48 and improved seeds
of agriculture crops like Turmeric (Curcuma domestica), Sugarcane (Saccharum
officinarum), Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Paddy (Oryza sativa), Potato (Solanum
tuberosum), Bajra/Millet (Pennisetum typhoides), Chari (Sorghum bicolor),
Barseem (Trifolium alexandrium) were taken for this study. One year aged entire
transplants (ETPs) of P. deltoides were planted at block plantation with 5x4 m
and in boundary with 3 m spacing of trees and as an intercrop along with seasonal
agriculture crops like Turmeric, Sugarcane, Wheat, Paddy, Potato, Bajra/Millet,
Chari, Barseem were also cultivated to increase nutrients and moist condition in
soils which favors more yield. This agroforestry designed for enhanced
agriculture productivity as well as biomass production of woody trees and
sustainable land use and shall make the farmers economically viable.

5.2.3 Establishment and management of model: For establishment of
experimental plots each of 1 acre in five villages in Yamunanagar district viz.
Urjani, Sherpur, Chuharpurkhurd, Nahar Taharpur, Balouli and five villages in
Haridwar district viz. Ulheda, Sakoti, Kuahedi, Narson Kalan, Narson Khurd
were selected for block plantation of P. deltoides and with intercrop of seasonal
agriculture crops like Turmeric (Curcuma domestica), Sugarcane (Saccharum
officinarum), Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Paddy (Oryza sativa), Potato (Solanum
tuberosum), Bajra/Millet (Pennisetum typhoides), Chari (Sorghum bicolor),
Barseem (Trifolium alexandrium). For nursery preparation, different clones of P.
deltoides were raised in the central nursery of FRI, Dehradun and the clone G-48
of Poplar plants were planted at selected sites. Pit size of 90 cm depth and
diameter of 15 cm was dig by tractor mounted for tree species with spacing of 5x
4 m in block and 3 m on bunds. Seasonal agriculture crops were intercropped. All
silvicultural practices like weeding, pruning, soil working and some irrigation
were required for first three years in time to time. Irrigation has boosted the early
growth. One year old entire transplant (ETP) of G-48 clone is preferred for best
survival and easy establishment.

Fig. 8 Poplar-Turmeric silvi-medicinal system

5.2.4 Rotation period and yield: The Poplar trees harvested in 6 years rotation
yielded 1992.60 Q/ha timber. The yield of additional crops with poplar was
recoreded 2252 kg/ha (dry) for turmeric, 665 Q/ha for sugarcane, 30 Q/ha for
wheat 35 Q/ha for paddy, 180 Q/ha for potato, 20 Q/ha for bajra, 250 Q/ha for
chari and 760 Q/ha for barseem on annual basis.
5.2.5 Economics of the models
Model-1: The expenditure of Poplar-Sugarcane-Turmeric block plantation model
was Rs.1,81,711 and income generated was Rs.5,55,807. Net Present
value at 9% discount rate was Rs.3,74,096 and B/C ratio was 3.06 in
six years rotation period.
Model-2: The expenditure of Poplar- Sugarcane- Wheat- Chari block plantation
model was Rs.1,30,750 and income generated was Rs.4,53,150. Net
Present Value at 9% discount rate was Rs.3,22,400 and B/C was 3.47
in six years rotation period.

Model-3: The expenditure of Poplar-Sugarcane-Wheat-Chari-Potato-maize-bajra
block plantation model was Rs.2;18,083 and income generated was
Rs.5,61,985. Net Present Value at 9% discount rate was Rs.3,43,902
and B/C was 2.58 in six years rotation period (Saresh et al., 2018).
Model-4: The expenditure of Poplar-Sugarcane-Potato-Barseem-Chari block
plantation model was Rs.1,71,067 and income generated was
Rs.5,15,095. Net Present Value at 9% discount rate was Rs.3,44,028
and B/C was 3.01 in six years rotation period.

Model-5: The expenditure of Poplar-Paddy-Wheat boundary plantation model,

was Rs.1,25,862 and income generated was Rs.3,04,291. Net Present
Value at 9% discount rate was Rs.1,78,429 and B/C was 2.42 in six
years rotation period.

Model-6: The expenditure of Poplar-Sugarcane-Wheat-Paddy boundary

plantation model was Rs.1,20,862 and income generated was
Rs.3,30,539. Net Present Value at 9% discount rate was Rs.2,09,677
and B/C was 2.73 in six years rotation period (Saresh et al.,2018).
5.2.6 Impact and Upscaling: Populus deltoides is a fast-growing species, which
is capable to fulfill the timber and fuel wood demand of farmers in Uttar Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Haryana and Punjab states without damaging making under storey
crops. Farmers have adopted agroforestry due to much higher economic returns
from it, as compared to income from agriculture alone. Poplar based agroforestry
has left a profound impact on the upliftment of the socio-economic status of the
farmers in the region. The increased tree cover contributed towards improving the
local environment and reducing biotic pressure on the natural forests. Poplar
based agroforestry has benefitted farmers by increasing their income manifold,
created wood-based industries, generated employment opportunities and
developed ancillary units like transport, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, wood
processing machineries etc. It has saved valuable foreign exchange by way of
reduction in import of timber. This agroforestry system has brought the overall
development in the region.

Fig. 9 Poplar with Chari

Fig. 10 Poplar with Wheat

5.3 Poplar (Populus deltoides) based silviculture-medicinal models

5.3.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: The poplar based
silviculture-medicinal agroforestry system performed better and suitable for
alluvial and sandy loam soils in Indo-gangetic alluvial plain of Uttar Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Haryana and Punjab. The annual average rainfall during the study
period was 1400 to 1850 mm and mean monthly temperature ranged from 5o C
minimum in January to 35o C maximum in June. Most of the rainfall is received
from July to September.
5.3.2 Significance of the model: This model will help to evaluate productivity of
medicinal crops under tree species in alluvial soils of these states. The study will
motivate the farmers/cultivators to adopt the technology and obtain maximum
output per unit area of their valuable land and enhance the productivity of the land
with improvement of soil quality. Studies conducted have made the farmers
economically viable and sustainable. Farmers are not aware of quality planting
materials and also for technical inputs on Poplar based Silviculture-medicinal
agroforestry. Most of the farmers are adopting this species on block and bunds in
their farm lands. Quality planting of tree species poplar (Populus deltoides) Clone
G-48 and improved planting of medicinal crops Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica)
and Satavar (Asparagus recemosus) were done. One-year old entire transplants of
P. deltoides were planted at block plantation with 5x4 m and boundary with 3 m
spacing of trees and as an under storey crops with Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica)
and Satavar (Asparagus recemosus) were cultivated to increase moist condition in
soils which favors more yield. This agroforestry designed for enhanced medicinal
productivity as well as biomass production of woody trees and sustainable land
use. Overall, this technique of growing poplar and medicinal plants was better
than traditional one.
5.3.3 Establishment and management of model: For establishment of
experiment, two plots each of 1 acre in both sites at village Kuahedi (Haridwar)
and Doon valley (Premnagar, Dehradun) were selected for block plantation of P.
deltoides and with under storey crops of Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) and
Satavar (Asparagus recemosus) medicinal plants. For nursery preparation,
required different clones of P. deltoides, were raised in the central nursery of FRI

and the Clone G-48 of Poplar plants were planted at selected sites. Pit size of 90
cm depth were kept with specially designed Auger with a diameter of 15 cm
which is essential for tree species with spacing of 5x4 m and medicinal plants
Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) and Satavar (Asparagus recemosus) were planted
at 60x60 cm as under storey crop. All silvicultural practices like weeding,
pruning, soil working and irrigation were required regularly first two years. One
year old ETPs of G-48 clone were preferred for best survival and easy
5.3.4 Rotation period and yield: The poplar tree harvested in 6 years rotation
and the timber yield of poplar was 1992.60 Q/ha under irrigated condition.
However, 972 Q/ha yield was obtained under rainfed condition.The yield of
Satavar was 30 Q/ha (root-irrigation) and 20 Q/ha (root-rainfed). Chitrak yielded
7.50 Q/ha biomass and 10 Q/ha seeds for irrigated conditions and 5.0 Q/ha
biomass and 6.0 Q/ha seed for rainfed condition.
5.3.5 Economics of the models
Model-1: The expenditute of Poplar-Satavar block plantation model was
Rs. 3,24,716 and income generated was Rs.21,98,550. Net Profit in
irrigated condition was Rs. 18,73,834 and in rainfed condition was
Rs.11,75,450. In six years of rotation expenditure was Rs.3,04,516
with profit Rs. 8,70,934.
Model-2: In case of Poplar- Chitrak block plantation model expenditure was
Rs. 2,55,274 and income generated was Rs.19,67,300. Net Profit in
Irrigated condition was Rs. 17,12,026. In rainfed condition expenditure
was Rs. 2,35,074 and income generated was Rs.7,05,376 in six years
rotation of period.

Fig. 11 Poplar with Chitrak Fig. 12 Poplar with Satavar

5.3.6 Impact and upscaling: Poplar (Populus deltoides) clone G-48 is a fast-
growing species, which is capable to fulfill the timber and fuel wood demand of
farmers in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana and Punjab without making
adverse effect on under storey crops. The Satavar and Chitark having suitable
combination with P. deltoides spacing 4x5 m and planted at 60x60 cm as under-
storey crop (Kumar and Singh 2020). Through cost-benefit analysis it was found

that Satavar (Asparagus recemosus) and Chitark (Plumbago zeylanica) are
suitable medicinal crops with P. deltoides. A net gain of Rs. 17,12,026 per ha and
Rs. 18,73,834 per ha is obtained from Poplar-Chitrak and Poplar-Satavar
intercropping respectively, if two crops of each medicinal plant are grown as
under storey crop of poplar. Hence, the model is helpful in socio-economic
upliftment of farmer’s associated directly and other stakeholders.

5.4 Melia (Melia composita) based agri-silviculture model

5.4.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: The melia based
agri-silviculture agroforestry system performed better and suitable for degraded
lands in Punjab. The soil of both the experimental sites was neutral to slightly
alkaline and sandy loam in texture. The annual average rainfall during the study
period was 1076 mm to 1152 mm and mean monthly temperature ranged from
5.5o C minimum in January to 40o C maximum in June. Most of the rainfall is
received from July to September.
5.4.2 Significance of the model: This study has helped to evaluate productivity
of agriculture crops under tree species in degraded land of Punjab. The study has
motivated the farmers/cultivators to adopt the technology and obtain maximum
output per unit area of their valuable land and enhance the productivity of the land
with improvement of soil quality. This model based study has made the farmers
economically viable and sustainable.The farmers are not aware of quality planting
materials and also for technical inputs on Melia based agri-silviculture
agroforestry. Most of the farmers are adopting this species on bunds and their
farm lands in scatter form.
The quality planting material of tree species of Melia (Melia composita) and
improved seeds of agriculture crops Wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Maize (Zea
mays) were taken for the study. Six months aged seedlings of Melia composita
were planted at 4x5 m, 4x6 m and 5x5 m spacing and as an intercrop along with
seasonal agriculture crops like wheat and maize were cultivated to increase
nutrients and moist condition in soils which favors more yield. Canopy
management was also done. This agroforestry model designed for enhanced
agriculture productivity as well as biomass production of woody trees and
sustainable land use make the farmers economically viable. Overall, the growing
technique of Melia and agriculture crop combination was better than traditional

Fig. 13 Melia- Maize model

Fig. 14 Melia- Wheat model

5.4.3 Establishment and management of model: For establishment of

experiment, two plots each of 1 acre in both sites were selected for block
plantation of M. composita with intercrop of seasonal agriculture crops wheat
(Triticum aestivum) and maize (Zea mays). For nursery preparation, required
seedling of M. composita were raised in the central nursery of FRI Dehradun and
planted at selected sites at Handesra and Hukuran in Punjab. Pit size of 45 cm3
were dug for Melia planting with spacing of 4x5 m, 4x6 m and 5x5 m and wheat
and maize crops were cultivated as an intercrop. All silvicultural practices like
weeding, pruning, soil working and some irrigation were required to boost the
early growth. One-year old saplings of trees may be preferred for best survival
and easy establishment.
5.4.4 Rotation period and yield: The timber yield of Melia (Melia composita)
tree harvested in 8 years rotation was 1360 Q/ha and 554.60 Q/ha fuel wood
obtained from 400 trees. The yield of wheat was 371.31 Q/ha for grain and 482.70
Q/ha straw. The yield of maize was 327.29 Q/ha for grain and 818.22 Q/ha for
straw yield in 8 years period.
5.4.5 Economics of the models: The total expenditure of Melia-wheat-maize
block plantation was Rs.3,54,939 with total income of Rs. 27,97,111. For eight
years rotation period net profit was of Rs. 24,37,172 with B/C Ratio of 6.86.
5.4.6 Impact and upscaling: Overall the study reveals that Melia composita is a
suitable species under agroforestry system in Punjab and can attain height up to
14 m with an average girth of 65 cm in 4 years. The plants also produce a good
quantity of fuel wood under a regular and proper canopy management. Under an
agroforestry system the interaction of this species was found suitable with wheat
and maize which are generally grown in Punjab (Kumar and Singh 2020). The
combination with wheat and maize was best with spacing of the plantation at 4x6
m. The soil fertility also increases to some extent in Melia composita plantations.
The study also reveals that a proper guidance to farmers to adopt agroforestry
practices through different extension tools can also be helpful to raise the forestry
specieseatures of fast growth like Melia composita on their farm land agroforestry
without affecting under storey crops.

5.5 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus teriticornis)-Wheat (Triticum aestivum)/Paddy
(Oryza sativa) silvi-block model

5.5.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: This model

performs better in well drained clayey alluvial soil, red alluvial soil and sodic soil
with optimum irrigation during first and second year. It is also suitable under
water logged areas with mound plantation technology. Usually comes well in 12-
45o C temperature with annual rainfall range of 1000-1500 mm.
5.5.2 Significance of the model: This model is economically beneficial to the
farmers, who can plant Eucalyptus trees on their farm fields on bunds or blocks
along with other traditional agriculture crops for higher economic returns. Short
rotation Eucalyptus trees are a viable alternative in producing high quality
wood/plywood for industrial applications.The farmers are not much aware of
quality planting materials (seeds, seedlings and clones), technical inputs of
farming and trade of agroforestry produce. This species is most preferred one in
the region of eastern UP on farm bunds in different agroforestry combinations.
Research institutions and SFDs are developing quality planting materials. The
improved and suitable clones of commercial agroforestry species for specific sites
are now coming in practice.
5.5.3 Establishment and management of model: Land should be leveled and
ploughed well; weeds/stones should be removed. Planting should be carried out in
monsoon season for better survival and early establishment and good growth. Pit
size of 45 cm3 is essential for Eucalyptus with a spacing of 3x2 m. Irrigation is
essential for first two years bi-weekly, especially during summer. The irrigation
will improve the early growth. One year old seedling of site specific clone of
Eucalyptus should be preferred for planting. Application of neem khali in pits
protects plants against infestation while planting. The pruning (25% intensity) of
undesired branches is required for straight growth of the tree. The weeding after
monsoon in October is recommended for healthy growth.

