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N. B.– (i) Part II, III and IV(A) of the Gazette No. 2,203 of 20.11.2020 were not published.

YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;l%s iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h

The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
wxl 2"204 – 2020 fkdjeïn¾ ui 27 jeks isl=rdod – 2020'11'27
No. 2,204 – friday, november 27, 2020

(Published by Authority)

PART I : SECTION (IIA) – Advertising

(Separate paging is given to each language of every Part in order that it may be filed separately)
  Page Page
Post - Vacant … … … 2056 Examinations, Results of Examinations &c. … 2071

Note.– (i) Marriage Registration (Amendment) Bill was published as a supplement to the Part II of the Gazette of the Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka of November 20, 2020.
(ii) Sri Lanka Society of Physiotherapy (Incorporation) Bill was published as a supplement to the Part II of the Gazette of the
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka of November 20, 2020.

Important Notice Regarding Acceptance of Notices

For Publication in the Weekly “Gazette”
Attention is drawn to the Notification appearing in the 1st week of every month, regarding the latest dates and times of acceptance of Notices
for publication in the weekly Gazettes, at the end of every weekly Gazette of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes shall close at 12.00 noon of each Friday, two weeks before the date of publication.
All Government Departments, corporations, Boards, etc. are hereby advised that Notifications fixing closing dates and times of applications in
respect of Post-Vacancies, Examinations, Tender Notices and dates and times of Auction Sales, etc. should be prepared by giving adequate time
both from the date of despatch of notices to Govt. Press and from the date of publication, thereby enabling those interested in the contents of such
notices to actively and positively participate please note that inquiries and complaints made in respect of corrections pertaining to notification will
not be entertained after three months from the date of publication.
All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes should reach Government Press two weeks before the date of publication i.e. notices
for publication in the weekly Gazette of 18th December, 2020 should reach Government Press on or before 12.00 noon on 04th December, 2020.
Electronic Transactions Act, No. 19 of 2006 - Section 9
“Where any Act or enactment provides that any proclamation, rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other matter shall be
published in the Gazette, then such requirement shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other
matter is published in an electronic form of the Gazette.”

Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.
Department of Govt. Printing,
Colombo 08,
01st January, 2020.
This Gazette can be downloaded from www.documents.gov.lk

2053 - B 82081- 5,403 (11/2020)

