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The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
wxl 2"370 – 2024 fmnrjdß ui 02 jeks isl=rdod – 2024'02'02
No. 2,370 – friday, February 02, 2024
(Published by Authority)


(Separate paging is given to each language of every Part in order that it may be filed separately)

Page Page
Notices Calling for Tenders ... ... 218 Unofficial Notices ... ... 220
Notices re. Decisions on Tenders ... ... —
Sale of Articles &c. ... ... — Applications for Foreign Liquor Licences ... ... —
Sale of Toll and Other Rents ... ... — Auction Sales ... ... 223

Important Notice Regarding Acceptance of Notices

For Publication in the Weekly “Gazette”
Attention is drawn to the Notification appearing in the 1st week of every month, regarding the latest dates and times of acceptance of Notices
for publication in the weekly Gazettes, at the end of every weekly Gazette of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes shall close at 12.00 noon of each Friday, two weeks before the date of publication.
All Government Departments, corporations, Boards, etc. are hereby advised that Notifications fixing closing dates and times of applications in
respect of Post-Vacancies, Examinations, Tender Notices and dates and times of Auction Sales, etc. should be prepared by giving adequate time
both from the date of despatch of notices to Govt. Press and from the date of publication, thereby enabling those interested in the contents of such
notices to actively and positively participate please note that inquiries and complaints made in respect of corrections pertaining to notification will
not be entertained after three months from the date of publication.
All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes should reach Government Press two weeks before the date of publication i.e. notices
for publication in the weekly Gazette of 22nd February, 2024 should reach Government Press on or before 12.00 noon on 09th January, 2024.
Electronic Transactions Act, No. 19 of 2006 - Section 9
“Where any Act or enactment provides that any proclamation, rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other matter shall be
published in the Gazette, then such requirement shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other
matter is published in an electronic form of the Gazette.”
Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.
Department of Govt. Printing,
Colombo 08,
01st January, 2024.
This Gazette can be downloaded from www.documents.gov.lk

217- B 082537 – 5,403 (02/2024)

218 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

Notices Calling for Tenders

State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka

Procurement Notice – Global

Ministry Procurement Committee, Ministry of Health

The Chairman, Ministry Procurement Committee of the Ministry of Health will receive sealed bids for supply of following
item to the Ministry of Health :

Bid Number Closing Date Item Description Date of Non-refundable

and Time Issuing Bid Fee per set
of Bid - LKR
DHS/M/S/WW/3/24 05.03.2024 Face Mask Surgical Disposable tie-on 22.01.2024 Rs. 60,000/= +
at 11.00 a.m. type Taxes

Bids should be prepared as per the particulars given in the Bidding Documents available to prospective bidders on
working days between 0930 hours to 1500 hours from above dates at the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka,
Head Office, “Mehewara Piyasa”, 16th Floor, No. 41, Kirula Road, Colombo 05. These could be purchased on cash payment
of a non-refundable Bidding document fee per set as mentioned above. Offers received without enclosing original payment
receipt are liable to be rejected.

Wherever necessary potential bidder/bidders should get Registered in terms of the Public Contract Act, No. 3 of
1987 before collecting the Bidding Documents and also should get the contract registered after the tender is awarded.

All Bids should be accompanied by a Bid Bond as specified in the Bidding Documents.

Sealed Bids may be sent by post under registered cover or may be personally deposited in the box available for this
purpose at Administration Department in 16th Floor of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka, Head Office,
“Mehewara Piyasa”, 16th Floor, No. 41, Kirula Road, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka.

Bids will be closed at the Head Office of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation on the dates and time
mentioned above and will be opened immediately thereafter.

Bidders or their authorized representatives will be permitted to be present at the time of opening of Bids.

Bidding Documents are being sent to Sri Lanka Missions abroad and Foreign Missions in Sri Lanka.

Ministry Procurement Committee,
Ministry of Health.
C/o State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka,
“Mehewara Piyasa”,
16th Floor, No. 41, Kirula Road,
Colombo 05,
Sri Lanka.
Tel./Fax : 00 94-11-2335008
E-mail : [email protected]/[email protected]

I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 219

State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka

Procurement Notice – Global

The Chairman, Procurement Committee of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka will receive sealed bids for
supply of following items to the Department of Health Services for year 2024 :

Bid Number Closing Date Item Description Date of Issue Non-refundable

and Time of Bidding Bid Fee
DHS/P/WW/137/24 05.03.2024 5,000,000 Tablets of Clobazam Tablet 23.01.2024 Rs. 20,000/= +
at 09.00 a.m. 10mg Taxes
DHS/P/WW/138/24 05.03.2024 5,000,000 Tablets of Topiramate Tablet 23.01.2024 Rs. 12,500/= +
at 09.00 a.m. 50mg Taxes
DHS/P/WW/138/24 05.03.2024 900,000 Tablets of Chlordiazepoxide 23.01.2024 Rs. 12,500/= +
at 09.00 a.m. Tablet 10mg Taxes

Bids should be prepared as per the particulars given in the Bidding Documents available to prospective bidders
on working days between 0930 hours to 1500 hours at the Head Office of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri
Lanka, “Mehewara Piyasa”, 16th Floor, No. 41, Kirula Road, Colombo 05. These could be purchased on cash payment of
a non-refundable Bid fee set as mentioned above. Offers received without enclosing original payment receipt are liable to
be rejected.

Wherever necessary potential bidder/bidders should get Registered in terms of the Public Contract Act, No. 03 of
1987 before collecting the Bidding Documents and also should get the contract registered after the tender is awarded.

All Bids should be accompanied by a Bid Bond as specified in the Bidding Documents.

Sealed Bids may be sent by post under registered cover or may be personally deposited in the box available for this
purpose at Administration Department of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation at “Mehewara Piyasa”, 16th Floor, No. 41,
Kirula Road, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka.

Bids will be closed at the Head Office of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation on the dates and time
mentioned above and will be opened immediately thereafter.

Bidders or their authorized representatives will be permitted to be present at the time of opening of Bids.

Bidding Documents are being sent to Sri Lanka Missions abroad and Foreign Missions in Sri Lanka.

Departmental Procurement Committee.
State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka,
“Mehewara Piyasa”,
16th Floor, No. 41, Kirula Road,
Colombo 05,
Sri Lanka.
Fax : 00 94-11-2344082
Telephone : 00 94-11-2326227
E-mail : [email protected]

220 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

SRI LANKA RAILWAYS 4. The Bidder/manufacturer should manufacture Alkaline

Batteries for more than 05 years to an accepted international
Invitation for Bids (IFB) standard and the manufacturer/Supplier should have
completed at least three (03) bulk orders with 500 Nos. or
Procurement for the purchase of 495 Nos. more Alkaline Batteries during last three (03) years and one
alkaline BAtteries for S10 Class Diesel out of which should be to a foreign Railways.
Multiple Unit Engine Starting BAtteries
to sRi Lanka Railways. 5. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English
Language may be purchased by interested bidders on the
IFB No. SRS F. 7877 submission of a written application to the address of the
Deputy General Manager (Procurement) to Sri Lanka
The Chairman, Department Procurement Committee Railways. Olcott Mawatha, Colombo 10 from 18.01.2024 to
(Major), Sri Lanka Railways, Colombo will receive sealed 04.03.2024 up to 15.00 hrs on payment of a non-refundable
bids from Manufacturers/Suppliers for the Procurment for Procurement Fee of Rs. 11,825.00 only.
the purchase of 495 Nos. Alkaline Batteries for S 10 Class
Diesel Multiple Unit Engine Starting Batteries to Sri Lanka 6. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security
Railways. Manufacturers may submit their bids through an amounting to Rs. 470,000.00 in the form of unconditional
accredited agent empoweed bythem with power of Attorney guarantee issued by Bank operating in Sri Lanka and
or directo. approved by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka

2. Bidding will be conducted through the International 7. Bids must be delivered to the address given below
Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedure. on or before 14.00 hrs. on 05.03.2024 and the bids will be
opened immediately after closing of the bids. Bidders or
3. Interested eligible/qualified bidders may obtain further their authorized representatives are requested to be present
information and inspected the Bidding Documents at the at the opening of the bids. Late bids will not be accepted.
address given below from 9.00 hrs to 15.00 hrs. On workng
days from 18.01.2024 to 04.03.2024. The Chairman,
Department Procurement Committee (Major),
Deputy General Manager (Procurement), Office of the Procurement Sub Department,
Railway Procurement Sub Department, Sri Lanka Railways,
Olcott Mawatha, Olcott Mawatha,
Colombo 10, Colombo 10.
Sri Lanka.
The Chairman,
Telephone Nos. : 94 (11) 2438078 or 94 (11) 2436818 Department Procurement Committee (Major),
Fax No. : 94 (11) 2432044 Sri Lanka Railways.
E-mail : [email protected]
Website : www.railway.gov.lk 02-03

Unofficial Notices
Public notice
Notice of change of Name under Section 9(2) of the Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007.
Former Name of Company : Life & Care Senior Residencies (Private) Limited
Company No. : PV 00276023
Registered Office : No. 24, Rajamahavihara Road, Pitakotte.
New Name : Life & Care Residencies (Private) Limited
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 221

Public notice Public notice of change of name

of a company
Notice of change of Name under Section 9(2) of the
Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec. 9(2) of the
Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007, that the under-mentioned
Private Limited Liability Company has changed its name on
Former Name of Company : Ereshma Steel Fabric the 04th December 2023.
(Private) Limited
Company No. : PV 00290432 Former Name of the : AMP Consultants (Pvt) Ltd.
Registered Office : No. 430/3/C, Siyambalape Company
North, Siyambalape. Company Number : PV 00209886
New Name : Ereeshma Steel Address of the Registered : 38/10, Supreme City,
Office Jayaweeragoda, Hanwella.
Fabric (Private)
New Name of the Company: Ceylon Vacation
Limited Tours (Private)
Basnayaka Mudiyanselage Udaya
02-51/2 Deshapriya Basnayaka,
——–——–—— Aluthwela South,
Public notice of change of name
of a company 02-06

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec. 9(2) of the ——–——–——

Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007, that the under-mentioned
Public notice under section 59(2)
Private Limited Liability Company has changed its name on
of the COMPANIES Act, No. 07 of 2007
the 30th November 2023.
Public Notice is hereby given of a proposed reduction
Former Name of the : Real Green Lanka (Private) in the state capital of International Education Development
Company Limited Centre (Private) Limited (the “Company”) bearing Company
Company Number : PV 00269119 Registration No. PV 17574 from Rupees Two Hundred
Address of the Registered : 104/5/1, Ranjani and Sixty-Two Million Seven Hundred and Seventy-Five
Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty (Rs. 262,775,250) to Sri
Office Jayasooriya Mawatha, Weera
Lankan Rupees One Hundred and Eighty-Nine Million and
Uditha Mawatha, Hadigama, Seven Hundred and Forty-Six Thousand Forty-Six and Cents
Piliyandala. Seventy-Four (Rs. 189,746,046.74). The Board of Directors
New Name of the Company: Island Wanders of the Company will convene a meeting of the shareholders
(Private) Limited of the Company for such shareholders to consider and make
a decision with regard to the aforementioned proposed
Amalgamated Management Services (Private) Limited, reduction of stated capital.
By Order of the Board,
International Education Development
No. 96-2/2, Consistory Building, Centre (Private) Limited,
Front Street, Frontier Secretarial House (Pvt) Ltd,
Colombo 11. Secretaries.
23rd January, 2023.
222 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

notice of Amalgamation together with a list of creditors of the company and

the estimated amount of their claims.
In terms of Section 244(3) of the Companies Act,
No. 7 of 2007 * Discuss the amount due to Creditors and agree on the
estimated amount of their claims and entitlements.
Amalgamation of MAS Intimates (Private)
Limited and MAS Active Trading (Private) * Nominate a person to be the Liquidator for the
Limited with MAS Capital (Private) purposes of winding up the affairs of the Company
Limited and distributing its assets.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 244(3) of the Director,

Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007, that the amalgamation of Glenford Corporation (Private) Limited.
MAS Intimates (Private) Limited and MAS Active Trading
(Private) Limited with MAS Capital (Private) Limited, was 2nd February, 2024.
completed and a Certificate of Amalgamation has been
issued by the Registrar General of Companies in terms of 02-87/1
Section 244(1) (a) of the Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007.
In terms of Section 244(2) of the Companies Act, No.
07 of 2007, the amalgamation is effective from 1st January notice of Extraordinary General
2024 and the abovementioned amalgamating companies meeting
shall, from 1st January 2024, continue as MAS Capital
(Private) Limited. Glenford Corporation (Private) Limited - PV 7827

Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General

By Order of the Board,
meeting of the members of Glenford Corporation (Private)
Limited will be convened on Monday, 4th March 2024
MAS Capital (Private) Limited.
at 11.00 a.m. at No. 65/2, Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner
Mawatha, Colombo 02 for the following purposes :

——–——–—— 1. Notice of Meeting

Glenford CORPORATION (Private) 2. To decide, taking into consideration the current

Limited state of affairs of the Company, whether it should be
(Reg. No. PV 7827) voluntarily wound up as recommended by the Board
by way of a Special Resolution.
3. To decide on the appointment of Liquidator as
Notice under Section 334(2) of the recommended by the Board by way of an Ordinary
Companies Act, No. 7 of 2007 Resolution.

