Flexure Beam Analysis and Design - (Printed)

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Flexural Beam Analysis &

Reinforced Concrete II
CENG 411

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

2 Introduction

Test on Simply Supported Beam Loaded to Failure

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411
3 Internal Resisting Moment

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

4 Elastic Beam Stresses and Stress Block

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

5 Plain and Reinforced Concrete Beams

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

6 Design Assumptions in Flexure (ACI 318M-19)

 Equilibrium shall be satisfied at each section (

 Plane sections remain plane after bending. Strain in the concrete and reinforcement shall be
assumed proportional to the distance from the neutral axis.
 Strain in the reinforcement is equal to strain in concrete at the same level.
 Stresses in the concrete and steel can be computed from the strains by using stress-strain curves
for concrete and steel.
 At failure the maximum strain at the extreme compression fibers shall be assumed 0.003
 Tensile strength of concrete shall be neglected.
 The relationship between concrete compressive stress and strain shall be represented by
rectangular, trapezoidal, parabolic, or other shapes that result in the prediction of strength in
substantial agreement with comprehensive tests (

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

7 Ultimate Strength Design of Beams

 In the ultimate strength design method, the section is always taken as cracked.
 c = Depth of N . A from the extreme compression face at ultimate stage
 a = Depth of equivalent rectangular stress diagram.

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

8 Actual and Equivalent Rectangular Stress
Distributions at Ultimate Loads

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

9 Concrete Stress Block Parameters

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

10 Actual and Equivalent Stress Distributions

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

11 Ultimate Strength Design of Beams (contd…)
 Actual and Equivalent Stress Distributions
force C, acts at the centroid of the parabolic
stress diagram.
 Equivalent stress diagram is made in
such a way that it has the same area as
that of the actual stress diagram. Thus,
the C, will remain unchanged.

αfc '  b  c = 0.85fc ' b  a

0.72fc '  c = 0.85fc '  a
𝑎= If fc’ ≤ 30 MPa α = 0.72 fc’
β1 = Average Strength/Crushing Strength
a = β1  c
Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411
12 Ultimate Strength Design of Beams (contd…)

 Factor β1 ACI 318-19

 β1 = 0.85 for fc’ ≤ 28 MPa

β1 =1.05 − 0.00714f c '  0.65
 0.85

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

13 Determination of N.A. Location at Ultimate

 CASE-I: Tension Steel is Yielding at Ultimate Condition


εs  ε y or fs = f y
ε y εs
 CASE-II: Tension Steel is Not Yielding at Ultimate Condition

ε s  y or fs  fy
For 300 grade steel For 420 grade steel
fy 300 fy 420
εy = = = 0.0015 εy = = = 0.0021
E 200,000 E 200,000

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

14 CASE-I: Tension Steel is Yielding at Ultimate
T = As  fs = As  f y a/2 C
C = 0.85f c 'b  a T = Asfs
a Internal Force Diagram
l =d−
a 2
For longitudinal Equilibrium
As  f y = 0.85 f c 'b  a
As  f y a
a= and c=
0.85 f c 'b β1
Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411
15 CASE-I: Tension Steel is Yielding at Ultimate
Condition (contd)
Nominal Moment Capacity, M n depending on steel = T x la

M n = As  f y   d − 
 2
Design Moment Capacity

b M n = b As  f y   d − a 
 2

Nominal Moment Capacity, M n depending on concrete = C c x la

M n = 0.85fc'b  a   d − 
 2

Design Moment Capacity b M n = b 0.85fc'b  a   d − a 

 2
Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411
16 Minimum Depth for Deflection Control

Δ α
For U D L

Δ α ωL4
Δ α (ωL )L3
Deflection Depends upon Span, end conditions, Loads and f y of
steel. For high strength steel deflection is more and more depth is
Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411
17 Minimum Depth for Deflection Control

AC I 318M-19, Table

Steel Grade Simply One End Both End Cantilever

Supported Continuous Continuous

300 L/20 L/23 L/26 L/10

420 L/16 L/18.5 L/21 L/8

520 L/14 L/16 L/18 L/7

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411


Dr. Muhammad Ajmal CENG 411

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