Year 4 Unit Plan - Rowan of Rin

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Teacher Name: Year 4 Unit Plan (U5) Rowan of Rin – Quest Novel – Explain how the author represents

n – Quest Novel – Explain how the author represents the main character throughout the story.
Success Criteria

Curriculum Intent
Term: Three Achievement Standard- What is the expectation What is the expectation at a B level? What is the expectation at an A level?
Unit Overview: In this unit, students read and analyse a quest novel. Throughout the unit, students are monitored as they post comments and at a C level?
respond to others' comments in a discussion board to demonstrate understanding of the quest novel. Students will also write a short response Written response Written response Written response
explaining how the author represents the main character throughout the story. Explains how language features and vocabulary are Uses metalanguage to explain how the author of the Integrates and links ideas to show how the important
used to engage the interest of the audience. quest novel uses language to develop the character event contributes to character development in the
Describes literal and implied meaning connecting ideas and the event and create plot tension. novel.
Overarching learning goal: Includes key information and supporting details. Expresses and connects ideas using a range of sentence
in different texts.
Exploring a quest novel – written response: To explain how the author of a quest novel represents the main character throughout the story. Creates a structured text to explain ideas. Uses quotation marks to signal quoted (direct) structures.
Uses language features to create coherence and add speech.
Assessable Content Descriptions (must know) ACELT1604, ACELT1605, ACELA1493, ACELY1692, ACELA1491, ACELY1694, ACELY1492, ACELY1695 detail. Adds, deletes and moves words and word groups in
What do they have to know? What do they have to do? Uses grammar and selects vocabulary from a range of editing to create a cohesive written response.
Explain how the main character is represented in the quest novel Rowan of Rin by Emily Uses accurate spelling and punctuation.
 Quest novels – What is a Quest novel?
Rodda: Re-reads and edits work to improve meaning.
 Unusual happenings in a framework of familiar experiences
 Using metalanguage to describe effects of ideas, text structures, language  Read and select an important event
features  Explain how the author represents the main character Students: Students:
 Explain how language features engage the audience  Write a draft written response
 Author’s use techniques to involve readers: character development, plot tension  Edit the written response
 Comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning  Publish the written response
 Expanding content knowledge, integrating and linking ideas
PURPOSE AND AUDIENCE Individual Curriculum Plans
 Analysis of text – to inform
 Audience – peers/teacher
 Providing key information and supporting details
 Introduction – title and author and important event in the novel Differentiation - How will you know your students have succeeded? Refer to Maker Model Guiding Questions
 Body – Evidence about main character during the event
 Conclusion – Your interpretation of the significance of the event on the character
COHESION Maker Model Area Upper 3 Bands Lower 2 Bands
 Pronoun referencing, text connectives Model ‘think aloud’ strategy – ask questions as you read to help understand Make connections (text-self, text-text, text-world) to understand the effect of
CLAUSE AND SENTENCE LEVEL inferred meaning, author’s decisions language features on the reader/viewer
 Meaning is enriched through noun groups/phrases, verb groups/phrases and Provide details in descriptive writing with attention to plot tension, character Narrative structure focus on plot elements - main events, characters, setting,
prepositional phrases development, main events, perspective, noun groups/phrases, verb orientation, problems, resolution.
 Use a range of sentence structures - simple and compound sentences groups/phrases, prepositional phrases, sentence types, paragraphing and Explicit teaching of specific vocabulary/concepts and metalanguage (see list).
WORD LEVEL GRAMMAR punctuation. Share student writing samples and provide peer feedback Build word banks and image walls for characters and events
 Adverb Groups and pepositional phrases Understanding of different sentence types; clauses, conjunctions and use of Joint construction – Descriptive sentence writing. Use speech to text software for
quotation marks, dialogue, titles and quoted speech engagement
 Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources
Expressing an opinion and providing supporting information from the text Participate in discussions; express preferences for character, giving reasons.
PUNCTUATION Model use of editing checklist Discuss character actions in relation to an event How is the character
 quotation marks are used to signal dialogue, titles and quoted (direct) speech presented? How does the author use language to change how you feel about
SPELLING the character?