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Creditors

of the Company will be held on 4th March 2024 at 11.30
a.m. at No. 65/2, Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Glenford Corporation (Private) Limited.
Colombo 02, to ;
2nd February, 2024.
* Present the full statement of the position of the
company’s affairs as of 30th November 2023, 02-87/2
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 223

Auction Sales
Seylan Bank PLC — Negombo The property mortgaged under the Mortgage Bond
Branch Nos. 309 dated 28.03.2019 attested by K. C. Kodituwakku,
Notary Public.
Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
Bank (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990 I shall sell by Public Auction the property described
above on 21st February 2024 at 9.00 a.m. at Seylan Bank
Properties secured to Seylan Bank PLC for the facilities PLC, No. 90, Galle Road, Colombo 03.
granted to whereas Tropic Fishery (Private) Limited a
Company duly incorporated under the Companies Act, No. Mode of Access.— From Negombo Clock Tower,
07 of 2007 bearing Registration No. PV 3309 and having it’s head east towards green road. Exit with roundabout onto
registered office at Kelaniya as ‘Obligor/Mortgagor’. greenroad. Turn left at CIB shopping center, proceed about
270m. Turn left at Financial Sponsor Sky Way Group onto
1st Auction Sale Gallison Mawatha. Proceed about 71m subject property will
be on the left.
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 10999 dated 10.12.2018 made by 2nd Auction Sale
D. Prasad Wimalasena, Licensed Surveyor of the land called
‘’Dehimalwatta and a Portion of Thiladigewatta” bearing All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Assessment Nos. 16 & 16A, Thammita Road, Assessment Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 10744 dated 11.05.2018
Nos. 65 & 52, Dehimalwatta Road [being a re-survey and made by D. Prasad Wimalasena, Licensed Surveyor of
the land called “Portion of Dehimalwatta, Lot “G” of
amalgamation of Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 6987 dated
Tilliyadiwatta” Assessment Number 16/1, Thammita Road
28.07.2008 of D. Prasad Wimalasena, Licensed Surveyor
(being a re-survey and amalgamation of Lot 01 depicted
and Lot 6 depicted in Plan No. 5044 dated 22.08.2003
in Plan No. 10492 dated 14.08.2017 made by D. Prasad
made by W. S. S. Perera, licensed surveyor and Lots 1,
Wimalasena, Licensed Surveyor and Lot 1 depicted in
2, 3, 4 depicted in Plan No. 3100 dated 01.08.1990 made
Plan No. 939 surveyed on the 01.03.2017 and partitioned
by R. I. Fernando, Licensed Surveyor and a Portion of
on the 11.12.2017 made by Lalith J. Pandikorala, Licensed
Lot A 1 & Lot A2 depicted in Plan No. 3594/P (part of)
Surveyor) situated at First Division Thammita Together
dated 25.06.1962 made by A. C. S. Gunarathne, Licensed with the buildings, trees, plantations, soil and everything
Surveyor and land depicted in Plan No. 5379/1 dated else standing thereon situated at Narangodapaluwa Village
15.06.2005 made by W. S. S. Perera, Licensed Surveyor and within the Grama Niladhari Division of Udayarthoppuwa
Lot 1 referred in Plan No. 689 dated 10.08.1985 made by and in the Divisional Secretariat Division and Municipal
W. S. S. Perera, Licensed Surveyor (further being a portion Council Limits of Negombo in the District of Gampaha,
of Lot D depicted in Plan No. 3594/P dated 08.11.1956 Western Province which said Lot 1 containing in extent
made by A. C. S. Gunarathne, Licensed Surveyor)] situated Three Roods and Seventeen Decimal Seven Five Perches
at First Division, Thammita together with buildings, trees, (0A.,3R.,17.75P.) as per said Plan No. 10744.
plantations, soil and everything else standing thereon within
the Grama Niladhari Division of No. 160, Udayarthoppuwa The property mortgaged under the Mortgage Bond Nos.
and in the Divisional Secretariat Division and Municipal 310 dated 28.03.2019 attested by K. C. Kodituwakku,
Council Limits and the Registration Division of Negombo Notary Public.
in the District of Gampaha, Western Province and which
said Lot 1 containing in extent One Acre Thirty Decimal I shall sell by Public Auction the property described
Four Naught Perches (1A., 0R., 30.40P.) as per said Plan above on 21st February 2024 commencing at 9.15 a.m. at
No. 10999. Seylan Bank PLC, No. 90, Galle Road, Colombo 03.
224 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

Mode of Access.— From Negombo Clock Tower, head Seylan Bank PLC — minuwangoda
east towards green road. Exit with roundabout onto green Branch
road. Turn left at CIB shopping center, proceed about 270m
Turn left at Financial Sponsor Sky Way Group onto Gallison Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
Mawatha. Proceed about 71m subject property will be on Bank (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990
the left.
Properties secured to Seylan Bank PLC for the facilities
For the Notice of Resolution Refer the Government granted to whereas Sembukutti Arachchige Sujeewa
Lalith Silva Gunawardena of Minuwangoda as “Obligor/
Gazette of 24.03.2023 and ‘The Island, ‘Divaina’ and
‘Thinakkural’ Newspapers of 13.03.2023.
1st Auction Sale
Mode of payment.— The successful purchaser will
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the 01. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
hammer : as Lot 2 depicted in Plan No. 5044 dated 12th February
2012 made by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the
1. Ten per cent of the Purchased Price (10%) ; 2. One land called "Midellagahawatta alias Ambagahawatta and
percent Local Sales Tax to the Local Authority (01%) ; 3. Ambagahawatte Kotasak" situated at Hapuwalana within
Two and a half percent as Auctioneer’s charges (2.5%) ; 4. the Hapuwalana Grama Niladhari Division No. 87 within the
Notary’s attestation fees for Conditions of Sale Rs. 3,000 ; Divisional Secretariat Division of Divulapitiya within the
5. Clerk’s Crier’s wages Rs. 2,000 ; 6. Total costs of Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Divulapitiya in Dunagaha Pattu
Advertising incurred on the sale ; 7. Balance 90% of the of Aluthkuru Korale within the Land Registration Division
of Negombo, in the District of Gampaha, Western Province
purchase price together with any other statutory levies,
and the said Lot 2 containing in extent Fifteen Perches
duties, taxes or charges whenever applicable and imposed
(0A., 0R., 15P) together with buildings, trees, plantations
by the Government of Sri Lanka or any other authority to be and everything else standing thereon.
payable within 30 days from the date of sale.
02. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
If the said Balance amount is not paid within 30 days as as Lot 3 depicted in Plan No. 5044 dated 12th February
stipulated above Bank shall have the rights to forfeit 10% of 2012 made by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the
the purchase price already paid and resell the property. land called "Midellagahawatta alias Ambagahawatta and
Ambagahawatte Kotasak" situated at Hapuwalana aforesaid
For more details contact Assistant General Manager and the said Lot 3 containing in extent Fifteen Perches (0A.,
Legal, Seylan Tower, No. 90, Galle Road, Colombo 03. 0R., 15P.) together with buildings, trees, plantations and
Telephone : 011-2456491, 011-2456479. everything else standing thereon.

03. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked

“The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
as Lot 4 depicted in Plan No. 5044 dated 12th February
without prior notice”
2012 made by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the
land called “Midellagahawatta alias Ambagahawatta and
Thusith Karunarathne (J. P.), Ambagahawatte Kotasak” situated at Hapuwalana aforesaid
Licensed Auctioneer, and the said Lot 4 containing in extent Fifteen Perches (0A.,
Commissioner for Courts. 0R., 15P.) together with buildings, trees, plantations, land
everything else standing thereon.
T and H Auction,
No.50/3, Vihara Mawatha, 04. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Kolonnawa, as Lot 5 depicted in Plan No. 5044 dated 12th February,
Telephone Nos. : 011-3068185 and 2572940. 2012 made by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the
land called “Midellagahawatta alias Ambagahawatta and
Ambagahawatte Kotasak” situated at Hapuwalana aforesaid
and the said Lot 5 containing in extent Fifteen Perches
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 225

(0A.,0R.,15P.) together with buildings, trees, Plantations 2012 made by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the
and everything else standing thereon. land called “Midellagahawatta alias Ambagahawatta and
Ambagahawatte Kotasak” situated at Hapuwalana aforesaid
05. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked and the said Lot 15 containing in extent Fifteen decimal Nine
as Lot 7 depicted in Plan No. 5044 dated 12th February Two Perches (0A., 0R., 15.92P) together with buildings,
2012 made by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon.
land called “Midellagahawatta alias Ambagahawatta and
Ambagahawatte Kotasak” situated at Hapuwalana aforesaid Together with the right of way in over and along the
and the said Lot 7 containing in extent Fifteen Perches (0A., Roadways marked Lot 6 (Reservation for Road 12 feet
0R., 15P.) together with buildings, trees, plantations and wide), Lot 12 (Reservation for Road 12 feet wide) and Lot
everything else standing thereon. 13 (Reservation for Road 3 feet wide) depicted in Plan No.
5044 dated 12th February 2012 made by W. A. U. Senerath,
06. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Licensed Surveyor.
as Lot 9 depicted in Plan No. 5044 dated 12th February
2012 made by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the I shall sell by Public Auction the properties described
land called “Midellagahawatta alias Ambagahawatta and above on 29th February 2024 commencing at 8.30 a.m. at
Ambagahawatte Kotasak” situated at Hapuwalana aforesaid Seylan Bank PLC, No. 90, Galle Road, Colombo 03.
and the said Lot 9 containing in extent Fifteen Decimal Five
Perches (0A., 0R., 15.5P.) together with buildings, trees, Mode of Access.— From Minuwangoda travel along
plantations and everything else standing thereon. Divulapitiya Road up to Balapana, a distance of about 6.5km
and then turn left and proceed along Maradagahamula road
07. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked for a distance of about 750m and finally to the right on to a
as Lot 10 depicted in Plan No. 5044 dated 12th February, gravel 12ft wide P. S. road and continue for 200m to reach
2012 made by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the the subject properties which is at the dead end of the road
land called “Midellagahawatta alias Ambagahawatta and bordering to a paddy filed on the eastern side.
Ambagahawatte Kotasak” situated at Hapuwalana aforesaid
and the said Lot 10 containing in extent Fifteen decimal Five 2nd Auction Sale
Perches (0A., 0R., 15.5P.) together with buildings, trees,
plantations and everything else standing thereon. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
1 depicted in Plan No. 6221 dated 3rd December 2015 made
08. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the land called
as Lot 11 depicted in Plan No. 5044 dated 12th February “Dambuwa Watta” situated at Dambuwa Village within
2012 made by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the the Dambuwa Grama Niladhari Division in the Divisional
land called “Midellagahawatta alias Ambagahawatta and Secretary's Division of Ja-ela within the Pradeshiya Sabha
Ambagahawatte Kotasak” situated at Hapuwalana aforesaid Limits of Ja-ela in Ragam Pattu of Aluthkuru Korale within
and the said Lot 11 containing in extent Fifteen Perches the Registration Division of Gampaha, in the District of
(0A., 0R., 15P.) together with buildings, trees, plantations Gampaha, Western Province and the said Lot 1 containing
and everything else standing thereon. in extent Three Roods and Twenty-one decimal Four Naught
Perches (0A.,3R.,21.40P) together with buildings, trees,
09. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked plantations and everything else standing thereon.
as Lot 14 depicted in Plan No. 5044 dated 12th February
2012 made by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the I shall sell by Public Auction the property described
land called “Midellagahawatta alias Ambagahawatta and above on 29th February 2024 commencing at 8.45 a.m. at
Ambagahawatte Kotasak” situated at Hapuwalana aforesaid Seylan Bank PLC, No. 90, Galle Road, Colombo 03.
and the said Lot 14 containing in extent Fourteen Decimal
Seven Five Perches (0A., 0R., 14.75P.) together with Mode of Access.— From Ragama by proceeding along
buildings, trees, plantations and everything else standing Dambuwa road which starts near the General Hospital
thereon. premises for a distance of about 400m and turn left at a cross
junction and continue along the road leading to the Basilika
10. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Church at Tewatta or about 500m and then turn right on to
as Lot 15 depicted in Plan No. 5044 dated 12th February, a P. S. road just passing Ayurvedic Dispensary and continue
226 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

for about 40m to reach the subject property which is on by the Government of Sri Lanka or any other authority to be
the right hand side of the latter road and is adjoin to the payable within 30 days from the date of sale.
aforesaid dispensary.
If the said Balance amount is not paid within 30 days as
3rd Auction Sale stipulated above Bank shall have the right to forfeit 10% of
the purchase price already paid and resell the property.
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 6410 dated 19th June, 2016 made
Title Deeds and connected documents to be obtained
by W. A. U. Senerath, Licensed Surveyor of the land called
“Heen Agare Kumbura and Gorakagahawatta” situated from the Assistant General Manager Seylan Bank PLC,
at Medemulla within the Minuwangoda North Grama Seylan Tower, No. 90, Galle Road, Colombo 03. Telephone
Niladhari Division No. 125/2 in the Divisional Secretary's Nos.: 011-2456481, 011-2456479.
Division of Minuwangoda within the Urban Council Limits
of Minuwangoda in Dasiya Pattu of Aluthkuru Korale “The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
within the Land Registration Division of Gampaha, in the without prior notice”.
District of Gampaha, Western Province and the said Lot 1
containing in extent One Rood and Nineteen Decimal Two Thusith Karunarathne (J. P.),
Naught Perches (0A., 1R., 19.20P.) together with buildings, Licensed Auctioneer,
trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon. Commissioner for Courts.

Also together with the right of way in over Lot 2 depicted

T & H Auction,
in Plan No. 3411 dated 17th June, 2006 made by W. A. U.
Senerath, Licensed Surveyor. No.50/3, Vihara Mawatha,
I shall sell by Public Auction the property described Telephone Nos. : 011-3068185 and 2572940.
above on 29th February 2024 commencing at 9.00 a.m. at
Seylan Bank PLC, No. 90, Galle Road, Colombo 03. 02-49

Mode of Access.— Minuwangoda clock tower junction by ——————————

proceeding along Kurunegala road for a distance of 1.5km
and then turn left on to a fairly large garden comprising
4 allotments of lands accessible from a gravel road Seylan Bank PLC — Kochchikade
reservation within the main land. It is the 3rd Lot to the right Branch
on the latter roadway with a modern single storied residence.
Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
For the Notice of Resolution Refer the Government
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990
Gazette of 20.09.2019 and ‘Ceylon Today’, ‘Mawubima’
and ‘Thinakkural’ Newspapers of 26.09.2019. Auction Sale

Mode of payments.— The successful purchaser will Whereas “Mahesh Corporation (Pvt) Ltd” (Company
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the Registration No. PV 90028 under the Companies Act, No.
hammer : 7 of 2007) at Daluwakotuwa, Wewalage Michael Mahesh
Fernando, Wewalage Geroge Henry Philip Fernando
1. Ten percent of the Purchased Price (10%) ; 2. One alias Wewalage George Fernando and Waranakulasuriya
percent Local Sales Tax to the Local Authority (01%) ; Mary Iranganie Mallika Fernando all of Kochchikade as
3. Two and half percent as Auctioneer’s charges (2.5%) ; “Obligors/Mortgagors” have made default in payment due
4. Notary’s attestation fees for Conditions of Sale on Mortgage Bond Nos. 13, 14 and 15 all dated 28.11.2016
Rs. 3,000 ; 5. Clerk’s Crier’s wages Rs. 2,000 ; 6. Total and all attested by Ms. E. S. P. Gunathunge and Mortgage
costs of Advertising incurred on the sale ; 7. Balance 90% of Bond Nos. 166, 167 and 168 all dated 06.06.2018 and all
the purchase price together with any other statutory levies, attested by Ms. K. C. Kodithuwakku, Notary Public, in
duties, taxes or charges whenever application and imposed favour of Seylan Bank PLC.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 227

1st Auction - 8.30 a.m. 3rd Auction - 9.00 a.m.

