Structural and M&E Design Brief

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World Food Programme





Submitted By:

JUNE 2023
Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................... III
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 The Developments............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 The site .............................................................................................................................................. 1
2 STRUCTURAL DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................... 1
2.1 General description and status .......................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Accommodation building.................................................................................................................... 1
2.2.1 General Description ........................................................................................................................... 1
2.2.2 Stability .............................................................................................................................................. 1
2.2.3 Foundation......................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2.4 Floors................................................................................................................................................. 1
2.2.5 Vertical structure ................................................................................................................................ 1
2.2.6 Roof ................................................................................................................................................... 1
2.3 Office building .................................................................................................................................... 2
2.3.1 General Description ........................................................................................................................... 2
2.3.2 Stability .............................................................................................................................................. 2
2.3.3 Slab and Foundations ........................................................................................................................ 2
2.3.4 Vertical structure ................................................................................................................................ 2
2.3.5 Roof ................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Warehouse ........................................................................................................................................ 2
2.4.1 General Description ........................................................................................................................... 2
2.4.2 Stability .............................................................................................................................................. 2
2.4.3 Slab and Foundations ........................................................................................................................ 2
2.4.4 Vertical structure ................................................................................................................................ 2
2.4.5 Roof ................................................................................................................................................... 2
3 DESIGN STANDARDS AND SOURCES OF REFERENCE ........................................................... 2
3.1 Codes of Practice and Standards ...................................................................................................... 3
3.1.1 Design Standards .............................................................................................................................. 3
3.2 Specifications .................................................................................................................................... 3
4 DESIGN LOADS ............................................................................................................................. 3
4.1 Dead Loads ....................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Superimposed Dead Loads ............................................................................................................... 3
4.3 Live Loads ......................................................................................................................................... 3
4.3.1 Typical Floor Live Loads .................................................................................................................... 3
4.3.2 Live Load Reduction .......................................................................................................................... 4
4.4 Wind Loads........................................................................................................................................ 4
4.5 Seismic Loading ................................................................................................................................ 4
5 SERVICEABILITY ........................................................................................................................... 4

Structural and M&E Design Brief i

Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

5.1 Deflection Limits ................................................................................................................................ 4

5.2 Concrete ............................................................................................................................................ 4
5.2.1 Durability............................................................................................................................................ 4
5.2.2 Crack Control ..................................................................................................................................... 4
5.2.3 Steelwork Corrosion Protection ......................................................................................................... 4
5.2.4 Fire Resistance Levels for Structural Elements ................................................................................. 5
6 MATERIALS .................................................................................................................................... 5
6.1 Concrete ............................................................................................................................................ 5
6.2 Reinforcement ................................................................................................................................... 5
6.3 Structural Steel .................................................................................................................................. 5
7 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS DESIGN BRIEF ........................................ 6
7.1 Main Power Supply ............................................................................................................................ 6
7.2 Electrical Installations ........................................................................................................................ 7
7.2.1 Indoor Lighting ................................................................................................................................... 7
7.2.2 Emergency Lighting ........................................................................................................................... 7
7.2.3 External Lighting ................................................................................................................................ 7
7.2.4 Small Power Supply, Telephone and Data Outlets ............................................................................ 7
7.2.5 Earthing ............................................................................................................................................. 8
7.2.6 Access Control Points........................................................................................................................ 9
7.2.7 Public Address System ...................................................................................................................... 9
7.2.8 CCTV Points ...................................................................................................................................... 9
7.3 ICT System ........................................................................................................................................ 9
7.4 Mechanical Installations..................................................................................................................... 9
7.4.1 Water Supply ..................................................................................................................................... 9
7.4.2 Water Reticulation ........................................................................................................................... 10
7.4.3 Soil Waste and Foul Water Drainage............................................................................................... 10
7.4.4 Storm Water Drainage ..................................................................................................................... 10
7.4.5 Wastewater Treatment .................................................................................................................... 10
7.4.6 Sanitary Fittings ............................................................................................................................... 10
7.4.7 Fire Detection and Alarm System .................................................................................................... 11
7.4.8 Fire Suppression System................................................................................................................. 11
7.4.9 Air Conditioning and Ventilation ....................................................................................................... 11
7.5 Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Design Considerations.............................................................. 12