Fig. 15 Eucalyptus-wheat bunds and block model

5.5.4 Rotation period and yield: The rotation of the tree crop is 5-6
6 years for
clonal plants whereas for seed plants, it is 77-8 years. The Eucalyptus
tus in silvi
block (3x22 m) model may give 3500
3500-4000 Q/ha. For Eucalyptus Wheat/paddy
bund model, Eucalyptus
yptus may give 325 Q/ha, wheat 192 Q/ha and Paddy 210

Fig. 16 Growth of Eucalyptus in agroforestry system

5.5.5 Economics of the model
Model 1: In Eucalyptus ssilvi block model with 3x2 m spacing the he yield of
Eucalyptus timber was 3523 QQ/ha. The net profit at discounted rate of
12% was Rs.13.8 Lakh with B/C ratio of 2.25.
Model 2: In Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus-Wheat bund model with 3 m spacing the yield of
Eucalyptus was 325 Q/ha and for wheat was 192 Q/ha. The net profit
at discounted rate of 12% was Rs. 4.49 lakh with B/C ratio of 2.14.
Model 3: In Eucalyptus--Paddy bund model with spacing of 3 m the yield of
Eucalyptus was 325 Q/ha and 210 Q/ha for Paddy. The net profit at
discounted rate of 12% was Rs. 5.12 Lakh with B/C ratio of 2.38.
5.5.6 Impact and upscaling
pscaling: Eucalyptus based agri-silvi
silvi block models with
al planting material are a boon to farmers as these models are able to give
good returns in 5-66 years of time span. Further, identification of suitable clones
for specific sites will be helpful in increasing yield in wood production. Thus,
adoption of thesee models in different crop combinations on block/bund may play
a significant role in upscaling the economic status of rural masses.
5.6 Poplar (Populus
Populus deltoides
deltoides) Wheat (Triticum aestivum) agroforestry model
5.6.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: Model odel of poplar
grows best on rich loamy soils. However, clay loam, sandy loam soils with well
drainage system are best suitable for poplar tree farming. The soil pH of 6 to 8.5
is best for its optimum growth and quality. These models perform
erform well in
i clayey
alluvial soil and sandy loam ssoil with optimum irrigation
ation during its growth period
of 1 to 5 years. It is not
ot suitable under clay, black cotton soil and water logged

areas which affect its growth. Usually comes well in 12-45o C with annual rainfall
range of 1000-1500 mm.
5.6.2 Significance of the model: Short rotation poplar forests are a viable
alternative in producing high quality wood for industrial applications. This model
has played important role in the socio-economic life of people. The features of
fast growth (20-25 m3/ha/yr), straight clean bole, deciduous nature, multiple uses,
soil enriching property, compatibility with agricultural crops and high economic
returns makes poplar useful for agroforestry. It is highly water use efficient
perennial component having high CO2 exchange rate (Saresh et al. 2018).

The poplar plantation status is very low in the eastern region of Uttar Pradesh in
comparison to the Western part. On the basis of experiences of field visits in the
districts of eastern region and literature review, the less adoption of Poplars by the
farmers of Eastern Uttar Pradesh in agroforestry plantations was due to
uncertainty about marketing/ sale of end produce, inadequate planting material,
small landholding and limited technical knowledge regarding planting practices
and suitable tree crop combinations. ICFRE has established some experiments of
poplar in Sultanpur, Raibarelly, Pratapgarh and Vaishali district of Bihar. The
performance and productivity was less as compared to plantation established in
Western Himalaya. It indicates that Populus deltoides is latitude/longitude
sensitive species and does not perform well beyond certain geographical limits.
The improved and suitable clones of commercial agroforestry species for specific
sites are now coming in practice. FRI, Dehradun has more than 400 poplar clones.
WIMCO released its six clones, viz., WSL22, WSLA/26, WSL27, WSL32, WSL
39 and WSLA/49 during the year 2000 for supply to the farmers. Choice of clones
being grown is specifically driven by the demand from the growers. The fact that
the WIMCO and farmers still grows a few thousand saplings of some introduced
and those developed by other agencies, viz., L34, S7C15, S7C8, S7C4 etc.
indicates that there is some demand of these clones from the growers and are
produced to meet the requirement of growers.
5.6.3 Establishment and management of model: Cuttings are taken from stems
of one year old poplar plants grown in the nursery. The cuttings from branches of
trees are not taken into use for plantaion purpose. Cuttings size of 22 cm length
and 1 to 3.5 cm diameter was immersed in clean water for 24 to 48 hours before
planting. Pre-treatment with fungicide and insecticide was given after cleaning. A
bed was ploughed to 25-30 cm depth, 5 m width and 12 m length with an
irrigation channel must on one side of the bed. Best time of planting for
production of entire transplants with pit size of 80 cm x 60 cm and for
propagation purpose (i.e. production of cuttings for next year’s propagation work)
with pit size 60x60cm is February. Flood irrigation is essential and sprouts are cut
within 10 days of planting. Poplar keeps producing branches in the nursery. For
block plantation 5x4 m to 4x4 m spacing is required. For planting along boundary
of field: 3 m pit size, 90 cm depth and 15 to 22 cm diameter is used. At time of

planting 2 kg FYM, 50 g SSP, 25 g MOP and 15 g Phorate per plant is added in
the soil. Urea should be applied at 100 g per plant (3 split doses). More abundant
irrigation gives more rapid growth. Trees reach about 25-30 m height and 25-28
cm dbh in 6 years. Rotation age of 6 to 8 years in north India is optimum. Most of
the agricultural crop, except paddy, can be grown with poplar. Net returns per unit
area from poplar crop are much higher than returns from crop alone.

Fig. 17 Poplar plantation

5.6.4 Rotation period and yield: Poplar is harvested at six to eight years of
rotation. Good growing plantations attains 5 m average height and 5 cm average
diameter per annum with a ratio of around 100:1 for the first half of the rotation
age of poplar growth. The Poplar-Wheat model in block (2.5x2.5m) may yield
3375 Q/ha.
5.6.5 Economics of the model
Model 1: Poplar-wheat in block (2.5x 2.5 m) model gives around 3375 Q/ha with
net profit at discounted rate of 12 %. The net profit will be Rs.15.21
lakh with B/C ratio of 2.09 in six year rotation period.

Model 2: Poplar-wheat in block (2.5x2.5 m) model gave 3675 Q/ha at Gorakhpur

with net profit at discounted rate of 12 %. The net profit will be
Rs. 16.27 lakh with B/C ratio of 2.24 in six year rotation period.
5.6.6 Impact and upscaling: Poplar based agri-silvi/silvi block models with
clonal planting material are a boon to farmers as these models are able to give
good returns in 5-6 years of time span. Further, identification of suitable clones
for specific sites will be helpful in increasing yield in wood production. Thus,
adoption of these models in different crop combinations on block/bund may play
a significant role in upscaling the economic status of rural masses.

Agroforestry in Eastern Himalayan Region

The Eastern Himalayan Region includes Arunachal Pradesh, the hills of Assam,
Sikkim, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and the Darjeeling
district of West Bengal. The agrofroestry models developed by RFRI Joraht for
these regions are:
i. King chilli-Arecanut agroforestry model (horti-spice model)
ii. Gamhar (Gmelina arborea) based agroforestry system
6.1 King Chilli (Capsicum chinense)-Arecanut (Areca catechu) model
6.1.1 Edaphic and environmental requirement of model: This model can
successfully perform in Northeast region of India having unique ecological
environment with hot and high-humid conditions. It can be established under
diverse soil and climatic conditions. However for optimum growth, it requires
well drained sandy loam, clay loam or laterite soils.
6.1.2 Significance of the model: Since, king chilli (Capsicum chinense)
popularly known as Bhoot jolokia is most preferred species as an intercrop under
areca nut trees for providing immediate economic returns. Bhoot jolokia is used as
a food and a spice, as well as a remedy to summer heat. It is used in both fresh
and dried forms, to not only “heat up” curries, pickles and chutneys, but also to
impart two distinct flavors to them. The survival and growth of king chilii was
better under areca nut trees in comparison to its monoculture. Areca nut is one of
the important profitable crops and planted most of the household in North Eastern
Region. Farmers getting a considerable extra income from the small block of
areca nut plantation raised in their household. The arecanut trees are normally
planted at a spacing of 4x4 to 7x7 m depending upon the availability of the land.
Because of its thin canopy there is an advantage of raising intercrops beneath the
6.1.3 Establishment and management of model: The area under Arecanut
should be cleaned, ploughed and leveled. A small block is made up in between the
rows of Arecanut. It should be well prepared to fine tilth and mixes with adequate
quantity of compost/cow dung.

Fig.18 King Chilli-Arecanut model

6.1.4 Rotation period and Yield: Harvesting should be done when chillies are
become 4-5 cm length and attractive red coloured and healthy. The crops which
are planted in the month of November are ready to harvest from the month of
April/May to July/August.
6.1.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure of this model for one bigha
(1333 sq meter) of land (in the existing area under Arecanut) was Rs. 25,000.
Income from king chilly along with arecanut was Rs. 55,000 (200/kg) and Rs.
54,000 repectively.The net profit from this model was Rs. 84,000.
6.1.6 Impact and upscaling: The model is proved to be a successful for
generating additional income to the farmers. It has become the most popular
model as more than 60% farmers have areca nut plantation which is not utilized
for any purpose. This model gives the best solution to utilize these areas by
cultivating Bhoot joloki.
6.2 Gamhar (Gmelina arborea) based agroforestry system
Gamhar is an important fast-growing timber species commonly grown in all the
Eastern states of India as monoculture plantation species and under agroforestry
system. In one of the study conducted to determine biomass production, carbon
sequestration and nitrogen allocation in Gmelina arborea planted agri silviculture
system on abandoned agricultural land at 5 years total stand biomass was 14.1
Mg/ha. In agri-silviculture system crops recommended are soybean and cowpea in
rainy season, wheat and mustard in winter season. After 5 years, soil organic
carbon increased by 51.2 and 15.1% and Nitrogen by 38.4 and 9.3% in agri-
silviculture system respectively. Total carbon storage in abandoned agricultural
land before planting was 26.3 Mg/ha, which increased to 33.7 and 45.8 Mg/ha
after 5 years.

Agroforestry in Gangetic Plain Region
The Gangetic Plain Region covers Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand
West Bengal, Punjab and Haryana. This region is dominated by cereals. Rice-
wheat cropping system occupies more than 70% of the gross cropped area. Pulses
occupy around 7% of the gross cropped area. The important cropping sequences
of different zones are:

Zone-I Rice (Oryza sativa)-Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Rice (Oryza sativa)

- Rai (Brassica nigra), Rice (Oryza sativa)-Sweet Potato (Ipomoea
batatas), Rice (Oryza sativa)-Maize (Zea mays)-Wheat (Triticum
aestivum), Maize (Zea mays)-Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas),
Maize (Zea mays)-Rai (Brassica nigra), Rice (Oryza sativa)-Lentil
(Lense ulinaris), Rice(Oryza sativa)-linseed (Linum usitatissimum)
Zone-II Jute (Corcorus capsularis)-Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Jute
(Corcorus capsularis)-Potato (Solanum tuberosum), Jute (Corcorus
capsularis) -Kalai (Alphonsea arborea), Jute (Corcorus capsularis)-
Mustard (Brassica compestris), Rice (Oryza sativa)-Wheat
(Triticum aestivum)-Moong (Vinca radiate), Rice (Oryza sativa)-
Toria (Brassica rapa)
Zone-III Rice (Oryza sativa)-Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Rice (Oryza
sativa)-Gram (Cicer arietinum), Rice (Oryza sativa)-Lentil (Lense
ulinaris), Rice (Oryza sativa)-Rai (Brassica nigra)

The agroforestry models for these regions have been developed by Institute of
Forest Productivity (IFP), Ranchi. All these models are based on Poplar and
annual crops like wheat, maize, banana and turmeric etc are grown in combination
to tree. Therefore growing conditions and techniques are same for all the models
motioned below:
 Poplar (Populus deltoides)-Wheat (Triticum aestivum) agri-silviculture
 Poplar (Populus deltoides)-Maize (Zea mays) agri-silviculture model
 Poplar (Populus deltoides)-Banana (Musa paradisica) silvi-horticulture
 Poplar (Populus deltoides)-Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) agri-
silviculture model
 Poplar (Populus deltoides)- Jimikand (Pachyrhizus erosus) silvi-
horticulture model
7.2.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: These models will
perform better in well drained loam soil or sandy-loam soil condition with
optimum irrigation during its early period. The models are not suitable under clay
soil, water logged areas and anaerobic conditions which affect poplar growth
adversely. Usually poplar grows well in 15-40o C with annual rainfall range of

800-2500 mm. In Bihar, poplar grows well at temperature of 60C to 160C in
winter and up to 440 C in summer.
7.2.2 Significance of the model: These models are beneficial to the farmers, who
can plant poplar trees in their farm fields along with other annual crops especially
with wheat, maize, banana, turmeric and yam for higher economic returns.
Cultivation of agriculture and horticulture crops was practiced by the farmers
since long time using scientific techniques provided by the agriculture scientists.
However, farmers were not aware of the scientific pattern of adopting
agroforestry and planting trees along with their agricultural crops in a systematic
Singh et al., (1999, 2001a, b and c) strongly advocated the need for extending
cultivation of Populus deltoides to lower latitudes. FRI, Dehradun, during 1999-
2001 supplied germplasm of promising clones to researchers in areas both inside
and outside the traditional planting zone covering Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal
Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa,
Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Assam. Among areas outside the
traditional zone, performance of the clones in Bihar was encouraging and poplar
cultivation was recommended in these sites. Encouraged by the initial
performance of P. deltoides in Bihar, ICFRE introduced large scale cultivation of
this species in northern Bihar. About 6.10 million plants of poplar have been
multiplied and planted in district Vaishali, Bihar during the first phase of the
project that started in 2005. Capacity building of farmers has also been done in
large scale with trainings imparted to nearly 50,000 farmers about scientific
methods and pattern of planting trees in the field. Since poplar is deciduous in
nature it does not hamper the productivity of agriculture and horticultural crops.
Introduction of poplar with agriculture crops is expected to generate additional
income to farmers by using the natural resources in an optimum manner.
7.2.3 Establishment and management of model: Land should be leveled,
ploughed well and weeds/stones should be removed. Planting should be carried
out between late December to mid of February before sprouting of buds and
emergence of new flush of leaves on ETPs. Pit size of 3 feet deep and 6-8 inches
in diameter is essential for poplar with an escapement of 3x3 m in bund
plantation, 6x3 m in row plantation and 5x4 m in block plantation. Irrigation is
essential for first three years in an interval of 7-15 days, especially during
summer. Irrigation will boost the early growth. One-year old ETPs of 10-15 feet
in height are required for plantation and good establishment. Treatment of lower 1
m part of ETPs with Chloropyriphos 20 EC at 0.025 % and Emisan-6 at 0.15 % is
required before planting to prevent termite and fungal attack. In the planting pits,
6-10 granules of Phorate is also required to be applied before planting to prevent
insect attack on ETPs. Timely pruning (33% in 2-3 year of planting, 50% in 4-5
year of planting) of poplar branches is required to get straight stem. Weeding is

necessary twice a year. Intercropping will be possible up to 6-8 years of
harvesting of poplar.

