Physics Seminar On Radiowaves-1
Physics Seminar On Radiowaves-1
Physics Seminar On Radiowaves-1
. An electromagnetic wave of a frequency between about 104 and 1011 or 1012 Hz, as used for
long-distance communication
. Radiowaves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from one millimeter
to hundreds of kilometers. They play a crucial role in wireless communication, transmitting signals
between devices like radios, cell phones, and Wi-Fi routers. These waves are part of the
electromagnetic spectrum, alongside infrared, visible light, and X-rays. Radiowaves are used for
broadcasting audio and video signals, as well as for radar and satellite communications. Their ability to
travel long distances without a physical medium makes them invaluable for global communication
networks, providing us with a seamless exchange of information across vast distances.
Electromagnetic spectrum
They are used in standard broadcast radio and television, shortwave radio,
navigation and air-traffic control, cellular telephony, and even
remote-controlled toy.
Radio waves in smart phones
In mobile phones:
The General Principles of GPS Functioning. GPS receivers use radio waves to
determine positional coordinates. The radio waves are emitted by a constellation of
orbiting satellites, which function as a reference system for GPS
Disadvantages of radiowaves
● Interference – This means that other electronic devices can disrupt the signal and cause
static or even complete loss of communication.
● Limited range – Radio waves can only travel a certain distance before they start to
weaken and become less effective.
● Health concerns – radio waves are harmful to human health, some people are concerned
about the potential risks associated with prolonged exposure to radio waves.
● Weather dependency – Radio waves can be affected by weather conditions such as rain,
snow, and thunderstorms.