2023 09 22I IIAE Complete
2023 09 22I IIAE Complete
2023 09 22I IIAE Complete
(Published by Authority)
Note.– (i) Susarana Lanka Foundation (Incorporation) Bill was published as a supplement to the Part II of the Gazette of the Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka of September 08, 2023.
(ii) Online Safety Bill was published as a supplement to the Part II of the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri
Lanka of September 15, 2023.
All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes shall close at 12.00 noon of each Friday, two weeks before the date of publication.
All Government Departments, corporations, Boards, etc. are hereby advised that Notifications fixing closing dates and times of applications in
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both from the date of despatch of notices to Govt. Press and from the date of publication, thereby enabling those interested in the contents of such
notices to actively and positively participate please note that inquiries and complaints made in respect of corrections pertaining to notification will
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All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes should reach Government Press two weeks before the date of publication i.e. notices
for publication in the weekly Gazette of 13th October, 2023 should reach Government Press on or before 12.00 noon on 27th September, 2023.
Electronic Transactions Act, No. 19 of 2006 - Section 9
"Where any Act or enactment provides that any proclamation, rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other matter shall be
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Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.
Department of Govt. Printing,
Colombo 08,
01st January, 2023.
This Gazette can be downloaded from www.documents.gov.lk
1. General Qualifications required : specified period with a view to testing him in his new post.
3:1:8 Selected candidates (Other than those already holding permanent
1:1 Every applicant must furnish satisfactory proof that he is a Sri or temporary appointments in the Public Service) who have already been
Lankan. A ,Sri Lankan, is a citizen of Sri Lanka by descent or by registration medically examined will be required to undergo a medical examination
as defined in the Sri Lanka Citizenship Act. by a Government Medical Officer to test their physical fitness to serve in
1:2 A candidate for any post for which the minimum educational any part of the Island.
qualification prescribed is a pass in the Senior School Certificate
Examination or equivalent or higher examination, should have a pass 4. Terms of Engagement :
in the Senior School Certificate Examination or equivalent or higher 4:1 Public officers appointed to permanent and pensionable posts should
examination, should have a pass either in Sinhala language or Tamil contribute to the ‘Widows and Orphans’ Pension Scheme from their salary
language obtained,as the case may be, at the Senior School Certificate an amount equivalent to the percentage the Government requires to recover
Examination or its equivalent if he is either a Sinhalese educated in Sinhala from their salary.
Medium or if he is a Tamil educated in Tamil Medium (This requirement
4:2 Public officers appointed to permanent or temporary posts on
will not apply to those who are in the public service from a date prior to
January 01,1961, and who seek appointments to other posts in the public Provident Fund basis will be required to contribute 6% of their consolidated
service). salary to the Public Service Provident Fund. The Government will
1:3 Application from the ,New Entrants, Public Officers, who are not contribute as its share of contributions an amount equal to 150% of the
either Sinhala or Tamil educated, whose probationary trial appointments compulsory contributions credited to the fund at the close of the Financial
have been terminated for failure to pass the prescribed official language Year.
proficiency tests will not be entertained unless they have obtained the 4:3 Officers who hold pensionable appointments in the Public Service
qualifications which could entitle them to seek exemptions from the highest and who are released for appointments to pensionable posts in the
proficiency test prescribed for the post. Local Government Service and those officers in the Local Government
2. Conditions of Service-General : Service who hold pensionable appointments and who are released for
2:1 All officers in the Public Service will be subject to the Financial appointments to pensionable posts in the Public Service will be allowed
Regulations, the Establishments Code, Departmental Orders or Regulations pensionability in their posts in the Local Government Service and Public
and any other Orders or Regulations that may be issued by the Governments Service respectively.
from time to time.
2:2 A Public officer may be required to furnish security in terms of the 4:4 Regular Force personnel in the Army, Navy and Air Force who
Public Officers (Security) Ordinance, in such sum and in such manner as are released for appointments to posts in the Public Service which are
the secretary to the Ministry concerned may determine. pensionable under the Minutes on Pension will be allowed pensionability in
2:3 A Public Officer may be called upon to serve in any part of the their posts in the Public Service. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
Island. in these Minutes the unforefeited full pay service of any member of the
3. Conditions of Service applicable to Public Officers holding permanent Armed Forces who is released to accept an appointment as a Public Officer
appointments : in a post which has been declared to be pensionable under these Minutes
3:1 In addition to the conditions referred to in Section 2 above Public shall be reckoned for the purpose of any pension or gratuity payable under
Officer holding permanent appointments will be subject to the following these Minutes.
further conditions: 5. Serving Officers in the Public Service :
3:1:1 All appointments will be on probation for a period of 3 years
unless a longer period is considered necessary in respect of any post. Any 5 :1 Applications from officers of the Public Service who possess all
appointment may be terminated at any time during the period of probation the necessary qualifications must be forwarded through the Heads of their
without a reason being assigned. respective Departments. In the case of applications from Public Officers
3:1:2 All public officers are required to conform to the provisions of the holding post in the permanent establishment in the Public Service. Heads
Chapter IV of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri of Departments in forwarding such applications should state whether the
Lanka and any other laws, regulations or rules that may be made from time applicants could be released or not to take up the new appointment, if
to time to give effect to the Language Policy of the Government. selected.
3:1:3 All Public officers who have not entered the Public Service either 5 :2 Candidates may be required to present themselves for interview at
in Sinhala Medium or in Tamil Medium are required to acquire a working an appointed time and place. No travelling or other expenses will be paid
knowledge in one of the official languages. in this connection.
3:1:4 Confirmation at the expiry of the period of probation of an officer
5 :3 Anyone desiring to recommended a candidate should do so by
who entered the Public Service in a medium other than Sinhala or Tamil
will depend, inter alia, on the passing of the Grade 1 Proficiency Test in one giving a testimonial. Any form of canvassing or any attempt to influence
of the Official Languages within one year; Grade II Proficiency Test within the selection of a candidate will disqualify such candidates.
two years, and Grade III Proficiency Test (where applicable) within three 5 :4 Any statement in the application which is found to be incorrect will
years from the date of appointment. render the applicant liable to disqualification if the inaccuracy is discovered
Faliure to pass a test within the prescribed period will result in the before the selection and to dismissal if discovered after the selection.
suspension of increments. Suspension will be converted to a stoppage if 5 :5 Application not conforming in every respect with the requirements
the test is not passed within a further period of six months beyond the of the advertisement will be rejected.
prescribed period such stoppage operating until the test is passed or until
such time as the provisions of Section 3:1:6 below apply. 6. Definition of Salary for the purpose of Eligibility :
3:1:5 Such officers should, on receiving appointment, be given facilities 6 :1 Salary for purposes of eligibility means only the consolidated salary
on full pay, for a period of 6 months to obtain proficiency in one of the official and does not include any action salary, allowances etc.
languages. He will thereafter, be required to sit the relevant proficiency
7. New National Policy on Recruitment and Promotions :
examination and if he does not pass he will be given the opportunity to pass
the examination within a period of 2 years immediately after the period of Recruitment and Promotion in the Public Service, Provincial Public
6 months on full pay, while he performs his normal duties. Service, Public Corporate Sector and Companies fully owned by the
3:1:6 If he fails to pass the examination in this prescribed period of Government will be done in accordance with the policy laid down in the
2 1/2 years his services will be terminated. Public Administration Circulars No. 15/90 of 09.03.1990, 15/90 (I) of
3:1:7 A Public Officer already confirmed in permanent post in the Public 25.03.1990 & 15/90 (ii) of 15.06.1990 with effect from 01.01.1990 subject
Service will not normally be required to serve the period of probation on to amendments that will be done by subsequent Public Administration
being appointed to another permanent post in the Public Service. Such Circulars.