2054 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

1. General Qualifications required : Officers may in the first instance be appointed to act in the new post for a
specified period with a view to testing him in his new post.
1:1 Every applicant must furnish satisfactory proof that he is a 3:1:8 Selected candidates (Other than those already holding permanent
Sri Lankan. A “Sri Lankan” is a citizen of Sri Lanka by descent or by or temporary appointments in the Public Service) who have already been
registration as defined in the Sri Lanka Citizenship Act. medically examined will be required to undergo a medical examination
1:2 A candidate for any post for which the minimum educational by a Government Medical Officer to test their physical fitness to serve in
qualification prescribed is a pass in the Senior School Certificate any part of the Island.
Examination or equivalent or higher examination, should have a pass
in the Senior School Certificate Examination or equivalent or higher 4. Terms of Engagement :
examination, should have a pass either in Sinhala language or Tamil 4:1 Public officers appointed to permanent and pensionable posts should
language obtained,as the case may be, at the Senior School Certificate contribute to the ‘Widows and Orphans’ Pension Scheme from their salary
Examination or its equivalent if he is either a Sinhalese educated in Sinhala an amount equivalent to the percentage the Government requires to recover
Medium or if he is a Tamil educated in Tamil Medium (This requirement from their salary.
will not apply to those who are in the public service from a date prior to
January 01,1961, and who seek appointments to other posts in the public 4:2 Public officers appointed to permanent or temporary posts on
service). Provident Fund basis will be required to contribute 6% of their consolidated
1:3 Application from the “New Entrants” Public Officers, who are not salary to the Public Service Provident Fund. The Government will
either Sinhala or Tamil educated, whose probationary trial appointments contribute as its share of contributions an amount equal to 150% of the
have been terminated for failure to pass the prescribed official language compulsory contributions credited to the fund at the close of the Financial
proficiency tests will not be entertained unless they have obtained the Year.
qualifications which could entitle them to seek exemptions from the highest 4:3 Officers who hold pensionable appointments in the Public Service
proficiency test prescribed for the post. and who are released for appointments to pensionable posts in the
2. Conditions of Service-General : Local Government Service and those officers in the Local Government
2:1 All officers in the Public Service will be subject to the Financial Service who hold pensionable appointments and who are released for
Regulations, the Establishments Code, Departmental Orders or Regulations appointments to pensionable posts in the Public Service will be allowed
and any other Orders or Regulations that may be issued by the Governments pensionability in their posts in the Local Government Service and Public
from time to time. Service respectively.
2:2 A Public officer may be required to furnish security in terms of the
Public Officers (Security) Ordinance, in such sum and in such manner as 4:4 Regular Force personnel in the Army, Navy and Air Force who
the secretary to the Ministry concerned may determine. are released for appointments to posts in the Public Service which are
2:3 A Public Officer may be called upon to serve in any part of the pensionable under the Minutes on Pension will be allowed pensionability in
Island. their posts in the Public Service. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
3. Conditions of Service applicable to Public Officers holding in these Minutes the unforefeited full pay service of any member of the
permanent appointments : Armed Forces who is released to accept an appointment as a Public Officer
3:1 In addition to the conditions referred to in Section 2 above Public in a post which has been declared to be pensionable under these Minutes
Officer holding permanent appointments will be subject to the following shall be reckoned for the purpose of any pension or gratuity payable under
further conditions: these Minutes.
3:1:1 All appointments will be on probation for a period of 3 years 5. Serving Officers in the Public Service :
unless a longer period is considered necessary in respect of any post. Any
appointment may be terminated at any time during the period of probation 5 :1 Applications from officers of the Public Service who possess all
without a reason being assigned. the necessary qualifications must be forwarded through the Heads of their
3:1:2 All public officers are required to conform to the provisions of the respective Departments. In the case of applications from Public Officers
Chapter IV of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri holding post in the permanent establishment in the Public Service. Heads
Lanka and any other laws, regulations or rules that may be made from time of Departments in forwarding such applications should state whether the
to time to give effect to the Language Policy of the Government. applicants could be released or not to take up the new appointment, if
3:1:3 All Public officers who have not entered the Public Service either selected.
in Sinhala Medium or in Tamil Medium are required to acquire a working 5 :2 Candidates may be required to present themselves for interview at
knowledge in one of the official languages. an appointed time and place. No travelling or other expenses will be paid
3:1:4 Confirmation at the expiry of the period of probation of an officer in this connection.
who entered the Public Service in a medium other than Sinhala or Tamil
will depend, inter alia, on the passing of the Grade 1 Proficiency Test in one 5 :3 Anyone desiring to recommended a candidate should do so by
of the Official Languages within one year; Grade II Proficiency Test within giving a testimonial. Any form of canvassing or any attempt to influence
two years, and Grade III Proficiency Test (where applicable) within three the selection of a candidate will disqualify such candidates.
years from the date of appointment. 5 :4 Any statement in the application which is found to be incorrect will
Faliure to pass a test within the prescribed period will result in the render the applicant liable to disqualification if the inaccuracy is discovered
suspension of increments. Suspension will be converted to a stoppage if before the selection and to dismissal if discovered after the selection.
the test is not passed within a further period of six months beyond the 5 :5 Application not conforming in every respect with the requirements
prescribed period such stoppage operating until the test is passed or until of the advertisement will be rejected.
such time as the provisions of Section 3:1:6 below apply.
3:1:5 Such officers should, on receiving appointment, be given facilities 6. Definition of Salary for the purpose of Eligibility :
on full pay, for a period of 6 months to obtain proficiency in one of the 6 :1 Salary for purposes of eligibility means only the consolidated salary
official languages. He will thereafter, be required to sit the relevant and does not include any action salary, allowances etc.
proficiency examination and if he does not pass he will be given the
7. New National Policy on Recruitment and Promotions :
opportunity to pass the examination within a period of 2 years immediately
after the period of 6 months on full pay, while he performs his normal Recruitment and Promotion in the Public Service, Provincial Public
duties. Service, Public Corporate Sector and Companies fully owned by the
3:1:6 If he fails to pass the examination in this prescribed period of Government will be done in accordance with the policy laid down in the
2 1/2 years his services will be terminated. Public Administration Circulars No. 15/90 of 09.03.1990, 15/90 (I) of
3:1:7 A Public Officer already confirmed in permanent post in the Public 25.03.1990 & 15/90 (ii) of 15.06.1990 with effect from 01.01.1990 subject
Service will not normally be required to serve the period of probation on to amendments that will be done by subsequent Public Administration
being appointed to another permanent post in the Public Service. Such Circulars.
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Rules and Instructions for Candidates everything he has with him/her. Breach of this requirement shall be
considered as an attempt to commit an act of dishonesty.
“All candidates are bound to act in conformity with the provisions of the 13. Candidates are forbidden to copy or attempt to copy from the answer
Examinations Act, No. 25 of 1968.” script of another candidate, a book, paper containing notes or any other
All candidates are bound to abide by the rules given below. A candidate source. A candidate should not attempt to look at the answer script of
who violates any of these rules is liable to one or more of the following any another candidate. A candidate should refrain from helping another
punishments at the discretion of the Commissioner of Examinations :— Candidate and also from getting help from another candidate or a person.
(i) Suspension from the whole or part of the examination or one subject Every completed answer sheet should be kept underneath the sheet on
or a part thereof ; which the answer is being written. Sheets of writing paper should not be
(ii) Disqualification from one subject or from the whole examination ; strewn all over the desk.
(iii) Debarment from appearing for an examination for a period of one 14. A candidate will under no circumstance whatsoever be allowed to
year or two years ; leave the Examination Hall even for a brief period during the course of the
(iv) Debarment for life ; paper. However in an emergency if a candidate needs to leave the hall, he/
(v) Suspension of the certificate for a specified period ; she shall be allowed to do under the surveillance of the supervisor or his
(vi) Reporting the candidate’s conduct to his Superiors or handing over assistant. He/she shall be subject to search before leaving the hall as well
the candidate to the Police or making a complaint to the Police over as before re-entering it.
his action. 15. Impersonation while answering a paper or before the commencement
The Commissioner reserves himself the right to take action at any time of the Examination is a punishable offence. Tampering with identity cards,
before the Examination or at any stage of it or thereafter, and his decision presenting false identity cards or tampering with someone’s identity are
also such offences. Candidates are warned not to commit such offences.
shall be deemed final. In the case of examinations for recruitment to the 16. Assistance given to a candidate in a dishonest manner by a person
Public Service, the decision of Commissioner of Examinations shall be who is not a candidate, is considered a serious offence.
subject to the Supervision of the Public Service Commission. Candidates should adhere to the following instructions for their own
1. All candidates should conduct themselves in a quiet manner in and safety :–
around the Examination Hall so as not to disturb or obstruct the Supervisor, (i) Be at the Examination Hall well in time. It is sufficient to be at
his assistants or the other candidates. They should enter and leave the the Examination Hall 10 or 15 minutes before the commencement of each
Examination Hall as quietly as possible. paper. If you have any doubt as to the location of the Examination Hall,
2. Candidates should obey the Supervisor. Therefore, when the make inquiries on a day prior to the date of Examination and be sure of its
Examination is in progress and before the commencement of the location.
Examination as well as immediately after the end of the Examination they (ii) In case of any doubt regarding your entry for a paper or eligibility
should act in accordance with the instructions of the Supervisor and his to sit a paper you should bring it to the notice of the Supervisor and get
assistants. your doubts cleared. Failure to do so may result in your candidature for the
3. Under no circumstances whatsoever will a candidate be allowed into subject being cancelled.
the Examination Hall after the lapse of half an hour after the commencement (iii) When appearing for the Examination, candidates should produce
of a paper. No candidate will be permitted to leave the hall till after half an their identity cards at every paper they sit. If a candidate fails to produce
hour from the time of commencement of the paper. Candidates who come identification documents at the Examination Hall, his candidature is liable
late for Practical and Oral Examinations are liable to be refused admission. to be cancelled. In case a candidate forgets to bring such documents into
4. Every candidate should sit at the desk bearing his/her index number the Examination Hall, it should be brought to the notice of the Supervisor
and not at any other desk. Unless with the permission of the supervisor no and arrangements should be made to produce them before the Examination
candidate should change his/her seat. The occupation of a seat other than concludes.
the one assigned to him by a candidate is liable to be considered as an act (iv) Standard stationery (i.e. writing paper, graph paper, ledger paper,
with a dishonest intention. precis paper) will be supplied. If you receive any stationery that is different
5. Absolute silence should be maintained in the Examination Hall. A from the kind generally distributed or distributed to the others it should be
candidate is forbidden to speak to, communicate with or have dealings with promptly brought to the notice of the supervisor. No paper other than those
any person within or outside the Examination Hall other than a member issued at the Examination Hall should be used for answering questions.
of the Examination Hall Staff. If there is an urgent need for a candidate Excess paper and other material should be left on the desk, in good
to communicate with another, prior permission must be obtained from the condition. When log tables are supplied they should be used with care and
supervisor. left on the desk when you leave.
6. A candidate’s answer script is identified only by the Index Number (v) Candidates should bring their own pens, pencils, bottles of ink,
and his/her name should not be written on the answer script. Another erasers, pieces of cloth, rulers, geometrical instruments, coloured pencils,
candidate’s index number appearing on the answer script of a candidate is coloured chalk, etc.
considered as an attempt to commit a dishonest act. Answer scripts bearing (vi) When you start answering you should promptly write down your
an index number that is difficult to decipher is liable to be rejected. Index Number and the name of the Examination on each sheet of paper
7. Candidates should write only on the paper provided and should used. Write neatly and legibly on both sides of the paper. Leave a blank
not write anything on the blotting paper, question paper, desk or any other line after the answer to each part of a question. After the answer to a full
place. Non conformity with this rule could be taken as an act with dishonest question leave one or several blank lines. Do not crowd in your work.
intentions. (vii) The left-hand margin of the answer sheet is set apart for you to enter
the number of the question you answer. The right hand margin is reserved
8. Any paper or answer book supplied should not be torn up, crushed, for the examiner’s use and nothing should be written there. Number your
folded or erased. Each and every sheet of paper used for rough work answers correctly as incorrect numbering leads to confusion.
should be tied up with the answer script. It should be a part of the answer (viii) You should read carefully the instructions given at the head of the
script. (Such rough work should be neatly crossed out.) Anything written question paper, with regard to the compulsory questions and the manner in
inside the Examination Hall should not be taken out. If a question has been which the other questions should be selected. Disregard to these instructions
answered twice, the unnecessary answer should be neatly crossed out. is often liable to affect you adversely.
Failure to abide by these requirements may be considered as an attempt (ix) When Mathematics Questions are answered, give all details of
to cheat. calculations and any roughwork, in their serial order as part of the working
9. When answering questions in Mathematics the submission of correct of the problem. Necessary sketches, diagrams and figures should be
answers with incorrect working or with no working at all and in art if accurate and sufficiently large. In an answer running into serveral pages if
the work of art is similar or very close in resemblance to that of another reference must be made to a diagram drawn in an earlier page, that diagram
candidate in concept, in form or in execution it is liable to be considered should be drawn repeatedly.
as a dishonest act. (x) At the end of each paper, arrange your answer sheets in the order you
10. The removal of any paper or stationery supplied to candidates out of answered the questions. Then using the piece of twine supplied, tie them
the Examination Hall is prohibited. All such material remains the property up at the top left hand corner. Do not tie up at the top right hand corner.
of the Commissioner of Examinations. Breach of this rule shall be liable to (xi) You should personally handover your answer script to the Supervisor
be considered an act with dishonest intention. or to an Invigilator. Or else remain in your seat till it is collected. Failure
11. While in the Examination Hall a candidate should not have with him to do so may result in the loss of your script and your being treated as an
or near him any book, note book, pocket note book, exercise book, sheet absentee for the paper. On no account should your script be handed over to
of paper or pieces of paper other than the stationery supplied to him. Nor a peon or an attendant.
should any handbag, travelling bag or parcel other than the candidate’s (xii) If it becomes necessary for you to speak to the Supervisor or an
boxes of colours and boxes of instruments where necessary or any file Invigilator, or if you need stationery, remain in your seat and raise your
cover, card board pad, folded newspapers, brown papers should be brought hand.
into the Examination Hall. Breach of this rule is a punishable act.
12. A candidate is strictly forbidden to keep with him any book, note Commissioner General of Examinations,
book or a sheet of paper with written notes once inside the Examination Department of Examinations,
Hall. Should the Supervisor so requires, each candidate is bound to declare Pelawatta, Battaramulla.
2056 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

