Apollo 13 Mission Operation Report
Apollo 13 Mission Operation Report
Apollo 13 Mission Operation Report
The IO-day mission will be completed with landing in the Pacific Ocean. Recovery
and transport of the crew, spacecraft, and lunar samples to the Lunar Receiving
Laboratory at the Manned Spacecraft Center will be conducted under quarantine
procedures that provide for biological isolation.
Rocco A. Petrone
~s!Zc~;e%%%f!tor for
Manned Space Flight
MISSION OPERATION REPORTS are published expressly for the use of NASA Senior
Management, as required by the Administrator in NASA Instruction 6-2-10, dated
15 August 1963. The purpose of these reports is to provide NASA Senior Management
with timely, complete, and definitive information on flight mission plans, and to
establish official mission objectives which provide the basis for assessment of mission
Initial reports are prepared and issued for each flight project just prior to launch.
Following launch, updating reports foreach missionare issued to keepGeneral Manage-
ment currently informed of definitive mission results as provided in NASA Instruction
. 3
Detailed Objectives and Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mission Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Configuration Differences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Flight Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
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2 Lunar Orbit Insertion and Descent Orbit Insertion 14
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Apollo 13 TV Schedule 11
3/2 7/70 III
Mission Launch Launch Payload Description Mission Launch Launch Payload Description
Date Vehicle Date vaiTEie
AS-201 2/26/66 SA-201 CSM-009 Launch vehicle end CSM APOLLO 6 4/4/68 SA-502 CM-020 Launch vehicle and space-
development. Test of SM-014 craft development. Demon-
CSM subsystems and of the LTA-2R stration of Saturn V
space vehicle. Demon- sLA-9 Iaunch Vehicle performance.
stration of reentry ade-
quacy of the CM at earth APOLLO 7 10/11/68 SA-205 CM-101 Manned CSM operations.
orbital conditions. SM-101 Duration 10 days 20 hours.
AS-203 l/5/66 SA-203 LH2 in Launch vehicle development.
S-WE Demonstration of control APOLLO 8 12/21/68 SA-503 CM-103 Lunar orbital mission.
of LH2 by continuous vent- SM-103 Ten lunar orbits. Mission
ing in orbit. LTA-B duration 6 days 3 hours.
S&A-11 Manned CSM operations.
AS-202 B/25/66 SA-202 cm-011 Launch vehicle end CSM
development. Test of CSM APOLLO 9 3/3/69 SA-504 CM-104 Earth orbital mission.
subsystems and of the SH-104 Manned CSM/LM operations.
structural integrity and LM-3 Duration 10 days 1 hour.
compatibility of the space SIA-12
vehicle. Qemonstratio" of
propulsion and entry con- APOLLO10 5/18/69 SA-505 CM-106 Lunar orbital mission.
trol by G&N system. Demon- SM-106 Manned CSWLM ooerations.
stration of entry at 28,500 LM-4 Evaluation'of ti perform-
fps. SLA-13 ance in cislunar and lunar
environment, following
APOLM 4 11/g/67 SA-501 CSM-017 Launch vehicle and space- lunar landing profile.
LTA-1OR craft development. Demo"- Mission duration 8 days.
stration of Saturn V Launch
Vehicle performance and of APOLLO 11 7/16/69 SA-506 CM-107 First manned lunar landing
CM entry at lunar return SM-107 mission. Lunar surface
velocity. LM-5 stay time 21.6 hours.
SLA-14 Mission duration 8 days
APOLLO 5 l/22/68 SA-204 r&l-l LM development. Verified 3 hours.
SLA-7 operation of LM subsystems:
ascent and descent propul- APOLLO 12 11/14/69 SA-507 CM-108 Second manned lunar landing
sion systems (including SM-108 mission. Demonstration of
restart) and structures. LJ4-6 point landing capability.
EValUatiOn Of LM Staging. SLA-15 DeDhVWZ”t Of ALSEP I.
Evaluation of S-IVB/ILl or- Su+or III investigation.
bital performance. Lunar Surface stay time
31.5 hours. Two dual EVA's
(15.5 manhours). 89 hours in
lunar orbit (45 orbits).
Mission duration 10 days
4.6 hours.
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Television Coverage.
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Countdown for launch of the AS-508 Sp ace Vehicle for the Apollo 13 Mission will
begin with a precount starting at T-94 hours during which launch vehicle and spacecraft
countdown activities will be conducted independently. Official coordinated spacecraft
and launch vehicle countdown will begin at T-28 hours.
For a hold that results in a scrub prior to T-22 minutes, turnaround procedures are
initiated from the point of hold. Should a hold occur from T-22 minutes (S-II start
bottle chilldown) to T-16.2 seconds (S-IC f orward umbilical disconnect), then a
recycle to T-22 minutes, a hold, or a scrub is possible under conditions stated in the
Launch Mission Rules. A hold between T-16.2 seconds and T-8.9 seconds (ignition)
could result in either a recycle or a scrub depending upon the circumstances. An
automatic or manual cutoff after T-8.9 seconds will result in a scrub.
A 30-day turnaround capability exists in the event that a scrub occurs and there is no
launch window available within the 24 or 48-hour turnaround capability.
The maximum scrub/turnaround time from any point in the launch countdown up to
T-8.9 seconds is 48 hours. Th is maximum time assumes no serial repair activities are
required and it provides for reservicing all space vehicle cryogenics.
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The landing site of the Apollo 13 Mission is a point 3”4O’S latitude, 17O29’W longitude
in the Fra Mauro Formation. The Fra Mauro Formation, an extensive geologic unit
covering large portions of the lunar surface around Mare Imbrium, has been interpreted
as the ejecta blanket deposited during the formation of the lmbrium basin. Sampling
of the Fra Mauro Formation may provide information on ejecta blanket formation and
modification, and yield samples of deep-seated crustal material giving information on
the composition of the lunar interior and the processes active in its formation. Age
dating the returned samples should establish the age of premare deep-seated material
and the age of the formation of the lmbrium basin and provide important points on the
geologic time scale leading to an understanding of the early history of the moon.
NOTE: Only one scrub/turnaround is feasible for May. April times are EST; all
others are EDT.