Officers may in the first instance be appointed to act in the new post for a
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22 2365
Rules and Instructions for Candidates declare everything he has with him/her. Breach of this requirement shall be
considered as an attempt to commit an act of dishonesty.
,All candidates are bound to act in conformity with the provisions of the 13. Candidates are forbidden to copy or attempt to copy from the answer
Examinations Act, No. 25 of 1968., script of another candidate, a book, paper containing notes or any other
All candidates are bound to abide by the rules given below. A candidate source. A candidate should not attempt to look at the answer script of
who violates any of these rules is liable to one or more of the following any another candidate. A candidate should refrain from helping another
punishments at the discretion of the Commissioner of Examinations :— Candidate and also from getting help from another candidate or a person.
(i) Suspension from the whole or part of the examination or one subject Every completed answer sheet should be kept underneath the sheet on
or a part thereof ; which the answer is being written. Sheets of writing paper should not be
(ii) Disqualification from one subject or from the whole examination ; strewn all over the desk.
(iii) Debarment from appearing for an examination for a period of one 14. A candidate will under no circumstance whatsoever be allowed to
year or two years ; leave the Examination Hall even for a brief period during the course of the
(iv) Debarment for life ; paper. However in an emergency if a candidate needs to leave the hall, he/
(v) Suspension of the certificate for a specified period ; she shall be allowed to do under the surveillance of the supervisor or his
(vi) Reporting the candidate’s conduct to his Superiors or handing over assistant. He/she shall be subject to search before leaving the hall as well
the candidate to the Police or making a complaint to the Police over as before re-entering it.
his action. 15. Impersonation while answering a paper or before the commencement
The Commissioner reserves himself the right to take action at any time of the Examination is a punishable offence. Tampering with identity cards,
before the Examination or at any stage of it or thereafter, and his decision presenting false identity cards or tampering with someone’s identity are
also such offences. Candidates are warned not to commit such offences.
shall be deemed final. In the case of examinations for recruitment to the 16. Assistance given to a candidate in a dishonest manner by a person
Public Service, the decision of Commissioner of Examinations shall be who is not a candidate, is considered a serious offence.
subject to the Supervision of the Public Service Commission. Candidates should adhere to the following instructions for their own
1. All candidates should conduct themselves in a quiet manner in and safety :–
around the Examination Hall so as not to disturb or obstruct the Supervisor, (i) Be at the Examination Hall well in time. It is sufficient to be at
his assistants or the other candidates. They should enter and leave the the Examination Hall 10 or 15 minutes before the commencement of each
Examination Hall as quietly as possible. paper. If you have any doubt as to the location of the Examination Hall,
2. Candidates should obey the Supervisor. Therefore, when the make inquiries on a day prior to the date of Examination and be sure of its
Examination is in progress and before the commencement of the location.
Examination as well as immediately after the end of the Examination they (ii) In case of any doubt regarding your entry for a paper or eligibility
should act in accordance with the instructions of the Supervisor and his to sit a paper you should bring it to the notice of the Supervisor and get
assistants. your doubts cleared. Failure to do so may result in your candidature for the
3. Under no circumstances whatsoever will a candidate be allowed into subject being cancelled.
the Examination Hall after the lapse of half an hour after the commencement (iii) When appearing for the Examination, candidates should produce
of a paper. No candidate will be permitted to leave the hall till after half an their identity cards at every paper they sit. If a candidate fails to produce
hour from the time of commencement of the paper. Candidates who come identification documents at the Examination Hall, his candidature is liable
late for Practical and Oral Examinations are liable to be refused admission. to be cancelled. In case a candidate forgets to bring such documents into
4. Every candidate should sit at the desk bearing his/her index number the Examination Hall, it should be brought to the notice of the Supervisor
and not at any other desk. Unless with the permission of the supervisor no and arrangements should be made to produce them before the Examination
candidate should change his/her seat. The occupation of a seat other than concludes.
the one assigned to him by a candidate is liable to be considered as an act (iv) Standard stationery (i.e. writing paper, graph paper, ledger paper,
with a dishonest intention. precis paper) will be supplied. If you receive any stationery that is different
5. Absolute silence should be maintained in the Examination Hall. A from the kind generally distributed or distributed to the others it should be
candidate is forbidden to speak to, communicate with or have dealings with promptly brought to the notice of the supervisor. No paper other than those
any person within or outside the Examination Hall other than a member issued at the Examination Hall should be used for answering questions.
of the Examination Hall Staff. If there is an urgent need for a candidate Excess paper and other material should be left on the desk, in good
to communicate with another, prior permission must be obtained from the condition. When log tables are supplied they should be used with care and
supervisor. left on the desk when you leave.
6. A candidate’s answer script is identified only by the Index Number (v) Candidates should bring their own pens, pencils, bottles of ink,
and his/her name should not be written on the answer script. Another erasers, pieces of cloth, rulers, geometrical instruments, coloured pencils,
candidate’s index number appearing on the answer script of a candidate is coloured chalk, etc.
considered as an attempt to commit a dishonest act. Answer scripts bearing (vi) When you start answering you should promptly write down your
an index number that is difficult to decipher is liable to be rejected. Index Number and the name of the Examination on each sheet of paper
7. Candidates should write only on the paper provided and should used. Write neatly and legibly on both sides of the paper. Leave a blank
not write anything on the blotting paper, question paper, desk or any other line after the answer to each part of a question. After the answer to a full
place. Non conformity with this rule could be taken as an act with dishonest question leave one or several blank lines. Do not crowd in your work.
intentions. (vii) The left-hand margin of the answer sheet is set apart for you to enter
the number of the question you answer. The right hand margin is reserved
8. Any paper or answer book supplied should not be torn up, crushed, for the examiner’s use and nothing should be written there. Number your
folded or erased. Each and every sheet of paper used for rough work answers correctly as incorrect numbering leads to confusion.
should be tied up with the answer script. It should be a part of the answer (viii) You should read carefully the instructions given at the head of the
script. (Such rough work should be neatly crossed out.) Anything written question paper, with regard to the compulsory questions and the manner in
inside the Examination Hall should not be taken out. If a question has been which the other questions should be selected. Disregard to these instructions
answered twice, the unnecessary answer should be neatly crossed out. is often liable to affect you adversely.
