Azure Developer Jenkins Short PDF 100+pages
Azure Developer Jenkins Short PDF 100+pages
Azure Developer Jenkins Short PDF 100+pages
Jenkins architecture
Create a dev infrastructure on a Linux VM
This article is an introduction to using Azure with Jenkins, detailing the core Azure
features available to Jenkins users. For more information about getting started with your
own Jenkins server in Azure, see Create a Jenkins server on Azure.
Once configured with an Azure service principal, Jenkins jobs and pipelines can use this
credential to:
Securely store and archive build artifacts in Azure Storage using the Azure Storage
plug-in . Review the Jenkins storage how-to to learn more.
Manage and configure Azure resources with the Azure CLI.
This article shows how to install Jenkins on an Ubuntu Linux VM with the tools and
plug-ins configured to work with Azure.
3. If necessary, log in to your Azure subscription and change the Azure directory.
package_upgrade: true
- sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre -y
- curl -fsSL
| sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null
- echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] binary/' | sudo tee
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null
- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jenkins -y
- sudo service jenkins restart
Azure CLI
az vm create \
--resource-group jenkins-get-started-rg \
--name jenkins-get-started-vm \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--admin-username "azureuser" \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--public-ip-sku Standard \
--custom-data cloud-init-jenkins.txt
7. Run az vm list to verify the creation (and state) of the new virtual machine.
Azure CLI
8. As Jenkins runs on port 8080, run az vm open to open port 8080 on the new virtual
Azure CLI
az vm open-port \
--resource-group jenkins-get-started-rg \
--name jenkins-get-started-vm \
--port 8080 --priority 1010
4. Configure Jenkins
1. Run az vm show to get the public IP address for the sample virtual machine.
Azure CLI
az vm show \
--resource-group jenkins-get-started-rg \
--name jenkins-get-started-vm -d \
--query [publicIps] \
--output tsv
Key points:
The --query parameter limits the output to the public IP addresses for the
virtual machine.
2. Using the IP address retrieved in the previous step, SSH into the virtual machine.
You'll need to confirm the connection request.
Azure CLI
ssh azureuser@<ip_address>
Key points:
Upon successful connection, the Cloud Shell prompt includes the user name
and virtual machine name: azureuser@jenkins-get-started-vm .
3. Verify that Jenkins is running by getting the status of the Jenkins service.
Key points:
If you receive an error regarding the service not existing, you may have to
wait a couple of minutes for everything to install and initialize.
8. In the filter box at the top of the page, enter github . Select the GitHub plug-in and
select Install.
9. Enter the information for the first admin user and select Save and Continue.
2. Enter a job name of mySampleApp , select Freestyle project, and select OK.
3. Select the Source Code Management tab. Enable Git and enter the following URL
for the Repository URL value:
boot.git . Then change the Branch Specifier to */main .
6. Select Use Gradle Wrapper, then enter complete in Wrapper location and build
for Tasks.
7. Select Advanced and enter complete in the Root Build script field.
8. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Save.
2. A graphic below the Build History heading indicates that the job is being built.
3. When the build completes, select the Workspace link.
4. Navigate to complete/build/libs to see that the .jar file was successfully built.
5. Your Jenkins server is now ready to build your own projects in Azure!
If you encounter any problems configuring Jenkins, refer to the Jenkins installation
page for the latest instructions and known issues.
Next steps
Jenkins on Azure
Tutorial: Use Azure Container Instances
as a Jenkins build agent
Article • 08/10/2023
) Important
Many Azure services have Jenkins plug-ins. Some of these plug-ins will be out of
support as of February 29, 2024. Azure CLI is the currently recommended way to
integrate Jenkins with Azure services. For more information, refer to the article
Jenkins plug-ins for Azure.
For more information on Azure Container Instances, see About Azure Container
Azure subscription: If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free Azure
account before you begin.
Jenkins server: If you don't have a Jenkins server installed, create a Jenkins server
on Azure.
4. Verify that the Jenkins URL is set to the HTTP address of your Jenkins installation -
http://<your_host>.<your_domain>:8080/ .
7. Under Agents, specify Fixed port and enter the appropriate port number for your
Configuration example:
8. Select Save.
7. Select OK.
9. Add a Label (Labels are used to group multiple agents into one logical group. An
example of a label would be linux to group your Linux agents.) with the value of
linux .
11. Verify that all required fields have been specified or entered:
12. Select Save.
13. On the agent status page, you should see the JENKINS_SECRET and AGENT_NAME . The
following screen shot shows how to identify the values. Both values are needed
when you create the Azure Container Instance.
Azure CLI
2. Use az container create to create and Azure Container Instance. Replace the
placeholders with the values obtained when you created the work agent.
Azure CLI
az container create \
--name my-dock \
--resource-group my-resourcegroup \
--ip-address Public --image jenkins/inbound-agent:latest \
--os-type linux \
--ports 80 \
--command-line "jenkins-agent -url http://jenkinsserver:port
7 Note
Jenkins agents connect to the controller via port 5000 , ensure that port is
allowed inbound to the Jenkins Controller.
Create a build job
Now, a Jenkins build job is created to demonstrate Jenkins builds on an Azure container
1. Select New Item, give the build project a name such as aci-demo, select Freestyle
project, and select OK.
2. Under General, ensure that Restrict where this project can be run is selected.
Enter linux for the label expression. This configuration ensures that this build job
runs on the ACI cloud.
3. Under Build, select Add build step and select Execute Shell. Enter echo "aci-demo"
as the command.
4. Select Save.
Run the build job
To test the build job and observe Azure Container Instances manually start a build.
1. Select Build Now to start a build job. Once the job starts you'll see a status that's
similar to the following image:
Next steps
CI/CD to Azure App Service
Tutorial: Scale Jenkins deployments with
VM running in Azure
Article • 03/24/2022
) Important
Many Azure services have Jenkins plug-ins. Some of these plug-ins will be out of
support as of February 29, 2024. Azure CLI is the currently recommended way to
integrate Jenkins with Azure services. For more information, refer to the article
Jenkins plug-ins for Azure.
This tutorial shows how to create a Linux virtual machines in Azure and add the VM as a
work node to Jenkins.
Jenkins installation: If you don't have access to a Jenkins installation, configure
Jenkins using Azure CLI
Azure CLI
Azure CLI
You can also upload your ssh key with the following command --ssh-key-
value <ssh_path> .
a. Log in to the virtual machine using an SSH tool or using Remote Desktop
c. Install JDK
3. Verify that the Jenkins URL is set to the HTTP address of your Jenkins installation -
http://<your_host>.<your_domain>:8080/ .
4. Select Save.
6. Select OK.
7. Specify values for the following fields:
Name: Specify a unique name that identifies an agent within the new Jenkins
installation. This value can be different from the agent hostname. However,
it's convenient to make them the two values the same. The name value is
allowed any special character from the following list: ?*/\%!@#$^&|<>[]:; .
Labels: Labels are used to group semantically related agents into one logical
group. For example, you could define a label of UBUNTU for all your agents
running the Ubuntu distro of Linux.