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Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

Table 5-1:The assumed dead loading ........................................................................................................... 3
Table 5-2:The live load values for use in analysis and design ....................................................................... 3
Table 7-1:Concrete Material Properties ......................................................................................................... 5
Table 7-2:Reinforcing Steel properties .......................................................................................................... 5
Table 7-3: Structural steel properties ............................................................................................................. 5

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Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

The Purpose of this design brief is to summarise the data, assumptions, principles and methods to be
used in the structural engineering design of accommodation and office facility.

This document is intended primarily to record all relevant design criteria, project data and other relevant
references pertaining to the structural engineering of the project. The contents will be added to or
revised as new information becomes available.

1.1 The Developments
The client’s brief of the development is accommodation and office facility. The following elements are
currently included.
 Accommodation building
 Office building
 Warehouse.
1.2 The site
The project is located in Yumbe district, West-Nile region of Uganda. The site currently is occupied by
food gardens and in some areas rock outcrops.

2.1 General description and status
The scope of works entails the accommodation building, office building and warehouse. This is
currently at the pre-scheme design phase since architectural layouts, finishes, services, etc. have not
been finalized.

2.2 Accommodation building

2.2.1 General Description
This two-level building provides 30 en-suite rooms; communal space comprising 3 kitchenettes, 3
reading rooms, lounge, dining and main kitchen and support facilities.
2.2.2 Stability
This being a low-rise multi-storey building using frame action provides the building with adequate
resistance to lateral loading from wind and seismic events.
2.2.3 Foundation
Whilst the results of a site-specific geotechnical investigations are still awaited, the preliminary walk-
over survey strongly suggests to fully support all significant structures on spread foundations.
2.2.4 Floors
All structural floors within the accommodation building are expected to be concrete slabs supported by
concrete beams.
2.2.5 Vertical structure
The vertical structure of the building will be concrete columns supporting floor structure and the roof.
2.2.6 Roof
The roof to the accommodation building is expected to be relatively simple roof with steel rafters, steel
purlins and conventional profiled steel roof sheeting. A conventional suspended ceiling will be provided
under the roof.
Structural and M&E Design Brief 1
Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

2.3 Office building

2.3.1 General Description
This single storey building generally comprises reception lobby, main lobby, conference room, 4
meeting rooms, executive office, secretarial office, office space for 100 people, archive storage, male
and female washrooms, kitchenette, server room and wellness room.
2.3.2 Stability
Frame action will provide the building with adequate resistance to lateral loading from wind and seismic
2.3.3 Slab and Foundations
Whilst the results of a site-specific geotechnical investigations are still awaited, the preliminary walk-
over survey strongly suggests to fully support all significant structures on spread foundations. It is
expected that the office building slab will be formed as a slab-on-ground construction.
2.3.4 Vertical structure
The vertical structure of the building will be concrete columns supporting the roof.
2.3.5 Roof
The roof to the office building is expected to be relatively simple roof with steel rafters, steel purlins and
conventional profiled steel roof sheeting. A conventional suspended ceiling will be provided under the

2.4 Warehouse
2.4.1 General Description
This single storey facility generally comprises storage area and general office room.
2.4.2 Stability
Frame action will provide the building with adequate resistance to lateral loading from wind and seismic
2.4.3 Slab and Foundations
Whilst the results of a site-specific geotechnical investigations are still awaited, the preliminary walk-
over survey strongly suggests to fully support all significant structures on spread foundations. It is
expected that the warehouse building slab will be formed as a slab-on-ground construction.
2.4.4 Vertical structure
The vertical structure of the building will be concrete columns supporting the roof.
2.4.5 Roof
The roof to the warehouse facility is expected to be relatively simple roof with steel rafters, steel purlins
and conventional profiled steel roof sheeting.


