ECON218 Answer 7
ECON218 Answer 7
ECON218 Answer 7
a. Bandung
b. !Jakarta
c. Medan
d. Palembang
5. To the nearest whole number, how many radians are in a whole circle?
a. !6
b. 5
c. 3
d. 4
1. Just Cause 2 was mainly set in what fictional Southeast Asian island country?
a. Macau
b. Palau
c. Davao
d. !Panau
6. If you play the Super Mario RPG and nap in a rented hotel room, you will wake up
next to what familiar looking character?
a. Solid Snake
b. Wario
c. !Link
d. Qbert
7. The quot;Day of Defeatquot; series of games take place during which war?
a. !World War II
b. Iraq War
c. Vietnam War
d. World War I
11. What is the hardest possible difficulty in quot;Deus Ex: Mankind Dividedquot;?
a. Guru
b. Extreme
c. Nightmare
d. !I Never Asked For This