Launch method: There are two options to start the remote Jenkins node:
Launch agents via SSH and Launch agent via execution of command on the
Launch agents via SSH: Specify the values for the following fields:
Host Key Verification Strategy: Controls how Jenkins verifies the SSH
key presented by the remote host whilst connecting.
Launch agent via execution of command on the master:
https://localhost:8443/jnlpJars/agent.jar .
After you define the configurations, Jenkins adds the virtual machine as a new work
4. Select OK.
5. In the General tab, choose Restrict where project can be run and type ubuntu in
Label Expression. You see a message confirming that the label is served by the
cloud configuration created in the previous step.
6. In the Source Code Management tab, select Git and add the following URL into
the Repository URL field:
7. In the Build tab, select Add build step, then Invoke top-level Maven targets. Enter
package in the Goals field.
8. Select Save.
2. Select Build now. A new build is queued, but doesn't start until an agent VM is
created in your Azure subscription.
3. Once the build is complete, go to Console output. You see that the build was
performed remotely on an Azure agent.
Next steps
CI/CD to Azure App Service
Tutorial: Deploy apps to Azure Spring
Apps using Jenkins and the Azure CLI
Article • 05/30/2023
7 Note
Azure Spring Apps is the new name for the Azure Spring Cloud service. Although
the service has a new name, you'll see the old name in some places for a while as
we work to update assets such as screenshots, videos, and diagrams.
Azure Spring Apps is a fully managed microservice development with built-in service
discovery and configuration management. The service makes it easy to deploy Spring
Boot-based microservice applications to Azure. This tutorial demonstrates how you can
use Azure CLI in Jenkins to automate continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) for
Azure Spring Apps.
Azure subscription: If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free
account before you begin.
Your local machine needs to meet the same prerequisite as the Jenkins build server.
Make sure the following are installed to build and deploy the microservice applications:
Maven 3.0 or above
Azure CLI installed, version 2.0.67 or higher
Azure CLI
Azure CLI
Azure CLI
4. Fork the Piggy Metrics repo to your own GitHub account. In your local machine,
clone your repo in a directory called source-code :
mkdir source-code
git clone<your GitHub id>/piggymetrics
5. Set up your configuration server. Make sure you replace <your GitHub id> with the
correct value.
Azure CLI
az spring config-server git set -n <your-service-name> --uri<your GitHub id>/piggymetrics --label config
cd piggymetrics
mvn clean package -D skipTests
Azure CLI
Azure CLI
Azure CLI
10. Query the gateway application to get the url so that you can verify that the
application is running.
Azure CLI
Install plug-ins
1. Log in to your Jenkins server.
GitHub Integration
Azure Credential
If these plug-ins don't appear in the list, check the Installed tab to see if they're
already installed.
5. To install the plug-ins, select Download now and install after restart.
"appId": "xxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"displayName": "xxxxxxxjenkinssp",
"name": "http://xxxxxxxjenkinssp",
"password": "xxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"tenant": "xxxxxx--xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
2. On the Jenkins dashboard, select Credentials > System. Then, select Global
2. Install Maven.
3. Verify that the Azure CLI is installed by entering az version . If the Azure CLI isn't
installed, see Installing the Azure CLI.
sudo su jenkins
5. Install the spring extension:
Azure CLI
Create a Jenkinsfile
1. In your own repo - - create a
Jenkinsfile in the root.
2. Update the file as follows. Make sure you replace the values of <resource group
name> and <service name>. Replace azure_service_principal with the right ID if
you use a different value when you added the credential in Jenkins.
node {
stage('init') {
checkout scm
stage('build') {
sh 'mvn clean package'
stage('deploy') {
withCredentials([azureServicePrincipal('azure_service_principal')]) {
// Log in to Azure
sh '''
az login --service-principal -u $AZURE_CLIENT_ID -p
az account set -s $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
// Set default resource group name and service name. Replace
<resource group name> and <service name> with the right values
sh 'az config set<resource group name>'
sh 'az config set defaults.spring=<service name>'
// Deploy applications
sh 'az spring app deploy -n gateway --jar-path
sh 'az spring app deploy -n account-service --jar-path
sh 'az spring app deploy -n auth-service --jar-path ./auth-
sh 'az logout'
3. Save and commit the change.
2. Provide a name, Deploy-PiggyMetrics for the job and select Pipeline. Click OK.
6. Enter the GitHub URL for your forked repo:<your GitHub
id>/piggymetrics.git .
9. Select Save
2. Search for enter your login and update that text to enter login ID .
4. Run the job in Jenkins manually. On the Jenkins dashboard, select the job Deploy-
PiggyMetrics and then select Build Now.
After the job is complete, navigate to the public IP of the gateway application and verify
that your application has been updated.
Clean up resources
When no longer needed, delete the resources created in this article:
Azure CLI
Next steps
Jenkins on Azure
Tutorial: Deploy from GitHub to Azure
Kubernetes Service using Jenkins
Article • 03/24/2022
) Important
Many Azure services have Jenkins plug-ins. Some of these plug-ins will be out of
support as of February 29, 2024. Azure CLI is the currently recommended way to
integrate Jenkins with Azure services. For more information, refer to the article
Jenkins plug-ins for Azure.
This tutorial deploys a sample app from GitHub to an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
cluster by setting up continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) in
To complete this tutorial, you need these items:
An AKS cluster and kubectl configured with the AKS cluster credentials.
An Azure Container Registry (ACR) registry, the ACR login server name, and the
AKS cluster configured to authenticate with the ACR registry.
The Azure CLI version 2.0.46 or later installed and configured. Run az --version to
find the version. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install Azure CLI.
If you provide your own Jenkins instance rather than this sample scripted way to
deploy Jenkins, your Jenkins instance needs Docker installed and configured and
kubectl .
Before you integrate Jenkins and AKS for automated deployments, first manually
prepare and deploy the Azure vote application to your AKS cluster. This manual
deployment lets you see the application in action.
7 Note
The sample Azure vote application uses a Linux pod that is scheduled to run on a
Linux node. The flow outlined in this article also works for a Windows Server pod
scheduled on a Windows Server node.
Clone the fork to your development system. Make sure you use the URL of your fork
when cloning this repo:
cd azure-voting-app-redis
To create the container images needed for the sample application, use the docker-
compose.yaml file with docker-compose :
docker-compose up -d
The required base images are pulled and the application containers built. You can then
use the docker images command to see the created image. Three images have been
downloaded or created. The azure-vote-front image contains the application and uses
the nginx-flask image as a base. The redis image is used to start a Redis instance:
$ docker images
Azure CLI
Use the docker tag command to tag the image with the ACR login server name and a
version number of v1 . Use your own <acrLoginServer> name obtained in the previous
Finally, push the azure-vote-front image to your ACR registry. Again, replace
<acrLoginServer> with the login server name of your own ACR registry, such as :
- name: azure-vote-front
image: azuredocs/azure-vote-front
Next, use the kubectl apply command to deploy the application to your AKS cluster:
A Kubernetes load balancer service is created to expose the application to the internet.