Posts – Vacant
1. Vacancies exist for suitable Male / Female Commissioned Officers in the Volunteer Force of the Sri Lanka Air Force
in the following Branches.
(a) Air Field Construction Branch
(b) Medical Branch

2. Applications are invited from those candidates possessing the professional qualifications given below.


(a) Minimum of six Credit (C) passes at the GCE (O/L) examination with compulsory Credit (C) passes for
English language, Science, Mathematics and a Simple (S) pass and above for Sinhala / Tamil language in one
sitting (additional and optional subjects are not considered).
(b) Minimum of three Simple (S) passes at the GCE (A/L) examination and passes may be from any stream in
one sitting.
(c) Pearson / Edexcel / International Ordinary / Advance Level, GCSE, GCE and Cambridge exam qualification
may be considered subjected to a confirmation obtained from the Department of Examination, Sri Lanka to
effect that it is equalant to above basic educational qualifications.



(1) Civil / Mechanical / Electrical Engineering Officer - Male (Volunteer) Bachelor of Science Degree
(BSc) in Engineering specialization in Civil / Mechanical / Electrical Engineering and Associated
Membership in IESL or NDT/ NDES /HNDE in Civil / Mechanical / Electrical Engineering or
equivalent qualification with three (3) years experience in the relevant field.
(2) Architect - Male / Female (Volunteer) BSc (BE) with one (1) year experience in the relevant field or
B Arch Degree in University of Moratuwa.
(3) Quantity Surveyor - Male (Volunteer) BSc in Quantity Surveying in University of Moratuwa or
Technical Member of the Institute of Quantity Surveyors in Sri Lanka and three (3) years post qualification
experience in the relevant field or Successful completion of National Diploma in Quantity Surveyor
conducted by UNIVOTEC Ratmalana and two (2) years experience in the relevant field.
(1) Medical Officers – Male / Female (Volunteer) MBBS or a Medical Degree equivalent to MBBS
(Sri Lanka) from any recognized University of a foreign country which is accepted by Sri Lanka Medical
Council and Full registration in SLMC.
(2) Pre - Intern Trainees – Male / Female (Volunteer) Pre-intern Medical Officers who have successfully
completed MBBS degree (Sri Lanka) or an equivalent degree from any University of a foreign country
which is accepted / recognized by the Sri Lanka Medical Council with provisional registration at the Sri
Lanka Medical Council.

3. Basic Entry Requirements

(a) Nationality : Must be a citizen of Sri Lanka
(b) Civil Status : Married / Unmarried
(c) Gender : Male / Female (As applicable)
(d) Age : Not less than 18 years and not more than 33 years as at 15th January 2021 for
all branches
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e. Height : Male - 167.5cm (5' 6") and above

165.0cm (5' 5") and above for Medical Branch

Female - 162.5cm (5' 4") and above
160.0cm (5' 3") and above for Medical Branch

f. Weight : Male - 17 < BMI < 26 BMI = Weight (Kg)
Female - 17 < BMI < 25 Height (m)2

g. Chest : Minimum 32" (Male)

h. Colour Vision Standard : CP2

j. Visual Acuity : Left eye 6/6 and right eye 6/6 (Without spectacles / Contact Lens)
Medical branch 6/18 in each eye (corrected visual acuity with spectacle should
be 6/6 in each eye).

4. Special Note :
(a) Applications of candidates who do not fulfil the requirement of para 2 and 3 will be rejected. On arrival
for the first interview the height, vision and weight will be measured. Candidates whose height, vision and
weight are below the standard specified in the Gazette Notification and who have no exceptional skill will
not be interviewed.
(b) Selected candidates will be commissioned in the rank of Flight Lieutenant or Flying Officer or Pilot
Officer in keeping with their professional qualification and experience at the discretion of the Commander
of Air Force.
(c) All Candidates who are selected are required to undergo a written, practical and an Officer Quality Test
during the selection process.
(d) All Candidates who are selected are required to undergo a medical screening test as per Sri Lanka Air
Force Medical Standard during the selection process.
(e) All Masters, Bachelors degrees and Diplomas should be awarded from a recognized University accepted
by the University Grant Commission of Sri Lanka.
(f) Any candidate who has special qualifications may at the discretion of the Commander of the Air Force be
considered, even though he / she does not have any of above pre requisites, provided that he / she possess
the requisite of the professional / special qualifications for the best interest of the Sri Lanka Air Force.
(g) Due considerations will be given to current outstanding achievements in the field of sports.
(h) Official Language Requirements : Selected candidates will be required to comply with any rules already
made or may be made hereafter for giving effect to the Language Policy of the Republic of Sri Lanka and
in particular for implementing the provisions in the Official Language Act, No. 33 of 1956.
(j) Selected candidates will be required to undergo training at such places as decided by the Commander of
the Air Force. If at any time during training, the officer is reported on by the authorities as being unsuitable
for reasons of misconduct or due to causes within his / her control, he / she will be liable to have his / her
commission withdrawn and / or be subject to other disciplinary action in accordance with the Sri Lanka
Air Force Disciplinary Regulations.
(k) The conditions of service for an officer of the Sri Lanka Air Force are in terms of Sri Lanka Air Force
Regulations published in Gazette No. 10,240 of 27 April 1951 and as amended from time to time. In terms
of Section 10 of the Air Force Act, “Every officer shall hold his / her appointment during the President’s
pleasure”. However an officer has no right to resign his / her commission unilaterally, but under provision
of Section 11 of the Air Force Act may be allowed by the President to do so. The provisions of any Bond /
Agreement envisaging a period of obligatory service in respect of training and subsequent courses will not
2058 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

supersede the provisions of Section 11 of the Air Force Act stated above. Retirement from the Air Force
will be applicable under conditions specified in the Air Force Pensions and Gratuities Code.
(l) All officers are liable to be posted for duty or training in any part of the world at any time.
(m) All officers are governed by the Air Force Act and orders issued from time to time.
(n) A single officer is required to live in the Officers Mess. He / She are provided with furnished accommodation
and food. Batman service will also be provided. A single officer’s ration allowance and batman allowance
are paid to the Mess.
(p) A married officer may be provided with a married quarter if available. Recovery of rental will be as per
the Establishment Code. Married officers not in occupation of married quarters will be entitled to a rental
allowance as stated in para 5. d. (11).

5. Pay and Allowances :

(a) Since a consolidated revision is in progress at present, and same revision completes in year 2021, followings
are the amounts payable in 2020. Further it is to be noted that all consolidated salaries indicated below are
the initial step of particular grade.

