Forest City Ratner Modular Opportunity Brief, 1/6/12
Forest City Ratner Modular Opportunity Brief, 1/6/12
Forest City Ratner Modular Opportunity Brief, 1/6/12
opyrwhit SHOP A .E .1110 11111
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NYC Modular
Forest City Ratner Companies, LLC
View of B2 A tlantic Yards
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NYC Modular
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NYC Modular
Forest City Ratner Companies, LLC
View of B2 A tlantic Yards
INDEX NO. 652680/2014
INDEX NO. 652721/2014
The Breakthrough
For thelast two years, FCRC has engaged in Research &Development analyzing many components of Modern Methods
of Construction (MMC) in an effort to bring technology and innovation to high-riseresidential construction. In doing so,
weassembled aworld class teamof experts in their field including XSiteModular, A rup E ngineering, and SHoP
A rchitects, who havedeveloped amethodology to revolutionizetheway webuild highly technical buildings today in
denseurban environments likeNew York City. Theresult of this R&D effort is asystemand aprocess that creates
limitless possibilities for quality, high-risebuildings with architectural flexibility and cost effectiveness allowing modular
to beutilized in denseurban environments wherecurrently no cost-effectivehigh-risesolution exists. A pplying this R&D
to high-riseconstruction and other markets creates abusiness opportunity that provides an unparalleled competitive
Forest City is committed to building thefirst residential building at A tlantic Yards by utilizing thesolution developed
during thetwo year R&D effort. Thefirst residential building ("B2") will be340 ,0 0 0 SF, 32- story rental building with 350
units. FCRC is committed to starting theconstruction of this building in 20 12. B2 is thefirst of theA tlantic Yards master
planned development which has apipelineof 6,430 units.
A s part of theresearch and development effort, Forest City has also been engaged in discussions with theBuilding and
Construction Trades Council to createanew union classification of workers who will work in thefactory at competitive
The Modular Building Process
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) encompasses innovativesolutions in building products, software, tooling,
methods and construction systeminnovations that increasethelevels of safety, productivity, sustainability, lifespan,
cost savings and speed of construction.
Our solution utilizes many facets of MMC including Building Information Modeling (BIM), Preassembled Components,
Subassemblies and Modular construction, Integrated Project Delivery Methods, Lean Construction/Manufacturing. We
havealso developed aproprietary innovativestructural assembly method with Patent Pending connection details. We
arealso working with theBuilding and Construction Trades Council to createanew union classification of worker who
will work in our factory at competitivewagerates.
Our solution focuses on thedesign, fabrication, MMC, and installation of threelevels of Prefabrication: Preassembled
Components, Subassemblies and Modular Construction. Prefabrication is atermused to describethespectrumof
applications wherebuildings, structures or parts aremanufactured and assembled remotely fromthebuilding siteprior
to installation in their final position. In summary, this moves operations that aretraditionally completed on-siteat the
project location to amanufacturing environment offsite.
Modular projects will beproduced by union labor in New York City. Whileinitially constructed for useon A tlantic Yards,
this new industry has thepotential to createmodular components for construction projects worldwide. This Modular
factory has thepotential to introduceoneof thefirst, major manufacturing expansions in New York City since
manufacturing began its declineover ageneration ago.
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) is used around theworld for multi-story housing, student housing, schools,
hospitals, hospitality and many other institutional buildings. Modules with embedded technology arealso used
The Breakthrough
For the last two years, FCRC has engaged in Research & Development analyzing many components of Modern Methods
of Construction (MMC) in an effort to bring technology and innovation to high-rise residential construction. In doing so,
we assembled a world class team of experts in their field including XSite Modular, Arup Engineering, and SHoP
Architects, who have developed a methodology to revolutionize the way we build highly technical buildings today in
dense urban environments like New York City. The result of this R&D effort is a system and a process that creates
limitless possibilities for quality, high-rise buildings with architectural flexibility and cost effectiveness allowing modular
to be utilized in dense urban environments where currently no cost-effective high-rise solution exists. Applying this R&D
to high-rise construction and other markets creates a business opportunity that provides an unparalleled competitive
Forest City is committed to building the first residential building at Atlantic Yards by utilizing the solution developed
during the two year R&D effort. The first residential building ("B2") will be 340,000 SF, 32- story rental building with 350
units. FCRC is committed to starting the construction of this building in 2012. B2 is the first of the Atlantic Yards master
planned development which has a pipeline of 6,430 units.