** The addition of the T-24 hour and T+24 hour windows to the optimum T-O window
provides increased flexibility in that all three opportunities are available for
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The three opportunities established for May --in case the launch is postponed from
11 Apri I --provide, in effect, the flexibility of a choice of two launch attempts. The
optimum May launch window occurs on 10 May. The 3-day window permits a choice
of attempting a launch 24 hours earlier than the optimum window and, if necessary, a
further choice of a 24-hour or 48-hour recycle. It also permits a choice of making the
first launch attempt on the optimum day with a 24-hour recycle capability. The 9 May
window (T-24 hrs.) requires an additional 24 hours in lunar orbit before initiating
powered descent to arrive at the landing site at the same time and hence have the same
sun angle for landing as on 10 May. Should the 9 May window launch attempt be
scrubbed, a decision will be made at that time, based on the reason for the scrub,
status of spacecraft cryogenics and weather predictions, whether to recycle for 10 May
(T-O hrs. ) or 11 May (T+24 hrs .) If I aunched on 11 May, the flight plan will be similar
for the 10 Mayomission but the sun elevation angle at lunar landing will be 18.5’
instead of 7.8
The Apollo 13 Mission will use a hybrid trajectory that retains most of the safety features
of the free-return trajectory but without the performance limitations. From earth orbit
the spacecraft will be initially injected into a highly eccentric elliptical orbit (peri-
cynthion of approximately 210 nautical miles (NM), which has a free-return character-
istic, i.e., the spacecraft can return to the earth entry corridor without any further
maneuvers. The spacecraft wi II not depart from the free-return ellipse unti I after the
Lunar Module (LM) has been extracted from the launch vehicle and can provide a pro-
pulsion system backup to the Service Propulsion System (SPS). Approximately 28 hours
after translunar injection (TLI), a midcourse maneuver wil I be performed by the SPS to
place the spacecraft on a lunar approach trajectory (non-free-return) having a peri-
cynthion of 60 NM.
Desired lunar landing site sun elevation. The hybrid profi le faci Ii tates
adjustment of translunar transit time which can be used to control sun
angles on the landing site during lunar orbit and at landing.
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’ _--
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During the Apollo 12 Mission, the space vehicle was subjected to two distinct electri-
cal discharge events. However, no serious damage occurred and the mission proceeded
to a successful conclusion. Intensive investigation led to the conclusion that no hard-
ware changes were necessary to protect the space vehicle from similar events. For
Apollo 13 the Mission Rules have been revised to reduce the probability that the space
vehicle will be launched into cloud formations that contain conditions conducive to
initiating similar electrical discharges although flight into all clouds is not precluded.
The AS-508 Space Vehicle for the Apollo 13 Mission is planned to be launched at
14:13 EST on 11 Apri I 1970 from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center
Florida, on a flight azimuth of 72’. The Saturn V Launch Vehicle (LV) will insert
the S-IVB/lnstrument Unit (lU)/LM/CSM into a 103-NM, circular orbit. The S-lVB/IU
and spacecraft checkout will be accomplished during the orbital coast phase. Figure 1
and Tables 2 through 4 summarize the flight profile events and space vehicle weight.
Translunar Injection
Approximately 2.6 hours after liftoff, the launch vehicle S-IVB stage will be reignited
during the second parking orbit to perform the translunar injection (TLI) maneuver,
placing the space vehicle on a free-return trajectory having a pericynthion of approxi-
mately 210 NM.
The CSM will separate from the S-lVB/IU/LM approximately 4 hours Ground Elapsed
Time (GET), transpose, dock, and initiate ejection of the LM/CSM from the S-lVB/IU.
During these maneuvers, the LM and S-lVB/lU will be photographed to provide engineer-
ing data.
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TPI -1-i x 61 NM
(9 x 44 - NM UKtSIII .
CSM\ /&
Launch Escape 9,012 --- 9,012 ---
* CSM/LM Separation
** CM/SM Separation
At 4.2 hours GET the S-IVB/IU will begin a series of programmed and ground-commanded
operations which will alter the LV trajectory so that the S-lVB/lU will impact the lunar
surface at the desired point providing a known energy source for the Apollo 12 ALSEP
seismology equipment. The first is a programmed Auxiliary Propulsion System (APS)
ullage motor retrograde burn evasive maneuver to provide initial launch vehicle/spacecraft
separation to prevent recontact of the two vehicles. Second, by a combination of pro-
grammed liquid oxygen (LOX) dumping the S-lVB/lU will be placed on a lunar impact
trajectory. A second APS ul lage motor burn wi I I be ground commanded at approximately
6.0 hours GET. The burn duration and attitude will be determined in real-time basedon
trajectory data. This burn is intended to place the S-IVB/IU on the trajectory for lunar
impact at the desired point. A third APS ullage motor burn, also ground commanded, will
be performed if necessary to refine the S-lVB,/lU trajectory. This burn will occur approxi-
mately 9oO hours GET. The desired impact will be within 350 kilometers of the target
point, 3 S. latitude, 30°W. longitude. The impact will occur while the CSM/LM is on
the backside of the moon. Later, the crew will photograph the S-IVB/IU target impact
area. It is desired that postflight determination of actual impact be within 5 kilometers
in distance and 1 second in time.
The SPS will insert the spacecraft into an initial lunar orbit (approximately 60 x 170 NM)
at 77.6 hours GET (Figure 2). The spacecraft will remain in a 60 x 170-NM orbit for
approximately two revolutions.
After two revolutions in lunar orbit, the SPS will be used to insert the spacecraft in a
60 x 8-NM descent orbit. During the 4th revolution, the Command Module Pilot (CMP)
will photograph the candidate exploration site Censorinus from the CSM at low altitude
while the Commander (CDR) and Lunar Module Pilot (LMP) enter the LM for checkout
and housekeeping. The crew will use approximately six revolutions for eat and rest
periods, and then wi I I prepare the LM for separation and powered descent.
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8 x 60 NM(12 REVS)
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A soft undocking will be made during the 12th revolution. Spacecraft separation will
be executed by the Service Module Reaction Control System (SM RCS) with the CSM
radially below the LM (Figure 3).
(8 x 60 !IM)
Fig. 3
During the 12th revolution (after undocking) the CSM will perform a circularization
maneuver to a near-circular 60-NM orbit. The CSM will photograph selected sites that
- will include the candidate exploration site Censorinus. Lunar orbital science photography
and dim light photography of zodiacal light, solar corona, and gegenschein will be
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During the 14th revolution the DPS will be used for the powered descent maneuver,
which wil I start approximately at pericynthion. The vertical descent portion of an
automatic landing during the landing phase will start at an altitude of about 100 feet
and will be terminated at touchdown on the lunar surface (Figure 3). The crew may
s elect to take over manually at an altitude of about 500 feet or below. Return to
automatic control is a newly added capability of the LM guidance computer.
During descent, the lunar surface will be photographed from the LMP’s window to
record LM movement and surface disturbances and to aid in determining the landed
LM location.
