DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q1 - W6

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School: STA.


GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: PAUL JOHN P. MACASA Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: OCTOBER 2 – 6, 2023 (WEEK 6) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operations involving decimals
B. Performance The learner is able to apply the four fundamental operations involving decimals in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning M6NS-If-113.3 M6NS-If-113.3 M6NS-If-113.3 M6NS-If-114 M6NS-If-114
Competencies/ The learner solves multi-step The learner solves multi-step The learner solves multi-step The learner creates The learner creates
Objectives problems involving problems involving problems involving multiplication problems (with problems (with reasonable
multiplication and addition or multiplication and addition or and addition or subtraction of reasonable answers) answers) involving
subtraction of decimals subtraction of decimals, decimals, mixed decimals and involving multiplication multiplication with
and whole numbers including mixed decimals and whole whole numbers including money without addition or addition or subtraction of
money using appropriate numbers including money using appropriate problem solving subtraction of decimals, decimals, mixed decimals
problem solving using appropriate problem strategies and tools. mixed decimals and whole numbers
strategies and tools. solving strategies and tools. and whole numbers including money.
including money.

II. CONTENT Solving Multi-Step Problems Solving Multi-Step Problems Solving Multi-Step Problems Creating problems (with Creating problems (with
Involving Multiplication and Involving Multiplication and Involving Multiplication and reasonable answers) reasonable answers)
Addition or Subtraction of Addition or Subtraction of Addition or Subtraction of involving multiplication involving multiplication
Decimals and Whole Decimals, Mixed Decimals and Decimals, Mixed Decimals and without addition or with
Numbers Including Money Whole Numbers Whole Numbers Including Money subtraction of decimals, addition or subtraction of
Using Appropriate Problem Including Money Using Using Appropriate Problem mixed decimals and decimals, mixed decimals
Solving Strategies and Tools Appropriate Problem Solving Solving Strategies and Tools whole and whole numbers
Strategies and Tools numbers including including money.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guides
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Reference from
Learning Resource
2. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Review previous lesson on Let the learners revisit their Review the steps in solving word Encourage the learners Ask the learners to show
lesson or presenting addition, subtraction and experiences in the previous problems. Let the learners explain to hare their problem the word problem they
the new lesson why each step is important.
multiplication of decimals. lesson. How do you know if solving experiences in created to a partner. Let
multiple the previous lessons. the partner evaluate their
steps are required to solve a Let work using a rubric, and
given word problem? Do you them point out the
find the problems in the suggest revision/s, if
importance of learning necessary.
previous lesson
interesting and challenging? how to solve word
Have you experienced similar problems.
situations in real life?
B. Establishing a Ask: How much allowance do Ask: Have you tried buying Inform the class that the target in Inform the class that Inform the class that they
purpose for the you get from your parents fruits from a vendor? What this lesson is for them to develop one way to further will again be creating word
lesson daily? fruits do their develop their problem problems in the lesson,
What do you usually buy out you usually buy? Is it important skills further in solving word solving skills is to create but this time combining
of it? When you have extra for us to eat fruits? Why? problems involving multiplication their own word multiplication with
money left from your and addition or subtraction of problems. addition and/or
allowance, what do you do decimals, mixed decimals and subtraction of decimals,
with it? Is it necessary for us whole numbers. Ask: How often do you mixed decimals, and
to save money? Why? spend time with your whole numbers.
family? Where do you
usually go? What
activities do you do
together? Is it
that we spend quality
time with our family?

C. Presenting Present the following problem Present the following problem Present the following Present the following
examples/instances to the class: to the class: problems to the class. problems to the class.
of the new lesson
“Ronald counted seventeen “A vendor bought three “The Perez Family will “Laure bought 2 shirts at
25-centavo coins from his coin watermelons weighing 2.8 kg, spend their vacation in ₱199.75 each and 3
purse this week. If he had a 3.2 kg, and 2.9 kg to be sold in Baguio City. How much handkerchiefs at ₱49.95
savings of ₱25.00 the did he pay in all?” each. How much did she
the nearby community. If
previous week, how much money each kilogram costs ₱28.00, pay for the five items?”
“The Perez Family will
does he have in how much did he pay in all?” spend their vacation in
two weeks?” Baguio City. Mr. Perez Let the learners analyze
Let the learners analyze and loaded 40 liters gasoline and solve this problem.
Let the learners analyze and make clarifications regarding at ₱40.15 per liter.” Then, divide the class into
make clarifications regarding the problem. groups and instruct them
the problem. Ask: Can you solve the to create a word problem
problems? Why or why similar to this.