As part of the research and development effort, Forest City has also been engaged in discussions with the Building and
Construction Trades Council to create a new union classification of workers who will work in the factory at competitive
wage rates.
The Modular Building Process
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) encompasses innovative solutions in building products, software, tooling,
methods and construction system innovations that increase the levels of safety, productivity, sustainability, lifespan,
cost savings and speed of construction.
Our solution utilizes many facets of MMC including Building Information Modeling (BIM), Preassembled Components,
Subassemblies and Modular construction, Integrated Project Delivery Methods, Lean Construction/Manufacturing. We
have also developed a proprietary innovative structural assembly method with Patent Pending connection details. We
are also working with the Building and Construction Trades Council to create a new union classification of worker who
will work in our factory at competitive wage rates.
Our solution focuses on the design, fabrication, MMC, and installation of three levels of Prefabrication: Preassembled
Components, Subassemblies and Modular Construction. Prefabrication is a term used to describe the spectrum of
applications where buildings, structures or parts are manufactured and assembled remotely from the building site prior
to installation in their final position. In summary, this moves operations that are traditionally completed on-site at the
project location to a manufacturing environment offsite.
Modular projects will be produced by union labor in New York City. While initially constructed for use on Atlantic Yards,
this new industry has the potential to create modular components for construction projects worldwide. This Modular
factory has the potential to introduce one of the first, major manufacturing expansions in New York City since
manufacturing began its decline over a generation ago.
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) is used around the world for multi-story housing, student housing, schools,
hospitals, hospitality and many other institutional buildings. Modules with embedded technology are also used
The Breakthrough
For thelast two years, FCRC has engaged in Research &Development analyzing many components of Modern Methods
of Construction (MMC) in an effort to bring technology and innovation to high-riseresidential construction. In doing so,
weassembled aworld class teamof experts in their field including XSiteModular, A rup E ngineering, and SHoP
A rchitects, who havedeveloped amethodology to revolutionizetheway webuild highly technical buildings today in
denseurban environments likeNew York City. Theresult of this R&D effort is asystemand aprocess that creates
limitless possibilities for quality, high-risebuildings with architectural flexibility and cost effectiveness allowing modular
to beutilized in denseurban environments wherecurrently no cost-effectivehigh-risesolution exists. A pplying this R&D
to high-riseconstruction and other markets creates abusiness opportunity that provides an unparalleled competitive
Forest City is committed to building thefirst residential building at A tlantic Yards by utilizing thesolution developed
during thetwo year R&D effort. Thefirst residential building ("B2") will be340 ,0 0 0 SF, 32- story rental building with 350
units. FCRC is committed to starting theconstruction of this building in 20 12. B2 is thefirst of theA tlantic Yards master
planned development which has apipelineof 6,430 units.
A s part of theresearch and development effort, Forest City has also been engaged in discussions with theBuilding and
Construction Trades Council to createanew union classification of workers who will work in thefactory at competitive
The Modular Building Process
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) encompasses innovativesolutions in building products, software, tooling,
methods and construction systeminnovations that increasethelevels of safety, productivity, sustainability, lifespan,
cost savings and speed of construction.
Our solution utilizes many facets of MMC including Building Information Modeling (BIM), Preassembled Components,
Subassemblies and Modular construction, Integrated Project Delivery Methods, Lean Construction/Manufacturing. We
havealso developed aproprietary innovativestructural assembly method with Patent Pending connection details. We
arealso working with theBuilding and Construction Trades Council to createanew union classification of worker who
will work in our factory at competitivewagerates.
Our solution focuses on thedesign, fabrication, MMC, and installation of threelevels of Prefabrication: Preassembled
Components, Subassemblies and Modular Construction. Prefabrication is atermused to describethespectrumof
applications wherebuildings, structures or parts aremanufactured and assembled remotely fromthebuilding siteprior
to installation in their final position. In summary, this moves operations that aretraditionally completed on-siteat the
project location to amanufacturing environment offsite.
