Foods 10 03008 v2
Foods 10 03008 v2
Foods 10 03008 v2
Flavor Characterization of Animal Hydrolysates and Potential
of Glucosamine in Flavor Modulation
Kathrine H. Bak 1,2, * , Sandra S. Waehrens 1 , Yu Fu 1,3, * , Ching Yue Chow 1 , Mikael A. Petersen 1 ,
Jorge Ruiz-Carrascal 1 , Wender L. P. Bredie 1 and René Lametsch 1
Abstract: Bovine (meat and heart) and porcine (hemoglobin and plasma) raw materials were hy-
drolyzed by Protease A (both endo- and exopeptidase activity), with or without glucosamine added
during the enzyme inactivation step. Hydrolysates were characterized via peptide analysis (yield, UV-
and fluorescence scanning spectroscopy, and peptide size distribution via size exclusion chromatogra-
phy), sensory evaluation, and volatile compound analysis via gas chromatography mass-spectrometry
(GC-MS) to determine if glucosamine-induced Maillard reaction improved taste and flavor. Porcine
hemoglobin produced the most flavor-neutral hydrolysate, and could expectedly have the broadest
application in food products. Both bovine meat and -heart hydrolysates were high in umami, and
thereby good candidates for savory applications. Porcine plasma hydrolysate was high in liver flavor
Citation: Bak, K.H.; Waehrens, S.S.;
and would be suitable for addition to certain meat products where liver flavor is desirable. All
Fu, Y.; Chow, C.Y.; Petersen, M.A.;
hydrolysates had low perceived bitterness. Glucosamine-induced Maillard reaction had just a minor
Ruiz-Carrascal, J.; Bredie, W.L.P.;
influence on the sensory profile via an increased perception of sweet taste (p = 0.038), umami taste
Lametsch, R. Flavor Characterization
of Animal Hydrolysates and Potential
(p = 0.042), and yolk flavor (p = 0.038) in the hydrolysates, irrespective of raw material. Glucosamine
of Glucosamine in Flavor Modulation. addition had a statistically significant effect on 13 of 69 volatiles detected in the hydrolysates, but the
Foods 2021, 10, 3008. https:// effect was minor and raw material-specific.
Keywords: hydrolysates; sensory; volatile compounds; glucosamine; Maillard reaction; GC-MS
Academic Editor: Baohua Kong
number of these volatile compounds may lead to off-flavors, while others may have an
advantageous effect, depending on the application of the hydrolysate.
Purposely inducing a Maillard reaction is a way of potentially improving hydrolysate
characteristics. Glucosamine is an amino sugar possessing salt-sour-bitter taste characteris-
tics [9]. Nonetheless, glucosamine is an appropriate reducing sugar to utilze in order to
induce a Maillard reaction in meat-related products as this increases neither the bitterness
nor the sweetness of the glycated hydrolysate. The successful application of glucosamine
in the glycation of poultry protein isolate provides evidence to support this suggestion [10].
The induced Maillard reaction between hydrolysates and sugar has also proved successful
in regard to soy protein hydrolysates with xylose, resulting in both reduced bitterness and
an increase in desirable odors and umami [11], or flavor enhancing properties in consommé
soup [12]. Similarly, Maillard reaction products formed from the glycation of sunflower
protein hydrolysate with xylose and cysteine had a meat-like flavor and flavor enhancing
properties [13]. The positive effects are largely credited to a high content of so-called Mail-
lard peptides, which are peptides in the region of 1 to 5 kDa [12–14], and to the presence of
cysteine [13], which has long been known to serve as an important precursor of meat flavor
compounds in reaction with carbohydrates [15]. A carefully controlled induced Maillard
reaction can also serve as a way of enhancing the functional properties of a protein [15].
