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__1. Who won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1902 for the discovery of the malaria
parasite life cycle?
A. Robert Koch B. Alexander Fleming C. Paul Ehrlich D. Ronald Ross
___2. The infectious agent that causes malaria is known as which of the following?
A. Protozoan parasite B. Fungal parasite C. Bacterial parasite D. Viral parasite
___3. Which mosquito genus is associated with spreading the human malaria parasite?
A.Culex B. Aedes C. Anopheles D. Lutzia
___4. Digestive system of nematodes have two openings and in form of
A. Alimentary canal B. Neuron C. Digestive tract D. Muscles
___5. Undulating waves of contraction and relaxation of muscles helps Nematodes in
A. excretion B. Locomotion C.Digestion D. D. All of these
___6.. There are four bands of muscles in Nematodes, two are dorso-lateral and two
A. Ventro-lateral B. Dorso-lateral C. Dorso-ventral D. Latero-ventral
___7. What is the intermediate host for the schistosomes?
A. Humans B. Soil C. Snails D. Blood-sucking insects
___8. Pigs or dogs are the source of human infection by each of the following parasites EXCEPT:
A. A. lumbrioides B. T. solium C. T. spiralis D. E. granulosus
___9.. Each of the following parasites is transmitted by flies EXCEPT:
A. Loa loa B. Onchocerca volvulus C. T. gambiense D. Schistosoma mansoni
__10. Larval stage of Taenia solium is called
A. Cysticercus bovis C. Cysticercus cellulosae
B. Cysticercoid D. Hydatid cyst
___11..Each of the following statements concerning Ascaris lumbricoides is correct except:
a. Ascaris lumbricoides is one of the largest nematode
b. Ascaris lumbricoides can cause pneumonia
c. Both dogs and cats are intermediate host of Ascaris lumbricoides
d. A lumbricoides is transmitted by ingestion of eggs
___12.Each of the following statements concerning kala-azar is correct except:
a. Kala-azar is caused by leishmania donovani
b. kala-azar is transmitted by the bite of sandflies
c. Kala-azar occurs primarily in rural latin America
d. Kala-azar can be diagnosed by finding amastigotes in bone marrow
___13.Each of the following statements concerning hookworm infection is correct except:
a. Hookworm infection can cause pneumonia
b. Hookworm infection is acquired by humans when filariform larvae penetrate the skin
c. Hookworm infection is caused by Necatar americanus
d. Hookworm infection can be diagnosed by finding the trophozoite in the stool
___14.Each of the following statements concerning Malaria is correct except
a. The female anopheles mosquito is the vector
b. Early infection, sporozoites enter hepatocytes
c. Release of merozoites from red blood cells cause fever and chills
d. The principal site of gametocyte formation is the human gastrointestinal tract.
___15.Each of the following parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes except:
A. Leishmania donovani B. Plasmodium vivax
C. Wuchereria bancrofti D. P. falciparum
___16.Pigs or dogs are the source of human infection by each of the following parasites except:
a. Echinococcus granulosus b. Taenia solium
c. Ascaris lumbricoides d. Trichinella spiralis
___17. .In malaria, the form of plasmodia that is transmitted from mosquito to human is the
a. Sporozoite b. Gametocyte c. Merozoite d. Hypnozoite
___18. A 35-year-old man comes to the emergency department complaining of high fever, chills,
severe headache, and confusion. He has recently returned from Africa. A peripheral blood smear
reveals multiple ring structures and crescent-shaped gametes. Which of the following organisms
is the most likely cause?
A. P. vivax B. P. falciparum C. P. ovale D. P. malariae
___19. When humans have hydatid disease, the causative
agent and host classification are:
A. Echinococcus granulosus—accidental intermediate host
B. Echinococcus granulosus—definitive host
C. Taenia solium—accidental intermediate host
D. Taenia solium—definitive host
___20. A 45-year-old hunter developed fever, myalgia, and
periorbital edema. He has a history of bear meat consumption. The most likely causative agent is:
A. T. gondii B. T. solium C. Hymenolepis nana D. T. spiralis
___21. In a condition resulting from the accidental ingestion of eggs, the human becomes the
intermediate rather than the definitive host. The
correct answer is:
A. Trichinosis B. Cysticercosis C. Ascariasis D. Strongyloidiasis
__22. A 60-year-old Brazilian patient with cardiac irregularities and congestive heart failure
suddenly dies. Examination of the myocardium revealed
numerous amastigotes, an indication that the cause of death was most likely:
A. Leishmaniasis with Leishmania donovani
B. Leishmaniasis with Leishmania braziliense
C. Trypanosomiasis with Trypanosoma gambiense
D. Trypanosomiasis with Trypanosoma cruzi
___23. Period between infection and evidence of symptoms
A. Exposure B. Superinfection C. Incubation Period D. Pre-patent Period
__24. Cleveland medium is best used for what type of parasite?
A. Ameba B. Flagellate C. Cestodes D. Nematodes
___25.What is the acid employed in Acid Ether Concentration Technique?
A. HCI B. KOH C. Sulfuric acid D. Benzoic acid
__26.G6PD individuals are highly resistant to to this Plasmodium spp.
A. P. ovale B. P. vivax C. P. malariae D. P. falciparum
___27. Diagnostic stage of Dientamoeba fragilis
A. Embryonated Egg B. Rhabditiform Larva C. Trophozoite D. Cyst
__28. What is the largest protozoan parasite?
A. Entamoeba coli B. Microsporidia C. B. coli D. F. buski
___29. Which of the following are hermaphroditic?
1. Flukes 2. Roundworms 3. Tapeworms
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 3 C. 2 and 3 D. ALL ARE CORRECT
___30. In the Philippines, the dominant liver fluke affecting cattle and buffaloes. There are only a
few human cases reported locally,
A. F. hepatica B. F. gigantica C. C. sinensis D. O. felineus
___31. Infection with Clonorchis or Opisthorchis may result from eating raw or undercooked:
A. Aquatic vegetation B. Crayfish C. Crabs D. Freshwater fish
___32.Mature cysts of Entamoeba polecki have how many nuclei?
A. 2 B. 8 C. 1 D. 0
__33. What is a schistosomule?
A. Cercaria B. Cercaria minus tail
C. Free-swimming cercaria D. A small lateral spine
___34. Which flagellate can be a pathogen of the small intestine?
A. Giardia B. Trichomonas C. Chilomastix D. Strongyloides
___35. In which type of malaria is there synchronized rupture of the red blood cells every 72
A. P. vivax B. P. ovale C. P. malariae D. P. falciparum

___36.Which of the following is the cause of African sleeping sickness?