Modular projects will beproduced by union labor in New York City. Whileinitially constructed for useon A tlantic Yards,
this new industry has thepotential to createmodular components for construction projects worldwide. This Modular
factory has thepotential to introduceoneof thefirst, major manufacturing expansions in New York City since
manufacturing began its declineover ageneration ago.
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) is used around theworld for multi-story housing, student housing, schools,
hospitals, hospitality and many other institutional buildings. Modules with embedded technology arealso used
widespread for Telco/Datamodules, for domestic and international telecommunications sites, military bases, data
centers, and cablelanding stations. A morerecent addition to MMC areprefabricated BathroomPODS that havebeen
used in theUnited Statefor almost fiveyears, and overseas for about 20 years. Thesecomplete, factory-built
bathrooms areeasily integrated into conventional structures with multiplebathrooms, including multi-family housing,
hotels, hospitals and military housing.
Target markets:
1. Multi-Story Housing Modules
Forest City Immediatepipelineof over 8,0 0 0 apartment units in theNYC areaalone
Multi-family housing has 120 ,0 0 0 apartment units of new construction expected to comeonlinein 20 131
Multi-family housing will rise18%in dollars and 17%in units, continuing its moderate, upward trend in
20 122
2. Prefabricated BathroomPODS
Healthcare-25%of all hospitals haveconstruction planned in thenext threeyears 3
Hospitality-310 ,0 0 0 keys to bebuilt in 20 12.4 Hospitality brands wereearly adapters for Bathroom
Thereareadditional opportunities in Multi-story Housing, Student Housing and Military Housing
3. Telco/DataCenter modules
Thedatacenter market is projected to reach $148B by 20 155
Therearetremendous opportunities working with Telco/wireless companies, Power companies and the
US Military
Thetarget sales areafor theproduct mix aboveis regional with areach of about a50 0 -mileradius around NYC for Multi-
Story Housing, national for BathroomPODS and Global for Telco/DataCenter modules.
Thepartnership of Forest City and XSiteModular has invited afew innovative, progressive, world class companies to
discuss theopportunity to participateon apartnership level in our exciting business. Weareseeking an additional
partner to establish and grow aviable, cost competitivemodular factory business ("NYC Modular Factory") using
innovativeIntellectual Property and Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) in acore, metro market providing much
needed cost effectivesolutions to thehigh-riseresidential, institutional and mission critical markets. Business to be
founded by best in class factory, on-siteand high-riseconstruction experts and fueled by arobust, built-in local pipeline
and afavorablelabor agreement, ensuring both long termsustainability and success.
1Multi-Family News 20 11
2 Construction Forecast 20 12 Key Findings McGraw-Hill
3 A SHE Presentation 20 11
4 STRGlobal Research
5 Gartner Research, WorldwideCloud Services Market to Surpass $68 Billion in 20 10
widespread for Telco/Data modules, for domestic and international telecommunications sites, military bases, data
centers, and cable landing stations. A more recent addition to MMC are prefabricated Bathroom PODS that have been
used in the United State for almost five years, and overseas for about 20 years. These complete, factory-built
bathrooms are easily integrated into conventional structures with multiple bathrooms, including multi-family housing,
hotels, hospitals and military housing.
Target markets:
1. Multi-Story Housing Modules
Forest City Immediate pipeline of over 8,000 apartment units in the NYC area alone
Multi-family housing has 120,000 apartment units of new construction expected to come online in 20131
Multi-family housing will rise 18% in dollars and 17% in units, continuing its moderate, upward trend in
2. Prefabricated Bathroom PODS
Healthcare -25% of all hospitals have construction planned in the next three years 3
Hospitality-310,000 keys to be built in 2012.4 Hospitality brands were early adapters for Bathroom
There are additional opportunities in Multi-story Housing, Student Housing and Military Housing
3. Telco/Data Center modules
The data center market is projected to reach $148B by 20155
There are tremendous opportunities working with Telco/wireless companies, Power companies and the
US Military
The target sales area for the product mix above is regional with a reach of about a 500-mile radius around NYC for Multi-
Story Housing, national for Bathroom PODS and Global for Telco/Data Center modules.