This process can take a few minutes. To monitor the progress of the load balancer
deployment, use the kubectl get service command with the --watch argument. Once
the EXTERNAL-IP address has changed from pending to an IP address, use Control + C
to stop the kubectl watch process.
To see the application in action, open a web browser to the external IP address of your
service. The Azure vote application is displayed, as shown in the following example:
Configure Jenkins Controller
Apply the following changes to enable AKS deployments from the Jenkins Controller:
Azure CLI
az vm open-port \
--resource-group <Resource_Group_name> \
--name <Jenkins_Controller_VM> \
--port 80 --priority 1020
Azure CLI
ssh azureuser@<PublicIPAddres>
Azure CLI
az login
7 Note
Install Docker
Configure access
On the left-hand side of the Jenkins portal, select Manage Jenkins > Configure
Under Global Properties, select Environment variables. Add a variable with the
name ACR_LOGINSERVER and the value of your ACR login server.
To allow Jenkins to push updated container images to ACR, you need to specify
credentials for ACR.
For separation of roles and permissions, configure a service principal for Jenkins with
Contributor permissions to your ACR registry.
Azure CLI
az ad sp create-for-rbac
"appId": "626dd8ea-042d-4043-a8df-4ef56273670f",
"displayName": "azure-cli-2018-09-28-22-19-34",
"name": "http://azure-cli-2018-09-28-22-19-34",
"password": "1ceb4df3-c567-4fb6-955e-f95ac9460297",
"tenant": "72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db48"
Make a note of the appId and password. These values are used in following steps to
configure the credential resource in Jenkins.
Get the resource ID of your ACR registry using the az acr show command, and store it as
a variable.
Azure CLI
Create a role assignment to assign the service principal Contributor rights to the ACR
Azure CLI
Replace <appId> with the value provided in the output of the pervious command use to
create the service principal.
Ensure that the credential kind is Username with password and enter the following
Username - The appId of the service principal created for authentication with your
ACR registry.
Password - The password of the service principal created for authentication with
your ACR registry.
ID - Credential identifier such as acr-credentials
When complete, the credentials form looks like the following example:
2. Under the General section, select GitHub project and enter your forked repo URL,
such as<your-github-account>/azure-voting-app-redis
3. Under the Source code management section, select Git, enter your forked repo
.git URL, such as<your-github-account>/azure-voting-app-
4. Under the Build Triggers section, select GitHub hook trigger for GITscm polling
Enter ACR_ID for the Username Variable, and ACR_PASSWORD for the Password
7. Choose to add a Build Step of type Execute shell and use the following text. This
script builds a new container image and pushes it to your ACR registry.
8. Add another Build Step of type Execute shell and use the following text. This script
updates the application deployment in AKS with the new container image from
This build validates that the job has been correctly configured. It confirms the proper
Kubernetes authentication file is in place, and that authentication to ACR working.
The first build longer as the Docker image layers are pulled down to the Jenkins server.
Because no changes have been made to the application code, the web UI is unchanged.
Once the build job is complete, select build #1 under build history. Select Console
Output and view the output from the build process. The final line should indicate a
successful build.
On your development machine, open up the cloned application with a code editor.
Under the /azure-vote/azure-vote directory, open the file named config_file.cfg. Update
the vote values in this file to something other than cats and dogs, as shown in the
following example:
# UI Configurations
TITLE = 'Azure Voting App'
VOTE2VALUE = 'Purple'
SHOWHOST = 'false'
When updated, save the file, commit the changes, and push them to your fork of the
GitHub repository. The GitHub webhook triggers a new build job in Jenkins. In the
Jenkins web dashboard, monitor the build process. It takes a few seconds to pull the
latest code, create and push the updated image, and deploy the updated application in
Once the build is complete, refresh your web browser of the sample Azure vote
application. Your changes are displayed, as shown in the following example:
Next steps
Jenkins on Azure
Tutorial: Deploy to Azure App Service
with Jenkins and the Azure CLI
Article • 05/30/2023
) Important
Many Azure services have Jenkins plug-ins. Some of these plug-ins will be out of
support as of February 29, 2024. Azure CLI is the currently recommended way to
integrate Jenkins with Azure services. For more information, refer to the article
Jenkins plug-ins for Azure.
To deploy a Java web app to Azure, you can use Azure CLI in a Jenkins Pipeline . In this
tutorial, you do the following tasks:
" Create a Jenkins VM
" Configure Jenkins
" Create a web app in Azure
" Prepare a GitHub repository
" Create Jenkins pipeline
" Run the pipeline and verify the web app
Azure subscription: If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free
account before you begin.
Configure Jenkins
The following steps show how to install the required Java JDK and Maven on the Jenkins
2. Download and install the Azul Zulu build of OpenJDK for Azure from an apt-get
4. Select Add Credentials to add a Microsoft Azure service principal. Make sure that
the credential kind is Username with password and enter the following items:
Azure CLI
Key points:
The appservice plan defines the physical resources used to host your apps.
All applications assigned to an appservice plan share these resources.
Appservice plans allow you to save cost when hosting multiple apps.
Azure CLI
az webapp create \
--name <app_name> \
--resource-group <resource_group> \
--plan <app_service_plan>
Key points:
The web app definition provides a URL to access your application with and
configures several options to deploy your code to Azure.
Substitute the <app_name> placeholder with a unique app name.
The app name is part of the default domain name for the web app. Therefore, the
name needs to be unique across all apps in Azure.
You can map a custom domain name entry to the web app before you expose it to
your users.
Configure Java
Use az appservice web config update to set up the Java runtime configuration for the
Azure CLI
2. Select the Fork button to fork the repo to your own GitHub account.
6. Update the resource group and name of your web app on line 22 and 23
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: '<service_princial>',
passwordVariable: 'AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET', usernameVariable:
5. Select OK.
6. Select Pipeline.
3. After the build completes, select Console Output to see build details.
3. Browse to the following URL (substitute <x> and <y> with two values to be
summed): http://<app_name><x>&y=
Deploy to Azure App Service on Linux
App Service can also host web apps natively on Linux for supported application stacks. It
can also run custom Linux containers (also known as Web App for Containers.)
You can modify the script to deploy to an Azure App Service on Linux. App Service on
Linux supports Docker. As such, you provide a Dockerfile that packages your web app
with service runtime into a Docker image. The plug-in builds the image, pushes it to a
Docker registry, and deploys the image to your web app.
1. Refer to Migrate custom software to Azure App Service using a custom container
to create an Azure App Service on Linux and an Azure Container Registry.
Azure CLI
4. In the same Simple Java Web App for Azure repo you forked, edit the
Jenkinsfile2 file as follows:
'AZURE_TENANT_ID=<myTenantId>']) {
b. Update to the names of your resource group, web app, and ACR (replacing the
placeholders with your values).
'<service_principal>', passwordVariable: 'AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET',
usernameVariable: 'AZURE_CLIENT_ID')]) {
5. Create a new Jenkins pipeline as you did when deploying to Azure web app in
Windows using Jenkinsfile2 .
