Word (Ans)
Word (Ans)
Word (Ans)
Cassini 2 Velocity
Time (s) 5 10 15 20 25
Velocity 50,000 60,000 70,000 60,000 50,000
line symmetry; x = 50
2. BASKETBALL Tony tossed a basketball. Below is a Cassini: Linear function: all the points on
graph showing the height of the basketball as a the graph lie on a single straight line.
function of time. State whether the graph has line Cassini 2: Nonlinear function; when the
symmetry or point symmetry. If so, identify any lines ordered pairs are graphed, there is not a
of symmetry or points of symmetry. single straight line through all the points.
5. SWIMMING POOL A swimming pool is shaped as
shown below. The total perimeter is 500 feet.