Research Article Cookies Enriched With Maqui (Aristotelia Chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz) Flour: Good Source of Dietary Fiber and Antioxidant Capacity
Research Article Cookies Enriched With Maqui (Aristotelia Chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz) Flour: Good Source of Dietary Fiber and Antioxidant Capacity
Research Article Cookies Enriched With Maqui (Aristotelia Chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz) Flour: Good Source of Dietary Fiber and Antioxidant Capacity
Research Article
Cookies Enriched with Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz)
Flour: Good Source of Dietary Fiber and Antioxidant Capacity
Received 4 January 2023; Revised 1 June 2023; Accepted 3 June 2023; Published 16 June 2023
Copyright © 2023 José-Miguel Bastias-Montes et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work
is properly cited.
Byproducts derived from the agricultural industry and food processing, such as seeds and skin or husks, have become important
due to environmental sustainability and their value-added potential. Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz) is a native Chilean
wild tree that has several beneficial properties due to its high content of anthocyanins, anthocyanidins, phenolic acids, tannins,
and fiber. The present study involved flour derived from maqui byproducts (seeds and skin) to produce cookies with a higher
content of nutrients, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. Maqui bagasse was converted into flour and mixed with wheat flour to
prepare the cookies. The control consisted of wheat flour cookies with no added maqui flour. Results indicated that the cookies
with the added maqui flour were preferred more than the control and had a higher percentage of fiber. Compared with the
control, the amount of anthocyanins increased 3.5 times, and the amount of antioxidants, measured via the DPPH (2,2′
-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical) assay, increased approximately 10 times. Our results show that the incorporation of maqui
byproducts, in the form of maqui flour, into the cookie formulation is an effective way to add nutritional value to cookies by
increasing dietary fiber, total polyphenols, and total anthocyanins.
1. Introduction nolic acid, and tannin content [9–11]. Maqui significantly con-
tributes natural antioxidants of plant origin to the diet of
Many companies are now concerned about environmental sus- consumers, thus providing health benefits [12]. In addition to
tainability and security; they are interested in adding value to its antioxidant potential, maqui has antidiarrheal, anti-inflam-
the byproducts generated in both food processing and the agri- matory, antipyretic [9, 13], and antidiabetic effects [14, 15]. It
cultural industry [1–4]. These byproducts, which are mainly prevents cardiac disorders [16], and there are now studies indi-
husks and seeds, can contain considerable amounts of fiber, cating that regular consumption of this fruit would reduce the
proteins, and antioxidants that can be used in the pharmaceuti- risk of suffering or delay the onset of neurodegenerative diseases
cal, cosmetics, and food industries [5–7]. Maqui (Aristotelia such as Alzheimer’s disease [17]. It has been demonstrated that
chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz) is a native Chilean wild tree whose fruit anthocyanins, which are phenolic metabolites belonging to the
weight is approximately 65% seeds and skin [8]. Different stud- flavonoid family, have high antioxidant potential with recog-
ies have shown that consuming maqui provides some benefits nized health benefits [18–21]. This characteristic is related to
to people because of its high anthocyanin, anthocyanidin, phe- the fact that they can act as free radical scavengers, thus
2 Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
decreasing oxidative stress [22]. In addition, maqui has the The bagasse was dried in a conventional oven (1375 FX,
highest proportion of fiber compared with other berries such Shel Lab, Cornelius, OR, USA) at 70°C for 48 h. The dried
as murtilla, blueberry, raspberry, and blackberry [23]. This bagasse was ground in a hammer mill at 40 mesh to produce
characteristic, coupled with the high antioxidant content of maqui flour (MF) (0.400 mm). The MF was stored in poly-
the fruit, has prompted interest in studying a way to reuse ethylene bags, protected from light, and vacuum-sealed until
maqui byproducts, such as skin and seeds, obtained after juice further analysis and used for cookie production.