Immediately upon landing, the LM crew will execute the lunar contact check-
list and reach a stay/no-stay decision. After reaching a decision to stay, the
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) will be aligned, the Abort Guidance System
(AGS) gyro will be calibrated and aligned, and the lunar surface will be
photographed through the LM window. Following a crew eat period al I loose
items not required for extravehicular activity (EVA) will be stowed.
The activity timeline for EVA-l is shown in Figure 5. Both crew members will
don helmets, gloves, Portable Life Support Systems (PLSS), and Oxygen Purge
Systems (OPS) and th e cabin will be depressurized. The CDR wil I move through
the hatch, deploy the Lunar Equipment Conveyor (LEC), and move to the
ladder where he will deploy the Modularized Equipment Stowage Assembly
(MESA), Figure 6, which initiates television coverage from the MESA. He will
then descend the ladder to the lunar surface. The LMP will monitor and
photograph the CDR using a still camera (70mm Hasselblad Electric Camera)
and the lunar geologic exploration sequence camera (16mm Data Acquisition
103:42 GET (2155 EST)
2 HR, 4 HR, 142HRi HRn0,5 HR, 916 HR,
I.,2 H , I I 2 HR,
4 HRu
3 HR,
:““‘1 ANT. SW.
30 40 50
3tOo 3+10 3+20 3+30 3t4D 3+50 4tOo 4t10
M-932-70- 13
lunar material (approximately 2
pounds), sealing it in a Contin-
gency Sample Container, and
placing the sample in the Equip-
ment Transfer Bag (ETB), along with
the lithium hydroxide (LiOH)
canisters and PLSS bat.teries for
later transfer into the LM using the
LEC. The LMP will transfer the
70mm cameras to the surface with
the LEC. The LMP wi II then descend
to the surface.
Fig. 7
Lunar TV Camera (Color) Deployment - While the CDR deploys the S-band
antenna, the LMP will unstow the TV camera and deploy it on the tripod
approximately 50 feet from the LM. The LMP will then ingress the LM to
activate and verify TV transmission with the Mission Control Center.
The contingency sample and other equipment will be transferred into the LM
and the 16mm lunar geologic exploration camera transferred to the surface.
The LMP will egress again, leaving the hatch slightly ajar, and descend to
the surface. The CDR wil I photograph the contingency sample area and the
LMP egress. Following this, the American flag wil I be deployed.
ALSEP Deployment - After offloading ALSEP from the LM, the Radioisotope
Thermoelectric Generator (RTG) will be fueled (Figure 8), the ALSEP packages
will be attached to a one-man carry bar for traverse in a barbell mode, and
the TV will be positioned to view the ALSEP site. The hand tools will be
loaded on the hand tool carrier. While the CDR obtains TV and photographic
panoramic views from the site, the LMP will unload Sample Return Container
number 1 (SRC 1) and remove the ALSCC. The CDR and LMP wi II then carry
the ALSEP packages, hand tool carrier, and Apollo Lunar Surface Drill (ALSD)
to the deployment site approximately 500 feet from the LM. The crew will
survey the site and determine the desired location for the experiments. The
following individual experiment packages will then be separated, assembled,
and deployed to respective sites in the arrangement shown in Figure 9.
Fig. 8
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Passive Seismic Experiment (S-031) - The CDR will deploy and set up the
Passive Seismic Experiment package with its thermal cover.
Charged Particle Lunar Environment Experiment (S-038) - The CDR will deploy
and orient the Charged Particle Lunar Environment Experiment package while
the LMP is assembling the ALSD and drilling the first hole for the heat flow
Cold Cathode Ion Gauge (S-058) - The CDR will deploy and orient the Cold
Cathode Ion Gauge.
Heat Flow Experiment (S-037) - The LMP will assemble the battery-powered
ALSD and will drill two three-meter deep holes using hollow-center bore stems.
Each bore stem will be left in place as an encasement into which the heat flow
probes are inserted.
ALSEP Central Station - The CDR will I evel and align the central station which
includes deployment of the sun shield. At this time the LMP will be drillina
the second hole for the Heat Flow Experiment. The CDR will then assemble
and align the ALSEP antenna. The CDR will activate the central station and
photograph the ALSEP layout while the LMP is implanting the Heat Flow
Experiment probes.
Core Sampling - The CDR will assist the LMP in modifying the ALSD, collecting
core samples and photographing the operation.
Selected Sample Collection - The crew will begin the return traverse and
initiate collection of the selected samples. At the return to the LM, samples
will be weighed and, with the core stems, stowed in SRC 1 and the SRC will be
sealed. SRC 2 will be offloaded and SRC 1 will be transferred into the LM.
EMU cleaning and ingress into the LM will be accomplished by the LMP and
the CDR. EVA-l will terminate when the LM cabin is repressurized.
Post-EVA 1 Ooerations
After configuring the LM systems for Post-EVA-l operations, the PLSS’s will
be recharged. This includes filling the oxygen system to a minimum pressure
of 875 pounds per square inch, filling the water reservoir, and replacing the
battery and LiOH canister. A one-hour eating period is scheduled between
the beginning and end of the PLSS recharge operations. The PLSS’s and OPS’s
will be stowed, followed by a 9-1/2-h our rest period and another eat period.
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The LM will be configured for EVA activities and the CDR will egress. The
LMP will again monitor and photograph the CDR and then transfer camera
equipment in the ETB to the CDR with the LEC. The LMP will descend to the
lunar surface leaving the LM hatch slightly ajar. A summary of EVA-2
activities is shown in Figure 10.
Lunar Field Geology (S-059) Traverse - Both crewmen will conduct the field
geology traverse, which is planned in detai I prior to launch. Additional support
and real-time planning will be provided from the ground based on features of the
landing site obtained from crew descriptions and TV. Traversing outbound from
the LM, the crew will obtain Close-Up Stereo Camera photos of selected areas.
They will take panoramic photographs of the lunar surface and will use a special
polarizing filter to photograph
. selected features. They will obtain subsurface
samples, core camples, and surface samples. Special gas analysis, environmental,
and magnetic lunar surface samples will be collected. Approximately l/2 mile
from the LM the CDR will dig a two-foot-deep trench for lunar soil mechanics
evaluation. The LMP will collect a core sample and a special environmental
sample from the trench and obtain photographic data of the boot prints in the
trench material. Gas analysis and magnetic samples will also be obtained in
the vicinity of the trench.