Our previous study deemed the enzyme Protease A, which contains a combination of
endopeptidase and exopeptidase activity, to be the best choice overall out of ten enzymes
that were investigated with regard to the production of high yield hydrolysates with a
relatively low bitterness, from both bovine meat and porcine plasma [7]. For this reason,
Protease A was the enzyme of choice in this study. Furthermore, simultaneous studies
performed in our lab with an internal sensory panel have indicated that the induction of a
Maillard reaction by the addition of a small amount of glucosamine to porcine hydrolysates
may lead to an improvement in taste and flavor without having a detrimental effect on the
color of the hydrolysate [16].
Consequently, the aim of this work was to characterize hydrolysates from bovine
(minced meat and heart) and porcine (hemoglobin and plasma) sources with or without
added glucosamine based on peptide size distribution and spectral characteristics, sensory
evaluation by a trained panel, and volatile compound analysis via gas chromatography-
mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The four raw materials were chosen for their value-adding
potential, based on Danish market conditions and on their availability in food grade
form. The hypothesis is that the results will provide a reliable description of the animal
hydrolysates, which can be used to suggest suitable, characteristic-dependent applications.
Additionally, this study should serve as confirmation of our previous results [16], which
showed that the addition of glucosamine during the enzyme inactivation step of hydrolysis
presents a novel way of promoting a Maillard reaction in hydrolysates, whereby the overall
production time is reduced.
A 2SD (100,000 U/g), with both endopeptidase and exopeptidase activities, was donated
by Amano Enzyme Inc. (Nagoya, Japan). All analytical reagents were purchased from
Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany). The raw materials were stored at −20 ◦ C until
further processing. The protein content of the raw materials (noted above) was determined
by the AOAC method using Kjeldahl analysis [18].
The enzymatic hydrolysates were prepared in a pilot plant reserved for food grade
materials by hydrolysis with Protease A at a concentration of 0.5% w/w for 5 h at pH 7.0
and 50 ◦ C. The procedure was conducted according to that described by Fu et al. [7,17].
Bovine minced meat and heart were hydrolyzed according to the method described for
minced meat [7], with the heart first being minced by passing it through a grinder once
(Scharfen Meat Mincer model X 70, Witten, Germany) with a 3 mm plate.
For half the hydrolysate preparations, food grade glucosamine was added in a ratio of
1:10 relative to the protein content of the raw material. This addition occurred at the begin-
ning of the heating step for enzyme inactivation (85 ◦ C for porcine plasma hydrolysates
and 90 ◦ C for the remaining three hydrolysates). After cooling, the supernatant of each of
the eight hydrolysates (four raw materials, with or without glucosamine) was kept frozen
at −20 ◦ C until further analysis.
water to rinse their palates. Data were collected using the Fizz Acquisition (Version2.50B,
Biosystèmes, Couternon, France). The conditions for the sensory descriptive analysis were
in accordance with the guidelines in ISO 13299:2003 [19].
Table 1. List of sensory attributes with definitions developed for the profiling.
2.3.1. Yield
The yield of the hydrolysates was determined as described by [7] using oven heating
at 105 ◦ C until the constant weight and subsequent calculation of the yield as the percent-
age of dry matter content in the supernatants relative to the dry matter content prior to
Table 2. Panel mean intensity scores of the sensory attributes for the hydrolysates rated on a 15-cm unstructured line scale,
with p-values and suffixes (a, b, c, d, e) annotating sample differences. G indicates glucosamine addition.
