160 88-CL2
160 88-CL2
160 88-CL2
Startup checklist
Job name:
Customer order number:
JCI telephone number:
JCI order number:
JCI contract number:
11. Condenser
J. Chiller setpoints print
High Pressure Warning Threshold
1. Capture the chiller Setpoints to print or to a
text file from the Setpoints-Print command.
12. Condenser > Refrigerant Level Control
Sub Cooler Level Setpoint
Start Up Position
Start Up Delay
Ramp Time
Count Window
Count Limit
Surge Sensitivity
I. Chiller operation
1. Evaluate the cooler and condenser water
flow indication compared to the design
information found on the sales order. If
shell pressure drop is used, it must be
within ±15% of the rating information.
2. While the chiller is starting, verify that the
refrigerant level sensor tracks level from
empty condenser to fully flooded level
sensor probe over the range of <10% to
nearly 100%. Refer to 160.88-M2 if it needs
to be serviced.
3. Adjust the condenser refrigerant liquid
level setpoint to a value that covers the
subcooler top by 1/2 in. to 1 in. (1.3 cm to
2.5 cm) and provides correct evaporator
performance (160.88-M1) with the chiller
running steady. Update the setpoint value
in Section H.12 of this checklist.