Upon return to the LM, the CDR will offload the samples into SRC 2. The
LMP will reposition the TV, collect a soil mechanics sample, and then take
down and roll up the Solar Wind Composition experiment and place it and the
Close-Up Stereo Camera magazine in the SRC. He will then close and seal
the SRC. The LMP will clean his EMU, ingress into the LM, and hook up the
LEC. The CDR and LMP will utilize the LEC to transfer samples and equipment
into the LM. The CDR will clean his EMU, ascend into the LM, jettison the
LEC and ingress. The LM will be repressurized, terminating EVA-2. Equip-
ment and samples will be stowed and preparations made for equipment jettison.
The LM will be depressurized, equipment jettisoned, and the LM repressurized.
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"0 m I I
3tOo 3+10 3+20 3+30 3t40 360 4tOO 4+10 4t20
M-932-70- 13
The LM ascent (Figure 11) will begin after a lunar stay of approximately 33.5
hours. The Ascent Propulsion System (APS) povvered ascent is divided into two
phases. The first phase is a vertical rise, which is required to achieve terrain
clearance, and the second phase is orbit insertion. After orbit insertion the
LM will execute the coelliptic rendezvous sequence which nominally consists
of four major maneuvers: concentric sequence initiation (CSI), constant
delta height (CDH), terminal phase initiation (TPI), and terminal phase
finalization (TPF). A nominally zero plane change (PC) maneuver will be
scheduled between CSI and CDH, and two nominally zero midcourse correction
maneuvers will be scheduled between TPI and TPF; the TPF maneuver is actually
divided into several braking maneuvers. All maneuvers after orbit insertion
will be performed with the LM RCS. Once docked to the CSM, the two crew-
men will transfer to the CSM with equipment, lunar samples, and exposed film.
Decontamination operations will be performed, jettisonable items will be
placed in the Interim Stowage Assembly and transferred to the LM, and the LM
will be configured for deorbit and lunar impact.
1. Liftoff
2. LM Insertion
3. CSI
4. PC
5. CDt -I
6. TPI Earth
7. MC-l
8. MC-2
9. Begin Braking
Fig. 11
10. Begin Stationkeeping
11. Docking
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The ascent stage will be deorbited (Figure 12), during the 35th revolution,
for lunar surface impact between the ALSEP I of Apollo 12 and the newly
deployed ALSEP Ill, to provide a known energy source to produce signals for
recording by the seismic experiments. The CSM will be separated radially
from the ascent stage with a SM RCS retrograde burn approximately 2 hours
after docking to the CSM. Following the LM jettison maneuver, the CSM
will perform a pitchdown maneuver. The LM deorbit maneuver will be a
retrograde RCS burn initiated by ground control and the LM will be targeted
to impact the lunar surface approximately 36.5 NM west northwest of the
Apollo 13 landing site. The ascent stage jettison, ignition, and impacted
lunar surface area will be photographed from the CSM.
Fig. 12
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The CSM wi II execute an orbital plane change, soon after MSFN acquisition of signal
in the 35th revolution, for approximately 9 hours of lunar reconnaissance photography.
High resolution vertical and oblique topographic photography, stereo strip photography,
science photography and landmark tracking will be performed. The Censorinus,
Descartes, and Davy Rille sites are of special photographic interest as candidate future
landing sites.
At the end of the 46th revolution, and approximately 10 minutes prior to MSFN
acquisition of signal, the SPS wil I be used to inject the CSM onto the transearth
trajectory. Th e return flight duration will be approximately 73 hours (based on an
11 April launch) and the return inclination (to the earth’s equator) will not exceed
40 degrees. M’dI course corrections wil I be made as required, using the MSFN for
Prior to atmospheric entry, the CSM will maneuver to a heads-up attitude, the
Command Module (CM) will jettison the SM and orient to the entry attitude.
The nominal range from entry interface (El) at 400,000 feet altitude to landing will
be approximately 1250 NM.’ Earth landing will nominally be in the Pacific Ocean at
l”34’S latitude and 157°30’W longitude (based on an 11 April launch) approximately
241 hours after liftoff.
Following landing, the Apollo 13 crew will don the flight suits and face masks passed
in to them through the spacecraft hatch by a recovery swimmer wearing standard
scuba gear. Integral Biological Isolation Garments (BIG’S) will be available for use
in case of an unexplained crew illness. The swimmer will swab the hatch and adjacent
areas with a liquid decontamination agent. The crew will then be carried by helicopter
to the recovery ship where they will enter a Mobile Quarantine Facility (MQF) and all
subsequent crew quarantine procedures will be the same as for the Apollo 11 and 12
After flight crew pickup by the helicopter, the CM wil I be retrieved and placed on
a dolly aboard the recovery ship. The CM will be mated to the MQF, and the lunar
samples, film, flight logs, etc., will be retrieved and passed out through a decon-
tamination lock for shipment to the Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL). The spacecraft
will be offloaded from the ship at Pearl Harbor and transported to an area where
deactivation of the CM pyrotechnics and propellant system will be accomplished.
This operation will be confined to the exterior of the spacecraft. The spacecraft will
then be flown to the LRL and placed in a special room for storage. Contingency plans
call for sterilization and early release of the spacecraft if the situation so requires.
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If an anomaly occurs after liftoff that would prevent the space vehicle from following
its nominal flight plan, an abort or an alternate mission will be initiated. Aborts will
provide for an acceptable flight crew and Command Module (CM) recovery while
alternate missions will attempt to maximize the accomplishment of mission obiectives
as well as provide for an acceptable flight crew and CM recovery.
The following sections present the abort procedures and descriptions in order of the
mission phase in which they could occur.
There are six launch abort modes. The first three abort modes would result in termination
of the launch sequence and a CM landing in the launch abort area. The remaining
three abort modes are essentially alternate launch procedures and result in insertion of
the Command/Service Module (CSM) into earth orbit. All of the launch abort modes
are the same as those for the Apollo 11 Mission.
A return to earth abort from earth parking orbit (EPO) will be performed by separating
the CSM from the remainder of the space vehicle and performing a retrograde Service
Propulsion System (SPS) burn to effect entry. Should the SPS be inoperable, the
Service Module Reaction Control System (SM RCS) will be used to perform the deorbit
burn. After CM/SM separation and entry, the crew will fly a guided entry to a pre-
selected target point, if available.