The design and documentation of the building and associated works shall comply with the Design Brief

Structural and M&E Design Brief 2

Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

3.1 Codes of Practice and Standards

3.1.1 Design Standards
The following codes and standards will form the basis for the structural design:
BS 6399 Part 1: 1996 Loading Code – Dead and Live Loads
CP3: Chapter V: Part 2 Loading Code – Wind Loads
US 319: 2003 Loading Code – Earthquake Loads
BS 5950: Part 5 Cold Formed Steel Structures code
BS 8110: Part 1: 1997 Concrete Structures Code
BS 5628: Part 1: 1992 Masonry Code
BS 5950 Part 1: 2000 Steel Structures Code

3.2 Specifications
Specifications are to be provided for:
 Concrete (Reinforcement, Formwork, Material inc. Precast)
 Structural Steel
4.1 Dead Loads
The assumed dead loading for this project is listed below
Table 4-1:The assumed dead loading
Description Assumed Loading Comments
Concrete 24 kN/m3
Steel 78.50 kN/m3
Concrete masonry 21.4 kN/m3 Also allow for render or plasterboard
finishes as required
Sheeting and 0.25 kPa (max) Roof specification
secondary supporting 0.75 kPa (max)
steel work

4.2 Superimposed Dead Loads

 Block work partitions: To be calculated, but not less than 2.5 kPa on elevation
 Cladding sheeting and fixings: To be calculated, but not less than 0.5 kPa on elevation
4.3 Live Loads
4.3.1 Typical Floor Live Loads
The live load values for use in analysis and design are summarized below.
Table 4-2:The live load values for use in analysis and design
General Area Specific Area Use Uniformly distributed load (kPa)
Common Public Spaces Kitchenette 3.0
Reading rooms 2.5
Toilets 2.0
Lounge 2.0
Dining 2.0
Main lobby 3.0
Conference room 3.0
Standard rooms Bedroom 1.5
Offices General 2.5

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Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

General Area Specific Area Use Uniformly distributed load (kPa)

Roof Access for maintenance 0.6

In the interests of clarity, structural loading plans will be produced to define the magnitude and extent of
design loads for all floors.
4.3.2 Live Load Reduction
 Live load reduction is a statistical concept which recognizes the fact that the larger an area
supported by an element, the less likely that the full design load is likely to act over the entire area.
 Where appropriate, live load reduction should be used for
- Column design
- Pad footings
4.4 Wind Loads
Design Wind Loads will be assessed in accordance with British Standard CP3.

4.5 Seismic Loading

Earthquake loading applied to the structural elements will be assessed in accordance with Uganda
Standard, US 319:2003, Seismic code of practice for structural designs.

5.1 Deflection Limits
The following deflection limits are proposed for the building structure:
Element Long Terms Deflection under Total Load
Beams and slabs Spans Cantilevers
Generally, L/250 L/180
Supporting masonry L/500 L/250
Overall sway under lateral load H/300

5.2 Concrete
5.2.1 Durability
The requirements of BS 8500 will be applied to all reinforced concrete. The following exposure
classification and minimum concrete strengths will be adopted.
 Exposure classification XC3 and XC4 for external exposed and wash down internal elements
 Exposure classification XC1 for internal non-exposed elements
 Min Concrete strength fcu = 30MPa
5.2.2 Crack Control
Excessive cracking in concrete elements shall be controlled by adhering to the specified minimum
percentages/amounts of reinforcement required by BS 8110.
5.2.3 Steelwork Corrosion Protection
The corrosion protection for the structural steelwork will be dependent on the location of the steel
elements within the building. Internal steelwork which is in marginally damp areas where condensation
may occur, such as the roof will require low life coating system/protection to cover the period of delay
before the cladding is erected.

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Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

5.2.4 Fire Resistance Levels for Structural Elements

Fire resistance levels for structural elements shall be determined in accordance with the National
Building Code and any subsequent relaxation approved as advised by the WFP safety standards.
Concrete covers are to be in accordance with BS 8110 Section 3.3.6.