All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked
Lot A depicted in Plan No. 2016/1/577 dated 18.11.2016 Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 10316 dated 13.09.2006
made by S. Balendiran, Licensed Surveyor of the Land made by Y. M. R. Yapa, Licensed Surveyor of the land
called “Manchadi Choli alias Senkalkattu Wawun Kany” called Maragahawatta together with the buildings, trees,
situated at Kadayamottai Village in the Grama Niladhari plantations, soils and everything else standing thereon
Division of 599 Kadayamottai within the Divisional situated at Thambarawilla Village in the Grama Niladhari
Secretariat of Mundal and in the sub office area of Akkarai Division of 480 Thambarawila within the Sub Office Area
Pattu within the Pradeshiya Sabha Division of Kalpitiya in of Kammal Pattuwa in the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and
Akkarai Pattu South of Kalpitiya Division and within the the Divisional Secretariat Division of Wennappuwa in the
land Registration Division and District of Puttlam, North District of Puttlam, North Western Province and containing
Western Province and containing in extent Twenty Acres in extent One Rood and Thirty-nine decimal Six Perches
Two Roods and Twelve decimal Nine Perches only (20A., (0A., 1R., 39.6P.).
02R., 12.9P.) together with tree, buildings, plantations and
everything else standing thereon. Mode of Access.— Proceed from Kochchikade town
Proceed along Colombo-Chilaw main highway towards
Mode of Access.— Starting from Kochchikade town Wennappuwa up to Thoppuwa junction and then turning
proceed along Colombo-Puttlam main road towards Puttlam right and continue along Dankotuwa Road. The subject
up to Madurankuliya Junction for a total distance of about Property is on the left hand side of the above highway about
75kms. Turn left and continue for about 3.70kms along 1.25km from Thoppuwa junction just pass the ‘Semuth Tile
Thoduwawa road up to Kadayamottai Catholic statue. Turn Factory’.
right on to Palasolae Junior School road (St. Anthony’s
Road) and continue for about 200m to reach the property on I shall sell the above Properties by Public Auction on
the right hand side of the road. 27th February, 2024 at Seylan Bank PLC, No. 90, Galle
Road, Colombo 03 at the respective time mentioned under
2nd Auction - 8.45 a.m. each Auction above.

For Notice of Resolution refer Government Gazette

All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked
on 15.03.2019 and ‘Daily Mirror’, ‘Lankadeepa’ and
Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. SB/2007/5/83 dated 16.11.2007
‘Thinakkural’ on 13.03.2023.
made by S. Balendiran, Licensed Surveyor, of the land
called Maligachenawatta together with buildings, trees,
Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will
plantation, soil and everything else standing thereon situated
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
at Puludiwayal Village in the Grama Niladhari Division
of No. 601A Puladivayal in the Akkarai Pattu South in
Gravets of Kalpitiya within the Pradeshiya Sabha Division
1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchased price ;
of Kalpitiya and the Divisional Secretariat of Mundal and
2. Local Authority charges one percent (1%) ;
within the Registration Division and District of Puttlam,
3. Two and a Half percent (2.5%) as Auctioneer’s
North Western Province and containing in extent Twenty Charges ;
Acres only (20A.,0R.,0P.). 4. Notary’s attestation fees for Conditions of Sale
Rs. 3,000 ;
Mode of Access.— Proceed from Kochchikade town 5. Clerk’s and Couriers wages Rs. 2,500 ;
Proceed along Colombo-Puttlam main road towards Puttlam 6. Total cost of advertising incurred on the sale.
up to Madurankuliya Junction for a total distance of about
75kms. Turn left and continue for about 2.0kms along Balance 90% of the purchase price together with any
Thoduwawa road up to Kadayamottai Mosque. Turn right other statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges whenever
proceed along Viruthodai Road towards Kalpitiya passing imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka to be deposited
Lake for about 3 1/2kms and turn left continue along Redbana with Seylan Bank PLC, within 30 days from the date of
Road for about 500m to reach the subject property which sale. In Case of failure to deposit the balance amount within
lies on the right hand side of the road. Maligachenawatta is the time as stipulated, the amount paid by bidder will be
Located 100m ahead. forfeited and conduct a fresh auction.
228 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

Title Deeds and connected documents could be inspected principal and interest due up to the date of sale and cost and
and obtained from Assistant General Manager - Legal, monies recoverable under Section 26 of the said Ordinance.
Seylan Bank PLC, Seylan Towers, No. 90, Galle Road,
Colombo 03. Telephone Nos.: 011-2456471, 011-2456479. The schedule

*The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
without prior notice. Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 735 dated 24th May, 2010
made by S. C. Attanayake, Licensed Surveyor of the Land
Chandima Priyadarshani Gamage, called “Keelagahawatta” together with the buildings, trees,
Licensed Auctioneer and plantations and everything standing thereon situated at
Court Commissioner, Valuer. Jaltara in the Grama Niladhari’s Division of 449 Jaltara
within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Homagama and
No. 9-i, High Level Road, within the Divisional Secretariat of Homagama in Meda
Sarvodaya Mawatha, Pattu of Hewagam Korale and in the District of Colombo
Panagoda, Western Province and which said Lot 1 is bounded on
Homagama, the North by Kelani Ganga, on the East by land of U. P.
Telephone No. : 0714318252. Madamperuma, on the South by Low Level Road and on the
West by land of A. P. Huladduwa and containing in extent
02-102 One Rood and Twenty-six decimal Four Perches (0A., 1R.,
—————————— 26.40P.) according to the said Plan No. 735 and registered in
A 1148/03 at the Land Registry Homagama.
By Order of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Ceylon,
Notice of Auction Sale under Section 22 of the
Bank of Ceylon Ordinance (Chapter 397) and its “Bidders are free to inspect the available Title Deeds and
amendments as amended by Act, No. 34 of 1968, other connected documents related to the above property,
Act, No. 10 of 1974 and Act No. 54 of 2000 may be inspected from Manager of Bank of Ceylon
Hanwella Branch. Tel.: 036-2253520/0707794440”
POD Reference No.: 84113559
Loan Reference No.: 87909130 1. Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
Sale of mortgaged property of Ape Riya Pola Ranala of hammer.
No. 332/A, Jalthara, Ranala.
1.1 10% (Ten percent) of the purchase price
Partners ; 1.2. VAT charges (If Applicable)
1.3. 1% (One percent) to the Local Authority as Sales
1. Mr. Senadeera Pathirage Bodhana Senadeera of No. Tax
334C, Avissawella Road, Ranala. 1.4. 2.5% (Two and Half Percent) as the Auctioneer
2. Mr. Henadeera Pathirage Jayathu Senadeera of No.
1.5. Cost of Sales and any other charges if applicable
332/A, Jalthara, Ranala.
1.6. Other fees/charges
It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution of the Board
of Directors of the Bank of Ceylon adopted under Section 19 Another 10% (Ten Percent) of the purchased price will
of the Bank of Ceylon Ordinance published in the Gazette have to be paid within 30 days from the auction date and
of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. Balance 80% of the purchased price to be settled within
2360 of 24.11.2023 and in the ‘Daily News’, ‘Thinakaran’ three months from the date of sale. In addition, purchaser
and ‘Dinamina’ of Friday 17th of November 2023, Mr. will have to pay Stamp duty and Notary fee for attesting the
Mudugamwe Hewawasam Thusith Karunarathne, M/s T & Condition of Sale and the Certificate of Sale.
H Auctions, the Auctioneer of No. 50/3, Vihara Mawatha,
Kolonnawa will sell by public auction on 22.02.2024 at If the purchaser fails to comply with the conditions as
9.00 a.m. at the spot, the property and premises described stipulated above, the Bank shall have the right to forfeit all
in the Schedule hereunder for the recovery of the balance, monies paid on auction date and re-auction the property.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 229

2. Directions to the Property.— From Hanwella Bus- The schedule

Stand, proceed along Colombo Road / Low Level Road for
about 5km to reach the subject property on the right hand All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
side, fronting the road, about 150 metres before Mankada Lot 4C depicted in Plan No. 976 dated 18th December,
Junction. 1979 made by D. J. De Silva, Licensed Surveyor of the land
called “Kongahawatta” together with the buildings, trees,
plantations and everything else standing thereon bearing
Mrs. P. K. N. Panduwawala,
Assessment No. 581/4, E. W. Perera Mawatha situated at
Pita Kotte Village within the Municipal Council Limits and
Divisional Secretary’s Division of Sri Jayawardenapura
Bank of Ceylon, and Gramaseva Niladhari Division of 522 – Pitakotte West
Hanwella Branch. in Palle Pattu of Salpiti Korale in the District of Colombo
Western Province and which said Lot 4C is bounded on
02-83 the North by Lots 4B and 4D (Reservation for Road 10ft.
wide), on the East by land of P. Thisera and another, on
—————————— the South by Road and Land of S. Guruge more correctly
land of Parana Palliya Guruge Lantin alias Parana Palliya
Guruge Arnolis Appu (Registered as Suranelis Appu) and
on the West by Lot 3 in Plan No. 604 dated 08th July 1976
BANK OF CEYLON made by J. De Silva, Liensed Surveyor and containing in
extent Fourteen decimal Seven Naught Perches (0A., 0R.,
Notice of Auction Sale under Section 22 of the 14.70P.) according to the said Plan No. 976 and registered in
Bank of Ceylon Ordinance (Chapter 397) and its A381/103 at the Land Registry Delkanda, Nugegoda.
amendments as amended by Act, No. 34 of 1968
Act, No. 10 of 1974 and Act No. 54 of 2000 Which said allotment of land according to a recent figure
of Survey Plan bearing No. 11646 dated 01st December
POD Reference No.: 8525545 2011 made by Mervyn Samaranayake, Licensed Surveyor is
described as follows :
Sale of mortgaged property of Siripura Freighters
(Private) Limited of No. 119, Gunasekara Mawatha, All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Matthumagala, Welisara. Lot 4C depicted in Plan No. 11646 dated 01st December,
2011 made by Mervyn Samaranayake, Liensed Surveyor
Director : of the land called “Kongahawatta” together with the
Mr. Parana Palliya Dishantha Naginda Guruge of No. buildings, trees, plantations and everything else standing
581/2, Seevalie Place, Pitakotte. thereon situated at Pita Kotte Village within the Municipal
Council Limits and Divisional Secretary’s Division of Sri
It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution of the Jayawardenapura and Gramaseva Niladhari Division of
Board of Directors of the Bank of Ceylon adopted under 522 – Pitakotte West in Palle Pattu of Salpiti Korale in the
Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon Ordinance published in the District of Colombo Western Province and which said Lot
Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 4C is bounded on the North by Lots 4B in Plan No. 976 and
No. 2364 of 22.12.2023 and the ‘Daily News’, ‘Thinakaran’ Road 10ft. marked Lot 4D, on the East by land of P. Thisera
and ‘Dinamina’ of Friday 15th of December 2023, Mr. and others, on the South by property bearing Assessment
Mudugamwe Hewawasam Thusith Karunarathne, M/s T & No. 581/2, E. W. Perera Mawatha and Seevali Place and
H Auctions, the Auctioneer of No. 50/3, Vihara Mawatha, on the West by Lot 3 in Plan No. 604 and property bearing
Kolonnawa will sell by public auction on 22.02.2024 at Assessment No. 5/3, 3rd Lane and containing in extent
11.30 a. m. at the spot, the property and premises described Fourteen decimal Seven Naught Perches (0A., 0R., 14.70P.)
in the Schedule hereunder for the recovery of the balance, according to the said Plan No. 11646.
principal and interest due up to the date of sale and cost
and monies recoverable under Section 26 of the said Together with the right of way over Lot 4D depicted in
Ordinance. the said Plan No. 11646.
230 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will Sampath Bank PLC

have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the (Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)
Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of
1.1 10% (Ten percent) of the purchase price Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of
1.2. VAT charges (If Applicable) 1990
1.3. 1% (One percent) to the Local Authority as Sales
Tax Udaya Plantation Engineering (Private) Limited.
1.4. 2.5% (Two and Half Percent) as the Auctioneer A/C No.: 0101 1000 0370 /1001 1379 3817.
1.5. Cost of Sale and any other charges if applicable It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted
1.6. Other fees/charges by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated
24.09.2020, under section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by
Another 10% (Ten Percent) of the purchased price will Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published
have to be paid within 30 days from the auction date and in the Government Gazette dated 25.02.2021, and in daily
Balance 80% of the purchased price to be settled within News papers namely “Divaina”, “Island” and “Thinakural”
three months from the date of sale. In addition, purchaser dated 05.03.2021, P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed Auctioneer
will have to pay Stamp duty and Notary fee for attesting the of Colombo, will sell by public auction on 05.03.2024 at
Condition of Sale and the Certificate of Sale. 11.00 a.m. at the spot, the properties and premises described
in the schedule hereto for the recovery of sum of Rupees
If the purchaser fails to comply with the conditions as Seventeen Million Five Hundred and Ninety Thousand
stipulated above, the Bank shall have the right to forfeit all Two Hundred Eighty-eight and Cents Forty-four Only (Rs.
monies paid on auction date and re-auction the property. 17,590,288.44) together with further interest on a sum of
Rupees Ten Million Seven Hundred and Three Thousand
Directions to the Property.— Proceed from Pitakotte Nine Hundred Seventy-three and Cents Four only (Rs.
Junction along Kotte Road towards Etul Kotte for about 10,703,973.04) at the rate of Sixteen Decimal Five per
500 metres up to Solis Hotel. Then turn to left and proceed centum (16.5%) per annum and further interest on further
along Third Lane for about 50 metres upto the 20 feet wide sum of Rupees Three Million Two Hundred Thousand Only
private road branching off on to the left. Proceed about 25 (Rs.3,200,000) at the rate of Fifteen per centum (15%) per
metres along the said 20 feet wide private road upto the end. annum from 07th September 2020 to date of satisfaction
The property to be valued is at the end of the road. It bears of the total debt due together with costs of advertising and
Assessment No. 581/4, E. W. Perera Mawatha (Kotte Road). other charges incurred less payments (if any) since received.