Translunar Injection
Translunar Coast
If ground control and the spacecraft crew determine that an abort situation exists,
differential velocity (AV) targeting will be voiced to the crew or an onboard abort pro-
gram will be used as required. In most cases, the Lunar Module (LM) will be jettisoned
prior to the abort maneuver if a direct return is required. An SPS burn will be
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. In the event of an early shutdown of the SPS during lunar orbit insertion (LOI),
contingency action will depend on the condition which caused the shutdown. If the
shutdown was inadvertent, and if specified SPS I imits have not been exceeded, an
. immediate restart wil I be attempted. Upon completion of the LOI burn a real-time
decision will be made on possible alternate missions. If, during the LOI burn, the
SPS limits are exceeded, a manual shutdown will be made. The LM Descent Propulsion
System (DPS) will serve as a backup propulsion system.
In the event of a descent orbit insertion (DOI) overburn where, despite trim corrections,
the pericynthion remains lower than desired, a so-called “bail-out” SPS burn will be
performed to raise the pericynthion. Based on Mission Rules criteria, this situation
could lead to a continuation of the nominal landing mission, selection of an alternate
- mission, or early mission termination.
Transearth lniection
An SPS shutdown during transearth injection (TEI) may occur as the result of an
inadvertent automatic shutdown. Manual shutdowns are not recommended. If an
automatic shutdown occurs, an immediate restart will be initiated.
The two general categories of alternate missions that can be performed during the
Apollo 13 Mission are (1) earth orbital and (2) lunar. Both of these categories have
several variations which depend upon the nature of the anomaly leading to the alternate
mission and the resulting systems status of the LM and CSM. A brief description of
these alternate missions is contained in the following paragraphs.
Earth Orbit
The CSM will dock with the LM, and the photographic equipment will be retrieved
from the LM. Following this, the LM will be deorbited into the Pacific Ocean area
to eliminate debris problems. The CSM will perform SPS plane change maneuvers to
achieve an orbital inclination of 40” with daylight coverage of all US passes. Earth
orbital photography will then be conducted.
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Lunar Orbit
CSM and LM
CSM Alone
The hybrid transfer will be deleted in this case. If the hybrid transfer has been
performed, the CSM will be placed back on a free return trajectory. A two-burn
LOI sequence, as on Apollo 8, 11, and 12 will be used to place the vehicle in a
60-NM circular orbit. The LOI b urn will also establish an orbit to pass over
Censorinus and Mosting C for photography and landmark tracking.
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Mission Support is provided by the Launch Control Center, the Mission Control Center,
the Manned Space Flight Network, and the recovery forces. A comprehensive
description of the mission support elements is in the MOR Supplement.
The Launch Control Center (LCC), I ocated at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, is the
focal point for overall direction, control and monitoring of prelaunch checkout,
countdown and launch of Apollo/Saturn V Space Vehicles.
The Mission Control Center (MCC), I ocated at the Manned Spacecraft Center in
Houston, Texas, provides centralized mission control from the time the space vehicle
clears the launch tower through astronaut and spacecraft recovery. The MCC
functions within the framework of a Communications, Command, and Telemetry System
(CCATS); Real-T ime Computer Complex (RTCC); Voice Communications System; Display
Control System; and a Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR) supported by Staff
Support Rooms (SSR’s) . These systems allow the flight control personnel to remain in
contact with the space vehicle, receive telemetry and operational data which can be
processed by the CCATS and RTCC for verification of a safe mission, or compute
alternatives. The MOCR and SSR’s are staffed with specialists in all aspects of the
mission who provide the Flight Director and Mission Director with real-time evaluation
of mission progress.
The Manned Space Flight Network (MSFN) is a worldwide communications and tracking
network that is controlled by the MCC during Apollo missions. The network is com-
posed of fixed stations supplemented by mobile stations. The functions of these stations
are to provide tracking, telemetry, updata, and voice communications between the
spacecraft and the MCC. Connection between these many MSFN stations and the
MCC is provided by the NASA Communications Network.
Fig. 14
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The Apollo 13 flight crew and Command Module (CM) will be recovered as soon as
possible after landing, while observing the constraints required to maintain biological
isolation of the flight crew, CM, and materials removed from the CM. After locating
the CM, first consideration will be given to determining the condition of the astronauts
and to providing first-level medical aid if required. The second consideration wi I I be
recovery of the astronauts and CM. Retrieval of the CM main parachutes, apex cover,
and drogue parachutes, in that order, is highly desirable if feasible and practical.
Special clothing, procedures, and the Mobile Quarantine Facility (MQF) will be used
to provide biological isolation of the astronauts and CM. The lunar soil and rock
samples will also be isolated for return to the Manned Spacecraft Center.
The primary landing area, shown in Figure 15, is that area in which the CM will land
following circumlunar or lunar orbital trajectories that are targeted to the mid-Pacific
Ocean. The target point will normally be 1250 nautical miles (NM) downrange of
the entry point (400,000 feet altitude). If the entry range is increased to avoid bad
weather, the area moves along with the target point and contains all the high prob-
ability landing points as long as the entry range does not exceed 3500 NM.
Figures 16 and 17 show the primary landing area and worldwide recovery forces
deployment. Recovery equipment and procedures changes for Apollo 13 are as follows:
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$;,::: _.:.
Fig. 15
Page 36
i i
S-l SWIM 1
S-2 SWIM 2
r-HAWAII (2)
.-A “I 7 /-
N 15”
f -
-._ .- t -- ,- 1
s 15”
-- .i
‘“90” 45” 0” 45” 90” 135” 180” 135” 90”
-i-E E-i--W
M-932-70- 13
l Added Lunar Topographic Camera Provides for high resolution lunar topo-
system. graphic photography with image motion
compensation .
0 Added “auto” and “attitude hold” Aids crew during lunar landing in obscured
modes in P66 and eliminated P65 visibility.
and P67 software programs.
l Relocated and added telemetry Provides data for analysis if a flight anom-
measurements for vibration in- aly occurs on ST- 124.
vestigation of ST- 124 inertial
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Backup Crew
The backup crew follows closely the training schedule for the prime crew and func-
tions in three significant categories. One, they receive nearly complete mission
training which becomes a valuable foundation for later assignments as a prime crew.
Two, should the prime crew becsome unavailable, the backup crew is prepared to fly
as prime crew up until the last few weeks prior to launch. Three, they are fully
informed assistants who help the prime crew organize the mission and check out the
During the final weeks before launch, the flight hardware and software, ground
hardware and software, and flight crew and ground crews work as an integrated team
to perform ground simulations and other tests of the upcoming mission. It is necessary
that the flight crew that will conduct the mission take part in these activities, which
are not repeated for the benefit of the backup crew. To do so would add an additional
costly and time consuming period to the prelaunch schedule, which for a lunar mission
would require rescheduling for a later lunar launch window.