Azure CLI
9. Browse to http://<app_name><x>&y=<y>
(replacing the placeholders). The values you specify for x and y are summed and
Next steps
Jenkins on Azure
Tutorial: Deploy to Linux virtual machine
using Jenkins and Azure DevOps
Article • 05/30/2023
Continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) form a pipeline by which
you can build, release, and deploy your code. Azure DevOps Services provides a
complete, fully featured set of CI/CD automation tools for deployment to Azure. Jenkins
is a popular third-party CI/CD server-based tool that also provides CI/CD automation.
You can use Azure DevOps Services and Jenkins together to customize how you deliver
your cloud app or service.
In this tutorial, you use Jenkins to build a Node.js web app. You then use Azure DevOps
to deploy it
to a deployment group that contains Linux virtual machines (VMs). You learn how to:
Azure subscription: If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free Azure
account before you begin.
Jenkins server: If you don't have a Jenkins server installed, create a Jenkins server
on Azure.
7 Note
Open inbound port 80 for your virtual machine. For more information, see Create
network security groups using the Azure portal.
Create a fork of this app and take note of the location (URL) for use in later steps of this
tutorial. For more information, see Fork a repo .
7 Note
The app was built through Yeoman . It uses Express, bower, and grunt. And it has
some npm packages as dependencies. The sample also contains a script that sets
up Nginx and deploys the app. It is executed on the virtual machines. Specifically,
the script:
7 Note
Ensure that the personal access token (PAT) you use for the following steps contains
the Release (read, write, execute and manage) permission in Azure DevOps Services.
1. Create a PAT in your Azure DevOps Services organization if you don't already have
one. Jenkins requires this information to access your Azure DevOps Services
organization. Be sure to store the token information for upcoming steps in this
To learn how to generate a token, read How do I create a personal access token for
Azure DevOps Services?.
2. In the Post-build Actions tab, select Add post-build action. Select Archive the
5. Select Trigger release in TFS/Team Services. Enter the URI for your Azure DevOps
Services organization, such as https://{your-organization-name}
7. Choose a name for the release pipeline. (You create this release pipeline later in
Azure DevOps Services.)
1. Open the Services page in Azure DevOps Services, open the New Service
Endpoint list, and select Jenkins.
7 Note
In the following procedure, be sure to install the prerequisites and don't run the
script with sudo privileges.
1. Open the Releases tab of the Build & Release hub, open Deployment groups, and
select + New.
2. Enter a name for the deployment group, and an optional description. Then select
3. Choose the operating system for your deployment target virtual machine. For
example, select Ubuntu 16.04+.
4. Select Use a personal access token in the script for authentication.
5. Select the System prerequisites link. Install the prerequisites for your operating
6. Select Copy script to clipboard to copy the script.
7. Log in to your deployment target virtual machine and run the script. Don't run the
script with sudo privileges.
8. After the installation, you are prompted for deployment group tags. Accept the
9. In Azure DevOps Services, check for your newly registered virtual machine in
Targets under Deployment Groups.
1. Open the Releases tab of the Build & Release hub, and select Create release
2. Select the Empty template by choosing to start with an Empty process.
3. In the Artifacts section, select + Add Artifact and choose Jenkins for Source type.
Select your Jenkins service endpoint connection. Then select the Jenkins source job
and select Add.
4. Select the ellipsis next to Environment 1. Select Add deployment group phase.
5. Choose your deployment group.
6. Select + to add a task to Deployment group phase.
7. Select the Shell Script task and select Add. The Shell Script task provides the
configuration for a script to run on each server in order to install Node.js and start
the app.
8. For Script Path, enter $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Fabrikam-
9. Select Advanced, and then enable Specify Working Directory.
10. For Working Directory, enter $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Fabrikam-
11. Edit the name of the release pipeline to the name that you specified on the Post-
build Actions tab of the build in Jenkins. Jenkins requires this name to be able to
trigger a new release when the source artifacts are updated.
12. Select Save and select OK to save the release pipeline.
Next steps
In this tutorial, you automated the deployment of an app to Azure by using Jenkins for
build and Azure DevOps Services for release. You learned how to:
To learn about how to use Azure Pipelines for both Build and Release steps, refer to this.
To learn about how to author a YAML based CI/CD pipeline to deploy to VMs, advance
to the next tutorial.
Jenkins on Azure
Tutorial: Deploy to Azure Functions
using Jenkins
Article • 05/30/2023
) Important
Many Azure services have Jenkins plug-ins. Some of these plug-ins will be out of
support as of February 29, 2024. Azure CLI is the currently recommended way to
integrate Jenkins with Azure services. For more information, refer to the article
Jenkins plug-ins for Azure.
Azure Functions is a serverless compute service. Using Azure Functions, you can run
code on-demand without provisioning or managing infrastructure. This tutorial shows
how to deploy a Java function to Azure Functions using the Azure Functions plug-in.
Azure subscription: If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free
account before you begin.
Jenkins server: If you don't have a Jenkins server installed, refer to the article,
Create a Jenkins server on Azure.
The following steps show how to create a Java function using the Azure CLI:
Azure CLI
az group create --name <resource_group> --location eastus
2. Create an Azure storage account, replacing the placeholders with the appropriate
Azure CLI
3. Create the test function app, replacing the placeholders with the appropriate
Azure CLI
1. Deploy a Jenkins server on Azure. If you don't already have an instance of the
Jenkins server installed, the article, Create a Jenkins server on Azure guides you
through the process.
5. On the Jenkins instance, install the Azure Functions Core Tools by issuing the
following commands at a terminal prompt:
e. Verify that the Credentials plug-in is installed. If not, you'll need to install it
from the Available tab.
12. Enter the following values for your Microsoft Azure service principal:
3. Follow the prompts to select your GitHub account and finish forking.
node {
'AZURE_TENANT_ID=99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999']) {
stage('Init') {
checkout scm
stage('Build') {
sh 'mvn clean package'
stage('Publish') {
def RESOURCE_GROUP = '<resource_group>'
def FUNC_NAME = '<function_app>'
// login Azure
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'azuresp',
passwordVariable: 'AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET', usernameVariable:
sh '''
az login --service-principal -u $AZURE_CLIENT_ID -p
az account set -s $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
sh 'cd $PWD/target/azure-functions/odd-or-even-function-sample
&& zip -r ../../../ ./* && cd -'
sh "az functionapp deployment source config-zip -g
sh 'az logout'
1. First, obtain the authorization key via the instructions in the Azure Functions HTTP
triggers and bindings article.
2. In your browser, enter the app's URL. Replace the placeholders with the
appropriate values and specify a numeric value for <input_number> as input for
the Java function.
3. You'll see results similar to the following example output (where an odd number -
365 - was used as a test):
Clean up resources
If you're not going to continue to use this application, delete the resources you created
with the following step:
Azure CLI
) Important
Many Azure services have Jenkins plug-ins. Some of these plug-ins will be out of
support as of February 29, 2024. Azure CLI is the currently recommended way to
integrate Jenkins with Azure services. For more information, refer to the article
Jenkins plug-ins for Azure.
