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9th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2017, 21-24 August 2017, Cardiff, UK
most advanced control techniques [1] can reduce flapwise fatigue loads at the cost of increasing pitching loads, the
only way to cope with power production loss is by detecting, measuring and fine tuning the pitch angle of each blade.
Current state of art in pitch measurement is done by photometric means. Companies like Berlin Wind GmbH or
Cp.max Rotortechnik GmbH & Co., use photometric technology to calculate pitch angle. A camera is placed under the
wind turbine, and the chord line is drawn as depicted in Figure 1. The rotation plane is set with the other two blades.
Different approaches can be used to determine the pitch angle. In some cases, calculations are based on
measurements at the maximum blade chord by comparing it to the constructive plane of the blade at said maximum
chord section. Other methods are based on setting marks along the blade to determine the blade section chord.
There are quite a few problems with this way of calculating the pitch angle:
• The pitch angle of each blade is obtained from rotation planes of the other two blades. This is not accurate as
axes of the three blades are not coplanar due to wind turbine manufacturing tolerances. It has been determined
that this methodology might yield errors up to 0.5 deg.
• This method requires perfectly vertical blade positioning. The lack of a reference to assess such position, as well
as the lack of precision in manual blade positioning make placing the blade in vertical position uncertain. This
is necessary to be ensure that the blade section is perpendicular to the measuring direction.
• Blade design data is rarely available due to the confidential nature of such information. As a consequence, the
pitch angle at the maximum chord section is not available.
Deutsche-Windtechnik´s technique uses laser measurements over the blade pressure surface to determine the
relative misalignment between blades. This methodology is carried out during turbine normal operation. However,
this method has some challenges:
• It does not exploit available information from other turbines in the same wind farm.
• It only determines relative corrective angles based on comparison of measurements from one rotor at a time.
In addition, these methods are not suitable for offshore, as it is not possible to place accurately the camera/laser
where needed in order to perform the measurement process.
Over the last few years, new laser technology features have been developed to cope with different weather
conditions and long distances. Now it was only a matter of acquiring field experience with this technology offered by
cutting edge companies like Faro and Leica. In this context, we carried out field tests using laser tracker technology
[2]. Although good results were obtained, measuring takes too long, and CAPEX is too expensive. Later on, new tests
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were carried out by using laser scanner technology [3, 4]. Different laser scanners were tested to investigate feasibility
and accuracy. In this context, this paper introduces a method to detect, measure and correct aerodynamic imbalance
of horizontal axis wind turbines. This methodology is explained and field tests are also discussed.
T [Nm]
T = k ⋅ Ω2
Ω [rad/s]
2. Preliminary simulations
This section discusses the effect of blade misalignment on power production. On this purpose, static and dynamic
simulations are included.
Variable speed wind turbines limit power above rated wind speed by pitching blades towards feather position [5].
Under rated power, power production is substantially maximized by a variable generator torque demand that maintains
a constant Tip Speed Ratio (λ) as presented in Figure 2, and by pitching blades to the fine pitch angle that yields the
maximum power coefficient. Thus, pitch errors will not decrease power production over the rated wind speed, but has
a significant effect under rated power. The effect of pitch deviations is analyzed and quantified.
Two indicators are used to quantify the power reduction, PCR and AEP loss:
• The PCR is defined as the ratio between the power curve of the wind turbine with pitch deviation and the power
curve with the optimal pitch setting. It is helpful for the analysis of the effect of pitch deviations at each
operation zone.
• The theoretical quantification of the AEP loss is important in order to understand the sensitivity of AEP to
small pitch angle deviations.
In the following subsections, static and dynamic results are described. Both simulations use the “WindPACT 1.5
MW Baseline” wind turbine available from NREL is used [6] as similar to the average turbine installed in existing
wind farms in the 1-2 MW range. These calculations were carried out by Tekniker, a Spanish R&D centre.
Although static results can be somewhat different from the real case, they represent a valuable first approach in the
analysis of the effect of blade pitch misalignment.