 Double letters Identify nouns and verbs for character and effect of using these.
 spelling generalisations Process Tiered activities addressing aspects of “What they need to know”, “What they Small groups – fluid (tiered tasks)
 morphemic word families need to do” Mixed ability for peer feedback- multiple opportunities
 common prefixes/suffixes Distinguish between different sentence types: simple, compound, questions, Model using ‘think aloud’ strategy to ask questions and make connections
 word origins for complex words exclamations; effect on reader of longer, shorter sentences on reader; related between words and character representation
punctuation Graphic organisers to scaffold tasks – identifying words to describe characters
 homophones in correct context
Deconstruct narrative structure – orientation, complication, resolution and events, past tense verbs, feelings, sentence starters (pictorial cues to match
EDITING Online blogging/discussion– sharing information about author’s use of language images)
 Editing – adding, deleting or moving words/word groups to improve content and to make meaning; evaluate and respond to peers Joint construction of written descriptions
structure Extended time for practising focused teaching
Simplify instructions and chunk tasks
Key Metalanguage Product Provide structured and timely feedback Access to regular teacher feedback and conferencing
Pivotal points, represents, character, Quest novel, Author, event, prepostional Unpack an ‘A’ exemplar and sample responses Scaffold assessment task - use a simple graphic organiser or task checklist to
phrase, noun group, verb group, pronouns, all relevant metalanguage Review GTMJ to understand expectations for A-C track and chunk into manageable parts
Scaffold/checklist for editing and proofreading requirements Adjust assessment format and conditions for improved access to task
Comprehension Strategies Additional time allocation to allow for fatigue
Literal and implied meaning, making inferences, synthesising, QAR Environment Display jointly constructed learning goals Display jointly constructed learning goals
“Third Teacher Space” - Narrative structure (plot tension, character Visual Aids – uncluttered vocabulary walls
development); Word walls (e.g. noun groups/phrases, verb groups/phrases and Reduce sensory impacts
prepositional phrases, sentence types) Small group work
New & Ongoing Content (should know) Established expectations about respectful interactives skills for listening and Individual one-on-one instruction
No new. All Ongoing giving feedback to others Established expectations about respectful interactives skills for listening and
 Evaluating texts – Metalanguage Paired activities with a ‘trusted peer’; mixed ability groupings giving feedback to others
 Features of literary texts – character development, plot tension Individual personal/social skills goals – able to be articulated by student and Individual personal/social skills goals – able to be articulated by student and
visible visible
 Sentences – meaning enriched through noun groups/phrases, verb groups/phrases, prepositional phrases
 Comprehension strategies
 Cohesive devices – pronoun referencing, text connectives
 Text structures and language features that create texts
 Punctuation – quotation marks
 Editing texts – adding, deleting or moving words/word groups
Moderation Goals from previous Assessment Piece- ongoing content – what does my class need? (Use your last sample of moderated work)
This information where relevant can be used to structure daily writing activities
Literacy Goals – Literacy continuum Do students have the required literacy skills portrayed in the model response?
Term 3 2022 Teaching Sequence (as at 19/07/22)
How will I effectively use the Gradual Release Model to meet the needs of my students?
Week 1opportunitiesWeek
What are my 2 Week
for modelled/shared/guided 3 will this link with
reading (how Week writing?)4 Week 5 Week 6What are my Week
opportunities7for modelled/shared/guided
Week 8 writing (joint
Week 9
construction)? Week 10
How am I building field knowledge and what will I be modelling? How am I building field knowledge and what will I be modelling?
Lesson Quest stories/language in a quest novel Language in a quest novel/character Step students through
Character development / author's what it looks like before
Plan, sending themand
draft, edit to the independent
publish writing phase.
assessment task
 Sharing characteristic features of quest stories development  Expressing viewpoints about a novel and the main character- Use language of
 Quest novels – What is a Quest novel?
representation of character opinion mapping character development
 Analysing character development  Analysing character development CONTEXT
 Unusual happenings in a framework of familiar experiences 
 Analysing language features to describe a character-  Analysing
Quest novels – What is aa Quest
novel? direct speech  Written response
 Analysing cohesive devices
 Use metalanguage to describe effects of ideas, text structures, language features (The author uses…, Emily Rodda used….., The
 Sentence structure – simple, compound and complex
Noun describe….