Pilot Officer (Cadet) 463,260.00
Pilot Officer (Non Cadet) 502,860.00
Flying Officer 571,380.00 - (30x16020) = 1,051,980.00
Flight Lieutenant 667,500.00 - (24x16020) = 1,051,980.00
Squadron Leader 731,580.00 - (22x16020) = 1,084,020.00
Wing Commander 751,140.00 - (17x19560) = 1,083,660.00

(b) Pay applicable to Medical Officers

Year 2021
Grade (Annual)
Preliminary Grade 651,480.00(2x16020-7x16140-2x19560- 16x26040)=1,252,260.00
Grade II 699,660.00(6x16140-2x19560- 16x26040)= 1,252,260.00
Grade I 861,660.00(15x26040) = 1,252,260.00
Specialist Grade 1,056,000.00 (12x32400)=1,444,800.00

(c) Other allowances applicable to Medical Officers

(1) Pensionable allowances

Preliminary Grade - Rs.1,700.00 per month
Grade II - Rs.1,700.00 per month
Grade I - Rs.3,400.00 per month
Specialist Grade - Rs.3,400.00 per month

(2) Non Pensionable allowances

Preliminary Grade - Rs.2,125.00 per month
Grade II - Rs.1,700.00 per month
Grade I - Rs. 400.00 per month
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(3) DAT allowances - Rs.35,000.00 per month

(4). Extra duty payments

Preliminary Grade - Rs. 687.00 per hour
Grade II - Rs . 796.00 per hour
Grade I - Rs. 1,101.00 per hour
Specialist Grade - Rs. 1,302.00 per hour

(5) Service allowances indicated in paragraph 5. d (18) are to be calculated separately as applicable.

(d) Service Allowances: -

(1) Cost of living allowance Rs.7, 800.00 per month.
(2) Incentive allowance of Rs. 250.00 per month after five years of service.
(3) Hard allowance Rs. 620.00 per month. (Rs. 20.00 per day)
(4) Additional Hard allowance Rs. 4,380.00 per month for those serving in operational areas.
(5) Special allowance Rs. 3,100.00 per month. (Rs. 100.00 will be paid for per day)
(6) Interim allowance Rs.1,000.00 per month.
(7) Uniform upkeep allowance Rs.525.00 per month.
(8) Batman allowance Rs. 637.50 per month (if permitted to live out).
(9) Ration allowance Rs. 24005.47 per month (Rs.774.37 per day, if permitted to live out).
(10) Qualification pay where applicable (up to a maximum of Rs. 637.50 per month).
(11) Rent allowance for married Officers not in occupation of a government married quarter. - Pilot
Officer to Squadron Leader and above Rs.3,200.00 to Rs. 8,500.00 per month.
(12) Telephone bill allowance. Wing Commander to Air Vice Marshal Rs.2,500.00 to Rs. 5,000.00 per
(13) Three sets of holiday railway warrants per year (for officer, spouse and children).
(14) An additional set of railway warrants or the reimbursement of bus fare for officers living in Messes
to travel from the Mess to the hometown once a month.
(15) Free issue of uniforms and ancillary items.
(16) Free medical facilities (including for families if applicable).
(17) Married Officers permitted to live out are entitled to a free bus pass from the Sri Lanka Transport
Board to travel from residence to place of work within 30 miles radius.
(18) Service allowance Rs.300.00, Rs.400.00, Rs.500.00 as applicable (Payable to service Medical
Officers in consideration to the number of complete years of service)
(19) Additional service allowance Rs.1, 500.00 per month (applicable to service Medical Officers only)
(20) 1/20 Allowance - Con pay x 1/20 x 3 days (Maximum) per month (applicable to service Medical
Officers only)
(21) Extra Duty Payments 120 hrs (Maximum) per month (applicable to service Medical Officers only)
(22) Telephone bill allowances - Specialist Doctors Rs. 8,000.00 per month
Other Doctors Rs. 4,000.00 per month
2060 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

6. Pensions/Gratuities: - Payable in terms of the Air Force Pensions & Gratuities Code 1981 and as amended
from time to time. All officers are contributors to the Widows and Orphans Pension (Armed Forces) Scheme. Rates of
contributions are as per Widows and Orphans Pension (Armed Forces) Scheme Regulations 1970.

7. Instructions to applicants :
(a) Applications should be submitted in terms of the form specified below. All cages of the application should
be completed neatly with as much details as possible. Applications should be addressed to “COMMAND
KOTUGODA” so as to reach him not later than 1200 noon on 14th DECEMBER 2020 under registered
cover. The envelope enclosing the application should be marked “APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION
IN THE ……………… BRANCH”. Applications received after the closing date and not in accordance with
the requirements of this notification and not in registered post mail will not be entertained.
(b) Candidates who are in Government Service /Corporations /Boards/ Civil Establishments should forward
their applications through their Heads of Department/ Corporations/Boards/Civil Establishments and should
bear a certificate to the effect that the candidate will be released if selected.
(c) Candidates will be required to produce the originals with certified photo copy of the following documents
when summoned for interviews or when called upon to do so:-
(1) Certificate of Registration of Birth with a photo copy (Certificate issued for the purpose of the
education code will not be accepted).
(2) National Identity Card and a photo copy.
(3) Original certificates in support of the educational and professional qualifications required for the
branch applied and a photo copy.
(4) Certificates of trade / technical training and / or experience (if any) obtained from a recognized
institution and a photo copy.
(5) Two recent certificates of character (within 06 months obtained). One of these should be from the
Principal of the last school attended and the other from a responsible person who has knowledge of
the applicant for more than two years or from the present employer (if employed).
(6) Original certificates in support of sports activities and Extra Curricular activities and a photo copy.
(7) A plain folder with file tag.
(8) Two colour photos of 2x2½ inches certified by the Grama Niladhari.
(d) Applications of candidates who fail to produce documents when requested to do so will not be considered.
(e) No documents or original copies of documents should be attached to the application form.
(f) The Air Force will not be responsible for loss of any originals of certificates if enclosed with the application

8. Any statement in the application which is found to be incorrect will render the applicant liable to disqualification
if the inaccuracy is discovered before the selection and to dismissal if discovered after the selection.

9. Selection Interview :

(a) Preliminary selections will be made amongst those candidates who fulfil the above conditions.
Candidates so selected from the Preliminary Interview will be required to undergo a medical test as
may be prescribed by the Commander of the Air Force. The final selection will then be made after an
interview appointed by the Ministry of Defence.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27 2061

(b) Candidates selected for interviews will be informed in writing of the place, time and date of such
interviews. No travelling or other expenses will be paid in this respect.
(c) On every occasion an applicant is summoned for an interview he / she is to produce his / her National
Identity Card issued by the Department of Registration of Persons.
(d) Candidates likely to be suitable following their final interviews will be required to present themselves
before an Air Force Medical Board.
(e) Anyone who desires to recommend a candidate should do so by giving his / her testimonial. Any form
of canvassing or attempt to influence in the selection of a candidate will result in disqualification of such
Candidates who are found unsuitable for enlistment will not be notified.

SK Pathirana,
WWV and Bar, RWP and Bar, RSP and three Bars, VSV, USP,
MSc (MOA) USA, MSc (Def Stu) in Mgt, M Phil (Ind), MIM (SL),
ndc (Ind), psc, qfi
Air Marshal,
Commander of The Air Force.

Sri Lanka Air Force,
PO Box 594,
Colombo 02.

Official use only



01. Nationality: - ……………………............................................................................................................

(State whether citizen of Sri Lanka by descent or by registration and if latter, quote number and date of certificate)
02. Full Name (As per the National Identity Card): - …………………………….........................................
03. National Identity Card Number: ……………………...............................................................................
04. Branch Applied: - ………………………………….................................................................................
05. Post applied :- ………………………………………...............................................................................
06. Permanent address: - ………………….....................................................................................................
07. Nearest Police Station to permanent address: …………………...............................................................
08. School Attended: -.....................................................................................................................................
09. Postal address: - …………………............................................................................................................
10. E-mail address:-.........................................................................................................................................
11. Date of birth: - ……………………..........................................................................................................
(Age as at 15th January 2021) Years: ….. Months: ……… Days:………………
12. Height :- …………cm (………..feet ……….inches )
13. District: - …………………………….......................................................................................................
14. Electorate: - ……………………………………………………………………………...........................
2062 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

15. GN Division and Number: - ………………….. ......................................................................................