Failure to abide by these requirements may be considered as an attempt (ix) When Mathematics Questions are answered, give all details of
to cheat. calculations and any roughwork, in their serial order as part of the working
9. When answering questions in Mathematics the submission of correct of the problem. Necessary sketches, diagrams and figures should be
answers with incorrect working or with no working at all and in art if accurate and sufficiently large. In an answer running into serveral pages if
the work of art is similar or very close in resemblance to that of another reference must be made to a diagram drawn in an earlier page, that diagram
candidate in concept, in form or in execution it is liable to be considered should be drawn repeatedly.
as a dishonest act. (x) At the end of each paper, arrange your answer sheets in the order you
10. The removal of any paper or stationery supplied to candidates out of answered the questions. Then using the piece of twine supplied, tie them
the Examination Hall is prohibited. All such material remains the property up at the top left hand corner. Do not tie up at the top right hand corner.
of the Commissioner of Examinations. Breach of this rule shall be liable to (xi) You should personally handover your answer script to the Supervisor
be considered an act with dishonest intention. or to an Invigilator. Or else remain in your seat till it is collected. Failure
11. While in the Examination Hall a candidate should not have with him to do so may result in the loss of your script and your being treated as an
or near him any book, note book, pocket note book, exercise book, sheet absentee for the paper. On no account should your script be handed over to
of paper or pieces of paper other than the stationery supplied to him. Nor a peon or an attendant.
should any handbag, travelling bag or parcel other than the candidate’s (xii) If it becomes necessary for you to speak to the Supervisor or an
boxes of colours and boxes of instruments where necessary or any file Invigilator, or if you need stationery, remain in your seat and raise your
cover, card board pad, folded newspapers, brown papers should be brought hand.
into the Examination Hall. Breach of this rule is a punishable act.
12. A candidate is strictly forbidden to keep with him any book, note Commissioner General of Examinations,
book or a sheet of paper with written notes once inside the Examination Department of Examinations,
Hall. Should the Supervisor so requires, each candidate is bound to Pelawatta, Battaramulla.
2366 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22
Posts - Vacant
REgistrar General's Department
Post of Registrar of Additional Marriages (Kandyan/General)
Sinhala Medium
Kurunegala District
Applications are called for the Post of Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages/Additional Marriages for the divisions
set out in the schedule hereof;
01. Applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant Births, Deaths and Marriages/Additional Marriages Division
and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient
interest and influence amongst the residents of the area.
02. Both Male and Female candidates can apply for this post.
03. Applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.
(Maximum age of retirement is 70 years)
04. Applicants for the Post of Registrar of Marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or divorced.
05. Applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including Sinhala language with 02 Credit passes in not more
than Two (02) sittings in GCE (O/L) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language
as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar
N.B.- In case a subject contains 02 parts at GCE (O/L) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one
subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject.
06. Applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post
and easy access by all or majority of residents.
07. Additional details such as village name list/Grama Niladhari Divisions of the relevant division of Births, Deaths and
Marriages/Additional Marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained
from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as District secretariat, divisional Secretariat or relevant
land and District Registries, Grama Niladhari offices, Samurdhi Development Society Offices and Post Offices depicted
in the schedule hereunder.
08. Relevant application and the said "Annex-01" inclusive of village name list/Grama Niladhari Divisions could be
collected from District Secretariat (GA Office), relevant land and District Registry or Divisional Secretariat. Applications
could also be downloaded from the official website (www.rgd.gov.lk) of the Registrar General's Department.
09. Duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 23rd October, 2023 by registered post to the address given in
the schedule.
W. R. A. N. S. Wijayasinghe,
Registrar General.
Registrar General's Department,
No. 234/A3, Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha,
31st August, 2023.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22 2367
District Divisional Secretariat Post and Division for which Address to which Applications
Division Applications are called should be sent
09 - 305
Ampara District
Applications are called for the Post of Registrar of Muslim Marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof;
01. Applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant Muslim Marriages Division and entitled to reasonable properties
and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the
residents of the area.
03. Applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.
(Maximum age of retirement is 70 years)
04. Applicants for the Post of Registrar of Muslim Marriages should be married and should not be a widower or divorced.
05. Applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including Sinhala/Tamil (Relevant Language for the post) with
02 Credit passes in not more than Two (02) sittings in GCE (O/L) examination together with the ability to perform
duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have
passed in any other similar examination.
N.B.- In case a subject contains 02 parts at GCE (O/L) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one
subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject.
(Possession of Moulavi Certificate or Diploma in Arabic Language shall be considered as fulfillment of
aforesaid basic qualification.)
06. Applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post
and easy access by all or majority of residents.
07. Additional details such as village name list/Grama Niladhari Divisions of the relevant division of Muslim Marriage,
relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public
places within the division such as District secretariat, divisional Secretariat or relevant land and District Registries,
Grama Niladhari offices, Samurdhi Development Society Offices and Post Offices depicted in the schedule hereunder.
2368 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22
08. Relevant application and the said "Annex-01" inclusive of village name list/Grama Niladhari Divisions could be
collected from District Secretariat (GA Office), relevant land and District Registry or Divisional Secretariat. Applications
could also be downloaded from the official website (www.rgd.gov.lk) of the Registrar General's Department.
09. Duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 23rd October, 2023 by registered post to the address given in
the schedule.
W. R. A. N. S. Wijayasinghe,
Registrar General.
Registrar General's Department,
No. 234/A3, Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha,
23rd August, 2023.
District Divisional Secretariat Post and Division for which Address to which Applications
Division Applications are called should be sent
09 - 306
Sinhala Medium
gampaha District
Applications are called for the Post of Registrar of Births and Deaths for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof;
01. Applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant Registrar of Births and Deaths Division and entitled to reasonable
properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence
amongst the residents of the area.
02. Both Male and Female candidates can apply for this post.
03. Applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.
(Maximum age of retirement is 70 years)
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22 2369
04. Applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including Sinhala language with 02 Credit passes in not more
than Two (02) sittings in GCE (O/L) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language
as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar
N.B.- In case a subject contains 02 parts at GCE (O/L) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one
subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject.
05. Applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post
and enable easy access by all or majority of residents.
Under circumstances where there is no adequate office facilities provided within the hospital premises, recruited
candidate for post of the Registrar of Births and Deaths, should be able to establish his/her office at a suitable building
located in the close proximity within 01 k.m. from the Hospital.
06. Additional details such as village name list/Grama Niladhari Divisions of the relevant division of Births and Deaths
relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public
places within the division such as District secretariat, divisional Secretariat or relevant land and District Registries,
Grama Niladhari offices, Samurdhi Development Society Offices and Post Offices depicted in the schedule hereunder.
07. Relevant application and the said "Annex - 01" inclusive of village name list/Grama Niladhari Divisions could be
collected from District Secretariat (GA Office), relevant land and District Registry or Divisional Secretariat. Applications
could also be downloaded from the official website (www.rgd.gov.lk) of the Registrar General's Department.
08. Duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 23.10.2023 by registered post to the address given in the
W. R. A. N. S. Wijayasinghe,
Registrar General.
Registrar General's Department,
No. 234/A3, Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha,
05th September, 2023.
District Divisional Secretariat Post and Division for which Address to which Applications
Division Applications are called should be sent
District Secretary/Additional
Post of Births and Deaths Registrar
Gampaha Negombo Registrar General, District
of Negombo Town Division
Secretariat, Gampaha.
09 - 307
2370 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22
Sinhala Medium
kegalle District
Applications are called for the Post of Registrar of Births and Deaths for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof;
01. Applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant Registrar of Births and Deaths Division and entitled to reasonable
properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence
amongst the residents of the area.
02. Both Male and Female candidates can apply for this post.
03. Applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.
(Maximum age of retirement is 70 years)
04. Applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including Sinhala language with 02 Credit passes in not more
than Two (02) sittings in GCE (O/L) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language
as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar
N.B.- In case a subject contains 02 parts at GCE (O/L) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one
subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject.
05. Applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensure respect of the post and
enable easy access by all or majority of residents.
Under circumstances where there is no adequate office facilities provided within the hospital premises, recruited
candidate for post of the Registrar of Birth and Deaths, should be able to establish his/her office at a suitable building
located in the close proximity within 01 k.m. from the Hospital.
06. Additional details such as village name list/Grama Niladhari Divisions of the relevant division of Births and Deaths,
relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public
places within the division such as District secretariat, divisional Secretariat or relevant land and District Registries,
Grama Niladhari offices, Samurdhi Development Society Offices and Post Offices depicted in the schedule hereunder.
07. Relevant application and the said "Annex - 01" inclusive of village name list/Grama Niladhari Divisions could be
collected from District Secretariat (GA Office), relevant land and District Registry or Divisional Secretariat. Applications
could also be downloaded from the official website (www.rgd.gov.lk) of the Registrar General's Department.
08. Duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 23.10.2023 by registered post to the address given in the
W. R. A. N. S. Wijayasinghe,
Registrar General.
District Divisional Secretariat Post and Division for which Address to which Applications
Division Applications are called should be sent
District Secretary/Additional
Post of Births & Deaths Registrar of
Kegalle Ruwanwella Registrar General, District
Karawanella Base Hospital Division
Secretariat, Kegalle.
09 - 308
01. In terms of provisions set out in the Scheduled public Officers' Service Minute published in Extraordinary Gazette
bearing No. 2088/26 dated 11.09.2018, applications are called from Sri Lanka citizen who possess the required
qualifications to make recruitment to the post of Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court in the Schedule Public Officers'
2.1 An applicant selected to the post of "Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court" shall be subject to the general
conditions governing the appointments in Public Service, terms and conditions set out in the Scheduled Public
Officers' Service Minute published by the Extraordinary Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of
Sri Lanka bearing No. 2088/26 dated 11.09.2018, amendments already made and will be made thereto in due
course to the said Service Minute, provisions of the Establishments Code and Financial Regulations.
2.2. The other official language proficiency applicable to the Post of Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court should
be acquired in accordance with circulars issued and/or circulars to be issued in due course in relation to
implementation of the Official Language Policy in terms of Sec. 12.18 of the Schedule Public Officers' Service
Minute published by the Extraordinary Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka bearing
No. 2088/26 dated 11.09.2018.
03. Salary :
As per public Administrarion Circular No. 03/2016 and Judicial Service Commission Circular No. 386 dated 24/06/2016
issued in parallel with the said Public Adminstrarion Circular No. 03/2016 by the Judicial Service Commission, the
salary scale prescirbed to the post of Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court in the Scheduled Public Officers' Service is
SL1-2016 (Monthly) Rs. 47,615-10x1,335-8x1,630-17x2,170 - Rs.110,895 (The initial salary step for the post is step 12
of SL1 - 2016 salary scale. Initial salary - Rs. 62,595/-). Salary will be paid from the effective date of the appointment.
05. Qualifications :
b) Should be not less than 30 years and not more than subjected to an acting period of one year from the date
45 years of age as at 22.09.2023. of appointment. If the recruitment is done to the above
and post in terms of the qualifications stipulated in 05 (d)
c) A Deputy Registrar of the Court of Appeal or an above, he/she shall be subjected to a probation period of
officer who has completed an active and satisfactory three years from the date of appointment.
service period of 07 years in Grade I Registrars'
Service of Sri Lanka and has been confirmed in one 08. The appointments of the applicants who fail to assume
of the said posts.
duties in the post to which they are appointed on the
d) An Attorney-at-Law who has been in active practice due date or applicants who refuse or neglect to assume
for not less than 07 years. duties in the post into which they are appointed, shall be
cancelled by the Secretary, Judicial Service Commission
Note : - on the direction of the Judicial Service Commission.
e) Be a person of excellent moral character. (b) Duly perfected application should be sent under
registered post to reach the address "Secretary,
f) Should have a sound physical and mental fitness to Judicial Service Commission Secretariat,
perform the duties of the post. Colombo 12" on or berfore 20.10.2023 or the
applicants should hand over the applications by
N.B.- It is compulsory that every applicant should have personally visiting the Judicial Service Commission
fulfilled all the qualifications required for the Secretariat.
respective post by 22nd September 2023 or prior to
said date. 11. (a) Applicant's signature in the application form should
have been attested by a Principal of a Government
06. A qualified person for the post will be selected based School, a Justice of Peace, Commissioner for Oaths,
on the result of a structered interview conducted by the an Attorney at-Law, Notary Public, Commissioned
Judicial Service Commission from applicants who have
Officer in the Armed Forces, an Officer holding a
fulfilled the basic required qualifications.
Gazetted post in the Police Service or an Officer
07. If an officer is recruited to the above post in terms of the holding a permanent post in staff Grade in the
qualifications stipulated in 05 (c) above, he/she shall be Public Service.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22 2373
(b) Applicants who are already in Government Servcice 13. In the event of any inconsistency or contradiction among
and who have fulfilled above qualifications should the Sinhala, Tamil and English texts of this notification,
submit their applications through their respective the Sinhala text shall prevail.
Head of the Department.
By order of the Jucicial Service Commission.
(c) Applications which have not been duly completed H. S. Somaratne,
in every respect will be rejected. No complaints Secretary,
regardin applications lost or delayed in the post Judicial Service Commission.
will be entertained.
Judicial Service Commission Secretariat,
12. Any matter not provided for in above paragraphs 01 to Colombo - 12.
11 will be dealt with as determined by the Secretary 13th September, 2023.
of the Judicial Service Commisison subject to the
instructions of the Judicial Service Commission. 09 - 415
ministry of sports and youth affairs (c) Should have served as a Teacher in Sports or
Ground Instructor in a local government body
National Institute of Sports Science or should have shown special performance in
the field of sports with at least five (05) years
Diploma in Sports - 2024/2025 experience.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified
candidates to follow the Diploma Course in Sports
(d) Should be a member of a National Sports Team
conducted in Sihnala medium by the National Institute of
sports Science of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs. in any sports and should have participated in
The applicants should be between 18-35 years of age (The an International Competition.
upper age limit for those who are in government service or
should not exceed 45 years) (e) Should have obtained first or second place of a
District Level Competition in National Sports
01. Educational and Other Qualifications : Festival conducted by the Ministry of Sports or
first, second or third place in a National level
1.1. Should have passed G.C.E. Ordinary Level competition conducted by a National Sports
Examination in six (6) subjects with three (03) Association.
credits in not more than two sittings and two of the
six subjects should be Sinhala or Tamil Language 1.2. Applications which do not confirm to the specimen
and Arithmetic or Mathematics. form will be rejected.
(a) Should have successfully completed a course 2.1. Candidates possessing the necessary qualifications
in Sports or Physical Education which is not mentioned above should submit their applications
less than six (06) months from a recognized in a paper of 8'' x13 1/2'' in size as per specimen
school. application form appearing at the end of this notice.
Applications should be completed in applicant's
(b) Should have successfully completed a course
own handwriting and sent by registered post to
in sports or Physical Education in a Training
reach the Director, National Institute of Sports
Institute or school of the Police, Armed Forces
Science, 100/7, Independence Avenue, Colombo
or Civil Defense Service ;
or 07, on or before 31/10/2023.