Static results are calculated based on the power coefficient Cp of the wind turbine under different pitch angles and
Tip Speed Ratios λ. Depending on the pitch error, the operation strategy is displaced upon the Cp surface upwards or
downwards with respect to the optimal position. As an example, Figure 3(a) shows the strategy upon the Cp surface
for the optimal position (no error). The PCR sensitivity with respect to pitch errors is plotted in Figure 3(b). Figure
3(c) shows power loss under different pitch misalignment is shown using a Rayleigh distribution for an average wind
speed of 4 m/s. It is noteworthy mentioning that due to the nonlinear nature of the power coefficient, this curve is not
symmetric with respect to the fine pitch (0 deg).
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4 Unai Elosegui, Alain Ulazia/ Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
Fig. 3. (a) Strategy upon Cp surface; (b) PCR, and (c) AEP loss under pitch misalignment.
- +
Rotor Speed Filterpitch
+ + βd Pg
- PIrotorspeed +
lim. sup.
- + Td Turbine Ωg
+ Ωg +
Ω ref(1)
lim. inf.
Ω ref(2)
Torque Filter
Average were computed from 10-minute-long simulations (bins) with turbulent wind by the aeroelastic code FAST
[7]. The turbine controller was based on the regular control strategy used in variable speed turbines: a torque control
loop based on a torque set-point vs. generator speed table for partial load, and a rotor speed control loop at full load,
as shown in Figure 4. This is the most common turbine controller diagram in variable speed turbines [5], and is the
underlying torque to rotor speed depicted in Figure 2.
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Fig. 5. Dynamic FAST simulations: (a) Case A; (b) Case B; (c) Case C.
Three pitch misalignment cases were considered: Case A with one blade at fine pitch, and the other two with similar
errors but with opposite signs; Case B with the three blades with similar errors; Case C with two blades at fine pitch
and the third with error. Figure 5 show PCR and AEP loss variation with pitch angle misalignment obtained for each
Static and dynamic simulations yield similar results. PCR under different conditions show a particular pattern in
the rotor speed dependent torque demand zone in Figure 2: power loss is rather high at low wind speeds, when the cut-
in wind speed is reached and the turbine beings power production. Such a pattern is caused by the combined effect of
the wind speed variability around the average wind speed and by the cubed effect of the wind speed over the power.
In the quadratic zone, the turbine is operating around the maximum aerodynamic coefficient Cp, but not right at the
maximum value.
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This section describes the proposed method to determine corrective pitch angles for applicable turbines. In addition,
results are shown for Les Comes, an actual wind farm located in Catalonia, Spain. It comprises 2 units of the
AW77/1500 wind turbine, a 1.5 MW variable speed generator with a 77 m diameter rotor.
The methodology, begins with the identification of applicable turbines. Then, blade pitch angles are measured on
those turbines, and finally, corrective method angles are provided.
Turbine applicability is assessed by creating a turbine energy production ranking. Such energy production is
calculated by filtering out some particular bins from existing SCADA data:
• Bins corresponding to wind sectors affected by complex terrain, wakes, etc., as described in IEC 61400-12.
• Bins in which all turbines were not fully operating.
Note that variance of such power curves among a wind farm is solely dependent on variance of aerodynamic
performance among the turbines of the wind farm.
The energy production ranking yields the best in class turbine of the wind farm and the worst in class. The PCR
can be used to check the existence of aerodynamic imbalance as described in Section 2. Should aerodynamic imbalance
be present in the worst in class turbine, the PCR would show the pattern discussed previously. As shown later on, this
pattern is present in the analyzed wind farm.
The goal of this step is to assess blade pitch misalignment of the worst in class turbine and to propose corrective
adjustment angles. On field measurements are carried out using a laser scanner aiming at different blade sections,
including the maximum chord blade section. Such measurements are completed from different common locations
relative to each turbine. These measurements are used as described in the patent [8] to obtain the angle between the
blade chord line and the rotation plane for each section for the three blades (see Figure 6). This process also includes
the process of estimating blade pitching axis.
As per turbine design, the three blade pitching axes are meant to be intersecting the rotor axis at the same point.
While it happens in turbine A1, it does not hold for the worst in class turbine A2. It is hard to determine the root cause
of such a misalignment without taking actual measurements of the hub casting, but it is likely caused by hub
manufacturing tolerances. Table 1 shows measured complimentary angles of the pitch angle, and also
recommendations for each blade and turbine.