Sensory Attributes 1 Meat Meat + G Heart Heart + G Hemo Hemo + G Plasma Plasma + G p-Value 2
Odor (O)
Animal-O 6.9 b 7.4 b 8.4 b 8.0 b 1.8 a 3.8 a 11.4 c 12.2 c <0.001
Raw meat-O 9.2 bc 9.7 c 9.8 c 9.4 bc 2.4 a 5.2 ab 5.4 ab 5.3 ab <0.001
Taste (T)
Umami-T 10.1 ab 11.0 ab 11.6 b 12.1 b 7.7 a 8.9 ab 7.9 a 8.9 ab <0.001
Sweet-T 4.6 b 4.9 b 4.5 b 5.1 b 2.1 a 3.5 ab 3.8 ab 4.8 b <0.001
Salt-T 3.1 ab 4.0 ac 3.8 ac 3.8 ac 2.5 a 3.2 ab 6.1 bc 6.6 c 0.001
Bitter-T 5.1 a 5.9 a 5.8 a 4.5 a 3.3 a 4.3 a 6.1 a 6.1 a 0.031
Flavor (F)
Metallic-F 7.8 ac 8.6 bc 9.3 c 8.1 ac 5.9 a 6.4 ab 8.7 bc 9.8 c <0.001
Liver-F 4.4 a 4.7 a 6.1 ab 4.9 a 4.1 a 4.3 a 10.4 bc 11.2 c <0.001
Yolk-F 8.9 bc 9.7 bc 10.2 c 10.3 c 4.4 a 7.6 ac 5.9 ab 6.2 ab <0.001
Fish sauce-F 2.6 ab 4.1 b 3.7 ab 3.4 ab 1.7 a 2.5 ab 3.8 ab 4.1 b 0.011
Sulfur-F 4.9 ab 5.0 b 5.4 b 5.3 b 2.3 a 3.9 ab 4.1 ab 4.2 ab 0.014
Toasted Burnt-F 1.2 a 1.5 ab 1.2 a 1.4 ab 0.8 a 1.3 ab 3.9 bc 4.1 cb <0.001
After taste (AT)
Overall Intensity-AT 8.5 bc 9.1 cd 9.6 ce 9.3 ce 5.7 a 6.4 ab 11.0 de 11.4 e <0.001
Umami-AT 8.8 ac 9.4 bc 10.2 c 10.0 bc 5.7 a 7.1 ac 6.7 ab 6.7 ab <0.001
Bitter-AT 5.3 ab 6.6 b 6.3 ab 5.5 ab 3.7 a 3.7 a 6.3 ab 6.2 ab 0.002
Metallic-AT 5.8 ac 6.8 bcd 7.2 cd 6.5 bcd 4.1 a 5.1 ab 7.6 cd 8.3 d <0.001
Liver-AT 3.0 a 3.6 a 4.4 a 3.4 a 2.3 a 2.4 a 9.8 b 10.7 b <0.001
1Suffix to sensory terms indicates method of assessment by panelists: -O, odor, -T, taste, -F, flavor, -AT, aftertaste. 2 Significance level:
Different letters (a, b, c, d, e) within the same rows indicate significant (p < 0.05) differences between samples according to Tukey’s HSD test.
As mentioned, raw material type had a significant influence on the sensory profile
of the hydrolysates. Overall, the porcine plasma hydrolysates were characterized by high
levels of liver flavor and aftertaste, while bovine minced meat and heart hydrolysates
were high in umami taste. The porcine hemoglobin hydrolysates were low in all sensory
attributes, and thus very bland. All hydrolysates had a low perceived bitterness.
Considering the potential applications for each type of hydrolysate, and since both
bovine meat and bovine heart hydrolysates are relatively high in umami, they would
make good candidates for savory applications such as in soups or meatballs. Porcine
plasma is high in liver flavor compared to the other hydrolysates, and thus, might be a
Foods 2021, 10, 3008 7 of 12
good candidate for certain meat products where liver flavor is desirable, e.g., liver pâté.
Since porcine hemoglobin hydrolysates proved to be the most neutral in flavor, they are a
potential candidate for broader food product applications.
Figure 1. UV-scanning spectra of hydrolysates with (red) or without (blue) glucosamine (G) of (A)
bovine meat, (B) bovine
meat, (B) bovine heart,
heart, (C)
(C) porcine
porcine hemoglobin,
hemoglobin, and
and (D)
(D) porcine
porcine plasma.