2374 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22
2.2. "Application for the Course of Diploma in Sports 4.2. The duration of the course is 12 months.
2024/2025" should be written at the top left corner
of the envelope containing the application. 4.3. Those who are selected to follow the course
should pay a Course Fee of Rs. 60,000/- before
2.3. Applicants from the government Service, commencement of the course which is not
Provincial Government Service, and Corporations refundable by any means. In the event the Course
should send their applications through the heads fee is paid by a cheque, it should be deposited in
of their respective Departments/Institutions/ favour of the "Ministry of Sports and Youth
The applications which do not confirm to this Affairs, Infrastructure Improvement Division".
requirement will be rejected. Please note that only those who pay the Course fee
in full prior to the commencement of the Course
will be enrolled to follow the Course.
03. Selection of Candidates :
4.4. The selected candidates are bound to follow the
Out of the application received, all candidates who rules and regulations of the National Institute of
have fulfilled required qualifications will be called for a Sports Science.
written examination. The candidates who are successful
at the examination will be called for an interview and 4.5. Candidates who complete the course successfully
a physical fitness pactical examination. Those who are will be awarded with a certificate of "Diploma in
sucessful will be selected to follow the course. Sports".
2. Address :
(I) Private : ........................................................................................................................................................................
(II) Official : .......................................................................................................................................................................
7. Educational qualifications :
(i) G.C.E. (Ordinary Level) :
Year :
Subjects Grade
Year :
Exam No. : ...............................................................
Subjects Grade
8. Achievements in Sports : (Please include your Certificates of Highest achievements and special abilities - Please attach
the photo copies)
9. (I) According to the gazette notification, please state, under which qualification category of 1.1 that you are eligible
to apply for the course.
a b c d e
11. Whether you are prepared to pay a course fee of Rs. 60,000.00 if selected :
I, certify that the particulars given above are true and correct. I am aware that if the Particulars furnished by me are
found to be false or incorrect, I am liable to be disqualified and removed from the course.
National Institute of Sports Science :
Address : ..........................................................................
Obtaining NVQ level 04 certificated from a recognized
(Skills Development, Vocational Education Research & institution by the Tertiary and Vocational Training
Innovation Section) Commission related to the tasks of the position and less
Department of Technical Education & Training than (05) five years of working experience in the related
Limited Recruitment to the post of Demonstrator in the or
service category of Management Assistant (Technical) Obtaining certificate from a recognized institution by
Segment- 03 of the Department of the Tertiary and Vocational Training Commission after
Technical Education & Training - 2023 following three year or more course of either Wood
Craftmen, Metal Craftmen, Motor Mechanic, Electric,
Applications are invited from the officers in the posts Buliding Construction or a course of one year or more
of the primary skilled service category (PL 3 - 2016) of the related to Aluminium Fabrication.
Department of Technical Education & Training, who have
fulfilled the prescribed qualifications in the following fields I. Service Experience
to the post of Demonstrator of the Department of Technical
Education & Training. At least (07) seven years of active and satisfactory
service at a permanent position of preliminary
Field service category (PL 3-2016) at the Department of
Technical Education and Training.
Motor Mechanic II. Physical Fitness
Electrical Every candidate should be in good physical and
Building Construction mental fitness to serve in any part of the island and
to discharge the duties of the post.
Aluminium Fabrication
III. Other
01. Method of Recruitment :-
Should have completed in every respect the
necessary qualifications required for recruitment to
Candidates those who have fulfilled the qualifications
the post, as at the closing date of applications.
referred to in the notification should appear for a
written test conducted by the Testing and Evaluation
03. Conditions of employment and service conditions.
Division of the Department of Technical Education &
Training. Candidates who secure highest marks, based
i. This post is permanent and pensionable. You
on the merit order, from among those who passed the
are subject to any policy decision taken by the
written test, will be called for the interview as twice
government regarding your pension scheme in
the existing number of vacancies. Recruitment will be
future. Further you are liable to contribute to the
made equivalent to the number of existing vacancies
Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension scheme/ Widowers’
based, on the merit order of the aggregate marks
and Orphans’ Pension scheme. You are required
of the structured interview and the written test. All
to contribute to such fund as determined by the
candidates are required to appear a question paper set
government from time to time.
to assess the candidate’s knowledge relevant to the field
applied under the syllabus mentioned in No. 06 and to
ii. This appointment is subject to 01 year acting period.
another paper, to assess general knowledge and general
1st efficiency bar examination should be passed
intelligence. The Structured interview will be held as
within 03 years from the date of recruitment to
per the marking scheme, mentioned in No. 07
Grade III in the post of Demonstrator, as mentioned
in the Scheme of Recruitment.
02. Required Qualifications :
iii. Even though, you have obtained the Prescribed
Educational and Professional Qualification
Proficiency in the other official language relevant to
the current post, you should obtain such proficiency
NVQ level 05 certificated obtained from a recognized
relevant to this post, as per Public Administration
institution by the tertiary and Vocational Training
Circular No.18/2020 and circulars incidential there
Commission related to the tasks of position.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22 2379
iv. This appointment is subject to the Procedural Rules of the Public Service Commission, the Establishments Code of
the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Financial Regulations and other Departmental orders.
Candidates should not less than 25 years as at the closing date for applications, and there is no maximum age limit.
Under MT 1–2016 salary segment of Public Administration Circular No 03/2016 dated 25.02.2016, the monthly salary
scale of 29,840 – 10 x 300 – 11 x 350 – 10 x 560 – 10 x 660 –48,890/- is applicable for this post. Salaries will be paid
as per schedule II of the said circular.
1. General A short question paper, to assess knowledge of timely, social 01 hour 100 40%
knowledge situations and international situations and capability of
and General creative thinking, ability to solve and analyse problems
2. Metal work Engineering Science, communication ability, Technical 02 hours 100 40%
Drawing, Fitting Mechanics ( Theory ), Casting work
3. Electrical Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Automotive 02 hours 100 40%
Control Plant, Micro Processing based plant applied electrical
measurements, laying of cables.
5. Motor Engineering drawing and designing, Production Technology, 02 hours 100 40%
mechanic Mechanic Maintenance and Power Management, Automotive
Technology, Petrol / Diesel Engine, Motor Vehicle
6. Aluminium Theory and practical regarding Aluminium Fabrication 02 hours 100 40%
Fabrication Technical Drawing, Mathematical ability regarding the
profession, Health and Security, Communication skills
07. Fields for which marks are given at the Structured Interview.
Only the candidates who have forwarded complete applications in all aspect will be called for the Written Examination.
