Chap 4

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All flagellate life cycles possess trophozoite and cyst morphologic
A. True
B. False
This flagellate morphologic structure is often not visible under
microscopic examination.
A. Undulating membrane
B. Pseudopods
C. Flagella
D. Axostyle
The presence of nonpathogenic flagellates is important because
it suggests that:
A. The patient will develop clinical signs and symptoms.
B. Only cyst forms will be recovered in corresponding patient D
C. The parasites will invade multiple organ systems in the body.
D. Contaminated food or drink was consumed by the patient
The proposed function(s) of the median bodies seen in G. intesti-
nalis is (are) which of the following?
A. Support
B. Energy
C. Metabolism
D. All of the above
Which specimen type and collection regimen would be most ap-
propriate for the diagnosis of G. intestinalis?
A. One stool sample
B. Two stool samples
C. Multiple stool samples collected on subsequent days
D. One stool sample and one blood sample
G. intestinalis trophozoites attach to the mucosa of the duodenum
and feed with the assistance of this morphologic structure.
A. Sucking disk
B. Axostyle
C. Axoneme
D. Nucleus
Individuals become infected with G. intestinalis by which of the
A. Swimming in contaminated water
B. Ingesting contaminated food or drink
C. Inhalation of infective cysts
D. Walking barefoot on contaminated soil
Individuals at risk for contracting G. intestinalis when camping and
hiking are encouraged to take which of these steps to prevent
A. Treat potentially infected water with a doublestrength saturated
saline solution prior to consuming. B
B. Use only bottled water for drinking, cooking & appropriate
personal hygiene.
C. Avoid swimming in contaminated water.
D. Wear shoes at all times.
Which of the following are key morphologic characteristics of C.
A. Round and four to eight nuclei
B. Oval and presence of a cytosome
C. Round and presence of an axoneme
D. Lemon-shaped and presence of a cytosome
A liquid stool is the specimen of choice for the recovery of which
of these morphologic forms of C. mesnili? A
A. Trophozoites only
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B. Cysts only
C. Trophozoites and cysts
A flagellate trophozoite that could be described as 9 to 12 µm with
one or two nuclei, each with four symmetrically positioned chro-
matin granules and vacuoles containing bacteria in the cytoplasm,
would most likely be which of the following?
A. Giardia intestinalis
B. Dientamoeba fragilis
C. Chilomastix mesnilli
D. Blastocystis hominis
The permanent stain of choice for observing the nuclear features
of D. fragilis is which of the following?
A. Trichrome
B. Iodine
C. Saline
D. Iron hematoxylin
The specimen of choice for the recovery of T. hominis is which of
the following?
A. Stool
B. Urine
C. Intestinal contents
D. Gastric contents
Trichomonas hominis can be transmitted by which of the follow-
A. Contaminated milk
B. Bite of an infected mosquito
C. Ingestion of an embryonated ovum
D. Ingestion of undercooked meat
When E. hominis cysts contain more than one nuclei, where do
they tend to be positioned within the cytoplasm?
A. Center
B. Around the periphery of the organism
C. At opposite ends of the cell
D. Throughout the organism
Treatment is always indicated for patients when E. hominis is
present on parasite examination.
A. True
B. False
The traditional technique and specimen of choice for identifying
Retortamonas intestinalis is which of the following?
A. Permanently stained blood
B. Iodine prep of urine
C. Saline prep of bronchial wash
D. Permanently stained stool
Individuals contract R. intestinalis by which of the following?
A. Ingesting infective cysts in contaminated food or drink
B. Consuming trophozoites in contaminated beverages A
C. Stepping barefoot on infective soil
D. Inhaling infective dust particles
How far down the body length does the Trichomonas tenax undu-
lating membrane extend?
A. One fourth
B. One half
C. Three fourths
D. Full body
The specimen of choice for the recovery of Trichomonas tenax is
which of the following?
A. Stool
B. Urine
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C. Mouth scrapings
D. Cerebrospinal fluid
This prominent structure found in T. vaginalis trophozoites that
often extends beyond the body provides the parasite with support.
A. Nucleus
B. Axostyle
C. Axoneme
D. Granule
The cyst morphologic form is not known to exist in the life cycle of
T. vaginalis.
A. True
B. False
T. vaginalis may be recovered in which of the following specimen
A. Spun urine
B. Vaginal discharge D
C. Stool
D. Urethral discharge
E. More than one of the above: ____________ (specify)
All cases of T. vaginalis infection result in symptomatic vaginitis in
women and urethritis in men.
A. True
B. False
Infant infections with T. vaginalis tend to affect which of the follow-
ing of these body areas?
A. Respiratory and genital
B. Genital and intestinal
C. Intestinal and eye
D. Respiratory and eye
Lemon-shaped cyst
A. Dientamoeba fragilis
B. Trichomonas tenax
C. Giardia intestinalis E
D. Retortamonas intestinalis
E. Chilomastix mesneli
F. Trichomonas vaginalis
Trophozoite has a ventrally located sucking disc
A. Dientamoeba fragilis
B. Trichomonas tenax
C. Giardia intestinalis C
D. Retortamonas intestinalis
E. Chilomastix mesneli
F. Trichomonas vaginalis
Transmitted by helminth ova
A. Dientamoeba fragilis
B. Trichomonas tenax
C. Giardia intestinalis A
D. Retortamonas intestinalis
E. Chilomastix mesneli
F. Trichomonas vaginalis
Specimen of choice is a mouth scrapings
A. Dientamoeba fragilis
B. Trichomonas tenax
C. Giardia intestinalis C
D. Retortamonas intestinalis
E. Chilomastix mesneli
F. Trichomonas vaginalis
Specimen of choice can be a urethral swab
A. Dientamoeba fragilis
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B. Trichomonas tenax
C. Giardia intestinalis
D. Retortamonas intestinalis F
E. Chilomastix mesneli
F. Trichomonas vaginalis
Fibrils form a characteristic bird's beak.
A. Dientamoeba fragilis
B. Trichomonas tenax
C. Giardia intestinalis D
D. Retortamonas intestinalis
E. Chilomastix mesneli
F. Trichomonas vaginalis


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