This article illustrates how to use Blob storage as a repository of build artifacts created
by a Jenkins continuous integration (CI) solution, or as a source of downloadable files to
be used in a build process. One of the scenarios where you would find this solution
useful is when you're coding in an agile development environment (using Java or other
languages), builds are running based on continuous integration, and you need a
repository for your build artifacts, so that you could, for example, share them with other
organization members, your customers, or maintain an archive. Another scenario is
when your build job itself requires other files, for example, dependencies to download
as part of the build input.
Azure subscription: If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free Azure
account before you begin.
Jenkins server: If you don't have a Jenkins server installed, create a Jenkins server
on Azure.
Azure CLI: Install Azure CLI (version 2.0.67 or higher) on the Jenkins server.
Azure storage account: If you don't already have a storage account, create a
Storage Account.
2. Name the job myjob, select Pipeline, and then select OK.
3. In the Pipeline section of the job configuration, select Pipeline script and paste the
following into Script. Edit the placeholders to match the values for your
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'rm -rf *'
sh 'mkdir text'
sh 'echo Hello Azure Storage from Jenkins > ./text/hello.txt'
sh 'date > ./text/date.txt'
post {
success {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'azuresp',
passwordVariable: 'AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET',
usernameVariable: 'AZURE_CLIENT_ID')]) {
sh '''
echo $container_name
# Login to Azure with ServicePrincipal
az login --service-principal -u $AZURE_CLIENT_ID -p
# Set default subscription
az account set --subscription $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
# Execute upload to Azure
az storage container create --account-name
$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT --name $JOB_NAME --auth-mode login
az storage blob upload-batch --destination ${JOB_NAME} --
source ./text --account-name $AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT
# Logout from Azure
az logout
5. Examine the console output for status. When the post-build action uploads the
build artifacts, status messages for Azure storage are written to the console.
6. If you encounter an error similar to the following, it means that you need to grant
access at the container level: ValidationError: You do not have the required
permissions needed to perform this operation. If you receive this error message,
refer to the following articles to resolve:
Choose how to authorize access to blob data with Azure CLI - Azure Storage
Use the Azure portal to assign an Azure role for data access - Azure Storage
7. Upon successful completion of the job, examine the build artifacts by opening the
public blob:
a. Sign in to the Azure portal .
b. Select Storage.
c. Select the storage account name that you used for Jenkins.
d. Select Containers.
e. Select the container named myjob, within the list of blobs.
f. You should see the following two files: hello.txt and date.txt.
g. Copy the URL for either of these items and paste it in your browser.
h. You see the text file that was uploaded as a build artifact.
Key points:
Container names and blob names are lowercase (and case-sensitive) in Azure
1. In the Pipeline section of the job configuration, select Pipeline script and paste the
following in Script. Edit the placeholders to match the values for your environment.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'azuresp',
passwordVariable: 'AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET',
usernameVariable: 'AZURE_CLIENT_ID')]) {
sh '''
# Login to Azure with ServicePrincipal
az login --service-principal -u $AZURE_CLIENT_ID -p
# Set default subscription
az account set --subscription $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
# Execute upload to Azure
az storage blob download --account-name
$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT --container-name myjob --name hello.txt --file
${WORKSPACE}/hello.txt --auth-mode login
# Logout from Azure
az logout
2. After running a build, check the build history console output. Alternatively, you can
also look at your download location to see if the blobs you expected were
successfully downloaded.
Next steps
Jenkins on Azure
Tutorial: Create a Jenkins pipeline using
GitHub and Docker
Article • 01/22/2021
) Important
Many Azure services have Jenkins plug-ins. Some of these plug-ins will be out of
support as of February 29, 2024. Azure CLI is the currently recommended way to
integrate Jenkins with Azure services. For more information, refer to the article
Jenkins plug-ins for Azure.
To automate the build and test phase of application development, you can use a
continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. In this tutorial, you create a
CI/CD pipeline on an Azure VM including how to:
" Create a Jenkins VM
" Install and configure Jenkins
" Create webhook integration between GitHub and Jenkins
" Create and trigger Jenkins build jobs from GitHub commits
" Create a Docker image for your app
" Verify GitHub commits build new Docker image and updates running app
This tutorial uses the CLI within the Azure Cloud Shell, which is constantly updated to
the latest version. To open the Cloud Shell, select Try it from the top of any code block.
If you choose to install and use the CLI locally, this tutorial requires that you are running
the Azure CLI version 2.0.30 or later. Run az --version to find the version. If you need
to install or upgrade, see Install Azure CLI.
package_upgrade: true
- path: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf
content: |
- path: /etc/docker/daemon.json
content: |
"hosts": ["fd://","tcp://"]
- apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless -y
- wget -q -O - | sudo
apt-key add -
- sh -c 'echo deb binary/ >
- apt-get update && apt-get install jenkins -y
- curl -sSL | sh
- usermod -aG docker azureuser
- usermod -aG docker jenkins
- service jenkins restart
Before you can create a VM, create a resource group with az group create. The following
example creates a resource group named myResourceGroupJenkins in the eastus
Azure CLI
Now create a VM with az vm create. Use the --custom-data parameter to pass in your
cloud-init config file. Provide the full path to cloud-init-jenkins.txt if you saved the file
outside of your present working directory.
Azure CLI
az vm create --resource-group myResourceGroupJenkins \
--name myVM \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--admin-username azureuser \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--custom-data cloud-init-jenkins.txt
To allow web traffic to reach your VM, use az vm open-port to open port 8080 for
Jenkins traffic and port 1337 for the Node.js app that is used to run a sample app:
Azure CLI
Configure Jenkins
To access your Jenkins instance, obtain the public IP address of your VM:
Azure CLI
For security purposes, you need to enter the initial admin password that is stored in a
text file on your VM to start the Jenkins install. Use the public IP address obtained in the
previous step to SSH to your VM:
ssh azureuser@<publicIps>
Feb 12 16:16:10 myVM systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Start Jenkins at boot time...
View the initialAdminPassword for your Jenkins install and copy it:
If the file isn't available yet, wait a couple more minutes for cloud-init to complete the
Jenkins and Docker install.
In your Jenkins website, select Create new jobs from the home page:
Enter HelloWorld as job name. Choose Freestyle project, then select OK.
Under the General section, select GitHub project and enter your forked repo URL,
such as
Under the Source code management section, select Git, enter your forked repo
.git URL, such as
Under the Build Triggers section, select GitHub hook trigger for GITscm polling.
Under the Build section, choose Add build step. Select Execute shell, then enter
echo "Test" in the command window.
Back in GitHub web UI, select your forked repo, and then select the index.js file. Select
the pencil icon to edit this file so line 6 reads:
response.end("Hello World!");
To commit your changes, select the Commit changes button at the bottom.