production. These byproducts could contain important nutri-
tional compounds to produce food products with potential ben- 2.3. Formulation and Production of Cookies with Added Maqui
efits for today’s consumers who have focused their interest on Flour (MF). Wheat flour cookies (control) and cookies with
healthier foods that are free of synthetic preservatives, have anti- added MF were formulated and produced according to Cruzat
oxidant properties, and generally provide health benefits [24]. and Barrios [23]. The MF was added at rates of 5%, 7.5%, and
Several studies have been conducted recently with the aim 10% as a replacement for wheat flour in the formulation.
of using part of these byproducts as ingredients in mass con- The production of cookies with MF at 5% consisted of
sumption foods such as cookies. Given that wheat flour per se weighing 950 g of wheat flour and adding 50 g of MF. The
has a low nutritional composition, the amount of nutrients it formulation also included 150 g sugar, 200 g vegetable fat
provides in this type of product is low [25]. Other authors have (100 g margarine and 100 g vegetable oil), 120 g egg white,
substituted part of the wheat flour in cookies with banana flour, 4 g baking soda, and 260 g water. These ingredients were
dry grape marc, and chestnut shells, to obtain a product with mixed until the batter was homogeneous. Portions of 50 g
physical and organoleptic properties that are satisfying for the were kneaded, molded into a disk shape (9.5 cm diameter
consumer [26–28]. Research has also been conducted to evalu- and 1.2 cm thickness), and baked at 180°C for 20 min.
ate cookies fortified with mango flour; functional properties The formulation and production of cookies added with
derived from dietary fiber were expected, which led to promis- MF at rates of 7.5% and 10% were carried out as mentioned
ing results [29]. There is an interesting review of food industry above by substituting the MF rate in the preparation.
byproducts that have been used or could be used as a source of
2.4. Sensory Evaluation
dietary fiber in a variety of foods such as bakery and confection-
ery products, sauces, ice cream, juices, beverages, meat prod- 2.4.1. Sensory Evaluation of Preference for Cookies with
ucts, and different packaging, thus providing them with a Maqui Flour (MF) and Control Cookies. A semitrained panel
number of benefits [30]. However, despite the properties and (35 panelists from the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán cam-
benefits of maqui consumption, there is no precedent to date pus, Chile) participated in the sensory evaluation; panelists
for the development of applications or foods formulated with used the preference test, which refers to the choice between
maqui derivatives; thus, the present study used maqui bypro- several products on the basis of like or dislike. This was
duct flour (seeds and skin) to produce cookies with a higher based on the person’s choice between a set of alternatives
content of nutrients, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. (two or more products). When two products are used, it is
a paired test, and when more than two samples are used, it
is a ranking test [31].
2. Materials and Methods The sensory evaluation was conducted in two stages. The
2.1. Raw Material. The maqui (Aristotelia Chilensis (Mol.) first stage consisted of the preference test for cookies with
Stuntz) fruits used for the study were collected from domes- added MF at 5%, 7.5%, and 10%. The second stage was a
ticated maqui trees located in the Fundo las Pataguas in the preference test between the control cookies and the most
commune of Coihueco near Chillán, Ñuble Region, Chile. acceptable cookies with MF from the first stage.
The maqui fruits were cleaned and sorted to discard stalks, The data were evaluated using the Friedman analysis of
leaves, and damaged fruits. variance via the ranking test using the following equation.
2.2. Description of Process to Produce Maqui Flour (MF) from 12
x =
∗〠T j − 3k ∗ ð J + 1Þ,
Bagasse. Bagasse was obtained from fresh residue-free (sani- ðk Þ ∗ ð J Þ ∗ ð J + 1 Þ
tized) maqui fruits. The raw material was placed in a juicer
(HR-1832, Phillips, Montrouge, France) to separate the juice
from the seeds and skin (bagasse). The bagasse was transferred where ∑T j2 is the column sum of squared ranks, J is the
to a 1.5 L plastic container with a lid (previously protected from number of columns or products, and k is the number of pan-
light) with distilled water at 1 : 0.5 w/v ratio. The first soluble elists or rows.