Fig. 19 Poplar-Wheat agri-silviculture model

Fig. 20 Poplar-Maize agri-silviculture model

Fig. 21 Poplar-Banana silvi-horticulture model

7.3.4 Rotation period and yield: Poplar trees will be felled/ harvested at the age
of 2-3 years for paper and pulp. Poplar will be harvested in 6-8 years for plywood
purpose. Poplar trees in 6 to 8 years usually attain average height of 16 m and
girth of 3-4 feet and yield timber at Rs. 5000/ton.

7.4.5 Impact and upscaling: Poplar based agri-silvi models besides having lower
risks, sequesters more carbon and enhances overall productivity which ensures
higher net farm income as per recent government targets. However, further up-
scaling of the model is possible through training programmes, distribution of
extension materials, farmer to farmer interaction and on farm field visits. In
previous efforts, P. deltoides had been planted in Maharashtra where it showed
good performance initially but died after 3-4 yrs (Ballal, 2001). Gera et al., (1993)
planted this species in sporadically irrigated site at Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh
and observed good early growth but the plants began to die back at 3 years of age.
However, good growth of P. deltoides at six years of age was observed in
farmers’ field at Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh, thereby, suggesting that
inadequate irrigation during summer season and mono cropping of poplar might
be the key factor behind failure of this species in introduction trials in some sites.

Fig. 22 Poplar -Turmeric agri-silviculture model

Fig. 23 Poplar-Amorphophallus silvi-horticulture model

Agroforestry in Plateaus
The agroforestry models for plateaus were developed by Tropical Forest Research
Institute (TFRI), Jabalpur, Institute of Forest Biodiversity (IFB) Hyderabad and
Institute of Wood Science and Techniology (IWST), Bengaluru. The plateaus are
divided into four broad categories as below:
a) Eastern Plateau - Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh and Dandakaranya
b) Central Plateau- Bundelkhand, Baghelkhand, Bhander Plateau, Malwa
Plateau and Vindhyachal Hills.
c) Western Plateau-Southern part of Malwa plateau and Deccan plateau
d) Southern Plateau - Parts of southern Maharashtra, the greater parts of
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
The agroforestry models developed are as follows
i. Teak (Tectona grandis)-Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) silvi-medicinal
ii. Bamboo (Dendrocalamus species) based silvi-agri model
iii. Bach (Acorus calamus)-Paddy (Oryza sativa) agri-medicinal model
iv. Flemingia (Flemingia macrophylla and F.semialata) based silvi-agri-lac
v. Agri-lac culture model
vi. Babul (Acacia nilotica)-Paddy (Oryza sativa) model
vii. Sandalwood (Santalum album)-Teak (Tectona grandis)- Eucalyptus
(Eucalyptis camaldulensis/ E. teriticornis)-Red sanders (Dalbergia
latifolia) based silvi-agri models
viii. Sandalwood (Santalum album) based agroforestry system

8.1 Teak (Tectona grandis)-Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) silvi-medicinal


8.1.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: This model will

perform better in well drained sandy soil condition with optimum irrigation
during its early period (first 1-2 years). It is not suitable under clay, black cotton
soil and water logged areas which affect teak growth. Usually grows well in 15-
40oC with annual rainfall range of 800-2500 mm and prefers sea level to an
altitude of 1200 m.
8.1.2 Significance of the model: This model is beneficial to the farmers, who can
plant teak trees in their farm fields along with other annual crops especially with
turmeric for higher economic returns. Farmers are not aware of quality planting
materials (seedlings and clones) and lack technical know how on teak farming.
Farmers are practicing old systematic turmeric cultivation techniques without
using high yielding improved varieties.Introduction of teak with turmeric will
give additional income to farmers by using the natural recourses in an optimum

8.1.3 Establishment and management of model: Land should be leveled,
ploughed well and weeds/stones should be removed. Planting should be carried
out at onset of monsoon for better survival and early establishment and good
growth. Pit size of 45 cm3 is essential for teak with an espacement of 4x4 m.
Irrigation is essential for first three year in a interval of 3-4 days, especially
during summer. Irrigation will boost the early growth. One year old root shoot
(stump) of teak should be preferred for best survival and easy establishment along
with Suroma variety of Turmeri. Application of chloropyriphos 20 EC at 2
ml/liter soon after first monsoon showers kills the adults of termites and white
grub and reduces the infestation level. Timely pruning (25% intensity) of teak
branches is required to get straight stem. Two times weeding is necessary in a
year. Intercropping will be possible for 8-10 years.

Fig. 24 Teak-Turmeric silvi medicinal model

8.1.4 Rotation period and Yield: Teak trees will be felled/harvested in the age of
10-12 years for pole purpose (average height 11m and girth 55-60 cm) and in 20
years for timber purpose (average height 16 m and girth 80 cm). The yield of
turmeric was 3.5 t/ha/year.
8.1.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure for whole model inclusive of
all operation from sowing to harvest was Rs.1.50 lakhs. Total production of
turmeric was found 3 t/ha for one year. Income from turmeric was Rs.1.80 lakhs
at Rs 60/kg. Income from teak poles Rs. 6.50 lakhs at Rs.1250 per pole for 200
pole and Rs 2000 per pole for 200 poles. Net Income was Rs 6.80 lakhs.
8.1.6 Impact and Upscaling: Teak-turmeric based agri-silvi model gives risk free
farming to farmers, sequesters more carbon and enhances overall productivity
which ensures higher net farm income to fulfill the Govt. of India slogan of
“Doubling the farm income”. This model can be upscaled through training
programmes to farmers, extension materials, farmer to farmer interaction and on-
farm field visits.
8.2 Bamboo (Dendrocalamus species) based silvi-agri model
8.2.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: This model will
perform better in well drained sandy loam soil condition with optimum irrigation

during its early period (first 1 -2 years). Bamboo can grow in river and gullies to
control the soil erosion and conserve moisture. The system is not suitable under
clay, black cotton soil and water logged areas which affect teak growth. Usually
grows well in 15-40o C with annual rainfall range of 800-2500 mm and prefers sea
level to an altitude of 1200 m.
8.2.2 Significance of the model: This model is beneficial to the farmers, who are
interested to improve degraded lands by adopting Bamboo along with suitable
annual crops especially with Vigna mungo and Triticum aestivum in a crop
rotation to improve the soil fertility and water conservation purpose and
simultaneously for additional income from Bamboo. Generally farmers are not
aware about the high yielding and thorn less bamboo species, as well as quality
planting materials (seedlings and clones). The other limitation is lack of technical
knowlwdge on bamboo farming especially in sustainable harvesting methods.
They are adopting desi lathi bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) in field bunds.
Framers are not aware about different bamboo species suitability in different soil
conditions along with crop combinations.
Farmers can grow various intercrops viz.urad, wheat, etc. up to 5 years, till the
bamboo canopy closes. Bamboo farming will provide income till 40 years of its
age at one planting. Weeding should be done three times during each cropping
period to get maximum production from annual crops. Further, turmeric is partial
shade loving crop and require moist condition which favours more yield.
Introduction of teak with turmeric will give additional income to farmers by using
the natural recourses in an optimum way.
8.2.3 Establishment and management of model: Land should be leveled, deep
ploughed well and weeds / stones / agricultural residues etc should be removed.
Planting should be carried out onset of monsoon for better survival and early
establishment and good growth of bamboo and crops. Pit size of 45 cm3 is
essential for bamboo with aespacement of 5x5 m. Irrigation is essential for first
two year in an interval of 3-4 days, especially during summer. Irrigation will
boost the early growth. Healthy seedlings of bamboo developed through cuttings
should be preferred for best survival and easy establishment. The high yielding
thorn less bamboo species viz. Bambusa nutans, B. balcooa, B. tulda, B. vulgaris,
etc. are highly suitable for this model. Vegetative propagated plants of bamboos
should be preferred for best survival and easy establishment in the main field.
Bamboo seedlings (400 seedlings per ha) should be planted at spacing of 5x5 m
after making pits size of 45 cm3 during the onset of monsoon. Bamboos are
managed by timely pruning of the culms from second year onwards to avoid the
congestion within the culm/clump and to maintain a healthy growth to fetch better
growth and returns. Lateral roots of bamboo should be pruned at 2.5 m away from
the periphery of the clump to reduce root competition within associate intercrops.

Variety 306 of wheat (average yield 0.16 t/ha), jawahar and urad (average yield
0.10 t/ha) is preferred. Further, farmers can grow various intercrops viz.urad,

wheat, etc. up to 5 years till the canopy closes. Weeding should be done three
times during each cropping period to get maximum production from annual crops.
Application of chloropyriphos 20 EC at 2 ml/liter soon after first monsoon
showers kills the adults of termites and white grub and reduces the infestation
level. Timely pruning of lateral branches of bamboo is required to get straight
culm (stem) and to avoid conjunction within the clump.
8.2.4 Rotation period and yield: Bamboo culms can be harvest from 4th year
onwards. Generally bamboo is ready to harvest from 5th year onwards under
monoculture but in agroforestry, it is ready to harvest after 4th year due to its fast
growth and benefited from the various inputs given to annual crops. During the
month of March-April 6 to 7 culms of bamboo per clump may be harvested
subject to growth and maintenance of the system. The average height of bamboo
is 11m and 15cm diameter when harvested. In this model average yield of wheat
and urad was obtained 0.16 t/ha and 0.10 t/ha respevtively
8.2.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure for this model was Rs. 96,000
per ha (inclusive of field operations). Income genetated from urad and wheat was
Rs. 40,000 per ha and Rs. 70,000 per ha respectively. Income from bamboo poles
was Rs. 2 lakhs per ha at rate of Rs. 100 per culm for 2000 culm (first harvesting
after 4 years). Net income of Rs 2.17 lakhs is obtained.
8.2.6 Impact and upscaling: Bamboo-Urad/Wheat agroforestry model has
potential to provide additional income in a sustainable manner and this model will
fulfill the government goal of ‘Doubling the farm income’ from its intercrops
within short rotation period of 5 years. Further the model generates rural and
women employment opportunities throughout the year. In addition, this model
improves soil fertility and increase the overall productivity.

8.3 Bach (Acorus calamus)-paddy (Oryza sativa) agri-medicinal model

8.3.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: The system is
suitable under clay, black cotton soil and water logged areas for its best growth.
Acorus calamus (Bach) can grow in waterlogged area hence it is suitable to
intercrop with paddy. Usually it grows well in hot humid condition under 15-40o
C with annual rainfall range of 800-2500 mm and prefers sea level to an altitude
of 1200 m.
8.3.2 Significance of the model: This model is beneficial for the paddy growers
who can utilize their waterlogged land by intercropping of commercially valuable
medicinal crops viz. Acorus calamus (Bach). A. calamus (Bach) is a perennial
herb, commonly known as sweet flag in India. It is upto 6 feet tall, aromatic and
small yellow/green flowers with indefinitely branched rhizomes. It has several
medicinal uses to cure cough and cold, improve nervous system and also the
respiratory disorders like bronchitis. Generally farmers are not aware about the
high yielding bach planting material.

Fig. 25 Bach (Acorus calamus) paddy (Oryza sativa)

8.3.3 Establishment and management of model: Land has to be leveled, deep

ploughed and weeds/stones/agricultural residues should be removed. Planting
should be carried out onset of monsoon for better survival and early establishment
and good growth of bach and crops. Nursery technique of Bach

Rhizomes of bach plants are cut into the small pieces of 4-5 cm in length. Each
small piece having two internodes is suitable as planting material for better
regeneration, growth and yield. These cuttings should be sown in the soil upto 4-5
cm depth during the month of May. New sprouts may come out after 15 to 20
days. This sprouted material is ready for transplanting in the rice field during
second week of July to August at the spacement of 30x30 cm. FYM of 15 t/ha is
necessary for the bach-paddy system It should be applied 1/4th of quantity (3.5) as
basal dressing, half of the quantity (7) after two months of planting and remaining
1/4th quantity (3.5) after 6th month of crop. Further farmers can grow bach along
with paddy up to 5 years till its lateral roots will spread. Weeding should be done
three times during each cropping period to get maximum production from annual
crops. Bach is highly sensitive to salinity. The crop is free from grazing. The crop
is resistant to insect, pests and fungal attacks. The first year crop provides
planting material for next season at least for one hectare area besides marketable

8.3.4 Rotation period and yield: Bach plants was harvested after 10 months,
which yielded 3.5 t/ha of dried rhizomes and 1.00 lakh propagules of fresh
rhizomes for 1 ha.
8.3.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure was Rs.1,20,000 inclusive of
field operations cost of planting material, preparation of field, FYM and wages.
The income genreted from paddy was Rs. 50,000/ha/year and for Bach plants was
Rs. 2 lakhs (market rate). So the net income obtained in this model was Rs
1,30,000 lakhs/ha/year.