The partnership of Forest City and XSite Modular has invited a few innovative, progressive, world class companies to
discuss the opportunity to participate on a partnership level in our exciting business. We are seeking an additional
partner to establish and grow a viable, cost competitive modular factory business ("NYC Modular Factory") using
innovative Intellectual Property and Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) in a core, metro market providing much
needed cost effective solutions to the high-rise residential, institutional and mission critical markets. Business to be
founded by best in class factory, on-site and high-rise construction experts and fueled by a robust, built-in local pipeline
and a favorable labor agreement, ensuring both long term sustainability and success.
1Multi-Family News 2011
2 Construction Forecast 2012 Key Findings McGraw-Hill
3 ASHE Presentation 2011
4 STR Global Research
5 Gartner Research, Worldwide Cloud Services Market to Surpass $68 Billion in 2010
widespread for Telco/Datamodules, for domestic and international telecommunications sites, military bases, data
centers, and cablelanding stations. A morerecent addition to MMC areprefabricated BathroomPODS that havebeen
used in theUnited Statefor almost fiveyears, and overseas for about 20 years. Thesecomplete, factory-built
bathrooms areeasily integrated into conventional structures with multiplebathrooms, including multi-family housing,
hotels, hospitals and military housing.
Target markets:
1. Multi-Story Housing Modules
Forest City Immediatepipelineof over 8,0 0 0 apartment units in theNYC areaalone
Multi-family housing has 120 ,0 0 0 apartment units of new construction expected to comeonlinein 20 131
Multi-family housing will rise18%in dollars and 17%in units, continuing its moderate, upward trend in
20 122
2. Prefabricated BathroomPODS
Healthcare-25%of all hospitals haveconstruction planned in thenext threeyears 3
Hospitality-310 ,0 0 0 keys to bebuilt in 20 12.4 Hospitality brands wereearly adapters for Bathroom
Thereareadditional opportunities in Multi-story Housing, Student Housing and Military Housing
3. Telco/DataCenter modules
Thedatacenter market is projected to reach $148B by 20 155
Therearetremendous opportunities working with Telco/wireless companies, Power companies and the
US Military
Thetarget sales areafor theproduct mix aboveis regional with areach of about a50 0 -mileradius around NYC for Multi-
Story Housing, national for BathroomPODS and Global for Telco/DataCenter modules.
Thepartnership of Forest City and XSiteModular has invited afew innovative, progressive, world class companies to
discuss theopportunity to participateon apartnership level in our exciting business. Weareseeking an additional
partner to establish and grow aviable, cost competitivemodular factory business ("NYC Modular Factory") using
innovativeIntellectual Property and Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) in acore, metro market providing much
needed cost effectivesolutions to thehigh-riseresidential, institutional and mission critical markets. Business to be
founded by best in class factory, on-siteand high-riseconstruction experts and fueled by arobust, built-in local pipeline
and afavorablelabor agreement, ensuring both long termsustainability and success.
1Multi-Family News 20 11
2 Construction Forecast 20 12 Key Findings McGraw-Hill
3 A SHE Presentation 20 11
4 STRGlobal Research
5 Gartner Research, WorldwideCloud Services Market to Surpass $68 Billion in 20 10
Forest City and XSiteModular will provide"NYC Modular Factory" with thefollowing:
Pipelineof work including A tlantic Yards B2 (B2 Contract valuefor factory only = over $50 M925 modules)
Potential additional 14 - building A tlantic Yards pipelineof 6,0 0 0 housing units and 2,0 0 0 Forest City controlled
housing units in NYC area
Multi-year NYC Union Labor A greement (Factory Rate&Work Rules)
Third Party Research and Development Investment for Modular Construction madeby Forest City of $6M, not
including thecompany's internal costs
Potential for A dditional Forest City Capital Investment
World Class Developer/E ntrepreneur and Modular Team
Intellectual Property
Factory Operations E xpertise
Operations &Management Team
Secured NYC Factory Leasewith E xcellent Terms
Market Research on Modular Business &High-RiseConstruction
Relationships &Reputation
Mutually A greed upon Shares in "NYC Modular Factory" for Partners
Requested Partner Commitment
Significant Capital Investment
Completion Guarantee/Guaranteed MaximumPricefor factory-built modules