compound extraction was performed by shaking the sample
in a shaker (SK-018-Pro, SCILOGEX, Rocky Hill, CT, USA) 2.4.2. Descriptive Sensory Analysis of Control Cookies and
at 500 rpm for 30 min. The mixture was placed again in the Cookies with Maqui Flour (MF). Once the sensory evaluation
juicer (HR-1832, Phillips, Montrouge, France) to extract the of preference was concluded, a second sensory analysis was
remaining bagasse pulp. This procedure was repeated at performed [26]. The semitrained panelists were asked to eval-
500 rpm for 20 min (total extraction time of 50 min). The uate using a scale from 1 to 7 with scores of 1 (very poor), 2
bagasse/water mixture was manually filtered using a cloth to (poor), 3 (fair), 4 (acceptable), 5 (good), 6 (very good), and 7
obtain the final bagasse with seeds. (excellent).
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 3
2.5. Analyses Performed on Maqui Flour, Control Cookies, ΔA × Pm × 1000 2
Anthocyanins ðmg/100 gÞ = × × FD
and Cookies with Added Maqui Flour CE × 1 0:2
V extract 1
2.5.1. Proximate Analysis. Moisture (AOAC method 934.06 × × ,
for sugar-rich fruits) [32], lipid (AOAC method 954.02) sample weight 1000
[33], ash (AOAC method 923.03) [34], and protein (AOAC ð3Þ
method 991.20) [33] content was determined. The total car-
bohydrate content was calculated based on difference [35] where Pm is the molecular mass of 7-cyanidin 3-glucoside
and the caloric content via the Atwater coefficient [36]. Each (449.2 g/mol), CE is the molar extinction coefficient of 7-
analysis was performed in triplicate with two replicates. cyanidin 3-glucoside (26,900), FD is the dilution factor applied
to the sample, and V is the volume in mL of extract obtained.
2.5.2. Determination of Soluble, Insoluble, and Total Dietary
2.5.5. Determination of Decolorization Percentage of DPPH
Fibers. Soluble, insoluble, and total dietary fibers were deter-
Radical. The antioxidant capacity was determined via the
mined via the enzymatic-gravimetric method (AOAC
decolorization percentage of the DPPH radical. A 0.1 mL ali-
method 991.43) [33] in triplicate. The principle for total die-
quot of the extract and 3.9 mL of the DPPH radical (0.1 mM)
tary fiber is to perform enzymatic digestion that is treated in
were placed in a test tube, which was previously protected
alcohol to precipitate the soluble dietary fiber before filtra-
from light, and the mixture was shaken. The mixture was
tion. The residue is washed with alcohol and acetone, dried,
closed and maintained in the dark at ambient temperature
and weighed. A duplicate is analyzed for protein, and
for 30 min. Afterward, the color change from dark violet to
another is incinerated to determine the amount of ash.
yellow was determined via UV-Vis spectroscopy with mea-
surements at the 515 nm wavelength [42]. Analyses were
2.5.3. Determination of Total Polyphenols via the Folin- performed in triplicate, and Equation (4) was used to calcu-
Ciocalteu Method. Total polyphenols were determined by add- late the decolorization percentage of DPPH in the samples.
ing a 250 μL aliquot of sample, 1250 μL Folin-Ciocalteu
reagent (2 N), and 2500 μL 20% sodium carbonate in 50 mL A0 − A f
Falcon tubes (previously protected from light with an alumi- DPPH decolorizationð%Þ = ∗ 100, ð4Þ
num foil) to a 25 mL volume with distilled water. The tubes
were closed and maintained in the dark at ambient tempera-
where A0 is the initial absorbance of DPPH and A f is the
ture for 30 min [37]. The absorbance of the samples was read
at a 765 nm wavelength using a UV-visible spectrophotometer absorbance of the DPPH sample after 30 min.