All materials to be incorporated into the works shall be manufactured to the relevant British or European
Standard and obtained from a recognized source, carrying the relevant certification of quality control.
Suitable records of material shall be kept by the Contractor and issued to the client before handover.

6.1 Concrete
Concrete Material Properties will be assumed to be:
Table 6-1:Concrete Material Properties
Concrete Material Properties
Grade fcu (MPa) 25 30 40
Young Modulus E 26x10 3 28x103 31x103
Co-efficient of thermal 10x10-6 per oc
Poisson’s Ratio 0.2
Density 24kN/m3 (plain concrete)
25kN/m3 (reinforced concrete)

6.2 Reinforcement
Reinforcing Steel properties will be assumed to be:
Table 6-2:Reinforcing Steel properties
Bar Type Elastic Modulus [MPa] Yield Strength, fy [MPa]
Stirrups and Ties 200,000 500
Longitudinal Bars 200,000 460

6.3 Structural Steel

Structural steel properties will be assumed to be:
Table 6-3: Structural steel properties
Structural Steel Properties
Steel Grade 275
Elastic Modulus 200,000 MPa
Poisson’s Ratio 0.2
Co-efficient of Thermal Expansion 0.000010

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Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services


7.1 Main Power Supply

Main power supply will consist of three phase grid power from the new 33 kV line along the plot. A
transformer will be provided. The size of the transformer will be determined from the load of the

Backup power supply in form of a generator will be provided for selected loads. The generator will be
located outdoors in an appropriate position to be agreed with the Architect. It will be mounted on a
reinforced concrete slab of dimensions appropriate for the proposed generator. The specifications and
dimensions of the generator will be determined by the load, which is also yet to be determined. A fuel
tank contained in a bund wall will be specified and fuel for the generator will be stored on site and
supplied by gravity.

Solar power with battery backup will also be provided for selected loads. The loads supplied with solar
power will be selected based on cost benefit analysis to be carried out.

There will be a Main Distribution Board (MDB) from which power will be supplied to sub-distribution
boards below.

 DB1 to supply power to Air Conditioning (AC) and ventilation and raw power in office block
 DB2 to supply power to lights in office block
 DB3 to supply power to the UPS in the office block
 DB4 to supply power to the Server Room
 DB5 to supply power to lights in accommodation block
 DB6 to supply power to sockets in accommodation block
 DB7 to supply power to security lighting
 DB8 Gym Block
 DB9 Warehouse Block
 DB10 Dining/Lounge Block
 DB11 Warehouses
 DB12 to supply power to ancillary services

The distribution boards have been specified to allow for generator and solar power supply to certain
loads to manage capital expenditure on the solar PV system and operational expenditure on the

The Moulded Case Circuit Breakers and Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs) of the Distribution Boards
(DBs) will be sized and specified according to the loads on the circuits and as per The National Building
(Standards for Electrical Installations in Buildings) Code, 2019.

Residual Current Devices and Residual Current Breakers with Over-Current (RCBOs) will be specified
for protection of circuits in accordance with The National Building (Standards for Electrical Installations
in Buildings) Code, 2019.

Power from the distribution boards will be distributed to consumer’s units as appropriate up to final sub-
circuits. The consumer’s units will be made of steel, wall-embedded and with a powder coat finish.

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Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

Cabling for power supply and reticulation will be determined from the load current and sized
appropriately to prevent voltage drop and in accordance with The National Building (Standards for
Electrical Installations in Buildings) Code, 2019.

Cabling for final sub-circuits will be sized in accordance with The National Building (Standards for
Electrical Installations in Buildings) Code, 2019.

A UPS will be specified to supply power to loads in the office building. The size of the UPS will be
determined from the load of the office block, excluding lighting, air conditioning and ventilation.

The requirement for power factor correction will be determined from the loads in the facility.