In Jenkins, a new build starts under the Build history section of the bottom left-hand
corner of your job page. Choose the build number link and select Console output on
the left-hand side. You can view the steps Jenkins takes as your code is pulled from
GitHub and the build action outputs the message Test to the console. Each time a
commit is made in GitHub, the webhook reaches out to Jenkins and triggers a new build
in this way.
From the SSH connection to your VM, change to the Jenkins workspace directory named
after the job you created in a previous step. In this example, that was named HelloWorld.
cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/HelloWorld
Create a file in this workspace directory with sudo sensible-editor Dockerfile and
paste the following contents. Make sure that the whole Dockerfile is copied correctly,
especially the first line:
FROM node:alpine
WORKDIR /var/www
COPY package.json /var/www/
RUN npm install
COPY index.js /var/www/
This Dockerfile uses the base Node.js image using Alpine Linux, exposes port 1337 that
the Hello World app runs on, then copies the app files and initializes it.
Back in your Jenkins instance, select the job you created in a previous step. Select
Configure on the left-hand side and scroll down to the Build section:
Remove your existing echo "Test" build step. Select the red cross on the top right-
hand corner of the existing build step box.
In the Command box, enter the following Docker commands, then select Save:
The Docker build steps create an image and tag it with the Jenkins build number so you
can maintain a history of images. Any existing containers running the app are stopped
and then removed. A new container is then started using the image and runs your
Node.js app based on the latest commits in GitHub.
Open a web browser and enter http://<publicIps>:1337 . Your Node.js app is displayed
and reflects the latest commits in your GitHub fork as follows:
Now make another edit to the index.js file in GitHub and commit the change. Wait a few
seconds for the job to complete in Jenkins, then refresh your web browser to see the
updated version of your app running in a new container as follows:
Next steps
In this tutorial, you configured GitHub to run a Jenkins build job on each code commit
and then deploy a Docker container to test your app. You learned how to:
" Create a Jenkins VM
" Install and configure Jenkins
" Create webhook integration between GitHub and Jenkins
" Create and trigger Jenkins build jobs from GitHub commits
" Create a Docker image for your app
" Verify GitHub commits build new Docker image and updates running app
Advance to the next tutorial to learn more about how to integrate Jenkins with Azure
DevOps Services.
This tutorial covers several possible ways of setting up your Jenkins environment as well
as different ways to deploy your application to a Service Fabric cluster after it has been
built. Follow these general steps to successfully configure Jenkins, pull changes from
GitHub, build your application, and deploy it to your cluster:
3. After you've set up Jenkins, follow the steps in Create and configure a Jenkins job
to set up GitHub to trigger Jenkins when changes are made to your application
and to configure your Jenkins job pipeline through the build step to pull the
changes from GitHub and build your application.
4. Finally, configure the Jenkins job post-build step to deploy your application to
your Service Fabric cluster. There are two ways to configure Jenkins to deploy your
application to a cluster:
Make sure Git is installed locally. You can install the appropriate Git version from
the Git downloads page based on your operating system. If you're new to Git,
learn more about it from the Git documentation .
This article uses the Service Fabric Getting Started Sample on GitHub: for the
application to build and deploy. You can fork this repository to follow along, or,
with some modification to the instructions, use your own GitHub project.
Service Fabric CLI (sfctl). Install the CLI at the system level rather than at the user
level, so Jenkins can run CLI commands.
To deploy Java applications, install both Gradle and Open JDK 8.0.
To deploy .NET Core 2.0 applications, install the .NET Core 2.0 SDK.
After you've installed the prerequisites needed for your environment, you can search for
the Azure Service Fabric plug-in in Jenkins marketplace and install it.
After you've installed the plug-in, skip ahead to Create and configure a Jenkins job.
1. Ensure that you have a Service Fabric Linux cluster with Docker installed. Service
Fabric clusters running in Azure already have Docker installed. If you're running the
cluster locally (OneBox dev environment), check if Docker is installed on your
machine with the docker info command. If it is not installed, install it by using the
following commands:
7 Note
Make sure that the 8081 port is specified as a custom endpoint on the cluster.
If you are using a local cluster, make sure that port 8081 is open on the host
machine and that it has a public-facing IP address.
2. Clone the application, by using the following commands:
a. Create an Azure storage account in the same region as your cluster with a name
such as sfjenkinsstorage1 .
b. Create a File Share under the storage Account with a name such as sfjenkins .
c. Click on Connect for the file-share and note the values it displays under
Connecting from Linux, the value should look similar to the one below:
7 Note
To mount cifs shares, you need to have the cifs-utils package installed in the
cluster nodes.
4. Update the placeholder values in the script with the azure-
storage details from step 2.
vi JenkinsSF/JenkinsOnSF/Code/
Additionally, add the following lines under the ApplicationManifest (root) tag in
the ApplicationManifest.xml file and update the thumbprint value with that of the
cluster certificate.
<SecretsCertificate X509FindType="FindByThumbprint" X509FindValue="
[Thumbprint]" />
Secure Cluster
The preceding command takes the certificate in PEM format. If your certificate is in
PFX format, you can use the following command to convert it. If your PFX file isn't
password protected, specify the passin parameter as -passin pass: .
This installs a Jenkins container on the cluster, and can be monitored by using the
Service Fabric Explorer.
7 Note
8. Look at the Service Fabric Explorer to determine on which node the Jenkins
container is running. Secure Shell (SSH) sign in to this node.
10. Secure Shell (SSH) sign in to the container and paste the path you were shown on
the Jenkins portal. For example, if in the portal it shows the path
PATH_TO_INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD , run the following commands:
11. On the Jenkins Getting Started page, choose the Select plug-in to install option,
select the None checkbox, and click install.
12. Create a user or select to continue as an admin.
After you've set up Jenkins, skip ahead to Create and configure a Jenkins job.
1. Make sure that Docker is installed on your machine by running docker info in the
terminal. The output indicates if the Docker service is running.
5. Get the ID of the container image instance. You can list all the Docker containers
with the command docker ps –a
a. Sign in to a Jenkins shell from your host. Use the first four digits of the
container ID. For example, if the container ID is 2d24a73b5964 , use 2d24 .
b. From the Jenkins shell, get the admin password for your container instance:
cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
c. To sign in to the Jenkins dashboard, open the following URL in a web browser:
http://<HOST-IP>:8080 . Use the password from the previous step to unlock
d. (Optional.) After you sign in for the first time, you can create your own user
account and use that for the following steps, or you can continue to use the
administrator account. If you create a user, you need to continue with that user.
7. Set up GitHub to work with Jenkins by using the steps in Generating a new SSH
key and adding it to the SSH agent .
Use the instructions provided by GitHub to generate the SSH key, and to add
the SSH key to the GitHub account that is hosting the repository.
Run the commands mentioned in the preceding link in the Jenkins Docker
shell (and not on your host).
To sign in to the Jenkins shell from your host, use the following command:
Make sure that the cluster or machine where the Jenkins container image is hosted has a
public-facing IP address. This enables the Jenkins instance to receive notifications from
After you've set up Jenkins, continue on to the next section, Create and configure a
Jenkins job.