(T-70 UV-VIS, PG Instruments Limited, Wibtoft, Lutter- 2.5.6. Water Activity (aw ). Water activity (aw ) was deter-
worth, UK). All samples were analyzed in triplicate. Total mined using AQUALAB 4TE equipment (Meter Group
polyphenols were expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalents Inc., Pullman, WA, USA). Values were recorded at constant
(GAE) per 100 g of sample [38]. temperature (20°C).
2.5.4. Determination of Total Anthocyanins. Total anthocya- 2.6. Statistical Analysis. The statistical analyses were per-
nins were determined using the pH differential method [39] formed using STATGRAPHICS Centurion XVI software at
which was modified [40]. A 0.2 mL aliquot of the extract was α = 0:05 (95% confidence level). Analysis of variance
placed in two test tubes previously protected from light. A (ANOVA) was conducted and Tukey’s test was applied to
buffer (1.8 mL) at pH 1 and pH 4.5 was placed in the first and compare the means and identify the pairs of groups that
second tubes, respectively, and both tubes were then homoge- showed significant differences. All the assays were carried
nized. Finally, the absorbance of the samples was read at 510 out in triplicate with two replicates, and data were expressed
and 70 nm wavelengths using a UV-visible spectrophotometer as the mean and standard deviation.
(T-70 UV-VIS, PG Instruments Limited, Wibtoft, Lutterworth,
UK). All analyses were realized in triplicate [41]. Total anthocy- 3. Results and Discussion
anins were calculated based on the variation in the absorbance
3.1. Process Parameters Associated with Maqui Flour (MF)
at pH 1 and pH 4.5 at 510 and 700 nm wavelengths using the
Production. The maqui juice extraction process provided
following equation.
32.73% juice and 67.27% bagasse. Table 1 shows the process-
ing losses in the production of bagasse and MF and their
h i respective yield percentages. The bagasse yield was 50.7%
ΔA = ðA510− A700 ÞpH 1:0 − ðA510 – A700 ÞpH 4:5 : ð2Þ at the drying stage, while the MF yield was 28.1% for the ini-
tial weight of the bagasse in the milling and sieving process.
The MF yield was 18.9% for the fresh fruit.
The total anthocyanin concentration, expressed as 7- There is limited information available on MF-processing
cyanidin 3-glucoside and delphinidin 3-glucoside per 100 g yields. This is mainly because most research focuses on the
of sample, was calculated using the molar extinction coeffi- use of flour from different fruits to produce or improve bak-
cient and molecular weight of each monomeric anthocyanin, ery products, but does not provide data on their processing
respectively, as in the following equation. yields. Bagasse yield from fresh fruit has been reported in
4 Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
Table 1: Maqui flour (MF) yield (%) compared to bagasse yield Table 3: Sensory analysis for each attribute of control cookies and
obtained in maqui juice extraction. cookies with maqui flour (MF).
Bagasse obtained (%) Dried bagasse yield (%) MF yield (%) Sensory parameter Control cookie Cookie with MF
100.0 50.7 28.1 Appearance 6:17 ± 0:791 5:59 ± 1:001b
Color 6:17 ± 0:912a 5:66 ± 1:092a
Aroma 5:55 ± 1:162a 5:86 ± 1:224a
Table 2: Percentage of preferences and data for analysis of the
preference test (Friedman test) for each type of cookie. Flavor 5:52 ± 1:221a 6:00 ± 1:083a
Texture 5:66 ± 1:183a 5:52 ± 1:163a
Panelists Sample A Sample B Sample C
Different letters in the same row indicate significant differences between
(total) (5%) (7.5%) (10%) samples at 95% confidence level according to Tukey’s test.