16. Telephone number: - ………………….....................................................................................................
17. Civil status: - …………………….............................................................................................................
18. Particulars of School and /or University and qualifications obtained:-
Year and Index
Subjects passed
Name of School Type of examination number of the
(including grading)
Ordinary Level

Advanced Level
(To mention whether qualified
or not to apply for University
General English
Yes No Common General Test

University/ Other/Professional

19. Any special qualification for the post:…………………………………………………………………..

20. Particulars of employment since leaving School/University:- (if applicable) :

Period of service
Name and address of employer Nature of employment
From To

21. Particulars of parents:-

Full Name Father’s & Occupation

NIC No. Present address
Mother’s Past Present
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27 2063

22. Details of current achievements in sports. (Give details of teams and competitions participated with dates / years etc.
and standards / levels achieved)…………………………………….....................................…………………………

23. Other achievements of note at School / University (Island ranking, Projects Completed, field of in-plant training and
institution) or with outside organizations. (Give details with dates / years etc)…………………………………………

24. Any previous service in the Armed Force or Volunteer Force, Cadet Corps or Boy Scout Organization ………………

25. Have you applied earlier to join the Sri Lanka Air Force or any of the Armed Services or Police, if so give details and
the outcome of such applications:-…………………………………………………....................................……….….

26. Have you being convicted or bound over by a civil or military court, if so give details……………….. ………………

27. If earlier employed in a Government Department or in the Public Sector / Board / Corporation (including the Central
Bank, National Bank, Universities, Joint Stock Companies controlled by the Government etc.) reasons for termination
of employment:-……………...............................................………………………………………..

28. Particulars of testimonials:-

Name Designation Postal Address

29. Declaration to be signed by the applicant:-

I declare on my honour that answers given to the above questions are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I have read and understood the procedure which will be adopted and the rules which will apply in respect of
those candidates who are selected for commission in the Sri Lanka Air Force published in the Gazette of the Republic
of Sri Lanka.

Signature of Applicant.

30. Declaration to be signed by the Parent or Guardian of the applicant:

(a) I am the Parent / Guardian of………………………………who is an applicant for a Cadetship in the Sri Lanka
Air Force and who has signed the declaration in cage 27 of the form of application above.

(b) I hereby undertake to be responsible in the event above named applicant being selected for a course of training
for the following.

(1) To refund to the Republic of Sri Lanka in the event of the above named applicant voluntarily terminating
his / her candidature for a Commission during his / her period of training all expenses incurred up to that
time by the Republic of Sri Lanka on account of such applicant.
2064 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

(2) To refund to the Republic of Sri Lanka in the event of the above named applicant reported on by the
authorities as being unsuitable (For reasons of misconduct or due to causes within his / her own control)
for the issue of a Commission all the expenses incurred on his / her account by the Republic of Sri Lanka.

Signature of Parent /Guardian.

(in block capitals)
Address .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Signature of First Witness.

(in block capitals)
Address .....................................................................................................................................................................................
Signature of Second Witness.

(in block capitals)
Address .....................................................................................................................................................................................




1. Vacancies exist in the Volunteer Force of the Sri Lanka Air Force for Airmen in the trades given below and the
required minimum and specific qualifications are stated against.


2. Passing grade 8 is a minimum educational qualification. The specific qualification as per the Trade is as follows.

(a) Civil Engineering Trades (Male)

(1) Blacksmith Welder
(2) Contraction Technician
(3) Water Technician (Plumber)
(4) Wood Technician
(5) Electrical Technician
(6) Air Condition Mechanic
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27 2065

National Vocational Qualification Level III (NVQ level III) will be added advantage for the enlistment
criteria for all trades. Minimum two years candidate working experience in relevant field.

(b) General Engineering Trades. -Operator Motor Transport (Male)

Passes in 06 subjects at the GCE (O/L) Examination at not more than two sittings including a Simple (S)
pass in Sinhala / Tamil language. Pass the driving test conducted by the Sri Lanka Air Force (Possession
of a valid light vehicle driving license is essential and priority will be given to possession of a valid heavy
vehicle driving licence is respectively.)

(c) Direct entry Airmen/Airwomen - Civil Engineering Trades

(1) Draughtsman (Male/Female)

Passes in 06 subjects at the GCE (O/L) Examination at not more than two sittings including an
Simple (S) pass in Sinhala / Tamil language.

Successful completion of National Certificate in Engineering Draughtsmanship – The candidates

who possess the one year certificate (full time) in Engineering Draughtsmanship. Two years working
experience in relevant field. (Rank CPL or LAC)

(2) Forman (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical) - (Male)

Passes in 06 subjects at the GCE (O/L) Examination at not more than two sittings including an
Simple (S) pass in Sinhala / Tamil language.

Successful completion of National Certificate in Technology NCT (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical

Engineering) the candidates who possess the three - year part time NCT certificate or any other
equivalent qualifications awarded by Government Technical Colleges. Two years working experience
in relevant field. (Rank CPL or LAC)

(d) Medical Trades. Medical Laboratory Technician (Male/Female)

Passes in 06 subjects at the GCE (O/L) Examination at not more than two sittings including simple pass in
English language and Credit (C) passes in Sinhala / Tamil/ Mathematics, Science and one other subject.

Completed the Medical Laboratory Technician Diploma Course or Degree course (BSc or Diploma
Holders) and registration at Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC). (Rank CPL or LAC)

3. Other Requirements: -

(a) Candidates must fulfil the following general conditions for enlistment in the Sri Lanka Volunteer Air Force: -

(1) Nationality - Must be a citizen of Sri Lanka.

(2) Age as at 15 Jan 2021

Male - Not less than 18 years and not more than 28 years
Female - Not less than 18 years and not more than 26 years
2066 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

(3) Height - 5 feet 4 inches (162.6 cm) and above (Male)

Civil Engineering Trades
- 5 feet 5 inches (165.0 cm) and above (Male)
Medical and General Engineering Trades
- 5 feet 3 inches (160.0 cm) and above (Female)

(4) Weight : - 17 < BMI > 26 (Male) Body Mass Index = Weight (Kg)
17 < BMI > 25 (Female) Height (m)2

(5) Vision Colour Standard: CP2

(6) Visual Acuity: 6/6 each eye (without spectacles and lens)

(7) Chest: 30” Civil Engineering Trades

32” Other Trades
(8) Civil Status: Married / Unmarried

4. Candidates who do not possess the required educational qualifications or fulfil the requirements of paragraph 02
to 03 will be rejected. On arrival for the first interview the height, weight, chest and vision will be measured. Candidates
whose height, weight, chest and vision are below the standard specified in the Gazette Notification and who have no
exceptional skills will not be interviewed. Any candidate who has special ability / qualifications may at the discretion of the
Commander of the Air Force be considered, even though he does not have the pre requisite on any of above, provided that
he possess the requisite of the Professional/ Special qualifications for the best interest of the Sri Lanka Air Force.

5. Due consideration will be given to outstanding achievements in the field of sports.

6. Conditions of Service: -

(a) The candidate is to initially enlist in the Air Force as an Airmen/Airwomen volunteer engagement and will
undergo a Basic Combat Training Course. On successful completion of training, the duration of which will
depend on the Trade, the status allocated on his /her enlistment as an Other Rank.

(b) Airmen will be required to undergo training at a place in Sri Lanka or abroad as decided by the Commander
of the Air Force in consultation with the Ministry of Defence.

(c) During the period of training as Airmen / Airwomen and thereafter, personnel will be subject to Air Force

(d) Every Airmen / Airwomen will be provided all items of uniforms, equipment and medical facilities.

(e) During the period of training, an Airmen / Airwomen will be accommodated in an Air Force Mess and will
be provided with food.

(f) In the event of a Airmen / Airwomen voluntarily terminating his candidature during training, the parent or
guardian will be required to refund to the Republic of Sri Lanka all expenses incurred up to that time by
the Republic of Sri Lanka on account of such Airmen/ Airwomen.

