Prenatal Care Common Discomforts During Pregnancy

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Prenatal Care

Common Discomforts During Pregnancy

Nursing Care for Pregnant Woman:

A. Assessment of Common minor discomfort of pregnancy.
Many women experience discomforts of pregnancy that are not serious but detract from their feeling of comfort and well-being. State the
common discomfort of pregnancy according to Trimesters.

Nausea and vomiting
Urinary frequency

Second Dyspepsia
Gum hyperplasia and bleeding
Dependent edema
Leg varicosities
Hyperventilation and shortness of breath
Numbness and tingling of fingers
Supine hypotensive syndrome
Third Fatigue
Urinary frequency
Gum hyperplasia and bleeding
Leg cramps
Dependent edema
Leg varicosities
Round ligament pain
Supine hypotensive syndrome
B. Formulate/Develop a Nursing Diagnoses, Planning and outcome identification, Implementation and Outcome evaluation.

C. Use the Nursing process Format

Assessment Nursing Planning/ Outcome Implementation Outcome Evaluation
Diagnosis Identification
Nausea Nausea Short Term Goal: Introduce cold water, ice chips, ginger Short Term Goal:
related to After 1 hour of nursing products, and room temperature broth After 1 hour of nursing intervention,
pregnancy intervention, the patient will or bouillon if tolerated and the patient shall have reported
report decreased severity of appropriate to the patient’s diet. decreased severity of nausea.
Educate the patient or caregiver about Long Term Goal:
Long Term Goal: appropriate fluid and dietary options After 7 days of nursing intervention,
After 7 days of nursing for nausea. the patient shall have managed
intervention, the patient will be nausea independently.
able to manage nausea Introduce the different strategies to
independently. help offset the nausea such as:
— Avoidance of “trigger” foods and
tight clothing that constricts the
— Use of relaxation techniques (slow,
deep breathing, mental imagery)
—Adhering to small, frequent meals
Fatigue Fatigue Short Term Goal: Assist the patient to develop a Short Term Goal:
related to After 1 hour of nursing schedule for daily activity and rest. After 1 hour of nursing intervention,
pregnancy intervention, the patient will be the patient identified basis of
able to identify basis of fatigue. Assess the fatigue.
Long Term Goal: emotional response to fatigue Long Term Goal:
After within 8 hours of nursing After within 8 hours of nursing
interventions, the client will Assess the interventions, the client reported
report improved sense patient’s improved sense of energy.
of energy. nutritional intake of calories, protein,
minerals, and vitamins.

Assessment Diagnosis Planning/Outcome Implementation Evaluation
Dental Problems Impaired oral Short Term Goal: Inspect the oral cavity at least once Short Term Goal:
mucus After 4 hours of nursing daily and note any discoloration, After 4 hours of nursing
membrane interventions, the patient will lesions, edema, bleeding, exudates, interventions, the patient
related to be able to demonstrate or dryness. demonstrated techniques to
infection as techniques to restore/maintain restore/maintain integrity of oral
evidenced by integrity of oral mucosa. Provide dietary modifications and mucosa.
mouth sores adequate nutrients and vitamins
Long Term: Long Term:
After 3 days of nursing Encourage fluid intake of up to 3000 After 3 days of nursing
intervention, the patient’s oral mL/ day if not contraindicated by intervention, the patient’s oral
mucosa condition will improve the client’s medical condition mucosa condition shall improve as
as evidenced by moist and evidenced by moist and intact
intact gums and absence of gums and absence of pain and
pain and lesions. lesions.
Hyperventilatio Disturbed Short Term Goal: Educate the patient on the different Short Term Goal:
n sleep related After 30 minutes of nursing strategies in restoring normal After 1 hour of nursing
to shortness intervention, the patient will be breathing pattern such as: intervention, the patient reported
of breath able to report ways to restore ways to restore normal breathing
normal breathing pattern. -Breathing into a paper bag to pattern.
decrease the symptoms of
Long Term Goal: hyperventilation Long Term Goal:
After 3 days of nursing -Maintaining good posture After 3 days of nursing
intervention, the patient will be -Stretching the arms above the head intervention, the patient managed
able to manage shortness of shortness of breath independently.
breath independently.

Assessment Diagnosis Planning/ Outcome Implementation Evaluation
Leg cramps Feeling of After 30 minutes of nursing Teach the patient on the different After 30 minutes of nursing
discomfort interventions, the patient will strategies in relieving muscle interventions, the patient reported
related to leg be able to report strategies in cramps like: strategies in relieving muscle
cramps relieving muscle cramps. cramps
-Lying on her back and extending
the affected leg
-Elevate lower extremities
Discomfort After 30 minutes of nursing Teach the patient on the different After 30 minutes of nursing
related to interventions, the patient will strategies in avoiding round interventions, the patient
round be able to enumarate strategies ligament pain such as: enumerated strategies in avoiding
ligament pain in avoiding round ligament round ligament pain.
pain. - Avoid twisting motions
- Rise to standing position slowly
and use your hands to support the
- Bend forward to relieve

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