Payment &PerformanceBonds
Funding Capital Contributions or any Operational Shortfall for Four Years (B2 Contract Supports Factory for 16
Partner's ability to market "NYC Modular Factory" to additional Regional, National and Global Clients
CompatibleCorporateCultureto FCRC and XSiteModular
Commitment to "NYC Modular Factory"
Onceterms areestablished, Partner must havetheability to executecontracts within 45 days
3 1Page
Forest City and XSite Modular will provide "NYC Modular Factory" with the following:
Pipeline of work including Atlantic Yards B2 (B2 Contract value for factory only = over $50M 925 modules)
Potential additional 14 - building Atlantic Yards pipeline of 6,000 housing units and 2,000 Forest City controlled
housing units in NYC area
Multi-year NYC Union Labor Agreement (Factory Rate & Work Rules)
Third Party Research and Development Investment for Modular Construction made by Forest City of $6M, not
including the company's internal costs
Potential for Additional Forest City Capital Investment
World Class Developer/Entrepreneur and Modular Team
Intellectual Property
Factory Operations Expertise
Operations & Management Team
Secured NYC Factory Lease with Excellent Terms
Market Research on Modular Business & High-Rise Construction
Relationships & Reputation
Mutually Agreed upon Shares in "NYC Modular Factory" for Partners
Requested Partner Commitment
Significant Capital Investment
Completion Guarantee/Guaranteed Maximum Price for factory-built modules
Payment & Performance Bonds
Funding Capital Contributions or any Operational Shortfall for Four Years (B2 Contract Supports Factory for 16
Partner's ability to market "NYC Modular Factory" to additional Regional, National and Global Clients
Compatible Corporate Culture to FCRC and XSite Modular
Commitment to "NYC Modular Factory"
Once terms are established, Partner must have the ability to execute contracts within 45 days
3 1 Page
Forest City and XSiteModular will provide"NYC Modular Factory" with thefollowing:
Pipelineof work including A tlantic Yards B2 (B2 Contract valuefor factory only = over $50 M925 modules)
Potential additional 14 - building A tlantic Yards pipelineof 6,0 0 0 housing units and 2,0 0 0 Forest City controlled
housing units in NYC area
Multi-year NYC Union Labor A greement (Factory Rate&Work Rules)
Third Party Research and Development Investment for Modular Construction madeby Forest City of $6M, not
including thecompany's internal costs
Potential for A dditional Forest City Capital Investment
World Class Developer/E ntrepreneur and Modular Team
Intellectual Property
Factory Operations E xpertise
Operations &Management Team
Secured NYC Factory Leasewith E xcellent Terms
Market Research on Modular Business &High-RiseConstruction
Relationships &Reputation
Mutually A greed upon Shares in "NYC Modular Factory" for Partners
Requested Partner Commitment
Significant Capital Investment
Completion Guarantee/Guaranteed MaximumPricefor factory-built modules
Payment &PerformanceBonds
Funding Capital Contributions or any Operational Shortfall for Four Years (B2 Contract Supports Factory for 16
Partner's ability to market "NYC Modular Factory" to additional Regional, National and Global Clients
CompatibleCorporateCultureto FCRC and XSiteModular
Commitment to "NYC Modular Factory"
Onceterms areestablished, Partner must havetheability to executecontracts within 45 days
3 1Page
Partner Background Information
Forest City Ratner Companies, www.forest
Forest City Ratner Companies maintains astrong commitment to developments that enhancelocal communities and
encourageeconomic development. Based in Brooklyn, Forest City Ratner Companies is afull-service, vertically
integrated real estatecompany with expertisein all facets of development. It is well known as afirmthat consistently
takes on and completes large, complex mixed-useprojects.
Forest City has developed, and currently owns and operates 11million squarefeet of commercial property in theNew
York metropolitan area, including office, retail and residential.
XSite Modular,
XSiteModular is awoman-owned, modular design/build consulting and management company focused on complex,
technology-embedded modular buildings including high-risemodular buildings. Our teamhas extensiveexperiencein
design, construction, and installation of modular buildings of all types including datacenters, healthcarebuildings,
equipment and communications enclosures, educational buildings and student housing, multi-family dwellings and
prefabricated BathroomPODS.