8.3.6 Impact and upscaling: Bach-paddy agroforestry model having the potential
to provide additional net farm income to farmers and will one of the best model
for doubling the farm income in short rotation period of years. In addition, this
model can utilize the waterlogged area efficiently and effectively and convert into
increase in overall productivity and additional income to farmers.This model can
be up scaled through training programmes to farmers, extension materials, farmer
to farmer interaction and on-farm field visits.
8.4 Flemingia (Flemingia macrophylla) based silvi-agri-lac model
Flemingia macrophylla and F. semialata is a source of fuel wood, fodder, tannin,
dyestuff and medicines. Flemingia spp. are very promising species for lac
cultivation in India. The study conducted by Kumar et al., (2017) suggested that
F. semialata and F. macrophylla are the best host species for lac cultivation in
8.4.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: This model will
perform better under well drained sandy loam soil condition. Flemingia plants are
fast growing in nature and having narrow crown hence farmers can utilize its
interspaces by growing traditional agriculture crop like Cajanus cajan for their
regular income. Flemingia usually grows well in 15-40oC with annual rainfall
range of 800-2500 mm and prefers sea level to an altitude of 1200 m.
8.4.2 Significance of the model: This model is beneficial for the lac growers
especially farmers who are not having traditional lac host trees like (Butea
monosperma) or Kusum (Schleichera oleosa) in their field bunds. Flemingia
semialata is a bushy leguminous plant and proved as a good host to Kusumi strain
of lac. This F.semialata plants are ready to inoculate brood lac within a year after
its planting and farmers can maintain this model and get lac up to 8 years. Lac
growing farmers are not aware of quality planting materials (seedlings and brood
lac) and also scarcity of technical knowhows about the species on lac farming on
Flemingia. Farmers are practicing lac farming on old traditional host plants
existing on their field bunds in unscientific manner without using high yielding
improved varieties. Introduction of lac cultivation of Flemingia under
agroforestry system will provide additional income to farmers by using the natural
recourses in an optimum way.
8.4.3 Establishment and management of model: Seeds of F.semialata should
be sown during April in the polybags with 1:1:1 ratio of soil, sand and FYM
mixture. The seedlings will be ready for the transplantation during rainy season.
Healthy seedlings should be preferred for best survival and easy establishment.
Land should be ploughed and FYM may be applied (10 t/ha) as basal dressing in
the month of May. Flemingia seedlings (625 plants per ha) should be planted with
spacing of 4x4 m after making pits size of 45 cm3 during the onset of monsoon.
Soil surface along the pit should be treated with chloropyriphos (2 g/litre) to
control termite attack before rainy season. After one year of planting, plants are

ready to raise good quality of brood lac. Rabi season is the best time for its
Cajanus cajan cultivation -To manage the field activity Asha variety of C.cajana
having average yield of 0.10 t/ha is planted in July with 75x75cm spacing after
transplanting of Flemingia plants. Weeding should be done three times to get
maximum production.

Fig. 26 Cajanus cajan collection

Lac farming- Good quality brood lac should be selected by the farmer to get
maximum yield. Farmers can select healthy, soft, disease free shoots for the
infestation of brood lac at 40 g per plant. F. semialata plants should be pruned
from its tip to maintain certain height (upto 1.5 m) for easy cultural operations
like weeding, ploughing, etc. and to protect it against heavy wind during summer
season, otherwise plants will be damaged. This system performs better in well
drained soil condition with optimum irrigation during first 2 years.

Fig. 27 Lac farming and collection

8.4.4 Rotation period and yield: Flemingia semialata seedling is ready for lac
cultivation after one year of its planting. The plant is a shrub and needs to
maintain certain height (2.5m) and more branches for management of lac crop.
The lac crop will be ready to harvest within a year.

8.4.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure of this model was Rs.75,000
per ha (inclusive of field operations). Total income generated from lac and
C.cajan was Rs.2.00 lakh /ha/year with Rs.1.00 lakh per ha for each crop.
F.semialata based silvi-agri-lac model has potential to generate Rs.1.25 lakhs
year/ha than monoculture of conventional crops like Lac or C.cajan
8.4.6 Impact and upscaling: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur has
introduced this lac host species in tropical region of Madhya Pradesh for the first
time to explore the possibilities of Lac culture on Fleminga under agroforestry
model with Cajanus cajan and become popular among the lac growers due to its
short period of maturity. This model is able to generate income as well as
employment throughout the year as compared to traditional farming. This model
alos improves soil fertility and provide additional income.
Training and demonstrations are most important component to popularize this
model among the farmers especially for rural women with one time investment.
This model can be upscaled through various training programmes including
demonstrations, farmer mela, farmer to farmer interaction, farm field visits and
distributing extension materials.
8.5 Agri-Lac culture model
8.5.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: Babul trees have
high calorific value therefore farmers retain these trees in their paddy field bunds
to meet daily needs of fuelwood. This model will perform better under sufficient
water condition. Usually grows well in 15-40oC with annual rainfall range of 800-
1400 mm and prefers sea level to an altitude of 1200 m.
8.5.2 Significance of the model: This model is beneficial for the farmers who can
utilize their farmland by intercropping of suitable agriculture crops viz.Cajanus
cajan (Arhar) with Lac. Generally lac is cultivated on the host plants of Butea
monosperma and Ziziphus mauritiana which are existing in the farmers field
bunds and require inputs to maintain the crop. Integration of lac with agriculture
crops not only helps the farmers to get additional income but also security against
crop failure due to climate vagaries and insect/pest attacks. Adoption of such high
income practice will increase the net farm income as a whole and also increase the
productivity and generation of rural employment opportunities with fewer inputs.
Farmers can practice this model in their courtyard also. They can grow the lac on
perennial variety of C. cajan for the period of two years. This model in farm field
required timely weeding which favours C. cajan growth. Partial irrigation further
boost the growth of C. cajan in agri-lac culture model and increases the
production of lac. Improved variety of Cajanus cajan require less time for its
maturity and maintain moisture for grain production.

Fig. 28 Cajanus cajan
8.5.3 Establishment and management of model: Cultivation of Asha variety of
C. cajan (average yield 1t/ha) should be sown at 1.5x1.5 m spacing during kharif
season or onset of monsoon. Seeds of C. cajan should be sown in line with proper
spacing for obtaining maximum growth, yield and more branches which will help
in production of lac. Weeding should be done three times to get maximum
production. Healthy seedlings should be preferred for best survival and easy
establishment. Land should be ploughed and FYM may be applied (10 t/ha) as
basal dressing in the month of May. Soil surface along the pit should be treated
with chloropyriphos (2 g/liter) to control termite attack before rainy season. After
one year of planting, plants are ready to raise good quality of brood lac. Rabi
season is the best time for its cultivation. C.cajan plants should be pruned from its
tip to maintain certain height (upto 1.5 meter) for easy cultural operations like
weeding, ploughing, etc. and to protect it against heavy wind during summer
season, otherwise plants will be damaged. This system performs better in well
drained soil condition with optimum irrigation during first 2 years.

Lac Farming: Lac (Laccifera lacca) is the resinous substance used for
manufacturing several items like bangles, articles, toys, paint varnish, CD cover
etc. Brood lac (seed lac) will be inoculated on the soft shoots of C.cajan during
rabi season. Good quality brood lac should be selected by the farmer to get
maximum yield. Farmers can select healthy and soft disease free shoots for the
infestation of brood lac at 40 gm per plant.
8.5.4 Rotation period and yield: Farmers can grow the lac on perennial variety
of C. cajan for the period of two years. This model in farm field required timely
weeding which favours C. cajan growth. Partial irrigation boosts the growth of C.
cajan and increases the production of lac.

8.5.5 Economics of the model: Cost of cultivation for this model was Rs.80,000
per ha.. Total income generated from C. cajan was Rs. 1.00 lakh per ha for Rs.100
per kg. Income from lac crop for 12 t/ha at Rs.200 per kg was Rs. 2.40 lakh. Net
income generated from this model was Rs 2.60 lakh per ha.
8.5.6 Impact and up-scaling: Agri-lac culture model having the potential to
provide additional income to farmers and can be the best model for "Doubling the
farm income" from lac within short rotation period of 2 years and also generate

the employment. Further the introduction of legume in farm fields will enhance
the soil fertility through fixation of atmospheric nitrogen which will help in
productivity of crops and reduce the input costs. This model can be further up-
scaled through training programmes to farmers, farmer to farmer interactions,
farm field visits and providing extension materials in local languages.
8.6 Babul-paddy silvi-agri model
8.6.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: The system prefers
sodic and alkali soils with pH of 7-8. Though babul is leguminous tree but it can
adapt well to all range of pH where paddy is grown. Usually grows well at an
altitude of 1200 m (sea level) with temperature range of 15-40oC and annual
rainfall range of 800-1400 mm.
8.6.2 Significance of the model: The model consists of agriculture crop paddy
(Oryza sativa) variety JR75 (78 days crop) intercropped with tree babul (Acacia
nilotica wild ex. Del.). Babul seedling raised in the nursery should be transplanted
in field during rainy season before paddy transplantation. This model is beneficial
for the paddy farmers who are not aware of management of huge canopy cover of
babul tree as well as paddy crop. Scientific management of babul trees along with
short rotation variety with high yielding paddy crop provide double grain
production and efficiently utilized leaf litter as green manure. This model does not
require inputs like insect-pest management to maintain the trees and crop.Farmers
who resorted root and canopy pruning measure of babul tree could obtain higher
crop yield. From third year onwards farmers will get interim annual income from
pruned biomass of 1.60 kg per tree for Acacia nilotica var.indica (telia). The trees
are pruned initially to promote the formation of a clean straight bole that can fetch
premium price in the market with 10 year rotation period for babul.
8.6.3 Establishment and management of model
Cultivation techniques: This model prefers sodic and alkaline soil with pH 8 and
higher organic matter. Though it is leguminous tree but it can adapt well to all
range of pH where paddy is grown.
Nursery techniques of Babul: Seeds of babul can be raised in polythene bags
with 1:1:2 ratio of Sand: Soil: FYM. Seed is treated with sulphuric acid or soaked
in water for 12 hours. Best season for sowing babul is first week of March to mid
April. Plants of nursery raised babul seeds should be transplanted after ploughing
of the field just before paddy transplanting or seed broadcasting of paddy. The
spacing of 5x5 m is kept for intial five years raising with 400 plants/ha. From
sixth year onwards 200 plants per ha are managed with spacing of 6x6 m. From
eigth year 100 plants per ha are retained and managed. Timely canopy pruning is
done to reduce the shade effect and to improve the production of fire wood and
fodder. Lateral root pruning can also be done to enhance the crop yield.
8.6.4 Rotation period and Yield: The Babul-paddy model has a benefit cost
(B/C) ratio of 1.47 during ten year period of the system. Over ten year rotation the

trees provide variety of products such as fodder, fuel wood (30 kg per tree),
brushwood for fencing (4 kg per tree), small timber for farm implements/furniture
(0.2 m3) and non timber forest products such as gum. The yield of paddy obtained
from farmers field for this model is 2.5 t/ha against 1.5 t/ha from traditional

Fig. 29 Babul-paddy silvi-agri model

8.6.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure of this model was Rs. 70,000
per ha inclusive of field operations with net income of Rs 3 lakhs per ha.
8.6.6 Impact and up-scaling: By adopting/practicing the babul-paddy agro-
forestry system farmers can get higher cash returns upto Rs.3.00 lakh within 10
years of harvest cycle of trees. The babul-paddy model is a good insurance against
failure of monsoon or climate vagaries. Farmers who adopted scientific
management of babul trees like pruning of root and canopy of the tree could get
higher crop yield. Training and demonstrations are most important component to
popularize this model among the farmers especially for rural women with one
time investment. This model can be upscaled through various training
programmes including demonstrations, farmer mela and distributing extension
8.7 Sandalwood-Teak-Eucalyptus- Red sanders based silvi-agri models
8.7.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: This model was
found suitable for well red loamy soil condition with optimum irrigation during its
first 2 years. The total rainfall in arid and semi-arid climate on an average ranges
from 0 to 400 and 400-800 mm respectively. This model performs well in 90 to
650 mm average rainfall and temperature ranges between 13 to 43 oC.
8.7.2 Significance of the model: This model is beneficial for those farmers who
can plant Santalum album, Pterocarpus santalinus, Eucalyptus species and
Tectona grandis tress in their farm fields along with other short term agriculture
crops such as Cajanus cajan, Phaseolus aureus and Sorghum vulgare.
Agroforestry systems based on Red sanders-Sandal, Teak-Sandal and Eucalyptus-
Sandal were evaluated across different agricultural crops viz., green gram (Vigna

radiata), jowar (Sorghum bicolor), red gram (Cajanus cajan) and castor (Ricinus
communis). It was found that Red sanders-Sandal was very suitable for the
cultivation of green gram, jowar and red gram. In contrast no tree combination
was helpful for castor cultivation as weeds suppressed the crop and castor was
unable to grow with vigour. Therefore based on this study for semi-arid tropics of
Andra Pradesh, Red sanders -Sandal with green gram, jowar and red gram can be
recommended on farmlands without irrigation.
8.7.3 Establishment and management of model: Land should be leveled,
ploughed well and weeds, stones bushes/shrubs should be removed. Sowing or
planting is done during rainy season for better survival, timely germination and
good growth. The trees are placed at a closer spacing within the row at 4 m and in
between Sandal are planted. An effective distance of upto 5 m between the rows
is maintained for cultivation and mechanization. The planting is done in a
factorial randomized block design with tree sole crops and agricultural sole crops
and their intercrops as per the treatments. One block of all trees except Sandal at
4x4 m as control is also established in the experimental trials. Spacing of two
trees or more were maintained depending on land availability. The spacing of 2 m
within the row and 5 m between the rows were employed in four replications.
8.7.4 Rotation period and yield: Tree crop combinations like Red sanders-
Sandal, Teak-Sandal and Eucalyptus-Sandal were raised. Agricultural crops like
green gram, pigeon pea and jowar were raised till third year. In fourth and fifth
years castor was raised between the tree rows. It was observed that under Red
sanders-Sandal system in the first three years for per unit cropped area green
gram, pigeon pea and jowar have performed equally well when compared with
control lands. However the yield was found to be reduced in Teak-Sandal system
and was lowest in Eucalyptus-Sandal system.
8.7.5 Economics of the model: Net income generated from green gram was
Rs. 60,000 per ha, pigeon pea was Rs. 1.00 lakh per ha and jowar was Rs. 50,000
per ha. Castor as intercrop did not perform well when compared to its income as
sole crop.