A. Leishmania B. Trypanosoma C. Plasmodium D. Babesia
___37. Intestinal flagellates are usually which shape in the trophozoite stage?
A. Round B. Oval C. Pear-shaped D. Triangular
___38.A pear-shaped flagellates with jerky motility that is found in a urine specimen is identified
A. T. hominis B. T. vaginalis C. E. coli D. Leptospira
___39. Which of the following protozoa have an undulating membrane?
A. Trichomonas B. Trypanosoma C. Chilomastix D. A and B
___40. The scientific name of the head of a tapeworm is:
A. Scolex B. Proglottid C. Strobila D. Rostellum
__41. The ideal temperature at which to hold a fecal specimen for more than 1hour is:
A. Freezer temperature B. Refrigerator temperature
C. Room tremperature D. Incubator temperature
___42. What type of blood specimen is preferred for preparing blood smears for protozoa?
A. Finger puncture B. Venipuncture C. Arterial blood D. Plasma
___43. The preservative to be employed with the trichrome stain is
A. Formalin B. Alcohol C. Polyvinyl alcohol D. Saline
___44. Entamoeba histolytica can be cultured in
A. Ma conkey agar B. CLED medium C. Diamonds medium D. NNN medium
___45. Motility of Trichomonas vaginalis is described as
A. Amoeboid B. Jerky C. Falling leaf like D. Stately
____46.. . All are pathogenic free living amoeba, EXCEPT
A. Entamoeba histolytica B. Acanthamoeba C. Nagleria fowleri
___47. Congenital Toxoplasmosis manifest as
A. Microcephaly B. Micro-opthalmus C. Hepatosplenomegaly D. AOTA
___48. . Sabin- Feldman dye test is used in the diagnosis of
A. Toxoplasmosis B. Amoebiasis C. Cryptosporidiosis D. Trypanosomiasis
___49.. Which of the following act as a main reservoir ofBalantidium coli Infection in human
A. Man B. Monkey C. Cow D. Pig
___50.. Which is the smallest tape worm infecting man
A. Taenia saginata B. Taenia solium C. Hymenlopis nana D. D. latum
___51. Which of the following nematode is a ovo-viviparous
A. Enterobius vermicularis B. Trichenella spiralis
C. Strongyloides stercoralis D. Dracunculus medinensis
___52. Adults worms of which of the following parasites reside in human body cavity
A. Mansonella streptocerca B. Wuchereria bancrofti
C. Burgia malayi D. M.ozzardi & M.perstans
___53.Calabar swelling is seen in infections with
A. O. volvulus B. Loa loa C. Burgia timori D. Wuchereria bancrofti
___54. The larval form of Taenia solium is called
A. Cysticerus cellulosae B. Cysticercoid C. Cysticerus bovis D. Hydatid cyst
__. 55. Dog heart tape worm is the common name for
A. Toxocara canis B. Dirofilaria immitis
C. Mansonella streptocerca D. Toxoplasma gondi
___56. Which of the following is not a bile stained egg
A. Ascaris lumbricoides B. T. trichiura C. T. solium . D. Ancylostoma duodenale
___57.Casoni’s test is used for the diagnosis of
A.Taeniasis B.Hydatidiasis C.Trichuriasis D.Onchocerciasis
. __58.Hookworm infection leads to deficiency of
A. Vitamin B12 B. Vitamin A C. Iron D. Folic acid
___59.Which of the following is not aneuroparasite
A. Taenia solium B. Acanthamoeba C. Trichinella spiralis D. Nageleria
___60. The ova that does not float in the saturated salt solution
A. H. nana B. T. solium C. Ancylostoma D. Fertilized A. lumbricoides eggs
___61. Cysticercus bovis is the larval form of
A.Taenia saginata B. Taenia solium C.E. granulosus D.Hymenolepis nana
___62. Enterotest is used to diagnose
A. Hydatid disease B. Amoebiasis C. Giardiasis D. Cryptosporidiosis
___63.Presence of ingested RBCs is characteristic of
A. Entamoeba coli B. Iodamoeba butcheli
C. Entamoeba histolytica D. Dientamoeba fragilis
___64.Vaginal discharge of Trichomonas vaginalis vaginitis is
A. Thin & watery B. Greenish frothy C. Curd- white D. Blood- stained
___65.n humans Cryptosporidium causes
A. Meningitis B. Diarrhea C. Pneumonia D. Dermatitis
___66. .Larval form of E. granulosus is seen in
A.Fox B.Dog C.Man D.Wolf
___67. The filarial worm that can be seen in the conjunctiva is
A. Mansonella perstans B. Mansonella ozzardi
C. Loa loa D. Onchocerca volvulus
___68.River blindness occurs due to
A. Loa loa B. Mansonella perstans
C. Mansonella streptocerca D. Onchocerca volvulus
___69.Primary amoebic menningoencephalitis is caused by
A. Acanthamoeba B. Balamuthia spp
C. Naegleria fowleri D. Iodamoeba buetschlii
___70.Congenitally transmitted parasitic infection is
A. Pneumocystis carinii B. Toxoplasma gondii
C. Amoebiasis D. Trichuris trichura
___71.Charcot- layden crystals are seen in the sputum in infectionwith
A. Paragonimus westermani B. Clonorchissinensis
C. Fasciola hepatica D. Fasciolopsis buski
___72.Protozoan transmitted sexually is
A. T. vaginalis B. E. histolytica C. Giardia lamblia D. Balantidium coli
___73.Mode of infection of Dracunculusmedinensis is
A. Ingestion B. Inhalation C. Skin penetration D. Inoculation
___74. Which intestinal flagellate trophozoite has a sucking disc, 2 nuclei, 8 flagella, and an
A. C. mesnili B. D. fragilis C. G. lamblia D. T. hominis