D. Discussing new Divide the class into groups. Divide the class into groups. Divide the class into After all the groups have
concepts and Emphasize the use of Polya’s 4 Emphasize the use of Polya’s 4 groups. Distribute paper finished creating their
practicing new skill #1 steps: steps: strips with the following word problems, let them
statements. exchange their work with
Understand, Plan, Solve, and Understand, Plan, Solve, and How much did he pay another group and solve
Check. Encourage them to use Check. Encourage them to use the problem assigned to
any appropriate strategy that any appropriate strategy that in all? them.
will help them solve the will help them solve the Mr. Perez loaded 40
problem. Afterwards, let them problem. Afterwards, let them
display and explain their display and explain their liters of
solutions to the solutions to the gasoline.
class. class.
The Perez Family will
Ask: Is there any hidden spend
question that you need to their vacation in
answer first before arriving at Baguio City.
the final answer? How do you
know that your answer is
Each liter of costs

Instruct the groups to

form a word problem
out of the given
statements. Then, let
them solve it.

E. Practicing new skills. Think-Pair-Share Think-Pair-Share Process the activity by Think-Pair-Share

“Ronald has twenty 25 Another vendor bought three Create a word problem
centavo coins, while Marvin What were your using the following
watermelons weighing 2.9 kg,
has ₱6.00. Marvin says he has thoughts while doing information:
more money than Ronald. Is 3.15 kg and 3.25 kg at P35.00 a
the activity?
this true? Why or why not? kilogram. How much change 5.5 kilos of bananas
did he get from ₱500.00? What did you find ₱45 per kilo
Let them explain how they easy/challenging in 3.25 kilos of mangoes
arrived at their answers. Ask: How is this problem ₱80 per kilo
similar to/different from the doing the activity? ₱500.00
Point out the importance of previous problem? What supermarket
identifying any hidden information do we What parts should a
question/s in a given know about this problem? word problem have?
mathematical problem. What are we looking for? What (set-up, given, question) Give each group time to
Is there a question asking you operation/s do we need to present their word
to solve for the amount perform? Group Activity: problem. Provide
Ronald has? Why do we need Create another word assistance in evaluating
to solve for it even if it is not Let them explain how they problem similar to this. their own work.
being asked? arrived at their answers. Then solve.

“Perez family spend

vacation in Baguio City.
Mr. Perez loaded 40
liters of gasoline. Each
liter costs ₱40.15. How
much did he pay in all?”

F. Developing mastery Tier 1 Read, analyze and solve. Tier 1 (Structured) Tier 1 (Structured)
(Leads to Formative Mother has fifty 25-centavo Create a similar word Create a similar word
Assessment) coins. She bought a cup of “A store owner paid ₱180.00 problem to this: problem to this:
buko juice for ₱6.00. How for a tray of 30 eggs. At the end
much does she have left? “Joan bought 5 “Gino earns ₱20.50 for
of the day, she sold all the eggs
notebooks at ₱12.75 selling newspapers and
at ₱6.50 each. How much ₱25.00 for selling plastic
Tier 2 each. How much did
profit did she get for selling all she pay in all?” bottles. If he earns this
Ana gathered thirty 25-
the eggs?” amount everyday, how
centavo coins and forty-five
10-centavo coins Tier 2 (Semi-Structured) much would he earn in 5
whilecleaning their house. Create a word problem days?”
How much money did she that can be solved by
gather the following Tier 2 (Semi-Structured)
altogether? statement: Create a word problem
₱6.50 x 24= N using the given
Tier 3 information:
Leo sold 50 pieces of candies Tier 3 (Free)
at 75 centavos each and 25 Create a word problem 50 candies; 75¢ each; 25
pieces of bond paper at 50 about your experience sheets of paper; 50¢ each
centavos each. How much is in a store involving
his total sale? multiplication of Tier 3 (Free)
decimals, mixed Create a word problem set
decimals and whole bookstore and involves
numbers, multiplication with
including money. addition or subtraction of
decimals, mixed decimals
and whole decimals,
including money.

