Optimizing Coverage and Capacity in Cellular Networks Using Machine Learning
Optimizing Coverage and Capacity in Cellular Networks Using Machine Learning
Optimizing Coverage and Capacity in Cellular Networks Using Machine Learning
Abstract—Wireless cellular networks have many parameters for static cell boundaries by first dividing a region into
that are normally tuned upon deployment and re-tuned as the serving cell blocks and then optimizing poorly performing
network changes. Many operational parameters affect reference cells using ML techniques [5]. This does not allow cell regions
signal received power (RSRP), reference signal received quality
(RSRQ), signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR), and, ulti- to change, however, which is very inaccurate when antenna
mately, throughput. In this paper, we develop and compare two downtilt is modified. Reinforcement learning is a useful tool
approaches for maximizing coverage and minimizing interference for CCO thanks to its natural formulation as a state-action-
by jointly optimizing the transmit power and downtilt (elevation reward dynamic ([7], [8]). Early work was reported in [7], but
tilt) settings across sectors. To evaluate different parameter con- this required individual cells to be optimized independently.
figurations offline, we construct a realistic simulation model that
captures geographic correlations. Using this model, we evaluate Multi-cell optimization was performed with RL in [9], but
two optimization methods: deep deterministic policy gradient the choice of optimization parameters for signal power and
(DDPG), a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm, and multi- interference power was not investigated. More recently, [8]
objective Bayesian optimization (BO). Our simulations show that proposed a multi-agent mean field RL algorithm for macrocell
both approaches significantly outperform random search and optimization. While scalable to large networks, this method
converge to comparable Pareto frontiers, but that BO converges
with two orders of magnitude fewer evaluations than DDPG. did not consider realistic radio channel characteristics.
Our results suggest that data-driven techniques can effectively
self-optimize coverage and capacity in cellular networks. In this paper, we propose optimizing capacity and coverage
Index Terms—coverage and capacity optimization, Bayesian in a multi-cell network by jointly tuning the downtilt and
optimization, machine learning, reinforcement learning the transmit power in each sector. We treat the coverage and
capacity objectives as black-box functions, with no analytical
I. I NTRODUCTION formula and no gradient observations. The goal is to maximize
Simultaneous optimization of coverage and capacity (CCO) coverage and capacity by optimizing the downtilt and transmit
is a central problem in the deployment and configuration of power in each sector over a bounded set X ⊂ Rd . In this
wireless cellular networks. Data-driven methods are ideally multi-objective optimization problem, there is no single best
suited to this problem, given the complexity of network solution; rather, the goal is to identify the set of Pareto
configuration and the availability of performance-related data. optimal solutions, where any increase in coverage means
However, prior work on intelligent network configuration in degrading capacity (and vice versa). We evaluate two black-
industry has only considered rule-based configuration settings, box optimization techniques for solving the multi-objective
e.g. self-organizing network (SON) paradigm for 4G networks optimization problem: Bayesian optimization (BO) [10], a
[1], and required costly manual oversight due to the many sample-efficient method that uses a probabilistic surrogate
radio environments and deployment configurations [2], [3], model to balance exploration and exploitation, and the deep
[4]. Machine learning (ML) and modern Bayesian optimization deterministic policy gradient algorithm (DDPG) [11], which
techniques have the potential to identify solutions that improve has been shown to have strong empirical performance over
performance and reduce the operationally expensive manual high-dimensional, continuous action spaces. Since there is no
oversight. single best solution, we compare the methods in terms of the
As data collection capabilities of cellular networks increase, quality of the solution sets identified by each method and the
there are more opportunities to tackle CCO with ML [5]. sample efficiency of each method. Since running field experi-
In addition, without improved optimization, the demand on ments on a real cell network is time-consuming and could de-
cellular networks will require dramatic densification [6]. Den- grade network performance, we develop a spatially consistent
sification will increase cell overlap and result in massive, RF coverage map simulator for evaluating the optimization
complex networks to manage–an impossible task for rule- methods. Due to the computational complexity of realistic
based systems. Initially, optimization was only considered propagation models, we combine offline computation of radio
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propagation using a MATLAB-based open-source simulator It is illustrative to understand the significance of these two
from the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute [12] with Python- objectives, by inspecting a linear combination of them. Let
based post-processing to compute the user-defined coverage a linear combination of these objectives depend on setting x
and capacity objectives. Our code and simulations are available and parameter λ. Then, an optimal setting x∗ that maximizes
on Github [13]. a linear combination may be written as :