7.2 Electrical Installations

7.2.1 Indoor Lighting

Illumination levels used in the design will be in line with CIBSE guides:

a) SLL Lighting Guide 7: Offices (2015); and

b) SLI Code for Lighting, CIBSE, July 2021.

Standard ceiling pendant LED lights, frosted glass fittings and surface mounted downlights with E27
lamps will be specified as appropriate.

All indoor lights will be controlled by motion sensors and daylight sensors in addition to light switches.
7.2.2 Emergency Lighting

Emergency exit lighting will be included in the building.

7.2.3 External Lighting

Solar powered security lights on 6 m steel poles will be specified for the exterior of the buildings.

Wall mounted security lights will also be provided.

The security perimeter fence and pathways will have decorative bollards powered by mains and
standalone solar power, with the solar power being the default power supply.

Illumination levels used in the design will be in line with CIBSE guides:

a) SLL Lighting Guide 7: Offices (2015); and

b) SLI Code for Lighting, CIBSE, July 2021.

All external lighting will be controlled by photocells and motion sensors in addition to light switches.
7.2.4 Small Power Supply, Telephone and Data Outlets

Raw Power and UPS sockets will be provided for the office block as appropriate. All areas of the offices
except for passages, stores and lounges will have UPS sockets.

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Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

Floor boxes will be provided for meeting rooms comprising of 2 No. twin 13A sockets outlet (both UPS)
and 2 No. RJ45 data outlets.

Wall boxes will be provided for televisions (TV), containing 1 No. twin 13A sockets outlet (UPS for the
office block only), 1 No. RJ45 data outlet and 1 No. television point in the office block and
accommodation block.

The 13A sockets outlet will be stainless steel or high-quality ivory.

Each bathroom in the office block will be provided with a hand dryer and an extraction fan, complete
with double pole switches.

45 A cooker control units will be provided in the kitchens.

Double pole switches will be provided for the split air conditioning units.

Maximum Demand and Sizing of Transformer, Generator, Voltage Stabiliser and UPS

The Client will be requested for details of equipment to be used in each of the buildings and the power
requirements and maximum demand of the facilities will be determined from this. A diversity factor of
0.2 to 1 will be applied to the loads depending on usage. The rating of the transformer, generator and
UPS will be determined from the Maximum Demand and will be in line with equipment available on the
7.2.5 Earthing
Structural earthing, electrical earthing and clean earthing will be provided as described in the following
 Structural Earthing
Structural earthing will be provided for each building consisting of 70 mm 2 Bare Copper Earth Wire
(BCEW) buried 1500 mm in the ground and looped to the earth ring, connected to Earth Electrodes in a
soak pit and bonded by cad welding to selected steel columns of the structures.

 Electrical Earthing
Electrical earthing will be provided consisting of:
i) copper Earth Electrodes;
ii) 70 mm2 BCEW buried in the ground and looped to distribution boards or consumer’s unit and
iii) copper lattice earth mats.

 Clean Earthing
Clean earthing will be provided for the office block. The clean earthing will consist of:
i) copper Earth Electrodes;
ii) copper tape of hard drawn high conductivity copper 3 x 25 mm cross section installed on
bottom of wall and under floor with perforations to bond equipment; and
iii) 16 mm2 BCEW buried in ground and looped to Rack in Server Room.

 Lightning Protection
A lightning protection system will be designed for the building which will comprise of the following:
i) copper tape of hard drawn high conductivity copper 3 x 25mm cross section for horizontal and
down conductors;

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Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

ii) earth electrodes; and

iii) air terminals 20 x 1200 mm complete with tape adapters, spikes and all accessories.