Notably, the major peak was observed in each glycation treatment in the region of
270–280 nm (Figure 1). This fact could be ascribed
ascribed to
to the
the presence
presence of
of aromatic
aromatic amino
amino acids,
as well as the autocondensation products of glucosamine
glucosamine [10,24]. There was no significant
change found as a result of glucosamine addition at the wavelength of 420 nm, suggesting
that no advanced glycation end-products were formed in the glycated hydrolysates.
Fluorescence spectroscopy can serve as a method of detecting the fluorescent
products generated by the Maillard reaction [25]. The fluorescent products can be detected
at the excitation wavelength of 347 nm, as well as the emission wavelength of 400–600 nm
Foods 2021, 10, 3008 8 of 12
change found as a result of glucosamine addition at the wavelength of 420 nm, suggesting
that no advanced glycation end-products were formed in the glycated hydrolysates.
Fluorescence spectroscopy can serve as a method of detecting the fluorescent products
generated by the Maillard reaction [25]. The fluorescent products can be detected at the
excitation wavelength of 347 nm, as well as the emission wavelength of 400–600 nm [10,26].
Fluorescence spectra of native hydrolysates, glycated hydrolysates derived from bovine
meat, bovine heart, porcine hemoglobin, and porcine plasma are illustrated in Figure 2A–D,
respectively. Apart from bovine heart, the remaining samples tended to display a pro-
gressive downtrend of fluorescence intensity with the emission wavelength ranging from
400 nm to 600 nm (Figure 2A,C,D). By contrast, bovine heart samples showed a downward
trend in the region of 400–480 nm, followed by a major peak around the region of 500–
600 nm (Figure 2B). It has previously been demonstrated that several fluorescent products
contribute to the increased fluorescence intensity by glycation using glucosamine, such as
Foods 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 13
pentosidine, argpyrimidine, pentodilysine, pirropyridine, as well as the autocondensation
products of glucosamine, even at a moderate reaction temperature [10].
Figure 2. Fluorescence
Fluorescence spectra
spectra of hydrolysates
hydrolysates with (red) or without (blue) glucosamine (G) of (A) bovine meat, (B) bovine
heart, (C) porcine hemoglobin, and (D) porcine
heart, (C) porcine hemoglobin, and (D) porcine plasma.
3.2.3. Peptide
Peptide Size
Size Distribution
Distribution of
of Native
Native and
and Glycated
Glycated Hydrolysates
The peptide size distributions of native hydrolysates, glycated
peptide size distributions of native hydrolysates, glycated hydrolysates
hydrolysates derived
from bovine meat, bovine heart, porcine hemoglobin, and
from bovine meat, bovine heart, porcine hemoglobin, and porcine plasma were porcine plasma were
and displayed andin displayed
Figure 3.inPlasma
Figure 3. Plasmatended
samples samplestotended to showpercentages
show higher higher percentages
of high
of high MW peptide fraction (>5 kDa) than those derived from other raw
MW peptide fraction (>5 kDa) than those derived from other raw materials (Figure 3), materials (Figure
3), as also
as also seen
seen in our
in our previous
previous study
study [7].[7]. This
This phenomenon
phenomenon might
might be be
duedue to the
to the high
high re-
resistance of plasma proteins towards Protease A, or to its tendency to
sistance of plasma proteins towards Protease A, or to its tendency to aggregate duringaggregate during
high-temperature heat heat treatment
treatment [7].
[7]. By
By contrast,
contrast, heart
heart hydrolysates
hydrolysates contained
contained the
the highest
proportion of low lowMW MWpeptide
fraction(<1(<1 kDa)
kDa) (Figure
(Figure 3) among
3) among the hydrolysates,
the hydrolysates, sug-
gesting thatthat heart
heart muscle
muscle proteins
proteins are easily
are easily degraded
degraded into small
into small peptides
peptides or freeor free
amino acids. Generally,
acids. Generally, there
there was no was no significant
significant change inchange in the size
the peptide peptide size distribution
distribution between
between native and glycated hydrolysates, which is not surprising, considering the
molecular weight of glucosamine is 161 Da. Furthermore, this is in line with the results of
both the sensory and the volatile analysis (discussed below)—indicating that the extent of
glycation was relatively low.