“Bidders are free to inspect the available Title Deeds and THE SCHEDULE
other connected documents related to the above property,
may be inspected from Senior Manager of Bank of Ceylon 1. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Panadura Super Grade Branch. Tel.: 038-2232239/038 Lot 2 depicted in Plan No. 1561 dated 23rd May, 2007
2243323”. made by S. P. H. Tennakoon, Licensed Surveyor, from and
out of the land called “Malwaththagodahena”, together
By Order of the Board of Directors of Bank of with the soil, trees, plantations, buildings and everything
Ceylon, else standing thereon situated at Uda Aludeniya within the
Divisional Secretariat and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of
Mrs. R. A. D. P. Ranasinghe, Udunuwara in Ganga Palatha Korale of Udunuwara in the
Senior Manager. District of Kandy, Central Province and which said Lot 2
is bounded on the North by Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 forming
Bank of Ceylon, part of the remaining portion of Malwattagodahena, on
Panadura Super Grade Branch. the East by Lot 2 in Plan No. 490/88 remaining portion of
Malwattagodahena, on the South by Lot 3 and the Road
02-81 from Weligalla to Muruthagahamula, and on the West by
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 231

Access Road marked Lot 6 depicted in Plan No. 1561 and 16.03.2024 at 11.30 a.m. at the spot, the properties and
containing in extent Two Roods and Six Decimal Five premises described in the schedule hereto for the recovery
Perches (0A., 2R., 6.5P.) according to the said Plan No. of as at 14th September 2023 a sum of Rupees Sixty Five
1561 and registered under Volume/Folio C 426/198 at the Million Seventy Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty
Land Registry Kandy. Seven and Cents Ninety Six only (Rs. 65,072,787.96) of
lawful money of Sri Lanka together with further interest
2. All those divided and defined contiguous allotments
on a sum of Rupees Five Million Nine Hundred and Thirty
of the land marked Lots 4 and 5 depicted in Plan
Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Six and Cents
No. 1561 dated 23rd May, 2007 made by S. P. H.
Twenty Three only (Rs. 5,932,996.23) at the rate of Twelve
Tennakoon, Licensed Surveyor, from and out of the land
called “Malwaththagodahena”, together with the soil, trees, per centum (12%) per annum, further interest on a sum of
plantations, buildings and everything else standing thereon Rupees Forty Two Million Three Hundred and Forty Three
situated at Uda Aludeniya in Grama Niladhari Division of Thousand Five Hundred (Rs. 42,343,500.00) at the rate of
Sinhapitiya within the Divisional Secretariat and the as Twelve per centum (12%) per annum, further interest on a
aforesaid and which said Lots 4 and 5 are together bounded sum of Rupees Two Million Two Hundred and Thirty Nine
on the North by Road from Weligalla to Muruthagahamula, Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Five and Cents
on the East and South by Kumbal Anga Kumbura, and on Fifty Nine only (Rs. 2,239,775.59) at the rate of Twelve
the West by Road from Weligalla to Muruthagahamula and per centum (12%) per annum and further interest on a sum
containing in aggregate in extent Eleven Decimal Three of Rupees Twelve Million Two Hundred and Fifty Three
Perches (0A., 0R., 11.3P.) according to the said Plan No. Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty One and Cents One only
1561 and registered under Volume/Folio C 426/266 at the (Rs. 12,253,981.01) at the rate of Twelve per centum (12%)
Land Registry Kandy.
per annum from 15th September, 2023 to date of satisfaction
of the total debt together with costs of advertising and other
By order of the Board,
charges incurred less payments (if any) since received.
Company Secretary.
An allotment of land depicted as Lot 1 & 2 in Plan
—————————— No. 2943/19 dated 30.10.2019 made by Ahamed M.
Mahroof, Licensed Surveyor and situated at Addapalam
Sampath Bank PLC in the village of Ninthavur in Ninthavur Pattu with in the
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) Grama Niladhari Division of Ninthavur 10 within the
Divisional Secretariat of Ninthavur within the Pradeshiya
Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Sabha limits of Ninthavur, in Ampara District Eastern
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of Province containing in Extent of Two Acres One Rood and
1990 Ten Perches (2A., 1R., 10P.) and bounded on the North by
Garden of K. Sivamani Vadivelu, A. Jeevarani and Others on
A. r. m. Siraji alias M. Siraji.
A/C No.: 0112 5001 5552. the East by Beach reservation on the South by Garden of R.
Ranthirakumar and Wife and on West by Road whole of this
It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted together with everything standing thereon and is registered
by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated in L 145/61 at Land Registry Kalmunai.
26.10.2023, under section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published By order of the Board,
in the Government Gazette dated 15.12.2023, and in daily
News papers namely “Divaina”, “Thinakkural” and “The Company Secretary.
Island” dated 15.12.2023, P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed
Auctioneer of Colombo, will sell by public auction on 02-73
232 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

Sampath Bank PLC

(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Ltd)

Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of

V S S Products (Private) Limited.

A/C No. : 0196 1000 1885.

It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated 25.05.2023,
under section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published in the Government
Gazette dated 14.07.2023, and in daily News papers namely “Divaina”, “The Island” and “Thinakkural” dated 30.06.2023,
P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo, will sell by Public Auction on 24.02.2024 as per the Schedule 1 Lot
2. at 4.00 p.m., the Schedule 2 Lot 1 in Plan No. 6268 at 11.00 a.m., Lot 4 in Plan No. 6268 at 11.15 a.m., Lot 1 in Plan
No. 6268/A at 11.30 a.m., Lot 3 in Plan No. 6268/A at 11.45 a.m., Lot 1 in Plan No. 6268/B at 11.55 a.m., the Schedule 3
at 4.15 p.m., the Schedule 4 at 3.45 p.m. and the Schedule 5 at 3.15 p.m. at the spot, the properties and premises described
in the schedule hereto for the recovery of as at 29th March 2022 a sum of Rupees One Hundred and Seven Million Two
Hundred and Eighty Two Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Five and Cents Thirty Seven only (Rs. 107,282,375.37) of
lawful money of Sri Lanka and United States Dollars One Million Seventy Two Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Nine and
Cents Ninety only (USD 1,072,169.90) of lawful money of United States of America together with further interest on a sum
of Rupees One Hundred and One Million Five Hundred Thousand only (Rs. 101,500,000.00) at the rate of Ten per centum
(10%) per annum and further interest on a sum of United States Dollars One Million Thirty Three Thousand Two Hundred
and Fifty only (USD 1,033,250.00) lawful money of United States of America at the rate of Three months London Inter
Bank Offered Rate + Four per centum (03 months LIBOR + (4%) per annum [Floor rate Six per centum (6%) per annum]
from 30th March, 2023 to date of satisfaction of the total debt together with costs of advertising and other charges incurred
less payments (if any) since received.


1. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 2 depicted in Plan No.7026 dated 26th September,
2017 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Kahatagahawatta” together with the buildings, trees,
plantations and everything else standing thereon situated at Dankotuwa Village in the Grama Niladhari Division of No. 474,
Dankotuwa within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Wennappuwa, Divisional Secretariat of Dankotuwa in Othara Palatha of
Pitigal Korale South in the District of Puttalam North Western Province and which said Lot 2 is bounded on the North by
Road (RDA) from Negombo to Kurunegala, on the East by Road – 15 feet wide (Lots 2 & 3B in Plan No. 1194 dated 05th
August, 1987 made by W. S. S. Perera, Licensed Surveyor), on the South by Lot 3 hereof and on the West by Lot 3 hereof
and containing in extent One Rood (0A.,1R.,0P.) according to the said Plan No. 7026 and registered under Volume/ Folio E
262/104 at the Land Registry Marawila.

Together with the right of way and other rights in, over, under and along Lots 2 & 3B (Road - 15 feet wide)
depicted in Plan No. 1194 made by W. S. S. Perera, Licensed Surveyor.

(Mortgaged and hypothecated under and by virtue of Mortgage Bond No. 7357)

2. i. All that contiguous allotments of Land marked Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 6268 dated 1st & 4th March,
2016 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Uraikinathady Totam” together with the soil, trees,
plantations. buildings and everything else standing thereon situated at Kandakuliya Village in the Grama Niladhari Division
of No. 629A, Kandakuliya South in Kalpitiya Division within the Divisional Secretariat and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits
of Kalpitiya in Kalpitiya Pattu of Kalpitiya Korale in the District of Puttalam North Western Province which said Lot 1 is
bounded on the North by Land claimed by W. A. V. Fernando, on the East by Lot 2 hereof, on the South by Lots 2, 4 &
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 233

3 hereof and on the West by Land claimed by S. L. Fernando and containing in extent One Rood and Three Decimal Six
Nine Perches (0A.,1R.,3.69P.) according to the said Plan No. 6268 and registered under Volume/Folio D 66/108 at the Land
Registry Puttalam.

ii. All that contiguous allotments of Land marked Lot 4 depicted in Plan No. 6268 dated 1st & 4th March, 2016
made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Pallan Theruvuth Thottam” together with soil, trees,
plantations and everything else standing thereon situated at Kandakuliya Village in the Grama Niladhari Division of No.
629A, Kandakuliya South in Kalpitiya Division within the Divisional Secretariat and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of
Kalpitiya in Kalpitiya Pattu of Kalpitiya Korale in the District of Puttalam North Western Province which said Lot 4 is
bounded on the North by Lot 1 hereof, on the East by Lot 5 hereof on the South by Road (Pradeshiya Sabha) and on the West
by Lot 3 hereof and containing in extent One Rood and Eight Decimal Four One Perches (0A.,1R.,8.41P.) according to the
said Plan No. 6268 and registered under Volume/Folio D 66/109 at the Land Registry Puttalam.

iii. All that contiguous allotments of Land marked Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 6268/A dated 1st & 4th March,
2016 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Pallan Theruvuth Thottam” together with soil, trees,
plantations, buildings and everything else standing thereon situated at Kandakuliya Village in the Grama Niladhari Division
of No. 629A, Kandakuliya South in Kalpitiya Division within the Divisional Secretariat and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits
of Kalpitiya in Kalpitiya Pattu of Kalpitiya Korale in the District of Puttalam North Western Province which said Lot 1 is
bounded on the North by Odai (Ela) separating Land claimed by M. A. M. Calista Fernando, on the East by Lot 2 hereof, on
the South by Lot 3 hereof and land claimed by S. L. Fernando and on the West by Road and containing in extent One Rood
and Thirty Eight Decimal Naught Three Perches (0A.,1R.,38.03P.) according to the said Plan No. 6268/A and registered
under Volume/Folio D 66/105 at the Land Registry Puttalam.

iv. All that contiguous allotments of Land marked Lot 3 depicted in Plan No. 6268/A dated 1st & 4th March, 2016
made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Pallan Theruvuth Thottam” together with the soil, trees,
plantations, buildings and everything else standing thereon situated at Kandakuliya Village in the Grama Niladhari Division
of No. 629A, Kandakuliya South in Kalpitiya Division within the Divisional Secretariat and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits
of Kalpitiya in Kalpitiya Pattu of Kalpitiya Korale in the District of Puttalam North Western Province which said Lot 3 is
bounded on the North by Lot 1 hereof, on the East by Lot 4 hereof, on the South by Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 6268 made
by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor and on the West by Land claimed by S. L. Fernando and containing in extent Twenty
Four Decimal Four Three Perches (0A.,0R.,24.43P.) according to the said Plan No. 6268/A and registered under Volume/
Folio D 66/106 at the Land Registry Puttalam.

v. All that contiguous allotments of Land marked Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 6268/B dated 1st & 4th March, 2016
made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Thara Vai Kani” together with the soil, trees, plantations,
buildings and everything else standing thereon situated at Kandakuliya Village in the Grama Niladhari Division of No. 629A,
Kandakuliya South in Kalpitiya Division within the Divisional Secretariat and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Kalpitiya in
Kalpitiya Pattu of Kalpitiya Korale in the District of Puttalam North Western Province which said Lot 1 is bounded on the
North by Reservation along Sea (Odai), on the East by land claimed by S. M. S. Marikkar and others, on the South by Road
(10ft feet wide) connecting Lot 2 depicted in Plan No. 6268/A made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor and Odai (Ela)
separating Lot 1 depicted in the said Plan No. 6268/A and on the West by Road and land claimed by Anton and containing
in Extent Two Acres (2A.,0R.,0P.) according to the said Plan No. 6268/B and registered under Volume /Folio D 66/107
Previously in D 66/46 (in the Remarks column) at the Land Registry Puttalam.

Together with the right of way in, over, under and along the following.

1. Lot 2 (Access – 10ft. 32ft. wide) depicted in Plan No. 6268 aforesaid and registered under Volume/ Folio D 66/39
at the Land Registry, Puttalam.
2. Lot 5 (Access - 10ft wide) depicted in Plan No. 6268 aforesaid and registered under Volume/ Folio D 66/41 at
the Land Registry, Puttalam.
234 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

3. Lot 2 (Access – 10ft) depicted in Plan No. 6268A aforesaid and registered under Volume/ Folio D 66/43 at the
Land Registry, Puttalam.
4. Lot 4 (Access – 10ft wide) depicted in Plan No. 6268A aforesaid and registered under Volume/ Folio D 66/45 at
the Land Registry, Puttalam.
5. Road depicted as a Western boundary of the said Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 6268/B.

(Mortgage and hypothecated under and by virtue of Mortgage Bond No. 5203)

3. All that divided and defined contiguous allotment of Land marked Lot 1A & 1B depicted in Plan No. 7785/A
dated 22nd July, 2019 and Sub – division endorsement dated 05th September, 2019 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed
Surveyor of the land called “Kahatagahawatta” together with buildings, soil, trees, plantations, machinery permanently
installed and to be installed therein and everything standing thereon bearing situated at Dankotuwa Village in the Grama
Niladhari Division of No. 474B, Dankotuwa – East within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Wennappuwa and the Divisional
Secretariat of Dankotuwa in Othara Palatha of Pitigal Korale South in the District of Puttalam North Western Province and
which said 1A & 2B are bounded on the North by Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 7785 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed
Surveyor of the land of the heirs of John Asther Pulle, on the East by Lot 1 depicted in the said Plan No. 7785, Lot 2 & 3B
depicted in Plan No. 1194 (Road – 15 feet wide) and land of Margrat Fernandopulle & others, on the South by Land Andrew
Ralahamy & others and on the West by Lot 2 & 3B in Plan No. 1194 (Road – 15 feet wide) and land of the heirs of Rogus
Fernandopulle and containing in extent Two Acres, Two Roods and Three decimal Six Perches (2A.,2R.,3.6P.) according to
the said Plan No. 7785/A.

Which said contiguous land marked Lot 1A & 1B depicted in Plan No. 7785/A dated 22nd July, 2019 and Sub-
division endorsement dated 05th September, 2019 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor is an amalgamation of the
following Lands:

(i) All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 1A depicted in Plan No.7785/A dated 22nd July, 2019
and sub – division endorsement dated 05th August, 1987 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor of the land called
“Kahatagahawatta” together with the buildings, soil, trees, plantations, machinery permanently installed and to be installed
therein and everything standing thereon situated at Dankotuwa Village aforesaid and which said Lot 1A is bounded on the
North – East by Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 7785 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor, on the South – East by Lot
1 depicted in the said Plan No. 7785, on the South – West by Lot 1B hereof and on the North – West by land of the heirs of
Rogus Fernandopulle and containing in extent Two Roods and Twenty Decimal One Perches (0A.,2R.,20.1P.) according to
the said Plan No. 7785/A and registered under Volume/ Folio E 291/94 at the Land Registry Marawila.

(ii) All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 1B depicted in Plan No.7785/A dated 22nd July,
2019 and Sub – division endorsement dated 05th September, 2019 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor of the land
called “Kahatagahawatta” together with the buildings, soil, trees, plantations, machinery permanently installed and to be
installed therein and everything standing thereon situated at Dankotuwa Village and which said Lot 1B is bounded on the
North by Land of the heirs of Rogus Fernandopulle, Lot 1A hereof and Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 7785 and land of Margrat
Fernandopulle & others, on the South by Land Andrew Ralahamy & others and on the West by Land Andrew Ralahamy &
others and Land of the heirs of Rogus Fernandopulle and containing in extent One Acre, Three Roods and Twenty Three
Decimal Five perches (1A.,3R.,23.5P.) according to the said Plan No. 7785/A.

Which said Lot 1B depicted in Plan No. 7785/A is a re-survey of Lot 2 depicted in Plan No. 6666 dated 18th
December, 2016 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor, which in turn is a re- survey of the following Land:
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 235

All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 3A depicted in Plan No.1194 dated 05th August,
1987 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Kahatagahawatta” together with the soil, trees,
plantations, buildings everything standing thereon situated at Dankotuwa Village in the Grama Niladhari Division of No.
474, Dankotuwa within the Divisional Secretariat of Dankotuwa and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Wennappuwa in Othara
Palatha of Pitigal Korale South in the District of Puttalam aforesaid and which said Lot 3A is bounded on the North by Lots
1 and 2 (Road) hereof and Land of the heirs of John Ather Pulle, on the East by Lot 38 hereof claimed by L. K. Gunadasa,
Land of Margrat Fernandopulle and Land of Wijesena Samarapperuma, on the South by Land of Marsalin Arthaer Pulle and
on the West by Lot 3B hereof and Land of the heirs of Rogus Fernandopulle but more correctly land of the heirs of Rogus
Fernandopulle and containing in extent One Acre, Three Roods and Twenty Five Perches (1A.,3R.,25P.) according to the
said Plan No. 1194 and registered under Volume/ Folio E 257/106 at the Land Registry Marawila.