35 31.43% (11) 17.14% (6) 51.43% (18)
Sum total 72 81 57
which was attributed to the MF color (dark purple) and the
Sum2 5184 6561 3249 thermal treatment (baking); this directly affected the appear-
X2 8.40 ance and color of the final product. Figure 1 shows images of
the control cookies and cookies with MF obtained in this study;
clearly, the appearance and color of the cookies with MF differ
which there was a physical evaluation of the maqui fruits; from those of the control cookies and were therefore evaluated
fruits were processed to obtain pulp resulting in pulp yields with a lower score by the sensory panel.
that ranged from 28% to 57%, while bagasse yields ranged For the evaluated sensory attributes, cookies with MF only
from 40% to 72% [43]. These authors explained that values had significant differences for appearance compared with the
depended on the amount of fruit used because a lower amount control. According to Table 4, the panelists observed that the
of fruit led to a higher percentage loss due to pulp adhesion to color, aroma, flavor, and texture attributes showed no signifi-
the filtration mesh and pulping equipment. Other studies have cant differences; however, they pointed out that the cookies
been conducted on fresh maqui berries with 50.2% pulp yield with MF exhibited slight differences in texture and flavor
[44] and 41:6 ± 16:8% pulp yield [45]. Data reported by these (mealy texture, palatability, and lack of sweetness). The same
authors differ from our results, which could be due to the var- is observed in Figures 2 and 3, where the values of the sensory
iability of the maqui fruit related to plant origin, collection attributes obtained for each type of cookie studied are plotted.
area, and fruit size (pulp/seed variation). The panelists were also asked to choose which of the two
types of cookies they preferred. Of the 35 semitrained panel-
3.2. Sensory Evaluation. Table 2 shows the results for the pref- ists, 9 (25.8%) chose the control, while 26 preferred the
erence evaluation of cookies with added MF at 5% (sample A), cookies with MF (74.2%). As for acceptability, our results
7.5% (sample B), and 10% (sample C). The panelists preferred were similar to those obtained in studies conducted to
sample C with 10% MF. They indicated that their preference increase crude fiber, amount of antioxidants, and organolep-
was based on the sensory attributes of this sample, especially tic and physical characteristics of cookies with added flour
its palatability, texture, and flavor. obtained from other fruits [26, 29].
The Friedman method was used to corroborate that
there were differences between samples (Table 2). The pan- 3.3. Proximate Analysis of Maqui Flour, Control Cookies, and
elists found significant differences between cookies prepared Cookies with Maqui Flour. Table 4 shows the results of the
with MF with a value of 8.40, which was much higher than proximate analysis for MF, control cookies, and cookies with
the tabulated critical value of 5.99 [31]. Given that sample MF. Both the control cookies and cookies with MF had sim-
C (with 10% MF) was preferred in the first sensory evalua- ilar moisture content, 11.15% and 11.27%, respectively; there
tion, the second descriptive sensory test for each attribute were no significant differences between the two samples.
of control cookies and MF-added cookies was performed Most microorganisms cease to be active when the water
only on cookies with 10%-added MF together with a prefer- content decreases below 10% [46]; we can therefore infer
ence evaluation between the two samples. The semitrained that the moisture content levels of MF, control cookies,
panelists were asked to evaluate the attributes (appearance, and cookies with MF were within the limit required to pre-
color, flavor, texture, and aroma) with a score of 1 to 7 vent any proliferation of microorganisms.
[26] where 7 was the highest score (excellent) and 1 was The MF exhibited a higher value (2.91%) for ash content
the lowest (very poor). They were also asked to choose their than the control cookies and cookies with MF. This is directly
preferred cookie (between the control and cookies with MF). related to the mineral content of the soil in which the maqui
Table 3 displays the data provided by the semitrained pan- fruit orchards are located and their agronomic management;
elists according to the sensory evaluation of the attributes both factors are important for the proportion of minerals found
performed on the control and cookies with MF. The aroma, fla- in the fruits [47]. Other authors have indicated that maqui
vor, and texture attributes of the cookies with MF had higher fruits are characterized by high percentages of minerals such
acceptability than the control. Meanwhile, the appearance and as K (3.683 mg/kg) and Ca (1.558 mg/kg), which directly affect
color attributes had higher acceptability in the control sample. ash content [44]. Ash percentages in the control cookies and
Cookies with MF acquired a dark color (brownish-purple), cookies with MF showed no significant differences between
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 5
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Images of control cookies (a) and cookies with MF (b) obtained in this study.
