DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q1 - W1
DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q1 - W1
DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q1 - W1
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operations involving fractions.
B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to apply the four fundamental operations involving fractions in mathematical problems and real -
life situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
Write the LC Code for each M 6N S -Ib - 90 .2 M 6N S -Ib - 92 .2 M 6N S -Ib - 92 .2
The learner multiplies The learner solves routine The learner solves non-
simple fractions and mixed problems involving routine problems involving
fractions. multiplication with or multiplication with or
without addition or without addition or
subtraction of fractions subtraction of fractions
and mixed fractions using and mixed fractions using
appropriate problem appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools solving strategies and tools
correctly. correctly.
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal MISOSA Module Grade 5 MISOSA Module Grade 6 - MISOSA Module Grade 6 -
and 6 - Multiplication of Solving one-step word Solving two-step word
Mixed Numbers and problems on multiplication problems on multiplication
Fractions of Fractions of Fractions
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Review game (charade)
Presenting the New Lesson Review: (Using flash Complete the table below
cards) Call 4 volunteers who will
serve as the actors.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Pair work Group work Group work
Practicing New Skills #1 Find the product of the Groups 1 and 2 (using any Answer the following
following. Reduce the answer to strategy): problems.
“A garden plot is 5 1/2 meters What comes next in the given
simplest form, whenever long and 2/3 meter wide. set of number
possible. What is the area of the garden
Groups 3 and 4 (using any
G. Finding Practical Applications of Read, analyze, and solve the Read, analyze and solve the Read and solve the following
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living problem below. following problems. problems. Show your neat and
Mang Jess used 3/4 liters of Show your neat and complete complete solution.
paint to cover 10 1/2 square solution. 1) Mang Daniel had 4 3/4
meters of wall. How many 1) Aling Maria has 6 2/3 hectares of land. He used 3/5
liters of paint is needed to kilograms of malagkit rice. She in planting mango trees, and
cover 12 1/4 square meters of used 3/4 of it and made biko. 14 in planting santol trees.
wall? How many kilograms of rice What fraction of Mang
did she use in making biko? Daniel’s land is planted with
2) Josephine’s house is 2 1/4 1) Rowena has 1/2 meter of
kilometers away from school. red ribbon, 1 2/3 meters of
Carlo’s house is 2/3 as far as yellow ribbon. She used 2/5 of
Josephine. How far is Carlo’s it for her project. How much
house from the school? ribbon did she use for her
H. Making Generalizations and How do we multiply mixed What are the steps in solving What are the steps in solving
Abstractions about the Lesson numbers and fractions? word problems? word problems?
Why is it important to change Why is each step important in Why is it important to check
the mixed number to problem solving? your answer?
improper form before
In what real-life situations can
we apply the concept of
multiplying mixed numbers
and fractions?
I. Evaluating Learning Answer the questions below. Solve the following problems. Solve the following problems.
Write the answer in simplest
form, whenever possible. 1) A street sweeper can clean 1) Rica can drink 3 1/2 liters of
1) If you multiply 5/6 and 3 10 2/3 meters of street in half water in a day. How many
4/5, what will you get? an hour. How many meters of liters of water can she drink in
2) Find the value of N in the street can he clean if he works 5 days if on the 5th day she
statement: for only 3/4 of an hour? drank 1/4 liters more?
4/7 x 6 3/5 = N 2) Jules can run 5 2/3 2) The laborers can finish
3) If 2/9 x 4 5/8 are multiplied, kilometers in one hour. How cementing 4/5 kilometer of
the product is _____. far can he go if he runs for road in a day. How many
only 3/8 of an hour? kilometers of road can they
finish if they work for 10 1/2
J. Additional Activities for Application Please refer to Lesson Guide in Solve the following problems. Solve the following problems.
or Remediation Elementary Mathematics 5, Show your neat and complete Show your neat and complete
pp. 208- 209 solution. solution.
1) A jug contains 4 1/2 liters of 1) A rectangular lot is 10
water. How many liters can it 2/3 meters long and 5
hold if it is 2/3 full? 3/8 meters wide. If ½
meters wide
2) Mang Mariano harvested 25 pavement is place
1/2 sacks of palay. He saved 2 around the lot, what
/17 of the sacks. How many is the area of the lot
sacks of palay did Mang not covered by the
Mariano save? pavement?
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
V. REFLECTION students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?