groups, Verb groups, Prepositional phrases Unusualhappenings
Quotation in marks in direct
a framework speech
of familiar and dialogue
 Explain how language features engage the audience  Emphasis on sentence starters   Analysing
Use metalanguage character
to describe development
effects of ideas, text structures, language features
 Identify and discuss author’s use techniques to involve readers: character development, plot tension  Rearrange sentences  Written response - how language features engage the audience
 Use questions from Monitoring task to frame reflective questions to build literal and inferred meaning  Possessive apostrophe  Author’s use techniques to involve readers: character development, plot tension
 Expanding content knowledge, integrating and linking ideas  Expressing viewpoints about the main character- UseUse questions from Monitoring task to frame reflective questions to build literal and inferred meaning
PURPOSE AND AUDIENCE language of opinion  Expanding content knowledge, integrating and linking ideas
 Analysis of text – to inform  Creating settings PURPOSE AND AUDIENCE
 Audience – peers/teacher  Posting and responding to viewpoints  Analysis of text – to inform
TEXT STRUCTURE  Audience – peers/teacher
 Editing processes
 Analysis – use graphic organiser to provide key information and supporting details TEXT STRUCTURE
 Paragraphing
 Introduction – title and author and important event in the novel  Analysis – use graphic organiser to model/jointly construct example of task to provide key information and supporting details
Content Discuss how authors and illustrators make stories Recognise how quotation marks are used in texts to signal Understand how texts are Use metalanguage to describe the effects of ideas, Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key
 Body – Evidence about main character during the event  Providing keystructures
information and
Descriptors exciting, moving and absorbing and hold readers’ dialogue, titles and quoted (direct) speech (ACELA1492) made cohesive through the text andsupporting
language details
features of literary texts information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences, demonstrating
 Conclusion – Your interpretation of the significance of the event on the character  Introduction – title and author and important event in the novel
interest by using various techniques, for example use of linking devices (ACELT1604) increasing control over text structures and language features (ACELY1694)
COHESION  Body – Evidence about main character during the event
character development and plot tension (ACELT1605) Understand that the meaning of sentences can be including pronoun reference Re-read and edit for meaning by adding, deleting or moving words or word groups to
 Identify pronoun referencing, text connectives enriched through the use of noun groups/phrases and and text connectives Conclusion – Your interpretation of the significance of the event on the character
CLAUSE AND SENTENCE LEVEL improve content and structure (ACELY1695)
Understand how adverb groups/phrases and verb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases (ACELA1491) COHESION
 Meaning is enriched through noun groups/phrases, verb groups/phrases
prepositional phrases work in different ways to provide and prepositional phrases
(ACELA1493)  Model and write using pronoun referencing, text connectives Write using clearly-formed joined letters, and develop increased fluency and
 Use a range of circumstantial
sentence structures - simple
details and compound
about sentences
an activity – provide examples on learning wall
WORD LEVEL GRAMMAR  Model and write using noun groups/phrases to describe in detail characters, settings and events
 Identify and list on learning wall - Adverb Groups and pepositional phrases Understand how texts vary in complexity and technicality
 Model and write using verb groups/phrases to describe actions, thoughts, feelings and speech
depending on the approach to the topic, the purpose and
 Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources  Model and write using prepositional phrases to add circumstantial details of events and actions
the intended audience (ACELA1490)
PUNCTUATION  Model and write using a range of sentence structures - simple and compound sentences – variation of conjunctions eg FANBOYS
 Identify and discuss the use of quotation marks are used to signal dialogue, titles and quoted (direct) speech WORD LEVEL GRAMMAR
Quick Writes Classroom teachers to plan according to needs/interests of individual classes  Model and write using adverb groups and pepositional phrases
What texts may I need to utilise for language and concept familiarisation and deconstruction?  Model and write incorporating new vocabulary from a range of sources