Table 4: Proximate analysis of maqui flour, control cookies, and cookies with maqui flour (MF).
Control cookie them, although cookies with MF had a higher ash percentage
8 (0.92%) than the control cookies (0.88%). Table 4 also shows
7 the protein content for MF, control cookies, and cookies
6 enriched with MF. The control cookies and cookies with MF
5 exhibited a higher percentage of proteins than MF. There
4 was no difference between the control cookies and cookies
with MF; however, the control had a higher percentage of pro-
teins (9.26%) than the cookies with MF (8.56%). Lipid content
(Table 4) showed significant differences between the control
and the cookies with MF, 11.18% and 12.91%, respectively.
Appearance Color Aroma Flavor Texture This could be explained by the fact that MF largely consists
of maqui seeds, which tend to store lipids [44]. In addition,
Figure 2: Bar chart of sensory attributes of control cookies. Table 4 shows that the fiber content in cookies with MF
(1.8%) was 6 times higher than that in the control (0.26%).
Cookie with MF The MF had a high fiber percentage (33.4%) because it mostly
8 consists of seeds and husks. It should be highlighted that the
7 caloric content for the control and cookies with MF had a sim-
6 ilar value (Table 4).
3.4. Dietary Fiber Content in Maqui Flour, Control Cookies,
and Cookies with Maqui Flour. Dietary fiber can be defined
3 as a substance of plant origin that cannot be digested by the
2 enzymes of the human digestive tract. These are structural
1 polysaccharides of plants, including cellulose, hemicellulose,
0 β-glucans, pectins, mucilages, gum, and lignin. The latter does
Appearance Color Aroma Flavor Texture
not have polysaccharide structures because it consists of phe-
Figure 3: Bar chart of sensory attributes of cookies with MF. nylpropane polymers. The structural differences of each of
these determine the different physical and chemical properties.
This results in diverse physiological behaviors [48–50] that
6 Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
Table 5: Dietary fiber in maqui flour, control cookies, and cookies of tungsten and molybdenum. Maximum absorbance occurred
with maqui flour (MF). at 765 nm, which indicated that the sample has a higher phenol
concentration, expressed in this case as mg of gallic acid equiv-
Control Cookies with
Dietary fiber MF alents (GAE) per 100 g of sample [56]. Table 6 shows the total
cookies MF
polyphenol content of the samples of MF, control cookies, and
Soluble (g/100 g) 8:3 ± 0:13 1:2 ± 0:09a 1:7 ± 0:11b cookies with MF. Incorporating MF into the cookies increased
Insoluble (g/100 g) 54:3 ± 0:21 2:0 ± 0:10a 5:3 ± 0:10b the value of polyphenols by approximately 3.5 times.
Total (g/100 g) 62:6 ± 0:18 3:2 ± 0:09a 7:0 ± 0:11b The polyphenol content of the MF was 303.84 mg GAE/
100 g, which was lower than values between 1014 and
Different letters in the row indicate significant differences between samples 2584 mg GAE/100 g reported by other authors for fresh fruits
at 95% confidence level according to Tukey’s test.
[57]. This is because the polyphenols are found in the whole
fruit and in the fleshy parts of maqui. Therefore, the total poly-
contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive tract; it is phenol content is greatly reduced when the maqui juice and
therefore necessary to include these values in nutritional infor- pulp are extracted and the bagasse is used to produce flour.