Originals and duly certified copies of all certificates should be produced at the Interview.
i. The Applications should be prepared in the form of the specimen appended to this notification, on A4 size paper
using both sides with items from 01 to 07 to appear on the first page,from 08 to 10 to appear on the second page and
the rest on the next pages. The Application should be duly filled by the candidates own legible hand writing, should
be sent under registered cover to reach “ Director General, Department of Technical Education and Training,
P.O.Box 557, Olcott Mawatha, Colombo – 10” before 23.10.2023 The envelope enclosing, the application should
be clearly marked “Application for the post of Demonstrator (Limited)” on the top left hand corner.
ii. Applications, which are not in conformity with the specimen, containing incomplete details and are received after
the closing date of applications will not be entertained. candidates are advised to send their applications well in
advance to avoid the possibility of postal delay.
iii. The Application should be filled in the medium, which the candidate intends to sit for the examination.
iv. The examination fee is Rs.1000/- It should be paid at any branch of People’s Bank in the Island to be credited to
the Account Number 176 – 100 – 139026228 (Mid City Branch) of People’s Bank in the name of Director General,
Department of Technical Education & Training .The receipt obtained should be firmly affixed in the application
form. It would be advisable to keep a photocopy of the application and the receipt. The Examination fee will not
be refunded under any circumstances and money order and stamps will not be accepted.
v. Candidates should forward their applications through the respective heads of the institution, which they are working.
vi. Applications should not be sent to the name of any officer of the Department and the applications thus sent or
those handed over personally will not be accepted. No complaint to the effect that any application has been lost or
delayed in post will be considered, and the receipt of the application will not be acknowledged.
i. The Director General of the Department of Technical Education & Training will issue Admission cards to all
candidates who have sent applications formally .Every candidate should produce his/her admission card with the
signature attested, to the supervisor of the relevant examination hall. Those who fail to produce the admission card
will not be permitted to sit for the examination.
ii. Traveling expenses that may be incurred by the candidate for appearing for this examination or any other allowances
will not be paid.
iii. The Candidate is required to prove his identity at the examination hall to the satisfaction of the supervisor for each
subject he appears. For this purpose, either of the following documents shall be accepted :-
iv. The Examination will be held only in Sinhala and Tamil medium. The medium applied for cannot be changed later on.
v. All candidates who have paid the prescribed fee and sent applications on or before the prescribed date will be
allowed to sit for the competitive examination, by the Director General of the Department of Technical Education
and Training, on the prior assumption that only those with qualifications mentioned in the Notification for calling
applications have applied. Appearing for the competitive examination, will not be treated as an acceptance of the
fulfillment of qualifications.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22 2381
vi. Candidates will be subject to the rules and regulations, imposed by the Director General of the Department of
Technical Education and Training, regarding the conduct of the examination.
vii. The Testing and Evaluation Division of the Department of Technical Education & Training will conduct this
examination only in Colombo.
Your candidature is liable to be cancelled if any information furnished in the application is found to be false or inaccurate,
before the recruitment. If such false or inaccurate information is revealed after the recruitment, action will be taken for
dismissal from the service, subject to the procedure relevant thereto.
12. Director General of the Department of Technical Education & Training reserves the right to fill or not to fill the vacancies.
13. In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala, the Tamil and the English texts of this Gazette Notification,
Sinhala text shall prevail.
S. C. Jagath,
Director General,
Department of Technical Education and Training,
P O Box: 557,
Olcotte Mawatha,
Colombo 10.
22nd September, 2023.
i. Name with initials, with initials at the end (In block capital letters ) : ........................................................................
ii. Full Name (In block capital letters) : ...........................................................................................................................
iii. Full Name (In Sinhala / Tamil) : ..................................................................................................................................
2. Current post :
i. Date of appointment to the post : Year :……………….. Month : ……………….. Date : ………………
ii. Period of service of such post as at the closing date for applications
Years : ………………. Months : ……………….. Days : ………………
2382 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22
4. Date of Birth :
Year: ................ Month: ................ Date: ................
9. Educational Qualifications :
I. GCE (O/L) Examination
Year: ................ Index No: .................
Subject Grade
Subject Grade
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22 2383
14. The peoples’ bank branch at which the examination fee was paid ;
Date of payment: ………………………………………………………..
I hereby certify that the particulars furnished by me in this application are true and accurate. I am aware that if any
particulars contained therein are found to be false and incorrect before the selection I am liable to disqualification and
to dismissal, without compensation, if such inaccuracy is revealed after the appointment.
Date ……………….. Signature of the Candidate.
I hereby certify that Mr. / Mrs. / Miss ……………………………….. is currently serving in ...................... College of
Technology / Technical college / Head Office of the Department of Technical Education & Training, in the post of ……
…………………………………………………………………………………… and that his / her work and conduct
are satisfactory, no disciplinary action is pending against him / her and no decision has been taken to impose any such
in future and He / She place his/her signature in my presence.
Date: .................................... Signature of the Director/Principal/Head of the Division.
(Official seal)
09 - 350/1
2384 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22
Educational and Professional Qualification iii. Prescribed Proficiency in the other official
language, in addition to the language in which
NVQ level 05 certificated obtained from a recognized the officer joined the service , should be obtained
institution by the tertiary and vocational training within 05 years from the date of appointment, as
per Public Administration Circular No. 18/2020
commission related to the tasks of the position.
and circulars incidential thereto.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22 2385
iv. This appointment is subject to the Procedural Rules of the Public Service Commission, the Establishments Code
of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Financial Regulations and other Departmental Orders.
1. General A short question paper, to assess knowledge of timely, 01 hour 100 40%
knowledge social situations and international situations and capability
and General of creative thinking, ability to solve and analyse problems
2. Metal work Engineering Science, communication ability, Technical 02 hours 100 40%
Drawing, Fitting Mechanics ( Theory ), Casting work
3. Motor Mechanic Engineering drawing and designing, Production 02 hours 100 40%
Technology, Mechanic Maintenance and Power
Management, Automotive Technology, Petrol / Diesel
Engine, Motor Vehicle Electrician
4. Electrical Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Automotive 02 hours 100 40%
control plant, Micro Processing based plant applied
electrical measurements, laying of cables.
5. Building Building Construction and Maintenance, Construction 02 hours 100 40%
Construction Site Surveying, Water Treatment and Waste Water
Disposal, structural theory and plans, Quantity Surveying.
6. Aluminium Theory and practical regarding aluminium fabrication 02 hours 100 40%
Fabrication Technical Drawing, Mathematical ability regarding the
profession, Health and Security, Communication skills
07. Fields for which marks are given at the Structured Interview.
i. The Applications should be prepared in the form vii. Applications should not be sent to the name of any
of the specimen appended to this notification, on officer of the Department and the applications
A4 size paper using both sides with items from 01 thus sent or those handed over personally will not
to 07 to appear on the first page, from 08 to 10 to be accepted. No complaint to the effect that any
appear on the second page and the rest on the next application has been lost or delayed in post will be
pages. The Application should be duly filled by the considered, and the receipt of the application will
candidate’s own legible hand writing and should not be acknowledged.
be sent under registered cover to reach “ Director
General, Department of Technical Education 10. Examination Procedure
and Training, P.O.Box 557, Olcott Mawatha,
Colombo – 10” before 23.10.2023. The envelope i. The Director General of the Department of Technical
enclosing the application should be clearly marked Education and Training will issue Admission cards
“Application for the post of Demonstrator to all candidates who sent applications formally.