Table 1: Yield (Q/ha) per year for Green Gram, Pigeon pea, Jowar and

S. No Treatments Green Gram Pigeon pea Jowar Castor

1 Red sanders + Sandal 10.0 23.8 19.5 6.5
2 Teak + Sandal 9.5 20.0 17.0 5.3
3 Eucalyptus + Sandal 7.5 17.5 15.3 3.8
4 Red sanders sole crop 11.3 - - -
5 Teak sole crop 10.0 - - -
6 Eucalyptus sole crop 8.5 - - -
7 Agri-crop (sole) 11.0 24.3 19.5 20.0

8.7.6 Impact and upscaling: Sandal-Redsanders agri-crops based agri-silvi
model gives risk free farming to farmers. The end users are farmers from sem-arid
tropics covering nine districts of Telangana and Rayalaseema region of Andhra
Pradesh. The farmers with small or large land holdings of Nalgonda,
Mahabubnagar, Ranga Reddy district, Kurnool, Cuddappah and Vishakhapatnam
have shown keen interests in this system. Farmers need planting materials and the
extension support for adopting these systems. Even the Van Sanrakshan Samiti of
Andhra Pradesh, State Forest Department has shown interest in these systems who
may need extension support of these systems especially from Adilabad and
Khammam districts.Van Sanrakshan Samiti of Cuddappah and Chittor districts of
Rayalaseema region have also shown keen interest in the system and wanted its
retention in their fields.

8.8 Sandalwood based agroforestry systems

8.8.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: This model
performs fine in well drained red ferruginous loam soils. It requires optimal
aeration during early stages of plantation establishment (1-3 years). Soil should be
moderately deep with good drainage, good physical properties and moderately
acidic to neutral with pH 6.5 to 8.5. It flourishes well in moderate rainfall of 600
mm in cool climate with a long period of dry weather but adapts well to different
climatic conditions except for water logged and very cold places. It grows well in
the early stages under partial shade but at the middle and in later stages it shows
intolerance to heavy overhead shade.
8.8.2 Significance of the model: This model is of significant use to the farmers
who can plant sandalwood in their farm field along with crops like horse gram,
aonla and block plantation with Casuarina. Farmers are not aware of quality
planting materials like seedlings and also on technical input on sandalwood
farming. Horse gram cultivation is done based on the traditional system without
using high yield improved varieties. Research institutions are identifying better
genotypes for developing quality planting materials in sandalwood. Further, the
Aonla (Phyllanthus emblica) and Horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) are
cultivated as an intercrop for getting additional income and optimal usage of
natural resources.

8.8.3 Establishment and management of model: Site preparation involves

leveling, marking of pits with recommended spacing, fencing and digging of pits.
Digging of pits enable develop deep tap root, improve aeration, water
permeability, removal of weeds, exposing insects pests and spores for sunlight.
Usually site preparation activity will be done three to four months before planting.
In Indian condition planting will be done in June-July, hence site preparation may
be planned well in advance by March/April. Seedlings for planting should be of
height greater than 1.0 foot, collar diameter more than 3 mm and 1/3rd seedling
stem should be brown in colour. The seedlings should be devoid of forked

branches and must be healthy and straight with a leading shoot. Pits of size
45×45×45 cm should be left for weathering for minimum of one month.
Insecticide/fungicide may be applied during planting in pit to kill the harmful
organisms. At the time of planting 2 kg of farm yard manure may be applied in
the pit to increase water holding capacity. Planning configuration in this model is
6x3 m and usually planting is done after the onset of monsoon. Irrigation is
essential for first three year in an interval of 3-5 days, especially during summer.
Application of suitable fungicide and insecticide in pit before planting will reduce
the infestation level. Intercropping is possible for 5-6 years in this model.
8.8.4 Rotation period and yield: Sandalwood trees will be felled / harvested at
the age of 15 years for heartwood purpose with a yield of 15 kg of heartwood.
The average height of the tress will be 8-10 m and 40-50 cm girth and fetched Rs.
6000 per kg heartwood. The yield obtained from Horse gram was 500 kg/year/ha
and for aonla was 4 ton/ha from 5th year onwards. Casuarina in block plantation
yielded 500 poles in ten year.
8.8.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure for whole model (inclusive of
all operation from sowing to harvest) was Rs. 1.5 crores. Income from aonla was
Rs.1.2 lakhs for 4 t/ha/year at Rs. 30/kg. Income generated from sandalwood at 15
years age was Rs. 3.6 crores for 6000 kg of heartwood/ha at 15 Kg/tree at Rs.
6000/kg. Income from horse gram was Rs. 20,000 for 0.5 t/ha/year at Rs 40/kg.
Income from Casuarina was Rs. 50,000 for 500 poles at Rs. 100/pole. Net income
generated from this model was Rs 2.00 crores.
8.8.6 Impact and upscaling: Sandalwood based agroforestry system having
aonla and horse gram as intercrops will help farmer to gain initial income from
horse gram and intermediate income from aonla. It also helps to sequester more
carbon and enhances overall productivity which ensures higher net farm income
by optimal usage of natural resources. This model can be upscaled through
training programme to farmers, extension materials, farmer to farmer interaction
and farm field visits.

Fig. 30 Sandalwood based agroforestry Systems

Agroforestry in Western Dry Region
Western dry region covers hot dessert, arid and semi-arid areas extending over
Rajasthan, west of the Aravallis, Gujrat and Dadar-Nagar Haveli. Following
models have been developed by Arid Forest Research Intstitute (AFRI), Jodhpur
for western dry regions:
i. Hardwickia binata based agroforestry model
ii. Emblica officinalis based agroforestry model
iii. Colophospermum mopane based agroforestry model
iv. Prosopis cineraria -Zizyphus mauritiana agroforestry model
9.1 Hardwickia binata based agroforestry model
9.1.1 Edaphic and environmental requirement of model: This model is
performing well in arid and semi-arid region of Rajasthan. Hardwickia binata is a
tree of the dry deciduous forests. In India, it is found in the western Himalayas up
to an elevation of 1500 m and dry open forests of Central and South India. The
tree grows best in sandy loam or reddish gravelly sand but tolerates light acidic to
moderate saline soils. Overlying soil does not have to be deep since the taproot
has a capacity for growing through fissures in solid rock. It can be grown well in
the soils with low in organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus.
9.1.2 Significance of model: Hardwickia binnata (Anjan) is the most important
agroforestry tree in dry areas of India. The tree is utililized optimally in terms of
food, fodder and fuel wood. In experiments fixed and rotational crop sequence
were used i.e. Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (cluster bean or Guar), Sesamum indicum,
Pennisetum glaucum and Vigna radiata. Tree heights are comparatively more under
rotational crop than in fixed crop plots of Vigna radiata. Crop yield reduction is
about 24% with pearl millet in crop rotation and 77% with V. radiata in tree
canopy zone area with limited water availability. Since 2012 onwards in this
model along with intercrop Cyamopsis tetragonoloba different silvicultural
treatments like intact tree, tree branch removal up to 70% tree height, root barrier
treatment and combination of both tree branched removal-root barrier treatment
was practiced.

H. binata based agroforestry model is common in central India particularly as

boundary plantation. This species was introduced in western dry region to
enhance fodder production to feed the domestic animals on which the economy of
the local people depends to larger extend. Block plantation with suitable crops
combination provides higher land productivity and improves soil fertility. Its easy
management in block plantation with intercrops should encourage farmers for the
plantation on their land. Likewise, lopping and putting root barriers minimizes the
competitive effects of trees on the companion intercrops.

9.1.3 Establishment and management of model: Four month old seedling of

Hardwickia binata was planted to maximize fodder and fuel wood with different
crop sequences. Spacing of the plantation was 5x5 m. Pit size is 45x45x45 cm3.

Basal doges of 10 kg FYM and 20 g forate (anti-termite insecticide) per seedling
were applied at the time of plantation. Life saving irrigation was provided at time
of plantation and after rainy season 25 liter water was provided to each plant at
one month interval. Plantation was maintained through different silvicultural
activities viz. irrigation, soil working, weeding, protection, anti-termite treatment,
pruning etc.

In subsequent experiment, different silvicultural treatments like intact tree, tree

branch removal up to 70% tree height, root barrier treatment and both tree
branched removal-root barrier treatment were practised. These treatments showed
varying effects on tree growth and productivity of the companion crops. Tree
pruning along with root barrier observed detrimental for the growth of H. binata
but it was beneficial in enhancing productivity of intercrops. H. binata was found
competitive with Cyamopsis tetragonoloba crop. Growth and grain yield of C.
tetragonoloba crop was found highest in lopped tree with root barrier and lowest
yield under unlopped trees condition. Competition was minimized through
pruning and trenching around tree. H. binata is also favourable in enhancing
nutrient availability and carbon sequestration.

Fig. 31 Hardwickia binata based agroforestry model

9.1.4 Fuel wood and fodder yield from H. binata: Pruned biomass (fodder) of H.
binata was 3.99 kg in rotation crop and 3.33 kg in fixed crop per plant at 8 years
age. Average total dry biomass of H.binata trees ranged between 4.49 to 135.85
kg per tree at 17 years age. Biomass accumulation in stem was 45.7% of total
biomass. Foliage contribution of the total biomass was 23.5%. C. tetragonoloba
crop production was highest in pure crop plot followed by lopped and then in root
barrier treatment.

9.1.5 Impact and upscaling: The study demonstrates the usefulness of tree in
increasing total productivity of land. The resource competition was minimized

through silvicultural practices which improved crop production. The model also
helped in carbon sequestration and thus indirectly mitigating climate change and
environmental effects.

9.2 Emblica officinalis (Aonla) based agroforestry model

9.2.1 Edaphic and environmental requirement of model: This model
performed well in dry region of Rajasthan and Gujarat where soil is loamy sand to
loamy silt. The mean annual rainfall zone is from 400-900 mm. It is not suitable
for arid zone facing drought in rainfed condition.
9.2.2 Significance of model: Emblica officinalis (Aonla) model is suitable for
maximising food and fruit yields under crop sequences of Cyamopsis
tetragonoloba, Sesamum indicum, Pennisetum glaucum and Vigna radiata. Tree
height is favourable under rotational cropping system than fixing a single crop
continuously. Although crop yield reduction has been observed up to 32% for
pearl millet and 5% for V. radiata, but the yield of fruits from E. officinalis are
better compensations for adopting this model, particularly in irrigated condition.
E. officinalis based agroforestry model is not much practiced in the region rather
The tree is cultivated occasionally to obtain Vitamin C enriched fruits of this
species for preparation of different dishes like Murabba, Achar, jelly etc. E.
officinalis was introduced to enhance total yield per unit area along with fruit
production and to enhance income of farmer. The fruits obtained from E.
officinalis can compensates with reduced crop yield in the system.

9.2.3 Establishment and management of model: E. officinalis was planted to

maximize food and fruit yields under different crop sequences. The spacing of the
plants was 5x5 m and the container grown seedlings were planted in pit size of
45x45x45cm. Each sub plot had 12 trees. Basal doges of 4 kg FYM and 20 g forate
(termiticide) were applied at the time of plantation. Life saving irrigation was
provided at time of plantation and after rainy season i.e. 30 liter water per plant at
one month interval. Plantation was maintained through different silvicultural
activities viz. irrigation, soil working, crop sowing and related cultural operations.

The treatments plots were (i) E. officinalis intercropped with Vigna radiata
throughout the study (FC) and (ii) E. officinalis intercropped with Vigna radiata,
Pennisetum glaucum, Cyamopsis tetragonoloba and Sesamum indicum in rotation
(RC). The RC plots had Penisetum glaucum, Vigna radiata, Sesamum indicum,
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, S. indicum and P. glaucum as the agricultural crops
grown in 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 respectively. Crops were sown
and harvested in the rainy season (July to October) under rainfed conditions.

9.2.4 Impact and upscaling: Because of relatively more water requirement of E.

officinalis, this model can be more suited to semi-arid areas with supplemental
irrigation. Integrating E. officinalis improves soil conditions like soil organic

carbon and soil fertility, decrease soil pH and increase overall system

9.3 Colophospermum mopane based Agroforestry model

9.3.1 Edaphic and environmental requirement of model: The model performs
well in dry region of Rajasthan as well as in similar climatic conditions. C.
mopane often grow on loamy sand and clay loam soils with low organic matter,
available nitrogen and phosphorus and tolerates saline and poorly drained soils
better than other species. It is a dominant species of dry deciduous forest. It grows
between 300-1000 m altitudes, -3 to 50 ℃ temperature and 200-800 mm mean
annual rainfall zone.
9.3.2 Significance of model: Colophospermum mopane (Mopane) is introduced
for maximising food, fodder and fruit yield with fixed and rotation crop sequences.
The tree height is comparatively more under rotation cropping system than in fixed
cropping system. It is highly competitive with intercrops because of competitive use
of soil resources as soil water content reduces by 12.6% - 15.4% in the canopy zone
of C. mopane than in the soils of control plots. C. mopane tree is not commonly
planted on farmers land in the region due to its exotic nature. However it has
been introduced to enhance fodder production, sand dune stabilization and
rehabilitation of wastelands. Row plantation or boundary plantation with suitable
crops combination works as safeguard to enhance total land productivity and
improved soil fertility. Because of strong competitive nature for available natural
resources C. mopane is not a suitable integration in farmlands. It is most suitable
to rehabilitated degraded sites. C. mopane have greater adaptability for survival in
the degrade sites due to well developed root system with high root/ shoot ratio.
9.3.3 Establishment and management of model: C. mopane was planted in July
1994 in pit size is 45x45x45 cm to maximize fodder and fuelwood production
with different crop sequences. Spacing of the plantation was 5x5 m. Basal doges
of 10 kg FYM and 20 g forate were applied at the time of plantation. Life saving
irrigation was provided at time of plantation and after rainy season. About 30 liter
water was provided to each plant at one month interval. Plantation was
maintained through different silvicultural activities viz. irrigation, soil working,
weeding, protection, anti-termite treatment, pruning etc. Different intercrops were
sown in different years starting from 1996.
Silvi-pasture was adopted by dibbing the seeds of Cenchrus ciliaris grass
manually in the furrows and reducing both above and below ground competition
in 2012. Four treatments practiced were intact tree, tree branch removal up to
70% tree height, root barrier treatment and both tree branched removal-root
barrier treatment. The treatment maintained through lopping in each year.
In another experiment seeds of C. mopane were broadcasted after deep ploughing,
mixing and covering of the seeds with soil. It provided 98% germination and 92%

survival at one year of age and has developed into dense vegetation cover at 16
years of age.