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Fig. 18
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Love1 I served as Command Module Pi lot on the 6-day Apollo 8 (21-27 December
1968) first manned flight to the moon. Apollo 8 performed 10 revolutions in
lunar orbit and returned to an earth landing after a total flight time of 147 hours.
Captain Love1 has since served as the backup spacecraft Commander for Apollo 11,
the first manned lunar landing. He has logged a total of 572 hours, 10 minutes of
space flight in three missions.
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M-932-70-1 3
On 18 July 1966, Young was the command pilot on the Gemini 10 Mission
which made two successful rendezvous’ and dockings with Agena target
vehicles. Gemini 10 was a 3-day, 44-revolution earth orbital flight.
Commander Young flew as the Command Module Pilot on the Apollo 10 lunar
orbital mission which performed all but the final minutes of an actual lunar
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Page 45
SUBJECT: Lip01 IO 13 Mission (AS-508) Post L aunch Mission Operation Report No. 1
The Apollo 13 Mission was successfully launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida
on Saturday, 11 April 1970. Apollo 13 was progressing smoothly to a planned lunar
landing until about 56 hours into the flight when a failure occurred in the Service
Module cryogenic oxygen system. This resulted in a loss of capability to generate
electrical power, to provide oxygen, and to produce water in the Command/Service
Module. The decision was made to not perform the lunar landing mission and to return
to earth using the Lunar Module for life support, power, propulsion, and guidance.
Safe recovery of the crew and Command Module took place in the Pacific Ocean
recovery area on Friday, 17 Apri I 1970. An intensive investigation has been initiated
to determine the cause of the anomaly.
The Mission Director’s Summary Report for Apollo 13 is attached and submitted as Post
Launch Mission Operation Report No. 1. Also attached are the NASA OMSF Primary
Mission Objectives for Apollo 13. Since these Primary Objectives could not be
achieved without a lunar landing, I am recommending that the Apollo 13 Mission be
considered unsuccessful. Detailed analysis of all data will continue and appropriate
refined results of the mission wil I be reported in the Manned Space Flight Centers’
technical reports.
Rocco A. Petrone
M-932-70- 13
. Deploy and activate an Apollo Lunar Surface Experi ments Package (ALSEP).
Apollo 13, launched 11 Apri I 1970, was aborted after 56 hours of flight and terminated
on 17 April 1970. The planned lunar landing was not accomplished and this mission is
adiudged unsuccessful in accordance with’ the objectives stated. above.
Rocco A. Petrone
Apollo Program Director
Manned Space Flight
7 r;f. /470
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.). .“, .-.______ .,_-._-..I---.. ^--... .---...*.__ _.. _ ._._.“._. _._-. I_ .--._ _I_-.“-,^ -- .-_-‘_. “,__,,., “_-. ._. .“._.1__
20 April 1970
TO: Distribution
The Apollo 13 Mission was planned as a lunar landing mission but was aborted enroute
to the moon during the third day of flight due to loss of Service Module cryogenic
oxygen and consequent loss of capability to generate electrical power, to provide
oxygen, and to produce water in the Command/Service Module. Shortly after the
anomaly, the Command/Service Module was powered down and the remaining flight,
except for entry, was made with the Lunar Module providing necessary power, environ-
mental control, guidance, and propulsion. Flight crew members were: Commander
(CDR), Capt. J ames Lovell, Jr.; Command Module Pilot (CMP), Mr. John Swigert, Jr.;
Lunar Module Pilot (LMP), Mr. Fred W. Haise, Jr, Swigert, officially the backup
CMP for the Apollo 13 Mission, was substituted for LCDR Thomas K. Mattingly, II,
the prime crew CMP, when it was feared that Mattingly had possibly contracted
Rubella, and if so, could be adversely affected in performing his demanding auties.
A vigorous simulation program was successfully completed prior to launch to ensure
that Lovell, Swigert, and Haise could function with unquestioned teamwork through
even the most arduous and time-critical simulated emergency conditions. Significant
detailed mission data are contained in Tables 1 through 4.
No problems occurred during space vehicle prelaunch operations to impact the count-
down. However, the S-IC Stage No. 2 liquid oxygen (LOX) vent valve did not close
when commanded at T minus 1 hour 58 minutes. After cycling the valve several times
and flowing ambient nitrogen gas through the valve, it was successfully closed at T minus
1 hour 21 minutes. Weather conditions at launch were: overcast at 20,000 feet,
visibility 10 miles, wind 10 knots.
M-932-70- 13
Apollo 13 was successfully launched on schedule from Launch Complex 39A, Kennedy
Space Center, Florida, at 2:13 p.m. EST, 11 April 1970. The launch vehicle stages
inserted the S-IVB/Instrument Unit (IU)/ s p acecraft combination into an earth parking
orbit with an apogee of 100.2 nautical miles (NM) and a perigee of 98.0 NM (loo-NM
circular planned). During second stage boost the center engine of the S-II Stage cut off
about 132 seconds early causing the remaining four engines to burn approximately 34
seconds longer than predicted. Space vehicle velocity after S-II boost was 223 feet per
second (fps) lower than planned. As a result, the S-IVB orbital insertion burn was
approximately 9 seconds longer than predicted with cutoff velocity within about 1 .2 fps
of planned. Total launch vehicle burn time was about 44 seconds longer than predicted.
A greater than 3-sigma probability of meeting translunar injection (TLI) cutoff conditions
existed with remaining S-IVB propellants.
After orbital insertion, all launch vehicle and spacecraft systems were verified and
preparations were made for TLI . Onboard television was initiated at 01:35 GET (hour:
minutes ground elapsed time) for about 5.5 minutes. The second S-IVB burn was
initiated on schedule for TLI. All major systems operated satisfactorily and all end
conditions were nominal for a free-return circumlunar trajectory.
The Command/Service Module (CSM) separated from the Lunar Module (LM)/IU/S-IVB
at about 03:07GET. Onboard television was then initiated for about 72 minutes and
clearly showed CSM “hard docking, ” ejection of the CSM/LM from the S-lVB/IU at
about 04:Ol GET, and the S-IVB Auxiliary Propulsion System (APS) evasive maneuver
as well as spacecraft interior and exterior scenes. Service Module Reaction Control
System (SM RCS) propellant usage for the separation, transposition, docking, and
ejection was nominal. All launch vehicle safing activities were performed as scheduled.
