Frequency Support by BESS - Review and Analysis
Frequency Support by BESS - Review and Analysis
Frequency Support by BESS - Review and Analysis
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2018 5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, CPESE 2018,
2018 5th International Conference on Power 2018,
19–21 September and Energy Systems
Nagoya, Japan Engineering, CPESE 2018,
19–21 September 2018, Nagoya, Japan
Frequency Support by BESS – Review and Analysis
Frequency Support by
The 15th International BESSon– District
Symposium Review andand
Heating Analysis
Yuan-Kang Wua,a,*, Kuo-Ting Tangaa
Assessing the
a feasibility of using
Yuan-Kang Wu the heat
*, Kuo-Ting Tang demand-outdoor
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, No.168, Sec. 1, University Rd., Chiayi 62102, Taiwan
temperature function for a long-term district heat demand forecast
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, No.168, Sec. 1, University Rd., Chiayi 62102, Taiwan
Abstract I. Andrić *, A. Pinaa, P. Ferrãoa, J. Fournierb., B. Lacarrièrec, O. Le Correc
This work reviews and analyzes the feasibility of frequency support by Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). If power
This IN+
generation and
reviewsfor Innovation,
load demand Technology
and analyzes unbalanced,and Policy
it would
the feasibility Research
of cause -serious
frequencyInstituto Superior
support Técnico, Av. Rovisco
on frequency
by Battery Energy Pais BESS
Storage 1,System
1049-001 Lisbon,
is an(BESS). Portugal
to balance and power generation Veolia
and Recherche
load & Innovation,
demand since it 291
has Avenue
fast Dreyfouscharacteristics.
response Daniel, 78520 Limay,
This France
work analyzes the concept of
generation c load demand are unbalanced, it would cause serious problems on frequency stability. BESS is an effective method
Département Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement - IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France
to balancesupport
power by BESS, including
generation and loadthe designsince
demand of BESS
it hasandfast
battery characteristics
frequency support. Various
work analyzes battery
the concept of
energy storage
frequency supporttechnologies
by BESS, for frequency
including supportofare
the design BESScompared
and theand analyzed.
battery In addition,
characteristics the cost analysis
for frequency support.using thebattery
Various BESS
energy storagesupport service arefor
technologies reviewed,
frequency andsupport
the international
are comparedexperiences concerning
and analyzed. about the
In addition, theBESS
cost participating
analysis usinginthe
frequency Response
Abstract support (FFR)are
service andreviewed,
AustraliaandFrequency Control Ancillary
the international experiencesServices (FCAS)
concerning markets
about are introduced,
the BESS which
participating provides
in UK Firm
Frequencysystem operators
Response important
(FFR) references.
and Australia Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) markets are introduced, which provides
power system
District operators
heating networksimportant references.
are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the
2018 The Authors. Published
gas emissions fromby by
theElsevier Ltd.
building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat
© 2019
is an
2018 The
The Authors.
open access
Authors. Published
article under
Published Elsevier Ltd.
by Elsevier Ltd. license (
sales. Due to the changed climate
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND and building
licenserenovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease,
This is an
prolonging and
open peer-review
access article under
under responsibility
the CC BY-NC-ND of the 2018 (
license 5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems
Selection andthe investmentunder
peer-review return period.
responsibility of the 2018 5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering,
The main
2018, 19–21 2018,
of this 19–21
September under toSeptember
is2018,assess the 2018,
Nagoya, ofNagoya,
Japan. Japan.
using 5th
the International
heat demand –Conference on Powerfunction
outdoor temperature and Energy
for heatSystems
Engineering, CPESE 2018, 19–21 September 2018, Nagoya, Japan.
forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665
Keywords: Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), Frequency Support, Cost Analysis, Firm Frequency Response Market, Frequency Control
buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district
Ancillary Services
Keywords: BatteryMarket
Energy Storage System (BESS), Frequency Support, Cost Analysis, Firm Frequency Response Market, Frequency Control
renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were
Ancillary Services Market
compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors.
The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation
the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
of slopeoperators
coefficientmust implement
increased several
on average mechanisms
within the range ofto3.8%
up to frequency stability.
8% per decade, Battery energy
that corresponds to the
storage system
system is operators
an effectivemust implement
method to several
provide mechanisms
instantaneous to
active maintain
power frequency
output in few
decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combinationstability. Battery
milliseconds energy
frequency system
renovation is an[1-3].
scenarios effective
In the
On toother
thethe provide
deployment of BESS
function active powerfor
for increased
intercept frequency output inisfew
7.8-12.7% permilliseconds
constrained to maintain
by high
decade (depending capital
on the
frequency stability [1-3].
coupled scenarios). In the
The values past, thecould
suggested deployment of modify
be used to BESS for frequency
the function support for
parameters is constrained
the scenariosbyconsidered,
high capital
improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.
costs. In recent years, due to the decline of battery costs and increase of battery life, the application of BESS for
frequency support becomes profitable and can be found in many researches [4-6].
To analyze the feasibility of frequency support by BESS, this work first introduces the concept of frequency
support by BESS in Section 2, including the design of BESS and the battery characteristics for frequency support.
Various battery energy storage technologies for frequency support are compared and analyzed. Then, the cost
analysis of BESS frequency support services is reviewed in Section 3, including the international experiences of
BESS frequency support services participating in the UK Firm Frequency Response (FFR) and Australia Frequency
Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) markets.