2. Enter an item name (for example, MyJob). Select free-style project, and click OK.
3. The Job configuration page opens. (To get to the configuration from the Jenkins
dashboard, click the job, and then click Configure).
4. On the General tab, check the box for GitHub project, and specify your GitHub
project URL. This URL hosts the Service Fabric Java application that you want to
integrate with the Jenkins continuous integration, continuous deployment (CI/CD)
flow (for example,{your-github-account}/service-fabric-
java-getting-started ).
5. On the Source Code Management tab, select Git. Specify the repository URL that
hosts the Service Fabric Java application that you want to integrate with the
Jenkins CI/CD flow (for example,{your-github-
account}/service-fabric-java-getting-started ). You can also specify which branch
to build (for example, /master ).
b. Select Add Service, type Jenkins, and select the Jenkins-GitHub plug-in.
d. A test event is sent to your Jenkins instance. You should see a green check by
the webhook in GitHub, and your project will build.
7. On the Build Triggers tab in Jenkins, select which build option you want. For this
example, you want to trigger a build whenever a push to the repository happens,
so select GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling. (Previously, this option was
called Build when a change is pushed to GitHub.)
8. On the Build tab, do one of the following depending on whether you're building a
Java application or a .NET Core application:
For Java Applications: From the Add build step drop-down, select Invoke
Gradle Script. Click Advanced. In the advanced menu, specify the path to
Root build script for your application. It picks up build.gradle from the path
specified and works accordingly. For the ActorCounter application , this is:
${WORKSPACE}/reliable-services-actor-sample/Actors/ActorCounter .
For .NET Core Applications: From the Add build step drop-down, select
Execute Shell. In the command box that appears, the directory first needs to
be changed to the path where the file is located. Once the directory
has been changed, the script can be run to build the application.
The following screenshot shows an example of the commands that are used
to build the Counter Service sample with a Jenkins job name of
CounterServiceApplication .
9. To configure Jenkins to deploy your app to a Service Fabric cluster in the post-
build actions, you need the location of that cluster's certificate in your Jenkins
container. Choose one of the following depending on whether your Jenkins
container is running inside or outside of your cluster and note the location of the
cluster certificate:
For Jenkins running inside your cluster: The path to the certificate can be
found by echoing the value of the
Certificates_JenkinsOnSF_Code_MyCert_PEM environment variable from within
the container.
echo $Certificates_JenkinsOnSF_Code_MyCert_PEM
For Jenkins running outside your cluster: Follow these steps to copy the
cluster certificate to your container:
a. Your certificate must be in PEM format. If you don't have a PEM file, you
can create one from the certificate PFX file. If your PFX file is not password
protected, run the following command from your host:
If the PFX file is password protected, include the password in the -passin
parameter. For example:
c. Copy the PEM file to your container with the following Docker command:
You're almost finished! Keep the Jenkins job open. The only remaining task is to
configure the post-build steps to deploy your application to your Service Fabric cluster:
2. From the Post-Build Actions drop-down, select Deploy Service Fabric Project.
3. Under Service Fabric Cluster Configuration, select the Fill the Service Fabric
Management Endpoint radio button.
4. For Management Host, enter the connection endpoint for your cluster; for
example {your-cluster} .
5. For Client Key and Client Cert, enter the location of the PEM file in your Jenkins
container; for example /var/jenkins_home/clustercert.pem . (You copied the
location of the certificate the last step of Create and configure a Jenkins job.)
6. Under Application Configuration, configure the Application Name, Application
Type, and the (relative) Path to Application Manifest fields.
7. Click Verify Configuration. On successful verification, click Save. Your Jenkins job
pipeline is now fully configured. Skip ahead to Next steps to test your deployment.
For development and test environments, you can configure either Azure credentials or
the cluster management endpoint to deploy your application. For details about how to
configure a cluster management endpoint, see Configure deployment using cluster
management endpoint.
While following the steps in the topic, be sure to copy and save the following
values: Application ID, Application key, Directory ID (Tenant ID), and
Subscription ID. You need them to configure the Azure credentials in Jenkins.
If you don't have the required permissions on your directory, you'll need to
ask an administrator to either grant you the permissions or create the service
principal for you, or you'll need to configure the management endpoint for
your cluster in the Post-Build Actions for your job in Jenkins.
In the Create an Azure Active Directory application section, you can enter any
well-formed URL for the Sign-on URL.
In the Assign application to a Role section, you can assign your application
the Reader role on the resource group for your cluster.
3. From the Post-Build Actions drop-down, select Deploy Service Fabric Project.
4. Under Service Fabric Cluster Configuration, Click Select the Service Fabric
Cluster. Click Add next to Azure Credentials. Click Jenkins to select the Jenkins
Credentials Provider.
5. In the Jenkins Credentials Provider, select Microsoft Azure Service Principal from
the Kind drop-down.
6. Use the values you saved when setting up your service principal in Step 1 to set the
following fields:
7. Enter a descriptive ID that you use to select the credential in Jenkins and a brief
Description. Then click Verify Service Principal. If the verification succeeds, click
8. Back under Service Fabric Cluster Configuration, make sure that your new
credential is selected for Azure Credentials.
9. From the Resource Group drop-down, select the resource group of the cluster you
want to deploy the application to.
10. From the Service Fabric drop-down, select the cluster that you want to deploy the
application to.
11. For Client Key and Client Cert, enter the location of the PEM file in your Jenkins
container. For example /var/jenkins_home/clustercert.pem .
Ideas to try
GitHub and Jenkins are now configured. Consider making some sample change in the
reliable-services-actor-sample/Actors/ActorCounter project in your fork of the
repository, .
Push your changes to the remote master branch (or any branch that you have
configured to work with). This triggers the Jenkins job, MyJob , that you configured. It
fetches the changes from GitHub, builds them, and deploys the application to the
cluster you specified in post-build actions.
Next steps
Jenkins on Azure
Jenkins plug-ins for Azure
Article • 06/02/2021
) Important
Many Azure services have Jenkins plug-ins. Some of these plug-ins will be out of
support as of February 29, 2024. Azure CLI is the currently recommended way to
integrate Jenkins with Azure services. For more information, refer to the article
Jenkins plug-ins for Azure.
Many Azure services and features are accessible via Jenkins plug-ins. These services
support an array of possibilities regarding continuous integration and continuous
deployment (CI/CD) for your DevOps environment. Click on any of the Jenkins plug-ins
to learn more about that plug-in.
Azure Container Azure Container Agents plug-in can help Retiring on Yes
Agents you to run a container as an agent in February 29,
Jenkins 2024
Azure IoT Edge Azure IoT Edge plug-in makes it easy to Retiring on
set up a CI/CD pipeline for developing an February 29,
IoT Edge solution on Jenkins. 2024
Azure Storage plug-in for uploading build artifacts to, or Retiring on Yes
downloading build dependencies from, February 29,
Microsoft Azure Blob storage. 2024
This scenario explains the architecture and considerations to take into account when
installing and configuring Jenkins.