(g) If at any time during his course a Airmen/ Airwomen is reported by the authorities as being unsuitable for
reasons of misconduct or due to causes within his/her control to qualify for a commission, his parent or
guardian will be required to refund to the Sri Lanka Air Force all expenses incurred on his training and
will be required to enter into a bond to this effect with the Commander of the Air Force acting on behalf
of the Government of Sri Lanka.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27 2067

(h) Parent or guardian will sign a declaration as given in cage 28 of the application form in respect of sub
paragraphs (f) and (g) above, and forward them together with the application. Parent or guardian will
be required to enter in to a bond subsequently in this form with the Republic of Sri Lanka prior to the
appointment of these candidates as Airmen.

(j) Candidates who possess the requirement as per para 1 to 4 will be called for the Preliminary Interview
and if successful will be called for Medical Examinations and all candidates selected will be medically
and physically examined under Sri Lanka Air Force arrangements to check the suitability in par with the
Sri Lanka Air Force Medical fitness standards. Candidates who successfully complete these tests will be
called for the are enlistment. The required number of candidates per Trade will be selected according to
merit at these interviews and tests.

(k) A single airman is required to live in the Airmen barracks. He /She is provided with furnished
accommodation and food. A single Airmen’s ration allowance is paid to the Mess.

(l) A married Airmen /Airwomen may be provided with a married quarter if available. Recovery of rental will
be as applicable to public servants.

(m) All Airmen / Airwomen are liable to be posted for duty or training in any part of the world at any time.

(n) All Airmen / Airwomen are governed by the Air Force Act and orders issued from time to time.

7. Terms of Engagement: -

(a) Volunteer Airmen. Selected candidates will be enlisted to the third class of the rank of Aircraftsman /
Aircraftswoman in the Volunteer Air Force and shall be required to serve for two (02) years. Opportunities
exist for suitable to extend for further service on completion of two (02) years of service on the discretion
of the Commander of the Sri Lanka Air Force.

8. Official Language Requirements. The selected candidates will be required to comply with any rules already
made or may hereafter be made for giving effect to the Language Policy of the Republic of Sri Lanka and in particular for
implementing the provisions the Official Language Act No 33 of 1956.

9. Pay and Allowances.

(a) It is to be noted that all consolidated salaries including allowances indicated below are the initial step of
particular rank.

Year Con Pay Total Allowances Total Income

Rank Rs. cts. Rs. cts. Rs. cts.
Air Craftsmen 29,540.00 12,150.00 41,690.00
Leading Air craftsmen 30,440.00 12,150.00 42,590.00
Corporal 31,340.00 12,150.00 43,490.00

(b) Pensions/Gratuities. Payable in terms of the Air Force Pensions and Gratuities Code 1981 and as amended
from time to time. All Airmen/ Airwomen are contributors to the Widows and Orphans Pension (Armed
Force) Scheme. Rate of contributions are as per Widows and Orphans Pension (Armed Forces) Scheme
Regulations 1970.
2068 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

10. Instructions to Applicants.

(a) Applications should be submitted in applicants own handwriting in terms of the from specified below.
All cages of the application should be filled with much detail as possible. Applications should be sent
by registered post addressed to “COMMAND RECRUITING OFFICER, SRI LANKA AIR FORCE
TRADE TRAINING SCHOOL, KOTUGODA” so as to reach there not later than 1200 noon on 14th
December 2020. The Envelope enclosing the application should be marked “APPLICATION FOR
VOLUNTEER AIRMEN/AIRWOMEN” on the top left corner. Applications received at Sri Lanka Air
Force, Kotugoda after closing date and time and not in accordance with the requirement of this notification
and not in registered post will not be considered.
(b) Candidates who are in Government Service/ Corporations/ Boards/ Civil Establishments should forward
their Applications through their Heads of Departments / Corporations/ Boards/Civil Establishments and
should bear a certificate to the effect that the candidate will be released if selected.
(c) Candidates will be required to produce the originals with certified photo copy of the following documents
when summoned for interviews or when called upon to do so.
(1) Certificate of Registration of Birth and a photo copy. (Certificate issued for the purpose of the
education code will not be accepted).
(2) National Identity Card and a photo copy.
(3) Original certificates in support of the educational qualifications required for the branch applied and
photo copies.
(4) Certificates of trade / technical training and / or experience (if any) obtained from a recognized
institution and photo copies.
(5) Two recent certificates of character (within 06 months obtained). One of these should be from the
Principal of the last school attended and the other from a responsible person who has the know of the
applicant for more than two years or from the present employer (if employed).
(6) Original certificates in support of sports activities and Extra Curricular activities and photo copies.
(7) A plain folder with file tag.
(8) A colour photo of 2x2½ inches certified by the GS.
(d) Applications of candidates who fail to produce documents when requested to do so will not be considered.
(e) No documents or original copies of documents should be attached to the application form.
(f) The Air Force will not be responsible for loss of any originals of certificates if enclosed with the application
11. Preliminary selections will be made amongst those candidates who fulfil the above conditions. Candidates so
selected will be required to undergo tests as may be prescribed by the Commander of the Air Force. Candidates considered
suitable for the interview will be required to appear for an interview at their own expense before an Air Force Recruiting
Board. Such Candidates will be informed individually of place, Date and time.

12. On every occasion an applicant is summoned for interviews, he is to produce the National Identity Card.
Candidates who do not have the National Identity Card could produce some other form of the accepted identification.
However, no candidates will be enlisted without the National Identity Card.

13. All Candidates who are selected is required to undergo a medical screening test and a physical fitness test as
per Sri Lanka Air Force Medical and Fitness Standard during the selection process.

14. The required number of candidates per trade will be selected according to high marks merit at these interviews
and tests.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27 2069

15. Anyone who desires to recommend a candidate should do so by giving his testimonial. Any form of canvassing
or attempt to influence the selection of a candidate will result in disqualification of such candidates

16. Candidates who are found unsuitable for enlistment will not be notified.

SK Pathirana,
WWV and Bar, RWP and Bar, RSP and three Bars, VSV, USP,
MSc (MOA) USA, MSc (Def Stu) in Mgt, M Phil (Ind), MIM (SL),
ndc (Ind), psc, qfi
Air Marshal,
Commander of The Air Force.

Sri Lanka Air Force,
PO Box 594,



01. Nationality: - ………………………………………………………………………….

(State whether citizen of Sri Lanka by descent or by registration and if latter, quote number and date of certificate)

02. Full Name (As per the National Identity Card): ……………………….....……………

03. National Identity Card Number: - ……………………………………………………...

04. Permanent address ……………………………………………………………………...

05. Postal address: - …………………………………………………………………….......

06. Date of birth:- ………………….

(Age as at 15 Jan 2021) : Years:…..............….Months:........………Days:………………

07. Height: - …………cm (………..feet ……….inches)

08. Nearest Police Station to permanent address: - ……………………………………….

09. District:-……………………………………………………………………….………

10. Electorate: -………………………………………………….…………………………

11. GS Division: - …………………………………………………………………………

12. Telephone number: - ………………………………………..…………………………

13. Married or Single:- ……………………………………………………………………

14. Gender : - …………………………………………..........……………………………

15. School Attended:-…………………………………………………………………….

2070 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

16. Particulars of School qualifications obtained:-

Year and Index number of Subjects passed

Name of School Type of examination
the examination (including grading)
Ordinary Level

Advanced Level


17. Particulars of employment since leaving School: - (if applicable) :

Period of service
Name and address of employer Nature of employment
From To

18. Particulars of parents:-

Full Name Place of birth Occupation Present address



19. Any special qualification for the post : - …………………………………………..........………....……………………

20. Details of current achievements in sports (Give details of teams and competitions participated with dates / years etc. and
standards / levels achieved) : - …………………………………………..............................……………………………

21. Other achievements of note at School or with outside organizations (Give details with dates / years etc.):-...................

22. Any previous service in the Armed Force or Volunteer Force, Cadet Corps or Boy Scout Organization:-........................

23. Have you applied earlier to join the Sri Lanka Air Force or any of the Armed Services or Police, if so give details and
the outcome of such applications:-......................................................................................................................................

24. Have you being convicted or bound over by a civil or military court, if so give details:-..................................................

