Paprin 2
Paprin 2
Paprin 2
CE 015
Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete
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In limitations and standards, it will give an overview of the specific components affecting the project.
After that, the next stage will produce the architectural design for the room considerations and
aesthetics in line with the Philippine National Building Code. The following step is to design the basic
structural dimensions of the building, as well as to assign loads to them following the National Structural
Code of the Philippines 2015, Vol. 1, Seventh Edition (NCSP 2015). The structural analysis will then be
conducted using a computer software which is MIDAS Gen. The following phase is tradeoff design, in
which it will design viable engineering solutions to that subject following the NSCP 2015 and the
America Concrete Institute (ACI). It includes taking into account the implications of the many limitations
on the core design for the designers to choose the most cost-effective, safest, and beneficial option for
the project.
The result will be interpreted by comparing the proposed tradeoffs by rating the selected designs.
Suppose the safety and serviceability requirements are met. In that case, the final leading design will
be used for the project, and it will conclude with all of the project's details, designs, and analysis. The
diagram below depicts the project's systematic design phase.
Figure 1.5: Project Development
2.1 Location Data
2.1.1 Vicinity Map
For precise referencing of the project site, the illustration presented below depicts the vicinity map of
the proposed three-storey commercial building. It highlights the primary location of the project on J.P
Rizal St. in San Mateo, Rizal. Additionally, it identifies neighboring establishments, including other
commercial buildings and prominent landmarks in the area.
The total population in San Mateo, Rizal is 252,527 in total with 25,733 (10.19%) highest population at
ages five to 9 years old while at the ages 80 and over accumulated the lowest number of population
which is 1,171 (0.46%). Socio-economic Data
The annual regular revenue of San Mateo, Rizal for the fiscal year of 2016 was ₱44,643,567.64 which
increase 16.74% from 2015. For further understanding figures show the table and chart for annual
regular income of San Mateo, Rizal from 2009 to 2016.
2.1.3 Topography
Even though determining the shape of the ground appears simple, it governs entire enterprises and
decision-making in general. Topographic studies define what will and will not work on the site. Still, the
landscape is almost flat. The measurement of the site location is around 21-19 m.
2.2 Hazard Maps
2.2.1 Flood Hazard Map
Accurate flood hazard maps are essential to estimate risk-based insurance rates and to properly advise
families, communities, and other stakeholders about the risk of flooding. This map depicts the overall
flood risk associated with the site.
The architectural design comprises a three-storey commercial building, reaching a total height of 12
meters. The main purpose of this structure is to offer occupants and their belongings a secure and
environmentally controlled environment. The predominant usage of the proposed three-storey
commercial building is dedicated to various commercial activities, including retail, grocery, and food
services such as restaurants and stalls. Furthermore, an assembly area is integrated within the
building, serving as a designated zone for occupants and their clients to safely gather during
emergency situations or as a space for organized events. Additionally, adjacent to the three-storey
commercial building, a parking lot is situated, providing a capacity for 25 cars and 50 motorcycles.
The live loads of the structure were determined exclusively based on the guidelines outlined in NSCP
2015, Chapter 2. The minimum uniform and concentrated live loads (measured in kN/m²) were
referenced from Table 205-1.
Parameters Values
Occupancy Category Category IV. Standard Occupancy Structures (NSCP 2015
Table 103-1)
Seismic Importance Factor (I) 1.0; Category IV (NSCP 2015 Table 208-1)
Soil Profile Type SD, SPT Ave. Value=21.5 (NSCP 2015 Table 208-2)
Soil Profile Name Stiff Soil (NSCP 2015 Table 208-2)
Seismic Zone Zone 4 (NSCP 2015 Table
Seismic Source Type A (NSCP 2015 Table 208-4)
Nearest Fault Line 1.8km from West Valley Fault
(PHIVOLCS FaultFinder)
Near Source Factor (Na) 1.50 (NSCP 2015 Table 208-5)
Near Source Factor (Nv) 2.00 (NSCP 2015 Table 208-6)
Seismic Coefficient (Ca) 0.48 (NSCP 2015 Table 208-7)
Seismic Coefficient (Cv) 0.64 (NSCP 2015 Table 208-8)
Basic Seismic – Force Resisting *Depends on the trade-offs
System (1) Special reinforced concrete moment frames (2) Dual
systems – Special reinforced concrete shear walls
(3) Dual systems with IMF – Special reinforced
concrete shear walls (NSCP 2015 Table 208-11A)
Advantages Disadvantages
The performance of the system may also
There are no restrictions on the maximum rely on the criticality of splices in columns
height for building structures.
within special moment frames.
Columns supporting high axial loads may
It is feasible to prevent anchorage or have limited deformation capacity.
splice failure through careful measures Achieving adequate performance in such
and proper planning. columns requires costly reinforcement
Architectural space planning allows for
flexibility in designing and arranging The framing system cost more.