___75. Which of the following structures are used for motility of Balantidium coli?
A. Flagella B. Cilia C. Pseudopodia D. Undulating membrane
___76.Which of the following microfilariae does not have a sheath?
A. Wuchereria B. Loa C. Mansonella D. Brugia
___77. Which of the following is the eye worm
A. Wuchereria B. Loa C. Mansonella D. Brugia
___78. A six-hookes embryo is known as:
A. Proglottid B. Scolex C. Strobila D. Hexacanth
___79.Dirofilaria immitis is the
A. Dog heartworm B. Dog hookworm C. Rat lungworm D. Cercarial dermatitis
___80. The intermediate host of the guinea worm is the:
A. Mosquieto B. Blackfly C. Fly D.Copepod
___81.Which of the following roundworms give birth to her young?
A. Wuchereria B. Mansonella C. Brugia D. AOTA
___82. Muscle biopsy is a diagnostic technique employed to detect:
A. Trichinosis B. Taeniasis C. Trichuriasis D. Ascariasis
___83.Which of the followinghas an unarmed scolex?
A. Dwarf tapeworm B. Beef tapeworm C. Pork tapeworm D. Dog tapeworm
___84. What is the infective stage of the broad fish tapeworm to humans?
A. Plerocercoid B. Coracidium C. Hydatid cyst D. Cysticercus
___85.Which of the following worms have separate sexes?
A. Intestinal flukes B. Liver flukes C. Tapeworms D. Blood flukes
___86.Intestinal protozoa that do not have a cyst stage in the life cycle include the following:
A.Entamoeba hartmanni B.Iodamoeba bütschlii
C.Pentatrichomonas hominis D.Dientamoeba fragilis
___87.An amebic cyst measuring 9 µm and containing four nuclei and chromatoidal bars with
smooth, rounded ends is most likely:
A .Endolimax nana B.Entamoeba hartmanni
C .Iodamoeba bütschlii D. E. histolytica
__88. If a patient has watery diarrhea, the stage in the life cycle of the intestinal protozoa that is
most likely to be seen in the permanent stained smear is the:
A.Cyst B.Precyst C.Trophozoite D.Pretrophozoite
__89.Intestinal protozoa that are considered nonpathogenic include:
A.Blastocystis hominis and Entamoeba histolytica
B.Endolimax nana and Entamoeba coli
C.Giardia lamblia and Iodamoeba bütschlii
D.Entamoeba hartmanni and Dientamoeba fragilis
___90.A protozoan cyst that contains four nuclei, median bodies and axonemes should be
identified as:
A.Giardia lamblia B.Trichomonas vaginalis
C.Dientamoeba fragilis D.Pentatrichomonas hominis
___91.Which of the following statements about Dientamoeba are correct?
A.This organism is a flagellate with internal flagella
B.Transmission is thought to occur through the ingestion of specific helminth eggs and the cyst
C.This organism is pathogenic and tends to be more commonly found in children
D.All of the above.
___92.Which of the following organisms are most likely to be recovered from duodenal aspirate
A.Isospora belli and hookworm
B.Giardia lamblia and Strongyloides stercoralis
C. Cryptosporidium parvum and Enterobius vermicularis
D. Microsporidia and Ascaris lumbricoides
___93. Microsporidial spores are generally described as looking like:
A.Coccidian oocysts B.Amebic cysts C..Fungal spores D.Bacteria
___94. The following organisms are immediately infectious when passed in the stool (regardless of
the stool consistency):
A.Entamoeba histolytica cysts and Isospora belli oocysts
B. Giardia lamblia trophozoites and Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts
C.Microsporidian spores and Endolimax nana trophozoites
D. Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and Entamoeba coli cysts
___95.Charcot-Leyden crystals in human clinical material are frequently associated with an
immune response and are thought to be the breakdown products of
A.Neutrophils B.Eosinophils C.Monocyte s D.Lymphocytes
___96.Parasitic organisms that may be sexually transmitted include
A.Pentatrichomonas hominis B.Dientamoeba fragilis C.Trichomonas vaginalis
D.Enteromonas hominis
__97.The specimen that is LEAST LIKELY to provide recovery of Trichomonas vaginalis is
A.Urine B.Urethral discharge C.Prostatic discharge D.Feces
___98.Protozoa were first discovered by:
A. Pasteur B. Darwin C. Leeuwenhoek D. Kudo
___99. Branch of zoology related with the study of protozoans is:
A. Parazoology B. Proteology C. Protology D. Protozoology
___100. Nucleus in Amoeba is:
A. Round B. Oval C. Bun-shaped D. Triangular
___101. Protozoan showing bioluminescence is:
A. Giardia B. Noctiluca C. Balantidium D. None of these
___102. Entamoeba histolytica causes:
A. Dysentery B. Typhoid C. Malaria D. Filaria
___103. Which of these has only one host:
A. Entamoeba B. Plasmodium C. Both a and b D. None of these
___104. Secondary host for sleeping sickness parasite is:
A. Sand-fly B. House-fly C. tse-tse fly D. Fruit-fly
___105. How many amoebae are formed by a cyst of Entamoeba histolytica:
A. Two B. Four C. Eight D. One

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