25. If earlier employed in a Government Department or in the Public Sector / Board / Corporation (including the Central
Bank, National Bank, Universities, Joint Stock Companies controlled by the Government etc.) reasons for termination
of employment:-.................................................................................................................................................................
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27 2071

26. Particulars of testimonials:- her period of training all expenses incurred up

to that time by the Republic of Sri Lanka on
Name Designation Postal Address account of such applicant.

(2) To refund to the Republic of Sri Lanka in the

event of the above named applicant reported
on by the authorities as being unsuitable (For
reasons of misconduct or due to causes within
27. Declaration to be signed by the applicant:- his / her own control) for the continuation of
service all the expenses incurred on his / her
I declare on my honour that answers given to the account by the Republic of Sri Lanka.
above questions are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I have read and understood the …………………………...….
procedure which will be adopted and the rules which Signature of Parent /Guardian.
will apply in respect of those candidates who are
selected for Commission in the Sri Lanka Air Force Date………………………..
published in the Gazette of the Republic of Sri Lanka. Name………………………
    (in block capitals)
……………………….. Address……………………
Signature of Applicant.
Date………….. Signature of First Witness.

28. Declaration to be signed by the Parent or Guardian of Date………………………..
the applicant: Name………………………
    (in block capitals)
(a) I am the Parent / Guardian of………………who Address……………………
is an applicant for a Airmen/ Airwomen in the Sri
Lanka Air Force and who has signed the declaration ………………………………..
in cage 27 of the form of application above. Signature of Second Witness.

(b) I hereby undertake to be responsible in the event Date………………………..

above named applicant being selected for a course Name………………………
of training for the following.     (in block capitals)
(1) To refund to the Republic of Sri Lanka in the
event of the above named applicant voluntarily
terminating his / her candidature during his / 11–397

Examinations, Results of Examinations & c.

Judicial Service Commission

Open Competitive Examination for the Recruitment of Court Stenographer (English) Grade III of the
Court Management Assistants’ Service in the Scheduled Public Officers’ Service - 2020

01. In terms of provisions set out in the Scheduled Public Officers’ Service Minute published in Extraordinary Gazette bearing
No.2088/26 dated 11.09.2018, applications are called from Sri Lankan citizens who possess the required qualifications for
the Open Competitive Examination for the recruitment of Court Stenographer (English) Grade III of the Court Management
Assistants’ Service in the Scheduled Public Officers’ Service – 2020.
2072 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

It is hereby notified that this examination will be held in 03. Salary : As per Judicial Service Commission
Colombo by the Secretary, Judicial Service Commission. Circular No. 386 dated 24/06/2016 issued subsequent to
The Secretary, Judicial Service Commission reserves the No. 03/2016 by the Judicial Service Commission, the
right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the monthly salary scale prescribed to Court Stenographer
instructions of the Judicial Service Commission. (English) Grade III of the Court Management Assistants’
Service of the Scheduled Public Officers’ Service is (MN
02. Conditions of Service : 2 – 2016) Rs. 28,940 – 10 x 300 – 11 x 350 – 10 x 560 – 10
x 660 – Rs. 47,990/- (Initial Salary – Rs. 28,940). Salary will
2.1 A selected applicant shall be appointed to Court be paid from the effective date of the appointment in terms
Stenographer (English) Grade III of the Court of provisions set out in Schedule II of above circular.
Management Assistants’ Service subject to
general conditions governing the appointments 04. This post is permanent and pensionable.
in Public Service, terms and conditions set
out in the Scheduled Public Officers’ Service 05. Qualifications : Following qualifications shall have
Minute published by the Extraordinary Gazette been completed to be recruited to Court Stenographer
of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (English) Grade III of the Court Management Assistants’
No. 2088/26 dated 11.09.2018, amendments Service in the Scheduled Public Officers’ Service.
already made and will be made thereto in due
course to the said Service Minute, provisions (a) Be a citizen of Sri Lanka.
of the Establishments Code and Financial
(b) Should be not less than18 years and not more than
35 years of age on the closing date of applications.
2.2 This appointment is subject to a probation
period of three years. The Efficiency Bar
Examination should be passed before 05 years (c) Be a person of excellent moral character.
from the recruitment to Court Stenographer
(English) Grade III of the Court Management (d) All the applicants recruited to the Scheduled Public
Assistants’ Service in the Scheduled Public Officers’ Service shall have a sound physical and
Officers’ Service as prescribed in the Service mental fitness to serve in any part of the Island and
Minute. to perform the duties of the post.

2.3 The appointments of the applicants who fail (e) Should have fulfilled following educational
to assume duties in the post to which they are qualifications.
appointed on the due date and/or applicants
who refuse or neglect to assume duties in a (I) Shall have passed six (06) subjects including
post or in an area into which they are appointed, Mathematics with credit passes for four (04)
shall be cancelled by the Secretary, Judicial subjects including English Language at the
Service Commission on the direction of the G.C.E. (Ordinary Level) Examination at
Judicial Service Commission. one sitting.
2.4 The proficiency in the other official language
(II) Should have successfully followed and
should be achieved in accordance with the level
passed a Stenography and Typing Course
relevant to Grade III of the Court Stenographer
at the National Youth Services Council,
(English) in the Court Management Assistants’
National Apprentice and Industrial Training
Service of the Scheduled Public Officers’
Authority, Technical College or at a
Service should be achieved within 05 years
Government Registered Training Institution.
after being appointed to the post as per the
Public Administration Circular 01/2014 and
N.B. – It is compulsory that every applicant should have
amendments that will be made there to and
fulfilled all the qualifications required for the
Judicial Service Commission Circular No. 396
respective post by 27.11.2020 or prior to said date.
and amendments made there to.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27 2073

06. Scheme of examination :-

(a) The examination consists of three (03) question papers

Question Paper Total Marks Minimum marks required to pass

01 Language Proficiency 100 40
02 Aptitude 100 40
03 Stenography and Typing 100 *

(* Judicial Service Commission may determine the minimum marks required to pass the subject ‘Stenography and
Typing’ taking the number of vacancies into consideration.)

This Examination will be held in Sinhala and Tamil medium. An applicant may sit for the examination only in one
medium as he/she desires.

Applicant should answer the question papers, “Language Proficiency” and “Aptitude” only in the medium he has applied
to sit for the Examination.

Applicant should answer the question paper “Stenography and Typing” only in the English medium. This paper is
designed to test the aptitude and ability of the candidate to perform his official duties.

These papers will consist of multiple choice questions, short questions, questions on structured essays and essays.

Syllabus of the Examination :

Name of the Question Paper Syllabus

01 Language Proficiency The question paper may consist of subject related questions designed to test
the candidate’s ability of expression, comprehension, spellings, language
and essay, drafting letters, making graphs and tables based on the given data,
summarizing passages, expressing the idea of several given sentences in one
sentence and use of simple grammar.
02 Aptitude This paper may consist of subject related questions designed to test the
candidate’s skill at numbers, power of critical reasoning and general
03 Stenography and Typing Stenography (English)
(English) Taking down a passage dictated within 05 minutes at a minimum speed of 80
words per minute, and transcribing the notes at a speed of 08 words per minute.
Typing (English)
Typing a passage of 600 words at a speed of 30 words per minute.

Note : Illegible handwriting may be penalized.

07. A number of applicants equal to the number of vacancies allocated for said examination may be appointed following
descending order, beginning from the highest scorer of marks amongst the applicants who have passed all the subjects of the
examination after an interview for verification of qualifications. However, the Judicial Service Commission may determine
not to fill a certain number of vacancies.