Table 3.2 Special Moment Resisting Frame (Framing System) Advantages and Disadvantages
3.2.2 Beams and Girders Rectangular Section
This section has excellent structural strength, enabling it to bear heavy loads and travel significant
distances. Due to its durability and longevity, it is commonly utilized in the construction of bridges, large
buildings, and various other structures, including airport terminals, sports arenas, and convention
Advantages Disadvantages
Compared to other segment shapes, they These structures are prone to cracking
necessitate a reduced amount of caused by differential settlement and can
formwork and supporting materials. also be affected by thermal expansion.
These elements are strategically
employed to achieve optimal space Achieving accurate alignment and
utilization within buildings, effectively meticulous formwork is essential for these
utilizing available areas while minimizing structures.
any wasted or unutilized space.
Their structural efficiency stems from their Because they are more prone to torsional
ability to bear significant loads while forces, they may have limited adaptability
to seismic conditions compared to other
minimizing the use of materials. structures.
Table 3.3 Rectangular Section (Beams and Girders) Advantages and Disadvantages
3.2.3 Columns Rectangular Section
This section exhibits four axes of symmetry, contrasting with the two axes found in a rectangle. It is
frequently utilized in the construction of large and sturdy structures. Constructing this section's
segments is considerably easier than circular counterparts, as it is simpler to cover and prevent
tension-induced collapse during the pourable concrete phase.
Advantages Disadvantages
Their lower seismic adaptability stems
With proper design and reinforcement, from their increased vulnerability to
these structures demonstrate excellent
torsional forces, rendering them less
seismic resistance.
effective in seismic scenarios.
These sections can be customized in a
range of sizes and shapes to meet The visual appeal is reduced or lacking.
diverse structural needs.
These sections are engineered to It is challenging to achieve precise
efficiently support heavy loads while using formwork and meticulous alignment,
requiring extra effort and attention to
minimal amounts of materials. detail.
Table 3.4 Rectangular Section (Columns) Advantages and Disadvantages Circular Section
Primarily employed in building elevation and piling for aesthetic purposes, this section is characterized
by multiple longitudinal steel bars that serve as support and exhibit higher resistance to torsion
compared to square or rectangular sections.
Advantages Disadvantages
Have limitations when it comes to
This design minimizes the occurrence of architectural flexibility due to its curved
stress concentration.
Ideal for regions with increased seismic
activity, this design ensures high
Difficult and time-consuming to construct
compressive strength and ductility in all
The curved shape of this design
contributes to its increased longevity by Space consuming and hard to place
without impeding movement or
facilitating more uniform stress
obstructing views
Table 3.4 Circular Section (Columns) Advantages and Disadvantages
3.2.4 Slabs One-way Slabs
A one-way slab is characterized by its geometry, supported by parallel walls or beams, and a length-to-
breadth ratio of two or greater. It bends in a single direction (along the span) while transferring loads to
the two supporting walls or beams. In simpler terms, it only bends and spans in one direction. Beams or
walls commonly support this type of slab on two opposite sides and find application in buildings where
loads are predominantly carried in one direction, such as long corridors or narrow rooms.
Advantages Disadvantages
The load is displaced in the opposite Issues, such as obstruction, can arise
direction of the supporting column. because of the reflection of light.
It is supported by a beam on two
The ceiling lacks visual appeal.
opposing sides specifically.
Advantages Disadvantages
Being stiffer and stronger allows them to Due to their limited span, they may not be
withstand greater loads without suitable for constructing large buildings
experiencing excessive cracking or
deflection. with extensive spans.
By reducing the necessity for additional Their complex design entails a greater
beams, it creates more open space. need for maintenance and upkeep.
The presence of a bar within the cell Constructing two-way slabs is more
contributes to improved accessibility of challenging compared to one-way slabs,
the flat roof. leading to increased construction costs.
Table 3.6 Two way Slab Advantages and Disadvantages
3.2.5 Foundation Isolated Footing
Isolated footings serve as the foundation for individual columns and can take the form of spread
footings and footings with projections in a solid base. Steel reinforcement is provided in both directions
to accommodate heavily loaded sections within a substantial bed. Isolated footings are commonly
employed in residential and commercial structures where the soil's bearing capacity and the column's
load meet the required criteria. They are typically utilized when the column loads do not warrant a pile
foundation but are still too substantial to support a simple spread footing.
Advantages Disadvantages
The presence of separate establishments
The ability to construct them rapidly helps renders this plan vulnerable to differential
in reducing both the overall construction
settlement, which can impact the
time and project costs.
These types of structures are well-suited
By evenly distributing the load over the
for situations where the imposed loads
soil, the likelihood of differential
are relatively low and the soil has a
settlement is reduced.
satisfactory bearing capacity.
They are easy to maintain since they can It can become excessively large in order
be accessed and inspected for potential to accommodate the heavy load, which
issues. can be disadvantageous.
Table 3.7 Isolated Footings (Foundation) Advantages and Disadvantages
3.3 Multiple Constraints using Initial Normalization Method
After evaluating the initial estimate, a preliminary computation was carried out for each trade-off in order
to generate an initial assessment. The determination of the scale or importance of each criterion is
based on the designer's perspective and the client's specifications. The equation used for calculating
the ability to fulfill the criteria in the Normalized Data calculation is as follows:
The top two design trade-off that has the highest weighted sum will be used in the initial design.