Fig. 32 Colophospermum mopane based agroforestry model

9.3.4 Fuel wood and fodder yield from C. mopane: Seventh year onwards C.
mopane produces 3 to 4 kg dry fodder/fuel wood per tree per year. Fruit
production was 0.5 kg per tree at 5 years age and 1.25 kg per tree at 9 year age.
Fruit production was less when pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides) and guar
(Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) were intercrop. Average total dry biomass ranges
between 5.91 to 130.41 kg per tree at 17 years of age. Biomass accumulation in
stem was 28.6%. The contribution of foliage was 40.2% in C. mopane trees.

C. ciliaris grass production was highest in sole grass plot (20.61 t/ha) followed by
lopped and root barrier treatment (16.72 t/ha). The grass production was lowest
(13.61 t/ha) in intact trees plot.

9.3.5 Impact and upscaling: Lopping of C. mopane along with root barrier was
found beneficial in enhancing productivity of silvipastoral system in dry areas.
Thus this species is most suitable for silvipastoral system in dry land for fodder
production rather than its integration in farmers land. It can be utilized for
rehabilitation of degraded wastelands under site preparation and direct seeding.
Resources competition between trees and grass can be minimized through
silvicultural practices for benefits of enhancing total productivity and improve
people livelihood. It facilitates in carbon sequestration and thus helping indirectly
in mitigating climate change and environmental effects.

9.4 Prosopis cineraria-Zizyphus mauritiana (grafted Ber) agroforestry model

9.4.1 Edaphic and environmental requirement of model: The model will
perform well in dry region of Rajasthan where soil is well drained having
irrigation facility. Life saving irrigation is required upto 3 years after plantation.
Generally these species are grown in temperature range of 4°C to 45°C with
annual rainfall of about 400 mm.

9.4.2 Significance of model: This model provides economic benefit and income
to the farmers along with cultivated arable crop like wheat. Integration of grafted
ber (Z. mauritiana) and khejri (P. cineraria) with wheat crop was best
agroforestry model where reduction in wheat yield was only 5% than sole crop. It
was found less competitive than any other horti-silvi combinations. Combination
of P. cineraria and Z. mauritiana showed synergistic effect on the wheat crop
yield and exhibited the highest B: C ratio of 1.4 as compared to the sole crop. Soil
organic carbon was increased by 8% in top layer and by 13% in lower layer in
agroforestry plots as compared to the control plot. Thus agroforestry model was
observed to be more beneficial than sole agricultural crop in term of carbon
benefits. Cultivation of good quality saplings of khejri and grafted ber (Gola
variety) is good combination for higher economic yield. Research institutions and
SFDs are developing good quality of khejri seedlings whereas grafted ber is
developed by research institutions as well as commercial private nurseries. These
quality materials are beneficial when integrated in the farmlands for enhancing
total yield per unit area.

9.4.3 Establishment and management of model: A farmland was ploughed and

weed removed in collaboration with farmers. Khejri and grafted ber were planted
alternate to each other at a spacing of 6x6 m with pit size of 60x60x60 cm. Basal
doges of 10 kg FYM, 150 g DAP, 450 g SSP and 25 g forate was applied at the
time of plantation. Drip irrigation was provided at 10 days interval in summer
season and 15 days interval in winter season. Plantation was maintained through
different silvicultural activities viz. irrigation, soil working, weeding, protection,
anti-termite treatment, pruning etc. Grafted ber was pruned every year in month of
May. Wheat crop was grown each year with this combination. Intercropping is
possible up to 10 to12 years of tree age.

9.4.4 Fuel wood and fodder yield from khejri: Production of fodder at 6 year of
age was 0.20 tons/ha for P. cineraria. Production of utilizable biomass at 6 year
of age was 2.18 tons/ha for Z. mauritiana and P. cineraria.

9.4.5 Economics of model: This model provided additional benefit of Rs. 7184
ha at the age of 6 year as compared to agriculture crop.

9.4.6 Impact and upscaling: Khejri-gafted ber based agri-horti-silvi model

provides additional benefit to the farmers in arid region. In addition it also
sequesters more carbon and improves soil fertility. The model advances total
productivity and has been adopted by farmers of the adjacent village.

Agroforestry in Coastal Plains and Ghats
Coastal plains and ghats cover Coromandel and northern Circar coasts of Andhra
Pradesh, Odisha, Malabar coastal plains, Konkan coastal plains and the Sahyadris.
States and Union Territories covered under this agro-climatic condition are Tamil
Nadu, Kerala, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Islands and
Puducherry. Following models were developed by Institute of Forest Genetics and
Tree Breeding, Coimbatore for these regions:
i. Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia)- Maize (Zea mays) agri-silviculture
ii. Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia)-Moringa (Moringa oleifera)-Maize
(Zea mays) agri-silvi-horticulture model
iii. Acacia auriculiformis-Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) silvi-
pasture model
iv. Teak (Tectona grandis)-Blackgram (Phaseolus mungo) agri-silviculture
v. Acacia mangium-Beans (Vigna species) agri-silviculture model
vi. Acacia mangium- Pepper (Piper nigrum) silvi-horticulture model
vii. Casuarina based windbreak agroforestry model

10.1 Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia)-Maize (Zea mays) agri-silviculture model

10.1.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: This model is
suited for areas with average annual rainfall ranging from 600 to 800 mm and
average annual temperature from 27-29oC. The soil type suited for the model is
yellowish red to dark reddish brown with calcic sub soil horizon. Texture is sandy
loam to loamy sand and pH of the soil is alkaline and varies from 8.2 to 8.5.
10.1.2 Significance of model: This model is beneficial to the farmers, who can
plant Casuarina trees in their farm fields along with other annual crops especially
with maize for higher economic returns. IFGTB has come up with superior clones
and hybrids in Casuarina with high wood yield. These superior clones can be
planted in this agri-silvi system for higher economic returns. It is also important to
note that Casuarina being nitrogen fixer will also help in soil improvement.
10.1.3 Establishment and management of model: Normally the land is prepared
for growing agricultural crops just before the onset of southwest monsoon (May-
June). Raising of agricultural crop and planting of Casuarina seedlings is carried
out simultaneously. Parallel watering channels are taken 7 m apart. Three month
old potted seedlings of Casuarina are planted in pits of size 30 cm3 at 2 m distance
between plants in each channel. Thus the density of Casuarina remains as 650
trees/ha. A basal dose of 25 g each of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
fertilizer and 1 kg FYM is added in each pit at the time of planting. Biofertilizers
like Frankia or Azospirillum are mixed with the soil in the pits for better
establishment. Application of biofertilizers can also be done in the nursery while
raising the seedling. Maize (Zea mays) is dibbled at 60x25 cm apart as per

package of practices in the interspace between Casuarina rows. Casuarina grows
well and fast under irrigated conditions. The seedlings are watered once in a week
for the initial two months and later no additional watering to the tree seedlings
was given. The seedlings share the water with the agricultural crop as and when
the crop is irrigated. However, during the post harvest period and during the dry
season, tree rows are irrigated at fortnightly intervals. Casualty replacement is
done within a month’s period. Periodical cultural operations such as weeding, soil
working etc. are to be carried out twice a year. Lower lateral branches of the trees
up to nearly half the height of canopy are pruned during the second and third year
and the pruned material can be used as fuel wood.

Fig. 33 Casuarina -Maize agri-silviculture model

10.1.4. Rotation period and yield: Casuarina trees will be felled/harvested in the
age of 4 years for pole purpose (average height 8.1 m and 34.2 cm girth, 650
poles can be harvested per ha and sold at Rs.45 per pole). Maize yield was 2.0 t
per ha per year.
10.1.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure for whole model was
Rs.6,238 (inclusive of all operation from sowing to harvest). Income generated
from maize was Rs.8,000 per ha per year for Rs 4,000 per ton. Income generated
from Casuarina poles was Rs.29,250 at Rs.45 per pole and Rs 1,820 from fuel
wood. Net income from this model was Rs 32,832.
10.1.6 Impact and upscaling: Casuarina-maize based agri-silvi model gives
short rotation tree harvest and soil fertility improvement through nitrogen
fixation. The upscaling of this model can be done through establishing of
demonstration plots with high yielding clones released by IFGTB.
10.2 Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia)-Moringa (Moringa oleifera)-Maize
(Zea mays) agri-silvi-horticulture model

10.2.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: This model is

suited for areas with average annual rainfall ranging from 600 to 800 mm and
average annual temperature may vary from 27-29oC. The soil type suited for the

model is yellowish red to dark reddish brown soil with calcic sub soil horizon.
Texture is from sandy loam to loamy sand and pH of the soil is alkaline and varies
from 8.2 to 8.5.
10.2.2 Significance of model: This model is beneficial to the farmers who can
plant Casuarina trees in their farm fields along with Moringa for higher economic
returns. The superior clones of Casuarina can be planted in this silvi-horticulture
system for higher economic returns. It is also important to note that Casuarina
being nitrogen fixer will also help in soil improvement.
10.2.3 Establishment and management of model: Raising of agricultural crop
by the onset of monsoon (May-June) and planting of Casuarina and Moringa
seedlings in the field is carried out simultaneously. Parallel watering channels are
taken 7 m apart. Three month old potted seedlings of Casuarina and one month
old potted seedlings of Moringa (var: PKM-1) are planted alternately in pits of
size 30 cm3 at 2 m distance between plants in each channel. Thus the density of
Casuarina and Moringa remains as 325 trees/ha. A basal dose of 25 gm each of N,
P & K fertilizers is added to each pit at the time of planting for Casuarina. For
Moringa plants, 100 gm each of Urea and SSP and 50 gm MOP are added to the
pit in the third month. At the end of sixth month an additional dose of 100 gm
urea is added for better establishment. Biofertilizers like Frankia or Azospirillum
can also be mixed with the soil in the pits for better establishment. During the
initial two months weeding is essential. Maize (Zea mays) is dibbled at 60x25 cm
apart as per package of practices in the interspace between Casuarina-Moringa
10.2.4 Rotation period and yield: Casuarina trees will be felled/harvested in the
age of 4 years for pole purpose (average height 8.1 m and 34.2 cm girth, 650
poles can be harvested per ha and sold at Rs.45 per pole). Maize yield was 2.0 t
per ha per year. Moringa yield is 68,250 number of drumsticks per ha in 3 years at
Rs 60 per 100 fruits. The income earned was Rs. 40,950 from sale of Moringa.
10.2.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure for whole model was
Rs.7,264 (inclusive of all operation from sowing to harvest). Income generated
from maize was Rs.8,000 per ha per year for Rs 4,000 per ton. Income generated
from Casuarina poles was Rs.29,250 at Rs.45 per pole and Rs.1820 from fuel
wood. Income from Moringa was Rs.40,950 at Rs 60 per 100 fruits. Net Income
generated from this model was Rs 57,971.
10.2.6 Impact and upscaling: Casuarina-Moringa-maize based agri-silvi-horti
model gives short rotation tree harvest and soil fertility improvement through
nitrogen fixation. The upscaling of this model can be done through establishing of
demonstration plots with high yielding clones released by IFGTB.

10.3 Acacia auriculiformis-Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) silvi-
pasture model

10.3.1. Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: Average annual

rainfall required is ranging from 600 to 800 mm. Average annual temperature
may vary from 27-29oC. Soil is yellowish red to dark reddish brown with calcic
sub-soil horizon. Texture range from sandy loam to loamy sand. The soil pH is
alkaline and varies from 8.2 to 8.5.
10.3.2 Significance of the model: This model is suited to the class IV-VIII lands
to meet the fuel and fodder demand. The class IV-VIII lands are not put under any
use and lie as fallow land mostly and occaionally put under rainfed agriculture.
Class IV lands in the micro-watershed are unproductive due to many reasons.
Establishment of silvipasture was one of the options adopted to convert these
lands productive. Therefore, various technologies like formation of contour
bunds, rain water harvesting structures, moisture conservation measures and
planting drought resistant species (like Acacia spp. Eucalyptus, Gliricidia etc.)
were adopted depending on site conditions.
10.3.3. Establishment and management of model:The model was established
by planting Acacia auriculiformis seedlings raised in the poly bags (4 months old)
at 4 m spacing between plants and 7 m between rows in pits of size 30 cm3
(Shanmughavel et al., 2003). A basal dose of 50 g of diammonium phosphate
(DAP), 50g of muriate of potash and 1 kg of farmyard manure (FYM) was
applied at the time of planting to boost up growth of the seedlings. Slips of Napier
grass (Pennicetum purpureum) were planted in the inter space between the rows
with spacing of 50x50 cm. At the time of planting 50 kg/ha of N, 50 kg/ha of
P2O5 and 40 kg/ha of K2O was applied and watered once in a week. Casualty
replacements of trees is carried out within a month's period and a density of 325
trees/ha maintained. Other periodical cultural operations such as weeding, soil
working and fertilizer application were carried out time to time as per standard
10.3.4 Rotation period and yield: During the second and third year, lateral
branches of the trees were pruned to ward off any shade effect to the grass. The
pruned material (2.8 t/ha) formed the biomass for fuel wood. At four years of age
the tree attains an average height of 8.5 m and girth of 24.70 cm at breast height.
The entire biomass available at this time can be utilized as fuel wood. The fuel
wood biomass amounted to 18.44 t/ha which included the main bole, branch wood
and pruned material.
10.3.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure for model was Rs.21,088
(inclusive of all operation from sowing to harvest) for year 2000. Income from
Napier grass is Rs.80,000 per ha. Income from Acacia fuel wood was Rs. 14,752
at Rs. 800 per/t. Net income generated from this model was Rs 73,664.