Foods 2021, 10, 3008 9 of 12
native and glycated hydrolysates, which is not surprising, considering the molecular
Foods 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW weight of glucosamine is 161 Da. Furthermore, this is in line with the results of both
10 of the
sensory and the volatile analysis (discussed below)—indicating that the extent of glycation
was relatively low.
Figure sizedistribution
The different effects of glucosamine addition were observed for bovine meat, bovine
heart, porcine hemoglobin, and porcine plasma hydrolysates, indicating that the effect of
the addition of glucosamine on volatile compound development in animal hydrolysates
is rather raw material specific. The lipid oxidation product 3-methyl-2-butenal was the
Foods 2021, 10, 3008 10 of 12
characteristics analyses—all in all, showing that the extent of the Maillard reaction was
relatively low under the current experimental conditions.
Table 3. Volatile compounds where glucosamine (G) addition had an effect on quantities present in the hydrolysates.
Relative quantity in hydrolysate without glucosamine is set to 1, and hydrolysate + G is indicated as fold increase.
Further investigation into the effect of heated systems on the flavor-forming potential
of hydrolysates both with and without added glucosamine is needed, as application of the
hydrolysates at higher temperatures, e.g., during cooking, would be expected to lead to
more extensive Maillard reactions than witnessed here.
4. Conclusions
In summary, glucosamine addition at a ratio of 1:10 relative to the protein content
of the raw material (bovine minced meat and heart, porcine hemoglobin and plasma)
provided only minor changes to sensory, volatile, and peptide-characteristics of animal
hydrolysates under the conditions investigated, including a slightly increased perception
of sweet taste, umami taste, and yolk flavor.
Due to the low perceived bitterness of all native and glycated hydrolysates there is
definitely potential for application in food products. As raw material heavily influences
the sensory attributes of the hydrolysate, this will influence the specific application of each
Glucosamine-induced Maillard reaction can have an effect on the flavor and peptide
characteristics of hydrolysates, however the effect observed here was minor, indicating
the need for a more extensive Maillard reaction in order to fully take advantage of the
glycation process.
test. Figure S1: Chromatograms showing the volatile composition of hydrolysates of A minced
bovine meat (BEEF), B bovine heart (HEART), C porcine hemoglobin (HEMO), and D porcine plasma
(PLASMA) in dublicates (A and B) with or without glucosamine (G).
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.H.B., S.S.W., Y.F., J.R.-C. and R.L.; methodology, K.H.B.,
S.S.W., Y.F. and M.A.P.; formal analysis, K.H.B., S.S.W., Y.F., C.Y.C. and M.A.P.; investigation, K.H.B.,
S.S.W. and Y.F.; writing—original draft preparation, K.H.B., S.S.W., Y.F. and M.A.P.; writing—review
and editing, K.H.B., S.S.W., Y.F., C.Y.C., M.A.P., J.R.-C., W.L.P.B. and R.L.; visualization, K.H.B., S.S.W.
and Y.F.; supervision, M.A.P., J.R.-C., W.L.P.B. and R.L.; project administration, J.R.-C. and R.L.;
funding acquisition, J.R.-C. and R.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This research was funded by the Norma and Frode S. Jacobsen’s Foundation project
number 274 and by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries under GUDP grant
No. 34009-16-1085. The authors further acknowledge the support from the Science and Technology
Research Program of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission grant No. KJQN202100225. The
APC was funded by the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in the study are available from the corresponding
author upon request.
Acknowledgments: Open Access Funding by the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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