∆ Risk for Injury related to Short Term: • Assess patient for Short Term:
impaired sensory function degree of visual
secondary to diplopia as After 2 hours of nursing impairment Ascertain After 2 hours of nursing
evidence by patient interventions, the patient knowledge of safety interventions, the patient
reporting he is seeing will be able to verbalize needs/ injury prevention was able to identify factors
double. understanding of individual and motivation that increase risk for injury
factors that contribute to
possibility of injury •Ensure the room Long Term:
environment is safe with
Long Term: adequate lighting and After 2 days of nursing
furniture moved toward the interventions, the was free
After 2 days of nursing walls from injury using safety
interventions, the patient measures such as using
will be able to protect self •Assess client's mucsle handrails
and be free from injuries strength, gross, and fine
motor coordination Instruct
patient regarding safe
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Short-Term Goal Collaborate to the dietician Client has shown a slow,
than Body to determine the number of progressive weight gain
Requirementsrelated to Client will gain 2 pounds calories required. during hospitalization.
difficulty swallowing. per week for the next 3
weeks. Weigh client daily. Client is able to verbalize
importance of adequate
Long-Term Goal Ensure that client receives nutrition and fluid intake.
small, frequent feedings,
Client will exhibit no signs including a bedtime snack,
or symptoms of rather than three larger
malnutrition by time of meals.
discharge from treatment
Stay with client during