The number of air terminals and earth electrodes to be installed will be determined from the radius of
protection required which will be based on the layout of the buildings.
7.2.6 Access Control Points
Access Control points will be provided in the office block, accommodation block, warehouses and
power room in the form of 25 mm heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in walls complete with MK steel
boxes and all accessories. Positions of the Access Control Panel, Card Readers, Rear Exit Buttons and
Door Control Devices will be determined after review of the UN Minimum Operating Security Standard
(MOSS) and the UN Minimum Operation Residential Security Standard (MORSS) and discussions with
WFP security, IT and project team. The specification and costing of this equipment will be done by the
equipment supplier.
7.2.7 Public Address System
Public Address System points will be provided in the form of 25 mm heavy gauge PVC conduit
concealed in walls complete with MK steel boxes and all accessories. Positions of the Public Address
System (PAS) and speakers will be guided by zoning of the fire detection and suppression system. The
Client will also be consulted on positioning of the Public Address System for use by occupants of the
buildings. The specification and costing of this equipment will be done by the equipment supplier.
7.2.8 CCTV Points
CCTV points will be provided in the form of 25 mm heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in walls
complete with MK steel boxes and all accessories. Positions of the CCTV will be determined after
review of the UN Minimum Operating Security Standard (MOSS) and the UN Minimum Operation
Residential Security Standard (MORSS) and discussions with WFP security, IT and project team. The
specification and costing of this equipment will be done by the equipment supplier.

7.3 ICT System

An ICT system will be designed for the office block which will consist of internal ICT/computer
networking systems and network service connectivity.

A fibre optic cable will be specified for the premises.

7.4 Mechanical Installations

This section of the design report presents the mechanical installations design.
7.4.1 Water Supply
Water will be obtained from the existing NWSC supply to 2 No. x 300 metric capacity water tanks on a 6
m high steel structure. Smaller water tanks whose capacity will be determined will be provided for
bathrooms and kitchens in the office block and accommodation block. It is desirable for water to flow by
gravity however where required, water pumps will be provided.

A water meter will be provided.

There will also be water supply for firefighting from a fire reserve water tank whose capacity will be
confirmed from the sizing of the firefighting system. The premises will be zoned with regard to fire
suppression, and number and position of hose reels and resulting pipework will be determined at the

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Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

design stage, following which the fire reserve water tank will be sized. A booster pump set will be
provided for the firefighting system.

Vacuum tube solar water heaters will be provided for bathrooms and kitchens in the office block and
accommodation block. The solar water heaters will have an option for electric heating.

110 mm uPVC rainwater gutters will be provided at the sloping ends of the buildings for stormwater
drainage and rainwater harvesting.

HDPE pipes will be specified for the water supply from the main tanks to the subsidiary water tanks.
7.4.2 Water Reticulation

PPR pipes will be specified for water reticulation from the subsidiary water tanks to points of use.

7.4.3 Soil Waste and Foul Water Drainage

Soil waste and foul water drainage will be provided to a 70 user septic tank and a soak pit.

PVC and uPVC soil waste and foul water drainage pipes will be specified for the bathrooms and
kitchens and sized appropriately in accordance with The National Building (Standards for Mechanical
Installations in Buildings) Code, 2019. Vents for the soil waste drainage will also be specified.

7.4.4 Storm Water Drainage

Stormwater that is not connected to the rainwater harvesting system will be directed to 110 mm uPVC
downpipes that will deliver the stormwater to 110 mm uPVC pipes buried in the ground. The pipes will
pour the water into stormwater channels covered with steel grating. The stormwater channels will be
positioned to appropriately direct stormwater offsite.

7.4.5 Wastewater Treatment

A system will be designed to treat wastewater from showers, wash hand basins, laundry and kitchens
and recycle it for use in watering gardens.