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leading edge
rotation plane
(no coning)
3.3. Results
Upon application of corrective actions, a remarkable energy production improvement was achieved, reducing the
gap between A1 and A2 down to 2.46%. It is worth mentioning that both turbines were corrected in this wind farm,
and as a consequence, the reference for power production was shifted. The PCR was calculated, as presented in Figure
7, where it is shown before and after the corrections. It is worth mentioning that the manufacturer did not follow to the
letter the proposed adjustments. It explains the remaining power production gap depicted in the PCR.
In all the wind farms in which this technique was applied, it was observed that,
• All of the best in class wind turbines presented no significant pitch misalignment (max < 0.15 deg).
Geometry tolerance in these turbines is good compared to the worst in class turbines.
• All of the worst in class wind turbines presented significant pitch misalignment (average of 1.5 deg).
Table 1. Complimentary angle of pitch angle (degrees) measurement results. Asterisks note the optimum pitch angle for each turbine.
Blades ICA MA FRA Recommendations
A1 Blade 1 89.7 82.9 83.2 - 0.1
A1 Blade 2 89.5 83.4 83.9 -0.8
A1 Blade 3 89.3 82.4 83.1* Leave as is
A2 Blade 1 88.6 81.7 83.1* Leave as is
A2 Blade 2 91.6 83.2 81.6 +1.5
A2 Blade 3 88.5 82.6 84.1 -1.0
Fig. 7. Ratio (in percent) between power curves before and after calibration
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8 Unai Elosegui, Alain Ulazia/ Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
• It was observed that there are two different kind of sources of blade mismatch:
o Manufacturing tolerances in the hub castings. Without disassembling the entire rotor, it is not
possible to measure and correct such a rotor imbalance.
o Incorrect placement of the blade pitching reference, that is the kind of blade misalignment
actually tackled with this technique.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, a new methodology was introduced to detect, measure and correct the aerodynamic imbalance in wind
turbine rotors. Results obtained in an actual wind farm were also discussed, demonstrating AEP improvement. As a
matter of fact, this method shows the following features:
• Power production increase is guaranteed, as turbine settings of the Best In Class turbine are mimicked in
the Worst In Class turbines. On this purpose, no turbine design information is required from the
manufacturer. In addition, since the Best In Class turbine is certified, this methodology does not
compromise product certification.
• Based on the AEP calculation, Return On Investment can be calculated based on the underlying business
• Turbine life cycle of Worst In class turbines is increased, as fatigue loads are reduced.
• There is no lost revenue, as site measurements in affected turbines is carried out in idling conditions, that
is, under very low wind speeds.
5. Copyright
The authors would like to show gratitude to Iñigo Etxaniz from the R&D Centre IK4-Tekniker for his valuable
contribution with FAST simulations.
[1] Kanev SK, van Engelen TG. Exploring the limits in individual pitch control. European Wind energy Conference, 2009, Marseille, France.
[2] Wang W, X.Li, Fang C, Chen C. Wind rotor blade masurement with laser tracker. Aerospace Manufacturing Technology 2009; 6: 26-29.
[3] Yang S, Allen MS. Output-only Modal Analysis using Continuous-Scan Laser Doppler Vibrometry and application to a 20kW wind turbine.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2012; 31: 228-245.
[4] Ghoshal A, Sundaresan MJ, Schulz MJ, Pai PF. Structural health monitoring techniques for wind turbine blades. Journal of Wind Engineering
and Industrial Aerodynamics 2000; 85(3): 309-324.
[5] Burton T, Sharpe D, Jenkins N, Bossanyi E. Wind Energy Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
[6] Malcolm DJ, Hansen AC. WindPACT turbine rotor design study. NREL Technical Report 2006; NREL/SR-500-32495.
[7] Jonkman JM, and Buhl Jr ML. FAST user’s guide. NREL Technical Report 2005; NREL/EL-500-38230.
[8] Elosegui U, Elosegui J. Method for calculating and correcting the angle of attack in a wind turbine farm, WO2014068162, 2014.
Unai Elosegui is the founder of the Maxwind-Hispavista Labs company, which treats to optimize
the adjustment of the pitch angle of wind turbines in order to improve the AEP of wind farms. They
use a novel method patented in 2013 and now they are in the phase of industrialization and real