(open)” on the top left hand corner. Every candidate should produce his/her admission
card with the signature attested, to the supervisor
ii. Applications, which are not in conformity with of the relevant examination hall. Those who fail to
the specimen, containing incomplete details and
produce the admission card will not be permitted to
are received after the closing date of applications
sit for the examination.
will not be entertained. Candidates are advised to
send their applications well in advance to avoid the
ii. Traveling expenses that may be incurred by the
possibility of postal delay.
candidate for appearing for this examination or any
other allowances will not be paid.
iii. The Application should be filled in the medium
iii. The Candidate is required to prove his identity
which the candidate intends to sit for the
at the examination hall to the satisfaction of the
supervisor for each subject he appears. For this
iv. The examination fee is Rs.1,000/- It should be purpose, either of the following documents shall be
paid at any branch of People’s Bank in the Island accepted:-
to be credited to the Account Number 176 – 100
– 139026228 (Mid City Branch) of People’s Bank (a) National Identity Card issued by the Department
in the name of Director General, Department of Registration of persons, or
of Technical Education & Training .The receipt (b) A valid passport.
obtained should be firmly fixed in the application
form. It would be advisable to keep a photocopy of iv. The Examination will be held only in Sinhala and
the application and the receipt. The Examination Tamil medium. The medium applied for cannot be
fee will not be refunded under any circumstances changed later on.
and money order and stamps will not be accepted.
v. All candidates who have paid the prescribed fee
v. Candidate’s Signature in the application form and sent applications on or before the prescribed
should be attested by a Principal of Government date, will be allowed to sit for the competitive
school / A Justice of the Peace / Commissioner examination, by the Director General of the
of Oaths / Attorney – at – law / Notary Public / Department of Technical Education and Training,
Commissioned officer in the Army Forces or on the prior assumption that only those with
an officer holding a permanent post in public qualifications mentioned in the Notification for
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22 2387
calling applications have applied. Appearing for the competitive examination, will not be treated as an acceptance
of the fulfillment of qualifications.
vi. Candidates will be subject to the rules and regulations, imposed by the Director General of the Department of
Technical Education and Training, regarding the conduct of the examination.
vii. The Testing and Evaluation Division of the Department of Technical Education and Training will conduct this
examination only in Colombo.
Your candidature is liable to be cancelled if any information furnished in the application is found to be false or inaccurate,
before the recruitment. If such false or inaccurate information is revealed after the recruitment , action will be taken for
dismissal from the service, subject to the procedure relevant thereto.
12. Director General of the Department of Technical Education and Training reserves the right to fill or not to fill the
13. In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala, the Tamil and the English texts of this Gazette Notification,
Sinhala text shall prevail.
Director General,
i. Name with initials, with initials at the end (In block capital letters ) : ........................................................................
ii. Full Name (In block capital letters) : ...........................................................................................................................
iii. Full Name (In Sinhala / Tamil) : ..................................................................................................................................
2388 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22
3. Date of Birth :
Year : ................ Month : ................ Date : ................
8. Educational Qualifications:
I. GCE (O/L) Examination
Year: ................ Index No. : .................
Subject Grade
Subject Grade
9. Vocational Qualifications:
13. Have you been dismissed from a government post that you previously held ?
14. If you are already in public service, are there any department disciplinary inquiries against you ?
15. The peoples’ bank branch at which the examination fee was paid ;
Date of payment: ………………………………………………………..
I hereby certify that the particulars furnished by me in this application are true and accurate. I am aware that if any
particulars contained therein are found to be false and incorrect before the selection I am liable to disqualification and
to dismissal, without compensation, if such inaccuracy is revealed after the appointment.
Date ……………….. Signature of the Candidate
Date: .................................... Signature of the Attestator
I hereby certify that Mr. / Mrs. / Miss. ……………………………….. is serving in this Ministry/Department/Institution
in the post of ………………………………………………………………………………………… and that his / her
work and conduct are satisfactory, and that no disciplinary action is pending against him/her and no decision has been
taken to impose any such in future. He/She can/cannot be released, from the service if selected for the post applied for.
Date: .................................... Signature of the Head of the Department or authorized officer.
(Official seal)
09 - 350/2
2390 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22
ministry of education
Third Efficiency Bar Examination for Grade I Officers of the Non-Technical Management Assistant
(Category 2) of the Ministry of Education - 2023
Part I of the Gazette Notification No. 2,335 of 02.06.2023. : Matter 10 (02) of the notification (Page No. 1135) published
in Section (IIA) is hereby revised as followes.
Should answer a Multiple -Choice Question (MCQ) Paper prepared to examine the measures to be taken on an issue
relating to office administration.
M. N. Ranasinghe,
Ministry of Education,
25th August, 2023.
09 - 316/1
ministry of education
Second Efficiency Bar Examination for Grade II Officers of the Non-Technical Management Assistant
(Category 2) of the Ministry of Education - 2023
Part I of the Gazette Notification No. 2,335 of 02.06.2023. : Matter 10 (01) of the notification (Page No. 1139) published
in Section (IIA) is hereby revised as followes.
Knowledge relating to provisions in Volumes I and II of the Establishments Code is expected. General awareness on
Chapters I, II, IV, VII, VIII, XII of Part I of the Establishments Code and the general awareness on Chapters XL, VII of
Part II of the Establishments Code.
M. N. Ranasinghe,
Ministry of Education,
25th August, 2023.
09 - 316/2
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22 2391
Applications are called from eligible Sri Lankan citizens for the Open Competitive Examination for recruitment to the
posts of Assistant Superintendent of Customs, Grade II of the Department of Sri Lanka Customs. The application for the
said post has been published on www.doenets.lk website of the Department of Examinations and, applications should be
submitted only through the online system. The closing date for receiving applications is 16.10.2023.
Note 1. Acceptance of online applications starts at 9.00 a.m. on 22.09.2023 and ends at 12.00 mid night on 16.10.2023.
Three days (03) after the closing date for accepting application are given to make necessary amendments to the applications.
Incomplete applications will be rejected without a notice.
The Open Competitive Examination for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Superintendent of Customs, Grade II of the
Department of Sri Lanka Customs will be held by the Commissioner General of Examinations in December 2023, only in
Colombo. The date of the examination will be notified in due course through the newspapers. The Commissioner General
of Examination reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination.
Applications for this post are invited from both males and females who have fulfilled the qualifications given below :
02. Eligibility
1. Every applicant should furnish satisfactory proof to prove that he/she:
Note 2 : No person ordained in any religious sect should be permitted to sit for this examination.
I. Physical fitness : The height of the male applicants should not be less than 5 feet and 5 inches and the chest
should not be less than 33 inches (when expanded).
The height of female applicants should not be less than 5 feet and 3 inches.
II. Educational qualifications:- Every applicant should have fulfilled the following educational qualifications :
(a) Should have obtained a degree with a duration not less than three (03) years, offered by a University
or an institute recognized by the University Grants Commission;
(b) Should have obtained at least a credit pass for the English language as a subject at the General
Certificate of Education (O/L) Examination (English language as an optional subject is not
Should have obtained a minimum simple pass for the English Language as a subject at the General
Certificate of Education (A/L) Examination.
2392 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22
Note 3 : No person will be eligible to sit for this examination, on pending results of a degree. However, a person who has
passed a degree from a recognized University may be permitted to sit this examination, on submission of an official
letter obtained from the Registrar of the University certifying that he/she has passed the Degree.
(I) Salary - The consolidated salary scale entitled to the post is as follows :
Salary scale as per Public Administration Circular No.: 3/2016 – MN - 5 salary category: Rs. 34,605 - 660X10
- 755X11 - 930X15 = Rs. 63,460
(II) This post is permanent and will be subjected to the policy decision taken by the government, regarding the
pension scheme in the future.