Together with the following machinery:

No. Description Specification Year Quantity

1. De Shelling Machine CL 845 4

2. Boiler with material mixing COCOMAX-CM-20/10.54/31E 2015 1

unit & feeding conveyor

3. Shell crusher with 15 HP motor 15 HP motor 1

(hopper & cutter)

4. Coconut water chilling tank Delaval - 1850L 2012 1

5. Stainless steel troughts 8

6. Stainless steel peeling off unit 2

7. Stainless steel Washing bath 4

8. Screw Conveyor 25 feet long

9. Stainless steel washing bath 1

10. Pilipene Cutter 1

11. Feeding conveyor 10 feet - screw type 1

12. Combination Dryer Cocopro - GAI 105 2015 1

13. Stainless steel collecting Pan 1

14. Cooling table 1

15. Screw conveyor 10 feet 1

16. Scale Goldbell - 150Kg 1

17. Bag screwing machine Hara 1

18. Compressor 10HP-300L 1

236 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

No. Description Specification Year Quantity

19. Filter press H & K - 600 (type) - M. N. - 1995 1


20. Plate Filter 1

21. Collecting tanks 1200L 3

22. Storage tank 3000L 1

23. Storage tank 5000L

24. Storage tank 3000L 2

25. Storage tank 1000L 5

26. Storage tank 4000L 3

27. Micron Filters 2

28. De hydrator 5112134 FI 1

29. Fork lift Shinko - 1.2T 1

30. Conveyor type dryer Bottle drying - 142 K V A 400C 1

31. Plate Conveyor 1

32. Filling machine DR 000412 1

DR 000325

33. Stainless steel packing table 1

34. Code printer & Screw conveyor 1

(Mortgage and hypothecated under and by virtue of Mortgage Bond Nos. 6238, 6240, 6706 and 6607)

4. All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 7026 dated 26th September,
2017 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Kahatagahawatta” together with the soil, trees,
plantations, buildings and everything else standing thereon bearing Assessment Nos. 134 & 136, Pannala Road – South
situated at Dankotuwa in the Grama Niladhari Division of No. 474, Dankotuwa within the Divisional Secretariat of
Dankotuwa and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Wennappuwa in Othara Palatha of Pitigal Korale South in the District of
Puttalam and which said Lot 1 is bounded on the North by Road (RDA) from Negombo to Pannala, on the East by Lot 3
hereof, on the South by Lot 3 hereof and on the West by land of the heirs of Rogus Fernandopulle and containing in extent
Two Roods (0A.,2R.,0P.) according to the said Plan No. 7026.

Which said Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 7026 is sub- division Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 6666 dated 18th December,
2016 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor, which in turn is a sub- division of the following Land:
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 237

All that divided and defined contiguous allotments of Land marked Lots 1 & 2 depicted in Plan No. 1194 dated 05th
August, 1987 made by W. S. S. Mendis, Licensed Surveyor now forming One Land of the land called “Kahatagahawatta”
together with the soil, trees, plantations, buildings and everything else standing thereon situated at Dankotuwa in the Grama
Niladhari Division of No. 474, Dankotuwa within the Divisional Secretariat of Dankotuwa and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits
of Wennappuwa in Othara Palatha of Pitigal Korale South in the District of Puttalam and which said Lots 1 & 2 are bounded
on the North by Negombo – Kurunegala High Road, on the East by Land of Wilfred Senanayake and Land of the heirs of
John Asther Pulle, on the South by Lot 3 hereof and on the West by Land of the heirs of Rogus Fernandopulle and containing
in extent Three Acres, One Rood and Seventeen Decimal Five Perches (3A.,1R.,17.5P.) according to the said Plan No. 1194
and registered under Volume/ Folio E 263/41 at the Land Registry Marawila.

(Mortgage and hypothecated under and by virtue of Mortgage Bond No. 4720)

5. All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked Lot A depicted in Plan No. 858 dated 02nd June,
2017 made by M. T. S. D. Perera, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Kongahawatta and Thuniela Kosgahawatta but
now known as Jaya Estate” together with buildings, trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon situated at
Galawakamulla within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Wennappuwa, Divisional Secretariat of Dankotuwa and Jangurawila
Grama Niladhari’s Division in Othara Palatha of Pitigal Korale South and within the Registration Division of Marawila
in the District of Puttalam North Western Province and which said Lot A is bounded on the North by lands of S. C. Silva
and Dinesh Nishantha, on the East by Land of M. Kusumawathie and Road (Pradeshiya Sabha), on the South by Road
(Pradeshiya Sabha) and Land of H. A. Wimalasena & others and on the West by Road (Pradeshiya Sabha) and Land of
Dilruk Udayanga and containing in extent Fifteen Acres and Nineteen Perches (15A., 0R., 19P.) according to the said Plan
No. 858.

Which said Lot A depicted in Plan No. 858 is a re- survey of the following land:

All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 8948 dated 16th November, 2003
made by Y. M. R. Yapa, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Kongahawatta and Kuniela Kosgahawatta” together with the
buildings, trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon situated at Galawakamulla aforesaid and which said Lot 1
is bounded on the North by Land formerly of Mrs. Basil Pinto, on the East by Land of K. Albert Fernando and Pradeshiya
Sabha Road, on the South by Land of P. Jayawickrema and on the West by Pradeshiya Sabha Road and containing in extent
Fifteen Acres and Nineteen Perches (15A.,0R.,19P.) according to the said Plan No. 8948 and registered under Volume/ Folio
E 300/103 at the Land Registry Marawila.

(Mortgaged and hypothecated under and by virtue of Mortgage Bond No. 6649)

By order of the Board,

Company Secretary.

02 – 74
238 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

HNB 89-2023 Together with all accessories appertaining thereto (All

of which are hereinafter collectively referred to as “the
Hatton national bank plc — movable machnery and equipment of the Obligor and / or the
balangoda branch said Sole Proprietary Concern”) lying in and upon premises
(Formerly known as Hatton National Bank at Kingross Metal Quary, Kingross Division, Neluwa
Limited) Estate, Atampitiya within the Grama Niladhari Division of
Niliyathugoda and Divisional Secretariat Division of Hali
Sale under Section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by Ela in the District of Badulla (but within the Registration
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 Division of Badulla Land Registry) Uva Province and in
and upon all other premises at which the Obligor and/ or
auction sale of a valuable property the said Sole Proprietary Concern now is or may at any time
and from time to time in the aforesaid District or in or upon
undeR the Authority granted to me by the Hatton National which the movable machinery and equipment of the Obligor
Bank PLC. I shall sell by Public Auction the under mentioned and / or the said Sole Proprietary Concern and effects may
property at 10.00 a.m. on 22nd February, 2024 on the spot. from time to time and at all times during the continuance
of These Presents be brought into or lie and all or any other
Whereas Dewabandu Kumarathungalage Keerthi Sri place or places into which the obligor and / or the said Sole
Hemachandra as the Obligor mortgaged hypothecated Proprietary Concern may at any time and from time to time
and property morefully described in the Schedule hereto hereafter remove and carry the movable machinery and
by virtue of Mortgage Bond No. 4755 dated 12.02.2020 equipment of the Obligor and / or the said Sole Proprietary
attested by R. M. C. R. Deepthi Rajapakshe Notary Public Concern.
of Ratnapura in favour of Hatton National Bank PLC and for
the recovery of the balance principal sum with interest all Notice of Resolution.— Please refer Government
Gazette of 03.11.2023 and “Mawbima”, “Daily Mirror” and
fixed payments Auctioneers and all other charges incurred
“Thinakkural” newspapers on 06.11.2023.
the property described below will be sold by me by Public
Auction at the premises under the power vested me by
Access.— Kinross Metal Quarry, Kinross Division,
Hatton National Bank PLC.
Neluwa Estate, Etampitiya.
Property :
Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
All and singular the movable machinery and equipment
consisting of;
1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchase price ;
01 02 2. One percent (1%) Local Authority Tax payable to the
Local Authority ;
Description JAW Crusher Cone Crusher
3. Auctioneer’s Commission of Two and a half percent
Machine Plant with vibrator
Screen (2.5%) on the sale price ;
4. Notary’s Fee for conditions of sale Rs. 2,000 selling
Make - PYB - China conditions ;
5. Clerk’s & Crier’s fee of Rs. 1,500 ;
Modle PE - 600x900 PYB 1200
6. Total Cost of Advertising incurred on the sale.
Origin China China
Balance Ninety percent (90%) of the purchase price will
Specification Feed Opening Capacity - 200 have to be paid within 30 days from the date of sale to the
600*900 mm Tons/hour Hatton National Bank PLC. If the balance amount is not
Capacity - 48 paid within 30 days as stipulated above the bank shall have
- 120 Tons/
the right to forfeit (10%) of the purchase price already paid
and resell the property.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 239

Title deeds and any other reference may be obtained from Property :
the Senior Manager (Credit Supervision & Recoveries),
Hatton National Bank PLC. HNB Towers, No. 479, T. B. All that the entirety of the soil, plantations and everyting
Jaya Mawatha, Colombo 10. else standing thereon of the defined allotment of land marked
Lot A1 depicted in Plan No. 83/2011 dated 29.05.2011 made
Telephone Nos.: 011-2661828, 2661866. by H. G. Nandasiri, Licensed Surveyor (more correctly H P.
Nandasiri, Licensed Surveyor) of the contiguous land called
J. W. E. Jayawardhana, Lots 14 and 15 of Galappattige Abanchi Padinchiwahitiya
(Justice of the Peace - Whole Island), Paluwatta situated at Bandaramulla Grama Niladhari
Court Commissioner, Valuer and Division of 407A - Bandaramulla in Divisional Secretarial
Licensed Auctioneer. Division of Weligama within Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of
Weligama in Weligam Korale Matara District, Southern
No. 59, Kumara Mawatha, Province and which said Lot A1 is bounded on the North :
Patuwatha, by Galle - Matara High Road, East by : Lot A2 of Plan
Dodanduwa, No. 83/2011, South by : Managoluwa, West by : Lot 3 of the
Contact : 0713358434, 0779-663420, same Land and containing in extent thirty three decimal
E-mail : [email protected] eight naught perches (0A., 0R., 33.80P.)

02-60 Notice of Resolution.— Please refer Government

Gazette of 10.11.2023 and “Mawbima”, “Daily Mirror” and
“Thinakkural” newspapers on 17.11.2023.

HNB 90-2023 Access.— Proceed from near Matara Bodhiya (160th

Kilometre-post) along Galle Road for about Nine Kilometres
Hatton national bank plc — up to the 151st Kilometre-post. Continue on the same Road
Matara branch for abut 50 meters, to reach the property. It is located on the
(Formerly known as Hatton National Bank left hand side of the road.
Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will
Sale under Section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 hammer.

auction sale of a valuable property 1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchase price ;
2. One percent (1%) Local Authority Tax payable to the
undeR the Authority granted to me by the Hatton National Local Authority ;
Bank PLC. I shall sell by Public Auction the under mentioned 3. Auctioneer’s Commission of Two and a half percent
property at 9.30 a.m. on 26th February, 2024 on the spot.
(2.5%) on the sale price ;
4. Notary’s Fee for conditions of sale Rs. 2,000 selling
Whereas Ambalangoda Liyanage Swarna Malani and
conditions ;
Imali Suddrikku Jayawickrama as the Obligors mortgaged
5. Clerk’s & Crier’s fee of Rs. 1,500 ;
and hypothecated the property morefully described in the
Schedule hereto by virtue of Mortgage Bond Nos. 3954 dated 6. Total Cost of Advertising incurred on the sale.
09.12.2019 and 3991 dated 18.02.2020 both attested by
T. N. Pinidiya, Notary Public of Matara in favour of Hatton Balance Ninety percent (90%) of the purchase price will
National Bank PLC and for the recovery of the balance have to be paid within 30 days from the date of sale to the
principal sum with interest all fixed payments Auctioneers Hatton National Bank PLC. If the balance amount is not
and all other charges incurred the property described below paid within 30 days as stipulated above the bank shall have
will be sold by me by Public Auction at the premises under the right to forfeit (10%) of the purchase price already paid
the power vested me by Hatton National Bank PLC. and resell the property.
240 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

Title deeds and any other reference may be obtained from bounded on the North by : Road Reservation, on the East by :
the Senior Manager (Credit Supervision & Recoveries), Lot No. 53 in Plan No. 2707A, on the South by : Lot No. 51
Hatton National Bank PLC. HNB Towers, No. 479, T. B. in Plan No. 2707A, and on the West by : Road.
Jaya Mawatha, Colombo 10.
Containing in Extent : 00A.,02R.,5.52P. and together
Telephone Nos.: 011-2661828, 2661866. with the soil, plantations, buildings and everything standing
J. W. E. Jayawardhana,
(Justice of the Peace - Whole Island), (This is registered under Folio No. S 141/122 at the Land
Court Commissioner, Valuer and Registry of Kandy).
Licensed Auctioneer.
Under the Authority granted to me by People’s Bank, I
No. 59, Kumara Mawatha, shall sell by Public Auction on Wednesday 28th February,
Patuwatha, 2024 at 11.00 a.m. at the People’s Bank - Theldeniya
Dodanduwa, Branch.
Contact : 0713358434, 0779-663420,
E-mail : [email protected] Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
02-61 hammer :

—————————— 1. 10% (Ten percent) of the Purchased Price ;

2. 1% (One percent) Local Sales Tax payable to the
People’s bank — Katugastota Local Authority ;
branch 3. Auctioneer’s Commission of 2 1/2% (Two and a half
percent) on the Purchased Price and all tax on it ;
Notice of Sale under Section 29D of the People’s 4. Charges for Clerk & Crier Rs. 5,000 ;
Bank Act, No. 29 of 1961 as amended by Act, No. 5. Cost of Sale and all other charges, if any ;
6. Stamp Duty to the Certificate of Sale ;
32 of 1986
7. The balance 90% of the purchased price will have to
Auction Sale be paid within 30 days from the auction date to the
People’s Bank – Katugasthota Branch.
Lease Rights over all that divided and defined allotment
of land depicted in Plan No. 2707A dated 09.07.2002 made If the said amount is not paid within 30 days stipulated
by T. B. Somadasa, being a partition of the land called and above, the Bank shall have the right to forfeit 10% of the
known as Maberiyathenna Estate situated at Medagammedda purchase price already paid and resale the property.
Village, Henagahawela, Maberiya Farm in Medadumbara
Palispattuwa West Korale in the District of Kandy, Central Title deeds and other reference may be obtained from
Province and which said divided allotment of land is being the following address. Regional Manager, People’s Bank,
bounded on the North by : Road Reservation, on the East by : Kandy. People’s Bank, Katugasthota Branch.
Lot No. 53 in Plan No. 2707A, on the South by : Reservation
and on the West by : Lot No. 51 in Plan No. 2707A. The Bank has the right to stay or cancel the above auction
sale without prior notice.
Containing in Extent : 00A.,01R.,36.0P. and together
with the soil, plantations, buildings and everything standing Premasiri Waduge,
thereon. Licensed Auctioneer,
Court Commissioner.
Lease Rights over all that divided and defined allotment
of land depicted in Plan No. 4172 dated 07.09.2002 made by “Uthpala”, Sandagiriwatta,
C. Palamakumbura, being a partition of the land called and Gampaha.
known as Maberiyathenna Estate situated at Medagammedda Telephone Nos.: 0777003939, 0716172804,
Village, Henagahawela, Maberya Farm in Medadumbara 0711659616,
Palispattuwa West Korale in the District of Kandy, Central
Province and which said divided allotment of land is being 02-56
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 241