Economic Constructability Sustainability
Constraint (₱) Constraint (₱) Constraint (₱)
FRAMING SMRF 1,560,691.56 443,732.98 63,721.38
325,896.35 25,954.10 48,921.55
COLUMN Section
Circular Section 320,438.60 32,727.15 50,621.90
BEAMS AND Rectangular
556,749.80 64,529.50 48,953.40
One-way Slab 600,102.75 559,762.70 50,237.89
Two-way Slab 438,680.70 58,935.79 42,768.50
FOUNDATION Isolated Footings 500,112.98 103,677.67 69,348.90
Table 3.8: Initial Assessment
3.4 Raw Data, Normalized Data, and Weighted Sum of Various Percentage Weight
Raw Data
Trade-offs Economic Constructability Sustainability
Beams and Slab Constraints
Frame Columns Foundation Constraints Constraint
One- Rectangular 3,564,783,25 983,754.55 335,748.87
way Section
Slab Circular
3,885,768.99 1,195,432.90 321,467.87
SMR Rectangular Section Isolated
F Section Two- Rectangular Footings 3,643,897.45 678,943.99 300,768.55
way Section
Slab Circular
3,962,077.50 725,565.90 301,563.67
Table 3.9: Raw Data
Normalized Data
Trade-offs Economic Constructability Sustainability
Beams and Slab
Columns Foundation Constraints Constraints Constraint
One- Rectangular
10 10 1
way Section
Slab Circular
1 10 10
SMR Rectangular Section Isolated
F Section Two- Rectangular Footings
10 10 1
way Section
Slab Circular
1 10 10
Table 3.10 Normalized Data
Analysis of Normalized Data
Constraint Weight Trade-off Trade-off Trade-off Trade-off
(%) 1 2 3 4
Economic 60% 10 1 10 1
Constructability 30% 10 10 10 10
Serviceability 10% 1 10 1 10
Weighted Sum 100% 9.1 4.6 9.1 4.6
Table 3.11 Analysis of Normalized Data
3.5 Design Code and Standards
Design codes and standards are crucial in setting the guidelines, design specifications, and analysis
procedures for a material being utilized. In the case of the proposed three-storey commercial building in
San Mateo, Rizal, these codes and standards are employed to define the minimum criteria for its
design and construction. The designers adhere to specific codes and standards, which includes:
National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP 2015)
This code establishes minimum standards to protect life, property, and public welfare. It achieves this
by overseeing and regulating the design, construction, and quality of materials related to the structural
aspects of all buildings and structures within its jurisdiction. This code's provisions apply to various
activities, including construction, alteration, moving, demolition, repair, maintenance, and use of any
building or structure within its jurisdiction. However, it should be noted that this code does not cover
work primarily conducted in public areas, public utility towers and poles, hydraulic flood control
structures, and indigenous family dwellings.
1. Dead Loads (Section 204)
2. Live Loads (Section 205)
3. Wind Loads (Section 207)
4. Seismic Load Parameters (Section 208)
5. Materials:
a. f’c - Compressive Strength of Concrete (Section 419)
b. Reinforcing Steel Bars
c. fm’ - Masonry Units
The National Building Code of the Philippines, also called Presidential Decree No. 1096, is
standardized. It establishes requirements and provides current technical information for the design and
execution of structural elements in construction and their use and occupancy. The provisions outlined in
the NBCP cover many aspects, including the design, location, construction, usage, occupancy, repair,
movement, and addition of public and private buildings and structures.
1. Air Space Requirement in Determining the Size of Rooms (Chapter 8 Section 807)
2. Artificial Ventilation (Chapter 8 Section 811)
3. Sanitation (Chapter 9)
4. Stairs, Exits, and Occupant Loads (Chapter 12 Section 1207)
American Concrete Institute
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) holds a prominent position as an authoritative entity and global
resource. It focuses on creating, disseminating, and implementing standards based on consensus,
along with providing technical resources, educational programs, and reliable expertise. The ACI serves
individuals and organizations engaged in concrete design, construction, and materials. It unites a
community dedicated to maximizing the potential of concrete and achieving excellence in its utilization.
4.1 General Design Process
To present various alternative configurations for the structure, three trade-offs are introduced. This
chapter encompasses diverse design procedures aimed at identifying the analyzing parameters that will
enable designers to attain their proposed and desired outcomes, aligning with the intended purpose of
the structure. A systematic and detailed step-by-step procedure is followed to initially facilitate the
thorough examination of the structure's composition, typically for purpose and interpretation. The initial
stage of this process involves conducting an analysis using software, specifically MIDAS, to model the
structure. As the design process progresses, the designers focus on designing the structural members
within the most critical frame of the structure. This structural frame is engineered to withstand gravity
loads as well as lateral loads, primarily generated by wind or seismic activity. Following the structural
analysis, the designer can proceed with designing each member, considering different trade-offs that
align with specific constraints.
Figure 4.1 General Design Process