French, F 2008, The smallest samurai, Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, London PUNCTUATION
Rodda, E 2005, Rowan of Rin, Scholastic, Sydney  Model and write using quotation marks to signal dialogue, titles and quoted (direct) speech
Cauldron of Tamoui (eBook PDF file)
Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning to expand content knowledge, integrating and linking ideas and analysingModel and and
write usingtexts
level spelling, including:-
strategy  Double letters
Visualising Inferring
 spelling generalisations Comparing Questioning
 morphemic word families
Spelling C2C spelling dashboards for Units 4 and 5:  common prefixes/suffixes
focus  word origins for complex words
 homophones in correct context
Homophones — Prefixes — ‘over’ Word endings — Final syllables — Suffix — ‘ion’ EDITING Hard and soft ‘c’ Hard and soft Prefixes — ‘in’, Suffixes — ‘ful’, Consolidation
 Model adding, deleting or moving words/word groups to improve content and structure
two syllable words and ‘under’ Suffix ‘dge’ and ‘ge’ ‘ture’ and ‘sure’ added to base words Homophone ‘g’ Homophone ‘im’, ‘fore’ and ‘en’ ‘ly’ and ‘ness’
— ‘ward’ Final syllables — ending in ‘ss’ and revision revision
‘et’ and ‘it’ Minimum
‘ct’ Weekly English Expectation
Vocabulary Supporting learning resource — English metalanguage: Years 3–6
Reading Writing Spelling
Strive resources for vocab – in G-drive (00Year 4 planning/Term 3/English)
3 x week: Modelled, Shared, Guided and Independent Reading Daily independent writing (data driven) 1x Modelled & Shared Spelling
2x Modelled, Shared and Guided Writing 3 x Guided and Independent Spelling
Lessons Lesson 1 – Sharing Lesson 3 – Analysing Read Chapter 4 Read Chapter 6 Lesson 8 (ILM L12): Read Chapter 9 Read Chapter
Lessons 13-14 (ILMs
data collation L21-22):
of spelling using processes such as
Characteristics of Quest character Lesson 5 – (ILM L8): Lesson 6 (ILM L9): Creating settings Continue Lesson 9 (ILM Lesson 11 (ILMs L17
dictation/editing/proofreading (How does spelling look in writing?)
Stories development. Analysing character Analysing language Character L13/14): Posting and & 18): Examining the assessment task and mapping character development
Look for interrelated teaching opportunities to link the Productive and Receptive Modes
Introduce story “ The Read Chapter Two development features to describe a development/author's responding to Analysing character
cauldron of Tamoui” “Sheba” Examine and map character. representation of viewpoints development Lessons 15-16 (ILMs L23-24):
Use graphic organiser character development Students identify and character Comprehension:
Do Pre-write based on to map Rowan’s Explain character Read Chapter 7 Chapter 9 Comprehension: Plan, draft, edit and publish written response to explain how the author of a
analyse nouns, noun
Cauldron of Tamoui character development in an comprehension Chapter 11 quest novel represents the main character throughout the story.
groups, verbs and verb Comprehension:
development. event.
groups in describing a Chapter 7 questions comprehension
Lesson 2 – Read Discuss the author’s Modify above lessons to accommodate change to Assessment Task (ie.
character. comprehension questions
opening chapter and use of language Comprehension: Development of Rowan’s character from the beginning to the end of the story –
examine monitoring features to portray Chapter 4 questions
not in a specific event as in unit plan)
task. Rowan’s character eg comprehension Comprehension: Read Chapter 10 Read Chapters 12
small, shy, quieter, questions Chapter 6 Lesson 10 (ILM L16): and 13
Discuss the setting for nervous etc comprehension Lesson 9 (ILM L13): Analysing a character’s Lesson 12 (ILM
the story. (Eal/D Metro Comprehension: Read Chapter 5 questions Posting and responding direct speech L19):
has worksheets re: Chapter 2 W/Sheets “Chapter 5 to viewpoints Comprehension: Expressing
setting) comprehension Language Analysis” Read Chapter 8 Chapter 10 viewpoints about a
Lesson 7 (ILM L11):
Discuss new questions p37, “Noun Groups” W/S “Chapter 8 comprehension novel and the main
vocabulary’ Expressing viewpoints
Read Chapter 3 p38 & “Verb Groups” Language features” p45 questions character
Discuss similarities and about the main
Discuss “The Main p39 (from EAL/D (from EAL/D Metro)
differences in the life of character.
Characters” sheet Metro) Comprehension: Comprehension:
a child of Rin and Who are the Chapter 8 Chapters 12 & 13
current day. volunteers and why Comprehension: comprehension comprehension
Comprehension: they chose to go on Chapter 5 questions questions

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