People’s bank — Kandy branch Title deeds and other reference may be obtained from
the following address. Regional Manager, People’s Bank,
Notice of Sale under Section 29D of the People’s Kandy. People’s Bank, Kandy Branch.
Bank Act, No. 29 of 1961 as amended by Act, No.
32 of 1986 The Bank has the right to stay or cancel the above auction
sale without prior notice.
Auction Sale
Premasiri Waduge,
all that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Licensed Auctioneer,
Lot No. 25 depicted in Plan No. 684 dated 21.09.1995
Court Commissioner.
made by G. S. P. Lenagala, Licensed Surveyor of the land
called “Primrosehill Watta” situated at George E. De Silva
“Uthpala”, Sandagiriwatta,
Mawatha, within the Grama Niladhari Division of Aniwatta
West, Divisional Secretary Division of Kandy Gangawata
Telephone Nos.: 0777003939, 0716172804,
Korale, Municipal Council Limits of Kandy, in the District
of Kandy, Central Province and which said Lot No. 25 is
bounded on the North : Lot No. 32 bearing road and its
roundabout and ditch, East : Lot No. 26, South : Lot No.
32 bearing road, West : Lot No. 24 depicted in the Plan No. ——————————

Containing in Extent : 00A.,00R.,11.15P. (0.0291 Hec.) People’s bank — Theldeniya

and together with the soil, plantations, buildings and branch
everything standing thereon. (This is registered under Folio
No. A/585/141 at the Land Registry of Kandy). Notice of Sale under Section 29D of the People’s
Bank Act, No. 29 of 1961 as amended by Act, No.
Under the Authority granted to me by People’s Bank, I 32 of 1986
shall sell by Public Auction on Tuesday 27th February,
2024 at 10.00 a.m. at the People’s Bank - Kandy Branch. Auction Sale

all that divided and defined allotment of land the rights

Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will
retained by Deed of Discharge No. 151 attested by Mrs.
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
R. N. Karunarathna Notary Public Colombo, marked Lot
hammer :
No. 02 depicted in Plan No. 00211 dated 21.03.2021 made
by W. M. S. R. Bandara, Licensed Surveyor of the land
1. 10% (Ten percent) of the Purchased Price ;
called “Bogahalandehena” situated at Penelagoda Village,
2. 1% (One percent) Local Sales Tax payable to the
within the Grama Niladhari Division of Penelagoda (No.
Local Authority ;
3. Auctioneer’s Commission of 2 1/2% (Two and a half 143D), Divisional Secretary Division & Pradeshiya Sabha
percent) on the Purchased Price and all tax on it ; Limts of Naula, Wagapanaha Udasiyapattuwa Korale, in
4. Charges for Clerk & Crier Rs. 5,000 ; the District of Matale, Central Province and which said Lot
5. Cost of Sale and all other charges, if any ; No. 02 is bounded on the North : Reservation along from
6. Stamp Duty to the Certificate of Sale ; Penelagoda to Naula road, East : Land claimed by A. M.
7. The balance 90% of the purchased price will have to Aeysinghe and other, South : Lot No. 03 in the Plan No.
be paid within 30 days from the auction date to the 00211, West : Lot No. 01 in the Plan No. 00211.
People’s Bank – Kandy Branch.
Containing in Extent : 00A.,03R.,4.8P. and together with
If the said amount is not paid within 30 days stipulated the soil, plantations, buildings and everything standing
above, the Bank shall have the right to forfeit the 10% of the thereon. (This is registered under Folio No. Q17/136 at the
purchase price already paid and resale the property. Land Registry of Matale).
242 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

Under the Authority granted to me by People’s Bank, I DFCC Bank plc

shall sell by Public Auction on Tuesday 27th February,
2024 at 2.00 p.m. at the People’s Bank - Naula Branch. Sale under Section 9 of the Recovery of Loans by
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990
(From Kandy City, proceed along Dambulla Road for
about 55 kms up to Naula Town and turn left on to tarred road Auction Sale
and continue about 450m up to Natheetha Raja Maha Vihara
Junction and turn left on to concrete road to Penelaboda and BY virtue of Authority granted to me by the Board of
continue about 150m to reach the property) Directors of DFCC Bank PLC to sell by Public Auction
the property Mortgaged in favour of DFCC Bank PLC by
Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will Bond Nos. 9725, 9727, 9872, 9944, 10219, 10734, 11344,
12242 and 12490 respectively dated 21st May 2015, 15th
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
July 2015, 04th August 2015, 21st October 2015, 29th April
hammer :
2016, 16th November 2016, 02nd October 2017 and 11th
January 2018 all attested by Chandani Dayarathna, Notary
1. 10% (Ten percent) of the Purchased Price ;
Public for the facilities granted to Upul Chaminda Perera
2. 1% (One percent) Local Sales Tax payable to the
Kumarasinghe of Andiambalama carrying on business
Local Authority ;
under the name style and firm of “Airport City Hub Hotel”
3. Auctioneer’s Commission of 2 1/2% (Two and a
at Andiambalama as the Obligor.
half percent) on the Purchased Price and all tax on
it ;
I shall sell by Public Auction the property described
4. Charges for Clerk & Crier Rs. 5,000 ;
hereto on 28th February, 2024 at 10.30 a.m. at the spot.
5. Cost of Sale and all other charges, if any ;
6. Stamp Duty to the Certificate of Sale ; Description of the Property Mortgaged by Bond No.
7. The balance 90% of the purchased price will have to 9725, 9872, 9944, 10219, 10734, 11344, 12242 and 12490.
be paid within 30 days from the auction date to the
People’s Bank – Theldeniya Branch. Western Province District of Gampaha within the
Registration Division of Negombo, Divisional Secretarial
If the said amount is not paid within 30 days as stipulated Limits and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Katana in the
above, the Bank shall have the right to forfeit 10% of the Grama Niladhari Division of No. 151, Kovinna situated
purchase price already paid and resale the property. at Kovinna of the land called “Thekkagahawatta” all that
divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 1A1
Title deeds and other reference may be obtained from depicted in Plan No. 5955A dated 22.11.2012 made by
the following address. Regional Manager, People’s Bank, K. R. S. Fonseka, Licensed Surveyor together with buildings,
Kandy. People’s Bank, Theldeniya Branch. (081-4954380). trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon in
Extent 2 Roods, 6 Perches (0.21758 Hectare).
The Bank has the right to stay or cancel the above auction
sale without prior notice. The full and free right liberty and license of ingress
egrees and regress way and passage in perpetuity his
Premasiri Waduge, visitors engineers contractors architect workmen servants
Licensed Auctioneer, tenants licensees and invitees at all times hereafter at their
Court Commissioner. will and pleasure for all purposes whatsoever by day or by
night to go return pass and repass on foot for the Mortgagor
“Uthpala”, Sandagiriwatta, or otherwise how soever and with or without horses cattle
Gampaha. other animals motor cars, motor lorries and other vehicles
Telephone Nos.: 0777003939, 0716172804, of every kind laden or unladen in or along the roadway here
0711659616. under particulary described together with all and singular
the rights ways advantages and appurtenances or usually
02-54 held used or enjoyed therewith and also the full and free
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 243

right and liberty to lay electric cables and overhead wires from time to time or hereafter be carrying on business or in
and drainage gas and water pipes and appliances and other or upon which the said stock in trade merchandise effects
contrivances of whatsoever kind on in over and/or along. and unfinished goods and all other items and other movable
property of whatsoever kind or nature which shall or may at
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot any time and from time to time and at all times be stored kept
03 (Reservation for Road 10 feet wide) depicted in Plan No. or lie and the entirety of the said stock in trade merchandise
4266 surveyed on 08.10.2005, partitioned on 12.10.2005 and effects and things row materials work progress finished
issued on 12.10.2005 made by K. R. S. Fonseka, Licensed goods and all others items and other movable property of
Surveyor of the land called “Thekkagahawatta” situated at whatsoever kind or nature which shall or may at any time
Kovinna aforesaid in Extent 2.98 Perches. and from time to time and at all times hereafter during the
continuance of these present be bought in to stored kept or lie
Registered under Vol/Folio H 239/1116 at the Land
in and upon the aforesaid godowns stores and premises and
Registry Negombo.
all or any other place or places or business in to which the
mortgagors may at any time and from time to time hereafter
Further, together with the Right of way and other
remove or carry on its business or trade or store the said
connected Rights in over and along Road 12 feet wide
stock in trade merchandise effects and things raw materials
depicted in Plan No. 5955A aforesaid.
work in progress finished goods and unfinished goods and
Description of the Property Mortgaged by Bond No. 9727 all other items and other movable property in transit to or
from the aforementioned godowns stores and premises or
The entirety of the movable plant, machinery and places of business or awaiting shipment or clearance at the
equipment including wharf or warehouses in the District of Colombo in the said
1. Generator
2. Furniture Access to the Property.— Proceed from Colombo a
3. Air conditioner distance of 24 km. along Negombo road up to Katunayake
4. Televisions and turn right to Katunayake-Minuwangoda road and travel
5. DVD players about 5 km. meters and turn right to Gangarama road and
6. Communication Systems travel about 600 meters and turn left to the road leading to
7. Security Systems the property and continue 75 meters and keep right to the
8. Mini Bars road leading to the Hotel.
9. Safes
10. Coffee makers For Notice of Resolution refer the Government Gazette
11. Linen dated 24.11.2023 “Daily Divaina”, “The Island” dated
12. Staff Uniforms 13.11.2023 and “Thinakkural” dated 14.11.2023.
13. Kitchen equipment
14. Cutlery and Crockery Mode of Payments.— The successful purchaser will
15. Curtains and Railings
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
16. Computer Equipment and Accessories
hammer :
17. House keeper trolleys
18. Baggage Trolleys
1. 10% (Ten percent) of the Purchased Price ;
19. Ceiling and Pedestal Fans
2. 1% (One percent) of the Sale Taxes payable to the
20. Gardening and Maintenance equipments
Local Authority ;
21. Office equipment
3. Auctioneer Commission of 2 1/2% (Two and a half
Together with spares accessories and tools now lying percent) ;
in and upon premises No. 3/C1, Gangarama Road, Thekka 4. Total Costs of Advertising incurred on the sale ;
Watta, Kovinna, Andiambalama and in and upon any other 5. Clerk’s and Crier’s wages Rs. 3,000 ;
go downs stores and premises at and upon any time and 6. Notary’s fee for attestation of conditions of Sale.
244 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

The balance 90% of the purchase price together with any All that divided and defined allotment of land of the
other statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges whenever land marked Lot A depicted in Plan No. 10052 dated
applicable and imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka or 12th December, 2018 made by N. Jayasundara, Licensed
any other authority to be payable within 30 days from the Surveyor of the land called Godaparagahalanda and
date of sale. kahatagahalanda (being a resurvey of Lot 2 depicted in
Plan No. 6414 dated 22nd May, 2017 made by T. D. K.
For further details contact : Rehabilitation and Recoveries R. P. Pathegama, Registered Licensed Surveyor) bearing
Dept ; DFCC Bank PLC, No. 73, W. A. D. Ramanayake Assessment No. 029/03, Sri Vijayanandarama situated at
Mawatha, Colombo 02. Telephone No.: 011-2371371. Honnantara Village within he Grama Niladhari Division
of Honnantara North (Grama Niladhari Division No. 585)
N. U. Jayasuriya, within Kesbewa Divisional Secretariat Division and within
the Limits of Kesbewa Urban Council in Palle Pattu of
Auctioneer & Court Commissioner.
Salpiti Korale in the District of Colombo Western Province.
“Jayasuriya and Jayasuriya Auctioneers (Pvt) Ltd.”,
Contains in extent : Six Decimal Three Naught Perches
No. 369/1, Dutugemunu Mawatha,
(0A., 0R., 6.30P.) or 0.0159 Hectare together with the
buildings, soils, trees, plantations and everything else
Kandy. standing thereon.
Telephone/Fax Nos. : 081-2210595,
Mobile : 077 3067360, 076 1375993, Together with the right of way over and along Lot 10
E-mail : [email protected] depicted in Plan No. 501 dated 28th December, 1982 made
by H. Lal Gunasekara, Licensed Surveyor.
Refer the Government Gazette dated 10.11.2023,
—————————— “Mawbima”, “Daily Mirror” and “Thinakkural” Newspapers
dated 17.11.2023 for Resolution adopted.
Hatton national Bank plc —
Access to the Property,— Proceed from the center of
Boralesgamuwa branch
Boralesgamuwa Town (Dehiwala Road Junction) along
(Formerly known as Hatton National Bank
Horana Road (via bypass road) for a distance of about 4
Limited) Kilometers and the turn left onto Piliyandala-Kottawa Main
Road and travel a distance of about 1.25 Kilometers. Turn
Sale of valuable property Public Auction in terms right onto Honnanthara Road and after travelling a distance
of Section 04 of Recovery of Loans by Banks of about 125 Meters again turn left onto a motorable gravel
(Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 road and proceed for a further distance of about 50 Meters to
reach the subject property which is located on the left.
Whereas Amarathunga Themiya Damindu and
Yakandawala Liyana Mudiyanselage Durga Lakshani Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser should
Wickramarathne as the Obligors and Amarathunga Themiya pay the following amounts in cash to the Auctioneer at the
Damindu as the Mortgagor has made default in payment fall of the hammer :
due on Mortgage Bond No. 1700 dated 13.05.2022 attested
by W. M. P. P. N. Mahipala, Notary Public of Colombo in (1) Ten percent (10%) of the Purchase Price,
favour of Hatton National Bank PLC and for the recovery of (2) One percent (01%) as Local Authority sales tax, (3) Two
the balance principal sum with interest, all fixed payments Decimal five percent (2.5%) as the Auctioneer’s Commission,
auctioneers and all other charges incurred the property (4) Notary attestation fees Rs. 2,000, (5) Clerk’s and Crier’s
described below will be sold by me by Public Auction at wages Rs. 500, (6) Total costs of advertising incurred on the
the said premises under the powers vested on me by Hatton sale, (7) The balance ninety percent (90%) of the purchase
National Bank PLC. price should be paid to the Bank within 30 days from the
date of sale. If the balance amount is not paid within 30 days
I shall sell by Public Auction Property described below at whilst the (10%) ten percent deposited will not refunded the
the spot on 28th day of February 2024 at 9.30 a.m. reserves the right to re auction property.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 245

Further particulars regarding title deeds and other Trevorn Harshageeth Mathews as the “Obligor/
connected documents could be obtained from the following Mortgagor” has made default in payment due on Primary
officers : Floating Mortgage Bond No. 1623 dated 12th October 2020,
attested by M. K. Sooriarachchi, Notary Public, Colombo.
The Senior Manager (Loan Recoveries)
Hatton National Bank PLC, Access to the Property.— Proceed from Rajagiriya along
No. 479, T. B. Jayah Mawatha, Kalapaluwawa Road about 3Km upto Gothatuwa New Town
Colombo 10. and turn right to IDH Road. Proceed few meters and turn
Telephone No. : 011-2664664. right to Batalandehena Road and travel about 200 meters.
Turn left to 1st lane and continue about 50 meters to reach
the property on to the right.
A. S. Kumari,
Justice of Peace,
For the Notice of Resolution please refer the Government
Auctioneer, Valuer and Court Commissioner,
Gazette dated 20.10.2023 and ‘The Island’, ‘Divaina’ and
No. 109/21, Pelengasthuduwa Road,
‘Thinakkural’ Newspapers dated 13.10.2023.
Telephone Nos.: 076 3619284 / 0710743193. Mode of Payment.— The following amounts should be
paid to the Auctioneer in cash :
1. 10% of the purchase price ;
—————————— 2. 1% Local Authority charges and VAT charges on
same ;
3. Auctioneer’s Commission 2.5% of the purchase price ;
Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC 4. Cost of Advertising Charges ;
5. Notary’s Attestation fees for condition of Sale ;
Sale under Section 9 of the Recovery of Loans by 6. Clerk’s and Crier’s fee and any other charge incurred
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990 for the Sale.