TheXSiteModular teamhas designed and installed modular buildings on fiveof theseven continents. Our permanent
modular buildings useconventional non-combustiblematerials designed with conventional aesthetics, features and
options. Wecan celebratethemodularity of design or createseamless architectural designs. A s amember of the
design/build team, our modular expertiseallows clients to achievetheir desired programand design whileattaining the
maximumbenefits of modular construction including reduced construction scheduleand total project costs, consistent
high-quality, safer construction with reduced sitedisruption that is inherently eco-friendly.
Atlantic Yards
The$4.9 billion A tlantic Yards project is theredevelopment of 22 acres in downtown Brooklyn by Forest City Ratner
Companies (FCRC) that will includeapproximately 6 million squarefeet of residential space(6,430 units of affordable
and market-ratehousing), theBarclays Center, astateof theart sports and entertainment arena 247,0 0 0 squarefeet
of retail use, approximately 336,0 0 0 squarefeet of officespace, and 8 acres of publicly accessibleopen space. The
project plan permits aprogramvariation which could allow for up to 1.6 million squarefeet of officespace. Theproject
also includes major transportation improvements, including anew storageand maintenancefacility for theLIRR and a
new subway entranceto theA tlantic Terminal Transit Hub, thethird largest hub in theCity. Theproject's Master Plan
was designed by renowned architect Frank Gehry.
Atlantic Yards B2
Threenew residential towers areenvisioned to cradletheBarclays Center along thesouthern and eastern elevations of
thearenasitefronting Dean Street, Flatbush A venue, and 6th A venue. B2 will bethefirst of thethreeresidential
towers to riseon thearenasite. B2, will employ auniquearchitectural and structural design approach that is not
immediately outwardly apparent; Thebuilding, with approximately 350 rental apartments, 340 ,0 0 0 -squarefoot and 32-
storys , would betheworld's tallest modular building. 50 percent of all units will beaffordableto low- and middle
incomehouseholds.. For thedesign and build team, modular has not only offered an opportunity to address theCity's
need for affordablehousing, but provides auniqueopportunity to pioneer atypeof high-riseresidential that is both
innovativeand sustainable. When built modular, thefirst residential building constructed at A tlantic Yards would bring
themost advanced design/build technology to theheart of Brooklyn.
Partner Background Information
Forest City Ratner Companies, www.forest
Forest City Ratner Companies maintains a strong commitment to developments that enhance local communities and
encourage economic development. Based in Brooklyn, Forest City Ratner Companies is a full-service, vertically
integrated real estate company with expertise in all facets of development. It is well known as a firm that consistently
takes on and completes large, complex mixed-use projects.
Forest City has developed, and currently owns and operates 11 million square feet of commercial property in the New
York metropolitan area, including office, retail and residential.
XSite Modular,
XSite Modular is a woman-owned, modular design/build consulting and management company focused on complex,
technology-embedded modular buildings including high-rise modular buildings. Our team has extensive experience in
design, construction, and installation of modular buildings of all types including data centers, healthcare buildings,
equipment and communications enclosures, educational buildings and student housing, multi-family dwellings and
prefabricated Bathroom PODS.
The XSite Modular team has designed and installed modular buildings on five of the seven continents. Our permanent
modular buildings use conventional non-combustible materials designed with conventional aesthetics, features and
options. We can celebrate the modularity of design or create seamless architectural designs. As a member of the
design/build team, our modular expertise allows clients to achieve their desired program and design while attaining the
maximum benefits of modular construction including reduced construction schedule and total project costs, consistent
high-quality, safer construction with reduced site disruption that is inherently eco-friendly.
Atlantic Yards
The $4.9 billion Atlantic Yards project is the redevelopment of 22 acres in downtown Brooklyn by Forest City Ratner
Companies (FCRC) that will include approximately 6 million square feet of residential space (6,430 units of affordable
and market-rate housing), the Barclays Center, a state of the art sports and entertainment arena 247,000 square feet
of retail use, approximately 336,000 square feet of office space, and 8 acres of publicly accessible open space. The
project plan permits a program variation which could allow for up to 1.6 million square feet of office space. The project
also includes major transportation improvements, including a new storage and maintenance facility for the LIRR and a
new subway entrance to the Atlantic Terminal Transit Hub, the third largest hub in the City. The project's Master Plan
was designed by renowned architect Frank Gehry.
