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Life: Simply a perspective: Healing. Growth. Higher learning
Life: Simply a perspective: Healing. Growth. Higher learning
Life: Simply a perspective: Healing. Growth. Higher learning
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Life: Simply a perspective: Healing. Growth. Higher learning

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There is no rule book to life. Your life, your experiences - you - are incredibly unique. I hope you make the best of what this life offers you and I hope my words help you live a more fulfilling life; and remember, fulfilment comes from within.

Crystal xo

Release dateMay 17, 2022
Life: Simply a perspective: Healing. Growth. Higher learning

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    Life - Crystal Teresa Harry


    Indifference is something that each person will experience in some way, at some point, with someone. Our role in this life should not be to convince other people of why we are right or why they're wrong. Our role is to understand our own individual truth and understand why it's true to us. We also can understand their truth and why it's true to them, without feeling the need to convince them of ours or ourselves of theirs.

    Your level of empathy and compassion should not be dependent on whether someone thinks and feels the same way you do. All that is is a form of validation. We need less validation and more humanity to form great authentic connections.

    When you truly understand yourself and why you feel what you feel and why you believe what you believe, it doesn't matter if other people do or don't, because you understand why you do. No one can take that from you. Nor can anyone phase you – because you understand that they don't understand. You also know that they wouldn't be trying to convince you of anything else if they did understand.

    Accept that some people value money and power. Yes - there is more to life, and yes, there is more value in forming deeper connections that make your heart feel richer; but I've had to understand, that's what I believe.. Those are what I value.

    Some people don't care much about their hearts feeling richer; they're content with how they feel now. They may be focused on more material growth, such as wanting their bank balance to grow. If that's what they need to feel happy and accomplished, there's nothing wrong with that either. It shouldn't bother me, you, or anyone else that is what their goals are; nor should we judge them for it.

    People are allowed to want what they want, and forcing them to want something different only takes us away from ourselves - so we need to accept we can only control ourselves. Ask yourself: Why would you want someone to want something different? Why would you want them to want what you want? One word – validation. Once you validate your own perceptions and beliefs as something that is just as real and true as someone else's, regardless of how similar or different it is, that's when you begin to find there is no right or wrong. It does all start from within ourselves.

    Focusing on your own path and the only way you'll truly be able to appreciate life is to appreciate the differences. We can learn from each other, guide each other, and help each other grow, but at the end of the day, we should never force anyone to think, feel or be what we're familiar with.

    People need to focus less on what other people need to do and focus more on what we - on an individual level - need to do to reach a sense of fulfillment, joy, and empowerment. Don't worry about why other people bother you. Try to understand why you're allowing it to affect you.

    It always comes down to how well you understand yourself.

    The school system doesn't equip you for life.

    The most fundamental traits necessary to live a meaningful, fulfilling life; qualities such as empathy, compassion, and even communication -are not acquired via the traditional school curriculum.

    I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Counselling, but I began my university life by completing three years of a four-year degree in a Bachelor of Primary Education. The reason I switched courses is that I wanted to focus more on how children were learning rather than what they were learning. With that said - teaching is not an easy role and teachers in the education system do not get enough credit for taking on how much they do. It takes great patience, persistence, and heart to take on the responsibility of teaching young minds, so I have deep admiration for teachers and their pivotal role in shaping the minds and hearts of children.

    While many teachers do an incredible job, I believe the education system (at least the education system I went through) is not designed to suit people like myself. Do keep in mind I graduated high school in 2009, so I'm sure many things have changed since when I was going through primary and high school; this particular chapter is based on my own personal knowledge and experience.

    While many people can go through the traditional education system and excel, I believe society requires connection through education. An educated mind is excellent, but it doesn't mean much if you can't connect with other humans.

    Schools should be strategically implementing activities that consist of each student learning about cultural diversity to be acknowledged, and the similarities and differences should be valued and appreciated.

    Religion as a subject should be compulsory, not just one religion and not just for private schools. The education system should implement all five religions in their curriculums and teach it in a way where every individual is - as I mentioned - able to acknowledge, value, and appreciate the similarities and differences. The same with spiritual concepts - and see how that may apply to religion and vice versa.

    It would benefit children for Personal Development concepts to be incorporated within the schooling system. It shouldn't take participating in a $10,000 personal development course as an adult to deal with your childhood trauma or learn how to be confident or communicate effectively.

    While studying Psychology and Counselling at University, I became aware of what I needed to learn in order to equip myself mentally and emotionally for life; these teachings were not taught to me within the school system. Even completing an assignment or obtaining my degree - for the most part - has been a test of how much information my brain could retain, rather than making sure I'm well equipped with enough humanity to help others effectively. Isn't that what we need? People who care? If we view it as training children with the skills that help them get by in the workforce, then yes - our school system has done a brilliant job. But what about people who are creatives? Empaths? Lightworkers? Those who have an urge to want to save the world and fix the broken parts that go beyond physicality? For these bright, brilliant

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