Public Auction The Balance 90% of the purchase price should be paid
to the Bank within 30 days from the date of sale. If the said
under the Authority granted to me by the Pan Asia amount is not paid within 30 days as stipulated above the
Banking Corporation PLC, I shall sell by Public Auction Bank shall have the right to forfeit 10% of the purchase
price already paid and resell the property.
the following property, on the below mentioned date and
time at the spot.
The Title Deeds and other connected documents may
be inspected and obtained from the Manager Recoveries,
Land marked Lot 85 depicted in Plan No. 1650 dated Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC, Head Office, No. 450,
21 May, 2004 made by A. Senanayake Licensed Surveyor
Galle Road, Colombo 03. Telephone Nos.: 011-4667245,
(being a resurvey of Lot 85 depicted in Plan No. A 4971 011-4667227.
dated 05th July, 1963 authenticated by Surveyor General) of
the land called Dodamgahahena Estate bearing Assessment “The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
No. 04, Bandaranayakepura I situated at Kalapaluwawa without prior notice.”
Village Within the Grama Niladhari Division of No., 505D, Chandima Priyadarshani Gamage,
Dodamgahahena in the Divisional Secretary’s Division of Court Commissioner,
Kolonnawa in the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of in Kotikawatta Auctioneer and Valuer.
Mulleriyawa in Palle Pattu of Hewagam Korale Gothatuwa
Ambatalen Pahala in the District of Colombo, Western No. 9-I, Highlevel Road,
Sarwodaya Mawatha,
Province, together with the buildings, trees, plantations and
everything else standing thereon.
Telephone No. : 011 2173282.
Extent : 0A.,0R.,12.1P. on 26th February, 2024 at
10.00 a.m. 02-66
246 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC 3. Auctioneer’s Commission 2.5% of the purchase price
(Two and a half percent only) ;
Sale under Section 9 of the Recovery of Loans by 4. Cost of Advertising Charges ;
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990 5. Notary’s Attestation fees for condition of Sale ;
6. Clerk’s and Crier’s fee and any other charge incurred
Public Auction for the Sale.

under the Authority granted to me by the Pan Asia The Balance 90% of the purchase price should be paid
Banking Corporation PLC, I shall sell the below mentioned to the Bank within 30 days from the date of sale. If the said
property by Public Auction on the below mentioned date amount is not paid within 30 days as stipulated above the
and time at the spot. Bank shall have the right to forfeit 10% of the purchase
price already paid and resell the property.
Land marked Lot 5 depicted in Plan No. 5483 dated The Title Deeds and other connected documents may be
01.12.1996 made by J. P. I. Abeykoon, Licensed Surveyor, of inspect and obtained from the Manager Recoveries, Pan Asia
the land called Gorakagahawatta alias Delgahawatta situated Banking Corporation PLC, Head Office, 450, Galle Road,
at Thalangama North within the Grama Niladhari Division Colombo 03. Telephone Nos.: 011-4667229, 011-4667245.
of 477D Thalahena North, in the Divisional Secretary’s
Division of Kaduwela and the Municipal Council Limits of The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
Kaduwela in Palle Pattu of Hewagam Korale in the District without prior notice.
of Colombo, Western Province, together with the buildings,
trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon. P. K. E. Senapathi,
Court Commissioner,
Extent : 00A.,00R.,18.50P. on 28th February, 2024 at Valuer and Chartered Auctioneer.
No. 134,
10.30 a.m.
Baddagana Road,
Access to the Property.— From Pan Asia Bank - Malabe
Telephone No. : 011 2873656,
Branch proceed about 250 meters along Athurugiriya
Fax : 011 2871184.
Road, towards Malabe town to reach Malabe Clock Tower
Junction. The subject property is situated at Malabe Junction
along Kaduwela Road.
Balasuriya Don Terrance Shantharaja, Vidura Oditha
Balasuriya and Vineetha Samarathunga carrying on Hatton national Bank PLC —
business as a partnership under the name a style and kirullapone branch
firm of Cedar Crest as the “Obligors and Balasuriya Don
Terrance Shantharaja as the Mortgagor” have made default Notice of Sale under Section 9 of the Recovery of
in payment due on Primary Mortgage Bond No. 414 dated Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of
30.09.2011 attested by I. Baduge, Notary Public, Colombo
and Secondary Mortgage Bond No. 85 dated 29.05.2013
and Tertiary Mortgage Bond No. 516 dated 17.05.2017 both
public auction
attested by J. L. Waduthantri Notary Public, Colombo.

For the Notice of Resolution please refer the Government Valuable Land & Premises bearing Assessment No. 242,
Gazette dated 08.07.2022 and ‘The Island’, ‘Divaina’, Inner Habour Road, Trincomalee in the Extent of
‘Thinakkural’ Newspapers dated 27.06.2022. 1 Rood 12.25 Perches

Mode of Payment.— The following amounts should be All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
paid to the Auctioneer in cash. Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 5245 dated 09th October, 2014
made by S. Kamalarangan, Licensed Surveyor together
1. 10% of the purchase price ;
with the buildings and everything standing thereon bearing
2. 1% Local Authority charges and VAT charges on
same ; Assessment No. 242, Inner Harbour Road situated in Ward
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 247

No. 6, Sivan Kovil within the Grama Niladhari Division of Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC
244H, Thillainagar and Divisional Secretary’s Division of
Trincomalee within the Urban Council Limits of Trincomalee Sale under Section 9 of the Recovery of Loans by
in the District of Trincomalee Eastern Province. Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990

Zamlank Developers (Private) Limited as the Obligor/ Public Auction

Mortgagor have made default in payment due on Bond
under the Authority granted to me by the Pan Asia
No. 6534 dated 31st May, 2016 attested by M. P. M. Mohotti, Banking Corporation PLC, I shall sell by Public Auction
Notary Public of Colombo in favour of Hatton Natinal Bank the following property, on the below mentioned date and
PLC and under the authority granted to me by the said Bank. time at the spot.
I shall sell by Public Auction the above property on 1st
March, 2024 at 11.30 a.m. on the spot. Land marked Lot X depicted in Plan No. 1117/2013 dated
07.10.2013 made by W. R. M. Fernando, Licensed Surveyor
For further information please refer Sri Lanka (being an amalgamation of lands marked of Lots 10/A and
10/B depicted in Plan No. 926/2004 dated 26th August
Government Gazette of 01.12.2023 and ‘Mawbima’, ‘Daily
2004 made by K. A. Rupasinghe Licensed Surveyor) of
Mirror’ & ‘Thinakkural’ Newspapers of 06.12.2023. the land called “Beligahawatta alias Belliwatta”) bearing
Assessment No. 25, Padiliyathuduwa Road, situated at
Access to the premises.— From Police Station Junction Hunupitiya Village within the Grama Niladhari Division
proceed on Inner Habour Road about 1.5km to reach the of No. 256C, Nahena in the Divisional Secretariat Division
property (Close to the 199/4km Culvert). which is located and Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Kelaniya in Adikari Pattu
on the left side of the Road froing same. of Siyane Korale in the District of Gampaha, Western
Province, together with the buildings, soil, trees, plantations
and everything else standing thereon.
Mode of Payment.— The prospective purchaser should
pay the following money at the fall of the hammer : (1) 10% Extent : 0A.,0R.,12.88P. on 04th March, 2024 at 11.00
of the purchase price, (2) 1% Local Authority Charges, (3) a.m.
2 1/2% Auctioneers Charges, (4) Total Cost of advertising
charges, (5) Clerk’s and Crier’s fee Rs. 2,000, (6) Notary’s Kahandawala Arachchige Shantha Sirithunge as the
fee for attestation of Conditions of Sale Rs. 3,500 etc. The “Obligor/Mortgagor” has made default in payment due on
balance 90% of the purchase price should be paid within 30 Primary Mortgage Bond No. 165 dated 27.12.2019 attested
by E. A. T. D. Edirisinghe, Notary Public.
days from the date of the auction.
Access to the Property.— From Kiribathgoda Town
For the inspection of the Title Deeds and other documents, proceed along Eriyawetiya Road for about 1.9Km and turn
please contact the Senior Manager Recoveries, Hatton let to Padiliyathuduwa Road. Then proceed for about 1.3Km
National Bank PLC, HNB Towers, No. 479, T. B. Jayah and subject property, Gimashi Hardware is located on to the
Mawatha, Colombo 10. Telephone Nos.: 011-2661828, 011- right.
For the Notice of Resolution.— please refer the
Government Gazette, on 12.05.2023 and ‘Divaina’, ‘The
P. K. E. Senapathi, Island’ and ‘Thinakkural’ on 16.05.2023.
Chartered Auctioneer,
Court Commissioner & Valuer. Mode of Payment.— The following amounts should be
paid to the Auctioneer in cash.
No. 134, Beddagana Road,
Kotte, 1. 10% of the purchase price ;
Telephone Nos.: 0112873656, 0112871184, 0777- 2. 1% Local Authority charges and VAT charges on
same ;
672082 & 0777449452.
3. Auctioneer’s Commission 2.5% of the purchase price ;
4. Cost of Advertising Charges ;
02-34 5. Notary’s Attestation fees for condition of Sale ;
248 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

6. Clerk’s and Crier’s fee and any other charge incurred Notary Public in favour of Hatton National Bank PLC and
for the Sale. for the recovery of the balance principal sum with interest
all fixed payments Auctioneers and all other charges
The Balance 90% of the purchase price should be paid incurred the property described below will be sold by me by
to the Bank within 30 days from the date of sale. If the said Public Auction at the premises under the power vested me
amount is not paid within 30 days as stipulated above the by Hatton National Bank PLC.
Bank shall have the right to forfeit 10% of the purchase
price already paid and resell the property. Property :

The Title Deeds and other connected documents may be 1. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
inspect and obtained from the Manager Recoveries, Pan Asia “Lot 1” depicted in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th
Banking Corporation PLC, Head Office, 450, Galle Road, May 2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor,
Colombo 03. Telephone Nos.: 011-4667245, 011-4667237. of the land called of the Contiguous allotments of land
called “Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and
P. K. E. Senapathi, T. P. 419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the soil,
Court Commissioner, trees, Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing
Valuer and Chartered Auctioneer. thereon situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grama
Niladhari Division of No. 142- Wanduruppa within the
No. 134,
Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat
Baddagana Road,
Division of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District
of Hambantota, Southern Province and the which said Lot 1
Telephone Nos. : 011 2873656,
is bounded on the North by : Walawa Village and land called
Fax : 011 2871184.
Koswatta owned by Walawa People and Lot 13 (Means of
Access 20 feet wide) of the said Plan No. 71/2016 on the
East by : Lot 2 and Lot 13 (Means of Access 20 feet wide)
—————————— and Lot 14 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela on the South
by : Lot 3 depicted in Plan No. 291 made by S. K. Piyadasa,
LS and on the West : by : Walawe River and containing in
HNB 91-2023 extent of Nought Acres, One Road and Nine Decimal Five
Naught Perches (0A.,1R.,9.50P.) according to the said Plan
Hatton national bank plc — No. 71/2016 aforesaid.
Ambalantota branch
(Formerly known as Hatton National Bank 2. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Limited) “Lot 2” depicted in Survey Plan No.71/2016 dated 08th May
2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor, of
the land called of the contiguous allotments of land called
Sale under Section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by – “Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and T. P.
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the soil, trees,
Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing thereon
auction sale of a valuable property situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grana Niladhari
Division of No. 142 - Wanduruppa within the Pradeshiya
undeR the Authority granted to me by the Hatton National Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat Division
Bank PLC. I shall sell by Public Auction the under mentioned of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District of
property at 10.00 a.m. on 29th February, 2024 on the spot. Hambantota, Southern Province and the which said Lot 2
is bounded on the North by Walawa Village and land called
Whereas Vehella Kankanamge Janaka as the Obligor Koswatta owned by Walawa People on the East by : Lot 3 of
mortgaged and hypothecated the properties described in the the said Plan No. 71/2016 on the South by : Lot 13 (Means
schedule hereto under and by virtue of Mortgage Bond No. of Access 20 feet wide) of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela
15507 dated 02.06.2016, Mortgage Bond No. 16283 dated and on the West by : Lot 13 (Means of Access 20 feet wide)
27.09.2017, Mortgage Bond No. 16488 dated 02.09.2018 and Lot 1 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and containing in
and Mortgage Bond No. 17552 dated 02.09.2020 all extent of Nought Acres, Nought Roods and Twelve Perches
attested by H. A. Amarasena and Mortgage Bond No. 82 (0A., 0R., 12P) according to the said Plan No. 71/2016
dated 19.10.2022 attested by Attotage Chamini Nadeesha aforesaid.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 249

3. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked of Hambantota, Southern Province and the which said Lot
Lot 3 depicted in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th May 5 is bounded on the North by : Walawa Village and land
2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor, of called Koswatta owned by Walawa People on the East by
the land called of the contiguous allotments of land called Lot 6 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 on the South by : Lot
“Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and T. P. 13 (Means of Access of 20 feet wide) of the said Plan
419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the soil, Trees, No. 71/2016 and Ela and on the West by : Lot 4 of the
Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing thereon said Plan No. 71/2016 and containing in extent of Nought
situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grama Niladhari Acres, Nought Roods and Eleven Decimal Four Nought
Division of No. 142- Wanduruppa within the Pradeshiya Perches(0A., 0R., 11.40P) according to the said Plan
Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat Division No. 71/2016 aforesaid.
of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District of
Hambantota, Southern Province and the which said Lot 3 is 6. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
bounded on the North by : Walawa Village and land called Lot 6 depicted in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th May
Koswatta owned by Walawa People on the East by : Lot 4 of 2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor,
the said Plan No. 71/2016 on the South by : Lot 13 (Means of the land called of the contiguous allotments of land
of Access 20 feet wide) of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela called “Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and
and on the West by : Lot 2 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and T. P. 419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the Soil,
containing in extent of Nought Acres, Nought Roods and Trees, Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing
Twelve Perches (0A.,0R.,12P) according to the said Plan thereon situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grama
No. 71/2016 aforesaid. Niladhari Division of No. 142- Wanduruppa within the
Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat
4. All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked Division of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District
Lot 4 depicted in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th May of Hambantota, Southern Province and the which said Lot
2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor, of 6 is bounded on the North by : Walawa Village and land
the land called of the Contiguous allotments of land called called Koswatta Owned by Walawa People on the East by
“Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and T. P. : Lot 7 of the said Plan : No. 71/2016 on the South by :
419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the soil, Trees, Lot 13 (Means of Access of 20 feet wide) of the said Plan
Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing thereon No. 71/2016 and Ela and on the West by : Lot 5 of the said
situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grama Niladhari Plan No. 71/2016 and containing in extent of Nought Acres,
Division of No. 142- Wanduruppa within the Pradeshiya Nought Roods And Eleven Decimal Three Nought Perches
Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat Division (0A., 0R., 11.30P) according to the said Plan No. 71/2016
of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District of aforesaid.
Hambantota, Southern Province and the which said Lot 4
is bounded on the North by Walawa Village and land called 7. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Koswatta owned by Walawa People on the East by : Lot 5 of Lot 7 depicted in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th May
the said Plan No. 71/2016 on the South by : Lot 13 (Means 2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor, of
of Access 20 feet wide) of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela the land called of the contiguous allotments of land called
and on the West by : Lot 3 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and “Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and T. P.
containing in extent of Nought Acres, Nought Roods and 419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the Soil, Trees,
Eleven Decimal Two Nought Perches (0A., 0R., 11.20P.) Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing thereon
according to the said Plan No. 71/2016 aforesaid. situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grama Niladhari
Division of No. 142 Wanduruppa within the Pradeshiya
5. All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat Division
“Lot 5” depicted in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District of
May 2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe,Licensed Surveyor, Hambantota, Southern Province and the which said Lot 7 is
of the land called of the contiguous allotments of land bounded on the North by : Walawa Village and land called
called “Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and Koswatta owned by Walawa People on the East by Lot 8 of
T. P. 419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the soil, the said Plan No. 71/2016 on the South by : Lot 13 (Means of
trees, Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing Access of 20 feet wide) of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela
thereon situated at Wanduruppe Village within the Grama and on the West by : Lot 6 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and
Niladhari Division of No 142- Wanduruppa within the containing in extent of Nought Acres, Nought Roods and
Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat Eleven Decimal Three Nought Perches (0A., 0R., 11.30P)
Division of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District according to the said Plan No. 71/2016 aforesaid.
250 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

8. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Trees, Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing
“Lot 8” defected in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th thereon situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grama
May 2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor, Niladhari Division of No. 142-Wanduruppa within the
of the land called of the contiguous allotments of land Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat
called “Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and Division of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District
T. P. 419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the Soil, of Hambantota, Southern Province and the which said Lot
Trees, Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing 10 is bounded on the North by : Lot 13 (Means of access 20
thereon situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grama feet wide) of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela on the East
Niladhari Division of No. 142- Wanduruppa within the by Lot 09 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 on the South by :
Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat Lot 3 depicted in Plan No. 291 prepared by S. K. Piyadasa,
Division of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District Licensed Surveyor and on the West by : Lot 11 of the said
of Hambantota, Southern Province and the which said Lot Plan No. 71/2016 and containing in the extent of Nought
8 is bounded on the North by : Walawa Village and land Acres, Nought Roods and Twelve Perches (0A., 0R., 12P)
called Koswatta owned by Walawa people and remaining according to the said Plan No. 71/2016 aforesaid.
portion of Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 291 prepared by
S. K. Piyadasa, Licensed Surveyor on the East by remaining 11. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
portion of Lot No. 1 depicted in Plan No. 291 prepared by “Lot 11” defected in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th
S. K. Piyadasa, Licensed Surveyor and Lot No. 3P on the May 2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyer,
South by : Lot 13 (Means of Access of 20 feet wide) of the of the land called of the contiguous allotments of land
said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela and on the West by : Lot 7 called “Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and
of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and containing in extent of T. P. 419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the Soil,
Nought Acres, Nought Roods and Eleven Decimal Three Trees, Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing
Nought Perches (0A., 0R., 11.30P) according to the said Plan thereon situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grama
No. 71/2016 aforesaid. Niladhari Division of No. 142- Wanduruppa within the
Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat
9. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Division of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District
“Lot 9” defected in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th of Hambantota Southern Province and the which said Lot
May 2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor, 11 is bounded on the North by : by Lot 13 (Means of access
of the land called of the contiguous allotments of land 20 feet wide) of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela on the
called “Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and East by : Lot 10 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 on the South by
T. P. 419563 and “Aregawa Watta” together with the Soil, : Lot 3 depicted in Plan No. 291 prepared by S. K. Piyadasa,
Trees, Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing Licensed Surveyor and on the West by : Lot 12 of the said
thereon situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grama Plan No. 71/2016 and containing in the extent of Nought
Niladhari Division of No. 142-Wanduruppa within the Acres, Nought Roods and Twelve Perches (0A., 0R., 12P)
Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat according to the said Plan No. 71/2016 aforesaid.
Division of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District
of Hambantota Southern Province and the which said Lot 12. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
9 is bounded on the North by : Lot 13 (Means of access 20 “Lot 12” defected in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th
feet wide) of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela on the East May 2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor,
by Lot 15 (to extent up to 20 feet wide Road) of the said of the land called of the Contiguous allotments of land
Plan No. 71/2016 on the South by : Lot 3 depicted in Plan called “Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and
No. 291 prepared by S. K. Piyadasa, Licensed Surveyor and T. P. 419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the soil,
on the West by : Lot 10 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Trees, Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing
containing in extent of Nought Acres, Nought Roods And thereon situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grama
Thirty Perches (0A., 0R., 30P) according to the said Plan Niladhari Division of No. 142- Wanduruppa within the
No. 71/2016 aforesaid. Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat
Division of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in District of
10. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Hambantota Southern Province and the which said Lot 12
“Lot 10” defected in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th is bounded on the North by : Lot 13 (Means of access 20
May 2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor, feet wide) of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela on the East
of the land called of the contiguous allotments of land by Lot 11 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 on the South by :
called “Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and Lot 3 depicted in Plan No. 291 prepared by S. K. Piyadasa,
T. P. 419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the Soil, Licensed Surveyor and on the West by : Lot 14 of the
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 251

said Plan No. 71/2016 and containing in extent of Nought Survey Plan No. 71/2016 dated 08th May 2016 made by
Acres, Nought Roods and Twelve Perches (0A., 0R., 12P) Henry Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor, of the land called
according to the said Plan No. 71/2016 aforesaid. of the contiguous allotments of land called “Elagawa
Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 and T. P. 419563 and
13. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Aregawa Watta” together with the Soil, Trees, Buildings,
“Lot 13” (Reservation for Road) defected in Survey Plan No. Plantations and everything else standing thereon situated at
71/2016 dated 08th May 2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe, Wanduruppa Village within the Grama Niladhari Division of
Licensed Surveyor, of the land called of the contiguous No. 142 – Wanduruppa within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits
allotments of land called “Elagawa Watte Landa shown in and the Divisional Secretariat Division of Ambalantota in
T. P. 419561 and T. P. 419563 and Aregawa Watta” together East Giruwa Pattu in the District of Hambantota, Southern
with the soil, Trees, Buildings, Plantations and everything Province and the which said Lot 15 is bounded on the North
else standing thereon situated atWanduruppa Village within by : Lot 13 (means of access 20 feet wide) of the said Plan
the Grama Niladhari Division of No. 142- Wanduruppa No. 71/2016 and Ela on the East by : Access Road 12 feet
within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and the Divisional wide (Lot 6 depicted in Plan No. 291) prepared by S. K.
Secretariat Division of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu Piyadasa, Licensed Surveyor on the South by: Lot 3 depicted
in the District of Hambantota, Southern Province and the in Plan No. 291 prepared by S. K. Piyadasa, Licensed
which said Lot 13 is bounded on the North by : Lots 1, 2, Surveyor and on the West by : Lot 9 of the said Plan No.
3, 4, 5, 6 7 and 8 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela on 71/2016 and containing in extent of Nought Acres, Nought
the East by : Access Road 12 feet wide (Lot 6 defected in Roods and One Decimal Six Nine Perches (0A., 0R., 1.69P)
Survey Plan No. 291 prepared by S. K. Piyadasa, Licensed according to the said Plan No. 71/2016 aforesaid.
Surveyor) on the South by : Lots 15, 9,10, 11,12,14 and 1
of the Plan No. 71/2016 and Reservation for Road 12 feet 16. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
wide (Lot 6 defected in Survey Plan No. 291 Prepared by S. “Lot 16” (Means of Access 30 feet wide) defected in Survey
K. Piyadasa, Licensed Surveyor) and Ela and on the West Plan No. 71/2016 – dated 08th May 2016 made by Henry
by : Lot 10 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and containing in Abeysinghe, Licensed Surveyor, of the land called of the
extent of Nought Acres, Nought Roods and Twenty Three contiguous allotments of land called “Elagawa Watte Landa
Decimal Two Four Perches (0A., 0R., 23.24P) according to Shown in T. P. 419561 and T. P. 419563 and Aregawa Watta”
the said Plan No. 71/2016 aforesaid. together with the soil, Trees, Buildings, Plantations and
everything else standing thereon situated at Wanduruppa
14. All that divided and defined allotment of land Village within the Grama Niladhari Division of No. 142-
marked “Lot 14” defected in Survey Plan No. 71/2016 Wanduruppa within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and the
dated 08th may 2016 made by Henry Abeysinghe Licensed Divisional Secretariat Division of Ambalantota East in
Surveyor, of the land called of the contiguous allotments of Giruwa Pattu in the District of Hambantota, Southern
land called “ Elagawa Watte Landa shown in T. P. 419561 Province and the which said Lot 16 is bounded on the North
and T. P. 419563 and Aregawa Watta” together with the Soil, by : Lot 8 alias Lot 3P and Lot 5 depicted in the Plan No.
Trees, Buildings, Plantations and everything else standing 422A prepared by S. K. Piyadasa, Licensed Surveyor on the
thereon situated at Wanduruppa Village within the Grama East by : Excluded Lot J for Road, on the South by : Lot
Niladhari Division of No. 142- Wanduruppa within the 11 depicted in Plan No. 422A prepared by S. K. Piyadasa,
Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and the Divisional Secretariat Licensed Surveyor, and on the West by : Lot 6 (12 feet wide
Division of Ambalantota in East Giruwa Pattu in the District Road) depicted in Plan No. 291 prepared by S. K. Piyadasa,
of Hambantota, Southern Province and the which said Lot Licensed Surveyor and containing in extent of Nought
14 is bounded on the North by : Lot 13 (means of access 20 Acres, Nought, Roods and Ten Decimal Four Nought
feet wide) of the said Plan No. 71/2016 and Ela on the East Perches(0A., 0R., 10.40P) according to the said Plan No.
by : Lot 12 of the said Plan No. 71/2016 on the South by : 71/2016 aforesaid.
Lot 3 depicted in Plan No. 291 Prepared by S. K. Piyadasa,
Licensed Surveyor and on the West by : Lot No. 1 and Lot Notice of Resolution.— Please refer Government
13 and Ela (Means of Access 20 feet wide) of the said Gazette of 01.12.2023 and “Mawbima”, “Daily Mirror” and
Plan No. 71/2016 and containing in extent of Nought Acres, “Thinakkural” newspapers on 04.11.2023.
Nought Roods and Twelve Perches (0A.,0R.,12P) according
to the said Plan No. 71/2016 aforesaid. Access.— Proceed from Ambalantota Town center along
Wanduruppa Road for about 80 Yards up premises bearing
15. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked assessment No. 50 and turn to the right and then proceed
“Lot 15” (to extent up to 20 feet wide Road) defected in along 30 feet wide road reservation marked as Lot 16 can
252 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02

reach the subject property. It enjoys motorable access along the right to forfeit (10%) of the purchase price already paid
the gravel road. and resell the property.

Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will Title deeds and any other references may be obtained
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the from the Senior Manager (Credit Supervision & Recoveries),
hammer. Hatton National Bank P.L.C. H.N.B. Towers, No. 479, T. B.
Jaya Mawatha, Colombo 10.
1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchase price ;
2. One percent (1%) Local Authority Tax payable to the Telephone Nos.: 011-2661828, 2661866.
Local Authority ;
J. W. E. Jayawardhana,
3. Auctioneer’s Commission of Two and a half percent
(Justice of Peace - Whole Island),
(2.5%) on the sale price ;
Court Commissioner, Valuer and
4. Notary’s Fee for conditions of sale Rs. 2,000 selling
Licensed Auctioneer.
conditions ;
5. Clerk’s & Crier’s fee of Rs. 1,500 ; No.: 59, Kumara Mawatha,
6. Total Cost of Advertising incurred on the sale. Patuwatha,
Balance Ninety percent (90%) of the purchase price will T.P. : 0779-663420, 0713358434.
have to be paid within 30 days from the date of sale to the E-mail : [email protected]
Hatton National Bank P.L.C. If the balance amount is not
paid within 30 days as stipulated above the bank shall have 02-59
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'02'02 253


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Note.—Payments for inserting Notices in the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
will be received by the Government Printer.

The Schedule

   Month Date of Publication Last Date and Time of

Acceptance of Notices for
           Publication in the Gazette


February 02.02.2024 Friday — 19.01.2024 Friday 12 noon

09.02.2024 Friday –– 26.01.2024 Friday 12 noon
16.02.2024 Friday –– 02.02.2024 Friday 12 noon
22.02.2024 Thursday –– 09.02.2024 Friday 12 noon

March 01.03.2024 Friday — 16.02.2024 Friday 12 noon

07.03.2024 Thursday –– 22.02.2024 Thursday 12 noon
15.03.2024 Friday –– 01.03.2024 Friday 12 noon
22.03.2024 Friday –– 07.03.2024 Thursday 12 noon
28.03.2024 Thursday –– 15.03.2024 Friday 12 noon

April 05.04.2024 Friday — 22.03.2024 Friday 12 noon

10.04.2024 Wednesday –– 28.03.2024 Thursday 12 noon
19.04.2024 Friday –– 05.04.2024 Friday 12 noon
26.04.2024 Friday –– 10.04.2024 Wednesday 12 noon

Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.
Department of Government Printing,
Colombo 08,
01st January, 2024.


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