10.3.6 Impact and upscaling: This model holds potential for farmers where the
primary consideration is for fodder and fuel wood. Moreover there was no
significant reduction in the fodder yield when intercropped with Acacia
10.4. Teak (Tectona grandis) - blackgram (Phaseolus mungo) agri-silviculture

10.4.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: This model is

suited for areas with average annual rainfall ranging from 600 to 800 mm and
average annual temperature may vary from 27-29oC. Texture of soil is sandy loam
to loamy sand and pH of the soil is 6.5 to 7.5.
10.4.2 Significance of model: This model is beneficial to the farmers, who can
plant teak trees in their farm fields along with other annual crops especially with
maize for higher economic returns. Teak can be planted in wide rows of 8x4 m
and the alley can be used for cultivation of black gram upto 5 years as inter-crop
in this Teak based agri-silvi system. The tree component will have minimal effect
on yield on intercrop.
10.4.3 Establishment and management of model: Teak stumps were planted 4
m apart in the channels formed at 8 m wide and the density remained as 325
trees/ha. As soon as the stumps were established, 3 to 4 irrigations were given to
tree component during first three months to maintain better survival percentage
and later no irrigation was given to the trees. Agricultural crops were grown every
year with this combination.

Fig. 34 Teak- blackgram agri-silviculture model

10.4.4 Rotation period and yield: The girth and height of the trees increased
steadily as age increased and attained a girth at breast height of 46 cm and height
of 11 m at the end of fifth year. The volume produced at five years age was 50.4
m3/ha with an average productivity of 10.1 m3/ha/yr.
10.4.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure for whole model was Rs.
12,275 (inclusive of all operation from sowing to harvest) for year 2004. Income
generated from Black gram was Rs.10,400 per ha per year at Rs.16 per kg.

Income from Teak poles was Rs. 65,000 at Rs.200 per pole and Rs 2250 from fuel
wood. Net income generated from this model was Rs 65,375.
10.4.6 Impact and upscaling: Under Teak-black gram model, the trees attained
an average productivity of 10.1 m3/ha/yr, which is almost double that normally
attained under forest plantations. Further it was also found that teak based
agroforestry improves fertility status of the soil and facilitates to recycle nutrients
from deeper layer to topsoil and in turn sustains the productivity of the system.
10.5 Acacia mangium - Beans (Vigna species) agri-silviculture model
10.5.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: The annual average
rainfall required is 776 mm. The temperature ranges from 200C to 37.50C. Red
sandy loam soil is suited for this model.
10.5.2 Significance of model: This model is beneficial to the farmers, who can
plant Acacia mangium trees in their farm fields along with other annual crops
especially with beans for higher economic returns. Mangium being nitrogen
fixing tree will help in enhancing soil fertility. Farmers are practicing beans
cultivation without incorporation of tree components like Mangium. Mangium is
also being cultivated as sole pulpwood plantation. Quality planting stocks of A.
mangium raised from seeds collected from seed orchards will help in attaining
higher productivity under agroforestry systems.
10.5.3 Establishment and management of model: The model was established
with superior seedling stocks of Accaia mangium with 4.5 x 4.5 m spacing.
Intercropping activities was carried out up to third year with Onion, Beans and
Horse gram. Pruning, weeding and soil working were carried out in the
established agroforestry plot.

Fig. 35 Acacia mangium - Beans agri-silviculture model

10.5.4 Rotation period and yield: At the end of third year, the girth and height of
A. mangium was recorded 30 cm and 6.1 m respectively. In turn, volume
production was 10.64 m3 per ha and wood yield on fresh weight basis was 9.0 MT
per ha. Besides better performance in terms of growth and wood yield, there exits

a greater possibility of cultivation of agricultural crops up to the harvest age of six
years. The yield reduction observed up to three years period was mainly due to
the difference in the total number of plants under open and under A.mangium plot
and not due to the suppression effect of tree component over the agricultural
crops. Among different agricultural crops intercropped with A. mangium viz.
tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), black gram (Vigna mungo), horse gram
(Macrotyloma uniflorum), fodder sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris) were found to be compatible. Finally Acacia mangium pulp
yield estimated is 18 MT per ha and fuel wood yield is 2.0 MT per ha from
branches after the rotation period of 6 years. Green beans yield is estimated
24 MT per ha for 6 years.
10.5.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure for whole model was Rs.
89,000 (inclusive of all operation from sowing to harvest, year 2009). Income
generated from beans was Rs.1,44,000/- per ha in 6 year at Rs 6 per kg. Income
from mangium pulp wood was Rs. 36,000 at Rs. 2000 per MT of pulp wood and
Rs 2000 from fuel wood. Net income generated from this model was Rs. 93,000.
10.5.6 Impact and upscaling: By considering of growth, wood yield and greater
possibility of cultivation of agricultural crops up to the harvest age of six years.
Acacia mangium can be a tree component under agroforestry system in farm
fields receiving high rainfall of 1000 mm or having irrigation system.
10.6 Acacia mangium-Pepper (Piper nigrum) silvi-horticulture model
10.6.1 Edaphic and Environmental requirements of model: The average
annual temperature of 27.5 °C and rainfall of 2604 mm is suited for this model.
10.6.2 Significance of model: This model is beneficial to the farmers who can
plant Acacia mangium trees in their farm fields and the A. mangium trees can
serve as support for pepper cultivation. A. mangium being nitrogen fixing tree will
help in enhancing soil fertility. Farmers are practicing pepper cultivation using
Erythrina or Gliricidia. A. mangium is also being cultivated as sole pulpwood
plantation. Quality planting stocks of A. mangium raised from seeds collected
from seed orchards will help in attaining higher productivity of A. mangium under
agroforestry systems.
10.6.3 Establishment and management of model: This model is established
with superior seedling stocks of Accaia mangium with 4x3 m spacing. Pruning,
weeding and soil working were carried out in the established agroforestry plot. At
the end of first year, pepper was introduced at two vines per tree. Elephant foot
yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) or tapioca (Manihot esculenta) was the
optional inter crop during first and second year. The yield from pepper is expected
to be realized from fourth year onwards of planting and can be retained as yearly
harvest of pepper is continued up to 20 years period.

Fig. 36 Acacia mangium- Pepper silvi-horticulture model

10.6.4 Rotation period and yield: At the end of third year, the girth and height of
Mangium recorded was 36 cm and 15 m respectively. In turn, volume production
was 79.12 m3 per ha and wood yield on fresh weight basis was 54 MT per ha.
Besides better performance in terms of growth and wood yield, there exits a
greater possibility of cultivation of Pepper up to 20 years. Acacia mangium pulp
yield estimated is 160 MT per ha and fuel wood yield was 30 MT per ha from
branches after the rotation period of 20 years. Pepper yield estimated were
14.6 MT per ha for 17 years (as yield starts from fourth year onwards).
10.6.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure for whole model was
Rs. 3,78,500 (inclusive of all operation from sowing to harvest (Year 2009).
Income generated from pepper was Rs.8,76,000/- per ha for 17 years for Rs 60
per kg. Income generated from Mangium pulp wood was Rs. 3,20,000 at Rs. 2000
per MT of pulp wood and Rs 30,000 from fuel wood. Net income from the model
was of Rs 8,48,000.
10.6.6 Impact and upscaling: By considering the growth, wood yield and greater
possibility of cultivation of pepper up to 20 years, Acacia mangium can be a tree
component under agroforestry system in farm fields receiving high rainfall more
than 1000 mm in Kerala.
10.7 Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia) based windbreak agroforestry

10.7.1 Edaphic and environmental requirements of model: The average annual

temperature of 21-35°C and the rainfall averages of 700 mm are suited for this

10.7.2 Significance of model: Annual crop loss worth crores of rupees is reported
in the country due to windstorms. This crop loss due to heavy wind is more
frequently being reported in banana plantations. To efficiently manage this
recurrent problem, IFGTB has released five superior clones of Casuarina
junghuhniana for providing protection against windstorms to horticultural and
agricultural crops like banana, citrus crops, red gram, etc. This casuarina based
windbreak tree varieties planted on the periphery of farm lands can help slow
down the speed of wind and minimize the damage to cash crops. These clonal
windbreaks also reduce evaporation from the soil and water loss through
transpiration from the crops inside. This in turn increases productivity of
agriculture crops from 10 to 30%.
Banana and other horticultural crops are being cultivated as sole crops without
windbreaks. Some farmers use plastic strips to tie together the banana plants to
protect from wind damage, which is not cost effective and also labour intensive.
Windbreak tree varieties of Casuarina can be in three rows as windbreaks. These
windbreak tree varieties of IFGTB show high level of branch persistence with 40
to 50 thick and horizontal branches within 3 m height from the base of the tree.
The other superior chracterstics of these clones are: i) greater branch thickness, ii)
wider branch angle, iii) greater height growth rate (2.5 to 3 m per year) and iv)
faster diametrical growth rate of main stem (1.5 to 2 cm per year).

Fig. 37 IFGTB windbreak tree varieties with cow pea

10.7.3 Establishment and management of model: After land preparation by
ploughing and formation of three channels at distance of 0.5 m or 1 m all along
the boundary within each channel, superior clones of Casuarina are planted at 2 m
interval within the rows in 'Quincunxs' or 'Zig-zag' pattern. Thus the tree density
will be around 380 trees per acre.

Fig. 38 Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia) based windbreak agroforestry Model

10.7.4 Rotation period and Yield: On an average, 20 MT of wood can be
harvested from four years onwards. Windbreaks were planted in field boundaries
of one ha land. The windbreak clones gave about 40% more yield when compared
to other clones in the market. Farmers can get an additional income of up to Rs.
1,00,000 per ha, besides the protection of agriculture and horticulture crops from
the wind damages.

Fig. 39 Poles harvested from 4 year old clonal windbreaks in banana field

10.7.5 Economics of the model: Total expenditure for whole model for the year
2013 was Rs 31,500 (inclusive of all operation from sowing to harvest). Income
generated from banana was Rs.51, 450 per ha for per year. Income generated from
Casuarina pulp wood was Rs. 1, 00,000 at Rs. 5000 per MT of pulp wood at the
4th year. Net income from this model was Rs 1, 19,950.
10.7.6 Impact and upscaling: Scientific study has demonstrated that red gram
variety (CO-8) suffered no crop lodging when planted inside windbreaks and
recorded a 1.5 times higher yield compared to crop cultivated in open field
without windbreaks. Hence, the windbreaks not only protect the crops but also
enhance its productivity substantially. Windbreaks can be also used for fruit
orchards as windbreaks enhance the orchard microclimate, thus improving
conditions for pollination and fruit set which in turn result in greater yields.

Fig. 40 Crop lodging prevented by windbreaks established with IFGTB-windbreak


Agroforestry way ahead
Trees and forests were always considered as an integral part of the Indian culture.
With increasing population and huge gap between demand and supply, forests
were ruthlessly exploited to meet the increasing demand of fuel, fodder, timber
and NTFPs. Competing uses of land for agricultural, forestry pastures, human
settlement and industries exerts tremendous pressure on the country’s finite land
resources. Despite pressures to part away forest land for development purposes,
India is also pursuing its goal of having 33% of its geographical area under forest
and tree cover. Added to this are the targets of nationally determined contribution
(NDC) committed by the country under the Paris agreement of UNFCC. The
forestry sector in India needs to gear up through inter-sectoral linkages and
convergence to meet the future challenges. To overcome this huge burden upon
our existing forests some alternative steps are essential to meet the increasing
demand of forest produce. Actions on forest and non-forest land become
important. Improving forest areas and rehabilitating degraded forests alone will
not serve the purpose. Greening non-forest lands by creating additional tree cover
through agroforestry, farm forestry, urban and peri-urban forests, roadside
avenues etc., needs to be developed. Concept of multiple use of land with
multipurpose tree species has become important. In this context, agroforestry,
which is a form of multiple land use system, needs to be adopted and encouraged.
Under agroforestry system one could achieve greater efficiency of tree species for
photosynthesis, improved soil structure and fertility with increasing effects on
crop yield. Development of improved varieties of fast grown species and farmers
taking up plantation activities has led to the demand for timbers shift from forest
resources to trees grown outside forest (TOF). Agroforestry as multiple land use
system also reduces losses from soil erosion and more closed cycling of organic
matter and nutrients. It has yielded in creating better micro climatic conditions for
the growth of agricultural crops.
Agroforestry Promotion
National Agriculture Policy (2000) clearly states, "Agriculture has become a
relatively unrewarding profession due to generally unfavorable price regime and
low value addition, causing abandoning of farming and increasing migration from
rural areas". Hence the policy stresses, "Farmers will be encouraged to take up
farm/agroforestry for higher income generation by evolving technology, extension
and credit support packages and removing constraints to development of
agroforestry". Rural people have been practicing tree planting in their farms and
homesteads to meet household requirements of fuel, poles, timber and medicinal
plants. With the advent of agroforestry, diversification in agriculture was
encouraged to generate high income and minimize risks in cropping enterprises.