Jenkins server on Azure
Virtual network
Scale agents
Public IP
Jenkins server
Build virtual Build virtual Build virtual
machine machine machine
The architecture consists of the following aspects:
Resource group. A resource group is used to group Azure assets so they can be
managed by lifetime, owner, and other criteria. Use resource groups to deploy and
monitor Azure assets as a group and track billing costs by resource group. You can
also delete resources as a set, which is useful for test deployments.
Jenkins server. A virtual machine is deployed to run Jenkins as an automation
server and serves as Jenkins Primary. In the section Install and configure Jenkins,
you'll see how to install Jenkins on a new VM.
7 Note
Virtual network. A virtual network connects Azure resources to each other and
provides logical isolation. In this architecture, the Jenkins server runs in a virtual
Subnets. The Jenkins server is isolated in a subnet to make it easier to manage and
segregate network traffic without affecting performance.
Network security groups. Use network security groups to restrict network traffic
from the Internet to the subnet of a virtual network.
Managed disks. A managed disk is a persistent virtual hard disk (VHD) used for
application storage and also to maintain the state of the Jenkins server and
provide disaster recovery. Data disks are stored in Azure Storage. For high
performance, premium storage is recommended.
Azure Blob storage. The Microsoft Azure Storage Learn how to Azure Blob storage
to store the build artifacts that are created and shared with other Jenkins builds.
Microsoft Entra ID. Microsoft Entra ID supports user authentication, allowing you
to set up SSO. Microsoft Entra service principals define the policy and permissions
for each role authorization in the workflow, using Azure role-based access control
(Azure RBAC). Each service principal is associated with a Jenkins job.
Azure Key Vault. To manage secrets and cryptographic keys used to provision
Azure resources when secrets are required, this architecture uses Azure Key Vault.
Azure monitoring services. This service monitors the Azure virtual machine
hosting Jenkins. This deployment monitors the virtual machine status and CPU
utilization and sends alerts.
Scenario details
This architecture supports disaster recovery with Azure services but does not cover more
advanced scale-out scenarios involving multiple primaries or high availability (HA) with
no downtime. For general insights about the various Azure components, including a
step-by-step tutorial about building out a CI/CD pipeline on Azure, see Jenkins on
The focus of this document is on the core Azure operations needed to support Jenkins,
including the use of Azure Storage to maintain build artifacts, the security items needed
for SSO, other services that can be integrated, and scalability for the pipeline. The
architecture is designed to work with an existing source control repository. For example,
a common scenario is to start Jenkins jobs based on GitHub commits.
These considerations implement the pillars of the Azure Well-Architected Framework,
which is a set of guiding tenets that can be used to improve the quality of a workload.
For more information, see Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework.
Jenkins can dynamically scale to support workloads as needed. For elastic builds, do not
run builds on the Jenkins primary server. Instead, offload build tasks to Jenkins agents,
which can be elastically scaled in and out as need. Consider two options for scaling
Virtual machines generally cost more to scale than containers. To use containers for
scaling, however, your build process must run with containers.
Also, use Azure Storage to share build artifacts that may be used in the next stage of the
pipeline by other build agents.
Scale the Jenkins server
When you create a VM and install Jenkins, you can specify the size of the VM. Selecting
the correct VM server size depends on the size of the expected workload. The Jenkins
community maintains a selection guide to help identify the configuration that best
meets your requirements. Azure offers many sizes for Linux VMs to meet any
requirements. For more information about scaling the Jenkins primary, see the Jenkins
community of best practices , which also includes details about scaling Jenkins.
Availability in the context of a Jenkins server means being able to recover any state
information associated with your workflow, such as test results, libraries you have
created, or other artifacts. Critical workflow state or artifacts must be maintained to
recover the workflow if the Jenkins server goes down. To assess your availability
requirements, consider two common metrics:
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) specifies how long you can go without Jenkins.
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) indicates how much data you can afford to lose if a
disruption in service affects Jenkins.
In practice, RTO, and RPO imply redundancy and backup. Availability is not a question of
hardware recovery - that is part of Azure - but rather ensuring you maintain the state of
your Jenkins server. Microsoft offers a service level agreement (SLA) for single VM
instances. If this SLA doesn't meet your uptime requirements, make sure you have a plan
for disaster recovery, or consider using a multi-primary Jenkins server deployment
(not covered in this document).
Consider using the disaster recovery scripts in step 7 of the deployment to create an
Azure Storage account with managed disks to store the Jenkins server state. If Jenkins
goes down, it can be restored to the state stored in this separate storage account.
Security provides assurances against deliberate attacks and the abuse of your valuable
data and systems. For more information, see Overview of the security pillar.
Use the following approaches to help lock down security on a basic Jenkins server, since
in its basic state, it is not secure.
Set up a secure way to log into the Jenkins server. This architecture uses HTTP and
has a public IP, but HTTP is not secure by default. Consider setting up HTTPS on
the Nginx server being used for a secure logon.
7 Note
When adding SSL to your server, create a network security group rule for the
Jenkins subnet to open port 443. For more information, see How to open
ports to a virtual machine with the Azure portal.
Ensure that the Jenkins configuration prevents cross site request forgery (Manage
Jenkins > Configure Global Security). This option is the default for Microsoft
Jenkins Server.
Use Azure RBAC to restrict the access of the service principal to the minimum
required to run the jobs. This level of security helps limit the scope of damage
from a rogue job.
Jenkins jobs often require secrets to access Azure services that require authorization,
such as Azure Container Service. Use Key Vault to manage these secrets securely. Use
Key Vault to store service principal credentials, passwords, tokens, and other secrets.
To get a central view of the security state of your Azure resources, use Microsoft
Defender for Cloud. Defender for Cloud monitors potential security issues and provides
a comprehensive picture of the security health of your deployment. Defender for Cloud
is configured per Azure subscription. Enable security data collection as described in the
Microsoft Defender for Cloud quick start guide. When data collection is enabled,
Defender for Cloud automatically scans any virtual machines created under that
The Jenkins server has its own user management system, and the Jenkins community
provides best practices for securing a Jenkins instance on Azure .
Use resource groups to organize the Azure resources that are deployed. Deploy
production environments and development/test environments in separate resource
groups, so that you can monitor each environment's resources and roll up billing costs
by resource group. You can also delete resources as a set, which is useful for test
Azure provides several features for monitoring and diagnostics of the overall
infrastructure. To monitor CPU usage, this architecture deploys Azure Monitor. For
example, you can use Azure Monitor to monitor CPU utilization, and send a notification
if CPU usage exceeds 80 percent. (High CPU usage indicates that you might want to
scale up the Jenkins server VM.) You can also notify a designated user if the VM fails or
becomes unavailable.
Next steps
The following online communities can answer questions and help you configure a
successful deployment:
Related resources
Design a CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps
Container CI/CD using Jenkins and Kubernetes on Azure Kubernetes Service
Immutable Infrastructure CI/CD using Jenkins and Terraform on Azure Virtual
Architecture overview
Java CI/CD using Jenkins and Azure Web Apps