The S-IVB APS evasive maneuver by an 8-second APS ullage burn was initiated at
04:18 GET and was successfully completed. The LOX dump was initiated at 04:39 GET
and was also successfully accomplished. The first S-IVB APS burn for lunar target point
impact was initiated at 06:OO GET. The burn duration was 217 seconds producing a
differential velocity of approximately 28 fps. Tracking information available at 08:OO
GET indicated that the S-lVB/IU would impact at 6”53’S, 30’53’W versus the targeted
3’5, 3O’W. Therefore, the second S-IVB APS (trim) burn was not required. The gaseous
nitrogen pressure dropped in the IU ST-124-M3 inertial platform at 18:25 GET and the
S-lVB/IU no longer had attitude control but began tumbling slowly. At approximately
19:17 GET, a step input in tracking data indicated a velocity increase of approximately
4 to 5 fps. No conclusions have been reached on the reason for this increase. The
velocity change altered the lunar impact point closer to the target. The S-lVB/IU
impacted the lunar surface at 77:56:40 GET (08:09:40 p.m. EST, 14 April) at 2.4”S,
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M-932-70- 13
27.9”W and the seismometer deployed during the Apollo 12 Mission successfully detected
the impact (see “MISSION SCIENCE”). The targeted impact point was 125 NM from
the seismometer-. The actual impact point was 74 NM from the seismometer, well within
the desired 189-NM (350-kilometer) radius.
The accur-acy of the TLI maneuver was such that spacecraft midcourse correction NO. 1
(MCC- l), scheduled for 11:4 1 GET, was not required. MCC-2 was performed as planned
at 30:41 GET and resulted in placing the spacecraft on the desired, non-free-return
circumlunar trajectory with a predicted closest approach to the moon of 62 NM. All
Service Propulsion System (SPS) burn parameters were normal. The accuracy of MCC-2
was such that MCC-3, scheduled for 55:26 GET, was not performed. Good quality
television coverage of the preparations and performance of MCC-2 was received for
49 minutes beginning at 30:13 GET.
At approximately 55:55 GET (lo:08 p.m. EST) the crew reported an undervoltage alarm
on the CSM Main Bus B. Pressure was rapidly lost in Service Module oxygen tank
No. 2 and fuel cells 1 and 3 current dropped to zero due to loss of their oxygen supply.
A decision was made to abort the mission. The increased load on fuel cell 2 and
decaying pressure in the remaining oxygen tank led to the decision to activate the
LM, power down the CSM, and use the LM systems for life support.
At 61:30 GET, a 38-fps midcourse maneuver (MCC-4) was performed by the LM Descent
Propulsion System (DPS) to place the spacecraft in a free-return trajectory on which the
Command Module (CM) would nominally land in the Indian Ocean south of Mauritius at
approximately 152:00 GET.
At pericynthion plus 2 hours (79:28 GET), a LM DPS maneuver was performed to shorten
the return trip time and move the earth landing point. The 263.4-second burn produced
a differential velocity of 860.5 fps and resulted in an initial predicted earth landing
point in the mid-Pacific Ocean at 142:53 GET. Both LM guidance systems were powered
up and the pt-imary system was used for this maneuver. Following the maneuver, passive
thermal control was established and the LM was powered down to conserve consumables;
only the LM Envit-onmental Control System (ECS) and communications and telemetry
systems were kept powered up.
The LM DPS was used to perform MCC-5 at l&5:19 GET. The 15-second burn (at 10%
throttle) produced a velocity change of about 7.8 fps and successfully raised the entry
flight path angle to -6.52’.
The CSM was partially powered up for a check of the thermal conditions of the CM with
first reported receipt of S-band signal at lO1:53 GET. Thermal conditions on all CSM
systems observed appeared to be in order for entry.
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Due to the unusual spacecraft configuration, new procedures leading to entry were
developed and verified in ground-based simulations. The resulting timeline called for
a final midcourse correction (MCC-7) at entry interface (El) -5 hours, jettison of the
SM at El -4.5 hours, then jettison of the LM at El -1 hour prior to a normal atmospheric
entry by the CM.
Weather in the prime recovery area was as follows: Broken stratus clouds at 2000 feet;
visibility 10 miles; &knot ENE winds; and wave height I to 2 feet. Grogue and main
parachutes deployed normally . Visual contact with the spacecraft was reported at
142:50 GET. Landing occurred at 142:54:41 GET (01:07:41 p.m. EST, I7 April). The
landing point was in the mid-Pacific Ocean, approxim ately 2 l”40’5, 165O22’W. The
CM landed in the stable 1 position about 3.5 NM from the-prime recovery ship, USS
IWO JIMA. The crew was picked up by a recovery he licopter .and was safe aboard the
ship at 1:53 p.m. EST, less than an hour after landing.
The S-IVB Stage, weighing about 30,700 pounds, impacted the moon 74 NM from the
Apollo 12 seismometer at an angle of about 80” to the horizontal with a velocity of
8465 fps and an energy equivalency of 11.5 tons of TNT. These data compare with the
Apollo 12 LM, which hit the moon at a distance of 42 NM from the seismometer at an
angle of 3” to the horizontal, and an equivalent energy of approximately 1 ton of TNT.
The overall character of the seismic signal is similar to that of the LM impact signal,
but the higher impact energy gave a seismic signal 20-30 times larger than the LM
impact and 4 times longer in duration (approximately 4 hours vs I hour). The signal
was so large that the gain of the seismometer had to be reduced by ground command to
keep the recording on scale. A clear signal was recorded on the three long period
components so that it is possible to distinguish each event with absolute certainty.
Thirty seconds elapsed between time of impact and arrival of the seismic wave at the
seismometer; peak amplitude occurred 7 minutes later.
The signal arrival time had been predicted on the basis of velocity measurements made
on the Apollo 11 and I2 lunar sample materials in the laboratory. The average velocity
of the seismic wave through the lunar material is 4.6 km/set which compares favorably
M-932-70- 13
with the 3.>km/sec velocity recorded by the LM impact. The depth of penetration of
the S-IVB impact signal is believed to be 20-40 km (vs 20 km for LM impact). This
result implies that the outer shell of the moon, to depths of at least 20-40 km, may be
formed of the same crystalline rock material as found at the surface. No evidence of
a lower boundary to this material has been found in the seismic signal, although it is
clear that it is too dense to form the entire moon.
One puzzling feature of the signal is the unexpectedly rapid build-up from the beginning
to its maximum. This part of the signal, at least, cannot be satisfactorily explained by
,scattering of seismic waves in a rubble material as was thought possible from the earlier
LM impact data. Scattering of signals may explain the later part of the signal. Several
alternate hypotheses are under study, but no firm conclusions have been reached. One
possibility is that the expanding cloud of material from the impact produces seismic
signals continuously as it sweeps across the lunar surface.