Atlantic Yards B2
Three new residential towers are envisioned to cradle the Barclays Center along the southern and eastern elevations of
the arena site fronting Dean Street, Flatbush Avenue, and 6th Avenue. B2 will be the first of the three residential
towers to rise on the arena site. B2, will employ a unique architectural and structural design approach that is not
immediately outwardly apparent; The building, with approximately 350 rental apartments, 340,000-squarefoot and 32-
storys , would be the world's tallest modular building. 50 percent of all units will be affordable to low- and middle
income households.. For the design and build team, modular has not only offered an opportunity to address the City's
need for affordable housing, but provides a unique opportunity to pioneer a type of high-rise residential that is both
innovative and sustainable. When built modular, the first residential building constructed at Atlantic Yards would bring
the most advanced design/build technology to the heart of Brooklyn.
Partner Background Information
Forest City Ratner Companies, www.forest
Forest City Ratner Companies maintains astrong commitment to developments that enhancelocal communities and
encourageeconomic development. Based in Brooklyn, Forest City Ratner Companies is afull-service, vertically
integrated real estatecompany with expertisein all facets of development. It is well known as afirmthat consistently
takes on and completes large, complex mixed-useprojects.
Forest City has developed, and currently owns and operates 11million squarefeet of commercial property in theNew
York metropolitan area, including office, retail and residential.
XSite Modular,
XSiteModular is awoman-owned, modular design/build consulting and management company focused on complex,
technology-embedded modular buildings including high-risemodular buildings. Our teamhas extensiveexperiencein
design, construction, and installation of modular buildings of all types including datacenters, healthcarebuildings,
equipment and communications enclosures, educational buildings and student housing, multi-family dwellings and
prefabricated BathroomPODS.
TheXSiteModular teamhas designed and installed modular buildings on fiveof theseven continents. Our permanent
modular buildings useconventional non-combustiblematerials designed with conventional aesthetics, features and
options. Wecan celebratethemodularity of design or createseamless architectural designs. A s amember of the
design/build team, our modular expertiseallows clients to achievetheir desired programand design whileattaining the
maximumbenefits of modular construction including reduced construction scheduleand total project costs, consistent
high-quality, safer construction with reduced sitedisruption that is inherently eco-friendly.
Atlantic Yards
The$4.9 billion A tlantic Yards project is theredevelopment of 22 acres in downtown Brooklyn by Forest City Ratner
Companies (FCRC) that will includeapproximately 6 million squarefeet of residential space(6,430 units of affordable
and market-ratehousing), theBarclays Center, astateof theart sports and entertainment arena 247,0 0 0 squarefeet
of retail use, approximately 336,0 0 0 squarefeet of officespace, and 8 acres of publicly accessibleopen space. The
project plan permits aprogramvariation which could allow for up to 1.6 million squarefeet of officespace. Theproject
also includes major transportation improvements, including anew storageand maintenancefacility for theLIRR and a
new subway entranceto theA tlantic Terminal Transit Hub, thethird largest hub in theCity. Theproject's Master Plan
was designed by renowned architect Frank Gehry.
Atlantic Yards B2
Threenew residential towers areenvisioned to cradletheBarclays Center along thesouthern and eastern elevations of
thearenasitefronting Dean Street, Flatbush A venue, and 6th A venue. B2 will bethefirst of thethreeresidential
towers to riseon thearenasite. B2, will employ auniquearchitectural and structural design approach that is not
immediately outwardly apparent; Thebuilding, with approximately 350 rental apartments, 340 ,0 0 0 -squarefoot and 32-
storys , would betheworld's tallest modular building. 50 percent of all units will beaffordableto low- and middle
incomehouseholds.. For thedesign and build team, modular has not only offered an opportunity to address theCity's
need for affordablehousing, but provides auniqueopportunity to pioneer atypeof high-riseresidential that is both
innovativeand sustainable. When built modular, thefirst residential building constructed at A tlantic Yards would bring
themost advanced design/build technology to theheart of Brooklyn.