(III) Selected applicants will be appointed to the post subjected to a three-year probation period with effect from the
date of appointment.
(IV) The appointees should undergo a medical examination conducted by a Government Medical Officer to certify
whether they are physically fit to serve in any part of the island.
(V) The appointees will have to serve day and night shifts and they are bound to serve any part of the island.
(VI) Attention is also drawn to the general conditions relevant to appointments to the posts in public service,
published at the beginning of paragraph (IIA), part I of this Gazette Notification.
Aptitude Test Paper : This paper will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions and questions for short answers
to test applicants' language skills and logical capability. All the questions should be answered.
English Language Paper : This paper is to test the reading, writing, comprehension, and communication skills
of the applicants. All the questions should be answered.
Creative and analytical communication skills paper : This paper is to measure the logical and imagination
skills of the candidate by analyzing, gathering and presenting ideas and data through a topic selected among
the number of given topics and examine the ability to understand a comprehensive paragraph, document, or
memorandum and summarize the principal idea of that document clearly and precisely in his own words.
Note 4 : This examination will be conducted in three mediums; Sinhala, Tamil, and English. Applicants should sit for this
examination in the same medium in which they passed the qualifying examination referred to in paragraph 02(III)
of this notification or in the official language. It is not permitted to change the applied medium later.
(I) Marks will be deducted for unclear handwriting and wrong spelling.
(II) Receipt of admission cards should not be considered as a fulfillment of qualifications required to sit for the
(III) Method of evaluation : The minimum marks to be obtained for each question paper to pass the examination
is 50%. Twice the number of applicants who have scored 50% or more marks for each question paper will be
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'09'22 2393
selected and a list of the names of applicants the written examination and qualified for the interview
prepared in the order of index numbers/ in are submitted to the Department of Examinations and
alphabetical order will be submitted to the the said priority list will be submitted to the Director-
Director General of Customs by the Department General of Customs. Once the priority list is submitted
of Examinations. Applicants of the said list and consequent to informing the appropriate date for the
will be called for an interview to evaluate their release of results by the Director-General of Customs,
fitness and 05 marks will be given for sports the Department of Examinations will take action to
skills as follows and subsequently, they will inform the marks of each subject/total marks to all the
be referred to a general interview. Marks are applicants who sat for the examination, via the post or
not given at the general interview and only the official website of the department www.results.exams.
information provided on qualifications will be gov.lk.
Note 5 : As per the nature of duties in Sri Lanka Customs,
Procedure for granting marks at the interview to the female officers will also have to work night shifts.
evaluate fitness:-
06. Every applicant should have fulfilled all the required
Marks for individual sports at the national level: 05 marks qualifications relevant to the post before the closing
for the first place, 03 marks for the second, 02 marks for the date of calling applications.
third place.
07. Procedure of applying :
05 marks will be given to the first, second, and third place
of the individual event at an international level competition (I) Online applications should be completed only in
representing Sri Lanka. the English language. It will be notified that the
03 marks will be given to a member of a group that won first department accepts/does not accept the application
place at the national level. 02 marks for a member of a group as a valid application via an SMS to the mobile
that won the second place, and 01 mark for a member of a phone number, used to access to the system or to the
group that won the third place. e-mail address. Before completing the application,
download the common instructions, prepared to
05 marks will be given to a member of a group event who apply for the examination. Strictly follow these
won first, second, and third place at an international level instructions when filling out the application.
competition representing Sri Lanka. Incomplete applications will be rejected without
a notice. Applicants who are currently working
The events under 17 years age group will not be considered in the Public Service/Public Corporations/
for these competitions. Statutory Boards should apply for this examination
Marks given for these sports competitions will be limited to after obtaining the consent of the Head of the
only one qualification at maximum levels. organization by the way of a certified letter that he/
she will be released from the existing service/post
Certificates presented at the interview should be certified by at the time of calling for the interview after passing
the national authority relevant to such sport. the written examination.
(III) Payment will be notified by a SMS or an e-mail. The any penalty imposed by the Commissioner General
full amount for the examination fee should be paid and of Examinations.
applications that pay less or more examination fees
will be rejected. The Department of Examinations Note 7 : Issuing an admission to the candidate does not
will not be responsible for the delays in the payment confirm that he/she has fulfilled all the requirements
of examination fees by the aforesaid method. required to sit for the examination.
08. (I) Admission to the examination - The Commissioner 09. Identity - Applicants should prove their identity to the
General of examinations will issue the admission satisfaction of the examiner in charge of the examination
cards to the applicants who have paid the prescribed center for all subjects of the examination. Any of the
examination fee, submitted the duly completed following documents will be accepted.
online applications on or before the closing date
of applications, on the prior assumption that only I. National Identity Card ;
the applicants who have fulfilled the qualifications II. Valid Passport ;
referred to in the Gazette notification have III. Valid Sri Lankan Driving License.
forwarded the applications. The Department of
Examinations will publish a notice on newspapers Applicants who fail to produce any of the above
and on the official website of the Department of documents are not allowed to sit for the examination.
Examinations, Sri Lanka immediately after the Also, the candidates should expose their identity
issuance of admissions to applicants. If admissions without covering their face and ears when they enter the
have not been received even after 2-3 days of this examination hall. Applicants who refuse to do so will
notice, those applicants should inquire about it not be allowed to enter the examination hall. Further,
from the Institutional Examination Organization the applicants should remain with their faces and ears
Branch, Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka as uncovered till they leave the examination hall, enabling
mentioned thereof. Such applicants should clearly the examination authorities to identify the applicant.
mention the name of the examination they applied
for, the applicant’s full name, National Identity 10. Documents of eligibility :
Card number, and the address. If the applicant lives
outside Colombo, it is more fruitful to inquire with (I) All the required particulars should be provided in
a request letter mentioning a fax number to fax a the application. Incomplete applications will be
copy of the admission to the applicant. Keeping a rejected.
copy of the completed application and a copy of (II) Applicants, who are qualified calling for the
the receipt obtained on payment of the examination interview, should provide relevant documents to
fee will be more fruitful to verify any information prove their eligibility.
inquired by the Department of Examinations. (III) The originals of the following documents will be
required at the interview.
(II) Entering to the examination –The signature of all
(a) A character certificate certified by a
the applicants in admission cards should be attested
responsible person.
and they should sit for the examination at the
prescribed center. The attested admission should
be handed over to the examiner in charge of the Note 8 : The character certificates may be obtained from
examination on the first day of the examination. The a Justice of the Peace, an Attorney-at-law, a
applicants who fail to do so will not be permitted to Divisional Secretary of the area of residence, or
enter to the examination. The constitution prepared a staff grade officer holding a permanent post in
for applicants have been indicated in part I: Section government, a reputed person in a society who
II (A) of this Gazette notification and all the can be referred directly for obtaining information.
applicants are bound to adhere to this constitution. The name, designation, and address of the person
who issues the certificate should be clearly
(III) Applicants will be liable to rules and regulations indicated. (Candidates who hold a permanent post
imposed by the Commissioner General of in government service are not required to furnish
Examination in relevant to conducting examination character certificates).
and issuance of results. If in case of violation of
such rules and regulations, he/she will be liable to (b) A certified copy of the entry of the registration
of the birth of the applicant or a Special