The fact that such precise targeting accuracy was achieved for the S-IVB and that the
resulting seismic signals were so large have greatly encouraged scientists to believe
that planned future impacts can be extended to ranges of at least 500 km and that the
data return will provide the means for determining the structure of the moon to depths
approaching 200 km.
The Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE), also part of the ALSEP 1 experiments
package deployed during the Apollo 12 Mission, recorded a jump in the number of ion
counts after the S-IVB impact. Since the instrument was in lunar shadow at the time of
impact the ion count was essentially zero. A few ions were recorded 22 seconds after
impact; a second frame of data showed a iump to 250 ions, the third jumped to 2500
ions, the fourth dropped back to a few ions, then the count fell back essentially to
zero. These ions were in the 70 electron volt’energy range. All of the counts were
observed over a period of 70 seconds. In addition to the ion counts, the mass analyzer
of the instrument also recorded ions, almost all of which were in the 50-80 mass unit
range (hydrogen = 1 mass unit).
Two possible mechanisms have been given for producing ions: (1) temperatures in the
ranges 6000-10,OOO”C generated by the S-IVB impact could produce ionization; (2)
particles that reach heights of 60 km could also be ionized by sunlight.
Saturn V S-IC ignition, holddown arm release, and liftoff were accomplished within
expected limits and indications are that S-IC systems performed at or near nominal.
LOX tank pressure was as expected throughout the burn.
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All S-II Stage systems were nominal throughout S-II burn until the center J-2 engine
shut down approximately 132 seconds earlier than scheduled. LOW frequency oscillations
(14 to 16 h er -t z ) ex p erienced on the S-II Stage resulted in a 132-second premature center
engine cutoff. Preliminary analysis indicates that a “Thrust OK” pressure switch cutoff
occurred due to large pressure oscillations in the LOX system. No apparent engine or
structural damage was incurred. Oscillations in the stage and outboard engines decayed
to a normal level following center engine cutoff. Preliminary data does not indicate
any off-nominal performance of the four outboard engines.
All S-IVB systems operated within expected limits during both the first and second burns.
The first burn was 9.2 seconds longer than predicted, making up for the velocity deficit
at S-II cutoff. The second (TLI) b urn was approximately 5 seconds longer than predicted
from observed orbital conditions. A small vibration was reported by the crew approxi-
mately 90 seconds prior to second burn cutoff.
All IU guidance and control functions were satisfactory and all systems performed as
Performance of the CSM fuel cell and cryogenic systems was nominal until 55:53:36 GET
when an unusual pressure rise was noted in oxygen tank No. 2. The pressure continued to
rise to the relief valve crack pressure of 1004.1 psia (pounds per square inch absolute).
One second later,at 55:54:45 GET, the pressure reacheda maximum of 1008.3 psia at which
time the tank vent valve apparently opened. The last valid tank pressure reading prior to
loss of data was 995.7 psia at 55:54:53 GET. At 55:54:54 GET an undervoltage caution
light occurred on Main Bus B, which was powered by fuel cell 3. Concurrent with the
abrupt loss of oxygen tank No. 2 pressure, oxygen tank No. 1 pressure showed a rapid
decrease to about 373 psia in 87 seconds. Fuel cells 1 and 3 were removed from the line
about 18 minutes after the anomaly. Fuel cell 2 remained in operation for about 2 hours
before the oxygen pressure in tank No. 1 had decreased to 61 psia and the fuel cell was
removed from the line. As a result of these occurrences, the CM was powered down and
the LM was configured to supply the necessary power and other consumables.
Power down of the CSM began at 58:40 GET. Th e surge tank and repressurization
package were isolated with approximately 860 psi residual pressure (approximately 6.5
pounds of oxygen total). The primary water glycol system was left with radiators by-
passed. Indicated water tank residuals were 18.0 pounds in the waste tank and 37.5
pounds in the potable tank. All SM RCS quads were powered down with heaters
deactivated. All SPS parameters were nominal before and after the anomaly and no
configuration changes took place after the anomaly.
All LM systems performed satisfactorily in providing the necessary power and environ-
mental control to the spacecraft. The requirement for lithium hydroxide to remove
carbon dioxide from the spacecraft atmosphere was met by a combination of CM and
LM cartridges since the LM cartridges alone would not satisfy the total requirement.
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The crewmen, with instructions from Mission Control, built an adapter from the CM
cartridges to accept the LM hoses.
The LM supercritical helium (SHe) tank pressure exhibited an increased rise rate after
the second DPS firing. Prior to the burn, the rise rate had been 11 psi per hour. After
the burn, the rate increased to 33 psi per hour. After the third DPS maneuver, the SHe
tank burst disc ruptured at 108:54 GET at a pressure of about 1940 psi, within the
expected range. The passive thermal control mode in use at the time was affected by
a small attitude rate change from the venting SHe changing from a right yaw rate of
0.3O/sec to a left yaw rate of 3.0°/sec, but did not cause any problem.
The CSM was partially powered up at about 101:53 GET with the following results:
Electrical Power - All system bus voltage and inverter performance was nominal.
Only Main Bus B, Battery Bus B, and AC Bus 1 were powered up. Prior to
instrumentation power-up, the three entry batteries had been on “true” open
circuit (i.e., no parasitic loads) since approximately 58:40 GET. All performance
to that point had been nominal. CSM Main Bus B was powered up using Battery B
and performance under load was nominal. Approximately 2.5 ampere-hours were
consumed. Battery A, which was used to supplement CM power immediately
following the fuel cell anomaly, was recharged from the LM ascent batteries.
Battery B was also recharged.
4/20,‘70 Page 7
The Apollo 13 flight crew performance was outstanding throughout the flight. Most
noteworthy was their calm, precise reaction to the emergency situation and their
subsequent diligence in configuring and maintaining the LM for safe return to earth.
Despite lack of adequate sleep and the low temperature in the spacecraft, neither their
performance nor their spirits ever faltered throughout the flight. Similarly, the flight
operations team exhibited outstanding performance throughout the flight in planning
and aiding the crew to a safe return.
All information and data in this report are preliminary and subject to revision by the
normal Manned Space Flight Center technical reports.
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*Prelaunch planned times are based on MSFC launch vehicle operational trajectory
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,l,i 137:39:49.4
N. A. 23.2 22.4 N. A.
3.1 2.9
N. A. - Not Applicable N. P. - Not Performed * Actual values are as determined shortly after maneuver.
M-932-70- 13