7.4.6 Sanitary Fittings

The following sanitary fittings will be included in the specifications for bathrooms, kitchens and the

 Vitreous China close-coupled WCs;

 Vitreous China Wash Hand Basins with brass valved brushed hot and cold low flow water
designer taps;
 Concealed three-way shower mixers complete with concealed shower stop corks, shower arm,
200 mm diameter swivel shower rose and chrome plated bib tap, with low flow water;
 frosted glass chrome shower enclosures 900 x 900 mm with swing doors;

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Proposed Accommodation and Office Project in Yumbe-Uganda:
Design Consultancy Services

 wall mirrors;
 matt stainless steel soap dispensers;
 matt stainless steel toilet tissue holders;
 matt stainless steel robe hooks;
 matt stainless steel double towel racks;
 matt stainless steel tumbler holders with toothbrush holes and triangular glass strangs;
 heavy duty stainless steel dhobi sink 675 x 485 x 300 mm in 16 SWG for laundry;
 cleaner’s sink size 580 x 400 x 200 mm stainless steel dhobi sink complete for mounting on
 heavy duty 33 inch 16 Gauge undermount 50/50 Double Bowl, single drain stainless steel
kitchen sinks complete with brass valved brushed hot and cold low flow water designer taps for
kitchen; and
 storage compartments in bathrooms.
7.4.7 Fire Detection and Alarm System
A fire detection and alarm system will be provided with a main fire alarm panel at the entrance of the
office block and active repeater panels at the guard house and accommodation block, addressable
optical smoke detectors, addressable heat detectors, addressable 105dB fire alarm sirens and
addressable break glass push buttons, as appropriate. Heat detectors will be provided in the kitchens in
addition to smoke detectors.

Depending on the smoking policy of WFP, addressable smoke detectors may be installed in bathrooms.
7.4.8 Fire Suppression System
A firefighting system consisting of a fire reserve PVC water tank the capacity of which will be
determined, a booster pump set and hose reels will be provided. Galvanised Mild Steel medium grade
Class B pipework to BS 1387 will be used for the firefighting system.

Portable fire extinguishers will be provided appropriate to the zoning of the firefighting system to BS
5423 in metal casing and fixed to the wall.

Fire blankets will be provided in kitchens.

An FM200 gas fire suppression system will be provided in the Server Room.

A sprinkler system will be considered for the warehouse and will be confirmed after consultation with
the WFP project team on what will be stored in the warehouses.

Appropriate signage will be provided for the fire suppression system.

7.4.9 Air Conditioning and Ventilation

Air conditioning and ventilation requirements will be assessed for the office block and accommodation
block and the units will be sized appropriately.
Split air conditioning units will be provided with the specifications below.
 Compact design, quiet and wall mounted.
 At least five operating modes: turbo mode, auto mode, fan mode, dehumidifier mode and
cooling mode.
 DC 3D inverter technology and energy efficiency of up to 40%.

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Design Consultancy Services

 Purifying filter.
 Temperature compensation.
 Sleep function.
 Ecological refrigerant R410A.
 Automatic reset feature.
 Self-cleaning.
 Self-diagnosis.
 Refrigerant leak detection.

The air conditioning units in the Server Room will be designed to operate for 24 hours, which will
include redundancy with rotation of operation of the units.

Ventilation requirements of the kitchens and warehouses will also be assessed and a ventilation system
will be designed accordingly. It is envisaged that extraction fans will be specified with air flow rates
determined based on the purpose of the buildings.

7.5 Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Design Considerations

Energy efficiency will be taken into consideration in the design of mechanical and electrical installations
as described below.
 Security lighting in the compound and pathways will be equipped with photocells and motion
 Indoor lighting will be equipped with daylight sensors and motion sensors.
 Solar Photovoltaic power will be used for lighting and small loads. A cost benefit analysis will
be carried out for loads to be powered by solar photovoltaics to check that the capital cost of
the system does not outweigh the benefits.
 Solar water heaters will be specified in the office block and accommodation block. Only the
solar water heaters in the accommodation block will have an option for electrical heating.
 Energy saving stoves fuelled by briquettes will be specified for cooking large volumes of staple
food as opposed to electric cookers.
 Split air conditioning units will be specified as requested by the Client to ensure localised
control of units especially in the accommodation block and therefore save energy.
 Rainwater will be harvested and distributed to the laundry and to standpipes on the premises.
 Foul water from the kitchens will be conveyed to a holding tank and sprinkled onto flowers and

Structural and M&E Design Brief 12

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