Results of the Examination.- Results will be issued to the applicants by post by the Secretary, Judicial Service Commission.
2074 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

08. Penalty for furnishing false information .– Any (English) Grade III of the Court Management
misstatement or suppression of a fact which is considered Assistants’ Service in the Scheduled Public
material will render the applicant liable to disqualification, Officers’ Service - 2020” should be clearly
if such statement or suppression is discovered before the written on the top left hand corner of the
selection and to dismissal or discontinuance if discovered envelope in which the application is enclosed.
after the selection. Any application received after 15th January 2021
will be rejected.
09. Examination fees.– The examination fee is
Rs.400/=. The receipt obtained by paying said amount (d) Applicant’s signature in the application form
to People’s Bank, Dam Street Branch to the credit of should have been attested by a Principal of
the account of ‘Secretary, Judicial Service Commission’ a Government School, a Justice of Peace,
No:297100199025039 should be affixed using one edge of Commissioner of Oaths, an Attorney at - Law,
the receipt on the due place of the application so as not to Notary Public, Commissioned Officer in the
be detached. (A photocopy of the receipt should be kept with Armed Forces, an Officer holding a Gazetted
the applicant for future use) The fee will not be refunded post in the Police Service or an Officer holding
under any circumstances, while money orders and stamps a permanent post in Staff Grade in the Public
will not be accepted in respect of the fee. Service.

10. Method of applying : (e) Applicants who are already in Government

service and who have fulfilled above
(a) Applications should be prepared in compliance qualifications should submit their applications
with the specimen application form annexed to through their respective Head of the Department.
this notification using both sides of the paper of
size 8 ½” x 12’’ (A 4) and it should be completed (f) Applications which have not been duly completed
in applicant’s own handwriting. Computerized in every respect will be rejected. No complaints
/Typed applications can also be used for this regarding applications lost or delayed in the post
purpose. will be entertained.

Applications which are incomplete and not 11. Admission to the examination.– Receipt of
prepared in accordance with the specimen form applications will not be notified. Admission cards will be
will be rejected without any notice. (It would be issued to the applicants by post. If the admission card is not
advisable to keep a photocopy of the completed received it should be brought to the notice of the Judicial
application form) It is the responsibility of the Service Commission Secretariat. When informing, the name
applicant to make sure that the application form of the examination applied for, full name of the applicant,
prepared by him/her complies with the specimen address and National Identity Card Number should be
given in the examination notice, as otherwise the mentioned. In case of an applicant outside Colombo, a letter
application may be rejected. of request consisting of above mentioned details and a fax
number for sending a copy of the admission should be faxed
(b) Application should be prepared in the medium to the fax number 011 2 421 206 or 011 2 446 111 Judicial
in which the applicant wishes to sit for the Service Commission Secretariat. Further to that it would be
examination. advisable for the candidate to keep the copy of application
form, copy of the receipt relevant to payment of examination
(c) Applications duly prepared should be sent by fee and the postal article of posting of the application to
registered post to reach the address “Secretary, substantiate any information when requested by the Judicial
Judicial Service Commission Secretariat, Service Commission Secretariat.
Colombo 12” on or before 15th January 2021.
12. Identity of applicants.– Applicants will be required to
The words “Open Competitive Examination prove their identity in the examination hall to the satisfaction
for recruitment to Court Stenographer of the supervisor for each subject they offer. Any of the
following documents will be accepted for this.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27 2075

(a) National Identity Card issued by the Department Specimen Application Form
of Registration of Persons
(b) A valid Passport Open Competitive Examination for the Recruitment of
Court Stenographer (English) Grade III of the Court
(c) A valid Driving License Management Assistants’ Service in the Scheduled Public
Officers’ Service - 2020
13. Sitting for the examination :

(a) The Secretary of the Judicial Service Commission (For office use only.)
will issue admission cards to all applicants who
have sent applications which are complete in 01. Medium
every respect. An applicant who does not present Language medium of examination:
the admission card will not be permitted to sit for Sinhala - 1
the examination. Tamil - 2
(Indicate the correct number in the cage)
(b) Applicant should appear for the examination
at the centre specified for him/her. All the 02. Personal details :
applicants should get the signature placed in
the admission card relevant to the examination 2.1 Name with initials :
centre attested and present it to the head of the Mr/Mrs /Miss .......................................................
examination hall on the first day they sit for the Eg. A.P.K.SIRIWARDANA
examination. Applicants shall be bound by the (In English block capitals)
rules and regulations imposed by the Secretary
of the Judicial Service Commission for the 2.2 Name in full : ........................................................
purpose of conducting the examination. If an (In English block capitals )
applicant violates these rules, he/she is liable for
a punishment imposed by the Secretary of the 2.3 Name in full : ........................................................
Judicial Service Commission. (In Sinhala / Tamil)

Note.– The issuance of an admission card to an 2.4 Personal Address (In Sinhala/Tamil ) :
applicant does not necessarily mean that he/ ...............................................................................
she has the required qualifications to sit for the
examination. 2.5 Residing district : ..................................................

14. Any matter not provided for in these rules will be dealt 2.6 Address to which the admission card should be
with as determined by the Secretary of the Judicial Service sent (In English block capitals ):
Commission subject to the instructions of the Judicial ...............................................................................
Service Commission.
2.7 National Identity Card number :
15. In the event of any inconsistency or contradiction
between the Sinhala, Tamil and English texts of this
notification, the Sinhala text shall prevail. 2.8 Date of birth :

By order of the Judicial Service Commission, Date: Month: Year:

H. S. Somaratne, 2.9 Age as at 27.11.2020:

Judicial Service Commission. Years : Months : Days:

Judicial Service Commission Secretariat, 2.10 Sex : Male - 1 Female – 2

Colombo 12, (Indicate relevant number in the cage)
24th November 2020.
2076 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27

2.11 Civil status : 07. Particulars of the receipt obtained for the examination
Married - 1 Unmarried – 2 fee:
(Indicate relevant number in the cage) Office to which the payment was made :......................
Number and date of the receipt : ................................
2.12 Contact number :
Permanent : ................................. Amount : ................................
Mobile : ......................................
Fax: .............................................
Affix the receipt firmly here
03. Educational qualifications: (It would be advisable to keep a photocopy with the
3.1 Particulars of G.C.E (O/L) Examination:
(1) Year and month of the examination : ................
(2) Index number : .............................. 08. Applicant’s certificate:
(3) Results : ..............................
(a) I solemnly declare that particulars furnished
Subject Grade Subject Grade
by me in this application are true and accurate
1. 6. to the best of my knowledge . I agree to bear
2. 7. any consequence that may cause as a result of
incompleteness of sections and/ or provision of
3. 8.
erroneous information. I also state that all sections
4. 9. herein have been correctly filled.
5. 10.
(b) I am aware that if any particulars contained herein
3.2 Particulars of G.C.E (A/L) Examination: are found to be false, I am liable to disqualification
(1) Year and month of the examination : ............... before appointment and to dismissal from service
(2) Index number: .............................. if the inaccuracy is detected after appointment.
(3) Results: .......................................
(c) Further to that, I hereby agree to abide by all
Subject Grade
the conditions imposed by the Secretary of the
1. Judicial Service Commission for the purpose of
2. holding this examination.
4. (d) I shall not change any information mentioned
5. herein subsequently.

04. Course followed : (Attach certificate of the course .........................,

passed ) :......................................................................... Signature of applicant.

05. Other qualifications: ....................................................... Date :......................

06. Have you ever been convicted for any offence by any 09. Attestation of applicants’ signature :
(Indicate the mark (√) in the relevant box) (if yes, give I hereby certify that Mr/Mrs/Miss ………………….……..
particulars) who submits this application is known to me personally
..................................... Yes No and that he/she placed his /her signature in my presence on
…………………….. and further the applicant has paid the
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2020'11'27 2077

prescribed examination fee and pasted the receipt on the qualifications required to apply for Court Stenographer
application. (English) Grade III of the Court Management Assistants’
Service in the Scheduled Public Officers’ Service that
..............................., he/she could be released from the present post if selected
Signature of the Officer for this post, that he/she is not more than 35 years of age
attesting the signature. by 27.11.2020, that he/she placed his/her signature in my
presence and that I submit his/her application herewith.
Date :......................
Name in full of the officer attesting the signature :................ ................................,
Designation :....................................................................... Signature of the Head of Department.
Address :....................................................................... Official Stamp.
(To be confirmed by official stamp)
Date :......................
Certification of the Head of Department

I hereby recommend that Mr./Mrs./Miss ……………. 11–444

serving in this ……………… has fulfilled educational

Printed at the Department of Government Printing, Sri Lanka.

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