G. Finding practical Ask the learners to think of Ask the learners to think of Task: As a sari-sari store owner, Let each group present Let each group present
applications of situations at home wherein situations in a market wherein you must go to the supermarket their output. Ask the their output. Ask the other
concepts and skills in adding, subtracting and adding, subtracting and to buy other groups to groups to evaluate their
daily living multiplying decimals would be multiplying decimals would be goods you need for your store. evaluate their work work using a rubric.
useful to them. useful to them. Here is the pricelist from a using a rubric. Suggest Suggest revision/s, if
supermarket: revision/s, if necessary. necessary.

Items Price Let them point out how Let them reflect on how
Sardines 12.45 being able to construct being able to create their
Biscuit 43.75 their own mathematical own word problems is
Detergent 5.30 word problems helps useful in real life.
Powder them to further develop
Toothpaste 31.70 their problem solving
Dishwashing 4.25 skills.
Loaf of bread 27.80
Shampoo 57.20
Meatloaf 17.45
Refined sugar(kg) 51.95
Coffee 37.50

If you have ₱5,000 and you must

buy at least 5 of each item, what is
the greatest number of each item
that you can buy so that you get
as little change as possible?
H. Making How do we solve word How do we solve word If a certain task involves How can we create How can we create word
generalizations and problems involving problems involving multiplying and adding or word problems? What problems? What things do
abstractions about multiplication and addition or multiplication and addition or subtracting decimals and whole things do we need to we need to consider?
the lesson subtraction of decimals? subtraction of decimals? numbers, how would you go consider?
about it?
I. Evaluating learning Read, analyze and solve. Read, analyze, and solve. Suppose you have ₱20.00 with Create a word problem Create a word problem
you. What are the things that you using the given using the given
“Racquel has seventy-five 10- “Susan bought 3.5 kilos of can buy and how much change information. Then, solve information. Then, solve it.
centavo coins, while Kaye has sugar at ₱40.75 a kilo and a will you still get? it.
one hundred 5- centavo coins. dozen eggs at ₱4.90 each for Item Price a box of milk
Who has more money and by the cake she will bake. She Banana cue ₱7.50 ₱72.95 ₱1300.00
how much?” gave the cashier ₱500.00. How Candy ₱0.75 6.5 meters 48 cans
much change did she Buko juice ₱6.00 department store ₱32.00 each
Pugo ₱1.50 blue cloth
Lumpia ₱5.25
J. Additional activities Read and analyze the Read and analyze the problem. You have 10 pieces of coins. Find Tier 1 (Structured) Tier 1 (Structured)
for application or problem. Then solve. Then solve. at least 3 possible coin Create a word problem Create a word problem
remediation combinations with a total of: similar to this: similar to this:
“Mario needs to buy a “Ana rides a jeepney to a town a. ₱50.00
notebook that costs ₱12.00. 15 kilometres away. The fare is b. ₱110.00 “A balut vendor bought “Ana rides a jeepney.
He already has one 5-peso ₱8.00 for the first 4 kilometers c. ₱152.75 120 new duck eggs at Thefare is ₱8.00 for the
coin, twenty 25-centavo coins, and charges an additional P6.75 each. How much first 4 kilometers and
and thirty 10-centavo coins. did he pay for all the charges additional ₱1.50
₱1.50 for every kilometer in
Does he have enough money for every kilometer in
excess of 4 kilometers. How eggs?”
excess of 4 kilometers.
to buy the notebook? Why?” much change will she get if she How much will she pay if
gives the driver a ₱50.00 bill?” Tier 2 (Semi-Structured) she travels a total of 12
Create a word problem kilometers?”
that can be solved by
the following Tier 2 (Semi-Structured)
statement: Create a word problem
₱400 x 6.5 = ___ that can be shown by the
following statement:

500.00 – (3 x ₱35.75 + 5
x₱14.95) = ___

1. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No. of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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