mation tables. Nonetheless, approximately 30% of the polyphenol content
The results for the different types of dietary fiber in MF, remains; we therefore believe that it is important to use maqui
control cookies, and cookies with MF are shown in Table 5. bagasse as a byproduct. Some researchers have reported the
The MF has a high total dietary content and both soluble ability of maqui bagasse polyphenols to protect the body against
and insoluble dietary fiber content. The high insoluble die- LDL (low-density lipoprotein) oxidation and oxidative damage
tary fiber content in MF, 54.3 g/100 g, should be highlighted. to vascular endothelial cells, thus suggesting antiatherogenic
Table 5 also includes values for soluble and insoluble dietary potential [10]. Recent studies have shown that maqui bagasse
fibers for control cookies and cookies with MF. Adding MF possesses significant antimicrobial and antioxidant activity
to the cookies produced a significant increase in the percent- [58]. Ortiz et al. demonstrated that the polyphenolic extract of
age of the total dietary fiber, which was more than twice maqui has therapeutic effects on acute inflammation in Crohn’s
(7.0 g/100 g) compared with the control (3.2 g/100 g). Insolu- disease, by modulating inflammatory proteins and the Nrf2/
ble dietary fiber in the cookies with MF increased more than HO-1 antioxidant pathway [59]. Our findings indicate that
2.5 times compared with that in the control. Goswami et al. maqui bagasse flour is capable of retaining polyphenols even
[51] developed functional cookies using carabeef and 10% after the extraction of the juice and pulp. Consequently, the
orange pulp fiber waste, obtained after removing the juice, inclusion of maqui bagasse flour in cookies can augment their
along with sodium caseinate and guar gum. The cookies antioxidant content. This suggests that maqui flour has the
showed significantly (P < 0:05) higher fiber content, with potential to impart both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
IDF, SDF, and TDF levels being 6.13, 5.47, and 4.47 times benefits to cookies, while simultaneously enhancing their phys-
higher, respectively, than those of the control cookies made icochemical and sensory properties.
with refined wheat flour.
The recommended daily allowance of fiber for women is 3.6. Total Anthocyanin Content in Maqui Flour, Control
28 g/d and 38 g/d for men [52]. A food must contain at least Cookies, and Cookies with Maqui Flour. Total anthocyanin
10% or more of the recommended daily allowance per typical results are shown in Table 6 for MF, control cookies, and
serving to be fortified. Likewise, the FAO has indicated that 25 cookies with MF; values are expressed as mg cyanidin 3-gluco-
to 30 g/d is the daily intake of dietary fiber per person. Based side/100 g dry matter. The amount of total anthocyanins in the
on the results of the present study, it can be pointed out that cookies with MF (0.0993 mg/g) was 3.6 times the amount of
consuming one serving of cookies with MF (approximately total anthocyanins in the control cookies (0.027 mg/g). How-
40 g) provides 0.72 g of dietary fiber; this value is therefore ever, the value in cookies with MF is much lower than that
not sufficient for cookies with MF to be classified as being for- in MF (1.21 mg/g). This difference in anthocyanin content
tified with dietary fiber. However, it has been mentioned that between MF and cookies with MR can be due to the typical
the daily fiber requirement is between 5 and 18 g/d for chil- degradation of macromolecules that occurs during the thermal
dren under 8 yr of age [53]; therefore, the dietary fiber value treatment, which mainly depends on the time and tempera-
of the serving of cookies with MF would be within the 10% ture involved [60].
recommended daily allowance for this particular group.
3.7. DPPH Antioxidant Content in Maqui Flour, Control
3.5. Total Polyphenol Content in Maqui Flour, Control Cookies, Cookies, and Cookies with Maqui Flour. The high level of con-
and Cookies with Maqui Flour via the Folin-Ciocalteu Method. sumer interest in products containing components that are ben-
Polyphenols are known to be secondary metabolites of plants eficial to health has generated considerable attention in the food
that have been shown to provide positive effects on human and pharmaceutical industries to develop new and innovative
health. However, a decrease in polyphenols has been detected products with high antioxidant capacity. This potential is cre-
due to the different applied treatments, particularly to fruits ated by the high content of anthocyanins and phenolic com-
and their derivatives, which alter their quality characteristics pounds in some dark-colored fruits such as maqui [61].
[54, 55]. Phenolic components are oxidized by the mixture The bioactivities of MF, control cookies, and cookies with
of phosphotungstic and phosphomolybdic acids known as MF determined via the DPPH assay are shown in Table 6. The
the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, which are reduced to blue oxides MF sample had a value of 2360.69 (μg TE/mL), an antioxidant
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 7
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