Planning Commission has recommended following suggestions for promoting
agroforestry (Anonymous 2001):
i. Rather than having a uniform strategy for the whole country commercial
agroforestry should be adopted in irrigated districts of the country.
ii. A separate strategy should be developed for rainfed areas for
environmental security, sustainable agriculture and food accessibility.
iii. Suitable species for commercial agroforestry may include Acacia nilotica,
Bamboo species, Casuarina equisetifolia, Eucalyptus species, Populus
deltoides and Prosopis cineraria for different climatic, edaphic and
agricultural conditions.
iv. Specific institutes have been identified for tree improvement and
development of clones of specified species.
v. Corporate private sectors may be encouraged to take up research and
development in tree improvement, development of better clones and
micro/macro propagation of quality planting material.
vi. About 100 NGOs may be identified to carry out clonal propagation of
seedlings for distribution to farmers at appropriate price and carrying out
extension work. Extension activities should include organizing farmers,
providing them training in planting techniques, protection measures and
other silvicultural operations.
vii. Technological development to diversify usage of agroforestry species will
help to ensure a ready market for example bamboo is getting rediscovered
as a potential raw material for the development of bamboo composites
suitable for use in place of wood and wood composites.
viii. Bamboo technology mission should be started keeping in view the
impending gregarious flowering followed by mass mortality of bamboo,
forest fire famine and insurgency.
ix. As more and more farmers are taking up agroforestry, export/import
policies should be modified to encourage agroforestry products marketing.
x. A system of market regulation to be put in place including a mechanism of
periodic review in order to protect the interest of both producer and
consumer of agroforestry produce.
xi. A suitable market information system needs to be introduced to inform
farmers about major buyers, prevailing prices trends and procedures etc.
xii. All existing laws and executive orders related to tree felling, transport,
processing and sale should be amended to facilitate agroforestry.
xiii. Commercial agroforestry may be planned in irrigated districts covering 10
million hectare. On annual basis one million ha should be brought under
multipurpose tree species identified by the Task Force. The scheme of
NABARD for farm agroforestry should be expanded and investment of
Rs. 100 crores per year should be ensured.

xiv. It is proposed to cover 18 million ha of rainfed areas on watershed basis
under agroforestry for conservation of soil/water and plantation of hardy
species such as Eucalyptus, Bamboo and Babul. On annual basis 1.8
million ha is proposed for afforestation under various schemes of Rural
Development, NAEB and 'Food for Work' scheme. An investment of Rs.
2700 crores will be required on yearly basis.
xv. Major states may establish Agroforestry Cooperative Federation for
increasing bargaining powers of farmers in marketing of agroforestry
xvi. Wood based industries should continue supply of quality planting material
to farmers and ensure suitable buy back arrangement.
A study by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations in 2016
reported that India is the third largest importer of illegally logged timber in the
world (Anonymous 2016). Between 2010 and 2018 India imported Rs 388 billion
worth of wood and wood products from around the world. The World Bank study
says this market is expected to grow at 20% every year for the next few years. It
makes economic and ecological sense for the Indian farmers to tap into this
market. It will have a huge positive impact on the foreign exchange. These trees
will act as insurance during exigencies for the farmer reducing dependence on
high interest loans. By planting high value trees on a portion of their farmland
along with their existing crop, farmers will have a lucrative additional source of
income. It is ludicrous to expect a farmer who can barely save himself to save
ecology. Hence, agroforestry as an economic plan with a profound ecological
impact addressing soil health, water sequestration, farmer economics and
biodiversity revival all in one go. This will set an example that ‘profitability’ is
not the enemy of ecology rather environmentalism has to become profitable for
both to be sustainable.
Agroforestry has promoted polyculture with a variety of trees, shrubs, herbs and
bushes. It has kept soil fertile and water plentiful and allowed economics and
ecology to benefit from each other in complementary ways. This practice has
sparked a new revolution in the agricultural sector and the Indian economy.
National Agroforestry Policy (2014) emphasis on the environmental contribution
of agroforerty through preventing deforestation, promoting carbon storage,
conservation of biological diversity and reducing pressure on natural forests.
In order to formulate a strategy to increase the green cover/tree cover outside
recorded forest areas (Trees Outside Forests) and particularly agroforestry,
Ministry of Enviornment, Forest and Climate Change constituted a committee in
January 2018 under the Chairmanship of Shri Abhijit Ghose, Foremer PCCF
(HoFF), Rajasthan to suggest ways to increase green cover that will help both
agriculture and forestry sector. The important points emerging from all the
recommendations of various committees are:
 Availability of quality planting material
 Developing high yielding varieties and clones

 Development of economically viable demonstrable agroforestry models
suitable to different agro-climatic zone
 Rationalization of regulatory regimes
 Training and capacity building of farmers and tree growers
 Documenting and popularizing success stories
 Building network of certified nurseries
 Policies for management of TOF
 Supplementing government finances
 Realizing the importance of agroforestry in supplementing income,
providing forest resource and combating environmental challenges
Many initiatives have already been taken but much more is required to be done.
Many states have taken initiatives to de-regularize common agroforestry species
but more is required to be done. Change in definition of bamboo crop in Indian
Forest Act 1927 is widely appreciated by the farmers. Research organizations like
ICFRE and ICAR are continuously working towards development of high
yielding varieties of tree crop which are disease and pest resistant and give higher
returns to farmers. Testing performance of these varieties through combination of
different agroforestry models is encouraging farmers to introduce tree crop in
farming systems. Today many successful models are available in farm forestry but
more is required to be done. Success stories of private sector companies yielding
higher returns by developing high yielding varieties are many now.
In agroforestry the major thrust has been on tree selection and improvement. In
this aspect some significant contributions has been made for species such as
Poplar, Eucalyptus spp., Acacia spp., Leucaena spp., Ailanthus spp., Pongamia
spp., Casuarina spp., Mangium hybrids and Bamboos. Indigenous species which
were priority for selection and improvement work included Dalbergia spp.,
Neem, Prosopis, Pongamia spp., Simarouba, Teak, Anthocephalus cadamba,
Grewia, Hardwickia spp., Melia, Prosopis cineraria, Jatropha, Salix and Gmelina
arborea. The selection and improvement work got varied success depending upon
the species and its distribution. Clonal and seedling seed orchards for Dalbergia
spp., Acacia spp., Prosopis spp., Pongamia spp., Simarouba and other species
have been established. Amongst various bamboo species evaluated for growth,
productivity and compatibility under agroforestry Bambusa vulgaris has been
found most promising on farmers field. ICFRE introduced number of species to
agroforestry. The present works being carried out by ICFRE institutes will further
widen the scope of tree species as more and more clones and varieties of diverse
species will be available.
ICFRE institutes has done tree improvement on Dalbergia spp., Populus spp.,
Tectona granids, Casuarina equisetifolia, C. junghuhniana, Eucalyptus spp.,
Neem, Melia dubia, Ailanthus spp., Gmelina arborea, Neolamarckia cadamba,
Calophyllum inophyllum, Tamarindus indica and Corymbia spp. ICFRE also took
new initiative on international provenance testing program in collaboration with

CSIRO, Australia and exchange of new germplasm of Casuarina spp., Eucalyptus
‘mallees’, Grevillea robusta, Acacia mangium and Acacia melaxylon from
Agroforestry is bound to play a major role in near future, not only for its
importance in food and livelihood security but also for its role in combating the
environmental challenges. Agroforestry and trees outside forest will be a key
issue in providing a solution to global warming, climate change and enhancing the
per unit productivity of the land and converting degraded and marginal lands into
productive areas. The National Agroforestry Policy made several
recommendations which will go a long way in stimulating large scale adoption of
the agroforestry by the farmers and will provide the required raw material to
wood based industries on one hand and play its role in energy and environmental
security on the other. The major focus of research in the coming years will be on
developing agroforestry technologies for critical areas like arid and semi-arid
zones and other fragile eco-systems such as Himalayan region and Coastal eco-
system to sustain these areas for higher productivity and natural resource

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2014. Prospects for agroforestry in REDD+ landscapes in Africa. Current
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33. information/agro-

List of Principal Investigators/ Contributors of
Agroforestry models, ICFRE Institutes
S.No. Name of Agroforestry Model Principal Investigator/s Name of the
1 Hardwickia binata based Dr. Bilas Singh, Scientist Arid Forest
agroforestry model Research Institute,
2 Emblica officinalis (Aonla) Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
based agroforestry model
3 Colophospermum mopane
based agroforestry model
4 Prosopis cineraria – Zizyphus
mauritiana (grafted Ber)
agroforestry model
5 Poplar based agroforestry Dr. Aditya Kumar Institute of Forest
system Scientist Productivity, Ranchi
6 Bamboo based agroforestry Dr. Animesh Sinha, (Jharkhand)
system Scientist
7 Poplar-Wheat Agri-Silviculture Dr. Aditya Kumar,
model Scientist
8 Poplar-Maize Agri-Silviculture
9 Poplar-Banana Silvi-
Horticulture model
10 Poplar-Turmeric agri-
Silviculture model
11 Poplar-Amorphophallus Silvi-
Horticulture model
12 Casuarina - Maize Agri- Dr. M. George, Scientist Institute of Forest
Silviculture model (Retd.) & Genetics and Tree
13 Casuarina – Moringa - Maize Dr. Syam Viswanath, Breeding, Coimbtore
Agri-Silvi-Horticulture model Scientist (Tamil Nadu)
14 Acacia auriculiformis – Napier
grass - Silvi-Pasture model
15 Teak - blackgram Agri - Dr. M. George, Scientist
Silviculture model &
16 Dr. C. Buvaneswaran,
Acacia mangium - Beans Agri- Scientist
Silviculture model
17 Acacia mangium - Pepper Silvi-
Horticulture model
18 Casuarina based Windbreak Dr. C. Buvaneswaran,
agroforestry model Scientist 'F' &

19 Sandalwood -Aonla-Arhar Dr. Syam Vishwnath, Institute of Wood
Silvi-Horti-Agri model Scientist Science &
20 Santalum album, Dr.GRS Reddy, Institute of Forest
Pterocarpus santalinus, Scientist Biodiversity,
Eucalyptus species and Hyderabad
Tectona grandis (Telangana)
21 G.arborea- Sorghum-Red Mr.M.B.Honnuri,
gram silvi-agri model Scientist
22 Apple based Horti-medi model Dr. Jagdish Singh, Himalayan Research
Scientist Institute, Shimla
(Himachal Pradesh)
23 Poplar- Wheat-turmeric Silvi- Shri K.K Sharma, Forest Research
agri-medi model Scientist Institute, Dehradun
24 Poplar – Wheat agroforestry
25 Eucalyptus-wheat/paddy silvi- Dr. Charan Singh,
block model Scientist
26 Poplar based Silvi-medicinal

27 Melia-Aonla based Agri-silvi- Dr. Rambir Singh

medicinal model Scientist &
28 Melia based Agri-silviculture Dr. Charan Singh Scientist
29 King chilli – Arecanut Shri Pawan K Kaushik, Rain Forest
Agroforestry model (Horti- Scientist Research Institute,
spice model) Jorhat (Assam)
30 Agri-Lac model Dr. Nanita Berry, Scientist Tropical Forest
31 Teak-turmeric silvi-medicinal Research Institute,
model Jabalpur (M.P.)
32 Bamboo based silvi-agri model Dr. Nanita Berry, Scientist
& Shri R.S.Pal
33 Flemingia based silvi-agri-lac Dr. Nanita Berry, Scientist
34 Babul-Paddy agroforestry Dr. Syam Viswanath,
model Scientist
35 Bach- Paddy agroforestry Dr.G.R.S.Reddy, Scientist
model &
Shri Pushkar Shrivastava

Source and contact address for Quality Planting Material
of selected agroforestry tree species used for agroforestry
Choice of species in agroforestry is extremely important. Farmers prefer those
tree species which are suitable to the site and can grow in combination with
agricultural crops without adversely affecting the productivity of the crops. The
species should also give quick and high return in addition to the return from
agricultural crops. Sometimes farmers may decide to choose species with high
value long rotation like. Teak, Shisham etc. to give return at the time of dire need.
Farmers interested in agroforestry may contact ICFRE institutes for their
requirements of Quality Planting Material of forestry trees.

S. No. Quality Planting Name of the institutes

i. Casuarina equisetifolia Director
ii. Casuarina junghuhniana Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree
iii. Casuarina hybrid Breeding
iv. Eucalyptus species P.B. No. 1061, R.S. Puram P.O.,
v. Acaia auriculiformis Coimbatore-641002, India
vi. Acaia mangium Phone: +91 422 2484100, 2484101
Fax: +91 422 2430549
vii. Tectona grandis Email:[email protected]
viii. Bamboo species [email protected]
ix. Santalum album Website :
x. Melia dubia Group Coordinator Research
xi. Gmelina arborea Tel No : 0091-422-2431942 ; Fax No
E-mail: [email protected]
xii. Eucalyptus species Director
xiii. Dalbergia sissoo Forest Research Institute,
xiv. Melia dubia P.O. New Forest, Dehradun-248006
xv. Populus deltoides
Fax :+91 135-2756865
xvi. Bamboo species
Telephone : +91 135-2755277
xvii. Azadirachta indica
Email : [email protected]
Group Coordinator Research
Phone: 0135-2752670
Email: [email protected]
xviii. Salix alba Director
xix. Bamboo species Himalayan Forest Research Institute
Conifer Campus, Panthaghati, Shimla,
Phone: 0177- 2626778

Fax: 0177-2626779
Email [email protected]
Group Coordinator Research
Phone: 0177- 2626801
Fax: 0177-2626779
Email: [email protected]
xx. Tectona grandis Director
Tropical Forest Research Institute,
xxi. Bamboo species P.O.: R.F.R.C., Mandla Road,
xxii. Acacia nilotica Jabalpur- 482 021, Madhya Pradesh
Phone No :- +91-761-2840010(O)
xxiii. Gmelina arborea Fax :- +91-761-2840484
Email :- [email protected]
Website :-
Group Coordinator Research
Phone: 0761-2840799, 2744103 (O)
Email: [email protected]
xxiv. Bamboo species Director
Rain Forest Research Institute
xxv. Gmelina arborea P.O. Box No-136
xxvi. Areca catechu A.T.Road(East),Jorhat,Assam
Fax- 91-0376-2305130
email:[email protected],
Group Coordinator Research
Phone: 9435051669
Fax: 0376-2305130
Email: [email protected]
xxvii. Santalum album Director
Institute of Wood Science and
xxviii. Bamboo species Technology
P.O.Malleshwaram, Bangaluru-560003
Phone: 080-22190101
080- 23341731
Fax: 080-23340529
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Group Coordinator Research
Phone: 080-22190105
Email: [email protected]
xxix. Populus deltoides Director
Institute of Forest Productivity
xxx. Bamboo species NH 23, Gumla Road, Lalgutwa
Ranchi - 835303
Fax: 0651-2526006,
Telephone: 0651-2948505, 2948515
Email: [email protected]

Group Coordinator Research
Phone: 0651-2526028
Email: [email protected]
xxxi. Hardwickia binata Director
Arid Forest Research Institute
xxxii. Emblica officinalis P.O. Krishi upaz Mandi, New Pali
xxxiii. Prosopis cineraria Road, Jodhpur- 342005
Fax: 0291-2722764
xxxiv. Colophospermum mopane Telephone: 0291-2722549
Email: [email protected]
Group Coordinator Research
Phone: 0291-2729104
Email: [email protected]
xxxv. Pterocarpus santalinus Director
Institute of Forest Biodiversity
xxxvi. Santalum album Dulapally, Kompally (SO),
Hyderabad-500 100
Fax: 040-66309521
Telephone: 040-66309501
Email: [email protected]
Group Coordinator Research
Phone: 040-66309523
Email: [email protected]


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