Each battery pack in the BESS can charge or discharge its power in few milliseconds to provide grid frequency
support. The general design of BESS is shown in Fig. 1, which includes the battery device, battery management
system (BMS), supervisory system control (SSC) and power conversion system (PCS) [7-10]. Each battery pack
equipped with a BMS for monitoring and maintaining the optimal operation, and the full BESS is monitored by one
system supervisory control (SSC). BMS and SSC control the current and ambient temperature, and thus help the
BESS: (1) reduce the possibility of battery degradation (2) provide optimal charging/discharging patterns [7, 11].
Suitable BMS and SSC can improve the battery performance and reduce the degradation cost of battery. Power
conversion system (power electronics) allows for the bidirectional power flow and converts DC power from
batteries to AC power for grid use [8, 12-13].
In [4], the most important BESS requirements for grid frequency regulation service include: (1) high power
capacity (2) long cycle life at a partial cycle (3) low battery cycle cost (4) fast response. High power capacity of
battery ensures the enough instantaneous active power that can be discharged for grid frequency support. Cycle life
at a partial cycle refers to the battery lifetime under the specific discharge pattern. Since the uncertainty of the
frequency support requirement, there are various battery charging/discharging patterns, which depends on the
utility’s application. If the battery cycle life at a partial cycle (used for frequency regulation service) is obtained,
then the battery cycle cost is determined. The battery cycle cost is generally defined by the battery investment cost
divided by the battery cycle life [4, 14-15]. Fast response time ensures that the time to start providing active power
Yuan-Kang Wu et al. / Energy Procedia 156 (2019) 187–191 189
Yuan-Kang Wu et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
output for grid frequency support is short enough. These BESS requirements, including the acceptable battery cycle
cost and high frequency support capability, are the key points to deploy BESS for frequency support.
Different battery energy storage technologies have various features and characteristics, affecting the performance
and benefits for frequency support. The characteristics for various BESS technologies are compared in Table 1 [16-
23]. Lead-acid battery is a mature technology which has been used in grid application for many years, but the
demand for lead-acid battery energy storage is only increased in recent years [17, 21]. Li-ion, NaS and NiCd
batteries are developed technology and commercially available, but they still have not been widely used for grid
application [17]. However, Li-ion battery energy storages are found to be profitable utilized for frequency regulation
service in [4-6], and NaS battery energy storages have been used in Japan and the US [22-23]. According to these
characteristics summarized in Table 1, indicating that the lead-acid battery has the least capital cost ($/kW or $/kWh)
without the consideration of the battery lifetime. In contrast, if the battery charge/discharge pattern is obtained, a
more accurate battery lifetime can be estimated and thus the most economic battery choice for frequency support
could be determined.
Table 1. Comparison of various battery energy storage technologies for grid frequency support [16-23].
BESS technology Lead-acid Lithium (Li-ion) Sodium Sulfur (NaS) NiCd
Typical power output 0-20 MW 0-5 MW 50 kW -8 MW 0-40 MW
Response time Milliseconds-Seconds Milliseconds-Seconds Milliseconds-Seconds Milliseconds-Seconds
Typical Lifetime 500-1000 cycles 1000-3500 cycles 2000-4000 cycles 2000-3500 cycles
Capital cost ($/kW) 200-300 1200-4000 1000-3000 500-1500
Capital cost ($/kWh) 120-150 300-1300 300-500 800-1500
From the viewpoint of BESS providers, the cost of BESS includes the initial investment cost, operation-and-
maintenance fees and electricity bill for BESS recharging; while from the viewpoint of system operators, the cost of
BESS services is considered as the bidding ancillary service payment to BESS providers [5]. Table 2 compares the
ancillary service payment and the tender process of BESS frequency support services in UK and Australia markets.
In UK, BESS can participate in the Firm Frequency Response (FFR) market and receive bidding FFR payments
[5]. FFR participants register their provided services and bidding payments price, including the capability (MW),
provided hours, availability fee (₤/h), nomination fee (₤/h), etc. Through the monthly online tender process, the
value of these registered services are evaluated by National Grid and only the most economical tenders are accepted
[24-26]. The FFR payments include the availability fee (₤/h) for the hours that they are available, nomination fee
(₤/h) for the hours that they are dispatched, and the response energy payments (₤/MWh) for the change in energy
output while they are dispatched [5, 24].
In Australia, BESS can participate in the Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) market and receive
bidding FCAS payments [26]. FCAS participants register their provided FCAS products in Australian Energy
Market Operator (AEMO). During each 5-min dispatch, National Electricity Market Dispatch Engine (NEMDE)
enables the sufficient amount of FCAS from these registered FCAS products and determines the market clearing
price (CP) [27]. The FCAS payment for each 5-min dispatch interval is calculated by Eq. (1), where MWE is the
amount of MWs (MW) enabled by this service, and CP is the clearing price ($/MWh) determined by NEMDE.
Tender process 1. Participants register their provided FFR 1. Participants register their provided FCAS
services and price in the National Grid. products with AEMO.
2. Through the monthly online tender 2. During each 5-min dispatch interval of the
process, National Grid evaluates the value market, NEMDE enables the sufficient
of each service and only accepts the most amount of FCAS from these registered
economical tenders. FCAS products and determines the market
clearing price (CP).
4. Conclusion
This work reviews and analyzes the feasibility of frequency support by BESS. The concept of frequency support
by BESS is analyzed, including the design of BESS and the battery characteristics for frequency support. Various
battery energy storage technologies for grid frequency support are compared and analyzed. In addition, the cost
analysis of BESS frequency support services is reviewed, including the design of ancillary service payments and the
tender process for BESS participating in the UK Firm Frequency Response (FFR) and Australia Frequency Control
Ancillary Services (FCAS) markets. The cost analysis of BESS frequency support services provides significant
international experiences to power system operators.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of
Taiwan under Grant MOST 107-3113-E-002 -010 -.
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